Southern miscellany. (Madison, Ga.) 1842-1849, May 14, 1842, Image 3

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millions of money, has all along been playing a false game. He has addressed a letter to Sheer Singh and other native Princes, implor ing them to aid him in getting rid of his ene mies—meaning the British —but too cautious to name us. It now appears that he could have procured provisions for our starving troops at Cabool, fighting his battles. The day of retribution is not far ofi'-a soldier’s death would be too good for him, and I hope, ere long, the gallows will claim him as its own.” A letter had been received from Lady Mac naghten, stating that the prisoners arc . well treated. She has had only the few clothes she had on, and expected to be soon released. We have been favored with the following interesting letter from'the only unenptured survivor of (he Cabool army, Dr. Bryden. It is addressed to li s brother, and dated, “ Jellalabab, January 20. “My dear Tom : Here I am at this place, nil safe but nut all sound.having received three wounds, on the head, left hand and knee. I have lost every thing I had in the world ; but my life has been saved in a most wonderful manner, and 1 am tire only European who has escaped fiom the Cabool army, (although we liavo heard of two having been taken by the enemy, it is very doubtful if they will be spared.) Two natives only have reached this place, making, witli myself, three per sons out of an army of 13,000.” The latest accounts from Lisbon and Opor to are to the 12th. Affairs at Oporto were growing worse and worse daily, and the wine trade was frightfully depressed. Two new failures had occurred, for a considera ble amount, and fresh failures were expect ed daily to declare themselves. The opening of the mysterious chests be queathed to the University of Upsala, by King Gustavus 111. of Sweden, to be open ed fifty yeafs after his death, took place on the 29tli of March. Their conTcnts were letters, memoirs, and trifles of the King’s own time. Letters from Constantinople state that there has been a sael mortality among the Turkish troops at Adrianople. Out of 12,- 000 men, upwards of 2,000 have died of the typhus fqver in three months. The Semaphore do Marseilles of the 2d, publishes an account of an awful hurricane on the coast of Africa, near Oran, in which foity vessels perished. The Liverpool Mail of the 10th says : “ If appearances and the feeling existing in our mercantile circles may he trusted to, we are at length about to emerge from the extreme depression which has for the last tew months hung over us. The market for our leading staple (Cotton) lias, during the past week, been of a more than usual lively character, and, up to Friday, 39,030 bales were sold, a considerable portion into speculator’s bands. Prices have not materially moved ; but some additional tightness is shown on the part of holders. On Saturday, the disposition to purchase largely continued, and from 7 to 800 bales changed hands. Yesterday we had also a general and good demand from the trade, and from speculators, which was somewhat checked by the advance of price asked by sellers. About GOOO bales, how ever, were sold at an advance of £d to per lb. We think we may, with some con fidence, conclude from these manifestations that the price of this raw material has seen its lowest point. A similar opinion appears to prevail in the Manchester market, with respect to manufactured goods. This mar ket, however, betrays such various fluctua tions, that vve really dare not calculate upon it with any certainty.” The Toulouse journals state that the min ister of the interior has complied with the application made to him for the removal of Madame Laffage from the prison at Mont pelier, to a lunatic asylum. The Brussels papers contain this state ment: —“Letters from Odessa announce that a revolution has broken out in Persia; that the Shah was dethroned; and thirty thousand insurgents were on their march to Teheran. This seems to need confirma tion.” On the authority of a Berlin correspon dent, upon whose information, derived thro’ letters from Moscow, great reliance is plac ed, the Times states, that the Shah of Per sia has marched against Herat at the head of 00,000 men; and that Russia has fur nished a subsidy of 2,000,000 rubles in order to enable the Shah to make the move ment. Syria was in a state of insurrection, and the confusion more confounded by the em ployment of Albanian troops to repress it, they being, in fact little better than banditti themselves. Mehemet Ali was at Duman hour. Admiral Walker had returned the sword presented him by the Sultan, on the ground that'it was inferior in value to those presented to other officers. The French troops have experienced a Tevcrse at Tlemlecen. Abd-el Kader who was supposed to have retired towards Mo rocco, re-appeared in the vicinity of Tlem lecen with 8,000 men, and inflicted a heavy loss on the French troops, which had left that town under General Bedeau. The precise state of the case not transpired, but it is clear that the advantage gained by the Aval) chief must have been considerable, as General Bugennd instantly despatched two steamers to Oran for reinforcements. The Gazette des Tribuneaux contains a fright ful account of the decapitation of no fewer than forty-four Arabs at Constantine, im puted offences, most of them of a very trivial character, without either trial or en quiry! The Paris papers of the 12th April are occupied with the debate on tho right of search in the Chamber of Peers of the pro ceeding day, and the comments to which it has given rise. AVith regard to the ques tion, it is clear that certain modifications have been demanded by France, from what has transpired with regard to them, it would appear that they reduce the treaty to the limits of those of 1831 and 1832, which needed no new confirmation. M. Dupin did not scruple to propose the violation of these treaties, but was reproved by the Duke de Broglie, who, although not in office at the time, had been consulted as to their stipula tions; and declared that ho would be Willing to sanction the same treaties again. Iho opposition journals continue to denounce the treaty. 05* Passengers leaving Boston, at 4 o’- clock, P. M., can now reach Washington in 37 hours—a distance of 400 miles. (£?“ By the New Orleans Picayune, of the 30th ultimo, we learn that Geo. Wilkins Kendall, and six other American citizens, have been released by order of Santa Ana. Mr. Kendall was expected in that city in a few days. Q5 a= ’ The volunteers who started from New Orleans, Alabama, and other parts of the United States, for Texas, are stated to have returned home, not having found any demand for their services. fl’7 5 ’ We learn from the Milledgeville Recorder, of Tuesday, that a protracted meeting has been held for the last ten days in that place by the Methodist denomina tion, aided by ministers of other Churches, and is still continued with reviving effect, and a prospect of doing much good. (£?“ A letter from Havana, under date of the 12th ultimo, says: “It is rumored here that the Hungarian Brothers have been robbed and murdered, somewhere near Puerto Principe, and that two of the robbers were found dead near them, and from traces of blood that were found, it is presumed that others were wounded. If this be true, it is probable they made some resistance, but being slight ly armed were overpowered.” The Great Western, which left New York for Liverpool, on the 29th ultimo, took out seventy-live passengers. ft/ 5 * A glass Church Bell has just been cast in Sweeden, six feet in diameter, and its tone is said to be finer than any metal bell. REPUDIATION. Thomas W. Dur, the arch-demagogue of Rhode Island, has been “repudiated” by his own father. The circumstances as we learned them, are these. The elder Dorr, who is a wealthy and highly respectable gentleman of the city of Providence, re marked a few weeks sines to his son, that unless he desisted in his attempts to overturn the Government of the State, they might be brought into collision with each other. “ I,” observed the old gentleman, “shall of course range myself upon the side of the laws, and among the friends of order and good gov emment. In case a resort to arms shall become necessary to preserve the peace and dignity of the State from violation, you and I may be arrayed against each other in a hostile attitude.” “In that event,” his wretched son replied, “ I should not hesitate to march over your dead body, provided I could carry my point in no other way.” Perceiving from this remark, what a black hearted reptile he had been nourishing in his bosom, his father very properly ordered him to quit his presence, and forever. And his example has been followed by the other members of his family, who are among the most respectable people of the State. — Troy Daily Whig. Cotton for China. —The New \ork Her ald says: A vessel in this port is at present, we understand on good authority, taking in a cargo of raw cotton for Canton. It is low priced cotton, laid in at 5 and 6 cents per lb. -- - • Gen. Jackson. — The MSS and correspon dence of General Jackson, it is said, are a bout to he committed to the editorial charge of George Bankcroft, Esq., who will pre pare a biography of the ex-president. Sumter Superior Court. —Wo learn by a gentleman who left Sumter county, a day or two since, that, on Monday evening last, tho first day of the meeting of the Superior Court a crowd entered the office of the Clerk, or the court room, and took the desk con taining the court papers, and destroyed them —that, on tho day following, the Deputy Sheriff of the county was forcibly taken and carried off, so as to prevent his conducting ■thesales—that the Sheriff undertook to offer tho property advertised under execution, but that proclamation was made that any person bidding for property did so at his peril, which deterred any one from offering a bid, there by preventing sales on that day—and that finally, an effort was made to prevent the Judge from holding court, hut that Judge Taylor kept his seat on the bench and was enabled, by his firmness and determination, to proceed with the business before the court. Columbus Times, 6th inst. Writing on Papers. — The New York Sun says : “ A large number of suits are now pending against persons For violations of the post office law, in writing on newspapers sent by mail. If even the initials of a. per son’s name are written on the paper, it sub jects him to a penalty of $5, and $3 C2J costs. If the case is sued and goes to judg ment, an expense of S4O accrues. The law is very strict, and leaves no option with the Court.” Ono of the city missionaries of Boston, a few days since, witnessed a singular scene in that city. In a miserable hovel of a house which he entered, he found a man lying dead, with some of the family drunk about him. In the same room with the corps a couple were being married—the bridegroom wearing the very clothes which the dead man had just cast off, and every thing was going on very merrily, as though it was a jovial time.— Balt. Patriot. The Grand Jury of Muscogee County, in their late presentments, among other sub jects noticed, advise, to secure respect to the Sabbath, that the day of our general elec tions be changed from Mondays to Wednes days. To effect this end, they request their member# to the next Legislature to intro duce a bill for that purpose, and also their fellow-citizens of other Counties to unite with them in a similar way, to bring about the desired change. ®[3O©DNA[La Mr. Editor ? I liaVo seen and perused with pleasure two communications from “ Novice,” your fair contributor, and have come to tty? deliberate conclusion that she has selected an inappropriate name for her signature. That she may be” a novice in the art of writing and therefore not fully ac quainted with chirography, I will not pre tend to deny. But the clear and chaste style in which her communications are written testifies, most clearly, that she surely cannot be unacquainted with a correct mode of thinking and a systematic way of express ing herself. Her ideas are admirably ar ranged and set forth in apposite and most beautiful language—well calculated not on ly to please and interest, but improve tho mind. She cannot, therefore, be a novice in the construction of her sentences, nor have her productions emanated from an un taught mind. Why, then, should she have selected a name for her signature which im plies a want of knowledge or practice in these things! If an undue share of affect ed modesty prompted her to it, hoping thereby to elicit editorial commendation or public adulation, she is reprehensible for such seeming duplicity. But, if, on the other hand, diffidence, or a proper want of self-confidence induced her t 6 it, she is far less culpable though not etirely free from imputation or perfectly unblameable; —for that spirit of artlessnes9 and candor, so per ceptible in her productions; would have completely shielded her from the charge of pedantry . had she even adopted her teal name for her signature. But, Mr. Editor, T admire the ground “Novice” has taken in support of woman’s rights and female influence , and do hope, sin cerely, that she will continue to grace your columns with many more of her interesting and delightful lucubrations. AN OBSERVER. Augusta, Mat 6th, 1842. Mr. Hanleiter: Having been a tra.veller for the last twelve years, and having pa tiently endured, for that length of time, Cer tain inconveniences which I have hoped would be remedied by a moment’s reflec tion, or by a grain of common sense on the part of those who inflict them, I have come to the conclusion—if you will grant me per mission through the medium of your valua ble paper —to ask the attention of Hotel keepers as well as those who keep private boarding houses; it being their duty to cor rect the evil alluded to. I am not willing to believe myself either a glutton, or an epicure; yet, I am free to confess, it is not a matter of indifference with me, whether I take a little sugar and milk in my coflee, or whether I take little cofl'ce in my sugar arid milk. I have not the stomach of a horse, that prefers every thing in a raw state; nor that of the ostrich, that is satisfied with a break fast of broken glass; nevertheless, I can in case ot emergency, take an egg that has evi dently been cooked in a cool shade, or one done so hard, that I might, with a fair pros pect of success, attempt to knock out the eye of a friend with it, at the other end of the table. I can, therefore, pass over in silence this act of careless stupidity on the part of those whose duty it is to study the comfort of their guests. But for the practice of compelling every individual about the table, to take tea or coffee, seasoned in accordance with the liberality, parsimony, or whim, of the good lady who may preside at its head, there is not a shadow of excuse. The whole difficulty is removed by an observance of this simple rule— place on your table as many sugar bowls and creamers as will enable all to supply their own wants. There are of course many honorable ex ceptions, to whom these remarks do not apply-*—nor is the evil confined to this city, but extends from the St. Johns to the Sa bine ; and if these gentle hints could be as widely disseminated, as the evil at which they are aimed, I have no doubt many would be pleased, who are not disposed to make it publicly, a matter of complaint. So far as the good people of Augusta have become acquainted with the “Southern Miscellany,” they speak highly in its praise. That it may meet with the success it so rich ly merits, is the wish of your very humble servant, JOTHAM HOTCHKISS. Written for the “ Southern Miscellany.” In the spring of 1842,1 was wending my solitary way along one of the public high ways of the county of M ,in this State, wrapt in a pleasant revery. The sun had just emerged from behind the eastern hills —throwing its revivifying beams o’er plant and flower, and chasing away the dews of morning—the buds of spring were unfold ing their beauties to the morning beams— nature was clothing herself in her garniture of loveliness —the feathered songsters were pouring forth their melodious music to the listening ear—and all nature seemed to re joice at the return of the season of flowers. What a glorious scene! My soul was drink ing deeply at the fountain of Nature’s loveliness! and my spirit was lifted in the contemplation of the beauty of the handi work of the Creator! But this pleasing train of thought was destined to have a reverse, as suddenly, on turning an angle of the road, I hove in view of a dilapidated dwelling, which from its outlines, had been once, no doubt, the abode of opulence and wealth, and perad venture, the seat of hos pitality, where many a wandering pilgrim had enjoyed the bounties of life. I paused to contemplate its ruined and moss-covered walls, which presented a striking contrast to tho brightness and beauty of the sur rounding scene. The gloomy appearance of this time-worn mansion, threw me into a melancholy train of thought. There is something mournful to the soul in the con templation of the Ruius of Time! The crumbling walls of an ancient habitation usu ally attracts the attention of the traveller, for lie generally imagines that there is some interesting legend connected with its past history; and often, no doubt, this is the case, but the mementos have been lost amid the mouldering ruins. I dismounted from my horse, and determined to examine more minutely into tho premises. In front was the remains of what seemed to have been once a garden. It bore traces of having been neatly and tastefully arranged. But what most particularly attracted my atten tion, was a couple of neat and quiet look ing graves, where the honorec. remains of a father and daughter reposed in the peaceful slumber of death. The sweet-scented wild rose threw its delightful fragrance around —planted, probably by. the maternal care of a mother, or the tender regard of a brother. Tho daughter had evidently been cut off in the spring-time of life, (her age was noted on the tomb,) when the freshness and buoy ancy of hopo was in her soul. What a melancholy reflection to know that we must die! how deeply does it sink into the soul, when stand ing over tho grave ofthe young and beautiful! The present generation, whose every thought is engaged in the pursuit of wealth, would do well to remember that they too must die, and go down to the silent tomb; and that, however they may accumu late wealth and honors in this life, ere long they must take their places with those who have gone before them to that “ bourne from whence no traveller returns.” Some few feet to the left, was the grave of the father, who hod lived to a good old age. I could see him in fancy, his silver locks white with the frost of age, bending over the sick bed of his darling child, and lifting his hands to Heaven in supplications to the Most High, to spare her Who Was the pride of his declin ing J'ears. But the fiat had gone forth; and her spirit took its flight to the regions of bliss. How true it is, “that the beautiful die ycung!” Who can describe the desolation that brooded over the lone heart of the fa ther! But he did not long survive in his loneliness. About a year after the death of the daughter, the father was laid beside her, to “sleep the sleep that knows no waking.” It is good for the soul, to repair often to the tombs of the departed, and there muse over the instability of all earthly things! It is better to go to the solemn grave, than to abide in the tents of the reveller! It is a fitting place to impress upon us the impor tant truth, that we should always be pre pared for inevitable change that will sooner or later take place. PETER. Written for the “ Southern Miscellany.” AWFUL WARNING TO SMOKERS! “ and like The baseless fabric of a vision, Leaves not a wreck behind.”—Shakespeare. A most melancholy occurrence is said to have happened in our neighboring county of J . I will not vouch for the facts which were related to me by a physician— or as he is more properly called a Steam Doctor—as you are aware some of their ideas are rather vaporish, perhaps some al lowance ought to be made until further in vestigation takes place. “Facts are some times stranger than fiction.” It may be true. At the first impression (for my informant did not positively know the parties) I thought it must be oltl Mrs. P , so graphically described by my friend Swipes, in one of your previous numbers—every thing favored the impression:—her elastici ty of intellect, and the brilliancy of her poetic and pathetic imagination. In this it appears I was mistaken—for I understand the old lady is alive, and likely to live, her lungs being in first rate older—having late ly, by pure scolding, broken up a large hen roost close to her kitchen door. The hens could’nt stand it. Ido not wish to digress, or be tedious, but will press the narrative into as clc3e a compass as possible. My informant went on to state, that around their peaceful fireside, in one of those commo dious log houses, with a large chimney at one end, so common in country life, sat an old lady and her husband—their children had all left them, being married and settled off in comfoit. They were looking for their departure daily to that “bourne from whence no traveller returns.” Their days had passed away in peace and plenty.— Providence had smiled upon them—the evening of their lives promised to close in peace, and a prospect of not being separa ted far in death. But how frail are human calculations! Their principal enjoyment (but more espicially the old lady) was in smoking their pipes. Tobacco had become to her almost food and raiment; it was quite unnatural to see her without her tobacco bag, and fragrant pipe. On one of those warm days in the month of April, the old gentleman has jtist left his wife sitting by the fire at her usual employment, smoking, when a sudden and powerful gust of wind swept with unusual force, and opened the door with an awful crash. Immediately the old man run into the house—all was in con fusion—the soot of the chimney had strew ed the floor of the room—a most distressing smell of tobacco fume, added to the con nected smell of the pipe, almost overpow ered him; he looked around for bis aged companion; she was not to be found. Her slippers—a scorched tobacco bag—and a broken pipe on the hearth, was all that ho could find. My sapient friend, the Doctor, attempted to account for her disappearance on philo sophical principles, going on to state, that a kind of combustion or explosion had taken filace by the contact of rarified air, and the orce of the current, and that a decomposi tion of the old lady had taken place by the air, fire, soot and tobacco smoke. I am well aware that these are terrible elements, and that this is a most mysterious matter ! The old gentleman is said to be almost heart broken—he had looked at the end of their toils and pilgrimage upon earth as nearly over, and, with full faith, viewed, with much consolation, the prospective re surrection of himself and his beloved wife. This comfortable hope was gone —his wife had mysteriously disappeared—ho could scarcely doubt the philosophical calculations of tho Doctor, for he believed in him as much as he did in red pepper. The soot, the smell of tobacco, the broken pipe, and other evidences weighed with awful con victions on his mind. I felt sorry in mv heart for the old gentleman, and will look with considerable anxiety to learn if the old lady should be heard from. If so, 1 will duly notify your readers, as Ido not doubt but very many of my particular friend*, smokers, will look with the same intense anx iety to hear if she is found. In the mean time allow me to caution all your smoking old ladies, to look out for these sudden flaws of wind, as well as to the proper construc tion oi the fire places around which they in dulge themselves in the enjoyment of the pipe, for they may be missing like the old lady in a QUIFF! w- - . - cy MADISON, GEO : Saturday, Ulay 14, 1843. TO CORRESPONDENTS. {CJ* “ Tlie Politician in Petticoats *part second— was received too late for this number of the “Miscel lany.” It contains the author’s conversation with the old lady, the next morning at breakfast—un account of her affliction—the application of “goose grease” as a remedy, and a certified copy of her verses. We sin cerely hope “Joshua Swipes” will continue his contri butions to our columns. Ilia articles are well received by our readers. Part second shall appear in our next- We hope “Novice” will gratify her admiring “Obecrver” as well ns ourself, and write frequently. “ Eccentro’s proposition shall have a place in our next, if he will send us an answer to it prior to Thurs day next. We require answers to all problems, enig mas, &c., before publication. Our correspondents will confer a favor by sending in their articles ns soon in the week ns possible. We hope to hear front them all in time for cur next. Several articles prepared for this number, have been crowded out: among them, our article on the Right of Search, which we promised last week. OUR HEAD. Our Vignette and Rules came to hand this morning. We use the Rules on our inside form to day, and shall appear in our “ prettiest ” next week. MADISON MARKET. Cotton —The arrivals during the week have been as much as could be expected, considering the advanced stage of the season. Our buyers have given fnir prices. A lot of 45 bales brought 7 cents: 6 1-4 a G 1-2 was, paid for fair lots. Some 150 bales have been bought up and sent forward. Bacon, Flour and Com continues to conic in. 10,000 pounds of the first named article was sent forward by the Rail Road, on Wednesday last—bringing in Au gusta, 5 and 6 cents. Lard, same price. Our market for Bacon is just commencing, as to demand; prices given hero, from wagons, 5 a 5 1-2 cents—principally in barter. IKr On Sunday last, as the cars were leaving for Augusta, a negro man, who wished to go down the road a mile or two, got up behind the passenger car, and in attempting to jump off was thtown upon the rail and instantly killed. We hope negroes as well as whites will take warning. TOTAL ’ABSTINENCE. Intemperance has been a curse upon the world ever since the art of distillation was discovered. It has in creased with the progress of civilization and intelli gence, and has made, perhaps, as great havoc among the learned and refined, as among the humble and un educated. It has fallen upon every profession and vo cation and upon every class of society. It has made domestic life miserable and public life disgraceful. It has entered the sacred precincts of ihe Church, and even minisiersof Christ have become its victims. And the friends of virtue, in view of this frightful and grow ing evil, have long sought for a remedy. Several years since, the principle of voluntary association upon the ground of “temperance,” as it is colled, was adop'ed. The pledge which at that time was taken by the friends of temperance, was for abstinence from the use of ardent spirits alone. The usual means were taken for the promotion ot the cause; an excitement was produced which soon subsided, and left the country as much exposed to this dreadful evil as before. The next movement was a pledge to abstain from “ all intoxica ting liquors.” This left each individual to judge for himself, whether malt liquors and cider were intoxi- Cniing'or not, unu those who had taken this pledge, and were fond of stimulation, readily decided that they were not included ; and the consequence was, that the • habit of using a weaker drink for stimulation, led to the use of a stronger, and the pledge afforded but littlo safety, and fell far short of an adequate remedy. The cause of temperance thus declined, and the hope of rescuing the country from this damning vice, seemed to be gone, and the drunkard was of course considered beyond the reach of reformation. At this juncture, on the sth of April, 1840, six drunk ards, in the city of Baltimore, who were reduced to the lowest grade of wretchedness and destitution, formed themselves into a total abstinence society, upon a pledge which is in the following words: We names are hereunto annexed, de sirous of forming a Society for our mutual benefit, and to guard against a pernicious practice, u-hich is injurious to our health, standing and families, do pledge ourselves as gentlemen, not to drink any Spirituous or Malt Liquors, Wine or Cider. And they have never broken it. They burst the chains which had bound thent in servile subjection to their appetite, and were restored to health, reputation, and their families. Their compeers saw this almost mi raculous change, and on inquiring how such things could be, were referred to this simple pledge, written by oae of their number, and subscribed with their six names. Others tried it with the same success,and at their first public meeting, they numbered three hun dred, who had been saved from a drunkard's grave. They were now joined by temperate drinkers, and those who drank none, which cheered and encouraged thorn in their progress, and their present number, in their different societies, is upwards of an hundred thou sand. The work is rapidly going forward, and the number of drunkards, who are restoring themselves to their friends and to tho world, is almost incredible; and the multitude of the temperate and sober who are taking the “ Washington Pledge ” is astonishing. They have attached to their pledge the name of “Washing ton,” because, as he whose distinguished name they have adopted, was the deliverer of his country from the bonds of British tyranny, so their pledge has delivered them from the bondage of intemperance. And what a surprising effect from an instrument so simple, and apparently so ineffectual'. a few words put together by a sot after a drunken frolic, in tho form of a bond of gentlemanly honob. It appears to have been tho result of accident, but in its operation, it has proved itself to be more efiicrent in the cause of temperance than any thing ever before discovered. It will be per ceived that all individuals may take this pledge, and still manufacture or sell—it prohibits drinking, simply. It is taken upon honor “as gentlemen,” and entirely disconnected from any political or religious considera tion. It is taken irrevocably, and for life. These prin ciples are simple and novel, and meet with some op position from those who prefer the partial pledge, and others who wiah to blend the cause of temperance with that of religion. Wo area* vet on neither aide, an shall not discuss the question. Our society ill town wt understand have adopted tho “Washington Pledge,’ and Mr. Taylor, a reformed drunkard, who a fee months eince took the pledge at Raleigh, J/. C., hat been lecturing among us the past week upon ita princi ples. He is certainly competent for the work, and we wish him success. Tbs good accomplished by the “ Washingtonians ” is already incalculable. ORIGIN OF PRINTING. Over four hundred years have gotte by since this ait was invented. It had its origin front a very simple circumstance. A citizen of Hcerlem, a town of considerable . impor tance in Holland, while walking in a wood near that place, cut some letters u{ton the bark or rind of a beach tree, and making an impression upon paper, he gave ‘it to his grarid-childien as a specimen to imitate. This’ wus ait done without any other design than to gratify his fancy and to please his grand children, This having succeeded, he contemplated greater things ; and first of all he invented a kind of glutinous ink, because the common writing ink proved too spread ing and sunk so much. This fluid, which be made answered the purposes of impression better timn the other, on acconnt of its less expansive power. The cities of Strasburg and Menlz, in Germany, Jay claims, respectively, tp this no bio nrt. The Chinese also contend that tiiey are the inventors of it, the art haying been piacticed among them from time immemorial. Notwithstanding all these .claims, it is now generally conceded to Haeilem. Mr. Ireland; in his “ Picturesque Tour through Holland, Brabaut, and partof France, in 1789,” gives the following account of the inventor of Printing, when describing the ci ty of Haarlem : “ Hserlem claims the invention of the art of printing. It is attributed to Lawrence Hosier, an Alderman of this city, in 1440; whose house is yet standing iq the market’ place, opposite the Church. Amusing him self one day in the neighboring wood, with cutting the bark of trees into the letters that formed the initials of his name, he is said to have laid them on paper, and fajling asleep, when he awoke he observed that, from the dew, their form was impressed on the paper. This accident induced him to make uirtntT experiment: he next cut Ins letters in wood and dipping them in a glutinous liquid, im pressed them on paper, which he. found an improvement, and soon after, substituting leaden and pewter letters, erected a. press In his house ; thus laying the foundation of his noble art, which has thence gradually'risen to its present excellence.” “The art, it is said, was stolen from him by his servant, John Faustus, who conveyed it to Mentz, and, from the novelty of the dis* covery, soon acquired the tittle of Doctor and Conjurer. The original specimens are now shown at the Library ip the Town Hall. The first is on paper, printed only on one side, • and the corner left blhnk for capitals. At the top are wooden cuts, representing .the Creation, and, as it is called, ‘Lucifer’s Fall.’” \ 1 ■ .. , Many a man sees the poor starving around him without a sigh, and, when his day of de parture draws near, gives his whole sub stance to some foreign charity, which, to say the best of it, is calculated only to lay the founduton of knowledge among a bloody race. Give us the living everyday charity, that springeth from the well of the soul, and not that mean miserable deferred charity, which comes from the chamber of death in weeds of mourning, and causes the heir to curse tho parents for his liberality ere he is laid in his narrow chamber forever. Married, In Miltedgeville, on the evening of the sth instant, by the Rev. Mr. Baker, ALEXANDER S. ATKINSON, Esq., ofCnmden County, to Miss MARY ANN, eld est daughter of His Excellency Governor McDonald. In Putnam County, on the f2th instant, by the Rev. Mr. Bowman, Mr. JOSEPH K. SANFORD, of this “lace, to Miss MARTHA M. RESPESS, of Putnam. . NOTICE—Third and Cast I rpHIS will inform the public, and mV friends, that I J- have still on hand a fine stock of GOODS, with a large lot of Sugar and Coffee, for family use ! all of which wilt be sold on time to fny custodiers, at Cash Prices, with the understanding that #3” fro.ypt pay ment will be expected at the end. ot the year for al goods sold. It is true, that I have been compelled, J> SELF-DEFENCE, TO FAY OFF A DEBT IN NOTES, bUtlhaV trarisfercd no note in payment es my own debt be what was justly my due—which would not have beer done had they been pnid. This being a plain statemen of facts, 1 solicit a snare of patronage, and pledge my self to sell Goods as low ns they can be sola in Madi son. Central Bank notes will be taken at par for Goods when the amount of the bill it purchased. THAD. B. REES. May 14 3w7 Georgia—Morgan County i WHEREAS, John W. Porter npplies to mb for Let ” ters of Administration, de bonus non, with the Wilt annexed, on the estate of Nancy D■ G. Irving, de ceased : These are therefore to qite and admonish all and singular the kindred and creditors of Said deceased, to be and appear at my office within the time prescribed by law, to show cause, if any they have, why said let ters should not be granted. ... . Given under my hand, at office, in. Madison. JAMES C. TATE, 1 Clerk C. Ol May 14 ow 7 FACTORY YARNS, CLOTHS, See. JUST received, a superior lot of Striped and Plain Goods, for mens’, boys’, and servants wear—being handsome Jeans and striped articles —from Pouilain’a Factory. Also—all the numbers of Factory Yartu; from 5 to 20, at reduced prioes. Also—6 hogsheads New Molasses, 10 do Sugar—very cheap, 20 baga Coffee. For sale by < J. ROBSON A CO. May 14 2w7 Bargains ! Bargains 11 JUST received at the New Cash Store of C.F.HOFFv J MAN, Madison, Morgan County : —-FOR GENTLEMENS’ WEAB-S- Linen and Cotton Pantaloons Stuffs, Brown Lina and Drillings; Prince Albert Gloves and half Homa Black Silk, Colored Silk, Kid and Linen Glove* ; Bilk Pocket Handkerchiefs, a great variety : English and German brown and blenched Cotton half Hoss : supo> rior black Satin Vestings; Chaniisetts, Linen Collar% Satin and Bombazine Stocks, black Italian Silk Crn vnts, Leghorn Hats, black and white Fur Hats, Cape, Silk and Cotton Umbrellas; black, blue, green, brown and grey Broad Cloths, very cheap; assorted Suspen. ders ; French Bombazine ; Georgia Nankeens; (Sup hams; Soaps, Brushes; &c. and many other Goods, ton numerous to mention. , , Those wishing to purchase are requested to osll— These Goods are the cheapest ever offered. May 3 4w5 Job Printing, in aU its branches, neatly and expeditiously executed at this afiee. -