Newspaper Page Text
Ilnmor is renewed that the Pope has sane
[..■( decree of the Synod of Tlmrli s, . n.,.
I : the Queen's Colleges. The Linie-
Lmiicle asserts (hat HlMppwl ofilmthir-
Lesting prelate* against the decree has
. experienced an ungracious reception
Le Pope, hut elicited the surprise and
of his Holiness
cellars of Barclay, Perkins & Cos., the
: «ers ol London, are 1 Hi huge vats, con*
t.OtW barrels of 36 gallons each, anil the
100 barrels, making about 232,000 bar
ker always on hand.
naJore S toe to n declines lieing a candidate
United Stulcs Senate from -New J, r
Archduke Ferdinand, brother of the Em*
'Austria, is about to cuter the naval ser
ind will take command of the Austrain
Venus, and sail, it is said, for America.
New Orleans Bulletin notices the re
u that city of over 1000 lbs. of domestic
manufactured in Louisiana. The qual.
the article is most excellent, and it com
the handsome price of 10 cents per lb.
it hundred glaziers are employed on the
nun building in Hyde Park, London.—
nan can glaze sixty-four feet daily,
jiir-innatti edi or has been presented with
m,jlist two feet three inches in circimi cr-
Ai ight seven lbs ten oz., and measures
■e cud of the top to the point of (ho tap
su feet three inches.
(owners of the steamer City of Glasgow
mg their ship to the Philadelphia line, did
(ftip the project of keeping up a stcatu
unication between Glasgow and New York
ire now building at the former city, two
jjs ocean steamers, which will be ready
i,e their place in the line, early in the
i-business of Lake Champlain, chiefly the
<• trade, has increased six hundred per cent
a flair v ears. For 1846 the number of ves-
Hiring from Chamblay Canal was 426
p e**i *111 year, up to November, the total
Her was 2531.
»' Orleans is estimated to have a population
In 1840 it was 102,103.
ic insurance offices in New Orleans w ill not
e property in Lafayette, owing to the instil
cy of water to put out fires,
vrnnr Uatosay writes from Minnesota that
•'•illation has increased from 40 X) last year
NJ the present. Emigrants at-- pouring in
N irway, Sweeden and North Germany.
- Ohio Stale Cuustinitinunl Convention
flat' e-d a section that tlieie shall be no im-
Bmtmntfor debt, except in cases of fraud
lie wife of a Mr. Vizard, at New Orleans,
killed on the 7th instant, by falling from
led room window, in her sleep.
number of Post Offices in the United
s it this time is nearly twenty-one thou-
Thirty-six hundred offices have been cs
ied wi'hin tlie last eighteen months.
• planet Venus may be seen w l'h the na
tie during any clear afternoon for tile uex;
iivn-ks'. It is distinctly visible as early as
. Irk.
• Washington National Monument is now
1 70 feet high.
intemplated to erect, as a monument to
iehrated George Stephenson, a sing'e
several feet Longer than Cleopatra’s Nee.
I Benjamin, a Jew, of Lincoln, F.ngland,
; ly purchased at auction, a supeiblv carved
t piece, valued at $1,500, and presented it
r Protestant Church in that place.
- Baltimore clipper brig Col. Chestnut only
months off the stocks, Iras been purchased
Government of Brazil. She is to be eon
l‘d into a sliip-of war,and will he armed with
I’lixhan thirty pounders.
■ 'fi ship Rambler at Boston from Singapore,
■s very large and valuable cargo. It consists
■ 12) bags coffee, 23 casks nutmegs, 2,0 jO
■ - tea, 888 pigs tin, 2,G00 bundles rattans
■ ■l->U pepper.
■iti! various distilleries now in operation at
Bsklyn, N. Y., consume annually 1,439,-
■ nishels of grain; the quantity of whiskey
B'ufaclured is 5,446,300, valued at $1,364,.
■ About 2,904,000 gallons of the the whis
■ goes through the rectifying process.
■&« Montreal Herald publishes a statement
Bite quantity of Eggs packed in the Bonsec-
W- Market and exported to the U. Stales,
B> the 15th June last to the 15th November—
Bmouths—showing that 3,000 barrels.coulain-
B'l doz.—equal to 252,168 dozen, at 7id. per
■m, have been exported.
Bearing the last ten years about 15,000 hou
B ave been built in New York,and tin popula.
m m-reused 14,100 There is an average of
,;i persons oa house. The common, av
■pt space for houses and lots, is 17 houses to
Btirre of ground—this would show that, in ten
■ rs , Now York has covered 882 acres of land
le Plaquemine, La. Sentinel says that
■ cholera has again broken out in that place,
■ that several of the most respectable citizens
■ fallen victims.
■'he Neapolitan government has granted the
■ of twenty thousand ducats for continuing
■ excavations of Pompeii.
is an old lady, named Stevens, residing
county, Tenn., whose age is one
and tweuty years! Her youngest son
lad of seventy.
■*V shipment of a cargo of wheat from
Ayeres to Liverpool, is noted as anew
ire in the trade of that country.
■ ■’be State House, now building at Columbus
■'capital of Ohio is to be 304 fuel long by 184
■ ' The height of the walls, to the top of
■ ■hbiring course will be G 2 feet,to the top of the
■ Jftdu, 150 feet. A great part of the labor
■p 1 the edifice is done by convicts. When
■ Ploted, it wiil he one of the uandsonmcsl
W ‘'turet in United States.
Official Returns.
Tlte f riio a , a ,| ie relari|S
f<>t members ..f the Convent i.nt. Those
itt Ifali s are Southern [lights men.
Lak-r—J. Cos Icy, G. I V. Colter.
RJdieii —A. 11. Kenan, J. W. A. Sta
X , t C'Jlins, Wushington Poe,
A. 1 . 1 owets. Win. Scott.
Bryan — S. Bird, C. if, Starr.
Bulloch—B. Cone, A. Kerris.'
ur" T r J e J' kite-head, E. Palmer, Tl r .
»► . Hughes, J. C. Poythress.
Butts—D. J. Bailey, R. \V. McCone.
Ca > den -J. M. Smith. E. At'An Son.
Campbell—L I,ran, W. M Butt
C rroll —T., P. M. R, C e. (i
J. Wt iglit, il. Haynes.
Cass James Wofford, L. Tumlin, W.
Aikin, 1., Johnson.
CUa ham —R. 1) Arnold, J. E. Ward,
F. fc>. Bartow, 11. 11. Cuvier.
C hattooga —M. Montgomery, H. P.
Wooten. _
Cheroltee —A. Lawhorn, M. \. Keith
s. C Dyer, J. It. Wikle.
Clark A. Hull, J. C. Johnson, A. S.
Hill, B. Sheats.
Cobh M Olnnohfrr. i). Irwin, A. J
Hansel!, M. M. (’ ; ,1,.1.'-r
Coumba K. 8. Hanisofi, \V. A. L
C011i..-, W. A. Mat tin, L. C. Belt.
Ca.'rta --K. M. liHci.r -v. Li. -t Glass
It. W. Simms, J. W. Pure 1.
Cranford — W. A. Matthews, D. Davis.
Hade —G. Stephens J. McKaig.
Decatur—R. Sims. J. P. Dickinson.
DcK'db— <’ha--. Murphey, W. Ezzard
J. Collier, .T. M. Cnlhonn.
Hoohj — R. B. Hamilton, D J. Both
Early —T. Speight., J. Vinson.
Bflngham —J. W. Boston, A. G. por
Elbert— T. J. Heard, T. W. Thomas,
W. H. Adams, W. J. It, <-bu< k.
Emanuel — E. Swain, J. C. C. Lane.
layette—. T.O. Dickson \V B. Fuller
Floyd —J. \\ titters, F. Ware.
forsyth —.l T. Garner, A. Erwin.
Franklin— W, Little, S. Knox, N. Gun
m is. J. \V. Ptvvne.
dim r —E. W. Chastain, J G. Gminor.
Glynn —J. U Cooper, F. M. Scarlett.
Gordon —T. Bird, J. R, Pam,tt.
Grr ne Wm. C. Daws n, T. N Pool
ain, Wm W. I) Weaver, R. H. Waul.
Gwinnett —.T. P. Simmons, L. Loveless,
R. D. Winn, T. W. Alexander.
Dab, ■rsham —W. B. Woffud, J W. H
Ftulet wood, F. Logan. J. Underwood,
Hull \\ . .). Peeples, E. M. Johnson.
Hancock —L. H. Btixter, J. Thomas.
Harris —G .Cranberry. G. Otborn, G.
W. Cobh, L. Pratt.
Heard— C. W. Mabry, W. F. Wright.
Ilnry— B Pettit, ILL. Dufley, L. J.
Glenn. L. T. Doyal.
Houston — C. I’. VV oodsort, J. Fudge, J.
J. Hampton, H Lawson.
Jackson —lr Mitchell, S. P. Thurmond.
Jmp r J. 11 . Burney, ,/. Robinson,
T. and. Comer, J. Pitts.
Jefferson— (4. Staple’on, P. B. Connellv.
Jones —,/. Ij. Holland, f. A Humphries.
Laurens— C. B. Guyton, Li. J. Black
B • — S, D. Irwin, 11 . .1. Hawkins.
Liberty —J.S. BradvveJl, E. Daniel.
Lincoln —R. I> 'J ore, I. F. Tatum.
Lowndes— IF. Ij. Morgan, IF. Ashby.
Lumpkin— H. W Riley, A. M. Kus.-ei ,
S. Hv met, R. 11. Pea tee.
Macon —W. H. Robinson, N. Bryan.
Madison-M. 11. Bullock, J. Long.
J/- lotos'/ I'. Spaulding, J. De. Mere.
Meriwe her —W. P Burk, P. Oglotiee,
W. a. J. Phillips, J. L. Stevenson.
Jl nrnc —A. M. D King, M. Lesseur,
H. Phinizee, J. S. Pinckard.
Morgan —l. S. Fannin, A. Reese.
Murray — J. .Morris, Wm. Gordon.
Muscogee —A. McDougald, N. L. How
ard, A. C. Morton, T. F. Wooldridge.
Newton —J. N. Williamson, J. C. Hen
drick, J. Harris, J. Bass.
Oglethorpe —G. R. Gilmer, S. Glenn,
W. Willingham, B. \V. Hutcheson.
Paulding —R. McGregor, W, F. Janes.
Pike —ll. Smith, P. B. Cox, R. White,
J. It, Jenkiiis.
Pulaski — IF. 11. Rreres, jY. McDuffie.
Putnam —J. Adama, 11. Btunhutn, La.
R. Calloway, ,). A. Meriwether. The
four elected, a compromise ticket.
Rabun —A. Blalock, I). Wall
llando'ph —\V. Taylor, J. Hendrick,
B. li. Rice, 11. (J. Johnson.
Richmond —R. F. Poe, C. J. Jtnkins,
Thomas .Skinner. A J. Miller.
Srire, A. S. Jones. ll'. ./. Ran-ton.
Stewart— -I). Muthissoii, J. V\ ilh otd, s>.
Bell, .1. < hit k.
Sumter —W. H. Crawford, E. R.
Talbot —T. Batksdale, S. Ilarvey, J.
W.< 'listens, W nt. T. Holmes.
Taliaferro —A. H. Stephens, S. Harris.
Telfair —M. Wilcox, W. W. Paine.
Thomas — J. L. Seward, TANARUS; M. (Tallin.
Troup —E. V. Hill, R. A. T. Ridley,
J. Culberson, H. Dennis.
Twiggs — B. B- Smith, 11. S. Wimberly,
Up-on —T. Beall, T. Flew el en. A. J.
McAfee, D. Evans.
Walker —T. G. McFarland, R.. B. Dick
Wayne - S. O. Bryant, S. C. King.
Walton W. J. Hill, P.G. Morrow, L.
S. Moon F. S. < ’olley.
Ware —J. Fullvvoud, J. Walker.
Warren —T. L. Latimer, J. Adkins, H.
A. Jones, G. V. Neal.
Washington —R. W. Flournoy, E. S.
Langmade, Wm.llall.J. H. Duggan.
Wilkes —R. Toombs, I. T. Irwin, E.
R. Anderson, J. H. Dyson.
General Childs has gone to Florida to assume
the command of the lino of posts established fo r
protection against th Indian*
j North Carolina.—Mr.Shepherd has intro,
dufced into tin L.-gtslature hi* North Carolina, a
« rit-s of resolutions on the slavery question.—
These resokrluns affirm the right of si-cession .
rectinimend that the repeal or e s nlial luoililica
lion of the fugitive law be declared a caasa for
IbiaJ action, ami that the Southern S-ates unite
in demanding the recognition by Congnas ol'tke ot the Sojthorn people to colonize the ter
ritories of the United Stale*, r s division of the
same between the twngection .
A bill his been introduce] into the House
providing tor laying a tax of 10 per cent on all
goods on sale in the State on the Ist January
1852; and thereafter, on the entire amount
of safes annually; bill, on proof that the said
goods are the product of any of the shiveholding
States, or of foreign countries, the said tax shall
not be collect' and. The law is to remain in force
until the fugitive law is faithfully carried into
efleet throughout tire IJniled States, and until alj
the territories of the United States are opened
to the people of North Carolina to carry thither
nny species of property they may think proper,
i Ire act is to be transmitted to the Governors of
the other Southern States, with a request tha*
similar laws be passed in each Staio
Ohio and Arkansas Coal.— We learn from
Gal.iupolis, Onto, Journal, that a number of flu
boats, loaded with cntinal coal, from Keituwiia.
were lying at the wharves at that place. The
coal was intended for the New Orleans market.
It is said there are immmense beds of ibis coal
up the Kenawhs, and the article sells at about
30 cents per bushel at New Orleans. A flat
boat of coal is announced as having arrived a*
Lit. 1 e Rock, Arkansas, from Johnson county, in
the same f-ia e. It is said to burn readily, emits
a cheerful blaze, and is without any offensive
oder. The mine from which it was taken is in
.uxhausubleptnd ol easy access from the liver.
Weathkr and Grots in Louisiana. —The
Piaqiicrmiue (sentinel says there was a severe
Irost in th tl vicinity on the night of the ltith ult.
which injured the cane considerably.
i lie Alexandria Democrat of die 20th ultimo
• ays: “We learn from several of our sugar
planters, that the cane Ills sustained considerable
damage from the severe freeze of Satnrday night
—so much, indeed, that it will not make tnolas.
ses. The crop, in consequence theroof, will
lull very shor ol what it was an icipnted to he. i
iLr U r :*rc tiiliiottzt'd to «st»
ooutiee JOHN B.Ct.flllliMl as a candi
date for re-election to the office of City Marshal
ol aincori, at the election itt January next.
ID IV 30 *
FT J. W. ABEIHIOLU is a can
didate for Deputy Marshal, at the election in
January next.
nov 30
ID" We arc requested 1 1> an
nounce WARISEN H. MOOD as n can
didate for Deputy Marshal at tin: election in
January next,
nov 30
ILJ’ *1 ** arc requested to an
noiin-ro WtEf.IS SI. II EttilKM as a candi
date fbr Principal -Marshal at the election in Jan
nary in xt.
dee 7
Lemon S in; tar.
i ERIOIi to l.i iiion 8 y r ll p,n lid nearly equal
f. to the iresli Lemon, for making lemonade
Directions! Add one large tahlespoouful of,hi
Sugai to a half pint of water. Mir it well, and
a beverage is produced, inferior only In that
made from the fresh Lemon. Physicians in the
country will find this preparation a valuable
substitute when tlte fresh Lemon cannot be pro.
cured. Prepared and sold bv
npril 27 E. 1,. .STROH KCKF.R.
irl id •« ssii' —.
*T IIIIDS. New Crop Cardenas Molasses,
/ just received and for sale bv
march 9 GF.O. T. ROGERS.
Mackciel and Herring:.
*yi \ No. 3 Mackerel ; 20 Boxes New
-mj * ' Herring, in fine order, just reeeived and
for sale by GEO. T. ROGERS,
100 1!)
Harms Sides; and limns.
l BHDS. Prime liarnn Sides, 3000 Balli
t&y ' more and Cincinnati Hams, just received
and for sale cheap, bv
Molasses asid Syrup.
j A HMDS Prime Cuba Molasses; 12 bills
L*7 New Orleans Syrup, just received and
for sale low by GEO. T. ROGERS.
Canal and Baltimore Flour.
Jill HILLS. Extra Superfine FLOUR
I I * r 25 bbls. Extra Family Flour, very
choice, just received ami for sale low by
oct 1!) GEO T. ROGERS.
A T ACKER El 10 lialf and 10 qr. bbls. No.
'• I Mac kerel, just received and for sale by
oet 22 VV. FREE MAN. ‘
PICKLED CODFISH—A nice article, just
received and for sale by
june 22 VV. FREEMAN.
BiUtcr mid Cheese.
tZ KEGS Goshen Butter ; 50 boxes Goshen
V Cheese, of superior quality, just received
and for sale by GEO. T. ROGERS,
oct 19
Fresh Oysters and Fish,
OF tlie finest kind, may be bad every day
ftom Savannah, at VV. FREEMAN’S,
nov 2
LY PRUNES.—A fine supply, at
june 29 MOULTON’S.
(COFFEE —Best kind Rio and Java Coffee, at
J sept 7 MOULTON’S.
O ARDINF.S, Tomato Catsup, Pepper Sauce
R? and Caper Sauce at MOULTON’S,
sept 7
/xANDLES, &e.—Sperm and Adamantine
Vy Candles; Ohio Starch, and Irish Moss, at
sept 7 MOULTON’S.
sept 7
fV*TIEl > FRUIT At all limes, at
I 7 june 1 MOULTON’S, Agent. ■
MAY BUTTER.—l’resli supply nfnew May
Blitter, just received and for stile by
june 1 THOS. J. MOULTON, Agent.
PUOSPE t: T l h.
or Tax
“Jlarcn Weekly Tr•»:ts>l■ipt. , *
The subset it., r proposes to, in ifce
city ol .Macon, t«'a., u paper to be called the
“Vieekly Franserlpt. l’he growing pro-perity
of our city, and the increasing facilities ol com
tU'itiiea ion w.i'u every (T.irl of tiie Sta e, s.em
to ju-tilv the * ; nion, that a fmnily journul, pr»,-
|u 1 conduetc- ,i- mi. only u d.*tUt.rulmn, hut
that an one is really need to meet Jo; wants
ot tlte cbmtnum v. In a cry in a neighboring
St It*, by nil nte iris as populous as Maeon,a daily
and four weekly jn is are sustained ; and it i' s
to be hoped, that chore is sufficient intelligence
and liberality in middle Georgia to authorise the
e-t ihlisliinent ot a journal such as it is contem
plated to make the “Transcript.”
It is not to he disguised, that all the papers
" hieli are published in Macon are decidedly par
tizan in their character—being, to a greater'or
less degree, identified with someone of the poli
tical parties into which our people are divul and
It is, therefore, not to be expected that matters
ofgeneral interest can receive such attention as
the wantsof the community seem to demand.
Apart from this, we need something to develnpe
the literary resources of our people. Literary
me.n geenrally, have very little taste for party
politics; and even when they have, it is only
during times of great excitement that there is
any special demand for the employment of their
tab tits It is, algo, questionable ix bother politi
' a I discussions are the best means ol eiiootit i-iri'
■i pure literature. Oar own opinion is, that they
are not; and hence, we desire to estalil isii a j <nru -
'I that will afford a medium l.y which llmso of
our citizens who tire not inticli engaged in the warfare, which is ever and anon wav*,
ing, may communicate to the public their opin
ions upon snrli sehjeets as may be of some pruc.
>ic;,| advantage in improving the character, of
our people. \\ e want u home literature a
•Southern literature—as well as Southern t're-...
Our lit clary men and women need encourage
ment; out schools and college, need tlte fostering
care of our people; and our iigrieulttiral and
mechanical interests should receive more partic
ular attention than has hitherto been bestowed
upon them. The morals ofnnr people might
lie improved tiv the dissemination of a system of
pure ethics; and the noble cause of Temperance,
especialy as it stands conencted with the Order
of the “tjon»,” demands a larger share of public
Tlm“ Transcript” will bo neutral in polities
bnt w ill furnish a synopsis ot the leading poli
tical transactions ufibn day. In no case will it
become tiie organ of any party. Itsmora! tone
" ill be. decided. Whilst it will not he under
the influence of any re ii go us denomination, it
will aim to ineulatn correct moral and religious
sentiments—believing that our political institu
tions can have no permanent ba>is unless they
are founded neon the tirlttr, as w ell as the in
telligence. The prominent facts connected with
the movements of the ilitl'erent religious denom
inations will lie published as mutters of news,
but the paper xvi II not become the advocate of
any particular sect.
in short, it is proposed to furnish a journal
that will be acceptahle to men of all parlies and
all creeds,—in which. Belle Lettres, generally,
Agiiculre, the Mechanic Arts, Temperance, and
a sound Morality, will all receive u duo nliare
of attention.
The subscriber, hiving a practical Printer, will
guaranty that the ty pographioal character of tile
paper will compare favorably w ith that of any
other in tin: Blate. Several literary gentlemen
(some of whom have had considerable experi
ence.) have kindly consented to co-operate with .
the Proprietor in the management of tliv Editorial
The “Transcript” will be issued in a fe w I
weeks, at si2 per annum, payable in advance
('uliseriptiotis aro respectfully solicited. Ad.
r l'lir. Subscriber ha*mg associat 'd with Jiijn-
I. sell* the Rev GEORGE If. HANCOCK,
late Professor of Languages in the VWslevnn
Female College, will open on the FIRST
MONDAY IN JANUARY, 1851, in connec
tion with the Bibb County Academy, a HIGH
SCHOOL, in which will he taught, alt the
bratiehes nf a thorough English and Classical
Education. Prof. lltxcocK will have charge of
the Department of Languages Prof. J. Rian,
lute of the Liverpool .Mechanic’s Institution,
will superintend the Department of Mathematics.
Prof. B. (itti.MMK wiil. give instruction in the
French and other Modern Languages.
The following will be ihe Kates of Tuition :
Primary Class, per Scholastic Year, $25 00
Font th 11 “ “ "28 00
Third “ “ “ 32 00
Second “ “ “ 40 00
First “ “ “ 50 00
Third Class, per Scholastic Year, S3O 00
Second “ “ “ 40 00
First “ “ “ 50 00
There will be no extra charges, except for the
Modern Languages, and One Do lor from each
Pupil during the Winter Term,
The instruction in the Mathematical Depart
ment, will embrace everything usually taught
in a Col legiate course, together with practical
Surveying and Engineering, Book-Keeping by
single and double entry ; principles of Archi
tecture, etc.
The institution will bn completely re-organiz
ed. No Student will be admitted, who cues not
bear a good character, and every one guilty < f
disorderly or immoral conduct will bo suspend
ed or expelled. Special cure w ill be paid to the
moral, as well as the intellectual training of the
Pupils. Suitable Lectures and explanations,
will accompany each recitation. Monthly Re
ports will bo made to Parents and Guardians, of
the deportment and progress of each Pupil.
N It Payments will be inquired at the expi
ration of one half of each term.
O’ Arrangements will be made to have
Students from a distance, provided with good
Botird in respectable families, at moderate terms.
Circulars containing further information, will
be furnished on application to the subscriber.
p/A. STRQBEL Hector.
Macon, Ga., Nov. 9, 1850.
There will he but one Vacation in the year,
commencing on the 15th of July, and ending on
the 31st of August.
Tim following Gentlemen constitute the
Board of Trustees Hon. A. 11. Chappell, Na
than C. Munme, Esq., Major James Mmlh, Col.
1! A. L Atkinson and S. Rose, Esq.
The following gentlemen have consented to
act as a Board of Visiter s—Hou. E. A Nisbet,
Hon. Washington Poe, lion. T. G. Holt, Hon.
G M. Logan, Gen. J. \V. Armstrong, Rev. \V.
H. Ellison, D. D., Thomas Hardeman, Esq.,
Charles Campbell, Esq., Col. S. T. Bailey, Dr.
C. B. Nottingham, Dr. E. L. Strohceker, >S. T.
Chapman, E-n , Rev. S. Landrum, Dr. \V. S.
Lightfont, Dr. J. B. Wiley, Rev. R. Hooker,
Dr T. 11. Lamar, Rev. J. A. Shanklin, Joseph
U Bonrdman, Esq., Dr. J. M. Green and U. W.
(Vise, Esq.
iJjpThe Central Georgian, Albany Patriot,
Temperance Banner and Griffin Jeffersonian,
will insert four times, and send bills to the
nov 9 44
IA aept 7 At MOULTON’S
FaheimocK’s Vermifuge.
r niiE sntest and Tler-t eflettlve remedy at
A Warms that has rrtt hen riiscor/rcd
I’iits preparation las tn «n before the pnblie
fIT nearly liven y years It |ma been us: and in
almost ever) elineite, ami in every condition ot
patients needing a Vermifuge, and the experi
ence of those who had oi-casn n to use it in their
families, fully corr-hora ea what its proprietor
claims fW it. It is mini in its operation, con
tains no calomel, nor dangerous ingredient, and
can he given with perfect safety to the most del
icate infant.
The Mayor of Lancaster city, writing to
Messrs. Faiienstock A Ci.., sa)s .
Gentlemen— Siveral of the younger bronchos
ofmy family laboring under si'mptoir.s indicating
worms induced the application of various reme
dies, and 1 am happy to say that your Vermifuge
had the desired effect of, in one instance, remov
ing the almost incredible number of 151 of the
I irge Worms from one patient, w hieli in addition
to ns other tested qualities in tny family, cslab.
lislied the efticucy of \ our V ermifuge . as a sure
cure. ' 'M. CARPENTER,
Mayor, Lancaster city.
For sale by Dr. E L\ BTUOUECKEU,
ai: g 17 Agent for Proprie or.
Acw Portable Soda V. ntcr.
VNY one having cold water, rati at once pro
dime 3oiln Water, sweet and flavored as
with the finest Syrup, effervescing pleasant and
healthy as any at the fountains, i ..r the sick or
travellers to rectify had water, this is a conveni.
cut and pleasant beverage. For sale in boxes
low by J |l. tV W. S. ELLIS,
Uotton Avenue, near Cherry street,
juno,29 Macon, Ga.
'Vlie Ciicrty Pefltiinl.
L’OR Goughs', Golds, Asthma, Consumption,
-I A c.—A pleasant and concentrated prepiirii
tinn ol the Pitinus \ irginin, or Wild Gin 11 ,
'File medical properties of this Southern treenre
here eliemicallv prepared in combination with
Rlmtrerl prlnctpt. . n _
tile and effectual remedy lor all complaints ol the
longs and breast,coughs, asthma, croup, whoop
ing cough, bronchitis and all curable vases of
consumption. The price is half less than usual
for such medicines. For sale In '
J'me 2d J lI.iVW 8 ELLIS, Mar on.
F For Cholera, Dittrrhcra, Cholera infantum
or Siimm-r eomplnirit of Children, Disentcrv,
Cholera Mnrlms, Vomiting, Pain in the Breast’
Ac —Kecomniendrif bv the most eminent l’hysi
* bins, for family and plantation use—a never
failing remedy for the above complaints. For
»»l« by J. U VV. S. ELLIS,
june 29 Sole Agents, Macon.
( HLVU>OU M> 7 F(7vTaT<> PIJ-LS—Th>'ve
\J *getable remedy for diseases arising from
impurities of the blood, dyspepsia, scrnliiha and
all chronic di-eases—(tlso'a substitute for calo
mel, as a cathartic in foyers and all bilious a flee- I
tions. For sale by *
june 29 ' J If. & XV. S. ELLIS.
•“ J R VI’IVF.—I or preserving, restoring and
beautifying the Hair. W hen the hair is falling
out a beautiful head of hair may be produced.
It also be.autilfes the hair ol any, and is richly
perfumed. For sale by
june 29 j: 11. & VV. S. ELLIS.
5 LMON RUGA I^.— An article for Lemonade
J-4 superior to Lemon Syrup, for sale by
june 29 J II iV VV. H. ELLIS.
/1 OI .OG NF. VV A r F!’. It —Of various pe i fumes,
xe bv the hullle or gallon, for sale by
June'22 J. II iSi VV. S. ELLIS
-* —Splendid Articles for making Puddings
mid diet for sick persons. A fresh supply just
received at W. FREEMAN* 3.
i>"g 17 30
Liioicc Tobacco.
JUST received ;t small lot of superior Chew
ing Tobacco, considered by those who have
iHed it, to he the best in Town.
Afso on hand a supply of if. Jigbifnl f-'oioLiojj
Tobacco, mild, richly flavored and cheap.
For sale by E. L. STitOU ECKER,
may 25 Druggist.
APOLEON GAPES—A new and supeih
-LN article. Parisian ditto, of every style and
price. Just received by
x .' I.'FES, and summer stud’s of every quality,
just received by
npril (i LOGAN & ATKINSON.
Q PERM, Adamantine and Tallow,of all sizes,
Just receiv ed ami for sale by.
june 8 GEO, 'V ROGERS.
_- -- y « gcoclE , e , KS>
FJ 11IE Subscriber has just reeeived, direct from
• New York, a fresh supply of new Groceries,
such as fresh Dates, dried Currants, Preserves,
Figs, Sardines, Catsup, Pepper Sauce, Citron’
Gaper Sauce, Cocoa, New Chocolate, Raisins,
Nuts of all kinds, Rice, Java Coffee, Mneearopi,
l ine Table Halt in boxes or bags, Nutmegs,
Cloves, Pepper, Spice and Ginger, Sperm and
Adamantine Cnnflles, and a great variety of
other articles too numerous to mention.
Also, a fine lot of Fresh Tens, for sale by
Opposite Mr. G. M. Logan’s new Brick Building,
nug >1 On Cherry Street.
Flo in-, HI «‘tj I, Font,
IYACON Hams, Sidesand Shoulders; Lard,,
J> Irish and Sw eet Potatoes—in store and for
sale by J. 8. RICHARDSON,
Cotton Avenue,
march 24 17
fJHVO Hundred Boxes Segars, a great variety
i of brands from common to very fine. For
sale cheap by GEO. T. ROGERS,
june 8
ilnms. Butler, Syrup, Ac.
Cincinnati sugar cured hams
New Orleans Sugar House SYRUP
A few Jars of very white Leaf LARD.
All of choice quality, just received and for
sale by GEO. T. ROGERS,
dee I Cherry Street.
( isars, Cigars ~
1 FIFTEEN Thousand Cigars various brands—
- among them are some genuine and most ele
gant Cigars. Lovers of a good article will be
certain to gel it at W. FREEMAN’S,
march 30
Congress M ain. ~
rfc Y the Box or single bottle, direct from the
* Springs. Just received and f< rsale by
june 8 GEO. T. ROGERS.
( lOBB’S PEN AI .CODE,—This Work, au.
V/ lliorizcd by the last Legislature, and just
published, is now for sale by
s,l g 24 3.3—m3m
Porter. ,
r PEN Casks of Ryass’ celebrated Porter so
1 sale hv W. l ii.LL.MAN.
march 30
RatlwayN Ready Heller.
AFRESH Supply of this Article, just receiv
ed and for sale hv
nov .Mulberry street, Macon.
\ Charleston Advertisements.
. fcr.YG i tuee r, ciunLEsro.v.s.c.
a-=aSa, By DANiLL COOK.
j’By B 26— ly
€. JL E. L. KEUrI9O.\ & CO.
1 Y\7OULD rcspeetlully inform their friend*
V V ami those who purchase Dry Goods in
their city, that they are now prt pared to ofi’ur,
a large, choice and well assorted Stock
As they receive, the Bulk ofilieir Goodsilttert
from European Ports, they feel assured of being
able l 1 compete successfully with anv othef
Market in the Un ted Htales.
No. 239 King, North VV est Corner of King
and Market Street*.
aug _24» 33—3 m
* WOOLLEN GOODS, liave just received,
per ships “Gulnaru,” “Orion” and “Sanioset,”
from Liverpool, their Fall supply of PL AI NS,
KER sEYS, White and colored BLANKETS,
W bite. Red, Blue and Gt emi Flannel Blanketing,
Guernsey Shirts, Kilmarnock Caps, Heotcli
Bonnets, iS . cxpres-ly suited to our Son.hern
Planters' Trade, and to an inspection of which,
they confidently mine all vvho visit the Churls*-
ton Markup
299 King, North Vest Coriser of King
and Market Sireet*.
»uc 24 33—3 m
At his .Vcw Store, .\o. 2lt, Bend of king Street
HAS oil hand and will constantly keep sup
plied with tin: largest variety of Rich and
8 isnnnble DRV GOODS, ever exposed in
Charleston', to which the attention of Planter*
and Country Merchants is milted.
jt'ly 2J, " 28—Iy
JY'-ir the Charleston Hotel, Charleston, S. C.
FFIR A VELLF.iI 8 are invited to call nt
L WELCH'B Fashionable Furnishing Store
for'Gentlemen, where can be ‘had SHIRTS
made ir, the latest Fashion, and of the best ma
terials, superior workmanship, and Dauskin *
celebrated |.aUern. N- A. DAUSTvIN is the
original inventor of cutting Shirts hv measure
ment Dauskiti s Pattern lias received the un
qualified cnmmend.ilion . of Gentlemen in nil
parts of the United States, and has been pry
uourieed perfect.
Also, for sale, a great variety of GOODS,
suitable for Gentlemen,
july 20 28—1 v
E. J 5. FREWS,
A‘j. 19 V.nduc Range, Charleston, S. C.
5 I AS , nnstantly on hand every description of
A. s Foreign and Domestic DRY GOODS,
te -*' V mid un Sales ol'Dry Goods Twice a VV’eek.
July 2) 28—1 v
11. TAI’LOIt,
.Vo. 17 Vendue Range, Charleston, S. C.
HAS always 011 hand, a full supply of 4-4
and 7-8 Brown Shirtings, Print*, Bleached
anil Colored GOODS, which will ho gold on
favorable terms.
1 Vi tit for Charleston Steam Cotton Factory,
july 20 28—ly
.V„. 90 East Ray, Charleston, S. C.
DEALER in Farina ; Wheaton Griis ; 51ar
earoni ; Vermicelli ; Pickles of all kinds;
Tapioca; Chocolate and Cocoa, of every des*
eription ; Sweet Oil ; Mustard ; Spices ; Lemon ; Lemon Syrup ; Essence, of Coffee, Ac.
Irnported Sugars, Champaigtics, Clarets, Ac. and
Fancy Groceries in general.
(LJ’Agcnt for the Congress Steam Mills, New
july ,20 28—Iy
liiscuit Bakery,
.Vo. 131 Meeting Street, apposite the Market ,
rplIE Subscriber lias constantly on hand
J. Pilot and Navy Bread, Soda, Butter, Lc
mon,W uter, Sugar and Dy speplic CR ACKERS,
Ginger Nuts, Ac., in barrels, kegs, boxes and
bulk, alt warrated ofthe best quality, and at tho
lowest prices. K. S, MII-LAR.
july ti 26—ly
Skpositoiy of tiie Southern Baptist
Puhlicsitioat Society,
.Vo. 41 Broad Street, Charleston, S. C.
rpilE present Agents ofthe Society have tho
L pleasure of announcing to the Baptists of
Georgia, that they have recently fully replenish
ed tlieii Stock of BOOKS. They have now
at their Depository in Charleston, as complete
an assortment of Denominational and Tbeolo
girat Books, as can he found in any Southern
City. Their entire Stock having been purchas
ed for Cash, they hope to be able to sell on the
most reasonable terms. In addition to the usual
discount, f> percent, will he allowed on every
hill cashed within thirty days from dale A
Catalogue of the Books kept at the Depository
lias boeii recently published, and will ho fot
vvarded by mail to those who desire it.
Agents S. B. P. S
july 6 25—ly
Works issued,
BY The Southern Baptist Publication Sociclv.
Thu Way of Salvation By Dr. Howell,
12tno. pp. 336 Price 8/A cents.
Taylor on’ Restricted Communion—ldmo. pp.
96. Price 10 cents.
Advantages of Sabbath School Instruction—
By Rev. C. D. Mallory. 14mo. pp. 46. Price
61 cents.
A Decisive Argument against Infant Baptism
—By Rev. J. L Dagg. 1 ditto pp. 52. Price6l
Also, for sale,
Fuller on Bn|4tturn and Communion—l2mo
pp. 204. Price 50 cents
Williams Miscellanies—Bmo pp 400. $1 5C
Kitto’g Daily Bible Illustrations—2 vein. 2 00
Alexander on Psalms. : : 1 25
Mothers ul’lbu Wise aml Good. : 75
july G 26—ts
Witt. 8. LAWTON A CO.
Factors and Commission Merchants, Macon , Ga
''*,A MEE make a'dvanceson shipments to their
v v Houses, LAWTON A DOWELL, Sa
vannah, Ga.; arts LAWTON, DOWELL &
CO. .Charleston, S. C.
nov 31 34—if