The Atlanta daily sun. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1870-1873, October 13, 1871, Image 1
J THE SUN. VOL. II. ATLANTA, GEORGIA, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 13, 1871. NO. 437. THE DAILY J3UN. PublUbed bjr the Atlanta 8u FabliiUng Compauj. •dir H. lUfk. b«ld M. mlr tallt, Alexander M. Stephens, Political Editor. 4. B. Watson, .... Kews Editor, i. Healr Smith, Ueneral Editor and Busi ness Manager. TELEGRAPH NEWS By the Kbit. York Associated Press. W ASHINGTON. J. M. W. TamveliBf A|««U I J. W. HEARD, Our City Age«t. Opt. Jon *• Vui It our Agent for Atlanta. He Is authorised to veoelve subscriptions, nuke collec tions, end contract for advertising. HOW TO MBM1T JAOJIBY. We will be responsible for the safe arrival of all money sent ns by Money Order, by Bejristered Let • Isr. by Express. or by Draft, but not otherwise. U taomor sent in an unregistered letter is lost, it must be the toes of ths person ssnding it. Mo paper will be eent from the office till it is paid for. andnemee will always be erased when tbs time gar Persons sending money by Express must pre pay charges. __ # To Correspondents. Mr. Stepheus will remain in Crawfordville. His connection with Tun Son will not change hie resi dence. All letters intended for him, either on pri- vate matters or connected with the Political De partment ef this paper, should be addressed to him at Orswfordville, Georgia. . . ... All letters on business of any kind, connected with The Bum, except its Political Department, should be addressed to J. Heuly Smith, Manager, Atlanta, Qa. Xormt of Subaorlptlon * s Copy Per Annum... J10 00 ; 6 00 For a lets period than Six Months TUB PMKSinE.’TT MSSl’BH a PMOCl~»- JtLSTM0JT. Note of Warning to the Ku-Klux THEY ARE ORDERED TO DISBAND, DISARM AND QO HOME. Only Five Days Grace Allowed. THE RADICAL. TERROR TO BE ORGANIZED. Six Mouths Tor a lets pe (per month) 1 00 CLUBgTOR THE DAILY. Three Copies One Year Fir Eight “ " *' mug u coyUa .... 27 00 .... 35 00 .... 43 00 .... 68 00 .... 84 00 S Ceuta Single Copy, Three Copses.. Five •« ... Ten *• ... Twenty ** ... Fifty *' One Hundred Copies WEEKLY—SIX MONTHS: 2 00 5 00 8 00 15 00 28 00 Single Copy, Three •• Five « Twenty •* One 7 Hundr*d Copies, Six Months 03 00 Msyb Coptee 1 00 2 60 4 00 7 50 15 00 . 34 00 gnr.MA, ROME AND DALTON R. R. TSAINS DAILY, SUNDAYS INCLUDED. Leave Seims 8:42 a. M.. 5:16 F. K. SiwrtXm. J :411:4* a. a. Arrive at Dalton.... Leave Dalton Arrive at 8 7:40 F.M., 3:50 A. M. 7:60 A. U., 8:20 r. M. »:37a.m„ 10:45 r. M. 8:10 f. M., 9:44 a. M. a ATLANTIC (on BTATN) SAILSOAD. M1GUT rASSSMOES xbain—outwam«. Leaves Atlanta JJ Arrives st Chsttenoogs - o.iosni DAY PA8BKNOEB TRAIN—OUTWARD. Arrives st Chsttenoogs •• • • lM p FAST LIN* TO NKW YOBX—OUTWABD. Leaves Atlsnts ^45 p Arrives at Dalton • • • * • • • • w P NI'iHT PASSENGER TSAIN—INWARD. ^ DAY FASSkNOKB TSAIN—IWWAND. Leaves Chsttenoogs.. Arrives st Atlanta.. 1.42 s . 6:30am _ , 1:32pm "accommodation tsaut—inwabd. Leaves Dalton ,22S ! m Arrives .t AtUlItt 10 00 * m THK OKOBOIA (AUGUSTA) SAILSOAD. (No Day Train on Sundays Night Passenger Train arrives 5:35 s. m Night Passenger Train leaves P- ™ Dsy Passenger Train arrives “ Day Passenger Tralu leaves • •• 7.u» »• ™ tttone Mountain Accommodation arrives.. .8:05 a. m Stone Mountain Accommodation leaves. ...6:35 p. m MACON AND WESTERN BA1LBOAD. D,y twow tMin ISM!' Leaves Macon m. Day Passenger Train arrives 2:00 p. m Arrives }*{®JJ* “* Night Passenger Train.loaves 2:55 p. m. Leaves Macon 5 * 05 P m * Night Paaaenger Train arrives 10 _ :3 £P; ATLANTA AND WEST FOWL BA1LBOAD. Night Passenger Train arrives I'M a. m Night Pasesnger Train leaves JJ® ► “ Day Passenger Train arrives 6:00 p. m Day Passenger Train leaves 6:45 a. m ATLANTA AND RICHMOND AIR-LINK RAILROAD. Leave Gainesville . **• Arrive at Atlanta. 13 L*ave Atlanta. ”*• “* Arrive at Gainesville... 1:42 P. M. Macon A Augusta Itallroad. D.T luanu nun. d hi, •um>*m kimotzd. Lun *u*u.u . S »‘ u arrive >t iugu.u 1 46 r. M. Wettcru Railroad of Alabama, Ij!.ve Seim. 1:12 * u Arrive at Montgomery Arrive at West Point Leave West Point Arrive at Montgomery Leave Columbus Arrive st Columbus 6:40 A M ,...11:63 A M ....12:20 PM ...12:30 PM Atlantic and Gulf Railroad. 1 P1ROM Ssvsnush, Ge., vis Albany. Jacksonville I end Toltehasses, to Quincy, Florida: Leave Savannah daily 10:13 */ S Arrive st Albany daily... J.'fS p* {J Arrive at Jacksonville daily 1.45 P. M Arrlvo at Tallahassee dolly (Sunday# ceptsd U.V. T010.MOP. dou isunctaj. „ Leave Jacksonville daily 3: JjJJ J- JJ Leave Albany dally. JS ?* 2 Arrive st Ssvsnuah daily G- 3 - n . 7:36 P. M Memphis and Charleston Railroad. W. J. Arkus, Agent, Atlanta, Oa. 10.16 PM 8:00 P M Arrives hT Memphis, next d^y U :16 P M corn no kast: Morning Express leaves Memphis 10:20 A M Arrives la Chsttenoogs, next morning.... f*0 A M Mail Train leaves Memphis. 12:10 A M Arrives in Chsttenoogs, next day 600 P M Macon and Brunswick Railroad. dat AOOOMMODATfON TBAIN—(Daily except Sundays) Leave Macon (passenger shed) 8:20 s. m. Arrive P- “• Laava Brunswick 6K» s. m. Arrive at Macon Passenger Shed 5:25 p. m. nioht FASeKNOxa (Daily exoept Sundays.) Ut* Mmob PMseagar Shed 8:10 p. m. Ant vs at Savannah 8:00 a. ul Leave Savannah .* 7K»p. m. Arrive at Macon Passenger Shod 6:50 e. in. hawkinsvillk TKAIH iDtiily except Sundays.) Leave Macon Passenger Shed 8:06 p.m. Arrive st Leave HswkinsviUe Arrive at Msooo Passenger ithsd 10:30 a. m. GEORGIA FEMALE COLLEGE LeghUtlrfl Charter Hraated In 1819. Rev. Geo. V. Brown, President. niHE next Academic year begins on MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 18. An Eclectic Class bss been formed for the benefit improve t J3r* € tJSs£Er'"' m * rot further particulars address the President i, July 2^ 1I7L tytl-d2lswhw2a as in other similar Washington, October 12.—The Secre tary of War bos a dispatch from Iowa, which claims the State for the Republi cans by 45,000 majority with important losaea in the Legislature. According to the Philadelphia Ledger the riot in that city was caused by drunk en negro youths insulting ladies and killing a negro who voted the Democratic ticket. Second Assistant Postmaster General Smith has resigned on account of ill health. John L. Powell, who succeeds him, is now Marshal of the Second Dis trict of Alabama. PROCLAMATION. Whereas, unlawful combinations and conspiracies have long existed and do still exist in the State of South Carolina, for the purpose of depriving certain per sons and classes of the people of that State of rights, privileges, immunities and protection named in the Constitu tion of the United States and secured by an act of Congress approved April 12th, 1871, entitled “An Act to enforce the provisions of the Fourteenth Amendment to the Constitution of the United States, and, whereas, in certain part# of said State, to wit, in the counties of Spartans- burg, York, Marion, IChester, Laurens, Newberry, Fairfield, Lancaster and Ches terfield, such combinations and conspira cies do so obstruct and hinder the execu tion of the laws of said State and of the United States to deprive"the people afore said of the rights, privileges, immunities and protection aforesaid, and do approve and obstruct the laws of the United States and their due execution and im pede and obstruct the due course of jus tice under the same; and, whereas, the Constituted authorities of said State are unable to protect the people aforesaid, in such rights within the said counties^nd whereas the combinations and conspira cies aforesaid are organized and armed, and so numerous and powerful os to be able to defy the constituted authorities of said State and of the United States within the said State and by reason of the said causes, the conviction of snch offend* rs and the preservation of the public peace and safety have become impracticable in said counties; now, therefore, I, Ulysses S. Grant, President of the United States of America, do hereby command all persons composing the unlaw ful combination and conspiracies afore said to disperse and to retire peaceably to their homes within five days of the date hereof, and to deliver cither to the Marshal of the United States for the District of South Carolina, or to any of his deputies, or to any other military of ficer of the United States within said counties, all arms, ammunition, uniforms, disguises, aud other means and imple ments used, kept, possessed or controlled by them for carrying out the unlawful purposes for which thecombinations and conspiracies are organized. (Signed) U. S. Grant. »Ht 11orolorient. RECORD FOR THK PAST TWENTY-FOUR HOURS. Office Chief of Signal Service, I Washington, D. 0., Oct. 12. j The low barometer which extended, Wednesday afternoon, from Goorgia to Virginia, has moved rapidly southeast ward and then northward over Rhode Island. It is now on the eastern coast of Maine. Heavy rains have fallen on tho New England coast, aud high northwest winds have prevailed since midnight on middle Atlantic coast Partially cloudy aud clear weather is now reported from Lake Ontario to Delaware bay, and to Michigan and southward to the Gulf.— The area of highest barometer lias moved from the Ohio valley east and northeast into West Virginia and South Carolina. Sections west of Iowa and Lake Miehigan are not yet heard from, but it is presum ed that the low barometer, with wiuds, now prevails ovar this region. Easterly winds, with cloudy weather, is reported from Louisiana and the Oulf coast. rrtMIUUn. Partly clear and pleasant woather for Friday from Georgia to New England. The brisk southwest wiuds in the latter region subsiding by Friday, noon,— Threatening weather and brisk south winds over upper lake to luke Erie, in creasing cast winds, possibly, with rain in Texas and Louisiana. movements are realizing largo amounts on the continent. MS, HmrrUa J'mrmtrd, Bcffauo, October 11.—Tho lightning train for Chicago encountered a heavy rain, sleet and snow storm last night, but proceeded with uadimiuishedqteed. The run from New York hither is the fastest ever made. T/u Amu Mmmrmmtt t'mmpamy -III pUsrAI. New Yobs, October 12.—The Home Insurance Company, after paying two millions on the Chicago losses, claim to have two and three-fourth millions of as sets left. Jld I A. dmlmlt. Sai,t Lake, October 12.—The Mor mons have subscribed $10,000 for the Chicago sufferers. Brigham Young guve $1,000. Salt Lake will send $50,000. Two Pop*r% Mentme—Ji t/u JKorg^u, Chicago, October 12.—Tho Republi can this morning issued a half shoot and the Tribune an entire sheet filled with advertisements and announcements of merchant's change of localities. Eighty dead aro now in the morgue. VathtrlHf mp Hit BnMl— Vill r*y Im Pull. Yesterday the coroner hold inquests on 04 bodies, Only two wero recognized— Henry Ullman Barker and Peter O’Brien. Twenty bodies were taken from the basements of two houses. The Franklin Insurance Company, which lost $000,000, telegraphs that it will pay in full. The Illinois Legislature assembles to morrow. Careful estimates make the number to be cared for through tho winter 70,000, U'timl the Rftrmut t«Hf, Washington, October 12.—The loss to the rovonuo by tho Chicago fire is $4,000,000. troyed, two partially, and others threat ened. There were large stores in thoso towns filled with winter stores. A steamer was sent with relief from Port Huron, and returned with fort; persons, several of whom were badly named. All the telegraph offices along tho shore are burnod. R. R. Hubbard, of Hunui City, Bhot all of his fine horses and oattle to prevent their perishing by the fire. A light rain yesterday seems to have abated the fire. Prof. Charles Scott, of Hopo College, perished. Also a minister, whoee name is not known. A fire at Windsor, opposite here, homed the principal business part of the town. The incendiary baa been arrested. Tho cutter Fessenden has leached Port Horn with seventeen refugees from the lake shore, two of thorn fatally burned. A large part of the city of Moniateo, on the east coast of Lake Miohigan, has boen burned. It was tho largest lumber town in the State, having four thousand inhabitants. CALIFORNIA. DOMESTIC NEWS. ILLINOIS. Mow to und RtlM» Chicago, October 12.—Major P. B. Mason Telegraphs to commissioners and persons desiring to aid the Chicago suf ferers to send money instead of purchas ing supplies, as shelter and fuel for tho winter^sre most needed. Flour, hams, aud especially blankets and bedding aro wanted, but contribu tions should come in cash drafts, payable to the order of David A. Gage, City Treasurer, Chicago, aud addressed to him. Ji Mont At Tor tho HmATtrern. Galveston, October 12*—The proprie tors of Greenwall’s Opera Rouse and the entire theatrical companies, will give benefits on Monday night for the Chi- oago sufferers. The Galveston priuters donate Mon day’s earn'ngs to ^the Chicago printers, and suggest a similar movement by the printers throughout the Uuion. The Chamber of Commerce is raising moocy for the Chicago sufferers. MmtfhU to tho *«*«* / New Orleans, October 12.—The Knights of Pythias hold a convention to morrow for the benefit of Chicago. BidwelTs Academy of Music and Har- tyman k Barry’s Minstrels will give grand complimentary benefits to Chicago on Monday night Bolitf from Bmflmmd amd tho Comtlmfut. London, October 11.—The mnnicipali- ttes an<l trade associations throughout England are moving in behalf of Chicago. The amount raised will be Urge. Similar MISSOURI. IF/m the Mh-MIhx Art. St. Louis, October 12.—The alleged Ku-Klux, against whom Governor Brown is proclaiming, are composed of a band of horse thieves, robbers and murderers, mostly fugitives from justice. Bjrprem Mobbed— Protoot from Cltloomo. San Francisco, October 11.—A stage was stopped, and the express robbed, in Sonora county, by masked juen. The citizens aro protesting against the course of Vincent Colyer against peace ful settlers in favor of the Apuches. FOREIGN NEWS. aiie»llan(on0 Railroad Announcement T SUPERINTENDENT'S OFFICE, . Atlanta a Wert Point Railroad, Attento. Ur.. Sept 30, 1871. ] Change of Schedule VN AND AFTER SUNDAY, OCTOBER 1, Double Dully PuMtiugor Train* will run on thi* 7:10 A. M. 7:00 P. M. 8:00 P. M. Arrive in Atlanta et. .f 6:46 A. M. Night train* run through to Mootgornery WITH OUT CHANGE OF CARS, formiatf a DOUBLE DAILY CONNECTION with train* of the Mobile A Montgomery Railroad for Mobile, New Orleans, and all point* in Texas, aud with Train* for Selma and Meridian, Ate.; Jack- _ 1 __ and all point* in Central Mississippi, Central Alabama and Northern i will find this route 98 milee shorter Passengers leaving Atlanta At 7:10 a. m., Arrive In Helms at 8:34 At 7:00 p. m.. Arrive iu Selina at .10:32 Making closo connection* with Selma and Merid- Road. ITALY. NEW YORK. Laborer$ Want their Pay and Can't yet it— Sporting- Man Bead—Colllolom on Water. New Yobk, October 12.—Two thous and lat orers, called the Largo Fipemeu, struck and marched to the court house to-day, for their wages, but found none. A large police force was on hand. It is rumored in sporting circles that Barney Aaron was killed at the Chicago fire. The steamer Neveraink, of Troy, ran into a sunken erib to-day. It is stated that some jumped overboard and wero drowned. Tho large crowd of pipe laborers quiet ly dispersed. TEXAS. Further .V»im from the Bourbon Smceeto. Galveston, October 11.— Giddings’ majority iu the Third District is 4,411. This includes l,G80k majority in Lime stone and Froostono counties, which aro under martial law. No further returns have been received from the other dis tricts, but it is conceded that they have gone Democratic by handsome majorities. KENTUCKY. The Fire In Indiana. Louisville, October 12—The woods and houses are burning along tho New Albany and Chicago Bailroad. The Church Oppooeo the'Stale. Rome, October 12.—The Italian gov ernment wants the grounds occupied by tho convent of St Adria for an extension of the King's stables. The Jesuits have an American college there. By an order of tho Pope, the convent will yield only to force. NOVA SCOTIA. ShoeJelmy Murder mud Snlc!do. Halifax, October 12.—A drunkard, at New Dublin, murdered his wife and four ohildren and then committed suicide by jumping into a well. CONNECTICUT. Tht .V«c Prnldtmt tf New Haven, October 12.—Dr. Noah Porter was inaugurated President of Yale College to-day. FRANCE. Tht Slalu.r IA. BtpmlUt. Paris, October 12.—A majority of the members elected to Les Consoils Gever- aux are supporters of tbe present admin istration. About one-ninth of tho members re turned ore Bonapartists. GEORGIA. Savannah, Oct. 12.—John Screven, the Democratic candidate for Mayor, and the entire Democratic Board of Alder men, were elected by a majority of 1613 votes. MARYLAND. Beclarmtlon of the Blohopo In Council. Baltimore, October 11, 1871.—“ We, tho subscribed Bishops of the Protestant Episcopal Chur jk in tho United States, being asked in order to the quieting of sundry members of said Church, do de clare our conclusion as to tlic meaning of tho word regenerate, in tho offices for the ministration of baptism of infants, do declare, in onr opinion, tho word re generate is not there so used as to deter mine that afmoral change in the subject of Baptism is wrought in the Sacrament." This declaration is signed by all tbo Bishops. OHIO. -r.lmt Pmrlhtr trmm IA. RltrU CmUUmt, Cincinnata, October 12.—An express train lienee, on the Pan Handle Road, yesterday, at noon, ran into a freight train. The conductor of tbe express train, Johnll. Williams, was killed. No others hurt. Latest estimates are as follows: Senate, 18 Democrats, 17 Republicans. House, 47 Democrats and 5G Republicans. The Hamilton County Delegation stands: Senate—Republicans 1, Demo crats 2; House, 5 and 5, Columdgs, Octolicr 12.—Returns from 46 counties show the Republican majori ty to be 18,700. UTAH. .Ei-f'sA.Jr Cmrd. Sait Lake, October 11.—Tbo argu ment in Brigham Young's caso is pro gressing. ( ( PENNSYLVANIA Mi EImIAm. Philadelphia, October 12.—Addition al returns sustain yesterday's estimates. SOUTH CAROLINA. Charleston, Oct. 12.—There have been fivo deaths from yellow (ever in the past twenty-four hoars. MICHIGAN- 1,4 Sr-i.l CMO.rr.ia. Frfr444ta.—Im- tneuoe Low of Life and Proper tp—Stock Shot to Fro cent them from Perlohimy In the Flumet— Urimylmy In of the Mefnyte*. Detuoit, Oct. 12.—St. Clair and Hu ron county advices are distressing. All that part of tho State east of Saginaw Bay and north of a point forty miles above Port Huron, is swept by the fire. A number of persons have perished.— Five village* have been entirely dee- CANADA. ra< Mlm m ia« w-4u~i>.ra- .« Jf.i. r>.sr- •ion of Canmdn— ■Sol cure of a Cuelom-Bomo —Uncle Sum to the Rescue. Montreal, Oct. 12.—The following is official: Tbo Fenian General O’Neill, with a force not stated, crossed to day at Fftinbina and seized tbe Canadian cus- tom-hoaBO and tho Hudson Bay Com jinny’s port. They wero attacked by United States troops, and O’Neill captured. It is reported that a larger party crossed at St. Joe, and that United States tioops are in pursuit. SPAIN The FroyreootoU Oryaniolug—The Politician* Harmonising. Madrid, October 12.—Tho Progressists are about to organize a party throughout Spain on a larger basis. So faros concert of action and party discipline aro concerned, it is kuown that Serrano and Sagosta are on tho best of terms and ready to act in Union. It is stated also there is good under standing between Sagosta and Espatero. Ncm QUvcrtiscmcnts. SiTVJtTlO.r n-jtJTTEO, ago, from the country, a iietnifttrcsH, iu a go<nl family. Apply at house keeper, and THIS OFFICE. 3?ea.cliti*eo Islti’oct Photographic Gallery. Dll. C. W. PARKER, A«ont. Prompt and Reliable. tlayr ago, my house on Race Track street, was destroyed by Are. This day I received $1,426, amount of my inHurancn, from the “Putnam Inauranco Company, Hartford, Coun.." represented in this city by that gentlomanly Agent, W. U. Hancock, Esq. To this Company, through their Agent, 1 tender my thauks for the prompt and full payment of the above amount, and rcepcctfully recommend Mr. llaucock and “Tho Putuaiu,” to tho public. J. M. BOOKOUT. Atlanta, Oct. 12,1871. octl3-lt DeGive’s Opera House Director JOHN TEMPLETON. SATURDAY EVENING, Oct. 14. GUA.NI) UC-OPKN1NG For the Fair Season! With an Entirely new Company of UNRIVALLED EXCELLENCE I The principal Artiatee of which have met with unparalleled success in Savannah, and othor cities, and who will appear for this limi ted season in strictly select, fash ionable and NOVEL HENHATIONH, At their Newly Improved and POPULAR FASHIONBLE RESORT. IS, Tho old popular pricca. Tickets for roserved neats at Phillips k Crew's Bookstore. octll-tf ATLANTA OFFICE Southern Department. Liverpool & London And Globe Insurance Co. Extract from Report *f Directors at the 35th Annual Heeling, Feb. 24, 1871. Total earnings of Co. for 1870 1,200*714 Pounds In U. 8. Currency, about $6,000,000 Reserve surplus remain* tame as test year 971,400 Pounds In U. 8. Currency, about $1,850,000 It appear* from this augment that the Reserve Surplus Fund of Company is about $5,000,000 The accumulation* elut'c last statement after payment of Ion* * (estimated).. ..$4 000.001 Leaving for payment of losaea $9,000,000 Estimate of loea In Chicago $2,000,000 for payment of losses. ...«„ $7,000,000 This will leave the Capital, Assets and Be- eerv# Fund $18,000,000 ctlH-tt W. t. WALKER, Afint. ten BACQAOECHECKED FOR ALL TER MINAL POINTS Odr Fare as cheap aud accommodations as good as any otlmr route. oct2-tf Throo-Ply, Ingrain, Two-Ply And all Grades of CHEAP CARPETS, In oxtcnslve variety, now on salo at the Carpet Store of aeptM-lm QHAMBBRL1M, BOYNTON k OO The JLargeit and JUott Superb Stock Of TAPESTRY. BRUSSELS CARPETS In the 8outh, now on exhibition at tho Carpet Store of *ept26-lm. CHAMBERLIN, BOYNTON k CO Window Shades, Lace Curtains, Lumber- qntn Materials, Damask, Reps, Rug*, Table and Floor Oil Clothe, Mata,flatting*, Wall Paper and Upholstery Good*, in Large varieties, at the Carpet 8tore of aept26-lm CHAMBERLIN, BOYNTON k CO. Office Selma, Rome Sc Dalton R. R. Co., E. V. JOHN SON, Local A^t, . NO. 4, TUB H. I. KIMBALL HOUSE. Atlanta, Oa., October 12th, 1871. via 8. B. k D. U. it. and its connections to all terminal points, as low a* by any other route, viz; To MONTGOMERY, SELMA, MOBILE,VICKSBURG, JACKSON, CANTON, MERIDIAN and NKW OR LEANS. E. V. JOHNSON, Local Agont 8. R. fc D. R. R.. No. Paddy.—Sav, Mikey, now, how did yon grow rich flue Paratiei? Mi key.—Och! shure an’its jest by reading the Bubal Southebkeb. THE LIVELIEST, BEST AND CHEAPEST AaniOIJLTTJRAIi MONTHLY Published Anywhere, AT THI LOW PRICI OF ONE DOLLAR PER ANNUM. ’* U1. to AQKICIILTUBE .ml klndrml topic, to BOUNCE, ABT «nd tk. TTR£SU>E. t oudwrted by BAM'!, A. KtHOLk) wit, S)U iMMut*. CiimnoninllnlCoilMblklli SpKlm.D Gopi.I Hot to tppllcuta. ^ “ a Address I TUB JIURAB 80UTHEBRXB, octl3dkwt„. JTZJ.VTJ, SM1WA THU GREAT GRAND FAIR! 4 Kimball House. oct!2dlf Notice to Contractors. PROPOSITIONS TO BUILD A POLICE STATION HOUSE, according to plan* aud specifications, to bo ut tho ofllcoof Parkins & Alien, Kimball House, will bo received until 12 o'clock, M., on FRIDAY, 13th, instant. Address: 0. P. CAS8IN, Chairman Building Committee, octlO-Ul Office Tarkln* k Allen. A.ciminiHtru.tor’M Halo. State or GeoboiA, Tauaterbo Coubty. B Y virtue of an order of the Court of Ordinary of said county, will be sold on the first liie*day in November next, 1871, bolween tbo lawful hours of Halo st the Court House door, in Crawfordvllle, In said county, the plantation or lands belonging to tho estate of Uenoral Aaron W. Grier, deceased, late of said county. This plantation is well adapted to tho culture of corn, cotton, aud ninsll grain. Situation healthy, society good. Convenient to railroad, post office, churchcH, and mills. Mr. James A. Grier is on the place, and will take pleasure iu showing tho lands to sny one wishing to to seo it. Sold in lota to suit the purchasers. A plat of each nurvey will bo exhibited on day of sale. Sold for tho benefit of tho heirs of said deceased. Terra*, one and two year* time for approved papers. This, September 11, 1871. JAMES M. TRIPLETT. Admlnistr, de bonus non, with the will annexed. HOptl 1-td* . B. HOWARD W. H. HOWARD A SON, COTTON FACTORS No. 2 WARREN BLOCK, AUGUSTA, GA. Commission for Helling Cotton, One and a Quarter PerCent. dies ordered will be carefully as- the firm, at the lowest market Liberal cash advancoa made on cotton In ware hoime. We extend all the facilities offered by Wsre- Mercbauts. Consignments solicited—satis- action guarantee. aug21w3iv A Good Chance FOR A_HOME. r WILI. HELL I)EFORK~ THE COURT HOUSE door, in the town of Newuan, in Coweta coun ty, on tho FIRST TUESDAY IN NOVEMBER NEXT, it being tho 7th day of tho mouth, beginning at 10 o'clock, and continuing until all are sold, my lands lying in the Fourth Dfetrict of said county, known as the “ IIAUBEH PLAC E,” CONTAINING ONE THOUSAND ACRES- The said place la well watered, and well timbered, there bciug about Six Hundred acres of the seme In the woods. I will sell it in tracts and parcel* as fol low* : First ONE HUNDRED ACRES, upon which arc hituatcd the dwelling hoiian, a neat frame building with five rooms thoroughly reeled, with glass win dows, and nubstsntisl rock chimney*,—with agar- den well ouclosed, itself containing uoar three acre* —and capacious Gin House with Screw, aud new barn built since the war. Next 1 will seU SIX HUNDRED "ACRES, tracts or small farms of FIFTY ACRES each. I will then sell THREE HUNDRED ACRES t D parcels, or tracts of from Twenty-Five to Forty «ee each. Upon each and every tract sold I shall so arrange that there will be water, Umber and good building sites. I shall have etch tract accurately surveyed, and the boundaries well defined. 1 will eell on the following terms : ONE-FOURTH CASH ; ONE-FOURTH IN ONE YEAR ; ONE-FOURTH IN TWO YEARS ; THE BALANCE IN THREE, WITH INTEREST FROM DAT! OF SALE. Upon any and all these payments except the first I will take cotton st Fifteen Cents per pound, (I mean good merchantable Cotton such as is usually sold in this market) delivered at Newnan, Georgia. YOUNG MEN-Uonest aud industrious and all other* have now an opportunity to buy homes, and pay for them, by their own labor. Persona desiring more than one tract oan have the privilege of purchasing additional parcels. 1 shall so sell that persona buying can purchase adjacent tracts. This tend will positively be sold on the day thus advertised. Any information can be hod by applying to mo, or Hinton P. Wright, at Newnan, Ga. W. F. WRIGHT. aug4-MonhWceklyUstNov. Newnan, Oft. OF THE SEASON OPENS AT OGLETHORPE PARK, October 20, 1871, UNDER THE AUSPICES OF THE ▲ TXiAMTA AGRICULTURAL AND INDUSTRIAL ASSOCIATION. $10,000 IJV PREMIUMS BY THE ASSOCIATION ARE OFFERED. $1,000 IN SPECIAL PREMIUMS. BY THE CITIZENS OF ATLANTA. And for the Saturday of Fair Week, r Citizen*’ Pune of $2,500 IN TROTTING PREMIUMS! Tlio Fork Buildings and Ground* are receiving additional improvement^ tk* Track being put in fine condition. AMPLE ACCOMMODATIONS ARE MADE FOR 3*5,000 V I H IT O R 8. The different leading routes of travel and transportation will bring Paoeng&V and Freights at HALF RATES ; and the indications are that the Exposition will bo one of Unrivalled Interest. The regulations of tho Aasociation aro such that BAhHUTORS and Must find thoir attendance on the Fair pleasant and profitable. For Copied or the Splendid List of Prrmfttmi, please address. Samuel A Echols, SECRETARY . teg' Tho book* are open and entries being mode. Exhibitor* aro reqneoWd to make entrica at oa early a day as posaible. oet5- a WEED Family Favorite Sewing Machine. DURABLE, ECONOMIC Aa.. SIMPLE, WlUL DO A GREATER VARIETY OF WORK, WITH change* than any other nuoniae. Sold on the inataUmont plan, in 'en dollar, a month. Office and aaletroom at . ... Ghrnikt’K Bloolc^U XCnrlntto Straot, ATLANTA, GEORGIA. rprlO-fim Q. V. SHIPP, Pen, Ag*t. Atlanta 'Waiter C rpim PLAGB HORN AT all - -L ChiauteDeMaeesefan kisMle, treated snposee. OeMifis, my institution will oun 4eaeaa» I sefiwrtothe tellnwif pesee are being treated at my es Beuee, Hunter street. Mfc J “tarter tCo.. MnL \ J. M. Hill. J. T. 1 and Knbri ] __ ___ ifckW ANDREW H. H. DAWSON. COUNSELLOR AT LAW, Broadway, loom IA