The Southern tribune. (Macon, Ga.) 1850-1851, March 02, 1850, Image 1

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THE , 3mm2WSyiS S) tt'lil be published, every SATURDAY Morning, In the Tico- Story Wooden. Building, at the Corner of Walnut and Fifth Street, IS THE CITY OF MACOX, OA. By WM. B. IIA Kit ISO. TERMS: For the Paper, in advance, per annum, #2. if not paid in advance, $3 00, per annum. will be inserted at the usual rates—and when the number of insertions de sired is not specified, they will be continued un til forbid and charged accordingly, XT Advertisers by the Year will be contracted with upon the most favorable terms. XJ’Sales of Land by Administrators,Executors or Guardians, are required by Law, to be held on the first Tuesday in the month, between the hours often o’clock in the Forenoon and three in the Afternoon, at the Court House of the county in which the Property is situate. Notice of these Sales must be given in a public gazette Sixty Days previous to the day of sale. (FT Sales of Negroes by Administators, Execu tors or Guardians, must be at Public Auction, on the first Tuesday in the month,between the legal hours of sale, before the Court House of the county where the Letters Testamentary ,or Administration or Guardianship may have been granted, first giv ing notice thereof for Sixty Days, in one of the public gazettes of this State, and at the door of the Court House where such sales are to be held. [jj’Notice for the sale of Personal Property must be given in like manner Forty Days pre vious to the day of sale. (Fj’Notice to the Debtors and Creditors o'an es tate must be published for Forty Days. Cy. Notice that application will be made to the Court of Ordinary for leave to sell Land or Ne groes must be published in a public gazettein the thate for Four Months, before any order absolute can begiven by the Court. gJ’Citations for Letters of Administration on on Estate, granted by the Court of Ordinary, must be published Thirty Days for Lettersof Dismis sion from the administration of an Estate,monthly lor Six Months — for Dismission from Guardian ship Forty Days. (pilules for the foreclosure of a Mortgage, must be published monthly for Four Months— fur establishing lost Papers, for the full space of 'lhree Months — for compelling Titles from Ex ecutors, Administrators or others, where a Bond has been given by the deceased, the full space of Three Months. N. B. All Business of this kind shall receive prompt attentionat the SOUTHERN TRIBUJYE (Mire, and strict care will bn taken that all legal A lvertiscmcnts are published according to Law. Tj*All Letters directed to this Office or the Editor on business, must be post-paid, to in sure attention. £) 0 l t t t C fl l . From the Mobile llcrahl and Tribune. The Southern Convention. There is a great error prevailing among the free soil papers of the south and north respecting the southern convention, which it is proposed to hold next June at Nash vile. This error is that it is intended to dissolve the union. We do not suppose that any of those papers believe this, but its :its their party purposes to make the n lion current —the object in the south doubtless, being to play into the hands of the northern politicians by giving the im j ressi jn that we are divided on thesub- On a moment’s consideration, it will be seen at once that the convention is calcula ted lo have directly the opposite effect ascribed to it by these papers. We alluded yesterday to the general im pression among some of the agi ators of the north, that a majority of the southern pc iple are opposed to slavery. This con clusion is arrived at by assuming the ground that majority hold no slave, and are, there fore, hostile to the institution. Here, where the error of this assumption is so well-known, it is not necessary to deny it. An ithcr erroneous impression which we alluded to is that which supposes that the s, iutli is not serious in its expressions of a determination to resist the aggressions of iiie free sutlers. In these two ideas is mainly found a clew tithe arrogance of the north ; and it is by showing beyond the reach of cavil that they arc both erroneous that we can either get a , just compromise or ptevent a dissolution °f die union. To effect this, we hold that there can be 111 instrument so useful as the southern convention. Mr. Clingman’s speech, it is contended, has done more to bring the north to a pause than any other single event in congress at •he present session. It has opened anew fi.’ld for northern thought. It has quite "inclusively shown that the vast industry <>f that section would he immediately par alized by disunion, and that of the south stimulated in an unwonted degree. At •iui rnurtlr, ihe—mamifaeturers—aiuL men-. chants and mechanical industry mainly control political opinion. The influence of the agricultural classes is not as one to live in comparison. and to these influential l persons Mr. Clingman s argument ap peals with striking force: So the effect is 'J UI e natural. Tho south is the weaker section, and liold that the more itulependent it can '' e shown to lie of the union, the belter se < urity thcro is that the union will remain ’"tact. It will arm the south with a wea pon which will not be resisted by thestron "Rr party. Jt will make that party cau ll°us, conciliatory and disposed to use its power with justice and discretion and up -0,1 tho exercise of these qualities alone depends the stability of the government. ls . in short, as if a weak man of cour :,,?e were armed to the teeth among un •‘rinocl hullies. The weapon he holds J? IVos him an equality with them and thus 1,1 ces them to act with courtesy and pro priety. j for tho idea that the danger is over ’ecause the storm seems to be in a lull, *'t is simply ridiculous. The danger nev j, 1 "ill bo over as long as the north fancies j lf the south may be bullied or exhibits ■ |!l dlerence. The danger is only checked. • lc causes which produced it are as nu THE SOUTHERN TRIBUNE. NEW SERIES —VOLUME 11. merous as ever. The action of Congress and the pause in its aggressions have not made one freesoiler the less, or destroyed the abstract opposition of a single northern man to slavery. Thesouthem convention will contribute to make this cessation of hostilities perma nent because it will more clearly demon monstrate the power, position and resolu tion of the south. We say, then, that the convention coinmends itself to every man who is with the south, and the utmost pains should be used to have it represent the entire south and make its action in the highest degtee discreet and resolute. The Ciiiilornia Senators. The following letter from the correspon dent of the New Orleans True Delta, will be found to be highly interesting. It is descriptive of the recently elected Sena tors: San Francisco, Dec. 27, 1549. * * * Thinking that you might take an interest in the history of the California Senators, and being in possession of tho dates of the most important incidents in their career. 1 make bold to send them to you. The Senators are glorious fellows.—* Our ship of state will ride gallantly upon the bosom ofsuch integrity and ability, as are embodied in them. From my heart, I wish them God speed ! William M. Gwin was born in Sumter county, Tennessee, in the year ISOS, and graduated at Transylvania University, in 1827. He studied medicine and practiced for six years in Mississippi and Louisiana, in both of which States he is well and fa vorably known, and highly esteemed.— II is father, the Rev. James Gwin, was for several years attached to General Jack son’s suit, and, at the battle of New Or leans, was as much distinguished for his bravery, as he has ever been for his piety and leoquence. The lion-hearted Jack son was devotedly attached tohim,and it is well known, that whenever he desired to reach the public ear it was his wont to ex press his views or complain of his grievan ces in letters addressed to his favorite com panion. In 1833, the Doctor was appointed by General Jackson, United States marshal for the southern district of Mississippi, which place he filled with great satisfaction till the “cider victory, in 1810, when he resigned, and having been put in nomina tion by the democratic party of that state for a seat in the 27th Congress, he enter ed the field, and though the state had giv en a whig majority of 2500 at the presi dential, election he was returned. The Doctor has twice entered the bonds of wedlock. In 1827,in Louisiana, he led to the altar Mrs. Mary Bell Logan, widow of Col. W. G Logan, who, at the time of his death, paymaster general of Texas.— Besides being one of tho most fascinating and accomplished ladies in the southwest. Mrs. Gwin isoneofthe most beautiful.— It is her desire to follow the fortunes ofher husband, and here, where she has many acquaintances, the day is looked forward to with great satisfaction, when she will become a denizen of California. In 1846 Dr. Gwin removed to New Orleans, and, when the appropriation was made for the new custom house, was selected by the late administration to superintend its erec tion. As he had opposed the elevation of General Taylor, he felt that he ought not to hold office under him, and having re signed, migrated hither, where he arrived on the Ist of June last. His frankness, intelligence, and manly bearing, won, at once, the regard of tho people, who re turned him from this district to the recent convention. So well satisfied were his constituents, with Ins course in that body, that they put him in nomination for the United States Senate, and being elected, he returns by this steamer. In person, he is beyond the ordinary size, but he is “ev ery inch a man.” He is a possessor of all those estimable qualities which endear man to man, and besides has the ability to compete in the forum with the champions of the first list. Jolm Charles Fremont is younger in jears L but has seen much and studied much more. lor him 1 predict a more brilliant career than lias ever attended any man in the senate chamber, notwithstand ing the distinguished positions which have been attained by the dead as well as some of the living. He was born in South Car olinia in 1814, and graduated at the Charleston college. In ‘3B, he was ap pointed by Mr. Van Buren to the corps of topographical engineers. In ‘4l, at Washington, he led (after some resistance on the part of her family) a daughter of senator Benton to the altar. In the outset, his course of love did not run smooth.— Since the consummation of the tie, the family have been as proud of him as though he were of their own flesh and blood. In ’44, during tho administration of Presi dent Tyler, lie was breveted, in one day, both to a lieutenancy and captaincy. In ’47, when the regiment of mounted men was raised, he was appointed by the late president Polk *o the lieutenant colonelcy, and last, though not least, lie was tender ed, a few months since, by the present ad ministration, withoutsolicitation on his part or that of his friends, the commission to run the boundary between this State and Mexico. In person lie is below the ordin ary stature, but bis heart is large and feel ingly alive to the distresses of others. — MACON, (GA.,) SATURDAY MORNING, MARCH 2, 1850. Since I have lieeti here I have encounter ed many of the men who have formed part of his various commands, and in no in stance have I yet met with one who does not award to him a higher palm than they will bestow upon any other man. To know him i- to love him, and when his ea igleeye s >n the senate chamber, I take my w ‘ < for it he will be “the ob served of ali the ■ hservers.” California | owed him a lai go debt of gratitude, and could not have done less than have tender ;ed him to their senatorial robes. He ac cepts them, and will reflect as much cred i it upon them as he has upon every under ; taking in which he has been engaged.— He will find friends, and true ones, vvher | ever lie goes ; but here, in his adopted | home, he leaves thousands of warm hearts, | whose pulsations beat in unison with his own. A Hint to Cotton Planters. THE MORAL OF GOOD PRICES. The following sensible remarks of the Editor of the Florida Sentinel are applica ble, at this moment, to alt who have any. thing to do with the raising of the great staple: “For the first season within, perhaps, nine or ten years, the Florida cotton plan ter may now be said to bo doing a very good business. During this time cotton had sunk to a point of depression at which it was hard to eke out fifteen dollars to the bag, and now it will average not very far short of fifty. This is a wide difference, indeed, and it forcibly illustrates the tre mendous mutations to which this business is, more than almost any other, subjected. Most of our planters have been probably received, or will receive for last year’s crop, nearly double as much as they anti cipated at the time of planting, and, reap ing the anticipated income of two crops, from the outlay of one, it must arise from cruel self-injustice, if those who are in debt do not place themselves in a position for easy and convenient extrication, and those who are outof debt do not maintain that most comfortable independence. Superadded to the satisfaction which the present condition of things is well calcu lated to inspire, the prospects of the future are very inspiring. It is true, no man can say, or should allow himself to hope, that his future crops will bring exactly present prices; but there are very solid and satis factory reasons for believing that cotton will, in future, and for a long time to come, bring fair, remunerating prices. Cotton growing will be a good business, and tho planter will be justified in making every ample preparation, consistent with his present means, for its successful and per manent prosecution. But amid all the comforts and bright hopes of the present, let us not lose the benefits of past experience. We are yet hardly through a labyrinth of embarrass ments brought on by high prices and ex travagant anticipations, and who that learned wisdom and moderation in the bitter lessons of 1841, and the two or three subsequent years, should need to here minded that his first duty, at the present; time, to himself, his family, Ins dependents j and to the community, which is vitally in terested in the well-being of its members,; is to fortify his oic/i position , and to guard against similar reverses. And how is this to be done ? Not, certainly, by procrasti nating payments, and making nurchases. As strange as it may seem, the world is 1 full of people who never buy low and never sell high. When cotton is up, the first thing they propose to themselves is to stave off’ the payment of their debts and buy more land and force, with the vain expectation of reaping a large income next year, and of then being more able and willing to settle old scores. Hence the price of hands so closely and immedi ately rises with the price of cotton. We hear that in some parts of Georgia, com mon field hands are now selling for SI,OOO each, and the planters who buy them doubttess think they arc on the high road to wealth. They sold their cotton for ten cents, and they bought negroes for SI,OOO each. What bcttei off are they, than if they had sold their crop for fie cents, and bought bands for $.700 ? The result to them is precisely the same and yet, as sim ple as is this fact, a great many will not think of it. Still more infatuated is the policy of those who, at such times, run in debt to increase their land and force. They have not only reduced a good year’s work to a poor one, but have actually endan gered their chances of receiving any re muneration at all. There can be no more simple truth, than that the time of high prices is a time to sell and not to buy, and yet it is a truth almost univesally disregard ed. In a time of high prices and sepecu lation men become excited; they catch the infection of buying, and there are always busy hands and cool heads to fan the flame, while they take good care that they them selves are not schorchcd. The various speculating manias which has afflicted the United States from time to time are good illustrations. People who lay claim to no more than ordinary sagacity, and who have anything to loose, ought to lay it down as a rule never to buy at such prices, and thus when sharpers and speculators are forced to operate upon one another, the race will soon run out. The time of high prices is a time to sell —if a man wishes to sell—to square up — to get out us debt and to make provisions for a rainy day. Where this is done high prices benefit the planter and the commu nity. If on the other hand, they are al lowed to stimulate purchases and outlay, the people are far better off with moderate returns ; for then they buy at moderate rates, and keep their expenses within their income. T here is danger in prosperity, and it more severily tries a man than adver sity. In our own little place of Tallahasse, we believe that it is an established fact that merchants’ accounts are more punctu ally and generally paid when cotton is low or at a moderate price, than when it is at the top notch. There was more paying last year than this ; and the reason is to be found in the fact that people are begining to get a little wild, and are already think ing more about spreading additional can vass, than keeping all snug, taut and in good saling train for a long voyage, We are among those who think that even twelve cents a pound for cotton need set no body crazy. Somewhere between eight and ten cents a pound is necessary to place cottan-growing on a footing with the general run of active business invest ments. The article however, has been heretofore so much and so unreasonably depressed, that it is no wonder the plant er should feel flush ; but, still let him ex orcis his good sense and keep prudent.— Not fifty cents a pound would be any ben efit to him, if unwisely spent. The Fisherman.--A Thrilling Incident. BY MRS. S. C. HALL. It wa3 as calm an evening as ever came from heaven—the sky and the earth was as tranquil as if no storm from one had ever disturbed the repose of the other; and even the ocean—that great highway of the world—lay as gentle as if its bosom had never betrayed—as if no traveller had ever sunk to death in its embrace. The sun had gone down, and the pensive twilight would have reigned over nature, the queen of an inimitable world to smile upon the goodly things of ours, and give a radiance and a glory to all she shone upon. It was an hour and a scene that led the soul to the contemplation of Him who never cea ses to welch over the works he has made, and whose protecting care displays itself alike upon the solid land and the trackless wastes of a deceitful sea. On the western coast of the county of Devon, which has been termed, and it may be added, justly, ‘the garden of England,’ upon such an evening, a group had assem bled around one of the fishermen’s cotta ges. The habitation was built in the true style of the olden time, when comfort was the principal object of the projector. At either side of the door were scattered the lines and nets, and baskets that betokened the calling of the owner, and the fisherman was taking his farewell for the night of his happy, loving family, who were bidding him “ God speed” on his voyage. A fine old man was leaning on his arms on the railing, and talking to an interesting girl whose hand lay upon the shoulder of a younger sister.—The stout fisherman, dressed in his rough jerkin, and large boots that reached far above the knees, was in the act of kissing a little cherub, who seemed half terrified at being elvated so i.:~i *l,_ l* ~ «i._ „.:r_ ni“ii u» uio latuoi o iips; vviuio me wuc and mother, with her iufant nursling on her lap, was looking anxiously upon her husband as she breathed the parting bless ing and the prayer for his safe return. A little boy, the miniature of his father in dress, bearing a huge boat-cloak across his shoulders, and the lantern that was to give light when the moon departed, completed the group —if vve except a noble New foundland dog, some steps in advance of the party, watching for the nod to command his march to a kind of pier where the fish erman and his boy were to embark. ‘ Good luck, good luck!’ exclaimed the old tnan; ‘good luck, andsafehome again, John ; ye want no more but God's blessing, and that ye may have for asking ; but ye may as well take mine too —God bless ye, and good bye to you.’ The blessing was heartily echoed by his kind paitner and his children, and whist - j ling as he went, with his boat-hook on his | shoulder, his dog Neptune before, and his boy following, he trudged along to the beach. With the earnest dawn of mnrning the fisherman’s fami'y were astir; the elder girl was busily arranging their little parlor, while tho younger was preparing their breakfast table, and the mo'her spreading | before the fire the clothes of her husband J and her boy. An hour passed, and she | grew somewhatuneasy that he had remain ed abroad boyond the usual period of his return. Another hour had elapsed, when she said to her father : ‘ Father, go out lo the hillock, and try if you can see his sail upon the water; he seldom stays out so long when tho sea is calm and the weather fair; my little boy, too, was not quite well last night, and this alone should have hastened him home.’ The old man went forth, and one by one his grandchildren followed him, uniil the mother was left alone, rocking the cradle of her unconscious babe. After the lapse of another hour, the daughter entered with the news that a neighbor had spoken to her father in the night, and that lie would certainly be soon home. ‘ God grant it!’ said she, and she spoke in a tone of deep anxiety—‘ lie never was away so long but once, and that was when he saved the crow of the ship Mary ; and then the whirl of the sinking vessel had well nigh made his grave.’ Again she stirred the fire, again arrang ed the clothes before it, and poured some hot water into the tea-cups. St.ll the breakfast remained untouched. 1 he sun was now soaring to his meridi an height, when once more the family as sembled in their humble dwelling; the prop of the whole was yet wanting. They sat down to a cheerless meal, the seats at either side of the wife remaining vacant. The old man was the only individual who appeared to auticipate no evil; but he hastily finished his breakfast and went forth. The noon was rapidly passing, and the sun had already given tokens of the glory of his departure, when the fisherman’s wife, having lulled her infant asleep, went herself to the hill that commanded an ex tensive view of the wide spread ocean. All the little household soon assembled to the spot, but no boat was seen upon the waters —nothing that could give hope, ex cept tho aspect of the waves which looked too placid to be dangerous. Their deep dread was no longer con cealed, and while the old man paced to and fro, looking earnestly at brief inter vals over the lonely sea, the mother and the daughter were sobbing audibly. 4 Fearless let him he whose trust is in his God !’ exclaimed the father. The sen tence was uttered involuntarily, but it had its effect. 4 Ay,’ said the mother, 4 he always trus ted in God, and God will not forsake him now.’ Do you remember, ‘Jane,’ continued t'le old man, 4 how often Providence was with me, amid the s'orrn and the wreck, when help from man was far off, and would have been useless if near V And they cheered and encouraged one another to hope the best—but to submit to the decree of Heaven, whether it came as the gentle dew to nourish, or as the heavy rain to oppress. From that hillock that overlooked the ocean, ascended their min gled prayers that God would not leave them desolate. The fisherman—the object of their hopes and fears—had been very successful during the night, when at day-break, as lie was preparing to return home, ho remem bered his promise to bring with him some seaweed to manure the potato plot be hind his cottage. He was then close to the rocks, which were only discernible at low water. He pulled for them, jumped on shore, fastened tho painter of his boat to the jutting part of a cliff', and took his boat-hook with him. He collected a suf ficient quantity of the weed, but in his eagerness to obtain it, bad wandered from the landing-place, when he heard his boy loudly hollowing and exclaiming that the painter was loose. He rushed instantly towards the boat, which was then seven yards off; the boy was vainly endeavoring to use both the oars, and Neptune, the faithful dog, was running backward and forward, howling fearfully, as if conscious of his master’s danger, at one. moment about to plunge into the waves to join him, and the next licking the face and hands of the child, as if he forsaw that for him his protection would be most needed. The fisherman perceived at once the desperate nature of his situation ; the tide he knew was coming in rapidly, and his hope of escape was at an end, when lie perceived that his boy, in an effort to use the oars, had let one of them fall over board. ‘Father, father,’ exclaimed the poor lad, 4 what shall 1 do V —tho boat was at this moment so distant that his distrac ted parent could searely hear the words, but he called out to him as loud as he could, to trust in God, the father of the fatherless, lie then stood resigned to the fate which he felt awaited him and watch ed the drifting boat that bore the child in peril from the fatal rocks. He had offered up a brief prayer to the throne of mercy, when in an instant, a light broke upon his mind. ‘Good God!’ he exclaimed, 4 1 may yet be saved.’ With the energy of hope buutling with despair, he collected all the stones around him, and heaped them rapidly upon the highest ledge of rock ; it was indeed wonderful how he could have gathered so many in so short a time; but the Almighty gave strength to -liia a; n, anti-he- w-as - laboring notfer life rneiely, but for beings still dearer to him. The tide came on, on, on, and soon obliged him to abandon his work. He then moun ted the pile he had heaped, planted his boat-hook firmly in one of the crevices of the cliff, and prepared to struggle for ex istence ; but bis heart failed him, when he considered how slight was the possibility that the waterwould not rise above his head. Still he determined to do all he could to preserve life. The waves were not rough and the boat-hook supported him. The awful moment rapidly approached ; the water had reached his knees ; hut he stood firmly, and prayed that he might be preserved. On, on, on, it came, slowly, and gently, but more fearfully than if it had raged around its destined prey; soon it i cached his waist, and he then prayed that it might go no higher. On, on, on, it came, and his shoulders were covered ; hope died within him, and he thought of himself no longer, but of those who were so dear to him—his wife, his children, and his father—it was for blessings on them that ho then implored Heaven. Still on, on, on, it came, aud he was forced to raise his head to keep as long as possible from death; his reason was almost gone, his breath gtew feeble, bis limbs chill; he BOOK AND JOB PRINTING, Will be executed in the most approved style and on the best terms,at the Office of the SCTJTHEB.IT TBJETJITEj —BY— WM. B. HARRISON. NUMBER 8. panted, and his prayers became almost guigling murmurs. The blood rushed to his head ; his eye-balls glared as if they would start from their scokets. He closed them with an effort, and thought for the last time on the home that would be soon so wretched ! Horrible images were be fore him—each swell of the wave seemed as if the fiends were forcing him down ward, and the cry of the sea-bird was like their yells over their victim. He was gasping, choking, for he had not strength to keep his head above the waves, every moment it was plashing upon them, and each convulsive start that followed only aroused him to the consciousness, if con sciousness it could be called, that the next plunge would be his last. Merciful powers ! —at the very moment when tho strength and spirit of man had left him, and the cold shudder of death had come on, he felt that the tide rose no higher. His eyes opened, closed, and a fearful laugh troulbed the waters. They eddied in his throat, and the bubbles floa ted around his lips—but they rose no higher—that he knew—again and again, his bosom heaved with a deep sob, as lie drew in his breath, and gave it forth anew in agony. A minute had passed since tho salt sea touced his lips;—this was impos sible if the tide still flowed; he could reason much. He opened his eyes, and faintly murmured forth—‘O God, be mer ciful.’ The flow of the ocean had indeed ceased; there he still stood motionless and weeping—thinking of his beloved borne, and hoping that his place there might not he for ever vacant. 'I he waters in a short time subsided, and he was enabled to stretch his chill limbs, and then to warm them by exercise. Soon, the rock was left dry as before, and the fisherman knelt down upon that desolate spot among tho billows—hid his face in his hands, and praised and blessed his Creator, his Pre server. This was the well known bark of his faithful dog, that he heard above the waves; in another moment the creature was licking his pale cheek. He was saved, for his own boy was in his arms. He had been drifted to the land, and had easily found those who rowed hard for the chance of saving his father’s life. Now homeward, homeward, he ex claimed. Homeward, homeward, echoed the child, and Neptune jumped and bark ed at the welcome sound. The fisherman’s family were still suppli cating Providence upon the hillock that overlooked the deep, when the old man started from his knees, and exclaimed, 4 We are heard, there is a speck upon the distant waters.’ 4 Where, where V was echoed by the gr, up ; and he pointed out what he hoped might be the absent boat. They eagerly strained their eyes, but could see nothing, in a few minutes, however, all perceived a sail; still it is impossible to tell the di rection in which its course lay. Then was the agony of suspense ; it continued, however, but for a short time ; a boat was evidently advancing toward the shore, in a few minutes, they could clearly perceive a man at the bow waving bis hat above his head, and soon after the well known bark of Neptune was borne to. them by the breeze. The family rushed to tho extremity of the rude pier, and the loud huzza of the fisherman was answered by the 4 welcome, welcome, welcome,’ of his father, and the almost inarticulate ‘ thank God,’ of his wife. And now all was joy and happiness in the cottage, where they bad been so much wretchedness; the fisherman his boy, and his dog, were safe from the perils of tho groat deep, but be would return n*> answer to the many questions, as to what bad de tained him so long beyond the usual boar of his return—‘Wait, my wife, said he, ‘ until we have dressed and refreshed our selves, and you shall know all ;> hut before we do either, let us bless God for his mer cy for out of great danger ltiph he pre served me.’ Never was there a more earnest prayer offered up to the Giver of all goodness, than ascended from that humble dwelling. And when the fisherman had told his tMe, how fervently did they all repeat the words that had given them so much conso lation in the morning. “ Fearless let him be whose trust is in bis God.” Tiif. Poor Hoy's Coli.ege “The Printing Office,” says the New York Globe,** has indeed proved a bettercoliege to many a poor boy—has graduated more useful and conspicuous members of society—has matured intellect, nnd turned it into practical, useful channels ; awakened more mind, generated more active and elevated thought—than any of the literary colleges. How many a drone lias passed through these colleges with no tangible proof of his fitness other than his inanimate piece of parchment, himself more inanimate than his leathern diploma? There is something in the very atmosphere ofa printing office calculated toawaken the mind and inspire athirst for knowledge. Ahoy commencing in such a school w ill have his lalonts brought out ; or if lie has no mind to be draw n out, the boy himself will be driven out.’ Beauty of Truth.—After all, the most na tural beauty in the world is honesty and moral truth. For all beauty is truth. True features make the beauty ofa face; and true proportions the beauty of architecture , as true measures that of harmony and music. In poetry, which is all ' fable, truth still ii the peifcctioii.