Newspaper Page Text
*lO eir ij .
Translated from the PtYsian of Hafiz,
It is spring .; yet with all the sort sweetness it
Ooe kiss of my love were worth twenty such
springs ;
Had she breathed on that rose, had she filled the
wine up,
l bad joyed in the odor and welcomed the cup !
Take tiic wine, take the flowers, now their
charms are forgot;
For what is the bower where the bulbul is not ?
The cypress invites me with long floating hair,
L!ut the bird of in v languishing heart is not there!
How delightful to gaze on her ravishing lip,
Yet ivlia' were the pain if forbidden to sip !
For the flame of her dark eye would scorch up
the heart,
If not soothed by the balm which her kisses im
What boots it for Hafiz, whose life is a breath,
To say for her sake he could welcome even
death ?
Sinco for one happy glance of her lovo.lighted e\ e
Even ungels, who die not, with gladness would
Hie 1
&ort cu 1 1 ura l.
From the Gardener's Chronicle.
Vulnablc Hint For Farmers.
The celebrated Mr. Robert Bakewel!
of Disltly, Leicestershire, and the found
er of the new Leicester sheep, used to
tell an anecdote, with exceeding high glee,
of a farmer not only of the olden school,
but of the golden times. This farmer,
who owned and occupied 1000 acres of
laud, had three daughters. When his
eldest daughter married, he gave her one
<|uarter of this land for her portion, but no
money; and he found, by a a little more
speed and a little better management, the
produce of his farm did not decrease.—
When his second daughter married, he
gave her one third of the remaining land
for her portion, but no money. He then
set to work, and ploughed up what he
called his poor dry furze land, even when
the fu ze covered, in some closes, nearly
half the land. After giving half his land
away to his daughters, to his great sur
prise he found that the produce increased;
he made more money because his new
hroken-up furze land brought excessive
crops, and at the same time he farmed the
whole of his farm better, for ho employed
luce times more laborers upon it ; he
use two hours sooner in the morning, had
no more dead fallows once in three years;
nstead of which ho got two green crops
none year, and ate them upon the land.
A garden never requires a dead fallow.—
liut the great advantage was, that he had
got the same money to manage 500 acres
as he had to manage 1000 acres : there
fore he laid out double the money upon
the land. When his third and last daugh
ter married, he gave her 250 acres, halt
which remained for her portion, and no
money, lie then found that he had the
same money to farm one quarter of the
land as he had at first to farm the whole.
He began to ask himself a few questions,
and set his wits to work how he was to
make as much of 250 acres as had done
ui 1 000 acres. Tie then paid ofl'lii* bailiff,
who weighed twenty stone ; rose with
the larks in the long days, and went to
bed with tlie lamb; he got as much more
work done for his money; he made his
servants, laborers, horses, mmc faster;
broke them from their snail’s pace ; and
found that the eye ol the master quickened
thb pace of the servant. He saw the be
ginning and the ending of every thing:
and to his servants and laboreas, instead
ci saying “(io and do it,” be said to them
“Let us go my boys and do it.” Be
tween come and go be found a great dif
ference He grubbed up the whole of
bis tmzc and ferns, and then ploughed the
whole of his poor grass land up, and con
verted a greatdeal of corn into meat, cut
bis hedges down, which had not been
plashed for forty or filly years ; straighten
ed bis zig-zag fences;cut bis water-cours
es straight, and gained a deal of land by
doing so; made dams and sluices, anil
irrigated all the land he could; he grubb
ed, up many of his hedges and borders
covered with bushes, in some places from
ten to fourteen yards in width, some more,
in his small closes, some not wider than
streets, and threw three, four, five, and
six, closes into one. He found that in
stead of growing white thorn hedges and
haws to feed foreign birds in the winter,
he could grow food for man instead of
migratory birds. Afer all this improve
ment he grew more, and made more of
250 acres than lie did from 1000; at the
same time he found out that half of Eng
land, at that that time, was not cultivated,
from the want of means to cultivate it with.
I told him the real value of labor always,
and what ought, to be done with a cer
tain number of men, oxen, and horses,
within a given time. I taught him to sow
lois and plough better; that there were
limits and measures to all things ; and that
the husbandman ought to be stronger than
the farm. 1 told him how to make hot
Imd colder, and cold land hotter, light
land stiffer, and stiff land lighter. I soon
caused him to shake off all his old deep
rooted prejudices, and I grafted new ones
in their places. 1 told him not to breed
inferior cattle, 6heop, or horses, but the
best of cW hiud, for the best consumed no
more tli"n tbo worst My friend became
a m .V mill iJmg old age, and died rich.
Dental Card for ISSO.
.11l operations Warranted.
Extracted and Temporary plates im-
X mediately inserted, to lie worn during tlie
period of absorption without extra charge.
The result of the use of .Ycic Materials, (‘Hills
Stopping,’ prepared Silver, Cadmium, Ac.,) for
plugging much decayed Teeth,has so farexceded
our expectations, that we now urgently recom
mend llieir use wherever Gold cannot he firmly
It is a fact conceded by all writers on the sub
ject, that the prime cause of decay and irregu
larity in the Teeth, originates at the time of
shedding the first sot ; therefore, ue propose to
give the required attention to all Children who
may he placed under our charge, for fire dollars
a year', tins will include Polishing, Extracting,
Arranging, Ac.
Superior Dentrifieo and Sort Brushes for di«.
eased gums, constantly on hand.
D. ntists Instructed in New Improvements con
nected with the Plate department on reasonable
terms. C. S. PUTMAN,
jan 5 (i—ly
Quic k time ! qsiick time '.!
Daguerreotype portraits taken
in from three to twenty seconds, at the Cook
Dagukrrkan Rooms, Mulberry St., near the
new Hotel. Also, in operation, the new anil
most astonishing improvement in tiie art : that
of executing two correct Likenesses of one sub
ject, side, front, or back views on one Plate, at
the same sitting. Single Pictures taken at re
duced prices. Hours for operating are from 9
A. 51., to 4, P. 51. Likenesses taken as well in
cloudy, as in fair weather.
The Public are respectfully invited to call and
examine the specimens.
Instructions given in the art.
J 51 HART, Artist.
dec 20
Ladies’ Dress Goods.
H AVE just received a further supply of sea- |
LI sonable DRESS GOODS, to which tlipy
respectfully invite the attention ofthnse wishing
to purchase cheap and desirable Goods, viz :
Black, Blue, Green, Crimson, Slate, Royal
Purple, Printed, and Printed Merino
Solid colored all Wool de Lainrs, (all shades)
Thibet Cloth, Bombazines, Alpaccas, black
and colored
Black Gro de Rhine SILK, for Dresses or
Mantillas 1
Black Turk SATIN, Black Watered SILK
Poult de Soie,Satin de Chine and Brocade Silks
GINGHAMS, all styles
English and American solid colored PRINTS,
(all colors,) Turkey Red Furniture Prints
Paper Ca mb rics,llo I lands,'Trimmings, Si I Us, See
Bonnet, Belt, Ni ck and Taffeta RIBBONS
Gloves, Hosiery ; Thread and I .isle LACES
Swiss and Jaconet Edgings and Inserting*.
Together with a great variety ofSTAI’EL and
Macon, November 1, 1849. r >o—tf
Wiiifc Goods, &c.
Plain and figured Swiss do
“ “ White and colored Tarlton do
Checked and Book Muslins
Bishop, Victoria and Long LAWNS
Irish Linens, Linen Cambric Handkerchiefs
W bite and ced'd fig’ll Cap and Cape Bohinets
Black, \\ lute and Fancy Colored Pic Nic
Gloves, and half fingered Mitts
French Kid and Pic Nic Long Gloves,
assorted colors
Black Lace Veils,Rich changeabloNeckTics
Green and Blue Barreges
Rich White Crape SHAWLS
Black and White English Silk HOSIERY,
Ingrain,Cashmere, Lambs-wool &jCotton do
Children’s Scotch Plaid, Gray and White
Marino Hosiery
Willi many other kinds of GOODS, both use
ful and ornamental, are to he found vei v cheap,a!
nov 10 50—ts
< ill AT I.EM r!\
j the following articles, on very favorable
terms — Clouds fresh and in style.
Black, Blue, Olive and Brown CLOTHS,
Plain Black, French Doe Skin CASSIMLUE
Ribbed and Corded “ “ “ “
Fancy styles French and American “
Satin arid Figured SILK VESTINGS
Swansdown and Valencia “
Italian and Fancy Siik, and Alberti Cravats
Gloves, Suspenders, Hosiery, Hats, Boots,
Shoes, Caps, &c.
Opposite Ross &. Co’s, Cotton Avenue, Macon,
nov 10 s()—tf
OF R Agents in New \ ork are determined to
keep on buying Goods for us, so lone as
they are cheap and Cotton is rising, in spite of all
our expostulations—We arc compelled to make
room for them, and shall have to sell many things
altogether too cheap, we fear, but shall submit
with the best grace we can, to the mercy of those
who favor us with a call. Di order to save time,
we will add, that the bargains are pretty gene
rally distributed through our large supplies <>l
«\:c., so that one cannot go amiss. First come,
first served. KIBBEE & DICKINSON,
nov 10 50—ts
Tiventj-I’it e Thousand Dollars.
ANTED Twenty-Five Thousand Dollars
Tv immediately, topay debts and buy Cotton
with, in exchange for Dry Clouds, Clrocerirs,
......... , at - .*.. . ...• "I market pieces'.
If any one douhts it call and see.
n°v 10 50— ts
Choice Family GIIOCERIES.
SUGARS— St Croix, Porto Rico, New Or
leans, Clarified, Crushed and Powdered
COFFEE—Rio, Java and Mocho
TEA—Fine Hyson, Imperial and Powchong
CRACKERS—Butter, Soda and Pilot Bread
SYRUP—Sugar House and New Orleans
Fl.OUß—Baltimore and Canal in whole and
half barrels
\ INEGAR—W hite Wine and pure Cider
Smoked Herring, New Codfish
Smoked Beef and Tongues, Mercer Potatoes
Pickled Shad, Goshen Butter
Goshen Cheese, New Rice, &c.
Just received and for sale verv cheap, by
sept 2D Cherry Street.
Solace’s Fine Cut Tobacco.
SOMETHING very superior, just received
and for sale by ' GEO. T. ROGERS,
sept 2!)
Choice limns.
FEE’S Cincinnati Sugar cured and Georgia
lx canvassed HAMS, of superior quality, just
received and for sale by G. T. ROGERS.
_J“>y 10 33
WHITE Wine and Pure Cider Vinegar of
very superior quality, just received and
for sale hv GEO T ROGERS,
june lb
A man I v the name of t 1..11T h - er.-vgod with »
yeunfi man of llie name if S. IV Tew nacnil. and n*es his
mime in jiut p a s-ur-apariUa. w hu-li they call llr. Town-
Bend's Sarsaparilla, dennniinnting it GE.YUI.YE, Oriental,
etc. This Townsend is no doctor, and never was; bat was
formerly a worker on railroads, canals, and the like. Vet he
assumes the loie of l>r.. for the purpose of gaining credit for
what he is not. This is to caution the public not to be
deceived, and purchase none hat the f;I-WCLYF. ORIGI
.Y.H. Ol.n Dr. Jacob Townsend'* Sarsaparilla, haring on
it the old Id's, likeness, his famiiy coat of arms, and hit
signature across the coat of anus.
rnnct]i.U OjMce, 10- 1 .V x."H It, .Veto fork City.
(iDßisinc Townsend Sarsaparilla.
Olil Dr. Townsend is now about 70 years of age. and has
long been known as the UTHOR and I) ISCOVER ER
-5.4P.1 li l/. !.A.' y lleing poor, he was compelled to limit its
manufacture, by which means it has been kept out of mar
ket. nnd the sales circumscribed to those only who had
proved its worth, and known its value. It had reached
the ears of many, nevertheless, as those persons who had
been healed of sore diseases, and saved from death, pro
claimed its excellence nnd wonderful
Knowing, many years ago. that he had. by his skill,
science and experience, devised an article which would he
of incalculable advantage to mankind when the means
would he furnished to bring it into universal notice, when
its inestimable virtues would be known mil appreciated.
This time has come, the means are suppled . this
is manufactured on the largest scale, and is called for
throughout the length and breadth of the land, especially
as it is found iiu.«,».»1,1c of degeneration or deterioration.
(Julike youngS. I* TotvnsendN. it improves with age. and
never changes, hut for the better ; because it is prepared on
scientific principles by a scientific wan. The highest knowl
edge of Chemistry. and the latest discoveries of the art,
have all been brought into requisition in the manufacture
of the Old Dr’s Sarsaparilla. The Sarsaparilla root, it is
well known to medical men, contains many medicinal pro
portics, and some properties which are inert or useless, and
others, which if retained in preparing it for use, produce
ferment ‘linn and acid, which is injurious to the system,
dome of the pro|>erties of Sarsaparilla are so volatile, that
they entirely evaporate and are lost in -.he preparation, if
they are not preserved by a scientific process, known only
to those experienced in its maniifactuie. Moreover, these
volatile principles, w hich fly oM in vapor, or as an exhala
tion. under heat, are the very essential medical properties
»f I he root, which give to :t all its value.
Any perron can boil or stew the root till they get a nark
colored liquid, which is more from the coloring matter in |
Jhe r n ot than from soy thing else - they can then strain
this insipid or vapid liquid, sweeten w<th sour molasses,
tnd then call it 1 .SARSAPARILLA EXTRACT or SY
RUP.” Dut such is not the article known as'the
This is so prepared, that all the inert properties of the
Sarsaparilla root are first removed, every thing capable of
becoming acid or of fermentation, is extracted and rejected;
then every particle of medical virtue is secured in a pure
and concentrated form; and thus it is rendered incapable of
losing any of its valuable and healing properties. Prepared
in this way, it is made the most powerful agent in the
Cure of innumerable diseases.
Hence the reason why we hear commendations on every
side in its f«vor by men. women, and children. We fmd it
doing wonders m the cure of
TICXS, PIMPLES, BJ*OCTNES, and all allections
arising from
It possesses a m trvellous efficacy in all complaints arising
from Indigestion, from Acidity of the Stomach, from unequal
circulation, determination of blood to the head, palpitation
of the heart, cold feel and hands, cold chills am! hot flushes
over the body. It has not us equal in Colds and Coughs ;
and promotes easy expectoration and gentle perspiration,
relaxing stricture of the lungs, throat, and every other part.
Hut in nothing is its excellence more manifestly seen and
acknowledged than in all kinds and stages of
Jl works wonders in case* of h'nor Hlbus or Whites, Fall
ing of the Womb, Obstructed, Suppressed, *?r Painful Menses,
Irregularity ol the menstrual nnd Inc* like; and
is as etl'pcttiiil in curing nil tlie firms of Kidney Diseases.
By removing obstructions, and regulating tiie general
system, it gives tone and strength to the whole body, and
thus cures all forms of
Nervous diseases ami debility,
find thus prevents or relieves a great variety of other mala
dies, as Spinal irritation. Xrnralgid, St. l itas' Dance
Swooning, Epileptic Fits. Convulsions, icc.
It cleanses the blood, excites the liver to healthy action,
tones the stomach, and gives good digestion, relieves the
bowels of torpor and constipation, allays intl.imiii.tlion,
jiirities the skin, equalises the circulation of the blood,
producing gentle warmth equally all over the body, and
the insensible perspiration; relaxes alt strictures and tight
ness, removes .til obstructions, and invigorates the entire
nervous system. Is not this then
The medicine you pre-eminently need 1
But can any of these things be said of S. I*. Townsend's
inferior article ? This vourg man’s liquid i-. mu u» be
because of one (iIUM) IMt 'T, that the one is liNCAPA
BLfc of IJE i'KUIOIi.VTH >N, amt
while the other DOES ; souring, fermenting, nnd blowing
the bottles containing it into fragments ; the sour, acid liquid
exploding and damaging other goods ! Must not this horri
ble conijiound be poisonous to the system ? What! put
acid into a system already diseased with acid! What causes
Dyspepsia but acid 1 Do we not all know that when food
sours in our stomachs, what mischiefs it produces ? flatu
lence. heartburn, palpitation of the heart, liver complaint,
diarrhrea. dysentery, colic, and corruption of the mood?
What is Scrofula but an acid humor in the body ? What
produces all the humors which bring on Eruptions of the
Skin, Scald Head. Salt Rheum, Erysipelas, White Swell
lugs. Fever Sores, and all ulcerations internal and external?
It is nothing under heaven, hut an acid substance, which
»«utrs, and thus spoils all the fluids ofthe body, more or
.ess. What causes Rheumatism but a sour or acid fluid
which insinuates itself between the joints nnd elsewhere,
irritating and inflaming the delicate tissues upon which it
acts ? So of nervous diseases, of impurity of the blood. 01
deranged circulations, and nearly all tiie ailments which
afflict human nature.
Now is it not horrible to make and sell, and infinitely
worse to use this
•ndY* tho vvoitlit h it understood that Old I>r. Jacob J
low i: .pnd’s llnuine Original Sarsaparilla, is an IMITA
n< of iiis inferior preparation !!
Heaven forbid that we should deal in an article which ;
would he ir the most distant resemblance t<» S. P. Town* j
<etid’s article! nnd which should bring down upon the Old j
l)r. such a mountain load of complaints and criminations
from Agents w ho have sold, and purchasers who have used
Wr wish it understood, because it is the absolute truth,
that S. I’. Townsend's article and Old Ur. Jacob Town
send’s Sarsaparilla are heaven-wide apart, and infinitely dis
similar ; that they are unlike in every particular, having
not one single thing in common.
A« fS - I*. T.*w nsend is no doctor, and never is no
"hemist, no pharmaceutist—knows no more ot medicine or
.iisense than any other common, unscientific, unprofessional
• utn. \\ hat ffunranter can the pultiic have that they are re
values of the articles used in preparinu it. anti.which are in
capable of changes which might render them the AGENTS
of Disease instead of health.
Hut wh it else should he expected from one who knows
nothing comparatively of medicine or disease ! It requires
a l*erson of some experience to cook and serve up even a
common decent meal. How much more important is it that
the |>crsons who manufacture medicine, designed f.»r
shoald know well the medical properties of plants, the
h«st manner ot securing and concentrating their healing
' ir.ues, also an extensive know ledge of the various diseases
which atfert the human system, aud how to adapt remedies
to these diseases !
It is to arret frauds upon the unfortunate, to pour balm
into wounded humanity, to kindle hope in the despairing
bosom, to restore health and bloom, and vigor into the
reached aid hr ••ken. and to brinish infirmity that OI.D DR
J \UOIi TOWNSEND has sol GUT and FOI ND the op’
portuuity and means to bring his
Grand Universal Concentrated
within the reach, and to the knowledge of all who need it,
that they may learn and know, by joyful experience, its
Transcendent Power to Heal.
For sale by J. 11. & W. S. ELLIS, and
J. A. & S. S. VIRGINS, Macon, Ga.
'nay 5 o-j
Newark Cider.
f*. t BBL NfA irk Refined Cider, just re
ceiveti mo. lor sale by
may 12 Cherry Street
Jlorc Extraordinary Cures
Effected without seeing the Patient , by ,7#. S,
TIMO.IIS O.V, M. D., Macon, Georgia.
XI7IIILE so much is being said and done by
V w Gentlemen of a different persuasion, for
the purpose of elevating their profession in the
public estimation ; while societies are being
formed all over the country, and resolutions pass
ed declaratory of the superiority of their system,
and denunciatory of all and every other ; while
the prejudices of the past are being aroused, and
the fears of the future are being appealed to;
while legislative aid is being invoked, and ad
verse interference denounced ; while the freedom
of speech and of opinion in professional men,
especially of those of the “sacred profession,”
are endevoured to be curtailed, and their con
duct in giving contenance to other systems de
nounced as “painful ami mortifying w hile, in
fine, they are placing their dependence for ele
vating their profession, on societies, resolutions,
denunciations, prejudices, fears, legislation, Ac.
&>c.) he it the pride, the happiness, and the glory
of the undersigned, to put his trust in that which
is far mere substantial —“the results of his
practice. ’ These are his dependence, and to
them he looks for that “professional” elevation
to which he aspires ; and judging of the future
bv the past, he has every reason to believe that
he will not he disappointed. Influential bodies
may rail, ridicule, and donounce; legislation
may place its ban and promulgate its anathe
mas ; individuals may scandalize, backbite, and
traduce, Lnt“r acts arc stubborn tilings:”
“Arc clieils that winna ding,
And dar na be disputit”—
One of which at any time, is worth a thousand
arguments. On them he lias laid the base, and
on them he expects to raise the superstructure ;
and in accordance with usage, will still append
more to the list, already bes ire the public.
The following letter is from tlie Rev. John
W. Mil.s of the Florida Conference, of the M
E. Church South ; who without the fear of the
Faculty before his eyes, dares their rebuke and
accusation of guilt of “painful and mortifying”
conduct,and boldly gives his experience to the
world. It is too late in the day for men to school
themselves into the repression oftheir convic
tions. Quincy, Fla, April 101h,1849.
Dr. 51. S. Thomson— Dear Sir : With inex
pressible gratitude, I drop you these lines Since
1 received your Medicines, anti commenced fol
lowing your prescription, my health is so im
proved that I do not now feel the least symptoms
of disease, rny morbid appetite left me on the
commencement of taking your medicines: every
thing I eat now agrees with me, and I am satis
fied with a common meal.
sty Spleen was very much enlarged, and my
kidneys failed todo their office when I last wrote
you, hut these are now corrected
The miserable restlessness that was my lot of
nights, has left me, and I now sleep sweetly ;
indeed my whole system is regular anti easy.
So sudden was the change,that my friends, (those
of them who did not know that I was taking
your medicine,) were astonished on meeting
with meat the improvement in my lieallli.
When I compare my present condition with
my miserable condition a few months ago, I can
not express the gratitude I feel toward you. 1
now enter into conversation with life, as I once
did, and the same zeal that once burned in my
heart for the Church has been kindled afresh,
with my mind freed from that gloom, inactivity
anti forgetj ulncss.w hi eh disease had engendered,
anti 1 yet hope to live long to preach the tinS
searchable riches of Christ. I have yet some
medicines left, iXe. I am, dear sir, yours grate
f'ttlfy, JOHN W. MILLS.
| Persons desirous oftesting the efficacy ofthese
[ remedies in their own eases, no matter where
they reside, can do so very conveniently by send
ing their age and symptoms in writing its correct
ly as possible, when medicines to suit their va
rious eases will he compounded and sent bv mail,
express or private hand. In order tlia’t ale
may partake of the benefits resulting from the
use of his remedies, iiis charge forthe treatment
of such eases ns do not require his personal atten-
I tlon, will be only Fire Dollars a month, which
I may be sent by mail at his risk,
j Acute eases, and those requiring personal at
tention, will he charged in accordance with the
established rates of other city Physicians.
The inconvenience of having little sums scat
tered all over the country has induced hrm for
the future to have his terms cash, or when that
I is varied from, it must he with the express prom
i iso of honorable payment at Christmas, without
; subjecting him to the trouble and expense ofeol
i let lion. Those requiring personal attention
I ran he accommodated in Macon. All letters
i must be post paid and addressed
j jane oO 51 aeon, Ga.
Lei Facts I
\J extraordinary case of ASTHMA.
Blocntsyillf., Jones County, Ga., )
August 7th, 1849. y
Dr. 51. S. Thomson — bear Sir —Being under
the impression that a short statement relative to
my case might be productive of good to many
that are now afflicted as I have been, and being
desirous of adding my testimony in favor of your
system of practice and skill in curing disease, 1
have concluded tog .e it desiring, if you think
proper, to have it published to the world.
In September, I -i , I was attacked with Asth
ma, w! li continued to return at intervals, more
or less frequent, for two years. I applied to
some f the most eminent mineral physicians iu
the Mate of .Mississippi, where I resided, but
without benefit—for i continued to get worse
so much so, that from Ist September, 1847, I
bad nn attack every night, with only five cxccp
i lion-, till f- ebruarv, 1840. During this long pe
j riod <d nearly eighteen months, my condition
wtis one of terrible suffering, compelled as I
w as, to sit up almost ail the time trying to catch
my breath, which every minute seemed us if it
were to be the last : indeed, I have been for ten
flajs at a time that I dared not place my bead
upon a pillow', wheezing and breathing in a
manner to have been heard over a hundred yards.
Having exhausted the skill and means of the
Allopathic practitioners, like a drowning man
catching at straws,! resolved to employ a Homce
opatliio Doctor, who for a time, treated my case;
hot nla«! he also failed and left me in the very
depths of despair.
In this condition Heft Mississsppi and came to
Georgia, and in January of this year, as a forlorn
hope, placed myself under your care in Macon.
\ oil there saw, with many others, my condition,
which for a while,was just as described. I was
reduced to nearly skin and hone, weighing only
ID) Ihs., my general health having suffered se
verely from the repeated attacks of my fell tor
mentor ; but it was not long before I commen
eed improving. At first, I would miss one night,
then two, then more ; my general health also
improved, until now, lam proud to sav, that
through your instrumennality, I enjoy excellent
health—have had no attack of Asthma since the
first week in March, and now weigh 143 lbs.
my usual standard of weight in health.
Since then, I have exposed myself during all
this rainy season to ali weathers, without bein',
attacked, which fuily justifies and warrants me
in making tnis statement, requesting its publica
tion, trusting that others similarly situated, may
lie admonished to cease looking for a cure where
it cannot be found, hut resort at once to the means
that have so happily, and in such a limited peri
od restored me to health.
With abounding feelings of gratitude, respect
and esteem, I remain yours sincerely,
tl J I or Terms, &.C., see advertisement abov c.
U 7 ILL continue Business at their “Fire-
Piool Btiihiiiigs,” on Cotton
. ivenne , Macok, Ga.
Thankful for past favors,they K g leave to say
they will he constantly at their post, and that no
efforts shall he spared to advance the interest of
their patrons.
They respectfully ask all who have ( OTTOA
or other PRODUCE to Store, to call and exam
ine the safety of their Buildings, before placing
it elsewhere.
[Ej Custom ary Advances on Cotton in Store
or Whipped, and all Business transacted at the
usual rates.
june 2 27—ly
Jlatou Dagucrrcan Gailci y.
11. 1 .. I! "OOH, JOagucrrcotyifist,
HAS fitted lip a splendid Room on Cotton
Arrnue, corner of Second Street, opposite
Dr. Little’s Drug Slore, where lie is prepared
to take LIKENESSES, ill the finest style.—
Having recently received all the late improve
ments in the art, lie pledges hi instil to take the
finest I‘ietures ever offered in slaco». Persons
by examining his Pictures will find them Jrcc
from scratches and blemishes of any hind, and of
a beautiful life-like tone. As this is the perfection
in the art which hits so long been sought after,
he feels confident of giving satisfaction to all
who may feel disposed to patronize him. His
friends ad the public generally are requested to
give him a cal I.
Entrane on Cotton Avenue.
N. B. Instructions given in the Art.
nov 17 51—Cm
rfITIIF. undersigned hits just received a fine
J. assortment of STOVES, of the latest and
most approved style. Also, TIN WARE,
STOVE PIPE, and all other articles usually
found in his line. All orders for Work will he
promptly attended to, anti satisfaction given, at
very reasonable prices.
Persons desiring to purchase any articles in
his line, are requested to give him a call before
buying elsewhere. BASIL A. WISE,
Cherry Street, next door to M. R. RegertA
nov 17 51 —tt
A LARGE assortment of BLANKS, such as
ii. Blank Deeds, Attachments, Attachment
Bonds, Garnishments, Subpoenas, Executions,
Summons’, &c. For sale at the Office of the
OF every description, neatlv anti promptly
executed at the SOUTHERN '1 RIBUNE
Office, as neat and cheap as at any other OJficc
in the South. Try us and see.
fJTHE Subscriber respectfully informs the
public, that lie lias removed his Gunsmith’s
Shop from Cotton Avenue to the Wooden Build
ing on Cherry Street, opposite the Telegraph
Office, where he is prepared to carry on the
GUNSMITH’S BUSINESS; and has for sale :
Doable and Single Barreled Gnus, llijlcs,
Pistols, Powder, Flasks, Shot Vouches,
Caps, Powder, Shot, Lead, 1,-c.
„.y»AII Work done with neatness and dis
patch and warranted. Terms Cash.
oct 1 1
Holden’s Illustrated Dollar
SINCE the death ofthe projector of this popu
lar the property lias passed into
the hands of the subscriber, who will continue
to publish it at the publication office, No. 109
Nassau street, New York.
Tlie New Volume, to be commenced ori the
first of January, 1850, will comprise many im
portant improvements, which, it is believtd,
xv ill render the Magazine one of the best Period
icals published in the country, as it certainly is
the cheapest Among these improvements will
he new and beautiful type, fine calendered pa
per, a higher order of illustrations than those
heretofore given,and contributions from some of
the ablest writers in America, it is the aim of
the Proprietor to publish a popular Magazine,
adapted to the wants of all classes of reading
people in the Republic, which shall be both in
structive and amusing ; and lree alike from the
grossness which characterizes much of the cheap
literature of the day, and front the vapidity of
the so called “Ladies Magazines” The illus
trations will consist ofOrigimil Draw ings engrav
ed on wood by the best Artists ; Portia its of re
markable Persons, and Views of remarkable
Places, illustrated by pen and pencil. A strict
revision will be exercised that no improper arti
cle, or word, shall ever be admitted, so that it
may be safely taken by persons ofthe utmost re
finement, anti read at the fire-side for the amuse
ment or instruction of tlie family circle.
The Review department of the Magazine will
contain brief critical notices ofall ihe new pub
lirations of the day, and will form u complete
chronicle of current literature.
From the business and literary connexions al
ready cstablishad, tlie best assistance that the
country can afford will he secured for completing
the plans of the publisher, and nothing will be
wanting that ample pecuniary resources and
watchful industry can obtain to make the 51ag
azine the leading Literary Periodical of America.
The extremely low rate at which it is published
precludes the hope of profit, except from a circu
lation greater than that which any literary pe
riodical has ever yet attained; hut, with tlie new ]
avenues daily opening for the circulation of j
works of merit; tile constantly increasing popu
lation of the country ; the cheapness of the
Magazine, and the superiority of its literary and
artistic attractions to those of any other work
now issued ; the proprietor fearlessly engages
in an enterprise which will he sure to benefit the
public if it should not enrich himself.
The Magazine will be under the Editorial
charge and supervision of Charm's F. Briggs,
who has been connected with it from the begin
ning. The “Pulpit Portraits,'' a series of Bio
graphical Sketches,accompanied by well engrav
ed Portraits of eminent Divines of the American
Churches, which have formed a conspicuous fea
ture of “HOLDEN,” wil l be continued in the
succeeding Volumes ofthe Magazine, and will
render it of peculiar value to religious people of
every denomination.
The Fifth Volume will commence on the first
of January next, but will he issued on the 15tli
of December. Each number will consist of G 4
pages, and numerous Engravings. The Terms
are One Dollar a Year in ad'ranee. —the Magazine
will lie plainly and carefully directed and sent
by mail at the risk of the subscriber. As each
number will be stereotyped missing or lost num
bers can be at any time supplied when ordered,
but will be deducted from the time for which
payment lias been received. Remittances may
be sent at the risk ofthe Proprietor, provided a
description ofthe bills are taken, and enclosed
in the presence of the Postmaster as evidence of
the fact.
Five copies will be furnished for $4 and 20
copies for sl3. Numbers for the year 1848, ex
cepting the month of January, will be furnished
at 4 cents each, and bound Volumes in cloth gilt
edge, from July to December inclusive, at ftl
Letters must be addressed to “Holden’s Dol
lar Magazine, No. 1(10 Nassau Street, New
York, ” and post-paid in all cases.
VV.M. 11. DIETZ, Proprietor.
dec 1
A Congressional, Agricultural and Litcraru
A’ewspaper. “
'S’HE approach of Congress calls out the A n .
IL nual Prospectus of the Globe Establish
The time is full of inttfrost. The confin* i n
of anew Administration—the consequent broach
ing ofn new poiiey touching the internal con
cerns of the country —the new and most impor
tant issues arising front the late vast ncrcssion to
the public domain, and the great national olijt :r .| s
associated with it—lhe impending difficulty in
oor relations with the possible coin
plication of our affairs with the troubles of Eu
rope, —conspire to create great expectation ns (0
the proceedings of tlie next Congress. The ap
proaching Session will probably continue till ] a ( e
in the summer of 1850. The debates, from the
agitation of so many questions of vital interest to
the Republic, will draw forth all the talent of
the National Legislature. To bring its delibera
tions home to the people, on each succeeding
day, while measures are maturing, is, in effect
to bring the whole nation into council. Tlio
discussion, spreading from the Capitol to the re
motest parts of the Union, forms a public opin
ion which reacts upon Congress and controls it»
To become a useful instrument, however hum
ble, to assist the working of the admirable ma
chinery of our popular institutions, is the ambi
tion of the conductor of tlio Globe. Extraor
dinary preparations have therefore been made to
meet tiie increasing demands of our rapidly im
proving and growing country for Congressional
The Globk Press has already enlisted the
ablest Reporters yet known to Congress ; /{»
materials and machinery are of the best sort;
and the exclusive devotion of the individual who
for so many years has made it his study to embo
dy and publish the labors of Congress, gives rea
son to hope that an advance will he made in the
accomplishment of this undertaking commensu
rate with its increased importance. But the ac
cumulation of expense consequent on the addi
tional number of Reporters required—the extra
charges incurred in printing at night the debates
of the preceding day—the vast addition made to
tin: mass published, by tlie protracted sessions
anti tlie fuller renorts given.—will render ntir
enterprise a failure, unless Congress shall so far
patronize it as to become a purchaser of such
portion ofthe daily sheets issued,as shall contri
bute to make the reports that fill them. Tlie
undersigned has ventured on the preparation lie
has made for the next Session, in the expci tation
that Congress will subscribe for ns many daily
sheets for each Member, at the subscription price
as will, in part, defray the expense of reporting,
and give them circulation ns Congressional docu
ments in their several districts. This will ena
ble the Publisher to bear the charge of reporiing,
and it will give an impulse to the circulation of
the Congressional Print, which, although the
cheapest in the Linion (tlie expense of prepara
tion considered) will yet yield sufficient profit to
make the system permanent.
John C. Rives having purchased the interest
ofF. P. Blair in Jackson Hall the printing
office machinery anti material—becomes the sole
proprietor thereof, and will give his exclusive
attention to tlie Congressional Depai tmcnl.
J. C. Pickett will conduct the Miscellaneous
Department of the Newspaper. F. P. Blair
retires from both concerns, with prayers for their
permanent usefulness and prosperity.
The Globe will he published daily duringtlie
session of Congress, and Weekly the remainder
ofthe year, and will undergo distribution in the
form oi'a Weekly Globe, a Congressional Globe
anti ail Appendix.
The Weekly Globe will contain Agricultural
and miscellaneous articles ; and will occasion
ally give debates of such importance as command
universal interest.
The price of tlie Weekly Globe is reduced to
One Dollar, with a view to obtain a more gene
ral circulation. Snhscribets who have hitherto
paid §2 per annum, will he charged only $1 al
ter the expiration of the first year.
The Congressional Globe will embody, as it
has done for the last sixteen years, Congression
al pioccedings and debates exclusively.
The Appendix will embrace the revised
speeches separately, and tlie messages of tlie
President ofthe United States,and the reports
ofthe Heads ofthe Executive Departments.
The Congressional Globe and Appendix will
be published as fast as the proceedings of Con
gress will make a number Subscribers may ex
pect one number of eaeli a week during the first
four weeks of a session, and two or three num
bers of each a week afterwards, until the end ot
the session. Each volume will probably com
prise two thousand royal quarto pages, of small
‘ Complete Indexes to the Congressional Gb’he
nnd Appendix will be sent to subscribers soon
after Congress adjourns.
Nothing of a political party aspect vtiWupp®*’
in the Globe save that which will lie found
] the Congressiohal reports. A paper assuming
to be an impaitial vehicle for all sides, entilin'
maintain its character if the editorial columns
reflect a party hue.
For one copv of the Daily Globe (daily during
the session of Congress, and Weekly daring
the recess,) a year, : :
For the Daily Globe for less than a year,
at the rate of, per month, : :
| For one copy of the Weekly Globe, one year, 1
| For one copy of the Congressional Globe,
during the session, : : : 300
For one copy ofthe Appendix during the
j session, : t : * •’ ™
j For four copies of either, or part of both,
during the session, : : : D
For ten copies of either, or part of hotlq
during the session, : : :
The prices for these papers are so low, tint'
advance payments are indispensable to can)
them on.
Postmasters who may obtain subscribers
be allowed twenty per cent, on the subscript l " ll
prices for single papers, which they may retain
when they send on the names of subscribers an
the subscription money.
The price for the Congressional Globe and
Appendix, to Clubs who take ten copies, is 60
low, that no dedugrion can be afforded.
Subscriptions rtiay bo remitted by mail, at olir
risk, in money at par in the section of the coun
try where subscribers reside.
Washijjgton Cut, October !), 1840.
Congress Water. ,
BY the Box or at Retail. Just received »
reet from the Springs nnd for sale by
may 12 GEO. T. ROGEIR
Georgia and Now Orleans
JP* BBLS. of very superior quality, 0
O sale by GEO. T.
may 12
Flour, ITleal, Corn, j,
IJACON H uns, Sides und Shoulders; a^ (
3 Irish and Sweet Potatoes—in store a"
sale by J. S. RICHARDSON,
Cotton Avenue
march 24 -
Condon Porter. . j
IN Quart and Pint Bottles, j''"‘ r l C RS.
and for sale by GEO. T* BO
may 12