Newspaper Page Text
Macon, March 4ih, 1850. $
PROPOSALS are invited by ibis Company 1
for the erection complete, of anew Brick j
Freight House at Griffin,thirty feet wide,by one ;
hundred and twenty feet Ion".
Drawings and specifications w ill be furnished
on application to the subscriber.
march 9 '•>—U’
Great Excitement on Mulberry St.
fjL Thbsubscriber, grateful for past firms,
would respectfully inform his Iriends and
public, that lie has taken the Stand
recently occupied by It. L- BURNEI 1, on
Mulberry Street, a few doors below tbe Wash
ington Hall, where he offers for sale, a well se
lected Stock of Fine Gold and Silver l ever
WATCHES, Fob Chains, Guard Chains, Vest
Chains, Ear kings, Finger Kings, Breast Pins,
Bracelets, Gold Pencils and Gold Pens, Thim
bles, Yankee Clocks, &c., cheap for cash
Call and see. M. D. BAUNES.—
N. B. Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, Ace., repair
ed at the shortest notice, and warranted not to
cut in the eye.
For sale, a first tato Iron Chest.
M. I) B.
march 9 ■'—
Dealer in Dittos, Medicines,
Chemicals, Paints, Oils, Varnishes.
jSfja l)ye Stuff’s, Window Glass, Fancy
iY Articles, &c., Ac., at Shot well’s Old
.Stand', "Corner of Third and Mulberry Streets,
Macon, Ga., keeps constantly on hand a general
assortment of Pure Medicines, and all articles
generally kept in his line.— It will be his object
to keep none but tbe best preparations, and to
supply all who favor hint with their patronage,
upon the most liberal and accommodating terms.
Particular attention given to packing and for
warding Physician’s orders. march 9
Superior Teas.
sTb,** a A splendid lot of TEAS, both
'jj Green and Black, warranted fine,
S 9 j ust rocc * vet ' nof ‘ l' roln Hie Canton
CLriiiiu IU Tea Company of New York, at
Cheap Store, Cherry Street,
march 2 I
Paints, Oils, At.
J'UST received, White Lead, dry and in Oil;
Chronic Green, Indian Red;
do Yellow; Venetian Red;
Prussian Blue: Spanish Brown;
Van Dyke Brown; Lamp Black.
Also, on hand a good assorimrnt of Paint
Brushes, and Window Glass, Bxlo to 24 »
As the season is approarhing for painting up,
the subscriber would call attention to the above
Stock, which is offered upon reasonable terms.
feb 16 Successor to J. C. Gii.bkkt A. Cos.
Light, Light.
(1 ONSTANTLY on hand Fresh CAM I*ll INE
J and the best LAMP OILS. Avery nice
clear article of Lamp Oil, just recived and for
sale at ikl per gallon.
march 9 E L. STROHECKER, M D.
Pure i’otl Liver Oil.
V MOTHER Lot of Rushton’s Genuine Cod
Liver Oil just received. The increased
demand for this pure preparation, nnd the Halter
ing accounts from Physicians and others, of its
efficacy in releiving Pulmonic and Scrofulous
affections, fully sustains the high reputation ac
quired at the North where it has been fully tested,
march 9 E. 1.. STROHECKER. M. D.
O Rio and Java Coffee
Crushed and Powdered Sugars
Champaigns and Madeira Al ines •
Nuts and Crackers of all kinds
Sardines and Lobsters
Pickles by the Jar or Gallon
Codfish, Mackerel and Shad
Superfine Wheat and Rye Flour
Fine Starch, Mustard, Tapioca
Spices, Chocolate, &c., at
Cheap Store, Cherry Street,
dec 1 1
Choice Family (>KOCERIES.
SUGARS —St. Croix, Porto Kioo, New Or-
Irars, Clarified, Crushed and Powdered
COFFEE—Rio, Java and Morlu,
TEA—Fine Hyson, Imperial and Povvchnng
CRACKERS—Butter, Soda and Pilot Bread
SYRUP—Sugar House and New Orleans
FLOUR —Baltimore and Canal in whole and
half barrels
\ INEGAR—White Wine and pure Ciller
Smoked Herring, New Codfish .
Smoked Beef and Tongues, Mercer Potatoes
Pickled Shad, Goshen Butter *
Goshen Cheese,New Rice, &c.
Just received and for sale very cliqap, by
sept 29 Cherry Street.
Pine Perfumery.
TUST received a supply of choice and delicate
Extracts for the handkerchief, among which
may be found
Jockey Club; Patchouly;
Jenny Lind; Millofleur; West End;
Bouquet de^(saroline;
Vanilla; Jasmin, &c., Ac.
MARROW POMADE for dressing the hair,
with a general assortment of Toilet and Fancy
Fine Chewing Tobacco.
Cl H. AS. LILIENTIIAL’S well known
> • superior fine Cut Chewing TOBACCO,
;r, papers and cans. Also, various brands of
Chewing Tobacco—some ofwhicli the knowing
ones say cannot he beat. Also, various brands
of CIGARS, which are just good enough. For
sale at W. FREEMAN’S
Cheap Store, Cherry Street,
dec I 1
Fresh Fish, Crabs, and Shrimps,
VERY Night from Savannah, at
.J march 30 W. FREE SIAN’S.
ONE Thousand Pounds fine old American
Cheese, for sale very low at
march 30 W. FREEMAN’S.
Cigars, Cigars.
Thousand Cigars various brands—
. among them are some genuine and most ele
gant Cigars. Lovers of a good article will be
certain to get it at VV. FREEMAN’S,
march 30
TEN Casks of Byass’ celebrated Porter for
* n,p b y W. FREEMAN,
march 30
C WAIMS PANACEA-For sal.- bv’“
march 9 E. I. STROHECKER, M D
HAVE the pleasure of announcing that they
- have received nnd arc now opening at their
new stand, corner of Cherry and Third Streets,
a verv large and entirely new stock of FA.XCY
have linen carefully selected in the largest and
most fashionable houses in New York, are war
ranted of superior style and quality, and will be
sold on very moderate terms.
april 6 13
Ladies’ Press Goods.
\ SPLENDID assortment of Ginghams, Bar
. ges and Muslins, for morning and evening j
dresses. Also, an endless variety of rich and
brilliant summer SILKS, etc. Just received at
april G * * |
Family and Staple Goods.
rOGAN A ATKINSON are now opening a
J very large assortment of Staple and Domestic
Goods, suitable for plantation or family uses,
which will be sold low for cash or to approved
april G ' 3
Splendid Biidal Dresses.
4 FEW magnificent BRIDAL UllESshS,
/x with trimmings to suit—very fine and fash
ionable. Ladies would do well to call and ex
amine them, at
I FAYE just received a well selected nssorl
-1 ment of DR Y GOODS and GROCERIES,
which embraces almost every article in their
line of business. These Goods make their stock
extensive, which has been selected recently by
one of the firm, and they are determined to sell
their Goods upon reasonable terms, and at the
lowest prices. Whilst they are thankful for past
favors, they respectfully invite their friends and
the public U> call at their Store on Cherry Street,
and examine their Goods and prices, before pur
chasing elsewhere.
march 23 11
RUMMER SILKS, changeable Brocade Silk
O Chamelion Dress Silks, Foulards, Batti •
Tissue, solid colored, plaid and printed
Black Satin Gro do Chine
Plain Gro de Rhine and Gro de Swiss
Figured Poult de Snie Flounces
French Jaconets, printed and plain
French Muslins, do do
IlairCord Muslins, Lawns and Organdies
French Prints nnd superfine Ginghams
Black & colored Silk Laces, Fringes &. Gimps
Embroidered Collars, Capes and Cull's
Ribbon Cuffs, Neck Ribbons
Embroidered Swiss Mantillas and Sacks,
Long Shawls and Scarfs, (all new style)
White and Black Silk Lace Veils
• Kid and Silk tilovcs, Mitts, Ar..
Just received and for salo very cheap by
O | AND 10-4 Bleach’d and Brown Da
-0”"a: mask Table Linen
Bleached Table Cloths, great variety &. si/.c
Napkins, Huckaback and Russia Towelling
Birds Eye Diaper, Russia Diapers
Table Covers, Linen Lawns
Barnsley Sheeting, Pillow Case Linens
Heavy Linen Shirting, very desirable
Bro and White Hollands, Russia Duck
Irish Linens from 30 cents to 25
London Drillings, White and Fancy Color’d
Grass and Brown Linens, Linen Drillings
Plaid Coat Linens, new stylo Linens for boys
Planter's Heavy Linens, for pants
The above Goods are all fresh and desirable,
ami will bo sold at a small advance, by
(1 F. N T L E M E N in want of the following
T Goods, will find our assortment good, and
prices right.
If I ack, Blue, Green and Olive Cloilis
French Doe Skin Cussimers
Fig’d Black
Fancy Styles “
Gro l)c Eta, Dra De Eta
Milan Cloth, Mohair Cloth
Lima Cloths, Chine Linens, Brown Linens
Barnsly Drill’gs, white &.col’<l Grass Linens
Suspenders, Cravats, Gloves
Boots, Congress Gaiters
Panama Hats, Pedal Straw Hats
Leghorn “ Palm Leaf “
l ine Brown, White and Strined half Hose
Prints, Ginghams, Ac.
PA A PIECES English and American Prints
JUU 200 Pieces English, French,and Scotch
100 Pieces Printed Cambrics and Lawjis
50 “ Paper and Col'd Cambrics
Muslin Ginghams, Linen Gighams
Bleach’d Drillings, Mnsquelo Nettings
Furniture Prints,Canary and Tit Prints
Just now opened and for sale low by
Parasols and Umbrellas.
,*T t j, v PARASOLS from 12-i cents to $5
H * Sun Shades and Parasoletts
1 Case Silk Umbrellas
1 “ Extra fine Gingham Umbrellas
5 “ Assorted “ “
1 “ Umbrellas Extra size
Now open and for sale by
1/ k CASES New Style Fashionable Bonnets
A' 20 Cartoons Ribbons, (great variety)
Ribbon Gimps, Ribbon Trimmings
Black and Col’d Silk Lawns, and Fringes
Just received and for sale cheap, by
FAESPECTFULLV inform the public that
J V they are now disposing of their Stock
of Goods at .Veto York Cost, at their new store,
corner cf Tbiiu Aiiu Cherry Streets, formerly
occupied by Messrs. Graves «.Y Wood.
lUTLadies are particularly requested to call
and examine the Goods and prices.
march 2 g ts
I*3o. CASH STOKE. I*3o
rpHE subscriber is now receiving a Stock oi
-L STAPLE GOODS suitable for the coming
season. Among which will be found a great
variety of Brown and Bleached Cottons front 5
to 12-4 wide.
Linens of all widths, from 4-4 to 12-4.
Damask Table Diaper, 8-4 and 10-4.
Damask Napkins and Dollies, Huckaback and
Diapers, Furniture, Dimity and Fringes.
Together with a general assortment of all
kinds of Goods usually kept in a Dry Goods
Store. The public are invited to call and ex
amine before making their purchases.
feb 16 GEO. W. PRICE.
Muslin sleeves and cuffs-a new
-and beautiful article, just received bv
Linen Sheeting;.
I*F_, f LINEN SHEET! N4i,extra cheap
..-w H: ott 13 CEO XV PRICE
WILL continue Business at their “ Fil'C-
Proof Build!life's,”- on Colton
. itenue , Macoj, Ga.
Thankful for past favor*, they beg leave tosay
they will be constantly at their post, and that no
efforts shall he spared io advance the interest oi
! their patrons.
| They respectfully ask all who have COTTO.S
or other PRODUCE to Store, to < all and cxntn
i ino the safety of their Buildings, before placing
| it elsewhere.
| o=Ccstomary Advances on Cotton in Store
or Shipped, and all Business transacted at the
usual rates.
j line 2 27—Iv
Dacou Daguerre an Gallery.
It. 1,. fi'OOJLf, Dagucrreotvpist,
HAS fitted up since the fire, a splendid Room
on the corner of Mulberry and Third Street,
over Dr. Stroheckcr’s Drug Store, opposite
the Floyd House, where he is prepared to
: i ; ,kc L l K ENE SS E S , in the finest style.—
Having recently received all the Me improve
\ ments in the art, he pledges himself to take the
finest Pictures ever offered in Macon. Persons
! by examining his Pictures will find them free
from scratches and blemishes of any kind, and of
j a beautiful life-like tone. As this is the perfection
I in the art which has so long been sought after,
he feels confident of giving satisfaction to all
who may feel disposed to patronize him. His
friends and the public generally are requested to
give him a call.
Entrance on Third Street.
N. B. Instructions given in the Art.
feb 23 I— :i <n
Quirk time ! quirk time !!
Daguerreotype portraits taken
in from three to twenty seconds, at the Cook
DAfitn.unr.AN Rooms, Mulberry St., near the
new Hotel. Also, in operation, the new and
! most astonishing improvement in the art : that
of executing two correct Likenesses of one sub
ject, side, front, or hack views on one Plate, at
the same sitting. Single Pictures taken at re
de ed prices. Hours for operating are from 9
A. M., to 4,P. M. Likenesses taken as well in
cloudy, as in fair weather.
File Public are respectfully-invited to call and I
examine the specimens.
Instructions given in the art.
dec 29 J M HART, Artist.
.llacou Candy Manufactory.
rpilE Subscriber still continues to marufac-
L ture CANDY of every variety, next door
! below Ross & Co’s, on Cotton Avenue. Hav
ing increased my facilities and obtained addi
i tionnl Tools, I am now prepared to put up to
j order, C JIN DIE S, of any variety, and war
| ranted equal to any manufactured in the South-
I also manufacture a superior articloofLemon a#d
All iny articles are well packed, delivered at ;
any point in the City and warranted to give !
satisfaction. 11. C. FREEMAN, Agent,
march 9 9
rjniiE Subs cribcr respectfully' informs the I
X public, that lie lias removed bis Gunsmith’s
I Shop from Cotton Avenue to the Wooden Build
ing on Cherry Street, opposite tbe Telegraph
Office, where he is prepared to earrv on the
GUNSMITH’S BUSINESS; and has for sale:
Doable, and Single Barreled Guns, Rises,
Pistols, Powder, Flasks, Shot Poaches,
Caps, Powder, Shot, Lead, fc.
„ p All Work done with neatness and dis
patch and warranted. Terms Cash.
j oet 1 1
Hums, Vtutter, Syrup. Ac.
Now Orleans Sugar House SY RL’P
A few Jars of very white Leaf LARD.
All of choice quality, just received and fur
sale bv GEO. T. ROGERS,
dee 1 Cherry Street.
Choice Hams.
N'EFF’S Cincinnati Sugar cured and Georgia
canvassed HAMS, of superior quality, just
received and for sale by G. 1\ ROGERS.
! july 10
I^7HITE Wine and Pure Cider Vinegar of
W very superior quality, just received nnd
for sale bv GEO. T. ROGERS,
j jn»e »G
7T BOXES of superior quality, in larged ml
! / *) small boxes, just received and for sale by
dec 1 GEO. T. KOGERS.
Congress Water.
I>\' the Box or at Retail. Just received cli-
J reet from the Springs and bv
may 12 GEO. T. ROGERS.
Buckwheat, Ac.
1A A SACKS Fine Buckwheat
Ul/ 50 boxes new crop Raisins
25 do superior Cheese
j Just received at VV. FREEMAN’S,
dec 1 1
New York Steam Kctinctl Caustics
\ STILL 1 .arger assortment of CANDIES i
. just received and for sale as low as any '
! Candies in Town,at W. FREEMAN’S.
! dec 1 1
Northern Butter.
«»•* ’ well known quality received every Fall,
fresh from some of the best dairies at the’North.
Just received bv VV. FREEMAN.
doc 8
New llice.
IT'IVF. T ierees of prime quality, just received
and for sale by GEO. T. ROGERS.
dec 1 ’ ]
Cuba Molasses.
A HMDS, in fine order, just received and
d' ' for sale low bv
dec 1 GEO. T ROGERS.
Oysters, Fresh Oysters.
THNE, Large, Fat, Fresh OYSTERS, will be
' received every night arid sold by the Pint,
Uuart or Gallon, at that every body
i must have some. The Oysters will be receiver!
| and must be sold at some price or another—so all
you lovers of good Oysters, walk tip and get a
*'cw, at ' VV. FREEMAN S,
dec 1 t
To Milliners.
P ONNET GLUE, of superior quality, is kept
1> for sale bv ‘
march 9 'E. L. STROHECKER, M. D.
Tweed Cassisucres.
and Tweed Cassimeres, a good assort
ment, just received by
on 13 GEO. VV. PRICE.
Flour, Meal, Corn,
IT A CON Ilams, Sides and Shoulders; Lard;
J Irish and Sweet Potatoes—in store anil for
sa ' e by .1 S. RICHARDSON,
Cotton Avenue,
march 24 17
Bleeding from llie Lungs ami
Consumption cured !
If is tar ts Cos. laid in the shade! More of the
Wonders resulting from the judicious use of
rpHE following communication appeared in
1 the last Georgia Telegraph, and must be re
plcte with interest to all similarly afflicted. Mr.
Smith i., a printer by profession, and is employ -
ed in that office—he relates his experience, which
after all is the best criterion by which to judge
of the value of remedies. Advertisements and
high sounding statements may be set forth, and
thus give an ephemeral character and existence
to remedies, which when judged by this test,
lose all their value,and become defunct ; not so,
however, with those which have thus been test
ed, and have passed through the ordeal; for of
them, we state what has occurred, and from that
deduce what may be expected. But to the com
munication, it will speak for itself.
Macon, Jan. 14, 1850.
S. J. Ray, Editor Georgia Telegraph ■
DkarSik: —While so many certificates of
individuals living off at great distances are ap
pearing in the papers commendatory of Bal
sams, Syrups, ■ i anil Powders, I think it but
right tbiit medical research and superior success
of some of our practitioners at home should be
made known to our community, that those of
our neighborhood who are afflicted may not one
k-save their health but their money also, and at
the same time encourage the efibrts of those who
would give character and consequence to this
section of the Union. 1 have been led to these
remarks by the teachings of my own experi
ence :
About seven years ago I was attacked with a
disease of the liver und lungs, accompanied with
haemorrhage or spitting of blood, with severe
and most harrassing and distressing cough,cold
sweats of nights, with a wasting diarrhner, and
a great part of the time confined to my bed, and
so debilitated generally, that I could do but lit
tle in the way of business 1 thus continued
for over five years, making every effort during
that time to regain iny health. 1 first applied to
thephy scians ofSavannah, where I then resided,
but their efforts failed to relieve me. I then
tried Houck’s Panacea for a long time—then
YVistar’s Balsam of Wild Cherry, Sic., till I had
spent hundreds of dollars in their purchase, and
still found myself as bad off as before. 1 then
applied to your townsman, Dr. M. S. Thomson,
who I am happy to say, after treating my case
some G or 7 months, restored me to sound, and
I believe to permanent health, for I am now and
have been for the last 1-8 months in the enjoy
ment of uninterrupted health. This is my ex
perience, and I doubt not you will agree with
me in the opinion, that 1 have good reasons for
recommending the Doctor and iiis remedies in
eases of this kind, far above the most eminent
physicians whose skill I had tested, and the far
famed and much boasted balsams and panaceas
with which I had been dosed. Let others do
likewise, if they would he cured, and that they
may not perish for lack of knowledge, I here
by request that you will give publicity to n.y
statement in your widely circulating sheet, and
much oblige yours, respectfully,
The following letters are given, not so much
on account of the facts they contain, though they
are important, as to give ail idea or specimen of
many of the same kind that are borne to tlic
subscriber by almost every Mail from the North,
South, East liml West. They were not intended
for publication, and are therefore the more to be
relied on, and appreciated.
Benjamin dories’ Letter.
Traveller's Rest, Dooly Cos. Ga. }
January IG, 1850. )
Dr. M. S. Thomson,
Dear Sir :—1 hope you will excuse n.e for not
writing to you sooner. I have not forgot you,
ifcither will I forget to pay you when 1 sell my
1 uni much gratified in beingablc to announce
that my son has got almost entirely well, so
much so, thut all those symptoms of disease
have left him, but the enlargement of the spleen
which has not entirely gone. To look at Ins
situation eight months back,and to look at him
now,it seems almost as one risen from the dead.
I say to you, there is no more healthy looking
youth in all this county, indeed liis whole sys
tem is regular and easy. God knows how long
he will remain so, but 1 hope lie will to the end
of life, lie has not taken any medicine for the
last four months, yet he is thirty pounds heaver
than before that time. I had applied to Physi
cians, of both the Mineral and Botanic Schools,
of eminent general qualifications, hut all to no
benefit, but thanks to God, and gratitude to you
for Ins restoration. My feelings are indeed un.
speakable. BENJAMIN JONES.
Wm. W. Walker's Letter.
Wart hen’s Store, Washington Cos. )
January 2, 1850. 5
Dr. M. S. Thomson,
Dear Sir :—lt is with pleasure that I write to
vou, to inform you of the improvement of my
health. I have follow ed your directions as near
as I have been able, and I think I have not
missed the proper way far. The medicine is
nearly gone, and 1 feel like anew man. I have
not changed much in my appearance, but surely
in my feeiings lam well. 1 now can enjoy my
self with my family, my neighbors and even
myself; this world looks bright, and I fee! hap
py in the anticipation of the future. lam en
tirely free from almost every symptom of the
disease with which I have been afflicted. It
you think I had belter take some more medicine
to make sure of it, please send it and oblige,
Y ours respectfully, YVM. \\ .\Y ALKLR.
persons desirous of testing tbe efficacy oflhesc
remedies in their own cases, no matter where
they reside, can do so very conveniently by send
ing their age and symptoms in writing as correct
ly as possible, when medicines to suit their va
rious cases will be compounded and sent by mail,
eijircss or private hand. In order that all
may partake of tiie benefits resulting from tho
use-of his remedies, his charge for the treatment
of such cases as do not require his personal atten
tion, will be only Fire Dollars a month, which
may be sent by mail at his risk.
Acute cases, and those requiring personal at
tention, will be charged in accordance with tile
established rates of other city Physicians.
The inconvenience of having little sums scat
tered all over the country has induced him for
the future to have his terms cash, or when that
is varied from,it must be with the express prom
ise of honorable payment at Christmas, without
subjecting him to the trouble and expense of col
lection. Those requiring personal attention
can be accommodated in Macon. All letters
must be post paid and addressed
jan 2G Macon, (sa.
Agents Wanted,
TO procure subscriptions for the SOUTH
ERN TRIBUNE. A number of active,
energetic men may obtain a handsome per ccnt
age, for cash subscribers in the country,bv ap
plying at the SOUTHERN TRIBUNE Office,
jan 1
Solace’s Fine Cut Tobacco.
SOMETHING very superior, just received
and for sate by GEO. T. ROGERS.
1 sept 29
London Porter.
I N Quart and Pint Bottles, just received
. and for sale by GEO, T ROGERS.
H. !R«
A NEW and brilliant light has lately arisen
and now stands high in the horizon, shed
ding its golden light of hope upon the dark des
pairing minds ol’the bed-ridden and afflicted with
pain, like the bursting forth of the congenial rays
of the sun upon the cold, dismal regions of the
fri"id zone. The three letters which head this
paragraph is the signification of
An instantaneous antidote for Pains of all kinds
—the very instant Radwny’s Ready Relief is ap
plied, its pain-relieving qualities are realized,—
it will relieve the most severe pains of Rheuma
tism, Lumbago, Gout, Paralysis, Tic Doloreux,
&c , in a few minutes.
Rheumatism —Its cause, treatment and cure.
All Rheumatic Pains Instantly Cured by Rad
way s Ready Relief. —Rheumatism arises from
different causes, but most generally’ proceeds
from Colds, exposure to cold damp weather, and
sleeping in damp apartments. This complaint
is divided into two classes ; the first Inflamma
tory', so called from the swelling and inflamma
tion that attends the pains in the parts affected ;
second, Chronic Rheumatism, so called from the
long continuance ofthc disease. It isalsoknown
as Lumbago, or pain in the hack ; Sciatieia, or
pains in the hip or groin ; Antlirody nia,or pains
in the joints. The Acute Rheumatism generally
terminates into one of these and becomes a chro
nic complaint.
To Relieve your Tortures —Apply Kmuway’s
Ready Relief, on a warm flannel cloth, previous
ly bathing the parts with warm water, also take
30 or 40 drops of the Relief internally in some
molasses twice or three times a day ; this will
give warmth to the stomach, and surely relieve
you from all Rheumatic pains. It is also speedy
and ellectual in its operation in the cure of dis
eased Spine,stitch in the Back, Lameness, Sore
ness of the Joints, Weakness, and Pain in the
Side, Nervous Headache, Tic Doloreux and
Tooth Ache, Spasms, Strains, Cramps in the
Stomach, Piles, Sores, Burns, Scalds, Eruptions
of the Skin, Sour Stomach, Heart Burn, Hoarse
ness and Sore Throat. Reader, if you have the
misfortune to he troubled with either of the a
bove distressing complaints, be thankful that an
antidote for your pains is at hand in Radway's
Ready Relief. It is sure to give you instant ease,
and to your joy will insure you a speedy and
perfect cure.
See that each bottle has the far simile signa
ture of Radway & Cos. upon each label—none
other is genuine.
A Beautiful Picture —A \eic Lahti—Steel En
graving—To protect the public against purchas
ing counterfeits of Railway’s Chinese Medicated
Soap,R. G. Rad way, the* celebrated Chemist ol
New York, has at great expense engaged the ser
vices of one of the first artists ofsteel engraving
in America, and will on the first ol April, 1850,
issue Radway’s Medicated Soap in its new label, j
It isa beautiful steel engraving, it represents two
female figures of Health and Beauty, reclining]
on a tablet and scroll work, on which are the
in illuminated letters. On the opposite side ol
the tablet is the sac simile signature of R. G. j
Radway. The design is neat, chaste, artistic, I
and elegantly executed.
The virtues of the Soap are also improved, the j
high popularity which this excellent Soap has \
attained for its superiority over all others for
Toilet, Medicinal, and Shaving purposes, has ]
impelled us to strive and improve upon its merits, 1
instead of resting satisfied on its already gained
laurels. We have now entered into arrange
ments for the importation direct from our corres
pondents in Constantinople in Turkey, and Can- 1
ton in China, for our several Oils, Gums and
Balsams, nnd extracts of rare medicinal virtues,
which we use in the manufacture of Rad way’s
Soup, instead of receiving them from third par
ties, so that now we haver the satisfaction of
knowing that the highly medicated and balsamic
properties of our Soap are pined and unadul
Asa Reautifier of the Skin—lt surpasses every
thing ofthc kind in the world,it removes Redness
Pimples, Blotches, Pustules, 'l etters, Rash. It
cures Salt Rheum, Ring Worm, Sore Heads,
Sores, Pustular Eruptions. It imparts health to
the skin and beauty to the complexion. As n
Nursery and Toilet Soap, it is beyond the reach
of rivalry, and for Shaving purposesit isthe best
in use. One cake of Radwny’s Soap will last
longer than three cakes of the same size of any
other Sq:ip in use, therefore it is the cheap
est and best Soap in the world. Price 25 cents,
large cakes in engraved wrappers, and the signa
ture of R. G. Radway upon each wrapper,
i Now through the Harem chambers many lights
] Os busy shapes proclaim the toilet rights—
While some bring balm from Circassia's fair,
To dress and beautify their lovely Hair,
Which makes the maids of Circassian sires
Within the breasts of kings pure Jove inspire.
To Dress und Beautify the Hair —Radway’s
Circassian Balm is becoming quite popular, in
the course oftime it will supersede all other
preparations in use, it cures baldness, strength
ens tin: hair, eradicates dandruff, ami makes
the hair soft, fine, and glossy. By using the
balm as per directions, i! will make it curl
beautifully, rsembling nature. Price 25 cts in
large bottles. See that Radway & Cos., is upon
each bottle.
For sale by JACKSON BARN'ES, Macon ;
Chapman, Hill &. Cos., and Johnson & Tult,
Griffin ; and liantin &, N'isscn, Atlanta, Ga.
inarch 30 12
I'ACKSON BARNES is now openings large
Stock of Books and Stationery,
on Mulberry street, third door above Sliotvvell’s
old corner, where he will be happy to see his
former customers.
Teachers and others in want of School Cooks
and Stationery will find it to their advantage to
call, us he is determined to sell at small profits,
for cash. '
Having made arrangments in the North, he
can supply to order any Books in Law, Medicine,
Theology, or general literature, and on terms
which cannot fail to satisfy,
march 30 12
.1. Barnes’ Book Bindery,
I S again in operation, and he is prepared to
make to order Blank Aeeoiinl Books
of any pattern and stylo of Bindnng from the
linen paper. LAW and MUSIC BOOKS bound
in the best manner.
(UP Mulberry street, third door above Shot
wcil’s old corner.
Macon, March 30. 12.
riiampaigne Cider.
i ISBLS. Newark Chainpaignc Cider, just
' / received and for sale, by
march 9 GEO. T. ROGERS.
9 A lIIIDS. New Crop Cardenas Molasses,
g-') just received and for sale bv
march 9 GEO. T. ROGERS.
Embroidered Window Curtains.
FUST received a large assortment. Also,Crini-
e * son, Blue and Drab Worsted Damask.
feb 1G G. VV. PRICE.
Fancy Baskets,
\ LARGE assortment just received, and for
- sale by
A t I.A I HA
A man by the'name <if Cl.Ai’V hat ensayrii »oth
y.iua" man Hie n unc of ri. I*. TuwaienA. sad uses 1,,'
name m pill up a Sarsapwrilia. « hich they cull
tenaV Sarsaparilla, ilenominatlns it OKITVIirR, Origin'
etc. This Townsend is no doctor, and never was; bnt
formerly a worker on mifroads, canals, ami the like. Yet be
assumes the title of Hr., for the purpose of gaining credit f*
what he is not. This is to caution the public not tn
deceived, nnd purchase none bnt the QHJfVUfp. OHfQi
If AI. O hi) l»r. Jacob Townsend's Bars* pari Mh, having
U the Old Dr’s, likeness, his family coat of arms, and bj*
signature aen»ss the coat of arms.
Principal OJRrc, 102 .V *agsau st. t JWac York City,
Genuine Townsend Sarsaparilla.
Old Dr. Townsend is now about 70 years of age, ami ljs«
long been known as the AUTHOR und t)iBCOI r FRKk
SAFARI/,/.A.' J Heine poor, he was compelled v<i Urovt
manufacture, by which means it lias been kept nntofianr
ket. and the sales circumscribed to those only who had
proved its worth, and known its value. It had reached
the ears of many, nevertheless, ns those jiersons who had
been healed of sore diseases, and saved Irom death, pro
claimed its excellence and wonderful
Knowing, many years ago. that he had. by his *kji;
science and experience, devised an article which would he
of in- vlt Hhilile advantage to mankind when the means
w I•. i o furnished to bring it into universal notice, when
its in* i niahle virtues would l»e known and appreciated.
This tunc hos come, the means are supplied ; this
is manufactured on the largest scale, and is called it»r
throughout the length and breadth of the land, especially
as it is found inc tpahle of degeneration or <ieterior&tion.
Unlike young S. l\ Townsend’s, it improves with nge, mid
never changes, but for the better: because it is prepared on
scientific principles by a scientific man. The highest knowl
edge of Chemistry, and the latest discoveries of the art,
have all been brought into requisition in the manufacture
of the Old Dr’s Sarsaparilla. The Sarsaparilla root, it is
well known to medical men, contains many medicinal pro
portics, and some properties which are inert or useless, and
others, which if retained in preparing it for use, produce
fermentation and acid , w hich is injurious to the system.
Some of the pto|ier:i« sos Sarsaparilla are so volatile, that
they ent.roiy evaporate and arl lost in .he preparation, if
they are not preserved by a scientific process, known only
to those experienced in its manufacture. Moreover, these
volatile principles, which fly off in vapor, or as an exhala
tion. under heat, arc the very essential medical properties
of the root, which give to it ail its value.
Any person can boil or stew the root till they get a dark
colored liquid, which is more from tho coloring matter la
the root than from any thing else; they can then strata
this insipid or vapid liquid, sweeten w ith sonr molasses,
and then call it " tiAItSAI'AHILDA EXTRACT or SY-
But such is not the article know n as the
This is so prepared, that all the inert properties of the
Sarsaparilla root are first removed, every thing capable of
becoming acid or of fermentation, is extracted anil rejected;
then every particle of medical virtue is secured in a pure
ami concentrated form ; and thus it is rendered inc tpahle of
losing any of its valuable and healing properties. Prepared
in this way, it is made the most powerful agent in the
Cure oC iimusneruble diseases.
Hence the reason why we hear commendations on every
viife In its favor by men, women, nnd children* We fmd it
doing wonders in the cure of
TIC XS, PIMPLES , RJ.OCTUES. and all affectioui
arising from
It possesses a marvellous efficacy in all complaints arising
from Indigestion, from Acidity of the Stomach, from unequal
circulation, determination of to the head, palpitation
of the heart, cold feet anti hands, cold chills and hot liashei
over the body. It has not its equal in Colds ami Cough;
and promotes easy expectoration and gentle perspiration,
relaxing stricture of the lungs, throat, and every other part.
But in nothing is its excellence more manifestly seen and
acknowledged thnn in all kinds nnd stages of
It works wonders in cases of Finer Albmt or IVhitrs. Full
ing of the IVomh, Obstructed, Suppressed, or Painful Mentu,
Irregularity of the menstrual periods, and the line; nnd
is as effectual in curing all the forms of Kidney Disease s.
By removing obstructions, and regulating the general
system, it gives tone and strength to the whole body, aud
thus cures all forms of
Nervous diseases and debility,
and thus prevents or relieves a great variety of other mala
•lies, as Spinal irritation. Xeuralgia, St. Vitus' Danes
Swooning, Epileptic Fits. Convulsions, 6lc.
It cleanses the blood, excites the liver to healthy action,
tones the stomach, and gives good digestion, relieves the
bowels of torpor ami constipation, allays inflammation,
purifies the skin, equalises the circulation of the blood,
producing gentle warmth equally all over the body,.and
the insensible perspiration; relaxes all strictures and tight
ness, removes all obstructions, aud invigorates the entire
nervous system. Is not this then
The medicine you pre-eminently need !
But can any of these things be said of H. I*. Townsend'*
inferior article? This \ntmg man’s liquiil is not to be
because of one (IBAND FACT, that the one is LN'CAPA
while the other DOEri ; soaring, fermenting, and bloving
the bottles containing it into fragments ; the sour, ncid liquid
exploding, and damaging other goods ! Must not this horri
ble compound he poisonous to the system t— What! put
cod into a system already diseased inth acul' W bat cattsea
Dyspepsia but acid ? Do we not all know that when hwHl
sours in our stomachs, what mischiefs it produces . flatu
lence, heartburn, palpitation of the heart, liver complaint,
diarrhma. dysentery, colic, and corruption ol [he
What is Scrofula but an acid humor in the body •
produces all the humors which bring on Eruptions of toe
Skin, tfcald Head, Salt Rheum. Erysipelas, White btvw
lugs, Fever Sores, and all ulcerations internal and exteiw-
It is nothing under heaven, but an acid substance.whit*
scours, and thus spoils all the fluids i>t the body, more 0
! .ess. What causes Rheumatism hut a sour or acid nuut
! which insinuates itself between the joints and eßew hcrc.
irrl tn ting and inflaming the delicate tissues upon which it
acts ? So of nervous diseases, <>f impurity of the bl4H*,«
, deranged circulations, and nearly all the ail menu which
afflict human nature.
Now is it not horrible to make and sell, and infin;tetl
worse to use this .
•ml yet he would fain have it understood that Old
I’ownsund’s Genuine Original Sarsaparilla , isanJMliA
-I'ION of his inferior preparation ’.! .. h
Heaven forbid that we should deni in an ® rtl p
would hear tho most distant resemblance t°S. 1. 10 .
‘end’s article! and which should bring down ujHin tne
Dr. such a mountain load of complaints and ennww
from Agents who have sold, ami purchasers who have
We wish it understood, because it is the nlsoluU tru
that S. P. Townsend's article nnd Old Dr. Jacob y
send’* Sarsaparilla are heaven-wide apart, nnd
similar; that they .ire unlike in every particular, ha > «*
not one single thing in common. , .
As S. P. Townsend Is no doctor, and never was. ’*
chemist, no pharmaceutist—knows no more id wemem*
disease than any othercimimon, unscientific, unpro****’
man. what guarantee can tho public have that they
criv’uig ji genuine scientific iiieditm*;, coritrmucS
virtues of tbe articles used in preparing it. nnd which are
capable of changes which might lender them the Aufc*
of Disease instead of health.
But what else should be expected from one who '‘ ,l
nothing comparatively of medicine or disease ! H H
n person of some experience to cook and serve up eV ‘‘
common decent meal. Ilovv much more important is if'
the persons who manufacture medicine, designed for
should know well the medical properties ol plants, _
best li Dinner of securing and concentrating their ne*' •
virtues, also on extensive knowledge of tho various uw*
which affect the human system, and how to adapt reme
to these diseases ! . (gl
It is to arrest frauds upon the unfortunate, to pour •
into wonndcii humanity, to kindle hope in the despei
bosom, to restore health and bloom, and vigor »>'t°
crushed and broken, anil to banish infirmity that. a
portuuity and means to bring his .
Ciraitd Universal Concentrate®
Kennedy ,»
within the reiicli. ami «" the knowledge of all who nr
that they may Imirn nnd know, by joyful ex|>er»ui<-e.
Transcendent Power to Hear
For sale by J. H. & W. S. ELLIS,***
J. A. & S. S. VIRGIN'S, Macon, Ga-
Olay 5
Newark Cider.
IfiJ) BRLS. Newark Refined Cider,
eei ved nnd for sale by ,
may 12 * lie ry » ( rßt