Southern miscellany. (Madison, Ga.) 1842-1849, July 02, 1842, Image 3

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his “ Miscellany” is conducted with tact and taste —the possession of which is abundant ly attested, to our minds, by his occasional judicious selections from the Companion, (every crow, you know) —he will continue to gain ground at home; and the day will come when the influence of his excellent southern family paper will be felt at home and abroad —at home, in the diffusion of southern principles and sentiments, and abroad in the diminution of the circulation of those journals, modesty devoted to eve ry thing, claiming to embrace every thing, and intended to circulate every where ! The Miscellany is published weekly, in Madison, Geo., by C. R. llanlf.itf.k, on an imperial sheet, with fair new type, at the very moderate price of $2 50, per annum, in advance. Query for the Editor. In his last, he says —“ The Orion is the star magazine of the south, in point of typography.” Can the editor tell us whereabouts at the south the Orion is printed 1” Then, here follows a notice from the ** American Mechanic,” one of the most in teresting papers within our knowledge. The “ Mechanic” should be in the hands of eve ry Mechanic, and we here take occasion to say to our readers, if they wish to obtain it, a remittance of $1 50, “prior to the first of July, will secure the back numbers of the current volume. After that date, the price will be $2 00, in advance. The “Me chanic” is published every Saturday, in the City of New York, by J. Rumrill and S.T. Porter; every number contains at least one new Mechanical Invention, with an Engrav ing. “ The ‘Southern Miscellany,’ is the title of anew anil excellent paper, published at Madison, Geo., by C. R. Hanleiter. It is devoted to Literature, the Arts, Sciences, Agriculture, Education, Foreign and Do mestic Intelligence, &c. It is well printed, on heavy, white paper, and contains a varie ty of original and selected articles which speak well of the ability of the editor.” “ The Rasp,” our merry little friend, makes the following notice of us. “ The Rasp,” is published in Raleigh, Nortli-Caro lina, at $1 50, in advance, and is worthy of an extensive circulation. “The ‘Southern Miscellany,’ Madison, Ga., comes to us this week in anew dress. The good people of Georgia, to a man, ought to subscribe to the Miscellany, and be proud that they too, can boast of having as good a miscellaneous sheet, as can be found any where at the North. We think so.” We could give many more, but must close this article, already much longer than we at first intended it, by giving place to the following friendly notice by our clever little neighbor, “The Washingtonian, or Total Abstinence Advocate,” published in Augusta, by James McCafferty, at One Dollar per annum, in advance. “The ‘ Southern Miscellany,’ A neatly printed family Newspaper, published week ly at $2 50 per annum, by C. R. Hanleiter, Madison, Ga. It is decidedly, one of the best family papers now published. We have only seen the three last numbers, and judging from their contents, the publisher has enlisted talent of no ordinary nature. Home productions like this should be en couraged; the low price, and the liberal of fer of the publisher (to furnish it gratuitous to families in this State, who are too poor to pay for a newspaper) should place it be fore any of the Northern publications for our support. following article was put in type three weeks ago: LOAFERS. These are a numerous, celebrated and time-honored fraternity. Poets have sung the praises, and essayists, and scribblers, and penny-adiners have extolled the virtues of Loaferism. And, on such a day as yes terday, as we cast our eye through the win dow which looks out from the scene of our incessant toil, upon the lounging groups which surround our public square, we sigh to be a Loafer. “In the sweat of thy face shalt thou eat bread,” is a curse, from which, in the mysterious designs of Providence, they appear to have been delivered. There they sit, or lie, or lean under the cool shade, in their summer’s garb, with their heads bared to tbe refreshing breeze—the picture of luxury and indolenco. Nothing mars their peace or disturbs their dignity. Their quiet and happy spirits seem to repose in “ the only bliss of paradise that has surviv ed the fall.” We suppose that those of their unfortunate fellowmcn who, like ourself, are compelled to labor or starve, arc, by them, considered objects of commisseration; for a Loafer is a kind and feeling soul wherev er you find him. But the exercise of their pity, which might otherwise be painful and destroy their peaceful equanimity, is coun teracted by contrasting the condition of those who labor with their own, and feeling the happy exemption from the “ curse.” The Loafing brotherhood is a mixture of all classes, except that of the laborer. There are some among them who appear to be possessed of a secret art of living which en ables them to loaf without money. We could never attain to this. We are satis fied we do not possess the fortitude to meet the “ contingcnces” which necessarily lie in the way of a Loafer without means. We must have the “needful” before we can think of getting clear of the clink of type, or pulling at the “ devil’s tail.” Had we a plantation in the country, or plenty of safe and profitable Bauk stock, we would, by all means, “ send in our petition.” WARM AND COLD BATHS. Our doctor’s book says of these Baths : “ It is impossible to find language to express in adequate terms the importance of this powerful preserver and restorative of health this great and almost indescribable luxury, the hath. Considering its importance to the preservation of health, and the cure of very many of our most afflicting diseases, it is truly astonishing that the warm or tepid hath should be so little used.” We feel it our duty to remind our readers, of all classes, and sexes, of the importance of frequent bathing during the summer months. If they value their health and comfort, they should bathe at least twice or thrice a week. “ The cold bath is one of the most important me dicinal remedies presented from tlicfriendly bosom of nature;” it is a “preventative against disease, particularly fevers ; it clean se.s the skin from its impure and acrid con tents,” and thereby removes a primary source of diseasb. This bath “ braces the solids which were before relaxed by heat, restor ing and tranquilizing the irritability of the nervous system, and greatly exhiliratingand cheering the spirits with an increase of strength and bodily power.” When per sons have traveled a long journey, and feel much fatigued, or overheaded by exposure to the sun, or their minds are much disturb ed, the bath will be found an excellent reme dy for invigorating the whole system. In these cases, the warm bath is said to be much the best. Persons should always enter the bath on an empty stomach—or, in other words, sometime after eating. Those who are not within the vicinity of well-kept Bathing houses, should, by all means, fur nish themselves with convenient tubs and bathe at home. Shower baths are extreme ly healthy and pleasant, and should be taken early in the morning. Soap should be used without stint, and the body be wiped perfectly dry with a coarse towel. We shall be pleased to learn that our citi zens are profiting by these hints. AWFUL. It is statAl that during the earthquake at Santiago, the inhabitants rushed into the Roman Catholic Church to implore mercy from the Most High God, and filled it to overflowing, and when it fell, rivers of blood were seen to pour through the ruins, pro ceeding from the bodies of the unfortunate souls crushed within ! GOVERNOR M'DONALD Has issued his Proclamation offering a reward of One Hundred and Fifty Dollars to any person or persons who may appre hend and deliver Thomas O. Atha to the Sheriff or Jailer of Bibb County. Said was convicted at the late tei m ‘of the Superior Court of Bibb of “aggravated riot.” This person has before been described in this paper. * OUR ACTIONS. “ The only things,” says an old writer, “in which we can be said to have any pro perty, are our actions.'’ Our thoughts may be bad, yet produce no poison ; they may be good, yet produce no fruit; our riches may be taken from us by misfortune, our reputation by malice, our spirits by calami ty, our health by disease, our friends by death ; hut our actions must follow us be yond the grave. With respect to them alone, we cannot say that we shall carry nothing with us when we die, neither that we shall go naked out of the world. They are the only little deeds of which we cannot be dis inherited ; they will have their full weight in the balance of eternity, when every thing else is as nothing; and their value will be confirmed and established by those two sure and sateless destroyers of all other earthly things, Time and Death ! (£?” Beware of the man who habitually borrows your newspaper, when he is able to subscribe for and pay for one himself. He will borrow your shirt or your tooth-brush next. hundred sheep, recently shear ed, were frozen to death last month, during the late cold weather, in the vicinity of Ro chester, New York. wheat crop in the vicinity of Elizabeth City, Nortli-Carolina, has been totally ruined, and the corn crop has suffer ed severely, by the continued and tremen dous rains. {t?“The Treasurerof one of the Churches of Philadelphia has walked off with SSOOO belonging to the Church ! The only uniform and perpetual cause of public happiness,” says Dr. John son, “is public virtue. The effects of all other things which are considered ns advan tages, will be found casual and transitory. Without virtue nothing can be securely pos sessed, or properly enjoyed.” Never,” says Drew, “ shrink from doing any thing which your business calls you to. The man who is above his busi ness, may one day fiud his business above him.” Lead a good life; that is, live regu larly, sociably and humbly : regularly as to yourself; sociably as to your neighbor ; humbly as to your GOD,” was a good pre copt of St. Barnard. sfcdM® U' m mm x* mn^(Di@iLiLiisnr MASONIC CELEBRATION. For the first time in several years, the Masonic fraternity of our County, on Friday last, celebrated the anniversary of St. John, the Baptist, by the interesting exercises pre viously announced. The brethren assembled at their Hall, at half past 10 o’clock, and opened an Entered Apprentice’s Lodge; after which, a proces sion was formed in Masonic order, and mov ed to the Presbyterian Church, where a hymn and ode suitable to the occasion were sung by the fraternity, a prayer offered by Rev. Mr. Duncan, and an able and interest ing address delivered by Isliam S. Fannin, Esq.; the exercises concluding with the Benediction. The procession was then re formed, and after returning to the Lodge, the brethren were called from labor to re freshment. At 2 o’clock, they sat down to an excellent entertainment prepared by Col. J. M. Evans, at the American Hotel. After the cloth was removed the following toasts, among others not reported, were drunk, up on the Washingtonian plan: By W. M. Augustus Alden. The prin ciples of our order —Peace its motto; be nevolence its ensign; and the consciousness of virtue its reward. Sunto perpetuce. By Br. John S. Walker. Speculative Free Masonry —lts principles are the same now that they were when promoted by Washington, Franklin, and La Fayette: They have stood tbe test of centuries, i repeat the wise remarks of Gamaliel, a doc tor of the Jewish Law; if this work be of men, it will come to nought, but if it be of God ye cannot overthrow it. By Br. E. Heard. Our fraternity — May the principles we profess be practiced in our lives. By Br. A. Shaw. Let those who object to Masonry, look at the good resulting from a fraternity of faithful Masons. By Br. A. A. Overton. The true and up right Mason —The true friend of his fami ly, his country, and his fellow-man, wher ever found. By Br. I. S. Fannin. The Ladies —l have nothing against them. Let those con demn them that dare. By Br. Jared E. Kirby. Theorator rs the day and his able Address —The one is worthy of the other. By Br. John Totty. The Madison Lodge and its hospitality, deserving of the imita tion of all Masons. By Br. J. Strange. May the Madison Lodge forever flourish. By Br. David Demarest. The Madison Lodge —Now a baby; may it live until it becomes a Daniel Lambert. By Br. H. C. Baker. The Immortal TI ashinglon —As a soldier and a husband, a good man, and as a Brother of tbe fraterni ty, an excellent man. By Br. L. T. P. Harwell. May the prin ciples of Masonry not only be taught in the Madison Lodge, but practiced by its mem beiin every sense of the word. By Br. A. A- Heard. Masonry —May the lessons inculcated by this ancient and excellent science, be more universally acted out by its votaries. By Br. H. J. Ogilby. The Ladies —The “Perfect Ashlers” of our social fabric. The “Precious Jewels” with which the “Su preme Architect” lias adorned our universal “Lodge.” Nothing occurred at the table to disturb the fraternal harmony and good feeling of the occasion. After the festal exercises were over, the brethren repaired to their Lodge; were called fronT refreshment to labor; after which the Entered Apprentice’s Lodge was closed in due and ancient form- Correspondence of the “ Southern Miscellany.” Savannah, June 24th, 1842. In a Moral and Religious point of view, Savannah lias improved much in the past two years. A revival of religion commenced in the Methodist Church in April, 1841; its progress was continued and gradual from that time until the present —about 200 whites and 100 colored have been added to its membership. This spring it has been more general, extending into the Presby terian, Lutheran, and Baptist congregations —they have received about 100 members. A most excellent spirit has existed among them, and a very beneficial effect has been produced upon the community in general, the tone of morals has been improved there by, and a salutary check given to vice in every shape. Asa natural consequence, the Temperance cause has received large accessions. We have now three Societies of that character, numbering in all about SOO members, and steadily increasing.— During the past three months, the Odd Fel lows have established a Lodge—a most ex cellent institution it is—they have met with veFy flattering success. The Masonic breth ren are also in a healthy state, and have re ceived large accessions of members. Many other charitable institutions have also been formed, and old ones stimulated, which are all striving to make smooth the rough paths of life to those who are in indigent circum stances. This, sir, is no fancy picture, and the cause is a natural one* the increase of morality and religion. It naturally prompts the mind of man to seek the employment of those faculties with which a beneficent Cre ator lias endowed him, in doing good to his fellow-men, and endeavoring by precept and example “to do unto others as we would that they should do unto us.” In Politics we are nearly equally dividod, and in the language of a prices current — we would quote it dull at present. In Military Affairs, you know our fail ing, if wo may be permitted so to call it. The same “espre ye corps” exists, and we hope ever will. On the first of May, our last regular day of parade and the An niversary of several of our corps, a fine dis- Elay was made by all of them. The “Guards” a<f anew cap to show off; the “ Riflemen ” somff appropriate and handsome changes in their tasteful uniform; and the “Blues” a splendid standard, which was presented on that occasion by some of our patriotic La dies. It is useless for us to attempt to enter into a description of it, for we, like the Queen of Sheba, was forced to acknowledge “that the half was not told us,” although our editors had previously portrayed every line and almost every stitch to the life, of this truly “ne plus ultra” of flags. We need not add, that their ranks were full on that occasion, and that each man put his “ best foot foremost.” Our Ranks continue to pay “Specie” when called upon, except the Central Rail Road, and they are rapidly reducing their circulation—from $130,000 which was out when they stopped, only between S3O and $40,000 now remains to be taken in, and that will soon be done by those who arc indebted to the Institution and from receipts of their Road. They never have refused their own issues for freight or passage, and have also offered to receive them on deposite, drawing eight per cent, interest per annum from the time such deposite is made. Many have availed themselves of this, having full confi dence in their ability to meet all their liabili ties as soon as the fall business fairly opens. The work on the Road is progressing rapid ly; station No. 14, 14G miles, will be open ed on or about the Ist of J uly, and No. 15 some time in the fall; already have they commenced laying the superstructure be yond the Oconee ; the bridge across that river is progressing rapidly. We feel satis fied that but one crop more will be brought to market, before this great undertaking shall have reached its terminus at East Ma con. Then shall our seaboard and moun tains be united. Our Merchants are, generally speaking, able to bear up against the “hard times,” with a very good grace; they have all been affected more or less by them; some have gone the way of others before them, that rather as a matter of course, but tbe majori ty will weather the storm, and learn by ex perience. The policy* of some merchants, who have come into our city in the past two years, we admire very much—they are chiefly from middle Georgia—they brought with them a knowledge of the customers they would have to deal with, in point of their ability to pay their contracts, charac ter, and standing, and manner of doing busi ness; these, last season, received large ship ments of produce, which they disposed of to the advantage of their customers, and in return sent back such necessaries as the Planter stood in need of, at prices much be low what they had in previous years paid for them, when trading with the inland cities. The reason of this is, the cotton is sold di rectly to the exporter, and the goods are Eurchased from the importer, or first hands, y the planter’s agent, which every man of common sense must acknowledge is better than the round about way that their business has been heretofore done. We were pleas ed also to see a much larger number of planters come to our market with tlieir crops themselves, and the satisfaction they mani fested at the result. Our Mechanics are generally employed, and less suffering has been felt among them in our city, than we hear and know of in many others. Wages has decreased, but in more than an equal ratio has provisions, clothing, rents, negro hire and all the neces saries of life receded, and therefore to a sober, industrious mechanic, the limes arc rather an advantage than a disadvantage. Under this head we may also state, that a sale of city lots took place about a month since, and they brought about the same prices as some that were sold three yeais ago. Buildings are going up in many parts of the city, principally of brick, and of three and four stories high; they are being put up by men who have the means of their own, not “city loans” and “borrowed capital,” and that too, without cramping themselves in their business operations. It is a favora ble time to such men, when materials and workmen are to be had at lower prices than for years past, and they seem to be desirous of availing themselves of the favorable mo ment ere it flies. The steady increase in our population also warrants such under takings. Another fact may be taken into into consideration, that such property has depreciated but very little in the past two years, and in comparison with 1837, it has advanced rather than deteriorated. The fact is, our Rail Road has opened a larger market to us, and brought us more cus tomers, and Savannah does not lack men of sufficient penetration to see, that this in crease cannot suddenly be cut off from it, but that in the natural order of things it must go on. Yours, TIMOTHY. *The FOLtcy alluded to, but not fully explained, is that of spending their summers among tiiose, whose business during the winter is entrusted to their care, and not going North and Cast to get rid of the profits of the few months they live at the South. (Cf*“ Goodness, aspersed by slander, may be compared to that finely-tempered steel, which, though dimmed for a moment by the breath, presently re-appears in all its accus tomed brilliancy.” A wise man will desire no more than what he may get justly, use soberly, distribute cheerfully, and live upon content edly.” (£7“Hannah More says: “Children should early be habituated to connect two ideas which ought never to be separated—Chari ty and Self-denial.” Galileo, the most profound philosopher of liis age, when interrogated by the Inqui sition as to his belief in a Supreme Being, replied, pointing to a straw on the floor of his dungeon, that from the structure of that object alone he would infer with certainty the existence of an intelligent Creator. HARD TIMES FOR PRINTERS. It was stated at a meeting of the Prin ter’s Society, in London, that during the past year 1,200 journeymen Printers had been out of work, and had been maintained by their brother craftsmen who had employ ment. following piece of vearse is pub lished verbatim et literatim. It was written as will be perceived about a year ago, on the occasion of the staking one of Esquire Speed’s cotton fields, and is inscribed to him. We publish it for the amusement of our readers: “ Chesnut Grove June 22th 1841. “ To Mr Speed Esq in Muderson “Examination As 1 was going down the rood In hour litel town A while after I craust the creek I turnd my eyes a round Just on my right I saw a field I thout mot harber snakes and to my grate astonishment 1 saw a rowe of Stakes On one 1 saw a pencel wrigfat Just in the march be low 1 think it was a advertisement this is the cors to go Hoos field is this so thickly sheald all ore with grass and weeds I think it is a cotton patch belongin to Esq Speed SCHOOL-MASTER ABROAD ! A friend in McDonough has sent us the following copy of a placard which was re cently posted in that town. We publish it as an offset to the above, which had its origin in our own County : “ Notice their will ho a bearbccue at the House of Major J. S. M on the fourth day of Ju ly next Will be Prepared and fumched for the Acomadation of the Jentlemen and La dies for twenty-five cents per each Percins and the dectlarication of the Inapendecents Will be Reed and A orition Will be De liverd by the onurble J. C. S—— Will be Comparety by the onurble Major of McDonoug and the Cilabration of the day Will be Conclode by Drinkin of Tost, this June the 16th 1842 by A Committy of Ar ringments” Communicated. CELEBRATION OF THE FOURTH OF JULY. The approaching anniversary of our Na tional Independence will be celebrated by the “Total Abstinence Society of Morgan County,” in the following order: Those disposed to join in the procession are requested to repair to the Planters’ Ho tel, on the morning of the Fourth, at half past 10 o’clock, when a procession will be formed, under the direction of the Marshal of the day, and proceed from thence to the Baptist Church: 1. Washingtonians. 2. Members of Auxiliary Societies. 3. Officers of Auxiliary Societies. 4. Officers of the Washington Society of Madison. 5. Citizens. C. Committee of Arrangements. 7. Reverend Clergy. 8. Readers. 9. Orator of the day. 10. Ladies. At the Church, the following exercises may be expected: 1. Prayer by Rev. John P. Duncan. 2. Reading of the Declaration of Inde pendence by Col. J. B. Walker. 3. Reading of the Temperance Declara tion by Col. Wm. Woods. 4. Oration by L. L. Wittich, Esq. 5. Benediction. Every gentleman moving in the proces sion who has taken the pledge, is expected to wear a “white star” upon the left breast. This can bo procured by calling at Mrs. Campbell’s Hotel. After the exercises at the Church, the pledge will be open for signatures. The company will then repair to the Spring grove, where a collation will be prepared suitable to the occasion. Augustus Alden, Esq., will act as Mar shal oif the day, and be assisted by Messrs. John Robson and'Alfred A. Overton. A national salute will be fired at day break. Communicated. TO JACOB WISHFUL, POET. “ O that mine enemy would write a book."—Jos. You are a poet: bow you go it— Rhyming like a top; But Toby Teaswell’a eat the pie, And hardly left a sop! So Jacob, you may lick your lips, And hoe your own potatoes; And if you long for “ginger cake,” “ Go bought it” at the bakers. Can’t you and Toby “ write a book 7” You both can rhyme from A to Izzard. This town is large! from “ Heard’s Pinhook,” To “Beaver Tail” and “Ticklegizzard.” Our County has poetic names ; Just listen, and I’ll pick ’em I I’ll point you first to “ Hello’s Plains,” And pass you on to “ Trickem.” Then trip across the “ Bushy uobe”— There’s “Fair Play,” by the Dickens! Jack Wittich says it has the odds Os all the world, both far and near, For children and for chickens! You’ve cut your “ wheat,’’ go hoe your corn I’ve told you : look to your potatoes; Your verses make ; your hoe-cakes bake; Call all the little Wishful’s in, ’Twill do you good to see them grin, O’er roasted corn and ripe tomatoes. Oh ! so good! BROWN. A Thing of Worth can never die.—-Beau tiful it is to see and understand that no worth, known or unknown, can die even in this earth. The work an unknown good man has done is like a vein of water flowing hid den under ground, secretly making the ground green; it flows and nows, it joins it self with other veins and veinlets; one day it will start forth, as a visible and perennial well. Hard Times in England. —Her Majesty’s display of jewels, at the late Masque, were of immense value. From the upper part of her robo her Majesty had suspended a description of pendant stomachor of the in trinsic value of sC6O,OO(b The first Americanflag that soat display ed in Great Britain, was hoisted on board of the ship Bedford, Captain Moores, of Nantucket. She arrived at the Downs, February 3, 1783, passed Gravesend tbe 4th, and was reported at the Custom House, on ‘the sth. A London Journal off 1783 states that ” she was not allowed a regular entry until some consultation had taken place between the commissioners of the cus toms and the boards of council, on account of the many acts of Parliament yet in force against the rebels in America. She was loaded with 487 butts of whale oil, waa American built, manned wholly by Amcri- • can seaman, wears the rebel colors, anu be longed to the island of Nantucket, in Mas sachusetts. This is the first vessel which displayed the thirteen rebelious stripes in any British port. The vesselat Horsley down a little below the tower, and is intend ed immediately to return to New England.” If you wish to stab a person’s reputation, by imputing to him or her falsehood, treach ery, and the meanest selfishness, you may as well use the naked dagger aa to wreathe the blade with flowers. Youth, especially female youth, gives a poetic tinge—a softened coloring to its sor rows : thus the sea, when tho morning sun shines upon it, is covered even in the storm, with rainbows. MIRRIED, On Thursday evening last, by Joseph P. Penick, Esq. Mr. SAMUEL WHITE, to Miss MARY ANGELI NA WOODIN, all of this County. While together ye cling on the pathway of life. Formally united by holiest love, May the joys that belong to the husband and wile Be shed on you both by a hand from above! mv/E\&rmEMmY®a State Rights. IjpHE annual meeting of the Stato Rights’ Association J-of Morgan County, will be held ut the Court House, in Madison, on the 4th July next, at 2 o'clock, P. M. A full attendance is requested to transact business of importance. WM. 8. STOKES, Pr’L J. Robson, Sec’y. June 25, 1842. • 13 Temperance meeting. rpHE monthly meeting of the Temperance Society of J- this place will be held at the Presbyterian Church (the use of which having been kindly granted,) on Wednesday Evening next. Citizens generally are res pectfully invited to attend. An Address, adapted to the occasion, may be expected from Alfred A. Over ton, Esq. A. ALDEN, President. July 2 lw!4 Wanted, A FIRST rate Milk Cow. Apply at this office. July 2 w!4 Head Quarters. First Brigade, Third Division G. M. j Eatonton, 29th June, 1842. ( ARDERED, Thatan election for Colonel to command ” the 29th Regimont Georgia Malitia will be held In the Court House, at Madison, Morgan Coi_.ty, on Sat urday, the 23d of July next, to fin the vacancy occa sioned by the resignation of Colonel Rives. R. BLEDSOE, Brigadier General. Attest: D. R. Adams, Aid-de-Camp. July 2 4w14 Morgan Sheriff’s Sales. THILL be sold on the first Tuesday in Jnly next, be ” fore the Court House door, in the Town of Madi son, in said County, within the usual hours of sale, One Tour wheel Carriage and Harness, and two hun dred and forty acres of Land, lying on Hard Labor Creek, adjoining lands belonging to N. Allen, Nathan Massy, and others, levied on by virtue of a fi fa. issued from Morgan Inferior Court, with others, in favor of Harry S.Hnndly, vs. Francis M. Boon; property point ed out by defendant. JAMES O’NEAL, may 28 9 Deputy Sheriff. WILL be sold on the first Tuesday in Acorn, be ” fore the Court House door, in the Town of Madi son, in said County, within the usual hours of sale, Seven acres of Land, more or less, adjoining the lands of Dr. Elijah E. Jones, David Peck and A. G. SaflbldL levied on as the property of Peter Jinkins, to sttify s ft fa in favor of Skinner &. Tat ha in, and sundry other fi foe, vs. said Peter Jenkins. LEWIS GRAVES, Sheriff. July 2 14 Georgia, Morgan County: THHEREAS, Benjamin and Thomas Harris, Admin ** istretors on the estate of William Harris, late of said county, deceased, applies to me for Letters of Dismission therefrom: , These are therefore to cite and admonish all and singular the kindred and creditors of said deceased, Us be and appear at my office within the time prescribed by law, to Bhow cause, if any they have, why said let ters should not be granted. Given under my hand, at office, in Madison. -: JAMES C. TATE, Clerk C.O. July 2 5w14 Prices Reduced I AUGUSTA, GEORGIA. THE undersigned respectfully informs bis friends and J- patrons that in accordance with the pressure of the times, he will, on and after the first day of June nest, reduce his rates as follows : Transient boarders, per day, .... $1 50 Day boarders, per month, 15 00 Other boarders in proportion. Thankful for post encouragement hd respectfully so licts a continnance. WM. M. FRAZER. May 31, 1842. P.S. The Omnibus and General Stage Office, are kept at this house. 6wlo To Hire, 7 ])Y the day, week or month, an able-bodied Negro ” Man, a good field hand and common laborer. HUGH J. OGILBY. June 11 3wll .i ■ .. Cotton ! Cotton !! VMIE highest prices will be paid for Cotton of all quaH- J-tiea during tho summer season, by JOHN ROBSON Bs. CO. June 25, 1812. 13 Houck’s Panacea! WE offer for sale, this valuable Vegetable preparation, in pint bottles at the manufacturer’s price—9l SO per bottle. Its celebrity in affording relief in lingering diseases is well established, especially in Dyspepsia and general debility- It is pleasant to the taste, and does not interfere with ordinary diet —making it a very agree* able medicine. Mr. Farguson’s certificate is annexed. He is well known in this and the adjoining Counties. JOHN ROBSON & CO., Near the Georgia Rail-Road Depot, Madison, . June 11 3mll CERTIFICATE. This is to certify, that I purchased of Johnston tk Robson, of Madison, Georgia, six bottles of Houok’n Panacea, which was administered to my wife who bad been lingering with Dyspepsia for Bor 10 years, scarce ly ever seeing a well day. She has received so much benefit from its use that she firmly believes she would’ have been in the grave had she not have taken it. She is now in good health, for her age, being now about 60 years old. It has also benefitteu my neighbors. Its uss will be very general in our County, when its virtues are tested. It is mild and pleasant, and can be cheer fully recommended by me as a very valuable Family Medicine. JOHN FARGASON. Henry County, Georgia, July 3,1841.