Newspaper Page Text
imailH£Src§ 3
Is published every S.ITL'R DAY MORNING,
In the Two Story Wooden Building, at the
Corner of IValnut and Fifth Street,
By tv»l. It. H ismisoN.
For the Paper, in advance, per annum, S3!
If not paid iu advance, §3 00, per annum
Tj" Advertisements will be inserted at the usual
r vtos —and when the number of insertions de
sired is not specified, they will be continued un
til forbid and charged accordingly.
O* V lvertisers by the Year will be contracted
wit i upon the most favorable terms.
3 jT 8 ties of Land by Administrators,Executors
or Guardians, are required by Law, to be held on
the first Tuesday in the month, between the hours
of ten o’clock in the Forenoon and three in the
Afternoon, at the Court House of the county in
wiichthe Property is situate. Notice of these
Sales must he given in a public gazette Sixty Days
previous to the day of sale.
O’ dales ol Negroes by Administators. Execu
tors or Guardians, must be at Public Auction, on
the fi st files Itv iutli? month, b..tween the legal
hours of sale, before the Court House of thecounty
w lerethe Letters Testa nentary,or Administration
or '» i ir iianhip m iv h ive been granted, first gi v
injuitica thereoffor Sixty D/ms.ln one of the
p i )li: lazettes of this Ftaie,nnd at the door of the
Court II nise where such sales arc to he held.
7* do ice for the sale of Personal Property
mid >e { ve i in like manner Forty Days pre
vious to tli * day of sale.
f I >rice to the Debtors an 1 Creditors o'.an es
at; nut be published for Forty Days.
4 itice that application w ill be made to the
Court of Or limrv for leave to sell Land or Ne.
groes must be published in a public gazettein the
Silt: for Four Minths, before any order absolute
can be given by the Court.
J* Jit-ition for Letters of Administration on
;n fi state, gra.ate Iby the Court of Ordinary, must
bi > i ilisj id Thirty Dt.js - for Letters of Dismis
sion fro n tin a I ninistrutionofan Estate,monthly
f>- Six M rnths —for Dismission from Guardian
ship Forty Days
7* l lies for the foreclosure of a Mortgage
must be puolished monthly for Four Months—
for establishing lost Papers, forthe full space of
7 hree ,Vf talks for co npelling Titles from Ex
ecutors, A iministra or* or others, where a Bond
hash-eo nveu hy the deceased, the full space of
Three Months.
,V. It \ll B nines* of tin* kind shall receive
prompt attentionat the SOUTHERN TRIBLAE
UKe,an 1 s rict care will be taken that all legal
A lvertiseinonts are pub lished according to Law.
Letters directed to this Officeor the
E litor on business, must be post-taid, to in
sure attention.
i if ILL continue Business at their “ Fil'C - *
’ I pmof Buildings,” on Cotton
./mtUT, Macon, O'-
['bailkful for past favors, they b»g leave to say
thev will be constantly at their post, and that no
eir.'rt* shall he spared to advance the interest of
llifiir pfUrons.
n„. v respectfully ask all yvho have COTTOA
or other PRODUCE to Store, to call and exam
ine the safety of their Buildings, before placing i
it elsewhere. ,
iCTCustomarv Advances on Cotton in Store |
or Shipped,and all Business transacted at the
usual rates.
June £7 ~ tv
JV,/rehouse and ( mm'ssion ]\Jerchants,
I N presenting our Card to the public, we will
■tate, that our best exertions will he given
to promote the interests of nor Patrons; and from
past experience, we hope to he able to do full
justice to all business which nay he confided to
mir charge ; and also hope for a continuance »f
favors fi »tri the old patrons ol Conner & Marlin.
Orders for Goods filled free of charge
Advances made on Gotten in cone, and ship
ped at the usuai rates. ZT. < ONNI' B ,
aug 31 6rn
E glish and American DRUG WAREHOUSE
NTTHOLF.SALE and Retail Dealer in Eng-
VV lisli, French, American and Garinan
Particular attention paid to replenishing Eng.
lish and American Filips' Medicine Chests, ac
cording to the Laws of England
Ag<‘iit for Mossrs. Lou<l»*n N. C p , Pliilnn*'»p > !;!
Dr laci.b Townsend, New York ; Mesgis
Haviland, Kisley & Cos., Auguxta ; Daniel
Tibhitt, Providence,
aue 24
j> a v i » ic i: n>,
Justice, oj xht Peace and Notary Public.
Stale* of Alabama, Louisiana, Misassippi,
Texas, Kentucky. Virginia, North
Carolina, South Carolina, Flnri a, Missouri
New York, Massachusetts, Connertii nt, Penn
ylvatiia, Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, Arkansas, New
jersey, Maine,
Depositions taken, Accounts probated, Deed*
arid Mortgages drawn, and all ilortin.ents and
instruments of writing prepared mid mill’,entice
j,,'d for use and record, in any oi i i>o ■' .«
Resi deuce on Walnut Street,»it ?. 1 1 h«i Atm an
Church. ,
pj. Public Office adjoining Dr. M ihonison t
Botanic Store, opposite the I lo',d House,
june 29 85 -ty
Cherry Street near Third, Macon, Ca.
MAKES and keeps on hand Doors, Plinds
),rid Sashes for sale. Thankful tor past
favors he hopes for further patri mag*.
may ‘25 20— 6m
may 25 20 -3 y
Forwarding and Cnmaission Merchants,
N». 90 M \O\ZI\R STftKET,
E. R. Poolt,. 4- M Pool*:.
aug 31 34 — ly
OF every description,neatly a rid promptly
executed at the Office of the SOUT HERN
TRIBUNE, as nest and eAeof us iff »ny ether
Office in Iht Store
Goveroor of said State. •
To the Electors thereof— :
Having been officially informed, that the Con
gress ot i lie l in ted Slates has admit led California
into ihu Union of the Si ales of this Confederacy,
upon equal terms with the original Slates, a duly
devolves upon me iu the peltormanee of w Inch,
1 shall trespass upon the public but briefly.
An unfeigned deference for public opinion,
and the profound regard 1 entertain for the wis
limn, firmness, and patriotism o! my fellow citi
zens of Georgia, will nut justify me, in a paper
of this charaeler, in repealing my known and
unchanged opinion as to ihe duly of the South
in repelling tree-soil encroachment, and arrest
ing, by all proper incans, usurpation bv Congress.
\\ hulever is compatible with ihe honor and
obligations of the People of* lliis Slate to the
country, its laws, and il> institutions, 1 doubt
not, will receive their warm support.
In an hour of danger—when your institutions
are in jeopardy—your feelings wantonly out
raged, yonr social organization derided, your
honor deeply wounded ami ihe federal Consti
tution violated by a eeri* sot aggressive measures
all tending to the consummation of one object,
the abolition of slavery "hen your equal right
to Occupy and enjoy the common territory of all,
has been denied you, in the solemn form oflaw,
under pretences llie mo-t shallow, II well be
comes you to assemble, to deliberate, and coun
sel together for your mutual preservation and
\V hatever course the extraordinary events hy
which we are encompassed, will demand or jus
tify, mu-t be h ft, as it should be, to the patriot
ism, fii nines- and prudence of the people them
selves. Upon them devolves the duty of re
dressing present wrongs, and providing other
safeguards, for future security • Neither ihe one
nor tile other of which, however, will ever be
effectually accomplished, until, by patriotic ef
forts, perlect harmony and concord of feeling
are restored, and confidence and concert of ac
tion producep among the people of ihe South.
11l view, therefore, of the atrocious free soil
sentiment and policy, not merely of the non
alaveholding Slates, but of the Government—of
the imminent peril to w hich the institution of
slavery isredueerJby the act of Cnngiess admit
ting the Suite <>“'California into llie L nion, w ith
a C onstitution containing the principle of the
Wilrnot Proviso, in defiance of our warning and
earnest remonstrance—in view of the deplorable
fact that some diversity of opinion exists iu some
of the Southern States as to the proper mode of
redressing the wrongs, arid averting the dangers
which all must gee and feel, let me, fellow it t
zens, earnestly entreat you to cultivate for each
oth r a deep and abiding sentiment cif fra ernal
regard and confidence. Approach the task,from
which there is no escape, ofdeciding upon y our
duty to Georgia and the country, with a firm
step, but not without calm, deliberale and pa
tient investigation, consulting neither fears nor
dangers on the urie hand, nor permitting your
selves, from exasperated feelings of wrong on
the other, to be rashly urged to extreme measures
which have not received ihe full sanction ofy oor
judgment Then 1 shall not despair of seeing
ihe w hole State, as one man, proposing nothing
beyond wliat the emergency may demand, or
failing to perform whatever patriotism, honor
and right, may require at your.hands.
The General Assembly of this Sta'e, by an
art approved 6th February, 1860, having requir
ed me, upon the happening of certain events, one
of which is the admission ofCalifornia as a Ftate
into the Union, to issue a proclamation, ordering
an election to be held in each and evary county
for Delegates to a Convention of thrj People of
this Ftate, to take into consideration such meas
ures as comport with the extraordinary posture
of our relations to our co-Ftates, and to decide
upon what steps are necessary an and proper to he
taken compatible with our honor and constitu
tional obligations, as well as mo re effectually to
secure our right of properly in » laves, and to ar
rest all aggressions, by one section of the U nion,
upon the free enjoy meht of iRe constitutional
rights of the other, and lastly t.o preserve tnvio
late the equality of the States of ihe Union, as
guarantied under the Cotislit ution : Therefore
he it known, that I, George VV. Towns, Gov
ernor of the State of Georgia., hy the authority
and mandate of the law, do issue this my Pro.
rlamation ordering and directing that the quali
fied Voters for the mos' nvimcrmis branch of the
General Assembly, do nv.-etat the several places
of holding Elections, as fixed by law, in the sev
eral Counties of this Sff ite, within the hours fixed
for voting, on MOND AY, the Twen.v-fifth day
of NOVEMBER Next ; and then and there, hy
ballot, elect two De'.egates in each ofthe Coun
ties now entitled t<> one Represi illative in the
Ge.neral Assembly , and four Delegates in eucli
Counties as are n uiv entitled to two Represen
The Manage*,* of said Election are required
to certify and Forward to this Department the
Returns of sai 3 Fleet inn in the manner preamb
led by law for ihe election of Representatives in
ihe General Assembly ; and it is further order
ed that the Delegates who may he elected hy a
majority of the legal voters of their respective
Counties, do convene at the Capitol of said * tate
on TUESDAY,the Tenth day of DECEMBER
Given tinder mv hand and the Seal of the Ex
cretive Department, at the Capitol in Mil
ledgeville. this 23d day of September, in
tbs year of our Lord, Eighteen hundred and
Bv the Governor ;
J. M. Patton, Fee'ry Ex. Department.
l,i LIGHTS otSAsit, of ail sizes
I * ‘j\l Ul ' front 8 by 10 to 12 by 20
150 pair BIINDS, for Window* of all sizes.
50 do PANEL DOORS, different sizes and
thicknesses. For en'e bv
No. 153 Bay Street, and -No. 6 \\ est in ad St.,
Savannah. Ga
jnlv 6 26—6 m
Saiitce's Fine Cut Tobacco.
SOMETHING very superior, just received
andforsaieby GEO. T. ROGERS,
sept 2!)
COCOA, &c.— Cocoa,Chocolate »nd Mac
caroni, at MOLL’ION S.
-•pot 7
1 1 , The Proprietors are pleased to an
f*»»Vß nounre to their old Friends and the Puh
c=?~£3Llic generally, that this NEW HOTEL
is now open for the reception of company.
Havjng hud it erected and fitted up at great
expense, on the most liberal, elegant and exten
sive scale, they confidently expect a generous
patronage ST LAMER & SON
jupe 8 J2—tf
Macon, <ga4 Saturday morning, November 30. us»,
MRS. DAM OUR informs .the Ladies
firsts of Macon and vicinity, lhai her Slock in
*»'2w the above line is complete for Full
Fashion, with the most desirable Goods. As
these Goods have been mostly ptirchi.s< u mParis
fur ibis place, they will he sold cb. ij-tlLtlinn
ordinary. Ladies would do well to t: ..<* u good
look at them and compare them with other Goods
before purchasing elsewhere. '1 lie Flock ol
MANTII.LI.S and DRESS SILK,is worth any
one’s trouble to examine thoroughly .
net 12 ‘ 40
A Bargain in Land aud ill ills.
Consisting of a fine body of Land o
Ve) Fire Hundred and Fifty Acres •
with an excellent Saw ami Grist Mil
thereon, within three miles»f Atlanta’
Kuu'- Hundred Acres in the woods and abound
ing with superb timber. This Properly w ill he
-old low if applied for before the firifi of January,
aud terms made easy. For information apply to
REEF H LIN.x, Ailuiita.
sept ’4 -36
ISiijiei'iui' Tens.
HA splendid lot of TEAS,
Green and Black, warranted 6ne,
just received nut from the Ca nton
Tea Company of New York, at
Cheap Store, Cherry Stre« l
dec 1
A E S. ROGER. 1 * respectfully informs
jjirwW llie public that lie lias now" tin. sole
E==Sdtehargc ol this old isi id islied and well
known HOTEL, vvhiehhas recently undergone
| thorough repair, and that lie w ill spare no pains
i for llie accommodation of those who may give
him a call. Every department of the Hall will
he under his personal supervision, Hnd everv ex.
j erlion will lie made to keep up the Establishment
to the exiienie point of neatness, comfort and
good cheer. E. S ROGER*?.
June 1 2i —ts
The subscribers take this method of
informing the Travelling Public, that
■ -H JLtheir House is now rendy for the recep
tion of all who mav favor them w ilh their patron
age. Their House has now' more than forty
| Rooms, large and conveniently arranged, and
well ventilated. # •
j They arc also prepared at their Liverv Stables,
with good Riding 11 irses, Buggies and Carriages,
so that those who wish pleasure, and those on
business, nan be accommodated at a moment’s
J warning.
Thankful for past patronage, they hope to
merit and sliHre a good portion of that which is
j yet to come ; and particular -attention shall be
given to see that “none go away dissatisfied.”
GEORGE F OGLESBY, <, 1 ro P rletors -
Marietta, Ga., May 25, 1850. 20—ly fc
■ i Informs the Public that be is prepared
pfcjl for the reception of persons suffering
JHHJLwitI, chronic diseases, at his flu ter Cure
or Electro Hydropathic Establishment, near
Marietta, Cobb county, Ga His Baths aie sit
uated near ihe principal Buildings 'I he scene
in the immediate vicinity is picturesque, being
near Kennesaw Mountain. The scenery, pure
water, llie great elevation above the level of the
ocean, (hei ng 450 feet above even the Tennessee
line on the Western and Atlantic Railroad,) the
convenience of access by Railroad, the refined
and intellectual society, arid pure atmosphere,
have all most admirably conspire!? to render the
location suitable for an establishment of the
The Proprietor deems it needless to say any
thing relative to the curative powers of either
Water or Electricity, as the general mass of the
people in i h is country have attained a k row ledge
of their great value ir. removing disease. He
Halters himself that he is able with pure Water
and Electricity , to remove any character or des
cription of disease that could, under other treat
ment or circumstances, possibly be removed—
together with a numerous host, that all other
remedies must necessarily fail to remove.
The expenses per dav, for a Patient at his
Establishment, "ill be for Board, use of Electric
Shocks and Baths, with Water Baths. Medical
advice and attention, w ith ordinary attention of
Servants, §1 50: which includes all necessary
expenses,except washing an outfit for the sweat
ing process, bandaging, &e.—payable weekly in
For further particulars, post paid communics
tions w ill meet with prompt attention if address
ed to Dr CARY COX, Marietta, Cobb co., Ga
jnly 20 28—ts
Guardian's N:tl»‘.
Ty Y leave of the Honorable the Inferior Court
i of Bibb County, w hen sitting as e Court of
Ordinary, will be sold before the Court House
door in Macon, Bibb county, within the legal
hours of sale, • n the first Tuesday in January
n< xt. Four Acres and Three Chains of wild
LAND, situate at Vineville, with S.T Bailey s
Land oil I befoul h, A! r T reunion's on the W es:,
Mr. M M. Mason's and the Academy on the
North, and Mr. Benson's on the Fast for boun
daries Sold as the property of Mortimer H G.
Nixon and Calvin W. Nix-on, nod for their
benefit. JOHN D. \V INN, Guardian,
nov 2 off
Pensions and Bounty Land,
Obtained fur the offices and ?••!«»;*••« of
the Revolutionary War, or llieir legal Rep-
I resentati vcs.
Pensions for T.ife for the V- idows of snrb
Offieers and Soldier* who married previous to
Bounty l and for the surviving, or the widows,
or minor children of deceased Officers and Pri
vate* who served in the War of 1812 with Great
Britain, i lie >1 ex it an War, or in any of the Indian
Wars since 371)0.
Attention paid to suspended and rejected
Term* moderate where tlie claim is established
otherwise no charge.
Communications addressed to the subscriber,
Washington, D. C., or to \V. 8. I.AVVI f’N A
CO , Macon, Ga , post paid, wtli receive prompt
attention. M. THOMPSON,
Cnmmi.-sinner of Deeds,
For North and Smith Carolina,
jj-qp Refers to the Heads of Departments, and
to Members of Congress general!* Also to
•VI 8. LAWTON Si CO., Macon, Ga., who
* v - 'I the Forms necessary for obtaining
have a. i,® Government.
Claims on t.. p q Oct-22, 1850
Washington Ls_, ’ 42—2 m
oct 26 _____
N utmegs, cloves md o-
W pt 7 At MOtTL *..
billtx. Cashuscres, BcLaiiies, Ac.
HAVE Received for the Fall Trade, a
beautiful assortment of FILKS, CASH
which they invite the attention of their country
and city friends. The following comprise a part :
Real Freneh Pi inted (’ashmen sand DeLaines
Plain Black Gro de Rhine and 'Pure Satin Dress
Plain and figured Chameleon SILKS
Rich Brocade do do
Fatin du Chine do do
White and colored French SATINS
Rich colored POPLINS
Plain White and Embroidered Crape SHAWLS
Rich Cashmere Shawls
lU-4, 11-4 and 12-4 Ftlk bound Bath and
Bale* of Heavy Mackinaw ; do. for Servants
4-4 new style Printed French CAMBRICS
500 pieces new and halideomn CALICOES,
from 6£ to 124 cents per yard
Cases and Bates Brown Shirtings, Long Cloths
and Sheetings
Black and colored Broadcloths end Casaiineres
Finest 8-4 and 10-4 Table Damask
Damask Napkins and Doylies
Ladies' and Gentlemens' Lambs’ Wool nnd
Merino under Vests.
Together with a full assortment of best made
English and French Bombusius, Blac Alpacca,
Mourning and Plain Black Mnuslin de Gaines,
English and French Crapes, I.acc Veils, Hand
kerchiefs, &<-.
Macon, Oct. 26, 1850.
77. V MANUFACTURER, Cherry St , Macon.
rl EfPECI FULLY informs the public, that
L he is prepared to exec ute, all orders in the
above line with despatch and upon favorable
terms lie constantly keeps on hand the fol
lowing articles, w hich purchasers are invited to
call amt examine, viz :
Cooking, Hall, Office, Bedroom and Church
STOVE?*, of different patients and qualities.
A large and general assortment of HOLLOW
and TIN VV ARE, Furnaces, Brass, Copper aud
Iron Preserve and Tea Kettles; Egg Boilers;
Smoothing arid W a file Irons; Glass I.enters
Rot aoo Mouse Traps, Bird Cages
Cocoa Nut Dippers, Ciiatin Dishes
Painted Pails, Cedar and painted Tubs
Brass and Iron hound Water Bucket*
Oval and round Trays; Brooms, Fifler*
Chopping Knives ; Rolling Pins
Roasters and Basting Fpoous
Britannia Tea lute and a general assortment
of Japanned Ware, consisting of Fugai Cinms
ters and Boxes ; Tea Oannislers ; Common
and Nursery Lamps, Candlesticks, A c.
(rr ROOFING, and all kindsofJOß WORK,
done at the shortest notice.
N. B. Orders from the country for STOVES
or TIN VV ARE, will be attended to with dcs
patch and upon the most favorable terms,
nov9 44
r I’HE undersigned have entered into a co
-1 partnership under the name of GODFREY
& SOLOMONS, for the transaction of a
General Commission and Factorage Business,
and tender their services to their friends arid
Planters generally.
ffTThey wi I also make liberal advances on
Produce consigned to them for sale.
oct 26 42—ts
H E 7! O V A L.
PAYN’F. & NISBET would most respectfully
inform their friends nnd customers, that
they have moved their stock of DRUGS nnd
MEDICINES to the corner of the new Brick
Building opposite the Washington Hall, win-re
they will be happy to see all their old customers
and others that may favor them with a cail ; and
where they will keep a gem ral stock, of fresh
PERFUMERY, Ac., and put op Prescriptions
with care and neatness, and always give
oct 12 40
---_■- A |; J£ tv , j tYi
HAVE just received a well selected assort
which embraces almost every article in theit
line of business. These Goods make their stock
extensive, which has been selected rreently by
one of ihe firm, and they are determined to sell
their Goods upon reasonable terms, and at the
lowest prices. Whilst they are thankful for past
favors, they respectfully invite their friends and
the public to call at their Store on Cherry Street,
and examine their Goods and prices, before pur
chasing elsewhere.
march 23 11
Non horn Gnftor.
* I well known quality received every Fnl
fresh from some of the best dairies at the North!
Just received by W . FREEMAN,
dec 8
New l£ir«*.
I7IVE Tierce* of prime quality, just received
and for sale by GEO. T. ROGERS,
dee I 1
IW-tflicrel and Herring.
On 881-S. No 3 Mackerel ; 20 Poxes New
£ * ■ Herring, in fine order, just received and
for sale by GEO. T. ROGERS.
I to 19
Vide* and IlamS-
H I IDS. Prime Bacon Sides, 3<>fio Rclti-
Z/\ ) more and Cincinnati Hams, just received
and for sale cheap, by
oct 10 GEO. T ROGERS.
Molasses and Syrup.
-| l\ HMDS. Prime Cuba Molasses ; 12 hhls
I 1 r New Orleans Syrup, just received and
for sale low hy GEO. T. ROGLIIa.
Canal and Baltimore Flo nr.
-i -| A BBLS. Extra Superfine FLOUR
I L* ' 25 bbls. Extra Family Flour, very
choice, just received and for sale low hy
ocl J 9 GEO. T. ROGERS.
MACKERF-l 10 half and 10 qr hhls. N<
1 Mackerel, just received and for sale by
june22 W. FREEMAN.
PICKLED CODFISH—A nice article, jus
received and for sale by
june 22 ” ■■ FREEMAN.
Butter and Cheese.
r KEGS Goshen Butte- boxes Goshen
Q Cheese, of superior U&lity.
and for sale by * C JO. T- &OSI UL
THE Subscriber having associated with him
self, the Rev. GEORGE H. HANCOCK,
late Professor of Languages in the W.-sleyan
Female College, will open on the FIRST
MONDAY IN JANUARY, 165!, in connec
tion with the Bibb County Academy, a HIGH
SCHOOL, in which will he taught, all the
branches of a thorough English anti Classical
Education. Prof. Hancock will have charge of
the Department of Languages Prof. J. Rian,
late of the Liverpool Mechanic’s Institution,
w ill superintend the Department of MatKeenadcs.
Prof. E. Gkimmk will give instruction in the
French and other Modern Languages
The following will be the Rates of Tuition
Primary Class, per Scholastic Year, $25 00
Fourth “ “ “ 2H 00
Third “ “ “ S 2 00
Second « “ “ 40 00
First •» “ “ 50 00
Third Class, per Scholastic Year, $36 00
Seroud “ “ “ 4'l 00
First “ “ “ 55 00
There will lie no extra charges, except forthe
ModiAj Languages, umt Out Voilur from each
Pupil during Ihe V'. ruler Term.
The instruction in the Matlit»ma:' rl T •p ~<
meet, will embrace everything usually taught
in a Collegiate course, together with practical
Surveying and Engineering, Book-Keeping by
sing'e aud double entry ; principles of Archl
lecture, etc.
The institution will bn completely re-orgnniz
ed. No Student will be admitted, who does not
bmr a good character, and every one guilty I
disorderly or immoral conduct will be suspend
ed or expelled. Special cure will be paid to tne
moral, as well as the intellectual training of the
Pupils Suitable Lectures and explanations,
will accompany each recitation. Monthly Re
ports will he made to Parents and Guardians, of
tile deportment ami progress of each Pupil.
N B Payments will he inquired at the expi
ration of one half of each term.
O* Arrangements will ha made to have
Students from a distance, provided with good
Board in respectable families,at moderate terms.
Circulars containing further information, will
be furnished oil application to the subscriber
P. A. FTROBEL, Rector.
Macon, Ga., Nov. 9, 1850.
There wiii be butone Vacation in the yeer-,
commencing oil the lath of July, and ending on
the 31st of August.
The following Gentlemen constitute the
Board of Trustees —Hon A. H. Chappell, Na
than O. Munroc, Esq , Major James Smith, Col.
R A. L Atkinson and S. Rose, Esq.
The fnllowing geiitietnnn have consented to
act as a Board of Visiter*— Hon. E. A Nisbet,
Hon. Washington Poe, Hon. T. G. Holt, Hon
G M Logan, Gen. J VV. Armstrong, Rev. VV.
11. Ellison, D. D., Thomas Hardeman, Esq.,
Charles Campbell, Esq., Col S. T. Bailey, Dr.
C. B Nottingham, Dr. E. L». Stroliocker, S. T.
Chapman, Eiq , Rev. S. Landrum, Dr. VV. S.
Lightfoot, Dr J. B Wiley, Rev. R. Hooker,
Dr. T 11 Lamar, Rev. J A. Shnnklin, Joseph
M. Bouidman, Lsq., Dr. J. M. Green and U. VV.
Wise, Esq
U*The Central Georgian, Albany Patriot,
Temperance Banner and Griffin Jeffersonian,
will insert four times, and send bills to the
nov 9 44
HA VL the pleasure of announcing that they
have received and srf now opening *t their
new stand, corner of Cherry and Third Streets,
a very large and entirely new stock of FANCY
have been carefully selected in the iargest and
most fashionable, houses in New York, are war
ranted of superior style mid quality, and will be
sold on very moderate terms.
april 6 13
IOGAN & ATKINbON have just received
J and am now opening at their New Flore,
corner of Second and Cherry Streets, a latige and
choice took of seasonable Foreign and Ameri
can I) R Y GOODS.
They invite their friends and the public to
come and examine the Goods, confident that
nothing to equal in style their pesent stock has
ever before been offered in Macon.
Purchasers are invited to call and examine so
oet 19
RESPECTFULLY inform the public that
they are now disposing of their Stock
of Goods at New York Cost, at their new store,
corner ofThird and Cherry Streets, formerly
occupied by Messrs Graves & Wood.
fjjpLadies are particularly requested to call
and examine the Goods and prices.
march 2 B—ts
Family mid Staple Goods.
IOGAN A ATKINSON are now opening a
J verv large assortment of Staple and Oomcsti
Goods, suitable for plantation or family uses
which will be sold low for cash or to approv e
april 6 13
Splendid Bridal Dresses.
with trimmings to suit— very fine and fash
ionable. Ladies would do well to call and ex
amine them, at
Ladies’ Dress Goods.
A SPLENDID assortment of Ginghams, Bar
XT-ges and Muslins, for morning and evening
dresses. Also, an endless variety of rich and
brilliant summer BILKS, etc. Jt si received at
spri! 6 13_
, To milliners.
TjONNET GLUE, ©f superior quality, is kep
\~y for sale by
march 9 F- L. STROIIECKFR, M.D.
BRANDY AND SEGARB—A fine article
1 of "Id Cognac Brand*, in bottl* s or by the
lion—Also a choice article of Sec us, at
gaept 7 MOULTON’S.
Hanled Immediately*
I. NET-MAKERS. None except good work
men, and such as are willing to make themselves
useful, need apply.
oct 20 47—ts
\eiv Vork steam Befitted Candies
,4 STILL Larger assortment of CANDIES
j\. just received and for sale as low as any
Candies in Town, at W. FREEMAN'S.
Cjune 8 ____
\ iitegar.
IT’HITE Wine and Pure CiJer Vinegtr of
\ t very superior quality, just received and
or sale by GEO. T ROGERS,
june 1
Will be executed m the neatest style,
and upon the most favor able
terms, at the Office of the
or'almost every grade, selling at coat, at
Dyson’s old Stand, bv
julv 20 23—if
Bibb County Academy.
MALE DEPARTMENT—The Exerciee. io
this institution, will be resumed on MON
DAY", the 2d day of September, at 8 o'clock
A M P. A. STROBEL, Rector.
i-ug 24 4t.
THE copartnership heretofore existing be
tween the undersigned, is dissolved by mu
tual consent—to take effect on the Ist dav of Sep
tember next. Z. T. CONNER,
Macon, August 24,1850.
Tin: ware house kno commission
BUSINESS will bo continued in the name
and Sty le of C O N N E R & T A Y L O R ,
it the old stand—where they will be ready to
exert themselves to serve all patrons and friend*.
.Varon, Aug. 24, 1850. 33—6rn
London l > «r(«*r.
\FEW <’nska best London Porter, in Quart
and Pint Bottles, just received and for
sale by GEO. T. ROGERS.
june S
OLD PORT WINE.—And Maderia ditt >
fine article in Bottle, for sale at
Opposite the burnt square on Cherry street.
june 1
Mercer Potatoes.
A /A BRLS. Mercer Potatoes, very superior.
Jlv* in fine order, just received and for salt
very cheap by GEO. T. ROOF.RS.
Hour Glauses in Pulpits. — An hour
triads is still used on some of the pulpits in
the provinces. Daniel Burgess, one ot
whimsical memory, never preached with
out one, and he frequently sate it out three
times during one set m n. In a discourse
which lie once delivered at the conventicle
in Russel! Street, against drunkenness,
some of his hearers began to yawn at the
end of the second glass—but Daniel wa«
not to be silenced by b yawn; he turnea
his time keeper, and altering the tone of
his voice, desired they would patient awhile
longer, for he had much to say upon the
upon the sin of drunkenness. “There
fore,” added he, "my brethren, we will
have another glass, and then — [Pro.
Affected Deafness.
A stranger dismounted at the door of
the Hotel, and gave his horsß to the
officious waiter. The bar keeper opened
the register to take his name.
“You are right,” said he, “a single
room would be more agreeable,” and he
walked into the supper room, to which tbe
crowd of boarders were passing. The,
bar-keeper rail after li.’Ji, screaming in hisj
“ What name did you say?”
“Thank you,” said he, “I can find the -
way, don't put yourself to any-trouble.” i
On his return to the bar-room, a waitet |
took up his saddle bags, and told the dea j
s'tanger he would show him his chain ;
her. j
"My friend, who will spend the eveninj |
with me, prefers plain sherry,” said he.-a;
You may send up a bottle and a few cigars j,
"I did not,” said the bar keeper, “ex I?
actiy understand your name.”
"I think a little ice would improve th ■
wine,” was the answer. “Ago while |
think of it, you may put the buttle in 1
wine cooler.” Hisfriend now joined hin-fj
and they walked to his room togelber.-jf
The deaf lodger patronized the honse fl
the extent of another bottle before 1 M
slept. The waiter who brought it u||
ventured once more to enquire his name, ji
‘ Nothing more.” said he, “except a
slice of ham, a pickle, and a lirile hre H
and cheese.” The next morning af. jg
breakfast, when the stranger’s horse w
at the door, he asked for his hill. He w H
told it was six dollars and three quartei:
"You are very kind—l had expected®
pay you; but if this is your custom, in
charge nothing for the first visit, you
not lose by it—all my friends at SponJ®
villa will certainly give you at least
call when they come to this city—g
morning.” i!
"I would thank you to pay yourbilll#
fore you go,” screamed the har-keepetfi
"1 am obliged to you,” saidthe deafjMj
tleman. "I can pul them on,” as he tM j
up h:s saddle-hags aud departed. A|ll
mounted, the bystanders began laugh |jl
moderately at the svvkard embarrasrlffß
which afflicted the bar-keeper who vvtf|;||
despair, while he bawled, after the
quern, who continued bowing, and rei i <j9
trig his assurances that he would certtj H
remember the accommodations, civil |I
and liberality ofthe house, and recomcij | f
it to all his friends who might passlbr ;j i|
the city. The gentleman who so we jll
tected deafness, won the wager he | jS
staked upon the success of his scheme j H
paid h.s bill the next time he visile * f
cfy- j||
A Goon One.— The editors of tl jj m
wa Capial Reporter 6ays they wish lilf
oft heir honest subscribers to pay the fj j
anJ they may "be in funds with wli'H jjl
prosecute the rascally ones. A gooeflj W
|C7*What arc the unsociable thifjl®
the world 1 |f
Milestones—you never see two cjf j
together. ; I