Newspaper Page Text
Charleston Advertisements.
! k /.Vo STREEP, t HAKLESTu.Y,S.C.
. litii. KAMEL COOK.
j«ty t> 2ti —ly
r. A. r. 1.. KEKRVSON A CO.
ronE/G.v ««r noons,
\ A "OULD respectfully inform their friends
* ' ami Jjrcrse wtin purchase Dry Goods in
tkeirqilj, lit u they are now pro pan -d to offer,
a hirgo, choice ami well assorted Stock
As they receive the Balk ni their Goads direct
from European Ports, they assured of being
aide to compete successfully with any other
Market in the I’n ted States
No. ?EI King, North West Corner of King
ami Market Street*.
rug 21 33—3 m
FI'MIE Subscribers, Direct Importers , of all
* WOOLLEN GOODS, have just received,
per ships “Guliiare,” “Orion" and “Sanioset,’'
from Liverpool, their Fall supply of PLAINS, 1
KERSEYS, White and colored BLANKETS, i
While. Red, Blue and Gi een Flannel Blanketing, i
Guernsey Shirts, Kilmarnock Caps, Scotch I
Honucts, Ac., expressly suited to our Southern
Planters' Trade, and to an inspection of which, j
they confidently invite nil who visit the Charles
ton Market.
233 King, North -.Vest Corner pf King i
unil Market Streets. ’
ton ’ 2d 33—3 in
■ it his Sew Store, .Vo. 211, Rend of King Street
HAS on hand and will constantly keep slip
piled with the largest variety of Rich and
Seas 'liable DRV GOODS, ever exposed in
Charleston, to which the attention of Planters
and Country Merchants is invited.
july 20 28—ly
-Year the Charleston Hotel, Charleston , S. V.
fMRAVELLERS are invited to call at
J- WELCH'S Tasiiiuuahle Furnishing Store
for Gentlemen, where can bo had SHIRTS
made in the latest Fashion, and of the best ma
teria!*, superior workmanship, and Dauskin's
celebrated pattern. .V A D.M SKI.N is the
original inventor of cutting Shirts Ivy measure
ment. Dauskin’s Pattern has received the un
qualified commendation of Gentlemen in all
parts of the United States, and has been pro
nounced perfect.
Also, for sale, a great variety of GOODS,
suitable for Gentlemen.
july 20 og jy
E. li. FREWS,
AV l!l Vendue Range, Charleston, S. C.
| I \S constantly on hand every description of
• 1 Foreign and Domestic DRY GOODS,
u p Vendue Sales ofl)ry Goods Twice a Week.
■ 2 1 2- 2 —ly
J. 11. TAI LOR,
An. 17 l emlue Range, Charleston, S. C.
HAS always on hand, a full supply of 4-4
and 7-8 Brown Shirtings, Prints, Bleached
ami Colored GOODS, which will be sold on
favorable terms.
VT A gent for Charleston Steam Cotton Factory,
jl'ly 20 28—ly'
Ani DO East Bay , Charleston, S. C.
DEALER in Farina; \Vbeaten Grits ; M ic
eatoni ; Vermicelli ; Pickles ofall kinds;
Tapioca ; Chocolate and Cocoa, of every des
cription ; Sweet Oil ; Mustard ; Spil es ; Lemon
Sugar ; Lemon Syrup ; Essence of Coffee, Ac.
1 in ported Segars, Cfiumpaignes, Clarets, A e. and
Faney Groceries in general.
O’Agent for the Congress Steam Mills, New
july 20 oa i v
•Fliilni »s Biscuit Bakery,
.Vo. 131 Meting Street, opposite the Market,
fri H E Subscriber has constantly on band
.1. Pilot and Navy Bread, Soda, Butter, l.c
.non,Water, Sugai and D) spcp’.ic CRACK ERR,
Ginger Nuts,&c,, in barrels, kegs, boxes and
bulk, all vvurruted of the best quality, and at the
lowest prices. U. S, MILLAR.
July 6,2 - ly
of tlicSoiiltieni Baptist
i > iiblic:iti*.>ii Society,
.Vo. 41 Broad Street, Charleston, .S'. C.
tP H K present Agents of the Society have the
-L pleasure of announcing to the Baptists of
Georgia, that they have recently tally replenish
ed theii Stock of BOOK S . They have now
B» their Depository in Charleston, as complete
en assortment of Denominational and Theolo
gical Books, as can he found in any Southern
City. Their entire Stock having been purchas
ed fur Cask, they hope to he able to sell on the
most reasonable terms. In addition to the usual
discount, 5 per cent, will be allowed on every ]
bill cashed within thirty days from date. A !
Catalogue of the Books kept at the Depository
has been recently published, and will he for
warded by mail to those who desire it.
Agents S. Li. P. S.
july G 25—ly
Works Issued,
BY The Southern Baptist Publication Society.
The Way of Salvation—By D-r. Howell,
12mo. pp. 336 Price S7.J cents.
Taylor on Restricted Communion—lSmo. pp.
PG. Price 10 cents.
Advantages ofSabbath School Instruction—
By Rev. C. D. Mallory. 14mo. pp. -l(j. Price
Gj cents.
A Decisive Argument against Infant Baptism
—By Rev. J. L Dagg. ldtno pp. 52. PriceGj
.‘ll so, for sale,
Fuller on Baptism and Communion—l2mo
pp 204. Price 50 cents
Williams’ Miscellanies—@mo pp. 400. sf.
Kitto's Daily Bible Illustrations— 2 vols. 2 00
Alexander on Pan I'm s. : ; 1 25
Mothers of the Wise and Good. : 75
july 6 26—ts
Factors and Commission Merchants, Macon, Ca
lIMI.I, make advances on shipments to their
vauuali, Ga.; a nr’ LAWTON, DOWELL &
VO. ,Charleston, S. C.
n< v 31 34—ts
I Fahenstock’s Vermifuge.
j fFAHE safest and most effective remedy cm
I i W amts that has erer heart discovered.
This preparation has been before the public
tir nearly twenty years. It has been used in
almost every climate, and in every condition of
patients needing a Vermifuge, and the experi
j ence ’hose who had occasion to use it in their
i families, fully corroborates vvliat its proprietor
■ claims for it. It is mild in its operation, con
| tains no calomel, nor dangerous ingredient, and
| r an be given with perfect safety to the most del
! icate infant.
The Mayor of Lancaster city, writing to
1 .Messrs. Faiienstock & Cc., says .
Gentlemen —Several of the younger brandies
ofiny family laboring under ay mploins indicating
worms induced the application of various reme
dies, and I am happy to say that your Vermifuge
hud the desired cticcl of, in one instance, remov
ing the almost incredible number of 151 of the
large worms from i#ic patient, which in addition
to us other tested qualities in my family, estab
lished the efficacy of vour Vermifuge as a sure
Mayor, Lancaster city.
For sale by Dr. E L. iSTKOHECKER,
aug 17 Agent for Proprietor.
Anv Portable Soda Water.
A NF one having cold w ater, can at once pro
l\. ducc Soda Water, sweet and flavored as
With tlic finest Syrup, effervescing pleasant anil
healthy as any at the fountains. For the sick or
travellers to rectify bud water, this is a ronveni.
out and pleasant beverage. For sale in boxes
low by J 11. & W. 8. ELLIS,
Cotton Avenue, near Cherry stieet,
june 23 Macort, Ga.
The Southern Cherry Pectoral.
Coughs, Colds. Asthma, Consumption,
&e.—A pleasant and concentrated prep,'mo
tion of the Primus Virginia, or Wild Cherry .
The medical properties of this Southern tree are I
here chemically prepared in combination with
kindred principles so as to constitute an agreea
ble and effectual remedy lor oil complaintsofthe
lungs and breast, coughs, asthma, croup, whoop
ing cough, bronchitis and all curable cases of
consumption. The price is half less than usual
for such medicines. For sale by
june 2;) J II.&W S. ELLIS, Macon.
I- For Cholera, Diarrhoea, Cholera Infantum
or Summer complaint of Children, Dysentery,
Cholera Morbus, Vomiting, Pain in the Breast,
A c—Recommended by the most eminent Physi
cians, for family and plantation use—a never
failing remedy for tlie above complaints. For
sale by J. II & W. S. ELLIS,
june 2!) Sole Agents, .Macon.
/ 1 OM POUND TOM ATolmiXs—The vc
v7 getable remedy for diseases arising from
impurities of the blood, dyspepsia, scrofula and
all.'cbronic di-eases—also a substitute for calo
mel, as a cathartic in fevers and all bilious affec
tions. For sale by
june 23 J. H. & W. S. ELLIS.
tj RATIVE—For preserving, restoring and
beautifying the Hair. When the hair is falling
out a beautiful bead oF hair may be produced
It also beautifies the hair of any, and is richly
perfumed. For sale by
june 2!) J. 11. <Y W. S. EI.US.
!~~EMON SUGAR—An article for L. tiiionade
-3 superior to Lemon Syrup, for sale by
june 23 J. H. .Sc W. S. ELLIS.
/ t OLOGNE WATER—Of various pi rftirces’
Vy by the bottle or gallon, for sale bv
june 22 J. H vY W. S. PLUS
J —Splendid Articles for making Puddings
nad diet, for sick persons. Afresh supply just
received at W. FREEMAN’S
uug 17 32
I.cmnii Sugar.
SUPERIOR to Lemon Syrup,and nearly equal
) ) to the fresh Lemon, for making Lemonade.
Directions : Add one large tablespoonful of the
Sugar to a half pint of water. Stir it well,and
a beverage is produced, inferior only to that
made from the fresh Lemon. Physicians in the
country will find this preparation a valuable
substitute when the fresh Lemon cannot be pro
cured. Prepared and sold by
april 27 E L. STROHECKER.
I i-fsli < ont?r«‘ss Water.
HAVING made arrangements with the Pro
prietors of the celebrated Saratoga .Springs,
I shall be prepared to furnish the Wetor during
the season, fresh and in good condition. A lot
just received and for sale bv
april 27 E. L. .STROHECKER, Druggist.
I*nt<t Cut) I.ivrr Oil.
\ MOTHER Lot of Fashion's Genuine Cod
. Liver Oii just received. The increased
demand for this pure preparation, and the Batter
ing at counts from Physicians and others, of its
efficacy in releiving Pulmonic and Scrofulous
affections, fully sustains the high reputation ac
quired pt the North where it has been fully tested,
april 27 E. L. STROHECKER. M D
I IGIFI I LIGHT!!—A nolher cask of that
\ j good Lamp OIL at. $1 per gallon, has just
arrived. Always on hand CAMPHINE, and
•ho best quality of Burning Fluid of rny own
ma unfa et tire.
june. 22 I’. L. STROHECKER, Druggist
vents baldness, Invigorates the roots and
fibre ofthe Hair, and imparts to it a soft and
glossy appearance. Price 2T> cents a bottle
lor sate by E. L STROHECKER, M D
ii.Wllfl’S' Roach, Rat and Mouse EXTF.R
--IO MINATOR.— Families pestered with these
destructive little animals, ean he vid of the an
noynuee by using a box of the ‘E (terminator ”
Price 25 cents. For sale by
Jiprd 27 E. L. STROHECKER.
To Milliners.
r) ONN F.T GLUE, of superior quality, is kep
for sale bv
march 9 E. L. STROHECKER, M D.
Beauty ami Economy Combined.
r M if M> fill |f
(Phanix-like) has from its ashes arisen, with all
its various virtues, its original colors to bestow.
rpHE Subscriber most respectfully informs
J. his customers and the public generally, that
bis establishment has been re-built, and can now
be found on UjF COTTON AVENUE, West of
the Washington HaU.jrW where he is fully pre
pared to execute in the best manner, all the
various branches of Dyeing,Renovating and Re
pairing all kinds of Ready-Made Clothing, and
Ladies’ Dresses, Shawls, Bonnets, and all sorts
of Fancy Goods damaged by use. Ladies and
gentlemen will please label all articles sent to
this establishment.
Goods from ai I parts of tlte State sent as be
fore, shall receive prompt attention, and be for
warded back with care.
Factoriesand others having warp filling to co
lor,will find it to their interest to test the virtues
of this establishement Persons wishing Home,
spundyed, will please observe, for black the
warp must be purple or blue ; for brown a cop
peras color, and for green the warp must be
(T~r* Cash must be paid on the delivery of Goods.
O’ Ladies, by calling at his establishment,
will always find specimens of his workmanship
on band.
april 2ft 15—ts
R. R. R
Joy to tlio Uc<l-Iti<!d«'u.
1 A ALU ABLE Discovery for the instant
Am. cure of pain.— had way's Ready Relief cures
the worst diseases in minute* and hours, and
stop* the most cruel pangs of pain in seconds I
?o quick and efficient is Badway's Ready Relief
in stopping pain and curing diseases, that it has
frequently raised the diseased and helpless inva
lid from a bed of sickness in a few hours. It has
cured the worst pains of
Rheumatism, In four hours,
.Yeuralgva, In twenty minutes,
Tic Dolortuz, In ten minutes,
Tooth-Ache, In three seconds,
Sick Head. Ache, In fifteen minutes,
.Ycrrous Head-Ache, In fifteen minutes.
Sour Stomach, In five minutes,
Heart Burn, In live minutes,
Buicel Complaints, In thirty five miniitw.
Cramps and Sp ains, In twenty five minutes,
Diarrhoea, In one hour,
Inflammation of Roteels, In thirtv minutes,
Local Injiainitiations, In ten minutes.
Influenza, In twelve hours,
Hoarseness, In ten hours.
Spinal complaints, swellings, bruises, sores,
wounds, Ac , it will relieve ten limes quicker
than any other remedy now in use.
Let those who .suffer pain try il !
It will prove itse fin a lew minutes. As soon
as il is taken ioleriia ly, or applied externally,
ils benefit iul effects are seen.
It is better than all other Remedies !
Hire is the Proof —There is no other remedy
that claims to subdue the cruel pangs of pain in
seconds, minutes or even.hours. They require
the patient to use dose after dose before a favor
able change is promised. Not so with Kadwav’s
Ready Relief. Its effects are instantaneous, the
first external application commences its great
work of relief.
Sick Head-Ache Cured.
Railway's Ready Relief lias cured over 90,000
eases of Sick and JYcrvous Head Ache this past
season. In the West, where this distressing
complaint prevail®, to such a great extent that
every other person yon meet is troubled with it,
Rad way’s Ready Relief has cured, when ali
other modes of treatment hud failed. It gene
rally slops the pain in fifteen or twenty min
l>cd Side Companion.
In many districts of the Western country,
where sickness abounds in every form of disease,
the Ladies will not go to bed wilheut a bott'e of
Radwav's Ready Relief within their reach—and
the Men never think of going to the field w ith
out a bottle in their pockets. It instantly stops
evety kind of pain and ache, whether it he back
ache, shoulder ache, tooth ache, pain in the feet,
limbs, joints or muscles.
Married Ladies should bathe themselves with
Radwav's Ready Relief—it gives elasticity,
suppleness and strength to the joints and limbs,
and makes the skin smooth, soft and healthy.
A Rad Cough, mred in ten minutes !
Mr. R igdon of Brook Iy n, the celebrated church
singer and organ playerj ori the night of the lOtli
of December, was attacked with a severe fit of
coughing—so that he coughed from 3 o'clock
until 12, P. M without three minutes intermis
sion. One of the clerks of Radwav A: Cos , who
sleeps in the next room, got up and gave him a
leaspoonful of the Relief internally, and bathed
bis throat, neck and chest , be also saturated a
piece ofliannel with the Relief, and laid it over
bis chest. In a few seconds the coughing ceas
ed, lie could expectorate freely, and raised with
perfect ease a great quantity of phlegm. The
Relief instantly soothed the irritation of the
throat,and removed tile inflammation from the
lungs,-and gave free action to them, produced a
free and copious perspiration of the throat and
chest ; and in ten minutes he was entirely free
from pain, and sank into a sound and pleasant
sleep. In the morning he was free front hoarse
ness and cough, and lias not been troubled since.
Let every individual who is troubled with a
cough, sore throat, influenza or hoarseness, p ur
sne the same plan, and we will warrant their, a
speedy cure.
If you have a stiffjoint, a wrenched limb, a
swelled leg, a bruise, or anything short ofa bro
ken bone, Railway's Ready Reliefwill cure you.
The lame have been restored to the free use of
their limbs by a few applications of the Relief.
The cripple, who lias limped from spot to spot
upon 1 1 is crutch, has been relieved of his pain
ful afflictions, and enabled to stand erect, as God
designed that .Man should stand, by a few times
using the Relief.
The Rheumatic,
Who has been bed-ridden for years, shut out
from the bnsy world, and lingered with pain
upon a couch of sickness, deprived of the socie
ty of friends, and of the pleasures of life, lias
been raised from a lingering death by the sooth
ing, healing and pain relieving influence of Rad
'vnj s Ready Relief. In all casi sos R heumatistn,
even the worst eases, one trial of Radwav's
Ready Relief will prove its superiority over all
other remedies in use.
Power c<J' Beiufi/.
First of the train that tempts the longing eye
lor beauty’s self, majestic queen we spy ;
Whether iu man or maiden's form adored,
Still mightier than the sceptre or thv sword,
I his ravisled him who wak'dthe wotld's alarm,
Subdued his heart, and nerveless made It is arm ;
Thus Alexander knelt at beauty s shrine,
And Anthony felt Cleopatra’s (-harms divine ;
Celestial beauty—daughter ofthe skies,
Fair skinned, rose cheeked and lily necked,arise!
Tell each poor mortal who for tliee would hope,
Try Rndieny's Chinese Medicated Soap !
This, this alone, each form will purify,
And make the ugliest handsome to the ey e !
This for pimples, tetters, blotches, rheum,
Will banish all before ils rich perfume ;
No ringworm, scurf, mosquito bite nor tan
Can stay its force on face of maid or man,
But all who test it will at Radway’s shrine,
Confess his Soap gives beauty’s glow divine !
Yes, dear reader, Railway's Soap is truly a
friend to those who wish for beauty’s glow-’di
vine It imparts healt b, sweetness and elastici
ty to the shriveled skin, and beauty to the dark
sallow complexion—removes pimples, blotches,
pustules, tetters, rash, sunburns, chops, chafes,
and rough skin.
The most delicious Soap in the world is Rad
way’s Medicated Soap It instantly removes all
redness and ollipr annoying spots fri m the skin.
For shaving, toilet and the nursery, it is the nc
plus ultra of he kind.
Look for the Steel fun graving.
Each cake to he genuine, must be enveloped
in a label of steel engraving—and each label
must bear the signature of R. G. RADWAY.
Kadway’g Soap is 25 cents for large cakes.
Beautiful Locks of glossy Hair.
Radwav’s Circassian Bai m — This is truly
a capital article for the hair. It keeps it moist,
fine, smooth and glossy—it gives nourishment to
the scalp, invigorates the roots, and forces the
hair to grow. It is a perfect antidote fur bald
ness, stops the hair fYoai fulling out, and makc>
it strong and beautiful.
A supply ofthe above articles just receive!
and for sale by JACKSON BAKNEB, M-c-r-
Chapman, Hill &. Cos and Johnson and Tutt,
Griffin ; and Kantin & Nissen, Atlanta, Ga.
nov Ifj
”1 Tread no bici» Backwards.”
M. S. THOMSON. t .AI. D.,
Ij'Oß a period of over thirteen years, it has
* been the province of the undersigned, to
present to the people of Georgia, and the sur
rounding Stales, tire results of the use ot inno
cent Vegetable Medicines, iu the treatment and
1 cure of disease, as contradistinguished Irom poi
sonous substances, to which from childhood they
! have been accustomed, and to whose pernicious
effects upon the constitution, many of them are
living witnesses.
i'he success which during this long series ot
wars, has attended his administrations, l as, in
many instances, been such, as to overcome the
most inveterate prejudices in lavor ot the old
order of tilings, and to produce iuslend thereof,
a conviction ilia' even in medicine, as in other
branches of the physical sciences, new ideas
may be advanced, and results achieved, that our
ancestors would have deemed impossible, but
which our posterity, thanks to the enlightenment
of a coming age, may find easy of accomplish
Tliis success in curing diseases of the most
hopeless character, after all other means had
failed, and that too, in many instances, without
seeing the patient, has long been the subject of
general remark,exhibiting as it does, in bold re
lief, the difference between restoring a ease that
has been absolutely abandoned, and simply rais
ing another, that hundreds of others could cure.
Such cases can be pointed out in almost every
county in Georgia, where some poor, decrepid,
helpless being, after testing every loeirl means
without avail, have sent off, as a dernier resort,
a description of their diseases to a distance, in
many instances hundreds of miles, and received
back those health restoring remedies that have
restored them again to health and to society, to
til. ir own astonishment and their neighbors’
wonder, putting a! nought the sneers of antago
nistic interests, and adding new finger posts at
every post office and cross road, pointing the
way to the city of refuge.
\\ iiliout subjecting himself to this charge of
presumption, he would yet bold I v say, he
firmly believes that nine.tenths of the so called
incurable cases in Georgia, are yet within the
reach of medicine, and can bo cured by pursuing
a proper course of medicine, with the exercise i
of necessary tare and perseverance, on rhe part
of the patient, which in all cases ofa lingering
character, are of the last importance.
The great facilities for this kind of treatment
presented in the cheap postage system, has been
taken advantage of by thousands who happily
ran indirectly attribute their present good health
to that noble specimen of liberal government;
and there are thousands more w ho may reap the
same advantages, bv simply pursuing a similar
'■nurse. Let the afflicted, if he cannot write
himself, get his neighbor to do it for him, give a
history of his case, age, habits, and symptoms,
the same as if talking to a physician. If able,
and it is convenient, enclose the fee ; if not con- |
l enient just then, a due bill for the amount vviil
answer, (this obviates the incovienitnce of mu
lling accounts at great distances,) and if 'notable,
pre-pay and mail the letter to his address, when
medicines suitable to the case will be compound,
cd and sent with lull directions
The charge for treatment is only ($ r >) five dol
lars, monthly, a sum sufficient!y small to obviate
the fear of risk to any one, and yet sufficient to
preserve him from loss in his extensive admin
Tiiis done, call at the post office in a reasona
ble time, and receive your with as
much precision as you would a letter; prepare
and use them as directed, and persevere ; report
progress monthly, or oftener, as may lie necessa
ry, and closely watch (lie progress of the elite.
Having been long and extensively engaged in
the treatment of diseases peculiar to females, he
would say that Miev may avail themselves of Ids
knowledge, with the utmost confidence, in his
prudence and integrity, so that iu writing out
tiieir symptoms, they may express themselves
with the necessary freedom, in same of the dis
eases of tlic renal and procreative system, the
medicines being more costly, the charge will he
Such cases as require, persona! attention, will
he treated on liberal terms in the city, where the
necessary accommodations can always he had.
Those wishing further information in regard
to results, will address a post-paid letter to the j
undersigned, who will immediately mail to the I
applicant such documents as must disarm doubt, j
Macon, June 23, 1853. 25—if |
[ HAVE received in addition to my former
I extensive Stock, by late arrivals, a large arid
well selected Stock of DRUGS, C H E M 1C A LS,
u ill be sold at a small advance on previous cost.
I’he proprietor now offers one ofthe most com
plete Stocks of trench, English and American
Drags, Chemicals, Valuable Family Medicines,
Perfumery, < i,-.-:. ; Soaps, Brushes, Cos, tend
other Fancy and Miscellaneous Articles, in this
Also, All the varioug Patent Medicines, Pills,
Sarsaparilias, Liniments, Ointments, Syrups,&c.
for sale or advertised by any other Drug Estab
lishment in this city.
E. L. STROHECKER, MI), Druggist,
Corner of Third and M itlheri v streets,
jnno 22 opposite the Fined Mouse
) ’ desiring to escape the Fevers of lhe Summer
Months, would do well to make a free nsi of
this Syrup as a beverage, being a pleasant puri
fier ofthe blood. For sale low by the gallon or
bottle, by J 11. & W. s. ELLIS,
may 1 17
To Physicians.
rpIIE undersigned have prepared for the con
.l venienee of those who do not wish to have
recourse to Patent or Quack Medicines, the fol
low ing, according to the “Formula ofthe United
States Dispensatory,” being the hasp of popular
Remedies, viz. : Syrup of Saisajiarilfa, Syrup of
Wild Cherry, Syrup of Seoer;', Svrop nflpecac,
Syrup ofStillingia, or Queen’s Delight ; Extract
of Buchu, Saturated Cherry Pectoral, by the
gallon or quart, sold low bv
J. II .Y W.S. ELLIS, Druggists,
Near the Corner of Cotton Avenue,
may 4 Cherry Street, Mat-on, Ga.
nAVING been appointed Agent for the sale
of Messrs. Charles Abbey cY Son’s cele
bratetl Gold anil Tin Foil, and for Messrs Jones,
White & Co.'s TEETH, 1 w ill keep a constant
supply of these articles, and all Dentists’ In
struments. lam now opening the first lot of
Impression Cups, Scrapers, Burnishers, Emory
Wheels No 2 to 7, Files of all kinds, Scotch
Stones, Teeth Holders, Slabs. 800 Molar anti
Bicusped Teeth ; 1200 Pivot do. ; 2300 Plate do.;
1180 Gum do. All of which will be sold at
Manufacturers’ prices, by
Bryan’s Cholera Rledii iiie.
the euro of Diarrhoea, Colic, Camp,
Pains in the Stomach, &c., is a innat valua
ble remedy and no Family should be without it.
Persons leaviugtbe city and subject tocliange of
diet and water, will find this an excellent Fade
Mtexm For sale bv
Kv n I! L STROHECKER, Druggist.
or THE
‘•Jlacou Weekly Transcript."
Tlte subscriber proposes to publish, in il e
city of Macon, Ga., a paper to be called th e
“Weekly Transcript." The growing prosperity
of our city, and the increasing facilities of com
muniratinn with every pari of the State, seem
to justify the opinion, that a family journal, pro
perly conducted, is not only a desideratum, hut
that such an one is really need to meet the wants
of the community. In a city in a neighboring
Slate, by no means as populous as Macon,a daily
and four weekly papers are sustained ; and it is
tube hoped, that there is sufficient intelligence
and liberality in middle Georgia to authorise (he
establishment of a journal such as it is contem
plated to make the “Transcript.”
It is not to be disguised, that all the papers
which are published in Macon are decidedly par
tizan in their character—being, to a greater or
less degree, identified with someone us the poli
tical parties into w hich our people arc divided
It is, therefore, not to be expected that matters
of general interest can receive such attention as
ihe wants of the community seem to demand. —
Apart from this, we need something to develope
the literary resources of our people. Literary
men geenrally, have very little taste for parly
politics; and even when they have, it is only
during times of great excitement that there is
any special demand for the employment of their
talents. It is, also, questionable whether politi
cal discussions are the best means of encouragin''
a pure literature. Our own opinion is, that they
are not; and hence, we desire to establish a journ
al that will afford a medium by which those of
our citizens who arc not much engaged tit the
parlizan warfare, which is ever and anon wag.
ing, may communicate to the public their opin
ions upon such sebjects ns may he of some prac
tical advantage in improving the character, of
our people. We want a home literature—a
Southern literature—as well as Southern i re-s.
Our literary men and women need cticourte'e
ntent; our schools and colleges need the fosterin'. '
care of our people; and our agricultural and !
mechanical interests should receive more panic
alar attention than hits hitherto been bestowed
upon them. The morals of on r people might
he improved by the dissemination of a system of
pure ethics; and the noble cause of Temperance,
especialy as it stands conencted with the Order
of the “5-oiis,” demands a larger share of public
'1 he “ Transcript" will be neutral in politics
bnt vviil furnish a synopsis ot the leading poli
tical transactions ofthe day. in no case will it
become the organ of any party. Its moral tone
w ill lie decided. Whilst it will not he under
the influence of any religous denomination, it
will aim to ineulati) correct moral and religious
sentiments—believing that our political institu
tions can have no permanent basis unless thev
are founded upon the virtue, ns well as the in
telligence. 'Flic prominent fads connected with
tlte movements ofthe different religious denom
inations will he published as matters of news,
but the paper will not become the advocate of
any particular sect
In short, it is proposed to furnish a journal
that will he acceptable to men ofall parties and
all creeds, — iu which, Belle Lellres, generally ,
Agticulrc, the Mechanic Arts, Temperance,and
a sound Morality, will till receive a tine share
of attention.
The subscriber, being a practical Printer, will
guaranty that the typographical character of the
paper will compare favorably with that of anv
other in the State. {Several literary gentlemen
(some of whom have had considerable experi
ence,) have kindly consented to co-operate with
the Proprietor in tiie management of the Editorial
The “Transcript" will he issued in a few
weeks, at ;js2 per annum, payable in advance
Subscriptions are respectfully solicited. Ad
i” il O 5 D ii € T U S
"The Southern Dress."
\N Association of sixty-three Members of
Congress, Senators and Representatives,
have constituted the undersigned u Committee
tosupetintend the establishment of a Southern
Press .tt \\ ashinglon City, to be devoted to tlte
exposition and defence of Southern Rights and
institutions—the dissemination of correct infor
mation as to Northern Policy, and the course < f
Political Affairs generally, w ithout reference to
the old parly lines of W hig and Democrat. Ar
rangements are now in progress, promptly to in
sure the issue of such a paper under the title of
for tlte conduct of which, suitable Editors have
been engaged, who will also receive the aid of
a number of eminent and able contributors.
There will he both a Tri ITcehly anil a Weekly
issue—the latter to contain substantially the
same matter as the former, and intended to reach points ofthe country whose mail facilities
are limited.
A Daily issue will he added hcreafttfr, should
it be deemed advisable or necessary by tlte press
and people of the Southern States.
The paper xx ill not he exclusively political—
but will cmbrncoon its broad sheet the General
News ofthe day, Domestic and Foreign, by mail
and telegraph ; Commercial and Agricultural
Intelligence, Literary Criticisms, Original Es
sax s, Literary and Miscellaneous; and, in short,
all iliosh items of general interest, the collected
aggregate of which constitutes the interesting j
and valuable Newspaper. Great care will he j
taken to give full and correct Reports •.f tlte
Proceedings and Debates in both Houses of Con
gress, as w ell as lhe action of the local Legisla
tures on the Southern question.
A limited number only of Advertisements will
be received the main object being to furnish ii
large amount of reading matter.
The paper will he printed on a sheet equal in
size to those of the other Washington papers,
and the material xvill be procured especially for
the purpose
it is confidently hoped that every true friend
to the South will aid in procuring subscribers,
anil forward the names, with the, amount sub
scribed, to some Southern Representative at
xx ushtngiofi, forthwith.
Postmasters are authorized by laxv to remit
subscriptions free of postage.
For Tri- Weekly during the Session of Congress,
and SemiAVeekly during the recess, the price
xvill he, per annum, ; ; jss 00
Weekly paper, per annum, ; : 2 50
The pi ire of subscription must be paid inva
riably in advance, and the cash accompany the
name sent
All persons procuring ten names shall beonti
tied to receive a copy gratis for one year.
W,\ niNGTou, May 25, 1850.
Tine Clicwiiiß Tobacco.
f \ H (Sr S. LILIENTIIAL’S well k noxv n
Vd • superiorfine Cut Chewing TOBACCO,
in papers and cans. Also, various brands of
Chewing Tobacco—some ofwhich the knowing
ones say cannot be bent. Also, various brands
of CIG A RS, which ate just good enough. For
sale at VV. FREEMAN’S
Cheap Store, Cherry Street,
dec t 1
C-n ! ION f.M'Rjt
' * ,ie dil’P ha, rrrared wi ,„
?"»"* »>,,* of s. J-. aiMl , Jtm hj>
name t.. put lip H NHr- .pux4i.-i, * -.uey call Dr, Town
..HU', Nnr> tfeTiila, tie tent) mating it O f.'.Vn.Vf;, Origintl
rtc. This Townsend i, „„ doctor, and nerer was; bra tvd
formerly a worker an railroad,, canal,, and the like. Yet be
assume, the title "f Dr., fur the purpose ..i eainia* crcth.'fe,
what he is not. This i, to caution the public not t„ j,o
deceited. and purchase none bnt the OEAT7JVK ORfoi- or.n Dr. Jrirob Tmvnwnd’, Sarsaparilla, having oi>
It the Old Dr’s likeness, his family coat of arms, and hi*
1 signature across the emit of arms.
Principal Office, 102 .Yaesnu .Vat York City.
."JACOB lOwfs;
Cienuinc Towiueud Sarsaparilla.
Old Hr. Townsend .. now tout 70 years of age anil has
lon* been knmvn as the .it ■Til OR and btSCoyrnrV
of the OK.YI I.YK UR ! • JO H .YxtWu sfu
S.IP.IRI/.r..y Relng he ws. compelled to I mi',
in mufirtvre, by w hich means it has been kept out of mar
ket. and the sale, circtimscrlfied to those only who had
proved its worth, and known it, value. It had reached
the ears of many, nevertheless, as those persons who Uni
been healed of diseases, and saved from death nro
claimed ita excellence and wonderful '
Knowing, many yean apo. that he had. by his skill
sen noe and experience, devised an ttriicle which would bs
ot incalculable adtant.-iee to mankind when the means
would lie furnished to tirin'; it into universal notice when'
Its inestiuiaMe virtues would lie known and appreciated.
This time has come, the means arc supplied ; Ihm
Oti.i.Yl) .-7. V!) VJYF.qUjII.I.KI) VRKP.iR.iTIOX
is manufactured on the largest scale, andJs called fur
throughout the lenttth and breadth of the laflh. especially
as it is liiund incapui.le of degeneration or deterioration.
Unlike young S. p Tow nsettd's, it improves with age. and
never changes, but for the better : bacau-e it is prepared en
tctenitfir. principle, by a scientific man. The highest know l
edge of I,'hnnistry. and the latest discoveries of the art
have all been brought into requisition in the manufacture
of trie Old Dr s Sarsaparilla, 'i'he Sarsa|mriUa root, it is
w ell known Vo itlcLcr.l men, contains many medicinal pm
ponies, and some properties which are inert or useless, and
others, which if retained in preparing it for use. produce
ferment alt, m and nciil. which is injurious to the system.
Some of the properties of Sarsaparilla are ,n volatile, that
they entireh evaporate and are mst in he preparation, is
they are tod preserved by a scientific process, known only
to those experienced in its manufacture. Moreover, these
volatile principles, n Inch (ly off iu vapor, or as an exhala
turn, tinder heat are the very essential nieilical properties
nf the root, which give to it all its value.
Any person can boil or stew the root till they get a tittrk
colored liquid, which is noire from the coloring matter in
the root than from any thing else; they can then strain
this Insipid or vapid ttqitld, sweeten with -our molasses
snd then call it ' SAHSAPAKII.I.A I'.XTKAt T or SY
Run.” tint such is not the article known a- th-
'Ellis is «u prepared, that all the inert propers. i the
SaMapirtlta mot are tint removed, every thins i .|.nn!e of
becoming acid or oi fermentation, is extracted ml rejected .
(lien every particle of medical virtue is secured in a pure
and concentrated lorm ; and (has it is rendered incapable of
losing tiny of its valuable and beating properties. Prepared
in this way, it is made the most powerfn! ngerit m the
Cure of innumerable Uiseasrs.
Hence the reason why we hear coniuieniintions on every
■ide in its favor by men, women, and children* We tind it
doing wonders in the cure of
PLAINT, Hiid in HIIKCM.i l'lsM, M LOb'Ul.A.
pn.bis, cos’, nil cutaneous burr
TUNS. PUWPLbIS, ULOCTHLS , anti ali utlectioiiß
arising from
It possesses n marveilmts eHicncy in ail complaints arising
from Indigestion, from Acidity of I hr. Stomach from unequal
circulation, determination of • ‘ xKfto the head.
ofthe heart, cold leet and hands, cold »hnU t. and hot tl «»he*
over the body. It has not Us equal in Cold# aid Cough# ;
and promotes easy expectoration and gentle per p.rmioti,
relaxing stricture of the iungs, throat, and every oth< r part.
Ihu m nothing is its excellence more mamte t.> •••■. osd
acknowledged than in all kind-* and ‘•taffe.s t f
It works wonders in cases of F.nor A. ms or IVua ■- Till
ing oj the H’trmh, Obstructed, Suppressed, or Pmnju. . \lruses.
Irregularity ol the menstrtlui periods, and the k--; and
is as etfectiiul in curing ail the forms of h’tdunj /ftscasr*.
By removing obstructions, and regulating the general
system it gives tone and strength to the whole body, and
thus cures all forms of
Nervous diseases and debility,
and thus prevents or relieves a great variety of other main
dies, as Spinal irritation. Neuralgia, St. Lit us' Dance
Swooning , Epileptic Fits, Convulsions, Slc.
It cleanses the blond, excites the liver to healthy action,
tones the stomach, find gives good digestion, relieves the
bowels ol torpor and constipation, allays inll.imm ition,
purifies the skin, equities the circulation ot the blood,
producing gentle warmth equally all over the hud, tnd
the insensible perspiration; relax*?* n.l «ttirtut-vs a» • i»_«ht
uess, removes ail obstruction -, at.d invigoi «u ,rc
nervous system, is not this then
The medicine you pre-eininriit iy ~ ,1;
iiut can any of these Hungs bv ».i.d »d>. i\ i<v», tn »
iuler or nrt rlo ? Thi> wmns man*.* liquid i* tto be
because of one GUAM) i'ACi’, that the one ,* LNU.W’A
w hile the other DOES ; souring, j\.ruh uiing, and blowing
the hot ties containing it into fragments ; the -.our, atie iqul.l
exploding, ami damaging other gowdsMust not this hum
ble compound he poisonous to tne system? -! put
acid into a system already diseased with and ' What cause*
Dyspepsia but acid 1 Do we not ail know that when food
sours iu our stomachs, what mischief* it produces ? llatu
leuce, heartburn, palpitation ot the heart, liver com id amt.,
diarrhcea, dysentery, colic, and corruption of the o.ood?
What is Scrofula but «n acid humor in the body ? What,
produces all the humors which bring on Eruptions of the
lugs, Fever Sores, and all ulcerations internal and external?
It is nothing under heaven, hut an acid sub-nnee. which
fours>nnd thus spoils all the fluids of the body, more or,
,ess. What causes Rheumatism hill a sour or acid fluid
w hich insinuates itself between the joints and eEewhere,
irritating and inflaming the delicate tis. uua upon which it
acts? So of nervous diseases, of impurity ofthe blood, m
deranged circulations, nd nearly ail the ailment' which
afflict human nature.
Mow is it not horrible to make and sell nd mjxnttslf
uursc to use this
auj...s : i •
t l A!U* OF S. f\ lu\V S? ,i
ii vutii ti fain h ive it understood iHfti i )in *
>\\ if’t !t;l .i (ie.nuine Original Sarsaparilla. |j» an iMIA
!' '.\ of his inferior preparation '!
Heaven turbid that we should de«i in an article which*
would bear the most dist int resemblance to S. !\ !'o\vn
wnd’s article! and which should bring down upon the Old
Dr. such a mountain load of complaints ind criminution*
from Agents who h ive Mild, and purchasers who have used
I*. Townsend's FERM ENT JAG COMI’OI’M)
We wish it understood, because it i* the absolute truth
that S. P. Townsend's article end Old Dr. Jacob Town
mend’s Sarsaparilla arc heaven wide apart, and infinitely dis
similar ; that they arc unlike m every particular, having
not one single thing in common.
As S. I*. Townsend is no doctor, and never w as. is n*>
chemist, no pharmai outlet knows no more ol medicine or*
disease than any other comnntn, unscientific., unprofessional
mim. what guarantee can the public have that they are re-
EwiVing .* gbtiiiiiib 'CtciiiiiiC iss* tliCiilc, CO>* Him* *• ' * ***
virtues of the articles used in preparing It nnd which are jr*
capable of changes w hich might render them the AGENTS
of Disease instead of health.
But what else should be oxperted from one who known
nothing comparatively of medicine or di>ense ! It n p. u *
fi person of some experience !:• cook and M-rVe up cv*ti a
common decent meal How much more important in <' ’’
the persons who manufacture medicine, designed f»r
should know well the medical properties of plan.' d‘*
best manner of securing and concentrating their hetlb V.
virtue*, also an wxtensive knowledge of th i various disease*
which affect the human system, ana how to adapt remedies
to these disea.seo :
It is to nrre i frauds upon the unfortunate, to pour balm
into wounded humanity, to kindle hope in the despairing
bosom, to restore health 4ml Uloom. amt vigor into tie
rru liotl nnd broken, and to lK&nish infirmitt ib ! *t OEU DR
portiimty and im ans to bring his
Ultiuil Universal Concfßtralt'tl
within ttm re tch, nml to the kiiim leilie of "II wlc ... e«t
th"l they may le.irn nui! knn'v, t>v jin till experience if-
Trauscesidciit Power to lit-al-
For sale wholesale ant) retail by
Nassau st., N. Y •
Anti by J. H & YV. S ELLIS, ant)
J. A. & S. S. VIRGINS.
Macon, Ga
Way 4