Newspaper Page Text
Charleston Advertisements.
« . VlCTOitli HOTEL,
pvrft stuff r, cha i: i.l:' rose,s c.
july 6 26—ly
rOKEia.V />«!• GOODS,
\YrouLi) respectfully inform tlmir frii'iids
VV ami those who p irchase Dry wood* in
their city, that they are now prepared to offer,
a large, choice and well assorted Stoca
As they receive the Bulk of iheir <tood»rfi»ect
from European Ports, they feel assured of being
able to compete aucseaafuHy with any other
Market in the United States.
C *!fc E L. KERR ISON ,V CO.
No. 209 King, North West Corner of King
and Market Streets.
ntig 24 k 33—3 m
IT - * HE Subscribers, Direct Importers, of all
JL WOOLLEN GOODS, have just received,
per ships “Guluare,” “Orion" and “Samoset,'
tram Liverpool, their Fall supply ofPLAINS,
KERSEYS, White and colored BLANKETS,
White, lied, Blue and Gi ecu Flannel Blanketing,
Guernsey Shirts, Kilmarnock Caps, Scotch
Bonnets, &**.., expressly suited to our Soiiihern
Planters' Trade, arid to an inspection of which,
they confidently invite all vvlio visit the Charles
ton Market.
299 King, North West Corner of King
and M il ket Streets.
aug 24 ;;: 3 1
At his .Vt to Store, Xu. 241, Hind of luir' Sired
HA Ton It and and will constantly keep sup- I
plied with the largest variety of Rich and
Seasonable DRY GOODS, ever exposed in
Charleston, to which the, attention of Planters
and Country Merchants is invited.
july 29 ' Ij
A ‘ear the Charleston Hotel, Charleston, S. C.
TRAVELLERS are invited to call at
WELCH'S Fashionable Furnishing Store |
for Gentlemen, where tan be had SHIRTS
made in the latest Fashion, and of the best ina
tarials, superior workmanship, and Diuskifi's
celebrated pattern. N A. DAUSKIN is the
original inventor of cutting Shirts by measure
ment. Dauskin s Pattern has received the un
qualified commendation of Gentlemen in all
parts of the United States, and has been pro
nounced perfect.
Also, for sale, a great variety of GOODS,
suitable for Gentlemen.
july 29 23—ly
Xo. 19 Vendue Range, Charleston, S. C.
HAS constantly on hand every description of
Foreign and Domestic DRY GOODS,
aj* Vendue Sales of Dry Goods Twice a Week.
July 29 28—ly
J. 11. TAYLOR,
-Vo. 17 Vendue Range, Charleston, S. C.
HAS always on hand, a full supply of 4-4
and 7-8 Brown Shil lings, Prints, Bleached
and Colored GOODS, which will he sold on
favorable terms.
O’ Agent for Charleston Steam Cotton Factory.
July 20 23—ly
Xo. 90 East Bay, Charleston, S. C.
DEALER in Farina ; Wheaten Grits ; Mac
caroni ; Vermicelli ; Pickles ofall kinds;
Tapioca ; Chocolate and Cocoa, of every des
cription ; Sweet Oil ; Mustard : Spices , Lemon
Sugar ; Lemon Syrup ; Essence of Coffee, ,Ve.
Imported Scgars, Chainpaignes, Clarets, tVe. and
Fancy Groceries in general.
O'A gent for the Congieas Steam Mills, New
july 20 23—ly
Milltii’s ISiM'iiit Bakery,
Xo. 131 Sleeting Street, opposite the Market
fTAHC Subscriber has constantly on hand
J- Pilot and Navy Bread, Soda, Butter, Le
mon,Water,Sugar and Dyspeptic Clt ACKERS,
Ginger Nuts, Sir., in barrels, kegs, boxes and
bulk, all warrated ofthe best quality, and at the
lowest prices. it. S, MII.LAR.
July C 26—ly
Depository of Hie Soiillicni Baptist
Pithliralioti Society,
Xo. 41 Broad Street, Charleston, S. C.
fTAHE present Agents of the Society have th ( *
i pleasure of announcing to the Baptists o.
Georgia, that they have recently fully replenish
ed theii Stock of B O OKS. They' ha\ e inw
»t thsir Depository in Charleston, as complete
»n assortment of Denominational and Tic illo
gical Books, as can he found in any Southern
City. Their entire Stork having been purchas
ed for Cash, they hope to he able to sell on the
most reasonable terms. In addition to the usual
discount, 5 per cent, will he allowed on overx
bill cashed within thirty days date. A
Catalogue of the Books kept at the Depositor!
has been recently published, and will he for
warded by mail to those who dpsirc it.
Agents S. B. P. S.
july 6 25—ly
Works Issut'H,
BY The Southern Baptist Publication Society.
The Way of Salvation—By Dr. lluwell,
12mo. pp. 336. Price cents.
Taylor on Restricted Communion lSnio. pp.
9S Price 10 cents.
Advantages of Sabbath School Instruction—
By Rev. C. D. Mallory. 14mo. pp. 46. Price
and cents.
A Decisive Argument against Infant Baptism
—By Rev. J. L. Dugg. ISino pp. 52. Price6j
Also, for sole,
Tulleron Baptism and Communion—l2mo
pp. 204. Price 50 cents.
Williams’ Miscellanies—Bmr> pp. 400. (SI sf,
Kitto’s Daily Bible Illustrations—2 vols. 2 00
Alexander on Psalms. : 1 25
Mothers of the Wise and Good. 75
july 6 26—ts
Factors and Commission Merchants, Sfaecn, Ca
~\\7 ILL make advances on shipments to their
Vw Houses, LAWTON & DOWELL, Sa
vannah, Ga. ; and LAWTON, DOWELL &.
CO., Charleston, S. C.
kjg 31 34—ts
fiipcrior Teas.
/?*>.'■** A A splendid lot of TEAS, both
If*'*’ l ;] J Green and Black, warranted fine,
1 just received not from the Canton
ly-j-arns i Tea Company of New York, at
Cheap Store, Cherry Street,
dec 1 J
Gutmliaii’s bale.
ry Y leave ofthe Honorable the Inferior Court
S os Bibb County, vv hen sitting as a Court of
* 'rdmary, will be sold before the Court House
door in Macon, Bibb county, w ithin the legal
liours of sale, in the first Tuesday ill January
next, I our Acres and Three Chains of wild
LAND, situate at Vineville, with S. T. Bailey's
i.and on the South, M r. Freeman’s on the West,
Mr. .M. M . Mason sand the Academy on the
North, and Mr. Benson s on the East for boun
daries. Sold as the property of Mortimer 11. G.
Nixon and Calvin VV. Nixon, and for their
benefit. JOHN D. WINN, Guardian. *■
nov 2 >
1.044 A \ A ATKIN NON,
U” AVE the pleasure of announcing that they j
- ha' e received and are now opening at their
ne w stand, corner of Cherry anti Third Streets,
a very largo and entirely new stock of t.iXCY
have been carefully selected in the largest and
most fashionable houses in New York, are war
r mted of superior style arid quality, and will be
sold on very moderate terms.
april 6 13 :
106 A N ATKINSON have just received
A and are now opening at their New Store,
corner of Second and Cherry Streets, a huige and
choice took of seasonable Foreign and Amen
tan Dll Y GOODS.
They invite their friends and the public to
come and examine the Goods, confident that
nothing to equal in sty le their pesent stock has
ever before been offered in Macon.
Purchasers arc invited to call and examine for
themselv es.
oct 19
IJ ESPECTFULL Y inform the public that
LU they are now disposing of their Stock
of Goods at Xeee York Cost, at their new store,
orner of'Third ami Cherry Streets, formerly
occupied by Messrs Graves A. Wood.
lO’Ladies are particularly requested to call
and examine tfie Goods and prices.
march 2 B —ts"
Family ami Sl;«pl<* Hoods.
IOGAN Ar ATKINSON are now opening a |
4 very large assortment of Staple and I >um enter,
Goods, suitable for plantation or family uses,
which will be sold low for cash or to approved
april 6 13
bpleiitliil Bridal Dresses.
1 FEW magnificent BRIDAL DRESSES,
. Y with trimmings to suit —very tine and fash
ionable. Ladies would do well to call and ex
amine them, at
april 6 LOGAN &. ATKINSON'S.
Ladies’ Dress <4oods.
\ SPLENDID assort men t of <ii nghams, Bars
- ges and Muslins, for morning and evening
dresses. Also, ail endless variety of ricli and
brillimit summer 81 l.KS,etc. Just received at
april 6 13
of almost every grade, selling at cost, at
Dyson's old Stand, by
july 20 28— ts
To Milliners.
I NON NET GLUE, of superior quality, is kep
y for sale hv
march 9 ’E. 1.. STROIIF.CKER, MD.
I > RANDY AND SEG A US—A fine article
» y of Old Cognac Brandy , in bottles or by the
gallon—Also a choice article of Segars, at
sept 7 MOULTON’S.
So’actt’s Fine Cut Toliacco.
SOMETH ING very superior, just received
and for sale by GEO. T. ROGERS,
sept 29
Wanted Immediately,
J- NET-MAKERS. None except good work
men, and such as are willing to make themselves
useful, need apply.
oct 20 47 —ts
VT7 I IFF F. Wine and Pure Cider V inegar of
vs very superior quality, just received and
for sale by' GEO.’T. ROGERS.
june 1 21.
A<“iv Y,)fk Striincd 4'andies
\ STILL Larger assortment of CANDIES
- just received and for sale as low as any
Candies in Town, at W. FREEMAN’S,
june 8
B«J>s> Fauntv Academy.
A TALE DEPARTMENT—The Exercises in
this institution, will he resumed on MON
DAY, the 2d day of September, at 8 o’clock
A M. P. A. STROBEL, Rector.
a»g It
r TMIE copartnership heretofore existing he -
I tween the undersigned, is dissolved by mu'
tun I consent-—to take e fleet on the tsida vof Sep
temher next. Z. T. CONNER,
Macon, August 24, 1650.
I 111 SIN ESS will he continued in the name
and style of C O N N E R it T A Y L O R ,
at the old stand—where they will he ready to
exert the in sol v is to serve all pa trons and friends.,
Mi Aug. 24, 1850. 33 6in
London Porter.
VF E \\ Casks best London Porter, in Quart
and Pint Buttles, just received and for
sale by GEO. T. ROGERS,
june 8
OLD PORT WINE.—And Maderia ditto, a
fine article m Bottle, for sale at
Opposite the burnt square on Cherry street,
june 1
illprcor Potatoes. .
| Fi BBLS. Mercer Potatoes, very superior,
.1 * * in fine ordur, just received and for sale ;
very cheap by GEO. T. ROGERS.
Rtuhvay’s He;tdy Itclici.
\ FRESH Supply of this Article, just rcceiv
- t'd and for sale hy
nov 9 Mulberry street, Macon.
1 v V sept 7 Cherry Street
Fulieiisiot'k’s Yennirilgc.
rpili: safest and most effective rinedy for
-I. II arms that has erer been discore\ td.
This preparation has been before t ie public
f>r nearly twenty years. It has bee; used in
almost every climate, and in every c* million of
patients needing a Vermifuge, and tic experi
ence of those who had occasion to use it in their
families, fully corroborates what its proprietor
claims for it. It is mild in its opera ion, con
tains no calomel, nor dangerous ingro|ient, and
can he given with perfect safety to till most del
icate infant.
The Mayor of l.ancaster ritv, #riliug to
Messrs. Fahenstock A: C<.., s.ivs.
Gentlemen —Several ofthe younger branches
ofmy family laboring under symptoms jndic iling
worms induced the application of various reme
dies, and I am happy to say that your Vermifuge
had the desired effect of, in one iostannh, remov
ing the almost incredible number of 1)1 of the
large worms from one patient, which it addition
to its other tested qualities in my familv, * stab
lished tho efficacy of your Vermifuge t> a sure
Mayor, Lancaster city.
For sale by Dr. E L. STROII LC K I.R,
aug 17 Agent for Prryrietor.
M’tv Portable §«da Wtiter.
4 NY one having cold water, can at once pro
il ilui'i- Soda W ater, sweet ami flavored as
with the finest Syrup, effervescing pleasant and
healthy as any at the fountains. For the -ick or
trevellers to rectify bad water, this is a i cov eni
ent and pleasant beverage. For sale ii boxes
low by J 11. & W. S. ELLIS,
Cotton Avenue, near Cherry stmt,
june 29 Macon, Ga.
The Southern Cherry Pectoral.
Coughs, Colds, Asthma, Consumption,
Ac.—A pleasant and concentrated prepara
tion ofthe I’runus Virginia, er Wild Cherry.—
The medical properties ot this Southern trie are
here chemically prepared in combination with
kindred principles so as to constitute an agreea
ble and effectual remedy lorall complaints ofthe
lungs and breast,coughs, asthma, croup, whoop
ing cough, bronchitis and all curable cases of
consumption. The price is half less than usual
for such medicines. For sale by
june 29 J. H.&W S. ELLIS, Macon.
J- For Cholera, Diarrhoea, Cholera Infantum
or Summer complaint of Children, Dysentery,
Cholera Morbus, Vomiting, Fain in the Breast,
A c.—Recommended by the most eminent Physi
cians, for family and plantation use—a never,
failing remedy for the above complaints. For
sale by ' J. 11 A \V. S. ELLIS,
june 29 Sole Agents, Macon. !
VV getable remedy for diseases arising from '
impurities of the blood, dyspepsia, scrofula and
all chronic di-eases also a substitute for calo
mel, ns a cathartic in fevers and all bilious affec
tions. For sale by
june 29 J 11. A- W. S. F.LEIS.
I * RATIVE—For preservinc, restoring and
beautifying tho Hair. When the, hair is falling
out a beautiful head of hair may he produced.
It also beautifies the hair ol any, and is richly
perfumed. For sale by
june 29 J. 11. & W. S. ELLIS.
j EMON SUGAR—An article for Lemonade
J 4 superior tor Lemon Syrup, for sale by
june 29 J. 11. A W. S. ELLIS.
/ 10LOGNE W ATE R—Of various perfumi.-,
Yy by the bottle or gallon, for sale hv
june 22 J II A W. S. ELLIS
L —Splendid Articles for milking Paddings
nad diet for sick persons. Afresh supply just
received at \V. FREEMAN'S,
aug 17 32
( hoict; Toliacco.
J UST received a small lot of superior (.'hew
ing Tobacco, considered by those who have
used it, to be the best in Town.
Also on hand a supply of delightful Smoking
Tobacco, mild, richly flavored and cheap
For sale by E' L. STROHECKLR,
may 25 Drugyist.
"’YTAI’OLEON CAPES—A new and superb
J-- v article. Parisian ditto, of every style and
price. Just received hv
vT KTES, and summer stud's of every quality,
just received by
O PERM, Adamantine and Tallow,of allsizes,
1 ’ Just received and for sale hv
june 8 GEO. T ROGERS.
r piIE Suhscrilier has just received, direct from
■ New V oik,a fresh supply of new Groceries,
-m b as Iresh Dates, dried Currants, Preserves,
I igs, Sardines, Cutsup, Pej per Sauce, Citron,
(’aper Sauce, Cocoa, New Chocolate, Raisins,
Nuts ot all kinds, Rice, Java Coffee, Maccaroni,
I'ine Table Salt iri boxes or hags, Nutmegs,
Cloves, Pepper, Spice and Ginger, Sperm and
Adamantine Caudles, and a great variety of
other articles too itumerous to mention.
Also, a fine lot of Fresh Teas, for sale by
Opposite Mr. G. M. Logan's new Brick Building,
aug 51 On Cherry Street.
I’lour, Meal, Foru,
IT A CON Hams, Sides and Shoulders; Lard,
y Irish and Sweet Potatoes—in store and for
*ale by J . S. RICH AJIDSON,
Cotton Avenue,
march 24 17
N ' U O liuiidri il Boxes Segars, a great variety
I of brands from common to very line. For
sale cheap by GEO. T. ROGERS,
june 8
Hums, 15 lit ter, Syrup, «Ye.
( (INCINNATI Sugar cured H AMS
New Orleans Sugar House SYR I P
A few Jars of very white Leaf LARD.
All of choice quality, just received and fur
sale by GEO. T. IIOGF.I!S,
dec 1 Cherry Street.'
Cigars, Cigars.
Thousand Cigars various brands,—
among them are some genuine and most ele
gant Cigars. Lovers of a good article will je
certain to get it at \V. FREEMAN’S,
march 30
Congress Water.
II Y the Box or single bottle, direct from flic
I Springs. Just received and for sale hv
june 8 GEO. T. ROGERS.
/ 1 ORB'S PENAL CODE.—This Work, nii-
V thorizrd by the last Legislature, and jusl
published, is novv for sale hv
ong 24 33—m3m
Porte r.
HPEN Casks of Byass’ celebrated Porter fbr
j I sale hv W. FREEMAN.
march 30
“ITread no Step Backwards.”
lAOR a period of over thirteen years, it has
been the province of the undersigned, to
present to the people ol Georgia, and the sur
rounding States, t tie results ofthe use of inno
cent Vegetable Medicines, in the treatment and
cure of disease, us contradistinguished from poi
sonous substances, to which from childhood they
have hetti accustomed, and to whose pernicious
effects upon the constitution, many of them are
living witnesses. •
The success which during this long series ot
years, lias attended his administrations, l as, in
many instances, been such, as to overcome the
most inveterate prejudices in favor ofthe old
order of things, and to produce instead thereof,
a conviction that even in medicine, us in other
branches ofthe physical sciences, new ideas
tnav he advanced, and results achieved, that our
ancestors would have deemed impossible, hut
which our posterity, thunks to the enlightenment
of a coming age, may find easy of accomplish
This success in curing diseases of the most
hopeless character, after all other means had
failed, and that too, in many instances, without
sector the patient, lias long been the subject of
general remark, exhibiting ns it does, in hold re
lief, the difference between rcsloring a case that
has been übsoitiltly abandoned, and simply min
ing another, that hundreds of others could cure.
•Such cases can he pointed out in almost every
rountv in Georgia, w here some poor, decrepit!,
helpless being, after testing every loeal means
without avail, have sent off, as a dernier resort,
a description of their diseases to a distance, in
many instant is hundreds ofmiles, and rccciv ed
back those health restoring remedies that have
restored them again to lieulih and to society, to
their own astonishment and their neighbors'
wonder, putting a' nought the sneers of antago
nistic interests, and Hddirig ntw finger posts at
every post office and cross road, pointing the
way to the city of refuge.
Without subjecting himself to tho charge of
presumption, he would yet boldly say, that he
firmly believes that nine.tenths of the s> tailed
incurable cases in Georgia, are yet within the
rent'll of medicine, and can he cured by pursuing
a proper course of medteiiio, willi the exercise
of necessary care and perseveiance, on the part
of the patient, which in all eases of n lii goring
character, are of the last iinpm lance.
The great facilities for this kind of treatment
presented in the eh cap postage sy stem, has hot n
taken advantage of by thousands who hnp[ ily
can indirectly attribute their present good In ; ! h
to that noble specimen of liberal govt run i t ;
and there are thousands more vv ho may reap ii e
Mill* advantages, hv nimply pursuing a sin a ur
course. Let the afflicted, if ho taiim t vviite
himself, gei his neighbor to do it for him, gn e a
historynfhis case, age, habits, and symptoms,
the same as if talking to a physician. If able,
anti it is convenient, enclose the fee ; if not run
v cnioiit just then, a due hill for the amount vv ill
answer, ( this obviates the ineonrenievec ts ma
king accounts at great distances,) arid if not telle,
pre-pav and mail the letter to his address, when
medicines suitable to the ease will be compound,
cd and sent with full directions.
The charge lor treatment is only ($5) five dol
lars, monthly, a sum sufficiently small to obviate
the fear of ri-k to any one, and yet sufficient to
preserve him from loss in his extensive admin
This done, rail at the post office in a reasona
ble time, and receive your medicines with as
much precision as you would a letter; prepare
and use them as directed, and persevere. ; report
progress monthly, or oiteuer, as may he necessa
ry, ami closely watch the progress ofthe cure.
Having bet n long and extensively engaged in
the treatment of diseases peculiar to females, lie
would sav that they tnav avail themselves of his
know ledge, with tilt* utmost confidence, in his
prudence and integrity, so that in writing nut
their symptoms, they may express themselves
willi the necessary freedom. In some of the dis
eases of the renal and procreative system, the
medicines being more costly, the charge w ill be
Such cases as require personal attention, will
he treated cm liberal terms in the city, where the
necessary nceommodations ran always he had.
Those wishing further information in regard
to results, will address a post-paid letter to the
undersigned, who will immediately mail to the
applicant such documents as must disarm doubt.
51. sc. THOMSON M. D.
Macon, June 29, 1850. 25—ts
I HAVE received in addition to my former
extensive Stock, hv late arrivals, a huge and
well selected Stock of DRUGS, CHEMICALS,
will be sold at a small advance on previous cost.
The proprietor now offers one <d the most com
plete Stocks of Trench, English, and American
Den gs, Lhcmicals, Valuable Family Medicines ,
Perfumery, &, r.. ; Suetjis, Brushes, Combs, and
other Fancy and Miscellaneous Articles, in this
Also, All the various Patent Medicines, Pills,
Sarsaparilla*, Liniments, Ointments, Syrups, Kc.
for sale or advertised by any other Drug Estab
lishment in this city.
E. L. STROII ECKF.R, M. D , Druggist,
Corner of Third and Mulberry streets,
june 22 opposite the Floyd Mouse.
£1*151X44 MEIHt nE.
QYRDI* OF 8 ARK APA Hill ,A— Persons
I ’ desiring to escape the Fevers of the Summer
Months, would do well to make a free use of
this Syrup as a beverage, being a pleasant puri
fier of the blood. For ssle low by the gallon or
bottle, by J. 11. & VV. S. ELLIS,
may 1 17
To Physicians.
irMIE itndersif'ned have prepared for the eon
-L venience of those who do nut wish to have
recourse to Patent or Quark Metlicires, the fol
lovving. according to the “Formula of the United
States Dispensatory,” being the base of popular
Remedies, viz. : Syrup of Sarsaparilla, Syrup of
Wild Cherry, Svrup of Seneca, Syrup of Ipecac,
Syrup of Stillingia, or Queen's Delight ; Extract
ofßuclin, Saturated Cherry Pectoral, by tho
gallon or quart, sold low by
.1. 11. &W. S. ELLIS, Druggists,
Near the Corner of Cotton Avenue,
may 4 Cherry Street, Macon, Ga.
nAVING been appointed Agent for the sale
of Messrs. Charles Abbey & Son's cele
hinted Gold and Tin Foil, and for Messrs. Jones,
White & Co.’s TEETH, I will keep a constant
supply of these articles, and all Dentists' In
struments. I am now opening the first lot of
Impression Cups, Scrapers, Burnishers, Emory
Wheels No 2 to 7, riles of all kinds, Scotch
Stone-, Teeth Holders, Slabs. 800 Molar and
Bictjsped Teeth ; 1200 Pivot do.; 2300 Plate do.;
1180 Gum do. All of which will be sold at
.Manufacturers' prices, by
Bryan’s Cholern Mediciite.
TT’OR the cure of Diarrhoea, Colic, Camp,
Pains in the Stomneh, &.C., is n most valua
ble remedy and no Family should bo without it.
Persons leavingthe citv and subject toehange of
diet and water, will find this an excellent Vaele
Mccum. For sale hv
jur.f 22 E E STROHECKER, Druggiat.
“The Southern Press.”
\N Association of sixty-three Members of
Congress, Senators and Representatives,
have constituted the undersigned a Committee
j to superintend the establishment of a Southern
! Press at Washington City, to be devoted to the
exposition an 1 defence of Southern Rights anil
1 institutions —the dissemination of correct infor
mation as to Northern Policy, and the course of
i Political Affairs generally, without reference to
the old party lines of \\ lug anti Democrat. Ar
ratigements are now in progress, promptly to in
sure the issue of such a paper under the title of
for the conduct of which, suitable Editors have
been engaged, who will also receive the aid ol
a number of eminent and able contributors.
There will be both a 2Vt Weekly and a IVeelely
issue—the latter to contain substantially the
same matter ns the former, and intended to reach
those points of the country whose mail facilities
* are limited.
A Daily issue will he added hereafter, should
it he deemed advisable or necessary by the press
and people of tile Southern States.
The paper will not he exclusively political—
hut will embrace on its broad sheet the General
News ofthe flay, Domestic and Foreign, hy mail
and telegtaph ; Commercial and Agricultural
Intelli • e. , Literary Criticisms, Original Es
! say s, Literary and Miscellaneous; anti, in short,
all those ilea sos general interest, the collected
aggregate of vx hicli constitutes the interesting
* anti valuable Newspaper. Great rare will he
taken to give lull ami eorr et Reports i.f the
I’l on filings alio D bales m both Houses ot Con
gress, as vv ell ns l lit* act ion of the local Eegisla
lures on the Son.hern question.
A limited number only of Advertise?!?* ntx xvill
he received—llie main object being to furnish a
large amount of reading matter.
I The paper will he printed on a sheet equal in
size to those of the other Washington papers,
' and the material will be procmed especially for
the purpose.
ll is confidently hoped tl*at every true friend
j to the South w ill aid in procuring subscribers,
ami forward the names, with the amount sub-
I scribed, to some Southern Representative at
! Washington, forthwith.
Postmasters are authorized by law to remit
subscriptions free of postage.
T K it M S :
Fir 7Vi- ll'etkly during the Se ssion of Congress,
and Semi- Weekly during the recess, the price
will be, per annum, ; : $5 00
Weekly paper, per aiimini, ; . : 250
Tlit' p ice of subscription must he paid inva.
riuidv iii advance, and the cash accompany the
j name sent.
All persons procuring ten names shall beenti
\ i!ed to receive, n copy gratis foi one year.
* ' \ I* UU'I 1 I 11.
Wv mxcToji, May 25, 1850.
j Beauty :tmS Econtmiy Foi?il»iit<*«l.
The fild S’/rgin in Dyc-l. oasr.
(Fhanix-like) has from its ashes arisen, with all
j its various rirtucs, its original colors to bestoxr.
fTNIIE Subscriber most respectfully informs
‘ J. his customers and the public generally,that
his establishment has been re-built, and call now
he found on [fij COTTON AV E.\L E, II <st tj
the Washington llull..BTi wheie he is lolly pr.
I pared to execute in the best manner, all tin
I various branches of Dy eing,Renovating and Re
pairing all kinds of Readv-Made Clothing, alii!
Ladies Dresses, Shawls, Bonnets, mid all sort
of Fancy Goods damaged l>y use. Ladies and
gentlcinen vvi 11 please label all unit ies sent P
; this establishment.
Goods from all parts of the Slate sent as be
i fore, shall receive prompt attention, and he for
warded hack with cart},
Factories and o tiers ha v ieg warp fi II in '* to cn.
lor. will find it to their interest to test the virtues
of this estuhlishemcut Persons wishing Home,
sptintl v ed, w ill please observe, for black the
warp must he purple or blue ; lor brow o a cop
peras color, and lor green Uie warp must he
I white
j Qj-' Cash miest be paid on the deJieerv of floods.
!] )• Ladies, by calling at his establishment,
will always find specimens of his workmanship
on hand.
april 29 15—ts
Fresh Fiiiigie'' sYaf<'t'.
H AYING made arrangements with the Pro
- pi ii tors of the celebrated Kara toga Kprings,
I shall he prepared to furnish the \\ iter during
; the season, fresh and in good condition. A lot
J just received and for sale by
j april 27 E. I. .STROHECKER, Druggist.
Bute 4I««| Liver Oil.
\NOTHEK Lot of Rushton's Genuine Cod
- Liver Oil just leteivtd. The inerefsed
demand for this pure preparation,and the flatter
ing accounts from Physicians and others, of iis
efficacy in releivilig Pulmonic and Scrofulous
affections, fully sustains the high reputation nr.
1 quiretl at the Nort h vv here it has been fully tested,
april 27 E. L. STROIILCKKR. M. I).
Fine Fliowiiiir Tobacco.
Ct 11 iV S. I.ILIENTHAL’S well known
> • supetiorfine Cut Chewing TOBACCO,
m papers and cans. Also, various brands of
Chewing Tobacco—some id which the know ing
ones say cannot he beat. Also, various brands
of CIGARS, which aiejust good enough. For
sale at W. FREEMAN’S
Cheap Store, Cherry Street,
dec l 1
(Jisitnpoi'jnc Cider.
! f\(\ .(BLS. Newark Champaigne Cider,just
» t . received and for sale by
; march 9 GEO. T. ROGERS.
! 1
I.oiiioti Kugrur.
C’UPERIOR to Lemon Syrup,and nearly equa'
t ’ to the fresh Lemon, for making Lemonade
Directions : Add one large tablespoon fill ofthe
Sugar to a half pint of water. Stir it wnli, and
a beverage is produced, inferior only to that
made from the fresh Lemon. Physicians in the
country will find this preparation a valuable
substitute when the fresh Lemon cannot he pro
cured. Prepared and sold bv
april 27 E. L. STROHECKER.
ex - Newr' Crop Cardenas Molasses,
£ •) just received and for sale hv
inarch 9 GEO T. ROGERS.
T IGHTI EIGHT!! Anotherrask of that
i i good Lamp OIL at $1 per gallon, has just
arrived. Always on hand CAMPIONS, and
1 the best quality of Burning Fluid ofmy own
; manufacture.
june 22 E L. STROHECKER, Druggist.
vents baldness, invigorates the roots and
fibre of the Hair, and imparts to it a soft and
glossy appearance. Price 25 eents a bottle.—
For sale by E. L STROII ECKER, M I).
Qt ANDERS’ Roach, Rat and Monas EXTER
(O MIN A TOR.— Famiiies pestered widh these
destructive little animals, ran he rid of the an
noyauee by- using a box ofthe ‘Exterminator.”
Price 25 rents. For sale hv
april *27 E. L. STROHECKER
Q OAP—Ca6tile iml Extra YVhite Family Knap
bJ sept? At MOULTON’S.
OAC'4 t().\ i vi il.v
A man by the name of C t.APP h»»
,e«nv man of the name of 8. I*. amt ", *
name to put n P a Sarsaparilla, which they call t) r . T "
•ana's Sarxiparitla. de nun mating it HfJTO/X'i' u
elc. This Townsend is no doctor, and never was • h ?
formerly a w orker on ntitroads, canals, and the Jilt*. V *“
aa umee the title of l)r.. for the pnr f .,se ofgaiainie,
what he is not. This is to caution the pel,he nol'T w
deceived, and purchase none but the OV.IfVIIfK on! ** l)r. Jacob Town-end’s Sarsaparilla, h.u
II the Old fir's, likeness, his foully coal of arms .jv"
signature across the coot of arm*. ’ “ ‘
Principal Office, |O2 Xfw a
•* . V ■
Cfiiuine T«wnst>nd Sarxaiiarilb.
Old Dr. Townsend is now about 70 veers o< „„ ,
long been known.".* the .1 Cllloie lind OtSCorrism
of the (tr.jYUI.VI OHIOIJf.II. " TOIKVxr Jne??" I*, er, he ?***;
ui.'inufitciare, hy winch means it has been kept out.
ket, and ibe sales circumscribed to iho,a on|, ,
proved its worth, and known its value. It had react')
the ear* ot many, nevertheless, as those pontons w (. O Uj
been honied 01. sore diseases, nnd saved Itom dealt, ~
ctaiiiied its ext’4*ll«*nro anil woMti*‘rr?il ’ * ’
Kn.i’.viuj, ?tinny veura avo lim he had. by his «*,!.
scit-Hcp tieviMid on tinkle which would »*,
of inoticiilHlile iidvuntune to in ink nil when the in,*,,
would he furnished to bring it into nniveml notice *,vh P n
its iiiustnua ne virtues would he known nnd Rpprec.Hted
This time lias roine. tV»e iiichus nre supplied • this
is iiiiinuiACtur.’d on the largest scale, and is cstiled i*r
Ihronchout the h ntrth and breadth «»f the laud, espec, ally
as it IS toutui inCAfjHtile of depeiieratum or deter: irhiion. *
Unlike young S. I* Tow n-emi’s, it improves with hgp In j
never changes. t*ut lor the t»eiter : because it is pre j lured t>*
actrntijic principles by a scientific man. Thu higher k?., m |
edge of t'heniistrv. and the I htest disroveries of jr;>
have ali been brought inlt* requisition in the iuaaur«ctan
of the Old Dr’s Snr<«pirlll«. {'h« .SnrsaptrilU r*»rt. it j.
w-ell known i<? medical men. cont<aiis many niedic pro
pertie-*, and -tmit* which -ire inert or use Jess, nnd
Olliers, which if retained in preparing it for use, prwduie
ferment itiun and acid, w hich is injurious to the sysifu,
Some of the properties of Sarsaißirilia aro so roiatile , that
they eni rol - evaDo r ite and nre lost in .he d
they re >t p rest Tired by a scientific process, hnowa only
to tin l *i'tl m ii' innr.ufacin e. Moreover, these
molatdr nc!pit v w hich fly oH’in vnpor. or n» an exhais
t'on. undei 11'■ at. mo to** very essential medical prcpcr’.iti
t*f the w • - I -j- * e to it ail it« value.
Any person cmi boil or "tew the root till tlie' . » dftis
colored liquid, wii.cii t» more from the v
the root th
this liisipn: or vapid T.quid. swet-ten \.ti, * **•
snd then nil it •S\ Kv\ I\\ K ’ U,.\ K\ ' •.« -Y
HIM’." Hut such is not the ariir »• kc.ow •
This is so prepared, that all the inert pr jn*r • ;n
Sarsaparilla root are first removed, every :i. , *
bf'coiuintf acid «»r of fermentat on, is extracted rd «•.**. !•• •
then every i article t*l medtcal virtue is secure.. m « ~11:2
and concentrated Ihrm ; and tuns it is rendered t.i '** /
losing any of its valuable ami healing properties. / ‘ntihtrvd !
in this way, it is made the most powerlul ..qe .1 in tiie
t liri* of iiiniiuicraliH* (lisfasvs.
Hence the reason why we near coaiiuendations on every
side In its favor h\ men, women, and children. \YeW».t
doing wonders in tlie cure of
vi.jixr, ami in KtncVM.iT/sM' si norm
PILKS , CX>S Yl," KS. s. all CL’7\i.\KtJt3 KH' !
TH fit's, PJMVHKS, b/.UCrUKS, ami ail aireuiou*
arising from
It possesses!* m jj-veil.iusetliuacy m ait's •
from Indigestion, from .Icidity of the. Stomach from unet|i»:*.l
circuialtou, delerimhation of flood to the head, fmljjiio. t
ofthe heart, cold lee 1 and hands, cold ehiil> .mi imtflivm
over the Itody. It lias not its equal in Cn Is »»• tl <4*?.'
and promotes easy exj»ectoration and gentle ptr ur,
rehixiiiß stricture of the lungs, throat, m il every otht-r ptr..
Ilut in nothing is its exct-iicnce iimre HiAiole lly «i
ark i«»\vl«*dgeti tn‘in in ail kind, and -t qe. f
It w orb's wonders in cases of /•' uvr. I • os or IV
tag of tie c ltd mh. Obstructed, Suppressed, r Pa:
Irregularity ol U.e nieii'truai |»*ri> and 1.1. ,-v l
is as effectual in curing all the t uis of JCdney /
Hy removing oUstruetions, and regu at 1 g the t
system, it gives ttme and strength t*. tao \v hole bony, h-J
thus cures all forms of
Nervous tlistascs assd Mobility,
and thus prevents or relieves:! great variety of otherufla
dies, as Spinal irritation, JSTenra/gia , St, Vitus' Davt
Sicoonnif, Epileptic Fits, Convulsions, Ate.
ll cleanses the blood, excites the liver to healthy action,
tones the stomach, and gives good digestion, reiwvw ill*
bowels of torpor and constipation, allays
purifies the skin, equalises the circulation the
producing gentle warmtii equally all over the b-l. 1
tlie insensible perspiration : relaxes ail utrictures and la'"
ues>, removes all obstructions, ami invigorates tlin ' -tr
nervous s) stein. Is not this then
Tiic iuctliciiir juii pf6-erainvM*!y «!**!
Hut can any of these things he said oft*. P. Town ■«*':•> *
luferior art 7 'j :..- \om * n in’s liq
became of one <illAN I) FAC'J’, that the oue is
(ILI. of UEi LUIOHA I IO.N. and
w hile the other DoKS ; souring, fermenting, arid He*
the botttrs containing it into fragment-*; the M*nr, ncifl i
expioding and damaging other goods .' Must rot this k'liw*
bie couipoiiiid iai poiMJiious to tne system ?—ifhat fd
acid into a system already diseased with tuid! V\ hill
Uyspepsia but acid ? l/*> we not Hit know that when iw"
•ours in our stoniachs. v« hat mi'chi<-t> it produces ? :
Irnce, heartburn, palpitatum of th» heart, over coniuiff
diarfhipa, dysentery, colic, and corruption <*l tne m""
W hat is Scrofula hut an acid humor in the body 7 ' 1
produces nil the humors which hni.g on Lrujdion* * :
Skin, stcald. Head, Salt Kheum, l.rysqielas. White **• (
lugs. Fever S<*res. anti all ulcerations internal a ini etu.u
It is nothing under heaven, but hu acid substance.« ,h
•ours, ami thus spoils all the fluids ofthe body, niorc'
.ess. What caiue.s Hhoumali-oti hut a snuf or |? u ' 1
w hich insinuates it'd! UHa tM’ii the joints and el-cw 11
irritating ami Snllaiiiiug the delicate tis-ue» t»| M,n
acts ? ?*o t.f oer.oHs d,.-4- *.;ses, »>f impurity of th* l '
deranged circulations, amt hearty ail the aihntiiis .vsi
aflhct human nature.
how is u n»il horrible to make and rel! is- •*‘■7
uorsi to Use tins
•at v Ct he «v..u.(t thin have it mit)er*to..rf lh»t »B*
I’ownsmid’s lint nine Original Sarsaparilla, i* un '
no.N of his inferior preparation ! . f^
Heaven forbid that we should deal in an ar !‘ C p f *y,*n
a tilll<l hu ir tint most distant resemblance to '• '
tend's article! and which should bring down upon
Hr. such a mountain load of complaints and i cr, ’ l,in .’ !.,j
from Apents who h ive sold, amt purchasers who nu«
S. P. 'i’ovviisend's FKKM KATI Nt» •T« )>»T*
We wish it understood, because it is the aosii. «
that S P. Towiuend's article and Old l»r.. aro 1
iend’s {Sarsaparilla are hsunen-wide apart, and n V '"' h \
similar; that they are Unlike in every particulnh
not ont* single thing in common.
As I*, 'l'ownsemi is 110 doctor, and never e
chemist, no pharmaceutist knows n»» more of m *'
disease than any othercommon, unstloud*'*.'*. ""'V", 1
man. w hat guarantee, can the public have that in*-. il#
eeiving a genuine scientific medicine. coiiljii n ‘ PL { , 5
virtues of tlie articles -and '' 1 . j.;\Tsl
capable of changes wh>ch might ie Jcr iiit'm,lhe t ’
of Disease instead of health. , L ri)( Kt
L*ut w'h ti el e should he expcctml from onewn''
nothing comp 1 rat.vely of m*:thcine or disease J 1
a person of some experience to cook and •■ervt*
common demit meal. How much more iniportnni
the persous who manufacture medicine, des*g nfl _'
should know well the medical properties ol
Ue.vt inatiuer of aecurmg and concentrating l . ‘
virtiittM, a Do an fivtei.sive knowledge of th-»
which hfleet the human system, and how to auai*;
lo the.-e diseases ! nt , n rl•!< ,
It is to arrokl frauds upon the unfortunate, b
into wounded humanity, to kindle hope in tns \is
hoßom, to re til ore health and bloom, anti v
fTMshed and broken, and to Igntish infirmity!“ ,H .*»j the 0?
portiiinty and meaiis t<» bring his
Graiiil Universal Conor**'
Kemedy , iu
within the reach, and l>* the knowledge o. 111 rM , B rf lW
that they uny learn and ka<»w. by joyful -g|,
Traiksceiidcnt Power t*»
For sal*.* wholesale ami retail 1>. V
Nanau »••*
And hy J. H. &W. S EL L “ P
J. A. & S. 3.
Ttav 4