Newspaper Page Text
Jl o c t r w .
[for the southern tribuneJ
Were wishes wings to bear me.
Up to where thou art,
Oft, oft would I be near Thee,
And strive to win thy heart
Distance should no more vex me—
As now, from day to day,
When I in grief remember,
How far thou art away.
Ive seen the copies of thy songs ,
I've read them near the sea ;
And as the thirsting trav’ler longs
For streams, I've long'd for Thee ;
Long'd to be near Thee, in the eve
Os ev’ry quiet day ;
And breathless listen, as you weave
Your spirit winning lay.
Could I but train a mocking bird,
To go, and conic again,
I'd send it, —daily send it,
To bring to me thy strain :
'Twould soon mcthiiiks, feel pride mid joy
To fly to where thou art ;
To learn, and then repeat to me,
The echo of thy heart.
I would not cage that precious bird ;
Methinks ’twould pine and Hie,
If only once thy voice it heard,
And then forbid to fly !
I’d teach it by caresses
How dear it was to me,
For going, and returning,
And telling me of Thee.
Sweet Songstress of the mountain, —
My dreams are blest by Thee !
In dreams of night; in dreams of day,
Thy form 1 often see !
I see thy face ; I hear thy voice ;
I listen to thy lay ;
But ah ! how can my heart rejoice ?
1 am too far away.
From the American Agriculturist.
ISeniarks on Braining.
We all well know that wheat and other
grains as well as grasses, are never fully
developed, nor produce good seed, when
roots are soaked in moisture. No man ev
er raised good wheat from a wet or moist
subsoil. Now, many farms of this coun
try, though at times during the summer
they apperdry, and crack open on the sur
face, are not in fact dry farms. On the
contrary, for nine months out of twelve,
they are moist or wet; and we need no
better evidence of that fact, than the annu
al freezing out of the plant, and consequent
poverty of many crops. Need we say
more to convince you of the necesity for
draining your farms 1
Now comes the question. How is this
great good tobeacomplished? What is the
best method ? What will it cost? And
above all, what will it pay l These en
quires we will endeavor to meet. The
statements, though brief, will doubtless
lead you to renewed inquiries, and active
search for imformation.
The inquiry, How is this great good to
be accomplishrd ? What is the best meth
od ? will lead me to speak of various proha
ble localities, each of which needs a differ
ent treatment. Thus we have on sever
al of our farms portions that may he called
bogs, being generally too wet to sustain
the weight of a man, and where the water
seems to rise from below. These lands
are very retentive of moisture, acting like
a sponge; but when drained, are often
iound to he very fertile and productive.—
To drain lands of this description, the first
important step is, to ascertain the nature
of the strata of the earth, which the near
est high grounds may possess, in order to
know whether the main supply of water
does or does not flow from them. In al
most all cases, such is the case, and leads
us at once to cut a drain or ditch,just above
the level of the bog on the higher ground,
and so deep so as intercept tho waters as
they descend, and by means of this ditch
to lead them off toward the lowest point,
thus arresting the supply of water, collect
ing into one channel, and cutting off from
its usual ramifications through the bog.—
In time, the bog will have become so firm
as to be traversed readily, though it re
mains wet and marshy. Smaller open
drains or ditches, should now be dug from
the lowest point of the bog, to he connect
ed with the deeper and larger ditch on the
higher around, the connection to be made
at the greatest depression of the latter*—
Smaller lateral ditches may now be cut,
leading into the main ; and thus the bog
will be drained and rendered fit for culti
vation. Relic. —Jesse M. Eyre,of Chester
Borough, in digging a well on the west side of
Chester Creek, near the site of the house of Rob
ert Wade, visited by William Penn on his first
landing, in Iti'itJ, came directly on the well which
supplied water to the above named resident.—
About six incites below the surface was found
the old well, neatly walled, and on clearing it
out, the well-bucket was found at the bottom.
It had been closed a hundred years.
ILT The chamois and ibex arc found on the
Alps as high as 0,000 feet. The goat of Caah
t*er browses at a height of 13,000 feet above the
level of the sea, and the Pamir sheep live at an
‘ (ovation loftier than the granite peak of Mount
A steamboat arrived at New Orleans on the
th ull. from Arkansas, with MOO wild turkeys
Duguriieun Gallery.
If. L. II'OOG, Dagucrreotypist,
HAS fitted up since the fire, a splendid Room
on the corner of Mulberry and Third Street,
over Dr. Stroheckcr’s Drug Store, opposite
the Floyd House, where he is prepared to
take LIKENESSES, in the finest style.—
Having recently received all the talc improve
ments in the art, ho pledges hiinsclt to take the
finest Pictures ever offered in Macon. Persons
by examining his Pictures will find them free
from scratches and blemishes ol any kind, anti of
a beautiful life-like tone. As this is the perjection
in the art which lias so long been sought alter,
he feels confident of giving satisfaction to all
who may feel disposed to patronize him. His
friends and the public gcneially are requested to
give him ac all.
Entrance on Third Street.
N. 15. Instructions given in the Art.
feb 23 51—3 m
Paints, Oils, Ac.
JUST received, White. Lead, dry and in Oil;
Chrome Green, Indian Red;
do Yellow; Venetian Red;
Prussian Blue: Spanish Brown;
Van D\ke Brown; Lamp Black.
Also, on hand a good assoriment of Paint
Brushes, and Window Glass, from Bxlo to 2-lx
As the season is approaching for painting up,
the subscriber would call attention to the above
Stock, which is offered upon reasonable terms.
feb IG Successor to J. C. Gilbert .V. Cos.
l'ine Perfumery.
JUST received a supply of choice and delicate
Extracts tor the handkerchief, among which
may be found
Jockey Club; Patchouly;
Jenny Lind; Millefleur, West End;
Bouquet de Caroline;
Vanilla; Jasmin, &c., &c.
MARROW POMADE for dressing the hair,
with a general assortment of Toilet and Fancy
Hants, Butter, Syrup, Ac.
( 11 NCI AN ATI Sugar cured HAMS
New Orleans Sugar House SYRUP
A few Jars of very white Leaf LARD.
All of choice quality, pist received and fur
sale by GEO. T. ROGEIiS,
dee 1 Cherry Street.
Pino ( hewing Tobacco.
/I 11. iV S. LILIENTHAL’S well known
V_V . superior tine Cut Chewing TOBACCO,!
in papers and cans. Also, various brands of
Chewing Tobacco—some nfwhich the knowing |
ones say cannot he beat. Also, various brands
of CIGARS, which ate just good enough. For
sale at W. FREEMAN’S
Cheap Store, Cherry Street,
dee 1 1
New Rice.
I AIVE Tierces of prime quality, just received
-and for sale by GEO. T. ROGERS,
dec 1 1
Cuba Molasses.
IIIIDS. in fine order, just received and
' r for sale low by
dec 1 GEO. T. ROGERS.
Oysters, PrcsSi Oysters.
UMNE, Large, Fat, Fresh OYSTERS, will Le
JL received every night and sold by the Pint,
Quart or Gallon, at such prices that every body
must have some. The Oysters will be received
and must be sold at some price or another—so all
you lovers of good Oysters, walk up and get a
few, at W. FREEMAN’S,
dec 1 I
Embroidered Window Curtain*.
JUST received n largo assortment. Also, Crim
son, Blue and Drub Worsted Damask,
feb IG G. W. PRICE.
Fancy Baskets,
\ LARGE assortment just received, and for
sale by
Buckwheat, Ac.
(r w \ SACKS Fine Buckwheat
_UU 50 boxes new crop Raisins
25 do superior Cheese
Just received at W. FREEMAN’S,
dee 1 1
New York. St vain Reiined (’undies
\ STILL Larger assortment of CANDIES,
. just received and for sale ns low as any
Candies in Town,at W. FREEMAN'S,
dec 1 1
Noithei'ii Butter.
£V* well known quality received every Fall,
fresh from some, of the best dairies at the North.
Just received by \V. FREEMAN,
doc 8
lO Rio and Java Coffee
Crushed and Powdered Sugars
Chanipaigne and Madeira Wines
Nuts and Crackers of all kinds
Sardines and Lobsters
Pickles by the Jar or Gallon
Codfish, Mackerel and Shad
Superfine Wheat and Rye Flour
Fine Starch, Mustard, Tapioca
Spices, Clioculate, Arc., at
Cheap Store, Cherry Street,
dec 1 ]
Choice Family GROCERIES.
SUGARS —St. Croix, Porto Rico, Now Or
leans, Clarified, Crushed and Powdered
COFFEE— Rio, Java and Mocho
TEA—Fine Hyson, Imperial and Povvchong
CRACKERS—Butter, Soda and Pilot Bread
SYRUP—Sugar House and New Orleans
FLOUR—Baltimore and Canal in whole and
half barrels
VINEGAR—White Wine and pure Cider
Smoked Herring, New Codfish
Smoked Beef and Tongues, Mereer Potatoes
Pickled Shad, Goshen Butter
Goshen Cheese,New Rice, Ac.
Just received and for sale very cheap, by
_scpt29 Cherry Street.
Choice liaan*.
N r EFF’S Cincinnati Sugar cured and Georgia
oanvnsse I HAMS, of superior quality, just
received and for sale by G. T. ROGERS.
july 10 33
TX7IHTE Wine and Pure Cider Vinegar of
W very superior quality, just received and
for sale by GEO. T. ROGERS,
june IG
Eiucn Sheeting-.
oct 13 GEO. W. PRICE.
7f\ BOXES of superior quality, in large and
final 1 boxes, just received and for sale hv
A man by the name of C/.A PP ha* aagayed with a
young man of the name of 8. !*. Townsend, and nses hit
name to put up a Sarsaparilla, w hieh they call Dr. Town
•end'* Sarsaparilla, denominating it U FXLUXE. Original,
etc. This Townsend is no doctor, and never was; bat was
formerly a worker on rairroads. canals, and the like. Yethe
assumes the title of Dr., for the purpose of gaining credit for
: what he is not. This is to caution the public not to be
| deceived, and purchase none hut the OEXUIXMS ORIOI
XAL or.I) Dr. Jacob Townsend's Sarsaparilla, having on
It the Old Dr's likeness, his family coat of arms, and hi*
signature across the coat of amis.
Principal Office, 102 Xassau-st., Xew fork Cifgr.
OLD’m. JACOB 'l*^^:
(ienuiue Townsend Sarsaparilla.
Old Dr. Townsend is now about TO years of ace, and lias
long been known as the AUTHOR and DISCOVF.RF.iI
SAVA ML LA. *' Being poor, he was compelled to limit its
manufactire, by which means it has been kept out of mar
ket, and the sales circumscribed to those only who had
proved its worth, and known its value. It had reached
the ears of many, nevertheless, as those persons who had
been lulled of sore diseases, anil saved from death, pro
claimed its excellence and wonderful
Knowing, many years afro, that he had, bv his skill,
science am! experience, devised an article which would be
of incalculable .advantage to mankind when the means
would be furnished to bring it into universal notice, when
its inestimable virtues would be known and appreciated.
This time has come, the means arc supplied ; this
is manufactured on the largest scale, and is called for
throughout the length and breadth of the land, especially
as it is found incapable of degeneration or deterioration.
Unlike young S. I’ Townsend's, it improves with age, and
never changes, but for the better: because it is prepared on
scientific principles by a scientific man. The highest knowl
edge of Chemistry, and the latest discoveries of the art,
have all been brought into requisition in the manufacture
of the Old Dr’s Sarsaparilla. The Sarsaparilla is
well known to medical men, contains many medicinal pro
pcriies, anil some properties which are inert or useless, and
others, which if retained in preparing it for use, produce
fermentation and acid , which is injurious to tho system,
dome of the properties of Sarsa|»ariila are so volatile, that
they entirely evaporate and arc lost in .he preparation, if
they are not preserved by a scientific process , known only
to those t xjierienced in its manufacture. Moreover, these
volatile principles, which fly orf' in vapor, or as an exhala
tion. under heat, are the very essential medical properties
-if the root, w hich give to it all its value.
Any person can boil or stew' the root till they get a dark
colored liquid, which is more from the coloring matter in
the root than from any thing else ; they can then strain
this Insipid or vapid liquid, sweeten w ith sour molasses,
ind then call it “ SAKS AT A RILL A EXTRACT or SY
HUP.” Rut such is not the article known as the
This is so prepared, that all the inert properties of the
Sarsaparilla root are first removed, everything capable of
becoming acid or of fermentation, is extracted and rejected;
then every particle of medical virtue is secured in a pure
and concentrated form ; and thus it is rendered incapable of
losing any of its valuable and healing properties. Prepared
in this way, it is made the most powerful agent in the
Cure of innumerable diseases.
Hence the reason why we hear commendations on every
side 111 its favor by men, women, and children. VYe find it
doins wonders in the cure of
Tit XS. PIMPLES, ISLOCTHFS, and all affections
arising from
It possesses a marvellous efficacy in all complaints arising
from Indigestion, from Acidity of the Stomach, from unequal
circulation, determination of blood to the head, palpitation
of the heart, cold feet and hands, cold chills and hot flashes
over the body. It has not its equal in Colds and Coughs ;
and promotes easy expectoration and gentle perspiration,
relaxing stricture of the lungs, throat, and every other part.
Rut in nothing is its excellence more manifestly seen and
acknowledged than in all kinds and stages of
It w orks wonders in cases of Fluor Aldus or Whites, Fall
ing of the IFomb, Obstructed, Suppressed, nt Painful Menses,
Irregularity of the menstrual periods, and the like; and
is as effectual in curing all the forms of Kidney Disease s.
Ry removing obstructions, and regulating the general
system, it gives tone and strength to the whole body, and
thus cures all forms of
Nervous diseases and debility,
and thus prevents or relieves a great variety of other mala
dies, as Spinal irritation, Neuralgia, St. Titus' Dance.
Swooning, Epileptic Fits, Convulsions, Ac.
It cleanses the blood, excites the liver to healthy action,
tones tlie stomach, and gives good digestion, relieves the
bowels of torpor and constipation, allays inflammation,
,3itrifles the skin, equalises the circulation of the blood,
producing gentle warmth equally all over the body, and
the insensible perspiration; relaxes all strictures and tight
ness, removes all obstructions, and invigorates the entire
nervous system. Is not this then
The medicine you pre-eminently need ?
Rut can any of these things be said of S. I*. Townsend’s
inferior article I This young man’s liquid is not to be
because of one GRAND FACT, that the one is I.NCAPA
while the other DOES ; souring, fermenting, and blowing
the bottles containing it into fragments ; the sour, acid liquid
exploding, and damaging other goods ! Must not this horri
ble compound be poisonous to the system?- What! put
acid into a system already diseased with acid! VV’hat causes
Dys{»epsia but acid ? Do we not all know that when food
sours in our stomachs, w hat mischiefs it produces ? flatu
lence, heartburn, palpitation of the heart, liver complaint,
diarrheea. dysentery, colic, and corruption of the bioodl
What is Scrofula but an acid humor in the body 1 What
produces all the humors which bring on Eruptions of the
Skin, t?cald Head, Salt Rheum, Erysipelas, White Swell
lugs, l ever Sores, and all ulcerations internal and external?
It is nothing under heaven, but an acid substance, which
sours, and thus spoils ail the tluids of the body, more or
.ess. What causes Rheumatism but a sour or acid fluid
which insinuates itself between the joints and elsewhere,
irritating and inflaming the delicate tissues upon which it
acts? So of nervous diseases, of impurity of the blood, oi
deranged circulations, and nearly all the ailments which
afflict human nature.
Now is it not horrible to make and sell, and infinitely
worse to use this
in*l vet he would fain have it Understood that Old Dr. Jacob
I'ownsend’s Genuine Original Sarsaparilla, is an IMITA
I'D >.N of his inferior preparation !!
Heaven forbid that vve should deal in an article which
weald bear the most distant resemblance to S. P. Town*
•end’s article! and which should bring down upon the Old
Dr. such a mountain load of complaints and criminations
from Agents w ho have sold, and purchasers who have used
We wish it understood, because it is the absolute truth,
that S. P. Townsend's article and Old Dr. Jacob Town
send’s Sarsaparilla are heaven-wide apart, and infinitely dis
similar ; that they arc unlike in every particular, having
not one single thing in common.
As S. P. Townsend is no doctor, and never was, is no
chemist, no pharmaceutist—knows no more of medicine or
disease than any other common, unscientific, unprofessional
man. u hat guarantiee can the public have that they are re
ceiving a genuine scientilic medicine, containing all the
\ irtues of the articles used in preparing it. and which are in
capable of changes winch might render them the AGENTS
of Disease instead of health.
Rut what else should be expected from one who know*
nothing comparatively of medicine or disease ! It requires
a person of some experience to cook and serve up even a
common decent meal. How much more important is it that
the (lersons who manufacture medicine, designed for
WEAK stomachs and exfekbx.ed systems,
should know well the medical properties of plants, the
W«st manner of securing and concentrating their healing
virtues, also an extensive knowledge of the various diseases
which a fleet the human system, aud how to adapt remedies
lo these diseases!
It is to arre t frauds upon the unfortunate, to pour balm
into wounded humanity, to kindle hope in the des|tairing
bosom, to restore health and bloom, ami vigor into the
rcMsiied and broken, and to banish infirmity that OLD DR.
purtunity and moans to bring his
Grand Universal Concentrated
within the reach, and to the knowledge ofall who need it,
that they may learn ami know, by joyful experience, its
Transcendent Power to Ileal.
For sale by J. 11. & W. S. ELLIS, and
J. A. & S. S. VIRGINS, Macon, Gn.
'nay 5 03
Newark Cider.
BBLS. Newark Itcllncd Cider, just rc
- •'** ceived and for sale by
tnay P3 Cherry Street
1 Bleeding from the Lungs and
Consumption enred !
Wistar 4- Cos. laid in the shade! More of the
Wanders resulting from the judicious use of
fiqiE following communication appeared in
I L the last Georgia Telegraph, and must be rej
! plctc with interest to all similarly afflicted. Mr.
I Smith is a printer by profession, and is c.mploy
! cd in that office—he relates his experience, which
after all is the best criterion by which to judge
of the value of remedies. Advertisements and
high sounding statements may be sut forth, and
thus give an ephemeral character and existence
to remedies, which when judged by this test,
lose all their value, and become defunct; not so,
however, with those which have thus been test
ed, and have passed through the ordeal; for of
them, we state t chat has occurred, and from that
deduce what may be expected. But to the com
munication, it will speak for itself.
Macon, Jan. 14, 1850.
S. J. Ray, Editor Georgia Telegraph :
Dear Sir :—While so many certificates of
individuals living oil' at great distances are ap
pearing in the papers commendatory of Bal
sams, Syrups, Fills and Powders, I think it but
right that medical research and superior success
of some of our practitioners at home should be
made known to our community, that those of
our neighborhood who are afflicted may not on
ly save their health but their money also, and at
the same time encourage the efforts of those who
would give character and consequence to this
section of the Union. 1 have been led to these
remarks by the teachings of my own experi
ence :
About seven years ago I was attacked with a
disease of the liver and lungs, accompanied with
hcernorrhago or spitting of blood, with severe
and most harrassing and distressing cough, cold
sweats of nights, with a wasting diarrluer, and
a great part of the time confined to my bed, and
so debilitated generally, that I could do but lit
tle in the way of business 1 thus continued
for over five years, making every effort during
that time to regain my health. I first applied to
thephyscians ofSavannah, where I then resided,
but their efforts failed to relieve me. I then
tried Houck’s Panacea for a long time—then
Wistar’s Balsam of Wild Cherry, &.C., till I had
spent hundreds of dollars in their purchase, and
still found myself as bad oft' as before. 1 then
applied to your townsman, Dr. M. S. Thomson,
who I am happy to say, after treating my case
some G or 7 months, restored me to sound, and
1 believe to permanent health, for I am now and
have been for the last 18 months in the enjoy
ment of uninterrupted health. This is my ex
perience, and I doubt not you will agree with
me in the opinion, that I have good reasons for
recommending the Doctor and It is remedies in
cases of this kind, far above the most eminent
physicians whose skill 1 had tested, and the far
famed and much boasted balsams and panaceas
with which I had been dosed. Let others do
likewise, if they would he cured, anil that they
tnay not perish for lack of knowledge, 1 here
by request that you will give publicity to tr.y
statement in your widely circulating sheet, and
much oblige yours, respectfully,
The following letters are given, not so much
on account of the facts they contain, though they
are important, as to give an idea or specimen of
many of the same kind that are borne to the
subscriber by almost every Mail from the North,
South, East and West. They were not intended
for publication, and are therefore the more to he
relied on, and appreciated.
Benjamin Jones’ Letter.
Traveller’s Rest, Dooly Cos. Ga. )
January IG, 1850. j
Dr. M. S. Thomson,
Dear Sir .-—1 hope you will excuse n.e for not
writing to you sooner. I have not forgot you,
neither will 1 forget to pay you when 1 sell my
I am much gratified in being able to announce
that my son has got almost entirely well, so
much so, that all those symptoms of disease
have left him, but the enlargement of the spleen
which has not entirely gone. To look at his
situation eight months buck, and to look at hint
now, it seems almost as one risen from the dead.
I say to you, there is no more healthy looking
youth in all this county, indeed his whole sys
tem is regular and easy. God knows how long
lie will remain so, but I hope he will to the end
of life. lie has not taken any medicine for the
last four months, yet he is thirty pounds heaver
than before that time. I had applied to Physi
cians, of both the Mineral and Botanic Schools,
of eminent genera! qualifications, hut all to no
benefit, but thanks to God, and gratitude to you
for his restoration. My feelings are indeed un
speakable. BENJAMIN JONES.
Win. W. Walker s Letter.
Wartiii n’s Stoke, Washington Cos. )
January 2, 1850. )
l)r. M. S. Thomson,
Bear Sir :—lt is with pleasure that I write to
you, to inform you of the improvement of my
health. 1 have follow ed your directions as near
as I have boen able, and I think I have not
missed the proper wav fur. The medicine is
nearly gone, and I feel like anew man. I have
not changed much in my appearance, but surely
in my feelings lam icell. I now can enjoy my
self with my family, my neighbors and even
myself; this world looks bright, and I feel hap
py in the anticipation of the future. lam en
tirely free from almost every symptom of the
disease with which I have been afflicted. If
you think 1 had better take some more medicine
to make sure of it, please send it and oblige,
Yours respectfully, WM. W. WALKER.
Persons desirous oftosting the efficacy ofthese
remedies in their own cases, no matter where
they reside, can do so very conveniently by send
ing their age and symptoms in writing as correct
ly as possible, when medicines to suit their va
rious cases will he compounded and sent by mail
express or private hand. In order that all
may partake of the benefits resulting from the
use of his remedies, his charge for the treatment
of such eases as do not require his persona! atten
tion, will he only Five Dollars a mouth, which
may be sent by mail at his risk.
Acute cases, and those requiring personal at
tention, will be charged in accordance with the
established rates of other city Physicians.
The inconvenience of having little sums scat
tered ail over the country has induced hrm for
the future to have his terms cash, or when that
is varied from, it must he with the express prom
ise of honorable payment at Christmas, without
subjecting him to the trouble and expense of col
lection. Those requiring personal attention
can he accommodated in Macon. All letters
must be post paid and addressed
jan 26 Macon, Ga.
Agents Wanted*
TO procure subscriptions for the SOUTII
ERN TRIBUNE. A number of active,
energetic men may obtain a handsome per cent
age, for cash subscribers in the country, bv ap
plying at the SOUTHERN TRIBUNE Office,
jan 1
Solace’s Tine Cut Tobacco.
SOMETHING very superior, just received
and for sale by GEO. T. ROGERS,
sept 21)
v,4>iiilon Porter.
fN Quart and Pint Bottles, just received
and foi sale by GEO. T ROGERS,
XIX/ILL continue Business at their “Fire
ft Proof Buildings” on Cotton
tlvcnuc, Macon, Ga.
Thankful for past favors, they beg leave to say
they will be constantly at their post, and that no
efforts shall he spared to advance tho interest of
their patrons.
They respectfully ask all who have COTTON
or other PRODUCE to Store, to call and exam
ine the safety of their Buildings, before placing
it elsewhere.
[UU Customary Advances on Cotton in Store
or Shipped, and all Business transacted at the
usual rates.
june 2 27—ly
Quick time ! quick time!!
in from three to twenty seconds, at the Cook
Daguerrean Rooms, Mulberry St., near the
new Hotel. Also, iri operation, the new and
most astonishing improvement in tho art : that
of executing two correct Likenesses of one sub
ject, side, front, or back views on one Plate, at
the same sitting. Single Pictures taken at re
duced prices. - Hours fur-opcraUag arc from 9
A. M., to 4, P. M. Likenesses taken as well in
cloudy, as in fair weather.
The Public are respectfully invited to call and
examine the specimens.
Instructions given in the art.
J. M lIART, Artist.
dec 2!)
THE undersigned lias just received a fine
assortment of STOVES, of the latest and
most approved style. Also, TIN WARE,
STOVE PIPE, and all other articles usually
found in his line. All orders for Work will be
promptly attended to, and satisfaction given, at
very reasonable prices.
Persons desiring to purchase any articles in
his line,are requested to give him a call before
buying elsewhere. BASIL A. WISE,
Cherry Street, next door to M. R. Rogers’,
nov 17 51—ts
A LARGE assortment of BLANKS, such as
il Blank Deeds, Attachments, Attachment
Bonds, Garnishments, Subpoenas, Executions,
Summons’, &c. For sale at the Office of the
OF every description, neatly and promptly
executed at the SOUTHERN TRIBUNE
Office, as neat and cheap as at any other Office
in the South. Try us and see.
THE Subscriber respectfully informs the
public, that lie has removed his Gunsmith’s
Shop from Cotton Avenue to the Wooden Build
ing on Cherry Street, opposite the Telegraph
Office, where he is prepared to carry on the
GUNSMITH'S BUSINESS; and has for sale:
Double and Single Barreled Guvs, Rises,
Pistols, Powder, Flasks, Shot Pouches,
Caps, Powder , Shot, Lead , f,-c.
U TAII Work done with neatness and dis
patch and warranted. Terms Cash.
oct 1 1
Holden’s Illustrated Dollar
SINCE the death of the projector of this popu
lar Magazine, the property has passed into
the hands of the subscriber, who will continue
to publish it at the publication office, No. 10!)
Nassau street, New York.
The New Volume, to be commenced on the
first of January, 1850, will comprise many im
portant improvements, which, it is bclievt and,
will render the Magazine one ofthebest Period
icals published in tho country, as it certainly is
the cheapest. Among these improvements will
be now and beautiful type, fine calendered pa
per, a higher order of illustrations than those
heretofore given, and contributions from some of
the ablest writers in America. It is the aim of
the Proprietor to publish a popular Magazine,
adapted to the wants of all classes of reading
people in the Republic, which shall he both in
structive and amusing ; and tree alike front the
grossness which characterizes much of the cheap
literature of the day, and from the vapidity of
the so called “Ladies Magazines.” The illus
trations will consist ofOriginal Drawings engrav
ed on wood by the best Artists ; Portraits of re
markable Persons, and Views of remarkable
Places, illustrated by pen and pencil. A strict
revision will be exercised that no improper arti
cle, or word, shall ever be admitted, so that it
may he safely taken by persons of the utmost re
finement, and read at the fire-side for the amuse
ment or instruction of the family circle.
The Review department of the Magazine will
contain brief critical notices ofall the new pub
lications of the day, and will form a complete
chronicle of current literature.
From the business and literary connexions al
ready cstablisltad, the best assistance that the
country can afford will be secured for completing
the plans of the publisher, and nothing will he
wanting that ample pecuniary resources and
watchful industry can obtain to make the Mag
azine the leading Literary Periodical of America.
The extremely low rate at which it is published
precludes the hope of profit, except from a circu
lation greater than that which any literary pe
riodical has ever yet attained; but, with the new
avenues diiily opening for the circulation of
works of merit; the constantly increasing popu
lation of the country; the cheapness of the
Magazine, and the superiority of its literary and
artistic attractions to those of any other work
now issued ; the proprietor fearlessly engages
in an enterprise which will he sure to benefit the
public if it should not enrich himself.
The Magazine will he under the Editorial
charge and supervision of Charles F. Briggs,
who has been connected with it from the begin
ning. The "Pulpit Portraits,” a series of Bio
graphical Sketches,accompanied by well engrav
ed Portraits of eminent Divines of the American
Churches, which have formed a conspicuous fea
ture of “HOLDEN," will he continued in the
succeeding Volumes of the Magazine, and will
render it of peculiar value to religious people of
every denomination.
The Fifth Volume will commence on tho first
of January next, hut will he issued on tho 15th
of December. Each number will consist of G 4
pages, and numerous Engravings. The Terms
are One Dollar a Year in advance —the Magazine
will he plainly and carefully directed and sent
by mail at the risk of the subscriber. As each
number will be stereotyped missing or lost num
bers can be at any time supplied when ordered,
but will be deducted from the time for which
payment has been received. Remittances may
be sent at the risk oftlie Propriclor, provided a
description ofthe bills are taken, and enclosed
in the presence of the Postmaster us evidence of
the fact.
Five copies will be furnished for $4 and 20
copies for Numbers for the year 1848, ex
cepting the month of January, will he furnished
at 4 cents each, and hound Volumes in cloth gilt
edge, from July to December inclusive, at $1
Letters must he addressed to “Holden's Dol
lar Magazine, No. 109 Nassau Street, Now
York,” and post-paid, in all eases.
WM. II DIETZ, Proprietor.
A Congressional, Agricultural and Literary
Newspaper. »
THE approach of Congress calls out the An
I. nual Prospectus of the Globe Establish
The time is full of interest. The coming j n
ofa new Administration—the consequent broach
ing ofa new poiicy touching the internal con
cerns oftlie country—the new and most impor
taut issues arising from the late vast accession to
the public domain, and the great national objects
associated with it—the impending difficulty
our relations with France,and the possible com
plication of our affairs with the troubles of Eu
rope,—conspire to create great expectation as to
the proceedings of the next Congress. The ap
proaching Session will probably continue till late
in the summer of 1850. The debates, from the
agitation of so many questions of vital interest to
the Republic, will draw forth all the talent of
the National Legislature. To bring its delibera
tions home to the people, on each succeeding
day, while measures are maturing, is, in effect
to bring the whole nation into council. The’
discussion, spreading from the Capitol to the re
motest parts of the Union, forms a public opin
ion which reacts upon Congress and controls its
To bccomea useful instrument, however hum
ble, to assist the working of the admirable ma
chinery of our popular institutions, is the ambi
tion of the conductor of the Globe. Extraor
dinary preparations have therefore been made to
meet the increasing demands of our rapidly im
proving and growing country for Congressional
The Globe Press* has already enlisted Uv*
ablest Reporters yet known to Congress ; its
materials and machinery are of the best sort;
and the exclusive devotion of the individual who
for so many years lias made it his study to embo
dy and publish the labors of Congress, gives rea
son to hope that an advance will he made in the
accomplishment of this undertaking commensu
rate with its increased importance. But the ac
cumulation of expense consequent on the addi
tional number of Reporters required—the extra
charges incurred in printing at night the debates
oftlie preceding day—the vast addition made to
the mass published, by the protracted sessions
and the fuller reports'given,— will render our
enterprise a failure, unless Congress shall so far
patronize it as to become a purchaser of such
portion oftlie daily sheets issued,as shall contri
bute to make the'reports that fill them. The
undersigned has ventured onthe preparation ho
has made for the next Session, in the expectation
that Congress wiil subscribe for as many daily
sheets for each Member, at the subscription price
as will, in part, defray the expense of reporting,
and give them circulation as Congressional docu
ments in their several districts. "This will ena
ble the Publisher to bear the charge of reporting,
and it will give an impulse to the circulation of
the Congressional Print, which, although the
cheapest in the Union (the expense of prepara
tion considered) will yet yield sufficient profit to
make tho system permanent.
John (,’. Rives having purchased the interrst
of F. P. Bi.air in Jackson Hall—the printing
office machinery and material becomes the sole
proprietor thereof, and will give his cxclt give
attention to the Congressional Department.
J. C. Pickett will conduct the Miscellaneous
Department of the Newspaper. F. P. Blair
retires from both concerns, with prayers for their
permanent usefulness and prosperity.
The Globe will he published daily duringthe
session of Congress, and Weekly the remainder
of the year, and will undergo distribution in the
form ofa Weekly Globe, a Congressional Globe
and an Appendix.
The W eckly Globe will contain Agricultural
and miscellaneous articles ; and will occasion
ally give debates of such importance as command
universal interest.
The price of the Weekly Globe is reduced to
One Dollar, with a view to obtain a more gene
ral circulation. Subscribets who have hitherto
paid !j?2 per annum, will he charged only .<1 al
ter the expiration of the first year.
The Congressional Globe will embody, as it
has done for the last sixteen years, Congression
al proceedings and debates exclusively.
The Appendix will embrace the revised
speeches separately, and the messages of ilia
President oftlie United States, and the reports
oftlie Heads ofthe Executive Departments.
The Congressional Globe and Appendix will
he published as fast as the proceedings of Con
gress will make a number Subscribers may ex
pert one number of each a week during the first
four weeks ofa session, and two or three num
bers of each a week afterwards, until the end of
the session. Each volume will probably com
prise two thousand royal quarto pages, of small
Complete Indexes to the Congressional Globe
and Appendix will he sent to subscribers soon
after Congress adjourns.
Nothing <if a political parly aspect will appear
in the Globe save that which will he found in
the Congressiohal reports. A paper assuming
to he an impntliui vehicle for all sides, cannot
maintain its character if tho editorial columns
reflect a party hue.
For one copy of the Daily Globe (daily daring
the session of Congress, and Weekly daring
the recess,) a year, : : $5 011
For the Daily Globe for less than a year,
at the rate of, per month, ; : PO
For one copy of the Weekly Globe, one year, 1 00
For one copy of the Congressional Globe,
during the session, : : : 3CO
For one copy of the Appendix during the
session, : t : -3 CO
For four copies offitlicr, or part ofhoth,
during the session, : : : 10 CO
For ten copies of either, or part of boll),
during the session, : : : 20 00
The prices for these papers are so low, that
advance payments arc indispensable to carry
them on.
Postmasters who may obtain subscribers will
he allowed twenty per cent, on the subscription
prices for single papers, which they may retain
when they send on the names of subscribers tad
the subscription money.
The price for the Congressional Globe am!
Appendix, to Clubs w ho tube ten copies, is s0
low, that no deduction can he afforded.
Subscriptions may he remitted by mail, at our
risk, in money at par in the sccliou of the coun
try where subscribers reside.
Washington City, October 9, 1849.
Cons:t*<*ss Water. .
It Y the Box or at Retail. Just received u |_
9 reef from tiro Springs and for sale by
may 12 GEO. T. ROGERS^
Georgia anti New Orleans Syr* , l’'
IS* BBLS. of very superior quality, '° r
sale by GEO. T. ROGfiß|-
may 12
Flour, Meal, Corn, ,
I'YACON Hams, Sides and Shoulders; E il J. ’
J Irish and Sweet Potatoes—in store a" 1
sale by J. S. RICHARDSON,
Cotton Avenue
march 24
Tweed Ca**Hnere*.. ,
and Tweed Cassitncrcs, a good asst
ment, just received hv
oct 13 GEO. W PR”'*