The Atlanta daily sun. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1870-1873, September 21, 1871, Image 2
THK DAILY tirom« «, a* am b< side <f Broad street, Bscond Door SUN Wat <f JO" New Advertisement* always found on First Page; Local wed Business Na on Fourth Page. WeMbKahin foil, the decWona of the lupreme Court; Uk the deilr ‘Tro- eedingv" at the Gout, end keep the - m " atending in our HifiC •- in. aw. tf C l fllisttllanfonj a&ptrtiacmrntn. Henry Biscboff & Co., J VfHOLfWtE , Orfofcehfr, ?• AMD DBug*XMM H IjUae# WiMCiiJjlqmowi. m**' gant)Toimcoo. *o. »*' No.l9», lMtB*r«tKet, 1 '*• ohakleWTon, s. o. ■ tnuof ef the JMMtat Party. We eeid tbe-otfier day |het the leading .nd Mf ample «si be a n |IQ ytlf I m+*' Centralism, udthetith «ewKdrW tke Conetitu- ticanl m Demaratic Party, first, to te ihsecssfkhf ussksd upea the which coated thta leading ime. In re ply to the portion of wan, the! thta r w ” i —*«■» , iOh—iro of mae, the* J be brought eboetby e qgtoorrri acceptance of **®f Sgs&saiagai o ill (tanM-Mt—,. .. iv. only to repent whet we, here often here tofore effl^tlierth#R>nth*r1l D<-moo reey do accept, nn| in thjnoet good faith, afidifadwt results tf i ■ —-- -■ I 1 whether IcgilsssOS or sthsssotss. perfect t the war, r B, “tot secession. ■how* whet three rieehe erne. We here ahowa Boat oMf end indiaputebly that the, <tj not include enr of the acta of ueur patent by the Bneip Oongreaa after had foil, ae- i all Ift tllljoot*—tod after the ; waiter the Otufitmtm, w»* com- / nail lei I or. after (in the lan- gu«ga'of Mm. Iinoolo',) “the reatoaafcou tion.” Thia wa/.in 186% It «aa then that peace waa deciatwd. I K waa then, aed upon thaSooriMMUoa e( that fact, that all the SUA$»jrren oaUitetl to their voiye m the Federal Coujicfc At that, time ihe war had fuU, aeeompjiahed all of Ha teealta and had gathered all of It* finite So change in the slatsw of Pnrtfee to any war, affecting their right# on either aide, ean be Justly or properly claimed a# the reault ol that war, which waa not aooompliehed daring the period it lasted, and before the declaration of peaoe. So result, in thia respect, can or ergo further than that allowed b, the principle of “utt possltletit.• The ntmoat extent of the principle is, that all uutios to a war shall remolW if (he, stood at (hbendol the war. a If “war ieyulng," j^ngT<{ “legislates" behind thia'well-aril Th * aonl >^. .. accept in goodlUth w)j against nsosisiotb BSt we hare fhowb that, dnoe this war ww smded! aSSOher war baa been waged, awfgs atm waging, against the CawtiSa tfaA **T -»•)*** of which ia tbe oves- throw of Jhe entire fabric of free instita- Hn^i. thl#« M «ifa T The-aWsMf toast* of (its wot the ifcnlhiBtn Dertocrncjr do not accept, and noear WW, farther than to yield eMt- msi to the seta at msspakm ea the part of the Ruling Dynasty, so long aa the, ** ir h, all Hum to come, * “Great OaUMS.” Gen. Grant eoogratnletea s are a Great No Mm—if in a speech at the 19th inst No doubt heOfll fn: congrstulittc himself when he eon call the country a Consolidated Empire, basing a Dynuat, established, and himself wear ing the Imperial Purple, 4tlanta Marfcle Works. WILLIAM GRAY IMrOBTEB rift) DBXLEB lit l Italian and all otter JferhMtr . AMi.Ifl SCOTCH HfiJtjriTC. I, lam. P. O. Box 540. Atlanta, Georgia. Musi less. Atlanta fXU...XU:,....a. .*M inr--iawh — “ • TM^nrtilnB WANTS A HHIWIO LOT* i vnauTtnrLLT amjawo bohjiiho I, W#u afcadad, within a ha* wOl at tha pot, win ha mU. ana half la taalro aspir •• _ ___ t. a WTLim, bcTernl Flnt-Ctaaa Frent OMcea Far Kent QK BAST ALABAMA ITRBXT, BETWAEN PAT- OB aadWhltahAll Manta, cither hr Blngh Boom or In Bulla, Apply at the U> Otaoa ot acpUD-U MAOaOALL J. CLAUSE. iLiqnors ! Liquors ! re, do BUY YOUR Ales, 'Wines % Liquors! AT KENNY’S Chicago Ale Depot AND Wholewilu Liquor lionise If V hare a JLarge Assortment ot oil Midi o/Lltf VO MS, sehteh trill tse sold at the .Jlosl Hrnson- oWt Terms. , , , , 0 aapUhtsa *» . AdmlnUtrntor'n Hole. Btati or OnanalA, I Taliafeb^o Coumtt. ot bb ordar of tha Court of Ordinary of oouaty, will ba auld on tha Ant lueaday next, mi, between the lawful bourn i CrawfurdvlUe, Id ■ belonging to the W. Ortav. daoeaaed, late of tad to tha Situation I"** Wo beliorar fwrtotw, that tharwtapoedaa^ unity note between the msesea ot the iqtefowocitagnnd Souths DO moenn, on thin paint. upon the iategiK^ and patriotism of the Northern Itaittoeraey, and especially upon that claaa known aa War Democrats, to 0,Jot£npop l of Ihe war in which the, en MMhe, -deniroto eheta it an^ooto *WmMl* Tbef *SOg(W Bar the maintMMottof the Vnice, Vntftef the CotuUtutfM'.'imf nbt for St riWhthrow 1 Te aappeee that the gallant Horgeu, at Ohio, at Daria, of PenRagltaota, tola, aolttW«f feowttam of too toaoa—li of WaWBWiii.Mll ol ton Norik, look ■yootoooo Iria oootprtiooi of Orngtcaa aa tha proper results so frisks of tha wiflg which the, engaged, ia equine tOlbituaelteu, and their own “honor," so tattio a»weNt»Uee. The troth ia, the, i toaaa -rer, wo AC WW We ace BO difficulty in bringing about n-ftMhet totgy oMHa DhUuaoy, rLwyw#W wfgAfi.ff'flih Wgr JUIW wi)yr ta^Tunioc 0 blltalm'that tl* ltih mnl *Mh ^Brn^nmnti n Whd (be *A#*a• pato Where, tone, ia there aey difficnl- ty in affcaNArphHtot untyt* \he Do- Tw-cpansiftrts mh. _d w -a. - '>»«, i“ P“hare" more anything Ul a dream drildethem ouHf A. Hi & tDfllrl)rs, JfwdtB. THI N WE SfaE & HAYNES, THE OLD RELIABLE. T ) OUB FRIENDS AND PATRONS, GREETING. WE HAVE JUST Bacatvad and opaead oar nil Stood ot RICH AND BEAUTIFUL JEWELRY, Embracing all the LATEST STYLES of the BEST GOLD, and AW PRICES LOWER THAN WE HAVE BEEN ABLE TO OFFER BEFORE.' Our WATCHES RUN FROM IHE FINEST JUBOENSEN down to the ljwer grades of SWISS AND AMERICAN WATCHES. Ia fact, wo now have n foil, beautiful aad almost entil'd, new stock. Como and acpt!9-d2m Wee TTai. Price and Bo Convlaoed. ‘Atlanta Don |hooprrt*o. THE ATLARTA SUN! daily and weekly, Live Paper on Live Issues’ IN THE CITY! It Mails. 600 Crates assort ed granite and C C Ware for $80 per crate. Cheapest ev er offered in State. Send for list of con tents. tDoldiee, jimcltn, Cu. FALL. SHARP Jewelers and & FLOYD, Silver-8 mi I’ll h . FINE W A T C H E S t Of Sterliag Tiaaae-Kecpluj Qaalltlea, Elegaltfy thief. ' f - - # iio4^'fr licnntitul Opera, Yest and Guard Chuinu. AN UNEQUALLED XmbraciDg icffit VERY DTAmmjM»6eK, » ilN’gA yiail*r*rt flw Wfiddtttg £ce«eill% £n- Hterling silverware graved without Charge in Superior Style. Pin* Pktod Vm. French. IferbU ud Bnbu' Uockn. Wedding Pmm, AiUU 1 iUb, * Vi AgnnU for Um ^ DIAMOND ThaBwi AM lo ImpnM Sight Known. ATLANTA, GEORGIA. ARCHIBALD M. HPE HENLY U*M1TIL Alexander H. STEPHENS, A A WATSON, -u - - - Political Editor - News Editor. J. Henly SMITH, General Editor and Business Manager. CLUBS length time, Auim for 0LUB8 must all be wnt »t the nmi time, end take the freper for the and ell be et the MOM Poet Ottrn. Eeeh eubecribur'e neuie will be written on hla paper—the eeme in Club® ea otherwtee. To eeci edvenUgea of Club mten It in only neceiwery thet tnf>' * ‘ ' ' ' end at the eeine time, end thet ell be tek»n et i* term of subeeriptiou for eech one eheU begin end How to Remit Money* B t £m£S In November Of eele et the hUdoounty.UmpjentotkJc de plantoMoe te ••non« end erne A. K. BBAOO, Merchent, Comer Forty th end Mitchell etroota, eeptd-Im Atleete, Qe. GEORGIA FEMALE COLLEGE LrgtalatiTC Chnrtcr (granted In 1849. Roy. Geo. Y. Brown, President. IUK next Academic year bogina on 1,1 WMHMY.aaOTntBMi*. An klectfco CteM hMbeen formed for the beneAt of thoee gredaetea who may deetrw etlll further to '3p5&RM&sng2rP& - Kxpcnnea ere u moderate ea In other similar luatHutione. For further perticulera eddreee the Preeldeut. r », 18TL a * lySl-dStewAwOm. WILLIAM r. CkAWroKD. ana. Jennings, Smith & Co., OOTTOW FACTORS AND COMMISSION MKRCHANTi, f IgRM thiedey rtuuerrd to No. ft. MetuUahstreet, Ang—hb ttoorple, (opgtMlteouc former piece of hue teem,) where we have tha meet Maple end Ooee ofaayiafeo city, which fte MaicUy Fir* Solicited of Georgia. Hit wrrr nHST tear ■* ' " Mwltt. e. X. IJPSOOUB. D. D., t.t.. I)., Cliimwi. p. u SBi.nn,vmousmua mrnta. f 100. vlt: MO upon 15th September, an4|«l i-W We will b * r i ep )a«ible for tho aefo er.-ivaI of ell money eent tie by Money Order, by Begiatered Letter by Exproaa, or by Draft, but not otherwise. It money aent in en unregistered lette r ia lost, it muat be the k>ea of the persoa aendieg it. No paper will be aent from the < paid (or expiree. i office till it is paid *>r, end win always be erased when the time OS- Persons sending money by Express must prepayo surges. To OorreMpondenta i Mr. Stephens will remain tn Orawfordrille. His connection with TNI SUN vrftll not change his rea (deuce. Ail letters intended for liiin, either ou private matters or connected with the Political Department of this paper, should be addressed te him st CTewfordviUe, Os. All Utters ou business of any kind, connected with THE SUM. axospt its Political be addressed to J. Henly Smith, Manager. Atlanta, Oil THEDA IL Y SUN WW te Plales - SAVE YOUB FRUIT > SAFE8T. CHEAPEST AND BEST FRUIT JARS i unexcelled in Preserv- S r end Canning Frnlt: essrs. McBrklo & Co.: i egt . „ - used of every can introduced, from the old tin and "Arthur's Patent" glass can (1855) till 1 found the "Victory" And 1 unhesitatingly declare it to be the cheapest, most simple to use, and the beat for keeping fruit In its natural state that I have seen. Very nespcct'ully, The Weekly Sun Is a large, 8 page sheet (la quarto form) AUed with the ohoioeet ns ft ins matter, _ _ of the Daily—everything which appeals In oar daily issue thet is of general interest. All of Mr. Stephens' ■AMortala appear mthe Weekly TOE SUN in too orng ot too Pgoota, the Advocate of Juatioa, tho Daiandaa of Popular Rlghta, and tha opponent of burden, heaped upon a tax-paying people, *°Jt wjjTadtiaratoUeold. eato. timahimorad landaoathaof tha ^ ty, and atcnil j oppoae any "Departura” tharefrom. Mr. STEPHENS Is tboroucMj enlisted in the Work, sad will ooatribute to its colamne wWvt daily, We ask the friends of liberty, everywhere to aid in extending our circulation. Our Weekly ia a vary cheap paper, aad its Club Hates are parttoalarly favorable. ThaPraehlauttal eeataslgsr IOTA will he the moat Important in the history of America. Thai hold dear,1a at stake. thbi amr wmo sinssavoir ft\)RK IT 18 TOO LATE ; utterly repudiating the do-nothiug, aey-nothing, be-quiet, dead asleep advocated by some, while wo are being rapidly borae down tho currentshloh is rushing into the whirlpool of Badicaliaai. CentraiiSM and Imparl sham The Radioale, with the aid of bayoneta, have thrust upon us the unooaeUtuMoaal aad wickedly oppressive measures of the ss railed 14th sad >5th Amendments to the Constiftntion and the Reconetructioa Acts of the majority Faction in Ooagtoas. The Stdkals have asked us, as Democrats, to pledge ourselves to sc opt. Indorse, stand by, defbadand build upon these measures forever. Thoee Democrat* who rim thia pledge of course must ‘•deperf from the fhith of their Adhere. Some of them have to the enemy's camp i aad while they and tho Radical cohorts which they have Joined til) fur us aft to go with them, a few hthen are advising uh to hold our peaoe lest we di and distract the counsels of the Democratic Party I Verily, If we should hold our peaoe. "the stones would cry out." We cannot remain ailrat. Wo thus counsel our people to accept and welcome their own ruin, and thank Ond for the privilege I It ia of the utmost importance that these issues be discussed now ; for the adoption ef a Ume-aervtng " departure " by the General Convention of the Party will be, not only wrong la principle, but I Judgment it will be fatal in policy. Fidelity to tho Constitution is the true test of Democracy in every State of the Union, and we recognise one who is a true friend to that sacred instrument, as a oo-worker with ue ia the great cause of Ame Liberty. The rights and liberties of the whole people are Jeopardised—not any mors an in the South than ia the North; and we of the South have no Interests at stake in the momentous issues of the day. WaiCi are not common to North aad Bouth. alike. fuuatcaUoas or letters on I J. HENLY SMITH, Manager, ATLANTA, GA, tentative ef this Aseostettoa, wifl address Ihe pan- pic anon the agricultural interests of tha ccaatn. et ihe following placed, and ou the dtps and dutes SAMUEL A. BCHOL8, ?.)t OITT FLOURING MILLS, ATLjUTTA, ssnssM. PnMtotaryY^noi. j» *q potro ane mr BumHRMn* i 1 HAVE furnished myMiUa throughout Vtth raid IMPROVED MACHUEET. aad am M« today, N. Ttiihy.H. laG range, Wednesday. IT. & Couyena, Monday. October ft. I am , la aachs. half sacks or quarter PRIDE OF DIXIE, from ch CITY MILL! FAMILY. CAPITOL MILLS FAMILY. STAR MILLS FAMILY. BEAM, cached o augilhn to fUruiah tha toad* la aay quantity, Mraaaha: choice white wheal. We offer the Cheapest and Best line ox House - Keep ers’ Goods in theQLty. Cut lery, Spoons, Forks,Knives Waiters, Cas tors, Vases & Toilet Sets. In fact, any thing needed in a well kept house. Call with the cash Mride & Co. juQrl-aodlT _9h Ani Ckcdk JNIJM. F. A, BAMBOOS J* CO. Qtiutn vts FLOUR, HEAL A SHIP STUFF, rxi.vas.ijr, uajrrvcnr. SPECTACLES, We give personal attention to ’ Bepairing of Jewelry- and Watches: • ‘ - * - * iw And have the Fiaart Workmen in the City. ~ We take Pleasure in 8howing our 8tore and 8tock to all. PT< Offer Or emu r Inducements them 8ep418dtf SHARP fe FLOYD. Jnsnrance ®ompanjt v “Seven Per Cent. Interest Paying Plan. The Missouri Mutual Life Insurance Company or ST. LOUIS, MO. 3J. I YJI A' JTothtssg t 'oncralrd Tothissg ExaggtrtUeA—jro Testae Expect*. ttaisrd. OXBVT. piarantees an annual dividend to Policy holders TP *E VBN PER On all cask Premiums paid to the Company. This Dividend can be used To Reduce the Amount of the JCext Psremissm—TO Jtacrono th Policy ; or, Cats he U'Uhd r atrst in Cash mt the Had of any Pol t-Iits. This u Realty a Se^en per eent of Money mt Coo- pound Interest, Coupled with the Advanlaget of Life tnsursmee. All Policies Non-Forfeitable After Two Full ANNUAL PAYMENTS ARE MADE. The Massachusetts non-forfeiting law is a Holder is unable to pay his Premium, the c in tho hands of the Company FOR i SBLP-SUSTAININO For ril'tOnak'come, and keep ItaalT la foroe fault, full amonat WITHOUT ANY FKRTHBIt Thooe Advaxxtocea arc not Offoroci by any other Company. Another equitable feature in the Company is that all ita premiums taken in Georgia will be invested in . »»-*- a *- »._.»« ... owu roAources. its operatious to the Seven Per Cent Interest Plan, but gives in- Cranston & Strobhart General Agents for Georgia, Pw«tnr BtreeLOpp^iteKlm^llH^^A^te^Ga^ flarbwart, dTntlrrs, ©ant, Ut. W. L. WADSWORTH, Atlanta, Oa., | W. L. WADSWORTH Importers and Dealers in CO.* Hardware, Opposite Jkmaa' Hank. Whitehall Street. ATLANTA, OA WMs MACUIE, I Painter ond Decorator, ^ar^ b ^r tk * te sssf I c. ■ ensues me CONTRACTOR FOB- Vy Hton. Work, at aU ahaaaa JB«bliol)inj 4Co*gianp^ UNSECTIONAL, UNPARTISAN, UNPOLITICAL SCHOOL-BOOK*. The freshest series of Text-Books piMisketl-caeUaiuing tho Med results of discovery and scientific research. OBoUllr Adapted by ton TlrftnU «nd fieonte State Banrdo et axs now u*m lx r«a u< HVffiR-r •OUTSaOUf STA' Aad In many Natthan statak. ihe fuMidWag $$„ the imn) Sooiham ftatea, to.- Sehool-Banki which ahaaM la so- mtmoUUtxd, which aeaaaee—ara now Taxt-hooka hr tha wkkbaNthc Cheapest, Belt, sunt Meet et the neat eminent efetote of tag the neceatoy for n aerika of ET/Sr d plate Mriee ot Eaheal aad OsUsps an knd «i nekton named Mow Beautiful r puhliikad Thk “Uklreraitj Scriea" embnotk Maurvs Geographical Series, Bjt Commndom M. K. M.okt.of tin Vh*tnl» Milharr Inatltute. A aariekath muA an era in thf uei a of thia acivncc. and which, in tb<- word, of a well known nod no- cnapliahcd K-mibara tcnalrr. “ are characteris'd i't a ft-lhrity of arrangement and timpik frrahnena of atvla shich mtt.t crcr render them ntlfm-tirc to the ronng, and which will ha navi by all who niah to teach QanKnaphy aa a aC'V/tf-’, hr something to make puntil Pint, and not mcrek w an caumttraliuuof dry ftcu* ^ . ;* r ’ ,T "’ HolmeV RnNtora and Spultacs, Rv (tKoar.K F. Holme: ver^tv of \'iiytni«. A gratdtiiMl beaufty. They i •ckx-tioni of |kx>sc and \ Venabls's Arithmetical Serlea, m t.MAkccs 8. VxkakLa, LLP., Pratome of Matkwmia in tha Urimnitr ol V uvtnin. Tlww books are received everywhere Kv intelligent tcacbera with tkg Eight* SAi^fiictioii A.i heiiitf most admimhly m1ii|itcl friif im ntal drill, a* well at Ibr bgtifrMft effOda* tipn. Their methods, rules, and reasonings arc clear, distinct logical and comprehensive, and ihe series is carefo'ly graded thronghont Holmes' History ot tho United Statao, n?*"- tha Unirerei^ of Virgtete It I, omwk to NT of dda wWmMn work, tamntmg. impartial, aid truthftd, aa well u pure ini tuedU te atjle, that it u the na/y iliatorj of tku Unitad State, which I, Uriah -11- ■ It oomes down to the preaenl data. Alao, i Vera’s Fran eh Grammar, Readers, alo., Clldersleeve’s Latin Uarias, " w “ a ►»•-«••• ■' of General History, Cartsr's Elements Holme#' KLse Johnston’s Er Duntonian ah are, A—w **vl**g S* 1 »» omswm ILUJSTRATKI* UBSCtfirriVK CAVALOOUL wtecfcwfl ba nwifod thre to snt Washes os tfhmd oSccr. It»-n. xlnt trachen think of tha kooks, and contain, epecuaen page, of each. . x , ng-Eooks, stoa* Mo. | Address trnmrasmr publishing company, IS5 and 15? Croiiiy Street, New Tart w . A. NIiAYMAKEB GENERAL AGENT, ATLANTA, QEOBBIA, J>rjvwBr 19, OfFioo: Comor Marietta and Peachtree