Newspaper Page Text
THE * f
Js published ever/ SATURDAY MORNING,
In the Two Story Wooden Building, at the
Corner of Walnut and Fifth Street,
I«y W.TI. 15. llAltltlSO.\.
T F, It M S :
I or the Paper, in advance, per annum, Sit*
it not paid in advance, $3 00, per annum
Tj* Advertisements will be inserted at the usual—and when the number of insertions dc
s red is not specified, they will be continued un
til forbid and charged accordingly,
O” Advertisers by the Year will be contracted
with upon tho most favorable terms.
O'Sales of Land by Administrators,Executors
nr Guardians, are required by Law, to be held on
the first Tuesday in the month, between the hours
nt ten o clock in the Forenoon and three in the
Afternoon, at the Court House of the county in
which the 1 roperty is situate. Notice of these
Sales must be given in a public gazette Sixty Days
previous to the day of sale.
1 ) dales of Negroes by Administators, Execu
tors or Guardians, must be at Public Auction, on
the fust Tuesday in the month, between the legal
hours of sate, before the Court House of the county
where the LetfertTdstamentary, or Administration
-.r tin irdianship may have been granted, first giv
ing notice thereoffor Sixty Days, in one of the
public gazettes of this .State,anil at the door of the
Court House where such sales are to he held.
(LJ* Notice for the sale of Personal Propett'
must tie given in like manner Forty Days pre
vious to the day of sale.
Notice to the Debtors and Creditorsolan es
ate, •oust be published for Forty Days.
Notice that application will be made to the
curt of Ordinary for leave to sell Land or Ne
frees must be published in a public gazette it) the
Siitc for four Months, before any order absolute
cun be given by the Court.
;j*Jiutiom for Letters of Administration on
i a Estate, granted by the Court of Ordinary, must
u if dished Thirty Days -for Letters of Dismis
si hi iron the administration ofan Estate,monthly
IV Sir Moaths ~fur Ois.nissioa from Guardian
ship Forty Days.
y.l ilos for the foreclosure of a Mortgage,
must be puulished month I} - for Four Months—
fir est lhlishing lost Papers, for the full space of
three Months —fur compelling Titles from Ex
■ dors, Administrators or others, where a Bond
ii.tsbeen given by the deceased, the full space of
Three Months.
V IV All Business of this kind shall receive
pr i not attentionat the SOUTHERN Tltllll XE
<l !i e, an I s'rict can; will be taken that alI legal
A Ivvrtisements are published according to Law.
All Letters directed to this Qlliceor the
F. liter on business, must be post-paid, to in
sure attention.
\J I LI. continue Business nt their *• Fir© -
m Proof Bui I*l i*»s.'s,” on Cotton
E Jm-ur'i Macon, Ga.
hi I'iiauklut for past favors, they beg leave to say
'] i.'v will be constiinlly at their post, and that no
I futs shall be spared to advance the interest of
f»ir jitiirons.
|'|,,. v respectfully ask nl I w lio have CO TTO.h
r oilier PRODUCE to Store, to call and exum
“ the safety of their Buildings, before placing
ts ('rsT-iMARv ,\i>VAsCKson Coirnii in store
Shipped,had all Business transacted at llic
Inin I rates.
june •/? 27—ly
Warehouse and ('omm'ntsion Merchants,
M A C O N , G A .
5 N presenting Onr Card to the public, we wil‘
£ stale, that our best exertions will be given
; i promote the inlt rests of our Patrons ; and troni
ist experience, wc hope to he able to do full
is'icc to all business which mny be confided to
tr charge ; and also hope tor a continuance nt
irs from the old patrons nl Conner iV Marlin.
Orders for Goods filled free of charge.
\dvances made on Cotton in Store, and ship
• * *.' i j at l lie usual rates. /■ T. CON N I K.
nag 3| 34—Cm
T. irli.-h anil American DRI G WAREHOUSE
UT HOLES ALE and Retail Dealer in Eng
lish, French, American and Garinaii
/> F. R F UM E II Y , (,■ c .
Particular attention paid lo replenishing Eng
lish and American Ships’ Medicine Chests, ac
cording lo the Laws of England
Agent for Messrs. Louden ft Cos ,Philadelphia;
Dr lucnb Townsend, New York ; Messis.
H .inland, llisley & Cos., Augusta ; Daniel
Tibbitt, Providence.
any 24 33 I y
Justice oj the Peace and Notary Public.
p()M MISSIONER OF DEEDS, &c., for the
W Suites of Aluhntnn, Louisiana, Mis-issippi,
Texas, Tennessee, Kentucky, Virginia, North
Carolina, South Carolina, Florida, Missouri
New York, Massachusetts, Connecticut, Penn
vlvania, Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, Arkansas, New
Jersey, M aine, &c.
Depositions taken, Accounts probated, Deeds
lad Mortgages drawn, and all documents and
nstruments of writing prepared and authentiou
"l for use and record, in any oftlie above States.
Residence on Walnut Street, near the African
O’Public Office adjoining Dr.M .B.Thomson s
Intanic Stole, opposite the Floyd House.
I june 2!) 25—ly
Cherry Street near Third , Macon , Ga.
\ TAKES and keeps on hand Doors, Blinds
'L s.nd Sashes for sale. Thankful for past
Ivors he hopes for further patronage,
may 25 20—6 m
B 1 ■ I.'.v/J n. 11. COMMISSIO.X MEIiCIIJ.XTS,
■ Hay 25 20 —ly
■ hoc warding and Commission Merchants,
I L. R. Pooh. J. M. Pooi.r.
U " u g 51 54 —1 y
Hj 11' every description, neatly and promptly
exei-utud attlie Officeoftho SOU'f HERN
H, ;'l’d NE, ns neat and cheap as at any other
■- '« in the State.
r |UIE undersigned have entered into a co-
X partnership under the name of GODFREY’
*A SOLOMONS, for the transaction of a
General Commission and Factorage Easiness,
and lendertheir services to their friends and
Planters generally.
tUpThey wi 1 also make liberal advances on
Produce consigned to them for sale.
oct 26 42—ts
It E NI O X A l.
PAY NE & NISBET would most respectfully
inform their friends and customers, that
they have moved their stock of DRUGS and
MEDICINES to the corner of the new Brick
Building opposite the Washington Hall, where
they will be happy to see all their old customers
and others that may favor them with a rail ; and
[where they will keep a general sleek of fresh
PERFUMERY, Ac , and put np Prescriptions
, with care and neatness, and always give
satisfaction. J b
| oct 12 so
I rAY L just received a well selected assorl
-1 J merit of DRY GOODS and GROCERIES
which embraces almost every article in then
line of business. These Goods make their stork
extensive, which lias been selected recently bv
one of the firm, and they are determined lo seil
their Goods upon reasonable terms, and at the
lowest prices. YY hilst they are thankful for past
favors, they respectfully invite their friends and
the public to call at their Store on Cherry Street,
and examine their Goods and prices, before pur
chasing elsewhere.
march 23 1]
Northern Butter.
' ' well known quality received every Fal*
fresh from some of the best dairies at 1 lie North-
Just received by YY. FREEMAN.
dec 8
New Hire.
ITMVF. T ierces nf prime quality, just received
and for sale by GEO. T. ROGERS,
dec 1
*i itniEK <xoTiii\r;, at cost*
' * of almost every grade, selling nt cost, at
Dyson’s old Stand, by
july 20 28—ts
Family -ml §t:i)>le Bomh.
I T OGAN A ATKINSON are now qpoi ing a
1 A very large assuriinent of Staple and Domisii
Goods, suitable for plantation or lani’ilv uses
which will be sold low lor cash or to approve
r uston.era.
april 6 ]3
Kplendol 55 -islsst Ritwncn.
\FEVV magiiiliceiii BRIDAL DRESSES,
with trim tutus- to-nit —very fine and fash
ionable. Lailies would do well to call and ex
amine them, at
L'titles’ fit'cvv Rouds.
A -"REt. YDID assortment of Gin.hams. Bar
* ges and Muslins, f T nnirniiig and evening
drn-ses. Also, ail endless variev .if rich and
brilliant summer SILKS, etc. Just received at
april 6 13
I T AVE tfi/ pi insure of announcing that they
J I hav e received and an; notv opening at their
new stand, corner ofChcirv and Third Streets,
a very large and entirely new stock id' FANCY
have I carefully selected in the largest and
most fashionable liimses in Nell Y ork, are war
ranted of superior style and quality , and will be
sold on very moderate terms
april 6 J3
j OG.Y N A ATKINsON have just received
I A and are now opening al their New Store,
corner of See..nil and Cherry Streets, a laagpand
choice lock of seasonable Foreign and Amen
can 1) R Y G O O L) S
They un lie their friends and the public to
come and examine the Goods, confident that
nothing In equal in style their pesent stock has
ever before been offered in Jhi-nn.
Purchasers are iinited to cull and exa in ine so
oct 10
F) E.SPF.CTFULLY inform the public that
V they are now disposing of their Stock
of Goods at Ac to \orlt Costpnt their new store,
corner of Third and Cherry Streets, formerly
occupied by .Messrs Graves & Wood.
lU”Ladies are particularly requested to call
and examine the Goods and prices.
march 2 p (f
I ) IIANDI AND SEG \RS—A tine article
J) of ( lid Cognac Brandy, in hottles or by the
gallon—A Iso a choice article ofSegars, at
sept 7 MOULTON'S.
FTMIE copartnership heretofore existing hc
i- tween the undersigned, is dissolved hv mu
tual consent —lo take effect on the IstdayofSep
teinher next. Z. T. CONNER,
Macon, August 24, 1850.
BUSINESS will be continued in the name
and style of C O N N E R & T A Y L O R ,
andhe old stand—where they will lie. ready to
exert themselves to serve all patrons and friends.
Macon, Aug 24, 1850. 33 6m
Lotxlon Porter.
A FEW Casks best London Porter, in Quart
and Pint Bottles, just received and for
sale by GEO. T. ROGERS,
julie 8
OLD POR E WINE.—And Maderiu ditto, a
fine article in Bottle, for sale at
MOl ETON'S, Agent,
Opposite the burnt square on Chcrrv street,
jillie I
fiercer Potatoes.
1 /v BBI.S. M error Potatoes, very superior.
1. *.* in fine order, just received and forsalt
very cheap by GEO. T. ROGERS.
New York Sleam Refined Pnndies
V STILL Larger assortment of CANDIED
just received and Tor sale as low as anv
! Candies in Town, at W. FREEMAN’S. '
! Cjune 8
TIN MANUFACTURER, Cherry St., Macon.
RESPECTFULLY informs the public, that
lie is prepared lo pxerute all orders in the
above line with despatch and upon favorable
terms. He constantly keeps on hand the fol
lowing articles, which purchasers are invited to
call and examine, viz :
Cooking, Hall, Office, Bedroom and Church
STOVES, of different patterns and qualities.
A large and general assortment of HOLLOW
and TIN WARE, Furnaces, Brass, Copper and
Iron Preserve and Tea Kettle*; Egg Boilers ;
Smoothing and YVaffie Irons ; Glass Earners
Rat and Mouse Traps, Bird Cages
( (icon Nut Rippers, Chafin Dishes
Painted Pails, Cedar ana painted Tubs
Brass and Iron bound YVater Buckets
Oval and round Trays; Brooms, Sifters
Chopping Knives ; Rolling Pins
Ro Asters and Basting Spoons
Btitannia Tea I’ots and a general assortment
ofjapanned Ware, consisting of Sugar Cannis
tets and Boxes ; Tea Cannisters ; Common
i and Nursery Lamps, Candlesticks,&c.
O’ROOFING, and all kindsofJOß WORK,
done at the shortest notice.
N. B. Orders from the country for STOVES
or TIN YY ARE, will he attended to with des
patch and upon the most favorable terms. - 1
nov!) 44
Silks, Cashmeres, DcLaiiies, Ac.
LOG.i.V St cl TKI.YSO.Y,
| TAY'E Received for the Fall Trade, a
• I beautiful assortment of SILKS, CASH
which they invite the attention of their country
and city friends- The following comprise a part :
Real French Pi inted Cashmeres and DeLaines
Plain Black Gro de Rhine anJTurc Satin Dress
Plain and figured Chameleon SILKS
Rich Brocade do do
Satin du Chine do do
VV bile arid colored French SATINS
Rich colored POPLINS
Plain White and Embroidered Crape SHAWLS
Rich Cashmere Shawls
JO-4, 1 i-4 and 12-4 Silk bound Bath and
Bales of Heavy Mackinaw ; do. for Servants
4-4 new style Printed French CAMBRICS
000 pieces new and lialidsoirie CALICOES,
from to 12. J cents per y ard
Cases and Bales Brown Shirtings, Long Cloths
and Sheetings
Black and colored Broadcloths and Cassimeres
finest 8-4 and 10-4 Table Damask
Damask Napkins and Doylies
Ladies’ and Gentlemens’ Lambs’ Wool and
Merino under YTsts.
logeiher with a lull assortment of best made
English and French Bombesins, lilac Alpacca,
Mourning and Plain Black Mousliri de Laines,
F.nglisl, ;.nd French Crapes, Lace Y’eils, Hand
kerchiefs, A.c.
Macon, Oct. 26, 1850.
Choice Tobacco.
TUST received a small lot of superior Chew
’! ing Tobacco, considered by those who have
mcd it, u> he Ism best in Town.
Also on baud n supply of delightful Smoking
Tobacco, mild, richly flavored and cheap
Foi sal,, by E L. STROII ECK ER,
may 25 Druggist.
V V I*OLl .l UN ~t A Pfes—A new and superb
-ei article. Parisian ditto, of every sty le and
price Just received hv
f lI.OTI IS, C ASS I MI. lies, DKAP DE
ETES, and summer stufls of every quality,
just roceive«i by
PERM, .Vdainaniine and Tallow,of all sizes,
t. ’ Just received and for sale by
june 8 GEO. T ROGERS.
r TMIE Subscriber has just received, direct from
1 Nciv York, a frcsll siqiply of new Groceries,
such as fresh Dales, dried C urrants, Preserves,
Figs, Sardines, Catsup, Pepper Sauce, Citron,
Caper Sauce, Cocoa, New Chocolate, Raisins,
Nuts ol all kinds, Rice, Java Coffee, Maccaroni,
Fine Table Salt in boxes or bags, Nutmegs,
Cloves, Pepper, Spice anti Ginger, spenn and
Adam.inline Candles, and a great variety of
other articles too numerous to men lion.
Also, a fine lot of Fresh Teas, for sale by
Opposite Mr. G. M. Logan’s new Brick Building,
-uUg il On Cherry Street.
Flour, Meal, t orn,
BACON Hatus. Sides and Shoulders; Lard,
Irish and Sweet Potatoes—in store and for
sale by J. S. RICH A RDSON,
Cotton Avenue.
march 24 17
CTAWO Hundred Boxes Segars, a great variety
I of brands from common to verv fine. For
sale cheap by GEO. T. ROGERS,
junu 8
11 :a BStitter, Sjittp, Ac.
New Orleans Sugar House SYRUP
A few Jars of very white Leaf LARD.
AII of choice qualify, just received and for
sale by GEO. T. ROGERS,
dec 1 Cherry Street.
f'ignrs Cigars.
I Thousand Cigars various brands—
among them are some genuine and most ele
gant Cigars. Lovers of a good article will be
certain to gel it at W. FREEMAN’S,
march 30
Congress W ater.
r) V the Box or single bottle, direct from the
S Springs. Just received and for sale by
june 8 GEO T. ROGERS.
VA thorized by the last Legislature, and jus'
published, is now for sale by
aug 24 33—*n3m
Pori o r.
Casks of Byass’ celebrated Porter so
L sale by W FREEMAN
march 30
Rtidwtty's Ready Krlicf.
A FRESH Supply of this Article, just receiv
ed and for sale by
nov 9 Mulberry street, Macon
Wanted Immediately,
L NET-MAKERS. None except good work
men, and such as are willing to make themselves
useful, need apply.
oct 20 47—ts
’ r-y MRS. DAMOUR informsphe Ladies
of Macon and vicinity, that Iter Stock in
the above line is complete for Fall
Cushion, with the most desirable Goods. As
ihese Goods have been mostly purchased in Paris
lor this place, they will he sold cheaper than
o linarv. Ladies would do well to take a good
f 'k at them and compare them with oilier Goods
t fore purchasing elsewhare. The Slock of
M ANTILLES and DRESS SILK, is worth any
' one's trouble to examine thorough ly.
o t 12 40
I Bargain in Eaiul and .Hills.
Consisting of a fine body of Land nf
JwjfciFipe Hundred and Fifty Acres,
“AftN? with an excellent Saw and Grist Mill
thereon, within three milesnf Atlanta;
Four Hundred Acres in the woods and abound
ing with superb timber. This Property will be
sold low if applied for before the first of January,
ap-J terms made easy. For information apply to
REES H. LINN, Atlanta,
sept 14 36
Superior Teas.
A splendid lot of TEAS, both
SfetJ' ttlS Green and Bluck, w arranted fine,
;!IS just received not from the Canton
' ilaim.illas Tea Company of New York, nt
Cheap Store, Cherry Street,
dec 1 j
jl_j E. S. ROGERS respectfully informs
jplU R ,e public that lie has now tho sole
c-- M~W ■charge nf tills old established and well
known HOTEL, which litis recently undergone
thorough repair, and that lie will spare no pains
for the accommodation of those who may give
him a call. Every department oftlie Hall will
he under his personal supervision, and every cx.
ertion will he made to keep up the Establishment
to the extreme point of neatness, eomfort and
good cheer. E. S. ROGERS,
jim. 1 21— ts
a The Proprietors are pleased to an
nounce to their old Fricndsand the Pub
lie generally , that this NEW HOTEL
ts now open for the reception of company.
Having had it erected and fitted up at great
expense, on the most liberal, elegant and exten
sive scale, they confidently expect a generous
patronage. ST. LANIER & SON.
june 8 22— ts
s 3 The subscribers take this method of
informing the Travelling Public, that
X- I -lll. iheir House is now ready for the recep
tion of all who may favor them with their patron
age. Their House has now more than forty
Rooms, large and conveniently arranged, and
well ventilated.
They are also prepared at their Li very Stables,
with good Riding Horses, Buggies and Carriages,
so that those who wish pleasure, and those on
business,toil he accommodated at a moment's
Thankful for past patronage, they hope to
merit and share a good portion of that which is
yet to colne ; mid particular attention shall he
given to see that “none go away dissatisfied.”
GEORGE S OGLESBY, y Pro P ri Gors.
Marietta, Ga., May 25, le5U. 20—ly"
«L-A Informs the Public that he is prepared
fc" a for the reception of persons suffering
Jl = l -i.vvith chronic diseases, at his Hater Cure
nr Electro Hydropathic Establishment , near
Marietta, Cobb county, Ga His Baths are sit
uated near the principal Buildings. The scene
in the immediate vicinity is nil turesque, being
near Kennesaw Mountain. The scenery, pure
water, the great elevation above the level of the
ocean, (being 460 feet above even the Tennessee
line on the Western and Atlantic Railroad,) the
convenience of access by Railroad, the refined
and intellectual society, and pure atmosphere,
' ave all most admirably! conspired to render the
location suitable for an establishment of the
The Proprietor deems it needless to say any
thing relative to the curative powers of either
Water or Electricity, as the general mass of the
people in this country have attained a knowledge
of their great value ir. removing disease. He
Hatters himself that he is able with pure Water
and Electricity, to remove any cliaracteror des
cription of disease that could, under other treat
ment or circumstances, possibly be removed—
together with a numerous host, that all other
remedies must necessarily fail to remove.
The expenses per day, for a Patient at his
Establishment, will be for Board, use ofEleetric
Shocks and Baths, with Water Baths. Medical
advice and attention, with ordinary attention of
Servants,sl 50; which includes all necessary
expenses,except washing an outfit for the sweat
ing process, bandaging, &c.—payable weekly in
For further particulars, post paid cotnntuniru
lions will meet with prompt attention if address
ed to Dr CARY CON, Marietta, Cobh co., Ga
july 20 2d—tf
Pensions and Itounty Laud,
OBTAINED for the Officers and Soldiers of
the Revolutionary War, or their legal Rep
Pensions for Life for the Widows of such
Officers and Soldiers who married previous to
Bounty Land for the surviving, or the widows,
or minor children of deceased Officers and Pri
vates who served inthe War of 1812 with Great
Britain, the Mexican War, or in any of the Indian
Wars since 1790.
Attention paid lo suspended and rejected
Terms moderate where the claim is established
otherwise no charge.
Communications addressed to the subscriber,
Washington, D. C , or to W. H. LAWTON &
CO., Macon, Ga., post paid, will receive prompt
attention. M. THOMPSON,
Commissioner of Deeds,
For North and South Carolina.
(fT’Rcfers to the Heads of Departments, and
to Members of Congress generally. Also to
WII 8. LAWTON & CO., Macon, Ga., who
have all the Forms necessary for obtaining
Claims on the Government.
Washington City , D C , Oct. 22, 1850
oct 26 42—2 m
CIOCOA, vVc.—Cocoa, Chocolate nnd Mac-
J caroni, at MOLLTO.VS.
sept 7
Goveroor of said State.
To the Electois thereof—Greeting :
Having been officially informed, that the Con
gress of the United States has admitted California
into the Union nf the States of this Confederacy,
upon equal terms with the original States, a duty
devolves upon me in the performance of which,
1 shall tregpuss upon the public but briefly.
An unfeigned deference for public opinion,
and the profound regard I entertain for the wis
dom, firmness, and patriotism of my fellow citi
zens of Georgia, will not justify me, in a paper !
of this character, in repeating my known and 1
unchanged opinion as to the duty of the South I
in repelling Free-soi! encroachment, and arrest- I
ing, by nil proper means, usurpation by Congress. ]
Whatever isrompatible with the honor and
obligations of the People of this Stale to the |
country, its laws, and its institutions, I doubt'
not, will receive their warm support.
In an hour of danger—when your inslitotibiis
are in jeopardy—your feelings wantonly out
raged, your social organization derided, your
honor deeply wounded and the Federal Consti
tution violated by a series ofnggressive measures
all tending to the consummation of one object,
the abolition of slavery—when your equal right
lo occupy and enjoy the common territory of all,
has been denied you, in the solemn form oflsiv,
i under pretences the most shallow, it welt be
comes you to assemble, to deliberate, and coun
sel together for your mutual preservation and
YVhatcvcr course the extraordinary events by
which we are encompassed, will demand or jus
tify, in Us t he left, as it should be, to the patriot
ism, firmness and prudence of the people them
selves. Upon them devolves the duty of re
dressing present wrongs, and providing other
| safeguards, for future security • Neither the one
! nor the other of which, however, will ever be
; effectually accomplished, until, by patriotic ef
forts, perfect harmony and concord of feeling
are restored, and confidence and concart of ac
tion producep among the people of the South.
In view, therefore, of the atrocious free soil
Sentiment and policy, not merely of the non
slitveholding States, but oftlie Government—of
the imminent peril to which the institution of
slavery is reduced by the act of Congress admit
ting the Slate of Cali fur mu into the Union, with
a Constitution containing the principle of the
YY’ilmot Proviso, in defiance of our warning and
earnest remonstrance—in view oftlie deplorable
fuct that some diversity of opinion exists in some
of the Southern States as to the proper mode of
redressing the wrongs, and averting the dangers
which all must see and feel, let me, fellow citi
zens, earnestly entreat you to cultivate for each
other a deep and abiding sentiment of fraternal
regard and confidence. Approach the task, from
which there is no escape, of deciding upon your
duty to Georgia and the country, with a firm
step, hut not without calm, deliberate and pa
tient investigation, consulting neither fears nor
dangers on the one hand, nor permitting your
selves, from exasperated feelings of wrong on
the other, to be rashly urged to extreme measures
which have not received the full sanction of your
judgment Then 1 shall not despair of seeing
the w hole State, ns one man, proposing noi|iin»
beyond wliat the emergency may demand, or
failing to perform whatever patriotism, honor
am) right, may require nt your hands.
Thu General Assembly of this State, by an
act approved Blh February, 1850, having requir
ed me, upon the happening of certain events, one
of which is the admission of California as a Stale
into the Union, to issue a proclamation, ordering
tin election to he held i.i each mid every county
for Delegates to a (.’onvontion of the People nf
this .'State, to take into consideration such meas
ures as comport with the extraordinary posture
of our relations to our co-States, and to decide
upon what slops are necessary nnd proper to be
tuksn compatible with qur honor and constitu
tional obligations, as well as more effectually to
secure our light of property in slaves, and to" nr
rest all aggressions, by one section of the Union,
upon the free enjoyment of the constitutional
rights of the other, and lastly to preserve invio
late the equality of the Slates of llie Union, as
guarantied under the Constitution : Therefore,
ho it known, that I, Gkougk YV. Towss, Gov
ernor of the Stale of Georgia, by the authority
and mandate of the law, do issue this my Pro.
elamation ordering and directing that the quali
fied Voters for (lie most numerous brnneh of the
General Assembly, du meetat the several places
of holding Elections, as fixed by law, in the sev
eral Counties of this Blate, within the honrs fixed
for voting, on MONDAY, the Twen.v-fifth day
of NOVEMBER Next ; and then and there, by
ballot, elect two Delegates in each of the Coun
ties now entitled to one Representative in the
General Assembly, and four Delegates in such
Counties as are now entitled to two Represen
The Managers of said Election are required
to certify and forward to this Department the
Returns of said Election in the manner prescrib
ed by law for the election of Representatives in
the General Assembly ; and it is further order
ed that the Delegates who may be elected by a
majority of the legal voters of their respective
Counties, do convene at the Capitol of said Stale
on TUESDAY,the Tenth day of DECEMBER
Given under my hand and the Seal of the Ex
ecutivie Department, at the Capitol in Mil
ledgeville, this 23d day of September, in
the year of our Lord, Eighteen hundred and
By the Governor :
J. M. Patton, Sec’ry Ex. Department.
Guardian’s Sale.
TANARUS) V leave of the Honorable the Inferior Couri
I ) of Bibb County, when sitting as a Court of
Ordinary, will be sold before the Court House
door in Macon, Bibb county, within the legal
hours of sale, tn the first Tuesday in January
next. Four Acres and Three Chains of wild
I.A ND, situate at Vineville, with S.T. Bailey’s
Land on the South, Mr Freeman’son the West,
Vr. M M. Mason’s arid the Academy on the
!'nrth,and Mr. Benson’s on the F.ast for boun
daries. Sold as the property of Mortimer H.G.
Nixon and Calvin IV. Nixon, and for their
benefit JOHN D. WINN, Guardian,
nov 3 39
1 H HHU LIGHTS of SASll.ofall sizes
1 ‘ "j" " from 8 by 10 to 12 by 20.
100 pair BLINDS, for Windows of all sizes.
o 0 do PANEL DOORS, different sixes and
thicknesses. For sale by
No. 153 Bay Street, and No. 6 West Broad St.,
Savannah, Ga
J u| y 6 26—6 m
Solace’s Fine Cut Tobacco.
SOMETHING very superior, just received
and for sale bv GEO. T. ROGERS,
vept 29
Official KcinrnlA;
Those in Italics are Southern Rights men.
Baker — J. Colley, G. IV. Collier.
Baldwin—A. H. Kenan, J. W. A. San*
Bibb —Rob’t Collins, Washington Poe,
A. P. Powers, Wm. Scott.
Bryan—S. Bird, C. H. Starr.
Bulloch—P. Cone, A. Rawls.
Burke — J. If hitehead, E. Palmer, IU
IV- Hughes, J. C. Poytlires ».
Butts—D. J. Bailey. R. \Y. Me Cun r.
Camden —J. Al. Smith, E. Atkinson.
Campbell — H.Cochran, W. M. Butt.
Carroll —T. Chandler, P. M. Rico, U.
J. Wright, H. Haynes.
Cass —James Wofford, L. TumHh, W.
Aikin, h. Johnson.
Chatham —R. D. Arnold, J. E. Wurd,
F. S. Bartow, R. R. Cuyler.
Chattooga —M. Montgomery, H. P.
Cherokee— A. Latvhorn, M. A. Keith,
S. C. Dyer, J. R. YV'ikle.
I Clark —A. Hull, J. C. Johnson, A. S.
, Hill, B. Sheafs.
Clinch —B. Simmons, J. 1.. Stat3on.
Cobb —M. G. Slaughter, D. Irwin, A. J.
Hansell, N. M. Colder.
Columbia —E. S. Hanison, \V. A. 1..
Collins, W. A. Martin, L. C. Belt.
Coucta —R. M. Hackney, G. J. Class,
R. W. Simms, J. W. Powell.
Crauford —W. A. Matthews, D. Davis.
Dade— G. Stephens, J. Mclvaig.
Decatur—R.. Sims, .1. P. Dickinson.
DeKalb —Chas. Mnrphey, W. Ezzard,
J. Collier, J. M. Calhoun.
Dooly — R. B. Hamilton, D. J. Both
Early—T. Speight, ,T. Vinson.
Effingham —J. YV, Boston, A. G. Por
Elbert— T. J. Heard, T. W. Thomas,
W. H. Adams, W. J. Roebuck.
Emanuel —E. Swain, J. C. C. I.ane.
Fayette —J. O. Dickson, VV. B. Fuller
Floyd— J. Watters, E. Ware.
Forsyth— J. T. Garner, A. Erwfrr,
Franklin —W. Little, S. Knox, N. Gun
nels, J. W. Payne.
Gilmer —E. W. Chastain, J. G. Gudger.
Glynn— -J. H Cooper, F. M. Scarlett,
Gordon —T. Bird, J. R. Parrott.
Greme— Wm. C. Dawson, T. N. PouL
lain, Wm. W. D. Weaver, R. 11. Ward.
Gwinnett —J. P. Simmons, L. Loveless,
R. D. Winn, T. W. Alexander.
Habersham— W. B. Wof hud, J. W. 11.
Underwood, F. Logan. J. Undervtond.
Hall —W. J. Peeples, E. M. Johnson.
Hancock— E. 11. Baxter, J. Tlrotnas.
Harris —G. Granben v, G. Otboiti, G.
W. Cobb, L. Pratt.
Heard— C. W. Mabry. W. F. Wright.
Henry —B. Pettit, D. L. Dulley, L. J.
Glenn. L. T. Doyal.
Houston —C. T. Woodson, J. Fudge, J.
J. Hampton, H Lawson.
Irwin — G. Wilcox, J. L. Wilcox.
Jackson —G. Mitchell, S. I*. Thurmond;
Jaspir — J. IV. Burney, J. Robinson,
T. J. Comer, J. Pitts.
Jefferson— G. Stapleton, P. B. Cotinqftv.
Jones — J. 1,. Holland, '/’. S.llumphrirs.
Laurens— C. B. Guyton, E. J. Black
Let —S. D. Irwin, W. A. Han kins.
Liberty —J. S. Brad well, E. Daniel.
Lincoln —B. B. Mi ore, B. F. Taturri.
Lowndes — IU. />. Alorgwn, TV. Ashln/.
Lumpkin — H. W. Riley, A.M. Russell,
S. Hyiner, K. H. Peatce.
AJacon —W. H. Robinson, N. Biynn.
Madison —R. H. Bullock, J. Lone.
Marion —T. Bivins, J. S. Stokes. “
AJrlntosh —T. Spaulding, J. DeMnrft.
Meriwether— W. P Burk, P. Ogleirce,
W. A. J, Phillips, J. L. Stevenson.
3/ nroe —A. M. D. King, M. Leaseur,
H. l’liiuizee, J. S. Pinckurd.
Montgomery— J. G. Conner, J. Mcßae.
Morgan — J.S. Fannin, A. Reese.
Murray — J. Morris, W m. Cordon.
Muscogee— A. McDonald, N. L. How
ard, A. C. Morion, T. F. Wooldridge.
Iheuton —J. N. Wiilisifimiii, J. C. Hen
drick, J. Harris, J, Bass.
Oglethorpe— G. R. Gilmer, S. Glenn,
VV. Willingham, B. W. Hutcheson.
Paulding— R. McGregor, W. F. Janes.
Pike —H. Smith, P. B. Cox, R. White,
J. R, Jenkins.
Pulaski— W. B. Reeves, N. McDuffie.
Putnam— J. Adams, H. Branhdm, E.
E. Calloway, J, A. Meriwether. Tins
four elected, a compromise ticket.
Rabun—A. Blalock, D. Wall.
Randolph — W. Tailor, J; Hendrick,
B. H. Rice, H. G. Johnson.
Richmond— R. F. Poe. C’. J. Jenkins,
Thomas Skinner, A. J. Miller.
Striven— A. S. Jonci, tV. J. Lawton.
Stewart— D. Mathison, J. Willildrd, S.
Bell, J. Clark.
Sumter— W. H. Crawford, E. R.
Talbot— r. Bat ksdale, S. Harvey, J.
W. Castens, Wm. T. Holmes.
Taliaferro —A. H. Stephens, S. Harris.
Tattnall— G. W. Collilis.H. Strickland.
Telfair —M. Wilcox, W. W. Paine.
Thomas — J. L. Seward, T. M. Gatlin.
Troup— E. Y. Hill, R. A. T. Ridley,
J. Culberson. H. Dennis.
Twiggs—B. B. Smith, Id. S. Wimberly.
Lnion —J B. Chastain. S. Y. Jewison.
Upson —T. Beall, T. Flenel en, A. J.
McAfee, D. Evans.
Walker— T. G. McFarland, R.B. Dick
Wayne—s. O. Bryant, S. C. Ivin*'.
Walt on —W. J. Hill, P. G. Morrow, L.
S. Moon, F. S. Colley.
Ware— J. Fullwond, J. Walker.
Warren— T. L. Latimer, J. Adkins, H.
A. Jones, G. V. Neal.
Washington— R. W. Flournoy, E. S.
Langmade, Wm. Hall, J. H. Duggan.
IVi/iw— R, Toombs, I. T. Irwin, E,
R. Anderson, J. H. Dyson.
Wmtrnscm — I. Iloss, J. Jackson.