The Atlanta daily sun. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1870-1873, October 14, 1871, Image 3
THIS DAILY SUN. e*icgnrorHiuA»ri.1... ..fiopffia1* mr JVei» AilaerUsemeult uiirays foiuui am t'inl Page; Looul and Bvsimss Fulicts am Fourth Page. SIN-STROKES. ttir It rounds oddly enough, but it in nevertheless true, that a steam yacht is now jailing on the Sea of Gallilee. Mr Bonner, of the New York Ledger and.Dexter, contributes $10,000 to tie newspaper men of Chicago who suffered by the fire. • John Harper offers $6,000 for the “ ' ■) m*rdenrs <4 hie brother ill *ioe inducmnent ’of soma detective skill IS- Holden, of the Washington Chronicle, is not Governor of North Caro lina. He is only a fugitive from justice, who fears to return to his State, lest pun iahment for his many crimes overtake him. ' " MT Ismip house ie being erected in Chicago, tor permanent usd during winter, with capacity io dish six thousand gallons af soup a day. Temporary shan- tiae si* also being erected to shelter the ing mush over on itself a few days ago. The child was literally submerged. It died in a few hours, Rev. Mr. Dryedalc, of Dalton, return ing home from Marietta, lust Friday night, had his arm broken by alloariogit to collide with a lumber train. The house of Mrs. Glover, a widow la dy living about six miles from Dalton, waa burned last Friday night. The Savannah City Council gives one thousand dollars to the Chicago suffer- era. The Sheriff of Liberty county has •lain nine wild-cats this season. If be keeps on he soon will have “whipped his weight in wild-cata.” Andy Johnson’s nnrse, a negro, whose initial point dates back some ninety years, died in Lowndes county on the 4th instant The Democratic majority for Mayor during the late election in Savannah was 1,653. MACON. J WV-, Washington correspondent of the Louisville Ledger writes, Oct 9:— ■1th announced to-day, on good author By, that Akcrman will shortly resign the Attorney Generalship and devote hi* time to a waa on the carpet-baggers, especially to an expose of the late lean of the Ga. State Bailroad to Delano, Cameron A On. It is alleged that Akerman has always been a little sensitive upon this latter point, sad that State fctntnods of a very powerful character have been brought to bear to induoe him to take this course." SO- Die great ooafiograiion made a clear sweep ol the Chicago papers. Not one was left to tell the tale of the great aalamity. The Tribune, the wealthiest journal in the West, and owner of the finest newspaper building in the world, went with the rest. Its office was built mainly of marble and iron, and was thought to be entirely fire proof. For a long while it stood the assaults of the fire; bnt «1«« 1 that fine monament of en ergy and enterprise, went in the general destruction. The gentlemen of the press of Chioago have the sympathy of the Southern press. While their misfortunes are deeply deplored, their energy is ap plauded. Already several of the papers have been able to resnme publication.— Mr. Medill, of the Tribune, and Mr. Sto rey, of the Timet, have secured temporary quarters, and almost before the molten metal of their old type has cooled, they have been able to resume the publication of their respective papers. tQu The proclamation from U. S. Grant, published yesterday morning, is •Imply ft preliminary announcement to the people of certain counties of South Carolina that,at the end of five days, they may expect a proclamation announcing that the word has displaced law and ardor, and that the people ere to bend their neoks beneath the bayonet. While to outsiders this seems to bo severe, yet to the people of those oounties, it is almost a pleasant relief from the insults and outrages of a mismanaged civil gov ernment They would rather trust their personal safety and the security of their property in the hands of officers of the army, than in the hands of the negroes and carpet-baggers who call themselves civil officers. While no out believes that the condition of things in those counties justifies a proclamation of martial law, no one doubts that the military government will be acceptable to the people, as a re lief from the wretches who are ruining the prosperity and pence of the State. The Brawn Hhh-TIi Stale Fair Diet!ngal.hed Cltlseas, el*. GEORGIA MATTERS. Weeley Buchanan,.charged with rape, pecaped from Calhoun jail Monday night pilhotm received her first bale of new nation last Saturday. On Monday, says the Calhoun Timet, while one of the express freight trains on the W. * A. Bailroad waa atopped, a ypung kfr. Crawford, an employe* af the jumped from the cab, alighting ppon the and of an unsecured plank of (he crossway, causing it to bound up ward. dealing })lm a (jpyoro ftnd dapger- fjn* blow on the head, producing oon- emsiou, followed by profuse hemorrhage from the ear. H# is now lying la » criti cal condition at the hotel, receiving skilled medical attention and aareful rowing. Mils John Lamtf, of Griffin* #4 years of ago, died last Tuesday. The aggregate brandy product of coun ties ia 6,86{r gallons. f > Beat OioAfc io ham the impetus of a telegraph office. So is Jonesboro. jXjr JWsthoro ha* shipped over a thousand bsttd at cotton tfiis season. > Anm -£• Sima an at* rftiwu of Joordboro, died on the 9th instant— r»n Tuesday evening last, sftys the r fi*M»>V Pvm tfetfemger, about 1 a difficulty sa—mto botsssm Mr. fmsssiitBaxgXi a pistol shot from tba band of the latter. .MfimrfLwitfc Sburfve language, • ml threat*, and finally picked pp a xoek and threw it at him, whereupon Mr. G. com- mweed .firing, and ooaUttUftd until he bad emptied a small lix shooter, the last two shots taking effect, the one in the left arm and ahoulder, the other entering the left eye, producing instant death. W. C. HawiU, of the Globe Hotel, AugwU, has purchased the Catoosa 4. Springs property and will improve it. (> A little child ot Mr. Jam* Langley. ol Whitfield county, tuned spot of boil- Macow, October 12,1871. Macon still rests sedately, as formerly, upon the banks of the Oomulgee; hot seems to hare disturbed 'the solitude of her originality by rooently manifesting some such spirit as keeps Atlanta in stir. I have never before seen so much activity—so much of a genuine article of go-ahead-ativeneee manifested as is now seen in all their actions, and shines in all the faoes of.the people. The faces of the people are even animated enough to be seen across one of these broad streets, Xu* Blown bo tax is the first place a stranger visits upon arriving in Maoon. It ie a wonderfully comfortable plaoe to visit, t m. Having recr itly been refitted, U now looks as dainty os a bride of •ixteeu, wbilo the substantiality of everything a iout the premises ia as comely as a nr itron of twenty. The house ia always full; but notwithstanding this fact, the propr’eton announce their determination to accom modate one thouaana surplus during the Fair. It ia hard to see where so many will be stored; but they will be taken care of somehow—beoauae the Browns say bo. They are live boys, and what tl ey don't know about hotel-keeping, ia not neces sary to keep the Grand Central of New York. When they i :y they mean to ac commodate a thousand more than their house will hold, they mean to do it ia* rail at ruses are being poshed forwsrd to completion, and a completeness which has rot before been seen in this State. Nature, art aud untiring energy have made the grounds beautiful Nothing could be more ad mirable. The selection of a Bite waa good; the buildings—nearly *11 of which are complete—are the most elegant, com fortable and convenient in the State, if not in the South. MATOB HUFF is heart and soul into the work. Night and day, hither and thither, in all sorts of weather, looking after this and plan ning that, ho is at work carrying out his determination to make the Fair Grounds an honor, not to Macon only, but to the State as well Ho supervises everything in person. Ha k^ows how the' work ought to be done, and is on hand to seo that it done that way. To him Macon and the State of Georgia will he indebted for facilities furnished flip world to ex hibit the products of its genius and its soil, and the results qf its study aud in dustry. TUX BACK TOAC'K is in splendid order and, by oritioal judg es, is admitted to be the best track in America. A full view of the entire ooorse can be had from an- point within tbeen closure; but arrangements have been made upon the “stand” for at least five thousand people. A number of fine hoi jes will be entered for the liberal prises offered by Mayor Huff; hence, it is expected that the home show will excel anything ever before seen in the State, and will doubtless attract a large crowd. The people of Macon sre manifesting great interest in the Fair, and are admi rably sustaining Half in all that he ia doing. Novwithstaading the crop is s poor one, and the people feel poor, there it every reason to believe that the atten dance will be very large. All f< cl that the honor and credit of Georgia are at stake, and appear determined to see hgr through. Evwy one who oan will exhibit something, r id all who can poeaibly do so will be pre rent The Fair, Ism per suaded, will be a great oredit to the eu terpriso of Georgia. There .is a great deal of enthusiasm among the people, which wdtlast, and will induce tliem to come up (o Atlanta nex year, in order that our people may emulate what the aha can for exhibition, as a mark of her induatry and enterprise, and then alio ought te|seud ton thousand of her peo ple down dufiftg tlfft fair week. Tien, next year, we can bi|l Maoon come up and help us do honor to the people of the whole State. Among the piltoina of Atjanta now here are warren—thp everlastingly face tious IVarren, of the Kimball House— who persist* in colling the Browns the “holders" of tho world, and Christian, the universally popular agent of the New York Mutual Insurance Company, and tho celebrated Dink Uwig, of Baltimore. All ftro happy. tt —■*>—m— FROM CINCINNATI TO NASH VILLE. nsunn Stats Fair-Fins KthlfcUlon •fTntUffig li«rfif$-Tk$ T«»ffi»M«$ **•€- tslmtwre la Appoints a Board of CfiMWIulonrn to Dlipoic of the De linquent Railroads- Conditional Halo of the Nashville a ad Hot th western Railroad—laanf oration of Oev. John ©• ■mww-* •**▼!!»• ft* •Of *• W8 n,v * the Louisville and Nashville Railroad— ' a strong effort having been Wile to >- place the aid Board with anew one. - The farmer, however, was re-oleoted, aud Albert Fink, Esq., contirnedas Superin tendeut. This appointment, I appre hend, gives general satisfaction, as it is conceded that he lias demoustrated his capacity to conduct Bucceasful'y the inte rests of a very important .ate prise. What is called the “Fink Truss Bail- rood Bridge" is a model of his own inven tion—a beautiful specimen of which can be seen spanning the Ohio river at Louis ville. He is a man of wonderful energy and persistent in the prosecution of any trust confided to him. My transit from Louisville to Nash ville was accomplished in the night time, and I find, on arrival, that the State Fair is in progress. The grounds are not un dulating aa those of Oglethorpe Pr-k, but present an unbroken level surface, well adapted to the exhibition ot stock. The arena presented a fine display of houses, for which the State of Tennessee has ever been famous. I was in attend ance at the annual fair in this city twelve months ago, when there were many at tractive features, and tho success this year it is claimed is still more satisfac tory. The trotting matches attracted much attention, quite a number of ani mals having been ertered for this part of the programme. An r limated scene was presetted when the well-trained ani mala moved off abreast on t-ie half mile circuit that was as “round ns the shield of Fingal" “A fair start" seemed to be qnite difficult of accom plishment, as severe' efforts in tbut direction proved failures before all were satisfied. Tho oontest grew more exciting as the favorites wonld gnin or lose in their progress oronnd tho circle. The most amusing performance of the Turf was the mule race, for the special premium of a cooking stove. The con ditions of the race required each rider to straddle the mole of liis competitor —the slowest mule taking the premium. -• ilaf ‘ ‘ Namrvtwm, Tw».,Oot 10, 1871. JHtartqfOe&mr A night ride of less *hmi six hours brought tne to Louis ville from Cincinnati, over tho Short line Bailroad—the diatauoe being 107 miles, snd tho road excellent W. E. Ludlow, Esq., of Cincinnati, is the con tracting Green Line Agent for this line, sad is* very obliging, effieient officer, and although young iu years, his business tact and capacity has placed Ipnt ip • very important and responsible position. The competition with which ho has to contend demands the services of such an „iMint a day in Louiaville and found _*t toe citizens were eo mdeswUy axer- ciaed over the result of an election, the day previous, of a Board of Directors for This condition, of course, stimulated each rider vigorously to apply berch and rowel in order that his animal might be distanced in tho race. The novel feat excited much meTriment The att .-ntion of the multitude hat ing previously been arreatod by a pedestrian whose presenoe was announced lrorn the stand, with tho declaration that he would walk three miles in thirty minutes, he appeared ia the arena attired in tight elastic pants and loose blouse, and start ed upon his journey with his arms flexed, aud which were kept iu constant motion until ho had accomplished the feat of walking three miles in J2U j min utes. Floral Hall seemed to bo a favorite re sort for visitors. The products of Hor ticulture were not aluue displayed, hut many curious dovioes aud haudiwurk of the fair were tastefully disposed iu tho airy and circular structure, that was ren dered more pleasing by tho preseuoe of a fountain that dropped ita reli thing sprays upon ths opening petals of the charming plants that encircled tho poo] below, while festoons of evergreens en circled the bracketed columns, and na tional ensigns from the aroTte draped in graceful folds. At the State Fair in Nashville, last au tumn, tho custom of closing all the busi ness houses in tho city waa observed, ns now, iu order to afford all au opportu nity of attending the exhibition at least one day, which has ths effect to Dopu- larise the institution, to encourage con tributors and to foster tho enterprise. - The observance of such a custom at (h- approaching Fair at Atlanta, I appre hend, would tend to enlist friends in its behalf, and lend additional interest to the occasion by swelling the number of visitors. The Legislature of Tennessee ia now in session—numbering Jfi So- iiio * and 76 ives, of \\hwm njne are Re publicans. The members of tpe body seem to be occupied to a considerable ex tent with the discussion of railroad mat ters, having refvreuoe to the sale of the same-jome of them be'ng largely in ar rears in their obligations to the State.-— In 1852 the State agreed to indorse the bonds of various railroads to the extent of ten thouwmd dollars for sverv ten miles of grading completed and laid with orosa-ties, ard in order to afford facilities to furnish the iron and equip tho road. Tbo State, under these condi tions, issned bonds to the r nonnt ol nearly forty miliums, bnt the - jsult of the war and perhaps other considerations have had the effect to mako these enter prises non-paying investments, and has oft these roads indebted to the State to the amount of millions—(largo amount of bonds having been issnod since the dose of the war) that within a period of four years the indebtedness of the State hau swollen from sixteen ty, forty millions,— wUiv.h has since, however, been l jduoed to twenty-two miU'ois. Under this ta ped ol affairs, in order to effects speedy and final adjustment of these embarrass ments, the Legislature appointed a Board of Commissioners to dispose ot the de linquent railroads, who made yesterday, a conditional sale of the Naahyilje X Northwestern Railroad which' oohuects this city with Hickman, Ky.—(a road 171 miles m length,)—to the Nashville A Chattanooga Company. It is statod that this sale is made subject to the action, which may be taken by the Supreme Court, on the writ of error a| tho svock- holders of the vfeljnquent Bonds. The Knoxville snd Kentucky Bond was sold to day for $850,000 to Thon. Hoott, E. W. Cole, J. E. Brown, W. B. Johnson (toil a few others, The Qumherlaud Gap and Western North Carolina Road, was sold to tho East Tennessee and Georgia Road for $300,000, each Road 1* running about 40 miles. The inauguration of Gen. John 0- Brown aa Governor of TVnossse* occur red to-day. Governor Renter pronoonoed a brief and appropriate valedictory, in whieh lie gave the outlines of his admin, istntions and then resigned tho trust that had been confided to him, into the hands of his distinguished successor, who read his inaugural, in whioh ho alloded to the indebtedness of the Common wealth, his purpose to execute tbo will of tho people, and dia design to rigidly enforce all the laws whoso provisions it might be his duty to execute. Nashville gives evidence of progress and a spirit of enterprise. A Stock Com pany hft» recently efoctod a largo Cotton Factory, involving a coat of somo $300,- 000, and whjch Tf is proposed to put into veration it) ft few months, A largo manufactory of Agricultural Implement* ia bow in process af con struction, snd quite a number of spa cious and elegant husinera houses have recently bceu completed; and a beautiful block of limestone material is now roaring its extensive and fair propor tions on tho site of the old City H«1L Evidence of energy and thrift everywhere abound. Prof. W. F. Westmoreland and lad/ arrived in Nashville last eyssfag v* rauis from New York to Atlanta. Thu in Chicago is the ah sorbing theme hero, aud the Mayor bus iasuod a oull for a meeting of the citizens to-day, and tho Board of Trade calls upon its memliers to deviso means for the relief of the snffaren af that city. One of the morning papurs here, in givingahritoryof the various great fii 7r n l.a.i *i •-* simily oalamity of Cliicrgo, thus speaks of (he ravages of the fie king that vis ited Atlanta in 1864: "Tie destruction of Atlanta by the Federal troops in 1864 was very neariy as compbto as that whieh now seems to have visiter Chicago. Tho loss of property waa b- no moans so large, owing to the vast lillcrenco iu tho size of tho places, tho gandeuv of their buildings and the extol of their com merce. The “Gate City las risen from the dust and ashes wh i were the ha biliments of her mourung aud again olad herself in the robei of prosperity." Nashville is fortunate n having in her midst an Institution d learning so worthy ot patronage as hat of Bev. W. E. Ward's Female Bemiiary. It is now well established, and war founded by its present popular and effluent head, and nambers nearly 300 pup Is, representing a number of Southern States, besides receiving a very liberal Lome patronage. Seventy pupils board with the Presi dent within the college alifice, whieh is aoapacious and beautiful structure, and well adapted in all its appvintments to tbe purposes of education. I had ooeasioo to visite the Institute seieral times dar ing my sojourn here, anl observed the discipline and good orderthat was main tained. The course of instruction is thorough as pursued by an efiloient corps of Professors, atmng whom I may mention Dr, Blackie, vho will be re membered os tbe saconpliahed medical purveyor in your city doing the wnr. J. N. 8. XUisullaiuon* OUMtlistmtut*. Liquors ! Liquors ! New ®otton ttoreljongo attb jBnnk>ti| Cotton and Produce Warehouse. MUoctllamono. JOHN KEELY 11E8PECTFULLY ANKOt’NL’KU TO T11K PUU- XV L1C that be Ium JMt returned flora New York* end bM opened lor «uo» tbo Lergeet end CHOICEST STOCK OF DRY GOODS Kw offered by him. Pertlou ei etteution la directed to the following cleMee of goo«U, which wUl be found to oompriBe cboloe ntyUa.and it old prloe*. vie: IDITLEISS O- O O ID s, IN IMMENSE VARIETY. Block Alpecei, of lie celebrated “EcUpfo" brand, oolor warranted, (at lost year's prioeffi.) Colored Al paca*, in every ahade. Black aud Colored Velve teen*, in great vailety. Tabl* Linen*, Irish Linen*. Towel*, Toweling, etc.. Turk*/ Red Damaaks, and Napkin*. Blanket* and I'lauud*—an lmateutto stock. Waterproof Clot In ia Variety. CaMimers, Doc akin*. Twocdi, etc., Real Laos* In Thread, Valenciennes, aud Uuipuru Laoe and Linen Collar* and Caff*. A cuuplcte line of KngUah Hosiery, Ladies* Merino 8hirt>«, in choice varluty; Men's Brown EngUah Half Hjbo—a full line; Men’* Merino Bhlrt* and Drawers-cxocllent value; a very ftsortmeut of Balmoral ami Boulevard Bkirt*. _ Largest and bandsomcct stock of bhawls over offered in ibis store. 99" An inspection l tbo undersigned will not 1 Ales, Wines § Liquors AT KENNY’S Chicago Ale Depot AND Wliulesalc Liquor House, We have m Large AiMrtmrat •t all kinds orl.iqvonx,icMeA will be tald at the JMaet Meaeon- ahle Term*. scptll-dni To Parties Desiring to Build T HE undersigned would respectfully inform cltUen* of Atlanta that U* is now prepar BmportmUnd I As Modldlnp mod 9inUh imp, or tho M-HoHh!Mg’ JkysrlffiMl $sly, ot mop JVrtl CAMS Moemo U** msgr $*** to MrooU He has at his command a picked set of bands, as feels confident in giving general satisfaction. •r REl'EUAN CE--Col. John L. Grant, Longlsy k Robinson, and Fay k Oorput, Architects. JOUJT C. mViCUOJLSL OFFICE IN AIK-LINE HO US*. PRYOR STRUT artlda I AM OLAD HE HAS COM1. Ths Bast Paper Hanger In the State af Georgia. CAN now cane your chain, and make them look new for th# same you will pay for a bottom. N charge for varnishing chairs when I cane them, an 1 warrant all ryfcfMHsr, Fwmitmre Itysfrisf, «tr. f order. AU kinds of houM&old furniture and up holstery done at the shortest notice. I have re moved to DeOlva's Opera House, under May sen’s Auction Ware room, on Marietta street. $25.00 Saved! $25,00 Maud! PRICE8 ASP TERMS OF WILHON MIIUTTLE Sewing Machines. KKTTCAin. flora mo. fSraMo. $ 55 $00. UNDEnFKKD No. S, Plain Table $ 45 No. 0, half-case, pin bx 5Q No. 7. do fau'y 5k 70. No. 8, Folding Cover, 130 WARRANTED FIVE YEARS BY WILSON SEWING MACHINE CO We wish it distinctly understood that those are our terras from which we never deviate; and we guaran tee our Machines to have every point of excellence to be found in any Underfeed Bhuttle Machine, and a* durable, made of as good material as any Machine iu the world, aud that it will do as elegant work. W. U. GRIFFIN, Gen. Agent, M Peachtree Street, Atlanta. Qa. ANDREW H. H. DAWSON. COUNSELLOR AT LAW, Office 331 Rroadway, Room 18, MW YORK Merchant Tailoring. J. LYNCH, Cor. Whitehall street and Wail- road ('rotting. r|ini labuujt and finest stock of Cloths, Vestings 3 Cashmeres EVER BROUGHT TO THIS CITY A Full Stock ot Everything la th* Guntlomon's Furnlsihtnir Line. A'ottc hat the Beet Goode sold, and .Features and Elegante ie tthat I Shire to Excel tn. septlS-lm J. LYNCH. THH PLANTinns LOAN AND SAVINGS BANK. ■ubffiorlbed Oapital ONE MILLION DOLLARS. The Warehouse of* This BdXih, Cor. Campbell and Reynold* Street*, Augusta, <1—rgiffi, |H MOW BEADY TO RECEIVE COTTON. LIBERAL CASH ADVANCES will be made upon Cotton in Warehouse, or upon BsDnmd Receipts. Parties Storing Cotton with the Bonk will be iunrisbed with receipts lor »*me that will be available in this city or any other for borrowing money. *«r Tho Bank is prepared at all times to make LOAMS OH FfidhUCI or PROVISIONS on the moat reasonable terms. Parties would do well to apply at the Warehouse, or cownmiiosffi wilt the Officers. CHABLBS J. JIWRINB. PresWeTO. JNO, P, KINO, Vloe-PresMsnt, T, P. BRANCH, cashier. BRANCH, SONS 4k CO., COTTON FACTORS -ia- COMMISSION MERCHANTS, SPECIAL ARRANGEMENTS FOR THE FAIR OF TEX Atlanta Agricultural and In duetrial Aeeociatioto be Held in Atlanta, Oct. 16, ’Tl. ■Ml and raturn, via Bsvaunah Btsamship Urns* and At lantic A Gulf, and Macon A Brunswick Railroads (good until Dsc’r 1st) will b« sold for f36 7A Freights desUuetl for the Fair will be csrrlsd regular tariff rates out, and returned to Eastern cittss FREE. 'ouslgmuents should bo marked to the "Secretary Atlanta A. k 1. Aaaot laUon Fair, Atlanta,On., care of Atlantic A Gulf Railroad Agent, Savannah;" Also, with the name of the steamer on which the ahlp- wont Is made. C. D. OWENB, , General Agent, Atlantic aud Gulf Freight Line, JM Rroadway, NEW YORK. G. T. ANDERSON, General Westoru Agent, Atlanta, Georgia. oct2-ltu At J. HARALSON. . A. RECCE. HAHALSOIV Sc BRUCE, Corner of Marietta and Broad streets, ATLANTA. GEORGIA. GEmfiTERjiL JiWJVTIOJT JtJTD Commleeion Jdtrehante and Wholesale and Hetaii Dealert tn Furniture. R. II. BAPTIST, Auctioneer CONSIGNMENTS SOLICITED. CASH ADVANCES ON CONSIGNMENTS IN STORE FOB AUCTION. Revv bencks—M. O. Dobbins, President Georgia inking and Trust Company; MeMra. Oran*, Boyl- on k Co., Wbolseals Dry Goals; Messrs. A. 0. k B. Y. Wyly, Whotssal# Grocers; Messrs. Gordon, WlljUACo^Bsnkairs^^^^ sepHb*- Uniocrsitn Pnhliahing QTompann. UN8ECTI0HAL, UNPARTI8AN, UNPOLITICAL 8OHOOL-BOOK8. The freshest series of Text-Hooks published—containing the latest results of discovery and scientific re Officially adopted by Uu Virginia Mil Urorghi State Boards of Edaeatlsa, ASTI saw W.SSSI-T IK I'.S IK mvEB-y MOUTBanw statb, And in many Mortkm State*. ibt f iiWimWiig €</., of the moat eminent arisen* of ing the neceuity for a scries of tirely ummeiiomeu, unparti$an, and only the factn of history and pietc series of School and College an and educators named btlow An Afifiociation compose^ of Riaur the several ${Mlk*s* MUtos, foel- 8ohool-Hooks which shoukl he cn- unpolitical, which should present science—arc now issuing a com* Text-books by the eminent which are the Cheapest, Best, and Mott 1 Beautiful School-Books Now published. The " Unhrcrslty Series” embraces Maury’s Geographical Series, By Commodore M. F. Maury, of tbe Ylqjinia Military Institute. A scries of books which mrtfr an era iu tb" study of this science, and which, in the words of a well known and ao- complUhod Southern teacher, ” are charaeu Hard by n felicity of arrangement and simpla (Vrahness of stvle which must ever vernier them atiraclivo to the ^roung, and which will be ui-tl bv all who wUh to teach Geography as a «tienre, as something to make pupils think, an<l not merely os an enumeration of dry facts.” Holmes’ Reader* and Spoilors, By Gkoruk F. Holmes, LT* I) , Frofcsflor of History and General Literature la the U«l* vomitv of Virginia. A series of Headers unequalled In cheapness, excellence, and typo- graphical hasty. They are steadily progressive in character, bright and fresh in their selection* of prose and verse, and illustrative of Southern scenes, incidents, and history. Venable’s Arithmetical Series, Bv Chibi-SS 8. Vbkabi.b, I.L.D., Praltemr of Msthcituitks fo ths Unirersity of Virginia. Tbc« book, an roodvod cverjwlien! by inlclllefst trsrho*, with the hichtM ■slkliu tioa. ,< hviiiL- mat sdminhly (VMM (hr awst,l drill, s, woll s, for buiscM cduca- tlon Th.-ir mi-tlvsh, ruins, ,nd luuaolnq. nrc rkar, dlillact logics], tnd comprrhcnrivo, snd th) omIH It MWvfiiUy graded ihraagtout. Holme*' History ot the United States, By Gkoiios V Uolxxs, LL.D , of Ihs Unlvcnlly of Virginia It io fooogh Io ssy of thi. silninlilo work, liilorHling. impartial, and trurhfal, w well as para and gracoAil In style, that It I, ths mly HUloiy of ths Unltsd Btatn which is tiridlf i come dawn w tbo prowat data AJoo, De Vere's French Crammer, Readers, etc., QHdereleeve’s Latin 8erlaa, Carter’s Dements of Cenere! History, Holmes’ English Grammars, LeConte’• fiolentlflo Series, Johnston's English Classics, Ountonlan Writing-Books, etc., etc. ■sod fco oosnew IIH'fiTRATF.D DK3CRIFTIVK CA1ALOGUE. winch win ha mailed free lo any teacher or school officer. 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