Southern miscellany. (Madison, Ga.) 1842-1849, December 03, 1842, Image 3

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whereby to delay the pursuer, but he isdri ven from pillar to post until—like one who sadly lays the axe to the tree, whose honor ed branches shaded the sports of his child hood—he yields to dire necessity, and the honors of his chin are no more ! They re turn to the resting place of all other vani ties, and become as things that were ; for, as says Bryant, in his “ Lapse of Time”— “ True, time will 9car and blanch my brow; Well, I shall sit with aged men, And my good g ]aßS will ,cll me how A grizzly Beard becomes me then.” B. Savannah, November, 1842. For the “Southern Miscellany.” STATE literature. Mb. Editor, —Permit me, sir, to invite the attention of your readers to a few ran dom thoughts of my own on a subject insep arably connected with the weal and prosper ity of our own State. I allude to our State literature. That the intelligence and virtue of the citizens of a representative govern ment should receive the utmost considera tion, is a proposition too well established to he denied. When we reflect that, in the language of the Marquis Condorut, “this form of government requires the general dif fusion of the most correct and useful knowl edge,” that “ information should be pro mulged constantly, and error exposed and dissipated,” we must be convinced of the imperious necessity of encouraging and fos tering elegant and polite literature, as well as more solid and substantial learning. But my design is not to discourse upon education in general, but confine myself to a more narrow scope. The predilection we entertain for Foreign flummery developes itself not only in our regular importations of London and Paris fashions, but still more remarkably in the encouragement we give to the literary productions of foreigners.— But I grow more sectional still. I protest against Georgians patronizing the Magazines and Newspapers of the North to the neg lect of those of our own State. This policy has already created a most insatiable thirst for Northern literature, which lias to a cer tain extent discouraged our own editors; arid I venture to predict, that if this shame ful patronage is continued, the noble efforts of our editors to redeem from oblivion and contempt our own native Georgia in this re gard will flag and finally cease, But just here I am confronted by one who, boldly and with an air of derision, inquires for our models of literature. I reply that the intel lectual worthies of our State have made praiseworthy exertions to sustain themselves amidst a “sea of troubles,” ar.d hut for the unprovoked indignity with which they have been treated by their less deserving coun trymen, they would now rank in the estima tion of the world with the gifted of Earth. It is a seasonable period to awaken public attention to this all-important subject, and to demonstrate that the present policy is the dictate of stupid duplicity. Let those who have hitherto appropriated their money to the purchase of English and French Re views, and who have subscribed to North ern Periodicals, apjiropi iate the same amount to our own papers and Magazines the ap proaching year, and I guarantee that the lit erary aspect of our State shall undergo a considerable alteration. But it will be said that patriotism requires us to discard local attachments. Is it not, however* obvious to the most superficial observer that the North is a stranger to this charity, and would it not expose us to the accusation of felly to prac tice it towards her when her prime and stu died policy is to the reverse ? Upon the whole, I conclude that though as a princi ple, it may be useful in politics yet that it has no bearing upon the premises. But there arc still more weighty and powerful considerations. Our literature is yet. in its infancy—it needs nourishment and tender treatment to enable it to subsist, and if we ourselves are so destitute of sympathy as to suffer it to droop anil perish, it is absurd to expect commiseration from those who are the guardians of opposing interests. Notwithstanding the seeming accuracy of these suggestions, thousands pursue an op posite course and foster with parental solic itude Foreign, unmindful of domestic liter ature. We witness its ill-effects daily.— Where, I emphatically ask, are our Ritten houses, and Wests, and Channings, and Websters, and Ilallecks ? The response is, we have them not. If this were all, and wicked men did not deduce from it false and_ erroneous conclusions, we should not have cause for complaint; but from this fact the opinion has grown prevalent that South erners are deficient in intellectual vigor and boldness ; that the climate of Georgia a happy prototype of the Heathen Elysium— is inconsistent with those exhibitions ofmen tal superiority, for which some portions of the globe are distinguished. This opinion is as unfounded as those ofCountde Buffon and Abbe de Raynal on a nearly similar subject, which Mr. Jefferson has so manful ly combatted in his admirable “ Notes,” but which is constantly avowed by the pension ed scribblers of Mother England, and Nor thern writers, and which, if generally adopt ed in our State, would be fruitful of evil. I shall, with your permission, Mr. Editor, proceed to show that the South is more fa vorable to the display of intellectual great ness than any other country, and that it is only necessary that we should assist and aid those natural causes. , J, n ° ur °^ vn State the lands are eminent icitile—it is, therefore, not indispensable that all our citizens should engage in Agri culture. Some may employ themselves in improving the Arts and Sciences, and culti vating every branch of human knowledge. Beside this, our scenery is rich and beauti ful—-our skies pleasant and sunny—our air bracing and wholesome. It is lamentably true we have no Westminister Abbey—the sight of which would kindle the fires of poe sy in the breast; no Tombs of Virgil to vis 't no classic Tiber or Rhine, upon whose hanks we might wander and commune with the spirit of buried ages ; but it is glorious ly true that we have a Naucoochee, where dame Natuie revels in her native grandeur, and rendered doubly soothing by the le inembrance of that race who peojiled these once vast solitudes. It may bo asked if all these fovorable circumstances really exist ? Where is your Epic ? I inquire, where is England’s Epic? (I mean of modern times.) She has existed for a succession of centu ries, and “ Paradise Lost,” the only poem worthy of the title, has remained so long without a formidable rival, that although truly excellent, we are heginnibg to believe that English poetry is forever extinct. If this number of my series is thought worthy of insertion, I shall trouble the leaders of the “ Miscellany” with some more of my random reflections on the same subject. PERTINAX. ©©mitlkom MngooMsumjo PUBLISHED EVERY SATURDAY MORNING AT THE VERY LOW PRICE OF TWO DOLLARS AND FIFTY CENTS PER ANNUM —ONE DOL LAR AND FIFTY CENTS FOR SIX MONTHS — ALWAYS IN ADVANCE. MADISON, GEO : Saturday, December 3, I§l2. Q5 23 Mr. Jackson Barnes, Book-seller and Stationer, East side of Mulberry-street, Macon, is our duly authorized Agent in that city, with whom our friends in that section of the State will please transact their business with the “Miscellany.” Mr. IJotNts is authorized to receive and receipt for subscriptions to the paper. Major William W. Taylor is an authorized agent for the “ Southern Miscellany.” CCfo WilliamM.Day is a duly authorized Traveling Agent for this paper. We hope our friends will render Mr. Day all the facilities in their power in extending our circulation. DECEMBER. “See, Winter comes, to rule the varied year Sullen and sad, with all his rising train, Vapours, and Clouds, and Storms.” December, the first of the Winter months, is upon us, gentle reader, and with his “clouds and storms,” admonishes us that the cycle of another year is nearly full. All nature hears a mournful aspect; the day is black an<l drear, and i-n the black chambers of the night is heard the wail of moaning winds—mournful and sad—a fit requiem for the departing year ! “Thus Winter falls, A heavy gfoom oppressive o’er the world.” But how differently comes Winter to us —how differently vve regard the terrors of the pinching cold, than do the millions of famished wretches, whose lot is cast in ‘‘Mer ry Englaud”—philanthropic England ! There, in this season, “ Ilow many drink the cup Oi baleful grief, or eat llie biller bread Os misery. Sore pierced by wintry winds, How many shrink into the sordid hut Os cheerless poverty,” and starve, while the “ licentious proud, whom pleasure, power, and affluence sur round,” revel in luxury, deaf to the appeals of those whose blood and sweat sustains the fabric of their greatness. December is shorn of his terrors in our blessed land, where even the humblest domestic, though decreipt, and old, and helpless, knows not the want of food or protection from his win try blasts. Even he, the Southern Slave, “ Hangs o’er th’ enlivening blaze, and taleful there Recounts his simple frolic; much he talks, And much he laughs, nor reeks the storm that blows Without, and rattles on his humble roof.” Would that all in our own free country, were as well fortified against the inclemen cy of Winter as are the careless blacks of the South, who, though they “take not heed for the morrow,” fare “ sumptuously every day,” and are clothed ! sheriff’s sale. We are requested to state that the claim against Mr. Henry Kirby having been set tled, the sale of his property which is ad vertised by the Sheriff on Tuesday next, will not take place. 05 s * We have been informed that a re port has been put in circulation in Tike, Butts and Henry Counties, that 3J cents is the highest price paid for cotton in our mar ket. This is a very great error—the reverse would be nearer correct. Very little cotton of any quality has brought less than Accents in the Madison market. Indeed, wc know that the prices given by our merchants and buyers in the opening of the business season ranged higher than could be sustained by their sales in the seaboard markets. Not only so, but even now our quotatians will bear comparison with those of any other in land market, while our currency is as good as any in the State. We desire to correct the error above stated, that it may not op erate to the prejudice both of our trading community and those of our country friends who might otherwise avail themselves of the advantages of our market. We may also state in this connection, that arrangements arc now making by our merchants by which salt and other leading articles will be afford ed here as cheap as at any other point in the State. COTTON MARKET. Considerable quantities of Cotton have come in during the past week, a large por tion of which has been bought at 4 to G cents, extreme quotations. 3d) U mmJi it A-R'STo 07 s * We have received a communication from “ Wigly Forker,” in answer to the sketch in our paper some weeks since, en titled “ A Scene in a Church.” The writer blames us—and we confess justly—for pub lishing the article, and admonishes us against the admission of religious controversy in the “ Miscellany.” We assure our correspon dent that the article should never have ap peared in our columns, if we had thought that it had the slightest bearing upon any particular sect, or was calculated to injure the feelings of any class of worshippers.— We regarded it as a harmless sketch, writ ten for the amusement of our readers, and as such we admitted it. We would cheer fully give the reply, hut that we desire not to widen the breach which we have already so unwittingly made in our pledge of prin ciples, in which wedeclareour strict neutral ity in politics and religion. We wi.l dis pose of the manuscript as requested bj the writer. 07 s “A Scene at Beaver Tail among the Cotton Buyers,” was not received until our matter was nearly all arranged forthis week’s issue. It shall be attended to next week. ATTEMPTED BURGLARY. An attempt was made to enter the store of L. L. Wittich Sc Cos., of our town, on Tuesday night last, by forcing the window shutters with a bar. Shortly after dark, while the proprietors were at supper, Mr. Richter observed someone at the window of the store, who, upon his approach fled up the street. On examining the window, it was found that the hinges of the shutter had been broken, and that little remained to be done to enable the thief to enter. In the darkness Mr. R. could not distinguish wheth er the man was white or black. It is alto gether probable, however, that the indivi dual is no stranger, as the hour chosen was the most favorable for his design, which would have been frustrated by the return of the gentleman who sleeps in the store. We would caution our citizens to be on their guard. dCfo We learn that the cars will hereafter leave Madison for Augusta at 3 o’clock, P. M., arriving at the latter place at 12 at night. No alteration, vve believe, in the hour of departure from Augusta. OCMULGEE BANK FAILED. This institution has closed its doors, not only against its bill-holders, but even the depositers, who, we are told by the “Macon Messenger,” are unable to obtain any satis factory response from its officers, when pre senting their claims. Fortunately for our people but a very small portion of the is sues of this Bank has obtained ciiculation among us, owing to our having been chiefly supplied by the Augusta Banks. The peo ple of other sections of the State will doubt less be robbed of a considerable portion of their hard earnings by this new illustration of the utility, honesty and soundness of our Banking system. The editor of the “ Au gusta Chronicle” hails this failure as “a fa vorableomen for the future prosperity of the financial affairs of the State,” and cites as a reason for his belief that “ it will serve as a stimulant to excite prompt and efficient ac tion on the part of the Georgia Legislature, to compell all those Banks which do not promptly redeem all their liabilities in spe cie to forfeit their charters.” Has our Leg islature ever lacked such incitement ? No. What have failures heretofore done to ben efit “the financial affaiis of the State ?” Nothing. Since the first days of suspen sion—long before, when this species of char tered fraud was in its full tide of successful operation—there was no lack of failures. Nor was there any lack of tongues to curse the Banks; to cry out to the “ dear people” to beware of the Bauk—the hydra monster, that was about to purchase their liberties, and sell them, body and soul, to the Empe ror of Russia, or China, or someone else —hut still have Banks been chartered and sustained in open, uupaliated outrages upon the public, for which any one of these same “dear people” would have been incarcera ted in prison—ay, in stupendous frauds, which, divided into small amounts, would have been criminal capital enough to have filled the jails of the State with poor debt ors. Talk of the Legislature of Georgia being stimulated to do any thing in the mat ter! Not they ! The failure of the Ocmul gee Bank will cause some little stir ar.d ex citement—some newsnaper gossip—until the subject is finally frittered away, and those who have robbed the “ dear people,” under its charter, will shortly be provided with another, with which to enact the same vil lainies. Bankers are monied men, and in fluential party men, and party must he sus tained. Even the “ deer people” go for party, and, of course, support the measures of their leaders, the chief financial one of which too often is, to pick the “dear people’s pockets, by means of a modern scientific Banking operation—just such as we have in the failure of the Ocmulgee Bank. To whom the blame is to be voted in this instance is not yet settled. The “ South- Western Rail Read Bank,” in Cb&rlcston, is implicated. ff?* We are indebted toour worthy Rep resentative, Col. Isham S. Fannin, for sev eral Bills, &c. ONE THOUSAND JUST SUCH SUBSCRIBERS As the one who wiites us as follows, will be supplied with the “Miscellany” upon ap plication,if made immediately, as the adver tisements say— “ Dear Sir—Enclosed I send you $5, as a compensation for the ‘ Miscellany,’ this year and next. lam delighted with your paper—it is in my conception every thing it should he—just such a paper as admirably suits the ‘ sunny South.’ Its literature is tasteful and spirited—its wit and humor pointed und laconic—its poetry [Ex cuse our modesty—what follows is too strong ; but the conclusion is so true.] He, (in my opinion) who does not read it and pay for it [we italicise the words] is destin ed by nature to be a hewer of wood and drawer of water —consequently degustihus non disjmtandum. Yours, See.” SENATOR ELECTED. Walter T. Colquitt, was on Wednesday last, elected Senator in Congress sot six years from the fourth of March next. A friend has furnished us with the following tube of the balloting. Ist 2d 3d 4th Colquitt, 118 127 134 110 Jenkins, 114 27 11 109 Iverson, 33 111 126 1 Schley, 110 0 Lumpkin, 110 0 McWhorter, 2 0 0 0 Cone, 33 3 0 King, 0 0 0 21 McAllister, 2 14 0 THE LEGISLATURE. Wecannot seethatthesegentleman whose patriotism and devotion to the people’s inter ests impelled them so urgently tosolicit an opportunity of serving usat Milledgeville this winter, have performed any wonders after all. They have managed to elect a Senator and pass some few hills of minor importance. They have some important business, how ever before them, among the rest a bill en titled, “ an act to wind up and settle the af fairs of such banks and banking institutions ; in this State, as fail, neglect, or refuse to re deem their notes or other liabilities in spe cie—the Central Bauk excepted (?) —to pro vide for the appointmentof receivers of such batiks and bunking institutions, to define the duties and powers of such receivers, and to provide for the punishment, of the officers of such hanks and banking institutions, and others who may be guilty of the violation of the provisions of this act, and to vacate their charters.” If this bill, in its provisions, is as good and salutary as its title would indi cate, and if they pass it without any other amendment than the striking out of the words “ Central Bank excepted”—which should be done by all means—and with no rescind ing provisos—why, we’ll let them off for this time, and say,well done, good and faithful ser vants. But Pshaw! all that’s too good to he true. On Saturday last, Mr. Miller laid upon the table of the Senate, a resolution proposing an amendment to the Constitution of the United States, to be submitted by Congress (two-thirds agreeing) to the State Legislatures, for ratification, in the words following: “ Congress shall regulate the currency so as to ensure a circulating medium as nearly as possible of equal and uniform value throughout the United States, and always redeemable on demand, in gold and silver.” (tT 3 Mr. Rogers, of the “Federal Union,” was elected Public Printer for the next Legislature, on Friday last. DICKENS* NOTES. When we wrote our article in reference to this work lust week, we had only seen the extracts in the Northern papers, and the unanimous condemnation of the indig nant press of that section. Since then we have been more than gratified to find our opinion of the amiable Boz, sustained by those of some of the ablest and most inde pendent editors of the South. The “Sa vannah Republican” for instance, exactly agrees with us on the subject. Since our last we have seen the “Notes for General Circulation,” and—barring the author’s er roneous, and we may add illiberal views of slavery—we see little or nothing in them to condemn, while we find much to ad mire—much that indicates the native good ness of the writer’s heart, his candor and warm benevolence. Os slavery Mr. Dick ens should not have spoken, while- lie Wus iio better informed on the subject. We do not appreciate the man less, liecause lie has im bibed ptejudices against our institutions.— It is but natural, Englishman es he is, that lie should. But he has evinced a degree of weakness of gullibility in his strictness up on American slavery, that is not indicated in anything else that has ever fallen from his pen. So much for his association with American Abolitionists. 05 s ” The Legislature of South Carolina convened on Monday the 28th instant. Hon. Angus I’attorson was elected President, and W. E. Martin Clerk of the Senate ; W. F. Colcock, Speaker of tho House, and Thomas W. Glover, Clerk. FROM MEXICO. P. A. Southall, Eq., bearer of despatches from Our Minister at Mexico, nriivcd at New Oi leans, in the United States Steam ship Missouri, which touched at the South- West Pass, on her way to Pensacola. The “ Crescent City” says— ‘ Mr. Southall left the city pf Mexico on the 9th instant, and is supposed to bear with him despatches of the greatest importance to the two countries. He rnet Mr. Cursnn at Perote, on his way to the city. The news from Mexico is interesting although not very importrnt. The news of Well's capture of San Antonio, was celebrated with enthusiasm in the city, hut as yet the news of his discomfiture and retreat had not appeared in any of the journals. The prisoners taken at San Antonio were on their way to the city. Orders had been sent by Government, at the request of Gen. Reyes for the execution of four of the pri soners, who had been in the Santa Fee Ex pedition—Van Ness, Fitzgerald, Conner, and another whose name we did not learn. Through the intercession of the foreign minister, the sentence has been commuted to ten years’ imprisonment in the Castle of Perote. The fate of the others will not be known until they reach the city. It is un derstood that General Wull recommended them to the mercy of the Executive.” (U** A liberal reward is offered by Messrs. C. A. and E. M. Crawford, of Columbia County, for the apprehension of James Roney, charged with the murder of Wil liam H. Crawford,on Saturday evening last. Said Roney is described as being about twenty-three years of age, with black hair, blue eyes, and of a sallow complexion— stout built,and weighing about one hundred and sixty pounds—wore a blanket over-coat and white hat. flj 6 ’. It is contemplated to change the route of the Gieat Northern and Southern Mail, in order to insure greater regularity in its transportation. Proposals will short ly he issued for carrying it by stages from Raleigh, N. C., to Columbia, S. C. We trust the arrangement will he successful, and that the inconveniences arising from its frequent failure may be remedied. At a large meeting of the democra cy of Dauphin county, Pennsylvania, Gen eral Lewis Cass,of Ohio, was nominated for the Presidency, subject to the decision of a Democratic National Convention. EXTRAORDINARY CASE OF ATTACHMENT. We have known lovers to prove their re gard for the object of their affections, in va rious ways —by protestations and oaths, by services and sacrifices—but a case was brought to our notice a few days since l>y far excelling any we had before known; proving, beyond the possibility of a doubt, tiie devotedness of a young gentleman in a neighboring village, to the fair mistress of his heart. The lady, like all other ladies of taste, affects the “ Southern Miscellany”— which partiality for our paper she has made known to the gentleman. Now, if the gen tleman were to subscribe for and present the “ Miscellany” to the young lady, he would only be paying a tribute of $2 50, to the slnine of his devotion—a mere pecu niary donation. But what think you,gentle reader ? the lady’s lover scorns a thing so paltry—but for her dear sake, lie weekly warps his conscience to the deed, and Bor rows it for her! —thus making a sacrifice of feeling, honor, and conscience, which no pe cuniary consideration could repair ! Ought not the lady to he proud of such devotion ? Can she want any better test of his love 1 Certainly not. Wo consider such “ proof, strong as holy writ.” Oh ! k Love, thou lit tle deviler of the human gizzard, to what shifts wilt thou not bring thy stricken vic tims ! (£?*■ Judge Wells of the District Court of the United States for the Missouri Dis trict, has delivered an opinion against the constitutionality of the Bankrupt Law. Flowers, says Mrs. Child, are the alpha bet of angels, wherewith they write on hills and plains mysterious truths. TIIE CURRENCY CORRF.CTED. Par Banks. —The issues of the following hanks are received at par in Augusta : Au gusta Insurance and Banking Company— Bank of Augusta—Branch State of Geor gia at Augusta—Agency Bank of Bruns wick—Branch Georgia Rail Road—Me chanics’Bank—Bank of St. Mary’s—Bank of Milledtevillc—Lank of the State of Georgia, at Savannah—Commercial Bank at Macon—Georgia Rail Road and Banking Company Athens—Marine and Fire Insur ance Bank, Savannah—Branch of ditto, at Macon—Planters’ Bank, Savannah—Ruck eiovillc Banking Company Charleston Banks—Bank of Camden—Bank ofGeorge town —Commercial Bank, Columbus—Mer chants’ Bank at Cheraw —BankpfHatnhurg. Banks at Discount. —Phoenix Bank at Columbus, at Gu 10 cents discount; Oc mulgee Bank, iiroick ; Central Bank of Georgia, 30 a 33j ; Central Rail Road and Banking Company at Savannah, 4 ; Insur ance Bank of Columbus, at Macon, (5 n 10 ; Alabama notes, 1(5 a IS ; Bank of Hawkins ville, 35 a 38; Exchange Bank Brunswick, S a 10. No Stile or uncertain. —The following banks me tbus quoted : Bank of Darien and Branches ; Bank of Columbus ; Chat tahoocliie Rail Rond and Banking Compa ny ; Monroe Rail Rond and Banking Com pany ; Planters’ and Mechanics* Bank, Cos lambus; Western Bank of Georgia, at Rome. A small party of gentlemen from Laurens and Pulaski Counties,recently met on Turnpike creek, in Telfoh county, with their horns, bounds and shot-guns, for a “ drive.*’ They hunted four day*—-a por tion of which time the weather was unfavor able—and on the fourth day, at night, they had killed and got in possession, ninety-tires Deer, one wild Turkey,two Foxes and a Rat tle Snake. On then way home,.tire Pulaski party killed six more deer, making in all ninety-nine during the hunt. Such luck does not fall to hunters every day. fl5 s= ’ We are glad to learn that at the races this Augusta, “ the attendance was very thin.” Col. Dawson’s cult won the “ Colt Stakes.” (£/*• Persons indebted to tlje subscriber for subscrip'ion to the “Augusta are request ed not to make payment to B. F. Griffin, whose receipt given after this date, for monies doe me, I will not ac knowledge. Those indebted, will in future please make payment tome or my authorised agent, only- VV. T. THOMPSON. Drcembcr 3, 1342. no njimmjM jgnmii min 11 niewi'fii-ii *■ L. L. Witt ids, Attorney at Law, MADISON, GEORGIA. December 3 1y36 Boarding. BOARDING for Students attending the Academies in this place the ensuing year, can be had with the subscriber at usual rates. Any assistance they may w ish in the prosecution of their studies will tie gladly uff.rded. CARLISLE P.B. MARTIN. December 3 3w36 • Carriage Repository. ? D'HE subscriber announces to the public that he has -*■ taken the old stand of Luther Roll, in Madison, and is constantly receiving a ireneraland well selected assortment ol CARRIAGES from the North, of aa good workmanship, and which he will dispose of on as reasonable terms, as they can be procured at any oth cr point of this or any Southern State—and it this is doubted by any individual, he can be convincedjby calling and looking lor himse If. ‘ , Any description ofCarringeor Wngtron will bemads in s style that cannot fail to please customers; and they may also depend upon having their work strong and durable. The iron work will be done by a(Bnt rate blacksmith, who hashed several vears’ experience at the North. REPAIRING done cheap, neatly and promptly. T. GOODYEAR. December 3. 6m3G Morgan Sheriff ’s Sales. WILL be sold on the first Tuesday in January next ” before the Court House door, in the Town of Madison, in said Cotmy, within the usual hours of sale, the following property, viz : Three Negroes, Cuty, a woman, about 38 years old, and her child, Georgiuna, about 4 years of age, Mnria, a girl, about 10 years of age, and one House and. Let, whereon William Day, Sen., now lives, in the town of Madison, in front of the Baptist Church, and adjoining the lot ot W. G. Ballard—all levied on ns the property if William Day, Sen., to satisfy a fi fa in favor of John Wingfield, and sundry other fi fas, vs. William Day, Sen , and pointed out by said Day. Also, sixty acres of Land, more or less, adjoining the lands of Boswell, Wade and Trotter, lying on Sugar Creek, levied on us the property of John Hollis, Jr , to satisfy a fi fa in favor of Woody Jackson, and oilier fi fas, vs. John Holhs, Jr., and pointed out by said Hollis. Also, 3 feather beds, and furniture, 1 side-board, 1 pair andirons, 1 clonthe press, llot.shoe lasts, 1 folding table, 3 pine tables, 12 sitting chairs, 8 glass tumblers, 1 wash bowl, 2 pitchers, 1 set dining plates, 1 set cups and saucers, 1 set Britunia tea spoons, 1 lnrge dish, 2 small dishes, 1 large iron pot, 2 cows and calves, 1 horse, 1 dray, and one hundred and fifty acres of land, more or less, lying on Sugar Creek, adjoining lands of Adam G. Suffuld and Lancelot Johnston, levied on ns the property of Merrit W. Cofer, t satisly a fi fa in fa vor of Samuel Shields, Administrator of William A- Shields, deceased, heurer, vs. said Cofer and David Pock, and sundry other fi fas, vs. said Cofer; property pointed out by suid Cufer. LEWIS GRAVES, Sheriff Also, at the same time and place, six Negroes, Nel ly. 35 years old, Caroline, 2 years old, Daniel. 11 years old, Lucy,s years old, Maria, 5 venrs old, and Howard, II years old, all levied on to satisfy a fi fa issued from the Superior Court of said county against Francis M. Boon, in favor of John B. Martin and Jos. M. Evans, with other fi fas ; property pointed out by defendant. Alsu, i hay horse, 8 years old, 2 nohorned eows and calves, 3 Negroes, Sophia, 26 years old, Polly, 5 years old, Henry, 3years old, 1 safe, 1 pine tnhle, 1 mahoga ny side-board, 7 split-bottom chairs, 1 pair andirons, t road wagon, 3 pair of horses, I pine tub, 2 water pails, 2 stacks of fodder, 10 barrels corn, more or less, in the shuck, 5 pork hogs,lool 1-4 acres of land, more or less; also, 3 Negroes, to wit: Wiley, 21 years of age, Moses, IS years of nge, and Alfred, 15 years of age—nil levied on as the property of John C. Rees, to satisfy a fi fa from Morgan Superior Court, in favor of Johnston & Robson, and sundry other fi fas, Vs. said Rees ; prop erty pointed out by said Rees. Also, 1 buggy, the wood work of a two horse wagon, 2 sandy sows, 8 pigs, 4 slionts, 1 wooden clock, I bed stead, and furniture, 2 dressing tables, 1 pine table, t cm,die stand, 1 waslistaod, 1 writing desk, 6spli;-bo: toni chairs, 1 pine chest, 1 old saddle, 1 blockttn coflee pot, 1 water bucket, I wheelbarrow, l loom, I ciitjing knife, 1 red cow nnd calf, 1 brindlo cow and calf, 1 rpa boll, 1 red steer, 1 pair hritebrn, 10 Itarrels corn, more or less, 1 stack fodder, 2 sheep, 1 demijohn, 200 acres of land, more or less l —levied oft as the property of Isaac W. Early to satisfy a fi fa in f'nvor of John Wingfield, and sundry other n fas, vs. said Early : property point ed out by said Early. Also, 20 acres ol Land, more nr less, well improved, within one mile of Madison, adjoining lands of John B. Walker and others, 1 wooden clock, 1 safe, 5 pine tublcs, 12 split-bottom chairs, 2 beads, beadstcads and furniture, I pine sideboard, 1 washstnnd, 2 trunks, 2 pair shovel and longs, 2 pair of andirons, 1 two hone wage n and harness, 1 roan horse, 1 black horse. 1 bug gy nnd harness, two Negroes, Pleasant, a boy, about 18 years of age, and Polly, a woman, about CO years old i 15 head ql stock hogs, more or less, 10 head ot cattle, 2 large pine chests, 18 plates, 18 cups and saueers, 3 dishes, 12 knives and forks, 2 large bowls, 2 tin pane, 2 brass candlesticks, and 1 walnut sugar case—all le vied on us the property of Alfred Woodin, to satisfy a fi fn in favor of Lucius L. Witlich, nnd other fi fas, vs. said Woodin ; property pointed out by A. W. Woodin. Also, 1 bed, bedstead god furniture, 1 pine sideboard, 1 large pine chest, Hooking glass, 2 large pitchers, 2 large bowls, 7 saucers and 4 Cups, 1 glass decanter, 7 plates,4 wineglasses, 5 tumblers, 2 brass candlesticks, 1 walnut tabic, 6 split-bottom chairs, 500 pounds salted pork, more or less, 10 barrels corn, more or less, 500 pounds fodder, more or less, 200 pounds seed cotton, more or loss, 1 bale of gin cotton, 200 bushels cotton seed, more or less,—all levied on ns the property of Turner Harper, to satisfy a fi fa from the Superior Court of said County, in lavorofß. T. Russell, Exec utor of Burnell Russell deceased, vs. Turner Harper and James Ferrel, JAMES O’NEAL, Deputy Sheriff December 3 3tj Morgan Sheriff’s Sale. “II7TLL Up sold on the firstTuesdav in February next ” before the Court Home door, in ike town of Mad ison, in saul County, the following property, to wit: Three Negros*, viz • Plato, a limn, 50 years of age, Emily, a girl, 16 years of age, nnd Harriot, S5 year* of uge, levied on os the property of Ephraim Trotrer, to satisfy a mortgage fi fu in favor of Joibn S. Colbert and John J. Floyd, vs. Ephraim Trotter ; properly- pointed out in said mortgage fi fu. JAMEJ O’NEAL, Deputy Sheriff December 3 36 Blacksmiths to Hire. THE subscriber has one or two good Blacksmiths to hire for the next year. PULASKI P. HOLT. Entonton, December 3 3w36 Land for Salo. 1H AVE a lot of Land—two hundred two snd a half nrres—all in the woods, except two or three acres, with a cabin on it. It joins Charles Allens’ in the up per part of this County ; is a desirable place, and has u fine Spring upon it. Possession w ill be given at any time, nnd the terms of payment made easy. December 3 4vv3o JOHN ROBSON.