The Atlanta daily sun. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1870-1873, August 28, 1871, Image 1

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I’.iMUlirt by
i,..U MTk< IU.
Tsoiu. H. Banin, Thonmnn., a*.
i. MM ■•yr * Kansvfltt. Tub, •
D»*» Mares, Ou
Jon T. Roam*. Ittaota. On
j. I„ Wiioit, Wood.Book. Ok.
J. (l. Camu, Tkoraoo, Ok.
B. a Bunwau. Dolton, Uu
W. o. Dawn.If-.Brtonl.11. 0.
Tmu , rt.rr Jt 0o„ Whit. Plain., Growl Co.. 0a
■tay-"**-.. w . —
OkawtedrUlo. Hi.
counioSS wltt Tun Bon wffl no. ****** hi. raj-
pertinent ofthl* gaper, ehouki be *ddreeeed to him
“Sta£S»b^2?rt any kind, nonaotodwltt
The Booorart It. PoUUortDnuotnMint. dioald bo
L^wSdyTBnbrtoith. IUmsm. AUantt.<tt.
Tom. of Buboorlptlon i
»T 00
...... . 00
rw.nty "
Fifty <•
Wafto 040a • • • . • • • •
Musi. Copy, 811 MonUu.
Ho sohrerttHiw. to tt.1T,
ihorter period than six month*.
All eabsoriptlone maM be p
ind all name* will be stricken f
he time paid foe expiree.
. 1 00
. 2 35
. 7 00
.18 00
37 50
Weekly, reoeired tor a
Names for Club* must all be sent at the same time
nd take the paper for the same length of time, and
11 be at the earns poet ©moe.
Torme of Advertising.
ales* neriod M>*n one week. $1 per square (ten
of solid Nonpareil type. 01 occupying that
space] fox the flr*t insertion, and 50 cents for
SSSSn'ln’SS Lioal Column m.tked with
orisk, l*) will be charged 25 cents per lino each
rertieomenta under the tfpedal Notice h®ad
d) for lose time than one wook, will be charged
^FvertieemenU, exoept for establlahed bud-
housesT in thi* city, muet be paid tor in ad-
■eduction wUl be made on tbs above rates for
•rly, semi-annual or yearly advertisements.
rlTBBln «n«t D.pnr«ur.. of Trnln. to ia
H ud from Atlanta- <>'
, iruiTtc Ion MiLnoiD. gar and molasses.
vivo.*t 6 ’ 1B * ra
eves ? •
rives et CbetUnooga P
Ttr9 * txSn^piiieMoaa trai»-in«akd.
•to. ’ “
r "’*‘ “^wiou.Tio. m.i» -IXWl.Il.
»ra Colton........
tnufononou (.000.1.1 MlinooD.
(AT. Oat JVrt. «. <SKOdn».!
Jht PlMiH* Tprtn U.TM '«io» 2
•y i*i urn nr Train leaves..•••••• "■** *■ m
lHM Mountain Accommodation arrives.. .8^)5 a m
™ 5“S5 AocO«mod.Uan 1MTM....I* P- -
u PttManwtirtnlMtt...... VSmt
By the Hew Yerk Associated Press.
south winds have prevailed from Virginia in the care justify him in withholding a or less with this firm. Before making
to Massachusetts. oleau bill of health from the New York bi s purchases, ho informed the business
r,,b*toittin- staimer which sails to-day. . man of tlia concern that ho had boon ao-
Partially cloudv and warm, the weatluu BadtB»3Sfw«tfSB*down by the pro* UciUxl by the Lee Monument AkSooifttiou
is probably for Monday for Southern and „ oj . . q, ^ c l’hurman’s to ertabliah ngenaies in that oity to* the
Golf States. Cool weather with south- tWfJ U( j j,ughter wore drowned. gale of the picture ol that immortal hero;
westerly winds from Lake Huron to rwS Atlanta fl, w.k , , .. r . ....
vAioi two sons and daughter wore drowned. nle of the picture of that immortal hero;
NewYork, and Virginia brisk south- jSx£J2*dwtt# hSS^ofMO 0M “d in ^a coursa of a business coBYersa.
westerly winds to-night on the Nsw “atoiftd the Southern Eiprere Uon ’ Mk ‘’ d thi ® man "(^ r if he wcnLlnot
- money olerk snl—^ *" ' **'" •
time of the oei
Boston, August 97.— 1 The Banger Ex
press ran into the Beoeriy train, seven
■dies from Boston, last night Eighteen
men and three women are daadl
Lateu. —The partienlara of the accident
.tt _:_Lt .. ttl.o Vnnkawn Pnilniail am
Hiigland coast. „ • Company. Cobii was the m‘o“ne7^| Hubscjabefor one. For a re pi
Ijucicty oi - viiAriwiou, ui view ui «— :
, LA^-'^Phrt 1 ?? 11 *"„„ a, . w Th, iirovidencc of yeUow lever h. re, held a I».
last night on tlia Enstarn Railroad are ‘ / N /—#r meeting last evening, and after full invea- iai
appalling. Thefxprm.»n into an ac- ILtiouand diseuSon rewlveil to make Z
eummodation train, at full speed, with • official publication of the real facts of the
•oeh tone that the engine and tender Washington, August 'iti,—LicuU naut f,,n 0 wH - -
reached the oentar of the last car which QbarleH A. Schelky, who was on the ,,,, ^ yellow fever of u mild tvw did Ul
was demolished. This oar was crowded steamship, Oity of Houston, makes the
Mtl. mfflnoraiwl (tjnilincr Tim wmorf In RnftrAfalPV Rf)L%iII.
.. — - -— — — V MM..a» ... —y. — That tlio yellow icvgt oi a niuu iyjh* f
wee demolished. This ee» was crowded steamship, Oity of Houston, makes the ^ - t to a limited extent in Charles- Which he replied, that lie would not give . nersuade
withpassengmi.aitUngandsUnding. The foUowing report to Secretory Rob, » u, ^ % L , mttiu i y C() nfiu«l to one , )|ie cent for it. ^
wood-work instantly took fire, andthe under date of Feruanduia,Florida, August I1P ; 1 j.t X)r i, <Kx i. that tlio first lcaso dated T . • , ,,,
scene which followed was terrible. The 21: -Leaving New York on the lllb. in SZI It » UBBtoees^y to add that the gen
boiler of the engine burnt and the victims obedience to orders, we proceeded to- diUliup tile month that hnffiofuiwed. Aleman felt msnltod at the remarks, end
mveloped in a doud of steam and wards Key West We had good weather t ^ ( . M have been, perhaps, in changed his ipind about purohaaing tin
ad with hot water. The latter ex- until the evanmir of the 15th, when at- ,, 1 ,l, u ,
Would it pot ha a good idea tor our
deluged witli hot water, me lauer ex- until the evening ot tne loin, wuen av-
tinguished the flames, but only a few of mospherio changes betokened • tel- „f 'which have proved fatal, but that flu,
the passengers in the car who were not oaue. At l o’clock 1-. li. on the 10th, be- ,i ()( „ no i of a oharaetor dm- .... „
instantly kfilcd by the collision escai>od iyg 12 miles east of Cape Camaval, we KD read rapidly or widely. It is meMllants, in Ordering goods !n that fine,
£he fatal«cffects of the steam. made breakers of reef off that point.— ygdod that difference of opinoii exist itr to remember Siis insult to ear section?
Other cars in the oooommodation train ’j»Uere the commander of the vessel Dan- U( , u to the probuUe spread the Lorilkirds town atrivUB harder than
took fire from the upsi-ttmg of ken,sene i«l Partridge, betrayed 'ncapacillpr,run; o( thodtoeai-. The Board of Health 1. other of ito eiasa to obtain onr
lamps; but the passengers got out m m ng the vessel in dangerout proximity to ^ this morning that tlio number , . . . it
**— the reef. I judged that the vessel was c{ ;^ r0 | o"t, l rinoS the 23d instant ttofleeaud have grown noh upon It—
within the limits of the cyclone, on lto ia<licata t hdt the disease ns assuming an
The bark Hilda, from New Orleans fur
Cowes, is stranded six miles south oi tit.
Augustine. Her cargo of tobacco uud
flour is a total loss. One man was
r PMMDfir Train •rrivss....
Ives lUoon.... ►*••”•••■•
PomsSCM TxsiW iesvs*....
1:40 p.m.
3:55 p. m.
5^5 p- m.
. . 10:25 p. m.
r Trsl» W-JJ •
r Tr*l» lesvss !
»sr ttsid T. ^
, x_-*jrTrsln ■[
r PisMuitf Twin T “ •*
iv* Gainesville Jf
lvs si AtlMU p M
^ *W
MaeaB A Augusta Railroad.
inASliM n
Wout Aagurtartj^.iL.-^■-n-i!
euurn RaIInwI •* Alstoum.
JS * S
rlM M 11.M A M
Aimtu erne 9oU WImA
KOM savannah. Go.. vU Altonr. /sotoonvlll.
in i TbIibs.i 1~'—r Ffcw
V. Bavanaak J{
;nST*u!E*««^ i««Dd*7» «
10:60 ▲. M
afT. a a ..10 JO A. M
va Albaay ! ‘ H
I vs st ltv*nm*h
Memphis end Cfc-MDW nw
Hie Ml UM V.U--W- T- (Vj-op
of the bowel*, oupenndnoed by
fro&m. The oc th * k
of e young women
Office Chief of Signal Sbbvioe, i
Washington, D. C. August 27. !
r.W IVIi. rmrtmce*n,«Bo*.
CuAiiLiiFtON, Aug. 20.—The Medical j
Society of - Charleston, in view of the “
Tto Msl.
The number ot dead so far is twenty-
four, among them the Rev. Dr. Ezn\,Gar-
rett, of Boaton.
At the time of the ooliision the ac
commodation train for Beverly had its red
signal lights behind, and the red Bignal
waa twisted at the masthead of the signal
port for the Express train to hold up,
which it did at Everett; but, subsequent
ly, prooeeded and was under full head
way when near Revere station, the engi
neer evidently not being aware of the
proximity of the Beverly train until, per
haps, within sixty rods of it He then
whistled “down breaks,” bnt was not
soon enough to avoid the calamity.
Some of the passengers in the rear
part of the accommodation train heard
the whittle, bnt too late to escape. On
o.vw« the express train, at a great veloci
ty, and the engine struck the rearmoet
oar foil in the center, and forced its way
in, in| telescope manner. The car was
crowded with people—every sent being
filled and many standing in the aisle.
The locomotive rushed in, quiclr os a
flash, just as the Beverty train started,
mangling and killing in the most fright
ful manner. Subsequently tlio boiler
exploded and shattered the Tamps and
fired the cars.
FA. FVKm. fair.
Charleston, August 27.—Threo new
eases of yellow fever are reported, and
one of the cases previously reported,
died. The first excitement occasioned
bv the appearanee of the disease is sub-
mding, and the feeling of the community
is qntot Afid hopeful.
J2il #f aW«r<M« IWmaI/iVb
Jacksonville, August 27.—’Th# brig
Pomona, of Richmond, Maino, went
ashore twenty-five miles South of Cape
Canaveral, August 17th. Her cargo of
ootton can be saved. No lives were lost.
Tlio steamer Lodina was stranded six
miles North of Capo Canaveral. The
beach was strewn with her cargo for thir
ty miles. The Captain and twenty men
wore lost. The first and second officers,
chief and! assistant chief cook, one fire
man, Captain Harvey's eon, mess boy,
and five seamen, wero saved.
washed out. Captain Watson was drown-
od and hia body was buried on the spot.
The brig H. Y. Berry, of Baltimore,
„ ashore iifty yards from tuo Welsh. -
She is a total wrock. Her cargo was sn-
weetern side, the vortex being about east
and advancing; the ship was run north-
northeast two hours. At eight p. m.
Bchelkey was oalled by the first officer to
the pilot house for consultation, who
found the Captain unfit to command^
Bchelkey says, from liquor or narcotiaa
Hohelky placed Lient. Commander J.
Schooler in command of the ship.—
Sobouler invested the first officer in com
mand. By this time the vessel was in the
hurricane. All efforts were diroeted to
her preservation. Soils were split, and
nothing was left to save the Vessel but to
back her, which was done at the sugges
tion of the officer. After booking fifteen
minutes the port tiller chain broke. All
attempts to secure the rudder failed.—
Heavy seas came over aft. The cabin
was flooded. The Captain had turned in.
The crew proper of tne steamer, except
the first and seoond officer and assistant
engineer, were frightened’ and would do
nothing. Firemen deserted the fire room,
and securing life preservers awaited their
fate on the hurricane deck. The ship’s
officers having given her up, the naval
officers on board, under the command of
Sohouler, set the men under their charge
to work bailing the ship. There were
threo feet water in the fire room extin
guishing tho fire. The water being re
duced, tlio fires were renewed under the
donkey boiler by whioh the water was
pumped out of the ship. From 5 a. m.
to 4 p. h., on the 17th, the vessel was
without motive power. The gale was in
creasing until 7 a. u. The bulk heads of
the engine room aud cabin were used to
start fires, and the foremast was cut away
to preserve the vessel. The tire was
started in but one Boiler, the other hav
ing broken adrift. The steam pipe was
now cracked, and the ship was helpless
till the 19tb, when one boiler shoved up
and the steam pipe was temporarily re
paired, and the ship brought to Fernan-
The San Augustine dispatch which an
nounced the loss of the Iiodina is signed
Editor Press. There is a wceklv paper
published in Ban Augiudiuo called I ho
.Vass, John T. Whitney editor and pub
lisher. There has been no confirmation
of the loss through uuthentic channels,
up to half past 12 o’clock to-day.* It. is
still hoped it is a hoax,
The report of General Crook’s death is
discredited at tho War Department.
The Polaris arrived at Holstcinbnrg,
of cases roj orted since tlio HXl lnsiam
indicate that Hie disease is assuming an Hardly, a house throughout the conrnry
epidemic form. k > V . imt what has a flashy card of them men
1 ranging in their stores as at advertise-
CALIFORNIA. [tsent for their g«xto.
The spunky old gentluman referred to
ia this artiole immediately wrote home
to his partners to take dowa all snoh
signs, and never permit one of them to
heputjip again. 1,ln ” l '' 5 1 '
We have beard of several other gentle
men in tho oountry doing the some thing,
and will oeaae to .trade with boW«
Which oilers snch an insult to the noble
St'l'ltKMB oockt or ononoiA.
Obb.cs in the la,rtne Court 1. be BlaeMatt
In order, Jalr Term, ten.
' 11 ’
JUfthtr JrWrrtlaT
CaUtmeU—Maparlt* Uflk at Urn. Cr—k.
Sab Francisco, August 20.—The bark
Hong Kong, thirty days from Yokohoma,
has arrived with teas for the Atlantic Sea
board on through bills of lading, the first
cargo shipment thus made. ■- • ’
Officers telegraph from South Califor
nia for more troops, stating that an In
dian war is inevitable.
The Colorado, from Panama, has ar
rived. All well. •
It is rumored that Col. Crook has been
killed by the Apaches, but the rumor is
generally discredited.
jMifur 0nlra.Hr. SMrm.
Savannah, August 28.—There has been
a severe storm on the lineof the Atlantio
A Gulf and Jacksonville, Pensaoola &
Mobile Railroads. The telegraph wires
are down, and no trains have arrived to
day. A tornado, it is reported, passed
over Tallahassee. Heavy blows here U r
twenty-four hours.
Tlu IVI/mt fiwr-i*r«fn<iwmi *iK*in*I •'!—
.1 (Jlooutf/ Crop rrotptct.
Wilmington, August 2(5. —A telegram
received from tho Major of Charleston
this morning says that tlio yellow fever i«
in Cliarlc-ston, and the Board of Health
thinks it lias a-ssuwed uu epidemic form
Mountain BMbULiAio — ... .Widfld oriffiuallv defaolivo OUU worn obi vj «w,
since Saturday afternoon, with a dechted « iny f u , d tho cstrophe. Vander- *8. Or..i annir sad Tob
fall in temperature. Rain and cloud has President of the eompauy; Mat- Waal ao.tb.rn
been reported west of Iowa, but pleasant ^p^torVBmiab d* .
weather has generally prevailed overJhat 11 . , . . the company; Bobiu- “ . _
weather has generally prevailed 0V ^Ji rtnDerintondTnt of the company; Robin-
region. The pressure Vas nsen sbghUy Synntonueni ^ r^p^ble, and
in the Gulf Btatce, with southerly wind* *on, g* ... •— A * - J —* l —
- . ’ .1 rpl.A nnolnilfl
1 Trsiu MttVSD<**••*«
uinf Express k*TM "
tm Ii cfcsHaDnojMi
8 JO A M
. 180PM
U :1»»M
and Searaat w’eather. The mmlcua
of the cydone, which woe yesterday in
Norther. Georgia, baa advanced rapidly
toward. Ohio and thence northeastward
to Central New YorL lr dng the charae^
«m nrobablT now in Vermont. Heavy
nuiTtoTre fallen from Contort Lake Ena
northeastward. Brisk southwest and
Jt MaUh-falth at liwr.1
London, Aiigust ^fi.—JJapJarua visited
Ohatham to-duy.
Tho French Aasgmbly will probably
adjouru on the 10th of September.
It ie stated the seige in the depart
ments will be raised when the National
Guards are disarmed.
Blanco's robclliou in Uruguay is crushed
and amnesty proclaimed.
Tim nnlifn fkiltl DOnuli
will at once move- .. w .^.w— r a . — .
Receiver. , .. sanitary condition of tho oity asameas-
A man who was stn-k with a tumbler ^ of J r(K . uuUo n.
in a saloon, went for a sliot-gnu mid ^ jo ^ authorities have issued an or-
wounded a man and throe women at a ^ wllic j 1 y le following ia an extract:
single shot «... “No person from Charleston will be
Later sdvioes from tho Rest Indies -oi^./t,, stoi, within the corporate lim- Bitoiig i **om r 7~
state that tho fire which recently visited . . tl ■ ^ and no person who may Jfru Colburn, chargislwtbpuisong mg a s|ieecli.
Point a Pietro, Capitol of the Wan. of ^ from tins city will be at- Uton^pTy- kuow wimeu ’ Mr ’ H l >of ' k '' !r; 1 '*
Uuadslope, destroyed nearly the whole l ud r ,. tim , during Urn oonhnuouce John AiTams, om o thu t y in no dierespeet, I know ’em; I have hail
of the town, including the Bank, Trees- “ fcv . r « Chs^estou” mastors of the Waited States Navy, is ^ ^ ^ Tliey , ro a nw _. fal
SKl2iSSot.2!KS,»y" *£.*»**’■*»
cs. 01 - »isiraJrk5KSrt» .
Church, Court House, Hospital and c- jj^age to Uio cotton erop from »«lk freight train oollided AVilliam to go wild on this occasioii, aud
atoa were saved. _ . met Muoh_ alarm prevails among the p^nnsylvauis, on the Erie ^is Honor thought 85 and costs would
Road. Four employee* were killed and |Klt i K . j 0 mg any great harm.
^T^S^rwhort trunk,™ K^r«^r^rioC5ti'Wit ^F^iTbss rcigned i hi. seat «
left at the Hudson River Railroad depot, 1>itt In these epuntiee the
onBatarday, for Chioago. The verdiot .nd rust will neoeaBarily cut the ana «, rmyaa. - ....
- ‘he cause of her death was m- ^pV^t fully one-third from last year’s Assembly now sitting a Cou.titnont As- ^aonh-rly. He wo* very lmd, leit want
,f the bowels, superinduoed by i Similar accounts aro given by sembly. ml the Court to look over it and forget it,
The oorpse is evidently that .ho have recently passed Renfortth’s Viscera lias been scut to )jut H colllJ opt. His Honor smiled,
woman 18 or 19 years old. S, rougU more werterty countie,. bmArkrtW. are not so looked sweet and whispem.1,
rtrw YORK favom^K The drouth and worm« rtrtrtatrt
r * t mischievous in some sections.
- , g. x - jory w* ia. rwMS Goldsmith made over the 85,000 toot
iSrXZm Cerrr in ch*rtmto»-*i Cmmmi at ObioMO in th® heaU—Ume 2. Ml,
~£r~~' ^ r - r *“’ 4 T^^S:3Ssrtst
^oorp for tbr fast 24 hoors. New Yore August 28 -Th^Oo^s mpart. no^dditio^tttertt
^r^today Vrawn, vritli a dedded ^^^“'^“^tmphe 00 vid£- *8. or... a»a<r T.*«ra to«
iwiug, given in
ig milliner,
it (be picture < f Rue- _ -
uud rebol to oen.into my lionke,
a ■onumont to his- in atony by
, mov y f“r it. X think ft aft
ypu to nsk_ me to do sqtU a
“Your what
“My beauty.”
“Are you ourtain of that?
“Oh, bedad, th are's no krt— -— —
“Then I discharge yo»—you ain't Ij? "J 1 -*
guilty;” and the acquitted lady took brt gdastotoMms —gr- t
was not of that mask and lowly type
highly recommended by good people
Ssviei. ttosld b. krtd u, to puUrt
e“ Y~~
,I.V l»
__ _ TOR* WKXXLt ( qpno#r
lory where, but had the moat heathenish.. m
nppeamnee the Coftrt ever looked at— wwtot , ■-<-J In ;h
v- - Alf. was up at Howard Horton hotel, and “ “ “ “
W to encourage tliyPUilrt- got on # ) lOT60 , Ho became so ob-
streperoua that even the virtnoue Howard
couldn’t stand him, and he had him
marched to the lock up. AM. went along
' u> .,, kind enough until he got to the door,
i|lan naked Mr. LnrtohrtiUfBtoe ■ • _ —
for the rioiitl'ern
Furrow and Thomas, G. E. Thome vs.
.Smith and Alexander for defendant.
This concluded the Chattahoochee cir
cuit. ,
No. 27, South Western, which had
liocu put to thdhaal of the Chattahoochee
circuit wok agreed. It is C. M. Kelly vs.
10. It. Tato. Injunction from Macon.
John It. Worell J. A. Anslcy by the
Reporter for plaintiff in error; C. T.
I inode for defendant. Tho Court ad
ob . ^rtart tor tart wrtk^'touaiM.U.
11 preYloas wMk....
when he .wore
he would not gw
him ffltw 1 it
1 Bporu tram rtl port. tti. BBtok. a**a
lueil VO IWIBUBUO unit
As he gut in he saw as individual there ...
whioh proved to be none other than the um tad rw*—,'.. . n!e«
which proved to be none other than tbs
noted negro hsriaaphiwdjte or nsrtdes
cript who is well known about town.
Alf lit on to this thing and the thing,
gave him oae of the worst beating’s he 2
• I ookrt iulerior tow...-
S wtarmm. Unto kh #*.....7.,.. ’fH.
IRoek tt Lto.ry.rt... ..I. ui. li’.t..ii'.V.X. J
f»«e badly J
d him to. , asm rtttrtM^*^rt^*rtrt<rt**4|*6rt»^t >
* * iv»if» gc^tnsf^ nud] -nmm
iiSXmSSSSSntOmmmJm S8Bm1
flh i
—1 V U-- • - rt ■*!.-
aa soon os possible, bnt 'not nntU it tort 1" ""rwarterta.-^
beat him moat eeveraly. One
entirely dosed, hia Upa as.,
dozen ought to be and hie t _
mutilated. The eoori fined him tort
dollars, and promisee to take tho I
deacript in hand this morning.
Two continued oaaaa wan oarrtod'(
to this morning. . j.,, ,
Wb.Icf Cksyrt CkUfk B.IMIb,
Yesterday it waa noticed that the walk
of the great steeple orer the main entoann
to the new church adifioe <4 Weelej
Chapel had sUghUy aatHed, eaartog the
outer tier of bricks to bulge outwird ami
fall off This to near the groand on each
side of the gnat doorway.
The report spread over the city, ceas
ing quite a number of person* to vtoft
and inspect it We looked at it, and ap
ftr aa we an oapable of judging, ooo-
oladad that no nrt damage to done; that
the building to perfedtly safe, and that
no good reason extots to believe it*
unsafe or in any way aerionaly damaged.
We learn that a oommittee of oompa
tent architects, enginssn, Aa, will thor
oughly examine the matter to-day, and
give the poblio their
CnrainATi, Anput !«.—Cottos iU«lj bat qrtrt;
Tho polieo and populace of Home had
a conflict, in which one i>ereon was killed
ahd two wounded.
Tlio governments oi Great Britain and
tho United States have chosen Count
Lugi Corti third Arbitrator at Geneva
under tho Washington treaty.
Stf a gmsawsa
the Austrian Minthtry w groundless. 1 t
The entry of the OuiUsts into Spain is mavoh’s iwinT-iATVnoAl
Fivo heavy cotombs oi troops were
sent to the frontier aud tho civil guard Wind and u»m do not stop <n
lias concentrated. or .iib»ii<-«.
Tho Archbishop of Madrid directs the
clorgy^to rcftuo samanront^to aU persons Qn mr)ruin8 ono wou ld bo
M AUxrartfes ia tUo Frenah Assembly arc lead to suppose from the deluges of wa-
dinsatistlcd with their lenders. ter which wore pouring down that the
Mayor would have rather a sliui attend
ance, but tho supposition was false, aud
pretty fair day’u work was ilonc.
run MAioa and council
Zimmerman and Rawlins was ap-
oachcd, and the parties were eluirgod
with quarreling, .be. The former paid
86 and costs, and the latter was dismissed.
got hold of some mean whiskey r,omc
where, anil it made Billy no mean that he
Would have struck his diuldy, if that old
gcutlemau had crossed his path. When
A tetogrsm from Loudon, Ohio, says the policeman came up ho was deliver-
7. Chattahoochee
8. Macon
0. Flint
10. Tallapoosa '
11. Atlanta ‘
12. Roue 1
18. Oherokeo “
14. Northern '•
15. Augusta “
10. Middle “
17. Ocmulgee “
18. Eastern “
10. Brunswick “
Sltreuh Cfinn of Geoiioia,
August 26,1871.
Argument of No. 20. Dillard va , m%/
ManhaUmi Life Insurance Company wv ni^LjLl rt rt.
^Sjgumcnt fi*s heard in No. 24. Chat; Si ^SS,
UboOchee circuit. Edward B. Renland ;Qixftd 54. o«u*ctiTe with*0 npward %m-
vs. W. A. Uansome and company. In- Orartl yr<x miudurtM. whwt BtroDj; primt
jnnetion from Muscogee. L. J. Downing mlI , d 18 .
and It. J. Moses for pluintiff in error. Paunnon-rtua pork doll Old l<mcr rt III toK-
Ohsppel and Russej,. M. Blmiford. iaoo n K u„ ma hi*b«ri •boalj.r. »}{ei attar rib
■kttslMi ottarrtSMTN. hum rtetoy with.rood
Jennunii «igu<ared lttblsk. Balk Hurts M*v. hisMri'sbouidors t*; alow riti UdM | alur
■kill. a 1 ,, lull htady Witt *00(1 duaudi oitj
kfittlo rendered 3.
lUggiuy flnn*r ut 20.
New Voek, Augnst 26.-Cotton quiet; upUnd*
J3; OrlcAU* 11>X; Mk* 300 btokfl.
l'EODL’tf- -Flour 10(( I s cents butter. Wheat 1#9
cent* hotter. Cura e itliedo firmer.
I'Eovision*—Pork «tr*dy *t $13 024*1115* 1*4
Turpunliuo qulft but 4it*ier et 5J4I54. Ho*in
scarce and Ann at $3 for strained.
FrHgbta firm.
Pimamcial—.Stock* rather »toadf and price* ctrunf.
Governments steady but dull. Htata* dnlL Men*/
Quid 12%. Blorliug—long 0‘, ; abort 0 # S*
, coM.EdE 5E&A
Mrr. DAVm WILLS, D. D-i f
■MrtBortttLrt— «**ttrtBti
Mttooov rt ■>.,«,
^-ff.b.-wBrti FMbi-rrt toirtjkfitor
—V—m—j- -- nwDonifble and 1“ » conversation * d«y or two since
ShoaldtoT accountable tor the deaths, with a prominent tobacco merchant of
The arrest of the partto* has been qr- g,). citv, and a gentleman who stand*
dered. High as a Christian and an honest man, he
Adtopatch Cba.lj-ton.Uln d |ng Jj Q8 tl , lt on . recent visit to New Tort,
deettja^ion^ihe medical society is con- lie want into the great tobacco factory of
rtdered by lading physicians, inelnding die Lorillsrds. _The object of his virtt
the health officer, a* an extreme state- w ,»»exUttrtve parwhus* of
thC 110*17" Ul*w»i •»» . . ..
meni. Many of tbe ««
baaed were doubtful. The besitn
offioer docs not oonsidcr that tho facta
rtinff a»d tobacco, as he, liko nearly *v-
ery dealer In the South, kad traded more
In yonder flowery
If it furget* the pearly dew
Thet tremble* on It* heed.
Forget then I Aik the reaper aUr
That glide th* eveDlag aklea.
If, in tho biasing emplitudo
It e'er forget* to ria*.
As J. R. would not aak the vesper star,
the Mayor asked him for 825, so there
contd lio no possibility of liis forgetting
Uu* circum*tance.
was a tmrly-looking female, who wee np
Ibr some minor offence. While natnre
bed mnnifir eattly endowed her with
health and physical stengtb, the qnerttoa
of good looks had been neglected in the
baste with whieh she bed prepared for
die world.
“What are you up for?” inquired tl*
I “My Beauty, I reckon.”
Livbei-ool. August 26.—Noon—Ootton opened
.Biuti uplsmls <Nf>2>fi i Orloeu*
1.ATKE- -Cottou closed quiet: 13.000 bslo*;
itpeaVkllon end Mfport 8,000.
New Voek, August tfi—Alotkon dull end norni*
usl; Bale* 803 bale*: upland* 10; UrleanslO So.
l’aoDLOE—Flour—Fouthoru 10#)0 cent* baiter:
couimuii to fair oxtra $5 iH%6 06; good to choice $7
<g<j 00. Wheat cion U heavy: winter red and western
$143£1 47. Com Hosed lower at 67! a ,
PauviMioEH—Pork itoatljr. Lard quiet; kolUe
rendered 10.
Financial—M»>uey ee*y at2C^3. tttorling higher, 500
il»:.*>»'.. fluid W.ttUV UovsriuMOI.Btttdy. own $*» lo *J ill,
States very dull; TiinneMeee 75, now 75; Vtrgtniaii63* 1
new CO; LuuUiana* C5, now GO; love#* 70; He 82; Ala*
bam.’i* 100!»; 6s 68, Georgia*88; 7* 00; Worth Oaroll*
a* a, new 25; South Carolina* 79 ( now 57\'.
Hpecio shtpmont bvday $828,000.
Freight* firmer. Naval* eoaire and firm.
Grocer lea steady.
Whisky lower at 91«»9I X.
Cincinnati, Augqat 25.—Pnovuio**—Poek firm
$12 62>a. Lard buoyant
I*bodcce—Flour Ann; family $8 I0#5 75. Car*
lu fair demand at 58.
Louistille, August 26. —PaonuuE—Flow quiet
extra fkmlly $6 50.
Whisky 90 cent*.
Now omjb.kii. A^.*0.-Psoew«s—FttBBJ duU, „
nomlortlj $4 Ui doubta $* W; lawhtt M MM* Core
qulot. x.UowMei wkltt 70. OrtiSni rtM. H*|
dall: cholo. $50. Brea doll rt >1 *T.
lWovireiM—Pork daU; k.ld rt IM OSrtM ta-
Itaooa flmior; aboolittre SgrtTKi rttotdrtdwlq.
iUar .id.. Sl^rtSH■ ISSddoUitaf ttti. »ta*l»-
rtilv. rt llS'rtlA ud mottSM. BBUBUpB daU ud nortlul: ordhtary M*! tt;
choir, rtgrtl SO
FmoKS.L *ttvHng Fig. OoM 11X-
Cotton quirt i mlddHof. ltgi nrtlMrt*tt 1U
brts.itra.MiHi ******* tt 0~B“‘ ‘ - —
rartwtt. MIS; rttt. OSS; rtott <*.**>
S.unuB, Aafnrt M. -Ootton ImcBkr; mlddlttf.
ITHrtlTg; Ml rnoeiptt 44 brtui MportS mwrtwtts
H; Mock 1,401.
Chulomb, Augnrt M -Outtow qutav
tt; nrt rartftt Si totat; rtttsta; rttt*
Augusta, August ta-Onttre irtrtsnS rtudyil,
mlddllnay Hr; reortett tt: srtre itt
rt *1 Ins Bo. L *t rt ttr Httt,
for extra pale and $4 90 lev pal*. OMctMfl
steady at $8 48 for yellow dip, $4 50 for virgin.
able supply We of tiki* 41—wtptb* 1*
Corn has advanced. Witt a
expert and home ee
been dull, and o*t*
NO. 897'
icolpte liAMJufimhtt irt
,nR!!*i| K'll MIIUJ.I ilBJJltalR M* •
: r. o.Btt*si''rt*ot'*rrnkta'ftti totat "vG
i.ihawvmO ...II tails tacUnlfaae
.n lim.. uil mi l.indius
pmtemrnwt of *meSsBK—I
1 - -i* IM | q M
Terms or Tuition-$75 per annum; half In advene
anrJSdftwfit. ‘ n 71 .r ••; J i,
lUd Hum Frmrf^
tf Jffilf
Hark W. Johnson’s,
otwiisr - ! ■ •
Gotta* Wikroheusc, an , Bin* IMntto
, . . .0*1 . .
/VLW 1 1» iimy. a> p
ROO HmA tkttcted meO parMy,
fUO JNisA. »«l Jttre, tattmrt,
AOO ***H. Seed ITtete,*
' " Stow*. HtdOUnmr,
Hut*, tun Top mtfft I
! . 1 ■ .Si srtnrefwtas
SH»W. , ^ ^ u "firltty
SI44 Btuh. Orchard Gratt*. vJ
lOO HwA TaU MtadOB.-Oat
Gratt, to atrtm*
6 Both. Utm Or
other useful i
500 CM*. Fret* IW*»i
too Tons Mem IVnrl i
other Gueno. for Wheat, Wtc.
rtttPttVIl mm
nixie Plate*
The MLttttr Pat cut ...
Itt Bowing WluM, Bt*. bl wttd
Also I SvrytttttnSB. reldSB-ta;
ml lioc, rt
W » OS
et “
,-im( *104