The Atlanta daily sun. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1870-1873, June 22, 1873, Image 1

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ThSBaJTy and Weekly Stir. ALEXANDER H. STEPHENS, Proprietor HATES OP SUBSCRIPTION. DAILT—Per annum $8 CO Half yearly M A 00 Quarterly... Jl 00 Monthly — 75 WEEKLY—Par annum. .. fl 00 tatlaraofi buaineae character should be JAMES I. MILLER. Business Manager. BULBOAD PASSENGER SCHEDULES, GEORGIA RAILROAD. up day Passenger TRAIN. Leaves Augusta 8.20 a m Arrives at Atlanta. 6:15 pm DOWN DAT PASSENGER TRAIN. Leave Atlanta 8:15 a m Arrive at Augusta. 5:50 pm UP NIGHT RA&3KNJKR TRAIN. Leaves Augusta 2:!5pm Airivaa at Atlanta. 11:15 p m DOWN NIGHT PASSENGER TRAIN. LeavesAtlanta 6:00 pm Arrives at Augoete ... .* .... 5:15 pm vr ueok paszenqe* tuin. Laavea Augusta..,.m~mm...' 12:15 pit arrives at Oamak 2:66pm DOWN MACON PASSENGER TRAIN. Laavea Camak 10:60 a m Arrival at Augusta » 1:15 pm Athcma Branch Train. «r DAILY— (8CSDATS KBBBrttD.) Laavaa Union Point 1:25 pm arrlvea at Athena 4:45 p m DOWM DAILY—(8UKDATS EXCZPTKD.) DO STM SIGHTLY. Leaves Athena 8: Arrives at Union Point 11: 'Washington Branch Train. Laavaa Waabingtou — — * arrives at Harnett. 11: SST0BX1X6: Leaves Barnett. 2 Arrlvea at Washington.... 4: WESTERN & ATLANTIC It » AIL.ItOAD. UP NIGHT PASSENGER TRAIN. Leavaa Atlanta ...—10:00 p m Reaches Dalton —• *:£> a m Arrlvea ai Chattanooga- 5:00 a m DOWN NIGHT PASSENGER TRAIN. Laavea CbattanoOga 8:45 pm Arrlvea at Atlanta 11:10 P m UP DAT PASSENGER TRAIN. Leaves Atlanta.. 8:30 a m Reac) Dalton 2:01 pm Arrlvea at Chattanooga 4as p m Arrives at Ealton .. Dalton Accc Leave* Dalton Arrlvea at Atlanta.......... Accommodation. ATLANTA Si WEST POINT RAILROAD. D.\Y PASSENGER TRAIN. Leaves Atlanta .2*2 a m Arrives at West Point 11: J« a m sgTtmsDia: Leaven West Paint... 1:40 p.m Arrives at Atlanta 5:40 P “ NIGHT PASSEKGER TRAIN. Laavea Atlanta. 11:00 p m Arrives at West Point 6***® KKTUBSINO: Laavea Weat Point 1:00 a m Arrives at Atlanta 0:60am CENTRAL RAILROAD—Atlanta Dir. UP DAY PASSENGER. Laavea Macon 7:25 am Arrives at Atlanta - 1:25 pm DOWN LAY PASSENGER. Leaves Atlanta - • m Arrives at Macon - ' : *o • m UP NIGHT PASSENGER. Letvee Macon *0:00 p m Arrives at Atlanta. 6 00 • m DOWN NIGHT PASSENjER. Leavaa Atlanta 3 30 p m Arrlvea at Macon — 8;i *- P m Connecting with IheUpaon County Railroad, the tralna run on that road as followst Leave Barneaville I : 22 pm Arrive at Thomaston - 3:30 P m Leave Thomaston - 8:00 a m Arrive at BaroeavUln - tf:30a m Connecting with the Savannah, Griffin A North Ala^ lAma Railroad, the trains run on that road aa fol lows: Leave Griffin Arrive at Griffin.. . GEORGIA STATE LOTTERY. iron JUN.E. Drawing;* Dally at B p. m. FOB THE BEEEP1T OF THE ORFlUIiS U0ME4IME SCHOOL CAPIT AL PIIIZK #7,000.00 80,»1 ] Prizes, amounting to $53,858.20 TICKETS $1.00. . bUABKS IS FBOPOBTJOH. ,U. «bOY« Sebum,. formal bjr IB. X UomblMttonol76 number., ntokln*70,O70tlcA. •ta. and the drawing of l'i ballots, there will be 220 ganh tusiBj three of Us drawn numbers on »»' 06.740 each* having 5 only ot them on; and also 45,760 Uofceta wtih"nelU*er of the draw* numbers on them, PLf.Smnsg S placed In a wheel i it the 5th, Cth and 450 00 550 00 650 00 THE SUN. VOL. IV ATLANTA, GA.. SUNDAY. JUNE 22, 1873. j) 78 Inclusive, wUl be severally a the day of tho drawing, and 12 of them drawn out at random; and that ticket hav ing for its combination tlio 1st, 2d and 8d drawn numbers, wUl be entitled to the CAPITALPBIZEOP .......$7,003 00 Tnat ticket having on it tue 4th, 6th and 6th drawn numbers, to • ®*> u 00 That tick at having on it the 7th, 8th and 9th drawn numbeia, to.................... ®«» 00 That ticket having on it the ltth, 11th and 12th draan numbers, to. w That ticket having en it the 2d, 3d and 4th drawn namber*, to -"•••-« 00 That WskstShaving on it the 3d, 4tli and SU* dfiaWW numb* re, to ThtattAet having ou it t 7th drawn numbers, That ticket hiving on it the 6th, 7th and 8th drawn numbers, to That ticket haring on it the 8th, 9th and 10th drawn numbers, to •••••••: Thai ticket having on It the 0th, 10th and llth drawn numbers, to........... -•—••••• 0 That ticket having on U the let, 2d end 4th drawn numbers, to •••••• 6301 That Ucket^havln^ on it the let, 2nd end ^ ^ 211 60 WOO Thoae’oc tickets baring'on them the 1st and 2nd drawn numbers, each....— 10 w Those 66 tickets having on them tho 2nd 4th drawn numbers, each 5 w Ail other tickets (being 4,224) with two of the drawn numbers on, each 3 00 And all those tickets (being 25,740) with one oeuy ol tne orawn numuoro, each 1 M CAPaTAL PRIZE. On Mondays capital will be rl... ..$7,$IO 00 naprteeoi n 1 to an inferior • forty (< 1 subject to the usual ieduc ~ai*i prises of $20 00 and under will be paid 1mma- TELEGRAPHIC. MBrBOmOMUMCJL. OFFICE CHIEF OF SIGNAL SERVICE . Washington, D. C., Jane 21.) PROBABILITIES. For the South Atlantic State,, light to (re*h wiods, moatlj from the West and South, and partly cloujj weather, with occasional coast tain,. From Tennessee and Missouri to Ohio and the upper lakes, falling barometer, fresh and brisk southerly to easterly winds, cloudy weather and rain areas. For the Golf States, east of the Mississippi, light to fresh aonthweat to southeast winds and partly olondy weather, with possibly oc casional rain areas. The afternoon tolegraphio reports from Florida, Texas, North Michigan, Dakota and Montana are partly miseing. avis .vsrxs. Nashville, Jane 21.—Mortuary list from cholera shows 59 deaths, of whioh 48 were oolored. Weather raining, with occasional sunshine. Mraring, June 21.—The weather to day was clear and hot. There were four teen deaths from eholera. Reports from the snrroanding country state that the disease still prevails, but in a less violent form., Jane 21.—A dispatch from Dantzio Bays that forty-two Polish rafts men, on the Vistula river, were attacked by oholera and twenty-five of them are dead. Of the remaining seventeen, four have entirely recovered. Another Laza retto has been established at Fort New- jhor, four miles from Dantzie, Rohe, June 21.—Several cosos of eholera are reported in tho province of Terviso. Tho authorities are taking precautions to prevent the spreading of the disease. Boston, June 21.—The Massachusetts State Board of Health has addressed a circular to the cities and towns of the State, advising the health authoritiea to take promot measures to avert the danger from Aaiatio oholera. Cincinnati, June 21.—Three deaths Thursday and three Friday—reported oholera. Pottsvilli, Pa., Jane 21.—Forty houses horned and one child killed. The Minersville and St. Clair hose com pany, coming to the rescue, made four miles in 10 minntos, on look Several firemen were injured by falling walla. Lose $130,000. Milwaukee, June 21.—Right bodies have been recovered from the Miohi- gamme fire. Others are missing. The people refngeed in Lake Toronto. The Inter-Colonial Railroad is suffering. Nasaua, N. H., June 21.—Ella F, Woods, who was Eliot ouo week ago by Henry Jewett, has died. New Yobk, Jane 21.—There were seven sunstrokes yesterday. The Tigress will leave here for her cruise on the 4th or 5th of July. The Tigress will be provisioned for two years. The jury in the Sharkey trial have re- turned a verdict of murder in the first degree. The jury reeommonded meroy. Beenhaai, Tex., June 21.—The daily rains for the past month have nearly rained the orops in this county. Plant ers are unable to keep down the weods, and a groat portion now iu cultivation are abandoned in consequence. New Youk, June 21.—Meaoham’a re port of the Modoo fighting daring the war says the Modoca killed and wounded about three soldier, lor every warrior in their force, at that time numbering not more thau (55, and tint during the first three days fight, this nand not only held out against 809 troops, armed with every applianoe of modern warfare, hut kept a passage open for retreat, which even tho Warm Spring Indian sconte oonld not close. Meacham'e idea of the beet policy for the future is, that all tribal linos be abolished; that the Indians he made amenable to the laws, and bo placed on the same footing with other murderers. Washington, Jnno 21.- Michigamme City, Marquette county, ou Lake Su perior, waa yesterday destroyed by fire, which caught from burning woods around the plaoe. It was a mining town in iron, and contained some 60J inhabitants. Among the buildings burned was the mill ot Jackson Houghton, just equipped at au expense of $40,000, at the Spun mine. Two Darns and a number of log houses were burned. The heat so warped the rails of the Marquette, Hougbtou and Ontaniagon Railroad as to render tho passage of cars impossible in Borne places. The telegraph polea oro burned, and the wires ore lying down along the track. , , There are several cases of cuolcrai ic dlarrhue > hero. The .Si ir says the Automatic telegraph with its franchises, is about to pass into tho hands of the Western Union. The War Department wants a quarter of a milliou head stones for the Union dead. , . Hoar, formerly Attorney General, is prominent for Chief Juatice. The doctors announce tho oholera death to-day ot a cleanly oolored woman inn healthful locality. They state cm- cumbers is the came. New Yohk, Jane 21.—Deaths for the week 47-1, Four canes of yellow fever reported bj the Brooklyn Union in BUte alieet in that city. . a. - * All faro banka closed to day, anticipat ing a police raid. Madrid, June ‘21,—It ia reported that Senor Caatellar la engaged i« £»"*?* » constitution lor the Federal Repnblio, whioh, to he analogous to that of the United Slates of America. The number of States is understood to be fifteen, m- eladisg Cuba and Fhillipine Islands. Madrid is to remain ths espitaL The President of the federal Republic is to be elected by universal suffrage, and the term of office will be five years. Hous ton are to be chosen by the Blau*, and Deputies will he elected by universal suffrage. New York, Jane 20.—While Nathan, Harsh and Porter were breaking np old cartridges ia Harsh Brother's ordnance ■tore for the purpose of filling new ones with their oontenta, a terrific explosion oocnrred ot over 20,010 cartridges strewn over the floor. The front and beck win dows were blown oat, and two men sit ting in front of the store violently blown into the street, bat not seriously hart. Harsh and Porter and W. Harsh, three little sone, were found frightlnlly in jured. One of the children was terribly disfigured, the akin being burned off the greater part of ths body. Bbownsvillt, Tex., June 22.—Marioo Portugal, s noted Mexican desperado, formerly chief of police of Metamorea, was arrested here yesterday, and remand ed to Mexico on the demaud of the au thorities, under tne extradition treaty, on the ohargo of having killed the ohief of polioe of Matamoras, who had been appointed to snocced Por tugal some time ago, and several policemen daring the revolution of fast year. Portugal, at the head of a small party,saoked Ranches and Bagdad, Mexico, and killed several citizens of those places, and has sines been engaged in catUe stealing and plandering along the frontier with his companions. Washington, June 21.—Secretary Richardson ia gone to Harvard. Secretary Delano is gone for seventy days. Ohicaoo, Juno 21.—The following managers of railroads running North west and South from Chicago signed an agreement to issue no more passes ex cept to their own employee and their families traveling on their own roada Passes now outstanding will continue in force till their expiration — De cember 31-eud will not be ic- nowed. The agieement does not extend to cases where companies are re quired to issue pastes by virtue of leases of other lines, or in pursuance of written oontraots previously made: TbeObieago and Northwestern, Chicago end lows, Ghioago, Milwaukee end St Panl, Chi cago, Bock Island end Paoiflo, Darling ton and Quincy. Chicago end Alton, and the Blinois Central railroads. ConstANTiNorlx, June 21.—Gregory Aristnrchi Bey has been appointed Turk ish Ambassador at Washington, m plaoe of Blscqne Bey, who has resigned. tki.ho mjrmic AtniEra Augusta, Jana 21.—Cotton dull and lower; middlings 18; receipts (58 balse; sales 83. Savannah, Jane 21.—Cotton easier; middlings 184; net reoeipts 872 bales; sales 135; stook 14,456. Louisville, June 21.—Floor dull and unchanged. Wheat quiet and unohanged. Provisions qnlet. Pork lower; held St $16 87i@16 75. Bacon in fair demand at 7i@9|. Sugar-cured hem* 13i@14i ; plain IS. Lard 8i for tierce; 9i@10( for keg; 81 for steam. Whisky firm at 90o 111. Mobile, Juue21.—Cotton easy; good ordinary 161; low middlings 17$; mid dlings 181; net reoeipts 81; export* to oonlinent 3; coastwise 143; sales 200; atook 16,957. Charleston, Jane 21.—Cotton dull end easy; middlings 18); low middling* 18*181; good ordinary 161*17; net re ceipt* 191; groas 869; difference from Mobile; exports oosetwise 137; Mice 100; atook 12,485. Mraraia, Jane 21.—Cotton firm; low middling 17]@18; reoeins 250 bales; ehipmente 937; itook 18,494. Cincinnati, Jane 21.—Flour dull and lower; corn qnlet, 40; pork easier, 15.50a 15.75; lard dull end unchanged; bacon quiet, 7la9|a9la9i; whiskey steady, 90. New Yobk, June 21.—Cotton unset tled ; middlings nominally 201. Futures opened a* follow*: Jane 20; July20lt 201; August 19 15-16*201; September 18; Decomber 17 16-16. Livebtool, Jane 21, Noon.—Cotton opened qaiet; uplands 8)@9; Orleans 91 @91. Later—Cotton easier and par tially a shade lower; nplaud* 8|; sales 10,000 bales; for speculation end export 2,000. Latest—Cotton firm; uplands 8); Oileans 91; sales 6,000 bales Ameri can; Savannah and Charleston July shipments 9d; July and August dsliver- ies 6ld; New Orleans Jnno delivery 8jd; July and August deliveries 9. New York, Jane 21.—Cotton dull sl I unchanged; sales207. Float dull and heavy rad 6al0o lower; oommon to fair extra 86.8; good to choice $8 05al0 58. Wheat lo lower; holders aoxioas. Cora steady and in fair de mand. Pork weaker; new 816 40. Lard weak st 6} ,8 10-16. Nsvsl stores very quiet. Freights and groceries quiet. Money sbondant st 3,5. Sterling 91- Gold 151*151. Government* dull sud steady. State bond* very qnlet. Cotton—net receipts 1,368; gross 2,910; sales tor export 25; sales for futnre de livery 18,100; market dosed as follows: July 201*205-16; August 20*20); Sep tember 18 11-16*18); Ootober 17 16-10* 18 1-16; November 17 15 16; December m. A call for a 8tate Convention, to meet at Albany on Jane 24, has been issued by the State Prohibition Party. nonnee their opposition to the Civil Damage bill and all other kind of Tern- persoce legislation whioh stop* short of absolute prohibition throughout the en- tire State. They call their organization Radical end that of ths Local Prohibi tionists, Conservative. Tho day for the convention ia the aim. as that already decided upon by the latter organization. Perhaps tome wsyto bring about a onion between the two may be found. Their forces are certainly not so numerous the! they can afford to divide. An entire congregation of German Roman Catholics, within the jurisdiction of the Epiaoopsl Bishop of Central New York, daring tin Utter part of M ay, signi fied their desire to the Bight Bev. F. D. Huntingdon to be placed under hU cere, whereupon Bev. A. F. ltumpff, e German priest of tne Epiaoopal Chnrcb, wee lent to them. nrm-UL jrarrrxr. I'll. U1UHON8* LIVEn hEGULATOE. I occasionally uaa, when my condition requires it DU. BlMMOhS’ LIVER REGULATOR, With good effoot. It is mild and mils me better than »oet other remedies, "Miun House," at 17. 80 sad 41, Weat Mth at., New Kora City. Klcgart family and atngle rooms, by the day or week, with or wlthoat boaid, In THE HUMAN FORM D1VIEK. What sad havoc serofnla indicts on tne human system! How rbenmatiam distorts tho trams. What misery the injudicious nse of oalomel eataiis! How tad tbe effects of syphilis transmitted from parent to child. Would you avoid theae terrible a fit lotions, fail not to nse Dr. Tutt** Sarsaparilla and Q«een*s Delight. It penetrates every 6bre of the system, even into the boot s, and eradicate* every trace of diseate. Success ia but best test of superiority; the won derful demand for Simmon's Liver Regulator la one of the oonvinciag proof, that this article le appre ciated above everything else of the kind. However USEAT SWINDLE! GREAT BWIEDLE! Jackson's Magio Balsam ia a great swindle. It is constantly srindUngthe people out of t he ir pains and sufferings. Bold by all druggiets. owerful alterative properties tor tho euro of ocrofu- is, ulcers, tumors, mercurial and ayrhallUc affec tions, akin diseases, rheumatism, and a l maladies resulting from a depraved blood. It la free from all violent minerals. bears the signature of Fleming Brothers, Pitts- You will find AT GRADk R RAILROAD ALE HOUSE, 32 Alabama street, CALIFORNIA GRAPE DR ANDY, IT A Bare Preventive for the Cholera. - Don't forget the pleee I jJJXOUIiSION TICKETS. At the season baa arrived when many of our ettl- sens and pleasure aethers wend their wa/ to the varledrwummer resorts, both South and North, several railroad oocnpvnlea, having the contort and oon /enlence of the pleasure seek ere at heart, have put on sale excursion tickets at very reduced rater, to several hundred points in the Northern States, Canada and Mew Brunswick, a the Oeaeral Railroad Paaeangsr Office. Mo. 4 H. I. Kimball House. Circulars describing tbe various routes, alee giving the rates of Are, oaa be obtained at the effloe or by addressing B. D. .MANN, Agent, No. 4 Kimball House, Atlanta, da. Juaaa It been accustomed to the use of bittera and are obliged eventually to resort to McLane’e Liver Pills for permaceat relief. Hamilton's Bnchu and Dandelion ia taklug tho place of all other diuretic remedies. The intrinsic merit of the preparation baa gained for it a deserve! reputation aa the beat remedy for all diseased con dltionsof the kldneyeand liver ever presented to the publlo. Any physlclvn can tell you that the in grodlenta iu this preparation form a valuable attete- The malarial poison iu tho blood, which cause ague and chills and fever, is spoedlly cancelled and mustered out by the uae of Kress Fever Tonio. A box of pills, free of charge, goes in each wrapper. The remedy ia warranted to oontain neither arsenic nor strychnine, and is alao warranted to cure ague if ta ken aa directed. No risk to health or portmonnle No cure, no par. Get the remedy at the drug sto of Redwlue 4 Fox. TALIAFERRO COUNTY. GEORGIA—Taliaferro County: HKRK40, William C. Armor applies to W L t tors’of Adinlnlftratiou on the estate of Mrs. Mary A. Harries, tote of said county, deceased. therefore to cite all persona concerned to show oauae, if any they have, within the time p.-escribed by law, why said letters should not be **Glven undo) my hand at offleo In Orawf&rdvllle, this June 2d. 1873. CUAULKd A. LKAZLKY jun4 Ordinary. C OUitr OF OltDlNAKY, FEBRUARY TERM, 1873. OBORU1A—Taliaferro Conatyi Notloeia hereby given to all persona having de mands against Mra. K. J. Overton, late of said coun ty, doc eased, to present them to me properly made out within the time prescribed by law so as to show their character aud amount; and all persona in- •aid deceaaod are hereby required to make immediate payment. lllOd. J. OVERTON, feb6 Adm'r ot E. J. Overton, dec’d. UKOKiaA—Fallaferru county. (Joust or Osdinasv, at Cuambbus, i June 6th, ISIS, j Whercaa, David K. Lnuceford applies to n burg, Pa., and their private U. 8. stamp. Take > other. The market la full of imitations. It is the popular verdict that people who have jgURRENDFJR OF GENERAL LEE At Appomattox C. It,, Va„ April 0,1863. A magnificent 14x18 inch Engraving of the sur render of Lee, showing the oommanding Ck nereis, armtea, and a beautiful landscape scene. It is ar tistic in execution, beautiful In deeigu and sure to have an enormous sale. Agents * anted everywhere. Sample copies sent by mall, on a roller, post paid, n receipt of 25 oenta, 3 for 60 cent*, or 6 for $1. Address J. a BURROW. Publisher, Look Bot 111. Baltimore, Md. A$T Catalogues _>f Books, Pictures, Ac , sent free. JUutMAwli M EMBERS OF CENTRAL LODGE NO. 38,1. O. 0. F. On Tuesday evening, the 34tb instant, thci _j an election of offioera for the ensuinii ten at Oeutral Lodge Ho. 31, L O. O. F. $ are earnestly n FRANK T. RYAN, ttoeretary. B Court, why said lettera should Given under my hand ‘ " this June 6th, 1873. office in Urawfordville, Application for Leave to Hell. appl the Oourt cf Ordinary of said c< unfy for leave (o sell the land belonging to the estate of Martin Woodall, latf of said county, deceased. These are therefore to cite and admonish all oeraona oonoerned, to show cease, at the July term of the Oourt of Ordinary, why leave to sell said land should not be granted. This June Id, 1873. SINGLETON UAHU188, Ju4 1aw4 w Adm'r of Martin Woodall, drn'd. Application for Leiier* of Dismission. G EOHOI \ -TAlLIAFJtBRO COUNTY. he rise Resale/ late of said county, dcoeiaed, have applied to ma for tetters of dismission from said executorship. Theae are, therefore, to cite all parsoua concerned laHowatuae if any they have, (wituln tbe time rescrloedby law) why raid letters should not be Given uuder my htn«l st office In Crawfoivllle, this Msy 3, 1873. < llAltLKt) A. BEAZLKY, marl O T. UEOUUIA,ir*li«ierro comaty. ORDlNAltk'H orriOK. W UEUBAH, John V. Andrews, has aDpiUil to me for let tore of Administration ou the estaU of Jantima Rhodes, lata ol arid cotfnly, deceased, raid application to be acted ou tbe first Monday in June next, and, Wharoas, this notice by me for eel I application for Juue has not been advert toed In con formity to lew, in ouch ceee made and provided. Mow, therefore, notice ia hereby given to ell and singular, the aindred and creditors ot said deceased: to be ecd appear In my office on the first Monday In July next, to show cause, if any they have, why •aid letters of Administration should not be granted, •polled for. Given under mi hand this loth May: IbU. OHABLkWA. RBARLkri May 30-wtd Ordinary T. a Taliaferro Conntsr Sheriff's Sales. W ILL be sold on tbe first Tuesday ta July next, within the legal hours of sale, bettors tho Court House door Iu tbe town of OrawfordvUle, Tal iaferro county, the fodowing property,to wit: A treat of land in aald county, containing nine hundred seres, move or toes, adjoining lands of Joseph T. Sharp, A. U. Drown, John B. Ivans, tnd others. Levied on aa the property of Henry D. Emits, ty vir tue of a A. fa. from tue Mupertor Court of said county In to\or of FoUard A Go. to. U. D. Hmith. Written notice served on John IS. Williams, tenant in poo- ' # Atoo U ’at the same time and piece, will be sold a tract of land iu aforesaid county, containing two hundred end oeveatr-five (374) eoree, mere or toes, adjoining lands of Mrs. Mary Jones, John Drake and others. Levied on ee the property of Henry B. Jones, by virtu»of n fi. to. from the Superior Oourt IMPORTANT NOTICE TO FARMERS! 1 AK Mill** on (La. until OU, * On. (look of rwur, Oon. OtU. 11*7, Bacob. loti, *-■- ■Ml OoffM. •***,. HoUmm. ToUmo, »«., ic. NO. 947 NEW ADVERTISEMENTS J^OTICE IN BANKRUPTCY. THIfl to to give notioe that on the 2bth dey ef A. I\ 1876, n warrant iu bankruptcy was estate of James MUiloan, of »d State of ffieergla, who has _ - _ krupt on his own petition, and that tbe pavment of any debts, and d all very of any property belonging to aueh bankrupt, to bias, or for hla use, sad the transfer of any property by him, are forltiddea by law; that a meeting of the ereot- tore ot said Bankrupt, to prove their debts, and to chooaa one or more assignees of his estate, will be held at a Oourt of Bankruptcy, to be holdou el At- tnta, Ga . before Lawsoa Black, Beqnire, Register, n tbe 10th day of July, A. D. 1873. at lOs'etoek a. m. W7k. BMTTfl. U. 8. Marshal. Jon31 It aa Mtasenger. F OR SALE. Real Ketate Agents. OOTS AND SHOES. B. F. MULLENIX'8 BOOT AND 8HOB SHOP, NKWNAN. GA. Fine Leathers always on hand. Customers supplied ort notice. D. F. MULLXN1X, It Hewnan, Ga. E XOURSION TICKETS. To aii the popular summer resorts in New York, New England, New Brunswick and the Canadas, for sale at the General Railroad Passenger office, No. 4 Kimball House. It. D. MANN, Agent. ■Jun33dlt Montvale Springs. a HUH FAVORITE BUMMER RESORT, situated In Blount county. Kaat lenneaaee, la now open for the reoeptlon of visitors, and will be maintained In a style worthy the patronage uf a discriminating public. Tbe marked beneficial results atterdlng the use of these waters in functional derangement ot the Liver, Howel*, Kidney* a Skin, And the core of Chronic DiMoatuss Attest their Medical properties. All tbe accessorise tor cejovaaut end recreeiiou Special attention Improvement of invalids. i to the comfort aud making the oily ef Knoxville. Tennessee, e point thence via Knoxville and charleston Railroad to Mery rill*' sixteen talks, whence passengers ere oonveyed in mail stages, running in connection with the tralue, to tbe Springs, nine miles distant. Return tickets can be obtained stall promiueat potato. ■r 4 tr r t^:;.r.:::;::::r.rn:::rr.:*ilS •• •• Month, May and Juue 45.OU •• •• •• July, Angus! and Mept'r .. Children under ten years of age aud colored ser vants half prloe. Address, lor the pamphlet • oaieinirtit analjrto and description of the water, etc., . . JO. L. KIICO, Proprietor. JneldAwtf Mentrale Mpringa, ta lTonp. ATLANTA WATIill < UIIF. F. HLAIjOW. Corner of b liuntor and Hell street- D R. P. KALGW, well known through hla great and rapid cures has returned to our etty end opened again an eslabltohutent for the cure of eU Chronic Diseases, cf what he will ieepectfolly Inform the etttoeos of Atlanta end surrounding country. LfVBI Sterility. Asthma, Barvone indlgeetioo, UnnonanaM. Nauaxi^is, Scrofeln, Dianxase racuuAn to WoMan, All lsurvarrias of tub Blood, Sum Dusabu, Kidaey an! bladder Complaint, Stoppage ad the Water. Ptlee of aU Binds. grajcTunss. Gononancaa, Bye and ter Com plaints ftor Meeseis and Senrtottns^ tie., etc. T. W. Rucker, of Chapman, Rucker 4 Co.; Major ’. B. Cox. Mr. T. J. Hightower. Goal. W. 8. Walker, Messrs John and Jamee Lyncb, T. Flelahel, Beer- after T. W. Rucaer. «■ uu.jw*«, W. R. Cox. Mr. T. J. Hightowi ire John and James Lync, *. ••••••*••, «»■- 4 Kuhri. Mr. 8h ultra tor. Dr. M. MltoheU. Hu* perior VteMt Mr. Inrner, of Brooklyn; Father Ma PhXdeiphto; Bov Mr. Smith, Macon; ulteien, Mi ‘ Cooyera. Mrs. Dan woody. Darien; Mr. White. outside of hie Insulation he will treat all aeute-dto- eases with greet euoceee. This method of treatment to the moot rapid, eefest and only ears sure, far Ucular attention given to the sure of sum mac com plaint, Teething periods of Children, Dyoeuterte*, alter e few hours will be su 18stout tor a cure. Men log (Us no danger when people call me immediately at tho first symptoma. This treatmeat glvae a white, soft akin, and everybody wUl toero to treat by Dr. Beck's only i end enro Remedy. ■O (4IAHUK laU on or address DR. i. C. BUCK cmcimun. mnio rill:: UMTKl) STATta UorK I., I.OU1MVIL1.K, KENTUCKY. T HE tMTMOi* p«MM »HI «■* »™*r(Mor, U* lOa HIM*,, moM OMltHM UlMnl •*■ kind NmiU pcUta to* M, *»T«: rem*. «Mt Md ««: *Um SMmImMi >•* ltor(H Rates of jLlvertuixur. Rnomaa Aovnnskiam win be tisoevtedat efi# doltor por square of tea llaoe of HonpmwUfor tbe ru^aquent^na.* 04 * n> ^ toT * Mh Liberal deductioai will be made for advertise ments running longer than one weak. * -omen I^oal, Bonuses esd SraozxL notices wUl I npour Notices for fire companies half Urn usual rates. FOR THE WEEKLY. All advertisements inserted In tbe Weekly Edition sr klwwiwuitSS'lhwAmw Mi* ril'd,"/1. "ttbi'lAUflllS t.V.ih. ’ —' kn*.il l^li- R&um KgrryYYnvo n Isltli. ) \ kVeivii*WsSsSg U |.hIi*A.V ir (4* «»*J t?.e UaJiWf gmeSMlO tjfi* • r ** J T , T' «te'ie*s6u«i*>mm^ii$an*sstam, ! •‘•S In the i • t>'iet.e i ,4rt) *im«th,'s*l ta lawsios si aririitr. lane IS, ISTI. Tfreane ftMtTt .V-hUt**’, 1. *i 1 Mvo Tw.n, »he LewTrat* v **wh lor a^aiae < aewer.^|»a is* ji«u « ji'wn fVk-Vae^Vsaimiem^^^^mVsi Cwptuito*i»"r*ur m*iVmV'i >M*-iuar i!vttSfeiP 5 “ “ ‘ reylt n ty ijerpf f. j. Mertae^HeepMaL^^^ ^ *1 )n Ih« •»•*:». Hi IS* roelnn •( the "Real It fineVe '-.h.itrirrS Sis yMM Ul f - .IffSr r'n'iu't" he *Itowe''altufe* mfffee ■‘‘vvs'ln itlla'sro itibifwtt etals' ta . «m -vr-.« 1.. r. ni'tdMKtslK ,i «. - ^M.., *d u.. *M ejjCj* I rMjjjMjjeiM, mm, n,«- ‘ ^'' '7u"k»kBTr*JM*, rw. t'L'ZZVi.i: . t.maSi 7 - In* imp* T 4 TknildK.a.nT T. U. - -lUKTnru. M. D-. Prof. •riiMwiatry ap<i ui.e««f»*'fvr..swa,Oe(h**a#msaoa. ''TSVt. ,w>.*.» » a ref. Mklrrl* UMir* snd T7»> nojwuUc*, R<HheM|>aUU Ue41- *** Col ' ,,-r et "‘“Two! mutLinft«,».bsstonr - c ‘ ChkWK - 'tfsWWJFWVtr' rsr. u rkritaksy, n ^3{Q*|' I ‘U(tt3L l i lla'cal MfdUlae. Cel. Uowmoi^ihle I'hyeleUt s« «« bellevs <h£W to he toe Net taato a*4 SteellSt St "ZZZZiS ,r T;.vYtssvV> g&M: ^Eminent rhyalclnnn In OnHniUttt. Menrtf ell rf mbem an rrefeeeece to so# ar toestfier «lti ^JuMtevtiSCijWi* m nVcV::; ,, 1 r^ r DnkieTT, M. !c. V (£3AV. ri-fijsZztL srjrfT ’— 7=r*—»jk*. lerre ef (liy Heejiltsl, U. *** g iiZiBosii: &5MBgr>fr l*(lli-Id.a* e-S-jyaSk*- Sifia, „ ..nn n^Sl — -- — - (Tor riiilo iu Atlanta toy WEST & EDWARDS 12,000.000 A CRKS I Cheap* Forms,! -' l M ■W,JHLW|-1W a.oue.euG (cm i* cxxxiiL 1 UO. lot Ml, I* uuu n torn “»• m4 e„ Md im ran' »«*« •* t. lut.r.,1 miutml. Hlkl Mi l UI>Mll.MM«*dMM«<Moe k.t I* (*, WMtl TM JtM» * Htomltg, OoloMdo. UtM ud l pint bl lb, Urm.ii to lb, yto»« 1 eoLaiza* iaiiiT^ju>^ipj* jgan*n*p o The beat locations foe *11. MllUM* <***•«. tsSSSW vostouoss of au old s Free paaeoe to pun Ireo overywboro, tdf * Land OommlaotoDor Summer Roitrt j KESSE8AW HO U SSL mabtkttA, oa. nmw * rasna.i —twmmrnm