The Atlanta daily sun. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1870-1873, June 24, 1873, Image 2

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THE DAILY SUN. ALEXANDEH M. ETBPIUCNH,) J Bdltora. CUAI.0.C. W1LURORAE, ) ATLANTA. GEORGIA: r.u4.r »*. *•’*• the iiim aw thi in wm mi comtiution. With . tmw to print, u well M pub lic ittereeU, we ben tb. pleoaure to an nounce to our renders (bin morning that 1>j an agreement with the proprietor* of Tki Cowmronow, Tub Bub will her**I ter be nergeS in aod eoneoiidated with that paper. AUeontrartaformbwr.ption and adrerUmments made with Tn* Be* will be waeuted and foUUled under the arrangement made between the proprie tor* of the two paper*. The nndenfgned, while having nothing to do with the pro- priotorahip, will retain an editorial con nection with the united paper*—no that all eubeeribeie to Tn Bn who now take TnOomummoa will, in addition to hianontribnttonaaathey have been given through the column* of Tun Bn, have the inereaaed contribution* of the preaent large and aole editorial ataff of Tn OonwrmmoK. Thl* arrangement, the undenigned doubt* not, will be not only acceptable but quite agreeable to all partleaoon oarned. In making tbi* announcement we can not forbear the ezpreaaion of the deep regret at that parting from all the prea ent employee* and editorial aaaoo'atee in Tn Bn* Oman, which the obange nco- eaaarily effect*. Our beet wiahea ever at tend them all. Ms. Jaum L Millbb, the preaent able and afBoient manager of the buaineaa matter* of Tn Bo* offioe, will oontinuo in that poaition. He ia fully authorized to oolleot all dua* to Tn Bo* office, and carry out our agreement with the pro prietor; of Tn Oommmoi. Auunm H. BrarmNa. tST My connection with Tn Bon haa been no brief and eo little known that it would aecm unneeeaaary that I should have any words at parting; bat still I cannot never my oonneotion with the pa per without expressing briefly the kind neae I have received at the bende ol Mr. Stephens and all eonneoted with the offioe. Aaaoeiated, aa I have been, more direotly with Mr. Stephens in the edito rial department ainoe the first of January last, 1 now wiah to expreaa publicly the i of heart and oonrteey Itfi toward# myielf. It ia my Bnoeiw *,h*) that ho may long live to ble** *<•* bo- loved State with ms wise ooonaels, and to do mnoh good ia the oounofla of the nation towards harmonizing and fraterni sing the people of all sections. With all oonneoted with the offioe I part with regret I have ever found them oourteoas and obliging. To them I am under many obligation! for their forbear- auoe and patience toward me. The ooneolidation of Thb Bra with 1 Thb CoMonTruoa I think very jndioioun and proper. The oomblned oiroulation of the two papers will present to adver tiser! a medium of communication ■jcaroely equalled liy any paper pnblithed in the Booth ; and I (hall with the tallest prosperity to tb* new arrangement. (X H. 0. Willingham. eclkctio maaaxiNic. The Eolsdic for July ia ou oar table, and ia probably the moat brilliant num her of any magaxlnaihat haa been issued during the year. II haa contributions from writer! no lean eminent than Pro I eaaor Tyndall, who wntra of “Niagara Folia;” Prof eaaor Huxley, who diaooaaea the “Proolema of the Deep Sea;” Pro faaaorMaxMnllar, whoan “Lecture* on Mr. Darwin'* Philosophy of Language” are the moat important of raoant attacks on “Darwinism;" and Mr. Tom Hughes, who treats Hi a meat suggestive manner of the various “Problems of OhriUsa- tloe." Other valuable papers are “Oharles, Comte deMontalembert;" “Look Napo leon, Pointed by e Contemporary;" “HouMSpnn Bongs," by Bam Bliek, Jr.; “Maflageriag;’* “Northumberland Hoorn and the Pereya;" “Borne One Pay*" “Too Boon;” and "Oo|* M. P. Maary." There la a fine parts*)! at Cap tain Maury, tad the Editorial Depart ment* have the customary interest and vtrialy. This number begins * new volume, and offer* a favorable opportunity to aubaoribe. Published by £. R Patton. 106 Fulton Street, New Fork. Terms, tS a year; two eoptm, 19. Single number, 45 MoManoai.—The Faria correspondent of the London Nates describes President McMahna a* a man of military appear- anos, his oarriage aaeot, cut ha walks stiffly i» oonaaqnenoe of the hip-wound he met with at Sedan. His blue eyas, whioh are art does together, express quickness of observation, bat neither keen penetration nor intellectual power. The pkyrtagnomy in Irish, bat without * glees* of Irish mirth or humor, tbeeoan- tennnon being sorrowful.” The seme writer adds lhak “McMahon he* not the faintest perception ot the ludicrous, and that hi* imagination It *SaUy led away by the peaap* and ahowa of Ufa. Hia mind haa a certain epio tendency whioh, J al lied to intellectual power, would make him one of the greeted men of the oen- tnry. Bat anlortunetely hia will end in tellect are both feeble." the Biiaaorr kiubai.u. The firm of H. L & E. N. Kimball, and II. L Kiiig)*JI individually, have filed their petition in baukraplcjr in the Dial riot Court of Massaehnaetta, end the Doited Slate* Marshal haa sent out printed notioes to the creditors ol the Kimballs, inviting then to attend a m eet ing, which waa to have been held at Boo- ton on the 14th June, to choose an as signee. Thee* notioes give the following as the names of Uie creditors, with tli6 amounts doe to each, viz: Morton. Bllw k Oo„ Now York, about I 15.(00 Morton .IIiIm k Co , New York, sbonl...... 05 0to fifertou- Bliss ft CD., t ew York, about...... 90.000 Commercial Warehouse aud Security Oc., _ New York, about - Ws.000 Fultou National Dank, bruokltn, N. Y.,about 36. J. Boorinan Johnson k Co., Naw York, about 80, Bu naall Sage. New York, about Ml, Unitm Trust Co., Maw Y«»rk. about 76,OiO Bicliard Irwiu k Co., New York, about 100 000 Broadway bank, Maw York, about 183.000 Melropol.Uh Having* bank. Naw York, about 78.000 Brooklyn Hat. Batik, Brooklyn, N. Y .about.. 100.000 Adam* Kiprwt Co., Maw York, about 60,099 Kidd, Pearce k Co., Maw York, about. 376,090 Du Kham k Co., N- w Yoik, about 3,400 Henry Clawa k Co ,New York, about 1,000,000 H. K. Tliurbar k Co. Maw York, about 60.000 Gilead a. tolUt k Co., Maw York, about.... 300.9JO Tredsgar Iron Work*, Maw York, about..... 60,' 00 Marina MaUonal Bank. Maw Yt rk, about.... 80,000 H H ln»elaud. Maw York. - 86.000 Grant, Alexander k Co., Atlanta, Ga 34,000 Lapham, Aduilnlatrator, Milwaukee, Wla..... 62,000 Pittsburgh Locomotive Worka, Pittsburgh Henry 8. Welle, Mew York Hoyt k Jobm, Atlanta, Ga 4.6 H) O U Jours, Atlanta, Ga. 0.600 H K Tburber A Co. Mow Yor , about 25 000 A J WMtou, Naw Yotk. about 10.000 ■ M Kimball, Atlanta. Ga, about 41.000 J 0 Kimball, Atlanta, about 3.U00 Georgia National Sauk, Atlanta about 46,000 Jas A Borne, Attorney, about 300,000 George Cook, Naw Daven, Couu,about. 6.000 Bnfos B Bull, Atlanta, about... 36,000 Georgia Baliway Gontra.tlug Company, At* lanta, about... 76.000 B H Brown, about Fisher k Bird, New York, about hlcbard Gage, Peril*nd, Me, about 3.800 Hoyt b Junee, AtUntaJiDoot 4,000 O H Jones % Go, Atlanta, about “**“ J G bears, Griffin, U*. about Kidd, P»aroa k Co, Naw York, about 05,000 U K Tburber k Go, Naw York 40,100 pxaaoiUL cuKDiroBB or Baaaell Saga, New York $376,000 H A Johnsou, N»w York 67,000 Palcn k Go, Naw York 6,600 Joba lllce, Atlanta, Ga.. 118,000 Joseph Tbompaon. Atlanta. Ga. 46,(XO Kb bard Peters, Atlanta. Ga 6.00o Jubn P. King, Atlanta, Oa '\Ooo Lepbam, adminletrator, Miiwankle, Wla 62.000 Goo. Goob, Naw Haven, Conn 26,000 F. Krutins. Naw York 92.800 Nlcol k Davldeon, New York 12,000 Purdy ft Go., New York 6,000 W. ft J. bloaue. Mew York 18,000 W. H Jonkius, New York 6,300 B. Hhauiuger, Naw Haven, Conn 3.000 L. Gander, New H»ven. Oocn 3,300 Kimbsil Brothers, boston, Maes 6,000 Eliot National Bank, B atoc, Maas 13,077 Fleher ft Bird, New York Griffith ft Tboiras, New York J. G. boars, Urlffln, Ga 40.UOO We print the list in foil, just as it ia sent oat. It foots ap over four million, jit, hundred thousand dollars / Kimball always does things on a big scale. His numerous failurea are as grand aa hia big operations. No donbt this list is, in some respects, exaggerated in amounts, to make it have bwtlr thilA -in nthar Maneeb his owing the modest, voracious and im maculate Clews, a million, is very im probable. Clews was a partner of Kim ball iu his Brunswick and Albany Rail road, and Oartenville and' Van Wert en terprise*—a Director and Treaanrer, we believe, in both. It ia not probable Kimball owe* him muob, if anything— let alone the gigantio sum of one million. Clew* haa a claim against the State for ■omething near SCO,000, which he alleges i* for commissions on aales of bonds and expended on aoooant of the State whil* be waa Bullock's flnanaial agent of Georgia; bat he baa, so far, tailed to sat iety anybody tkat his eliim is jnst. He oleims to have sold a large amount of Kimball and Bullock's fraudulent ponds, and wants the Slate to recognize and pay these, but we believe it is generally doubted whether he has made the sales he claims to have made. Some pereons are unobaritable enough to anspect that the “ring' 1 would have a large (lice apieo if Georgia could bo in- daoed to pay theoo so-o.llod bonds; and ■ome others, still more ao, suggest that Clews’ little aueoant of Lear 960,000, and this little million item in Kimball's bank rupt exhibit, areahams—the object being to get the Stan to reoognize and pay the fraudulent bonds. The item of 976,000 owing to the "Georgia Hallway Contracting Com puny," ia snggeetive. This company waa a sort of Credit Mobiher affair for Kim ball's convenience. The "Company” ooniiated of tho two Kimballs' who asso ciated themselves together lor the par pens of taking oontraote lo build rail- roods, end they let ont their oontraote to themselves. It will *l*o be notioed that E. N. Kimball ia, himself, pat down a* a creditor to the amount of “about” 947,000. Thar acknowledge owing to Jan A. Barns, Attorney, Atlanta, Go., the snug sum of 9200,000. Very few persons know Mr. Barns. He is a oarpat-bagger—has been a clerk, working for a salary-first, we believe, at the Bta'e Hoed—next in this Capitol, and afterwards in Kimball's office. We know nothing against bits. We do noc suppose he ever owned or earned anything more than a moderate monthly salary. The items dne Dr. Joeepn Thompson, Richard Peters and John P. King, are tor the pnrohaae money of the ground whereon the Kimball Home eland*. Of coarse, they will lose nothing. The amount dne John Rio*—9118,000 —is for money loaned, to aeonre which h* holds a mortgage oa the Kimball Hoots. The people of this city are aware that thia property wo* sold by the Sheriff, under* bail derm' lien judgment, and bought oy Joseph Thompson A Co., who now hold it. tft. Rioe, we are told, allowed Uue sale to be mad* and tue Sheriff to pees hi* t-tle to, and pat the purchaser* in possession of the property, relying upon hia mortgage to keep him seonre, without, iu tne moan time, tak ing any steps to have bis claim recog. niced, so that it is doubtful if ho will be able to recover anything. Oeo. Cook, New Haven, is the father- in-law of tbe two Kimballs. Ho was here and understood to be a partner and an active pirticipator in all their enter prise*. Kimball nays lie owes Rufus B. Ball- Cock) 92(!,i 00—which, to our mind, la as improbable as some other items we have noticed. But we fail to find ia this list of Kim ball's creditor- an item of 960,000 which be owes to the Republic Life Iosuraaae Company of Chicago, and to secoie whioh be gave a mortgage on tbe ( resent Capitol bailding in this eity, before Bul lock's Legislature boaght it. Kimball was paid in full for it, bat tbe mortgage is still unsatisfied, and tbe State of Georgia will have it to pay. We tail, also, to find in tbe list a debt of some 828,000 which Kimball owes tbe city of Atlanta; aod other items might be named which are not ou the exhibit. We notice several names and amounts duplicated or repeated on the list—no doubt either through carelessness or for tbe purpose of making a grand exhibit We might make other comments, but foroear for tbe present. Georgia bos suffered greatly through the operations of H. I. Kimball, as well as Bullock, Blodget, el. al„ but we ought to be tbankful that it is no' worse than it is. Other Southern States arc still un der the heel of wioked usurping plunder- ers, while all the conspicuous leaders of the Georgia gang havn loft our soil to es cape the punishment which our laws im pose for their mimes. The career of tbe trumvirate—Kimball, Bullock aud Blod gett—was cut shorter than they calcula ted upon. It had a sadden collapse be fore the time they had appointed, for which let as oontinueto I e thankful, and watch for the fn-ure. The fifteenth annual meeting of the Bunker Hill Monument Association bos just been held. Daring the past year six thousand five hundred and ninety- six dollars were paid into tbe treasury. Five thousand eight hundred and eighty- eight dollars ci this was paid by seventy- nine thousand nine hundred and forty- four visitors. It is now proposed to erect a lodge near the monument, and, says tbe address of tbe Association: “A variety of useful and ornamental objects, illustrative of the revolutionary epoch, oommomorative worzroT art, wnr net then be wanting. Many interesting me mentoes of this sort might have been al ready scoured if a permanent bailding had been erected for their reoeptfon.” AUGUSTA, GA. J OHN wTbESSMAN, Whulssal* Leslsr la choice Liquor-, sad Ascot tor John ulbaon'. Son A Co., pbllMlelphl*. 281 BHUA1J HTBKLT. w. 286 BUG AD SIBEET. M yers a mabou^ Jobber a of Dry Goods. Notion*. Boota and toti<x;S. Ham. and ClotliinH. 274 BEGAD HTKEET. J. MYEB8. 8. MABCU8. C ENTRAL HOI Elf, Mrs. THOMAS, PropriatroM. ( 1REENE & R0S8IGN0L, If Buuceuora to Wo. li. Tuti, Importers and Dealers In Droga, Chemical*, Ksaemial Olla, Corkf, BpougM, and Druggists* Hnndriea. 364 BROAD STREET. A mendleson, a KectUVer sad Liquor De.'.r, CHAUbKhTUN, S. V. B ank of charleston, (N. Bk’g Association,) 13 broad Btreet. Wiu. B. BURDEN. A. N. JOH^HTON, Cannier. President. Ay Capital, f 6U0 <iOO. 099B8. slDWIN BATES & CO., ~ IA 134 MEETING STREET. X W. MARSHALL A CO., ]JO 1*3 MEETING 8' BEET. r OHNSTON, CREWS A^CO., 41 HAYNE BTiiEET. rOHN O. MILNOR A CO., I 136 MEETING BTREET. H Ujauuw'jAtiit. ART A GO., 89 HAYNE BTREET. Mi LiJTMtm f. r*jrc r no* on, jro i mojv a jjyu jutui tm noons. D. E. T. HOOTS Jijrn HUOHB. B. STODPARD A CO., 166 MEETING STREET. M. BRISTOL Li A CO., 145 MEETING STREET. w E ha Tn, (.’a DMONDB T.' RROWN, (of late firm F. D. Fundus.) <5 H*V>E STttZKT. BOU WHITE ! Bob White Bob White; Bub White! Bob White! Bob White! Smoking Tobacco! Manulaotured by «>EO. ir. MjJijraHORJTE * CO., LYNCHBURG, VA. la pronounced by GonnolMura to be the FINEST SMOKING TOBACCO Manufactured in the United States, aud equal to the finest Imported Gtgire. For.Klcliness’and,Purity iRbas no Kiral, Haring received GOLD and SILVER MEDALS, and DIFLOMA8, ftc., at the State Fair* of Virginia, Louisiana and Texas. FOR SALE BY W. U. HUBBARD ft CO. B. F. MADDOX. MEADOB BRO.'S, BOROUGHS ft WING. DEHRMAN ft KUHBT, B. L. DANN, And Tobeooo Dealers over the United States •X. IX. ANDERHON A CO., MO Alabama Btreet, Atlanta, A BE now prepared to furnish Planter* with tht beat Mowers aud ilea per*, Horse Rake*, Scythes aud Cradles Threshers aud Powers, With or without Beperator*. Also Lave a geueral as* eortmeul of AGRICULTURAL. IMP1.EMKN18, INCLUDING PLOWS. FEED GUTTERS, HARROWS, PUMPS. WAGONS, ftO. AGENTS FOR BBGWN'S CELEBRATED COTTON GIN, TEXAS COTTON PRESS, BLANDY’S STEAM ENGINES AMD SAW MILLS Cell ead see ua before purchasing elsewhere. ■ayt J. H AMDKRSoN ft CO. Grand Summer Resort!! WHORE who deilre relief from the duet and toil JL of City Lite, can avail theuaelvea of the pleaaurea of *i riJTE ohm ru OUT TO THB OGLETHORPE PARK, Where ample preparations have been made for the enjoyment of the public. i Hall 225 Feet ia Length, 70 feet Vile U» Spleudid floor end all uturr arraugemeata am fori and pleasure, to be uaed !»r dancing end feetive parpoeee. Alar, ▲ Beautiful Taate e, With boaU for the amuaement of gueets. The ground are free to Plc-NIc parties. Ample arrange- Svauery; a Beautiful Drive on the Base Track; a Bow upon the Lake; Splendid Water; refrethmcuia of every Ceeeriptlor.aud the nmueroaa other la- duoementa to enjoyment, render Uue one of the Bioet desirable reeoru in the SobUi. eprU- E XCUK8ION TI O K E i B. *. the aeaaon haa arrived when many of oar oiU. me end pleeaare etakera wand thud' Bay to the variooa autnmer reeoru, both South and North, aeveral railroad compudea. having tna corniert and con /enienee of the pleaeure aeekera at heart, have put on sale exeuraion tickeu at vary reduced rater, toaevarmi hundred polate la the Northern Steiea. Canada ead Mew Brunewlek. at the General Railroad Pamenger Office Mo. 4 U. L Kunball Hotue. Circulare describing the varioua route*, aleo giving the rate# of fare, can be obtained at the office or by adoreaalng R D.,r “ * r * House, AUanr "* UHUlKUlMiH. G EO. W. WILLIAMS * CO., 1 aud 3 HAYNE Si BEET. H enry bischoff & co., 101 and 100 EAST BAY. O F. WIETERB, ft 181 EAST BAY. S teffens, werner & duckeb, Ud hast bay, 38,30 ft 33 Vendue Range. W H. CHAFEE A CO., ft 06 and »U7 EAST BAY. nmvna jab ihjsjujc* lb, OWJE, MOISE & DAVIS, Importers and Wholesale Druggists, MEE'.ING ST., corner HeSEL. mum ommiE mum Diimoii Book ,nu new-i pai m jiTlAJrTji r.u‘t:n jun.i.a, JAMES ORMOND Propuet. BC&' Refers to tuia -beet i a -i-eaimea ol New* Paper. (ROCKERY GLASSWARE, %'• .si< hHint: k vn. Importers ^4 J uoc s c Crockery, Plai'fdre hotel at naioon fixxukuh. NO GOODS t>1 RETAI L DECATUR HTHEET 1. tXttULL nOPl c 1ARRIAGES. EI7GGIES AND WAGONS. j. j. eoKo, Manofbo urer and Dealer in ro eucGhs, spent iu iioi mu mm CORNER FBVOB AND UNE UTREET8. LOCKS, WATCHES AND TEWEI >RY. ER InttrSHE. The Hetlsble Jewelry Htore, WHITEHALL HTKEET. SOLD AND SILVER WAT'IBKH, STAND* HU SOLD eBAOtr. CLO OOLD-HEADED CASES, SOLID SILVER WARE. ARD A OB EKALASHORTURNTOF KM* JEWELRY. URNITURE. pu t r * co.. LAl'EHT STYLES OF UFIR* PMTtor Suit-. Ohamher Su to, Uining-Hooiu Suits, Office (furniture, a d Put uilure Of l«u What* I SAN' BLOCK I RAIN, MEATS, FLOUR <fcf. STERUEJTS K FE rjjV, G General Commission Merchants IFOB8YTK8TBRJET, NMftB -HK OA. 1TOL. ROCERIES. D #otunHjr tfJrn^juomhhtmv vhvmth. C HART A CO., • 65. 67 and 69, MABKEI STREhT. P AUL WELCH & CO., 216 EAST BAY. CLOTHUiU. E d win batBo a cu, 124 MEE11NG bTBEBT. i L. FALK & CO., • 393 KING ST MEET. J OHN G. MILNER & CO., 136 MEETING STREET. noon, HLMJS Ji 4JTU bUBH tJiVTOKY. 8J NH, MLiJrUB dijru no*MB. N. ROBSON, 68 Eaat Bay, 112 Atlantic Wharf. CiHJBHB Jijrn T0ILMCCO. ANTOUE & CO., Proprietors of the , charieatou Dranch Havana Cigar Factory, LaValenUoa," 118 KASl' BAY. M TiJS'BMi THB JTLUMHHHS, HOOHS JUTU TOO LB. M/ lLLlAM bilLPHERL A CO.; ^ ff 30 HAYNE STREET. ATHENS, OA. S UMMEY & NEWTON? Whoieeala ihd Retail Deaiera in Hardware, Agricultural Implemeuia, fto. /CHILDS, NICKERSON *CO., Deaiera in Hardware, Iron, Natia, Mill find- inga. Agricultural Implementi, Chicago Farm Fuiupe, ftc. A L. DORSEY, ft Dealer In Dry Goo da, Orocerioa and ae- ■urved Morchandiae, and Agent lor he justly cele brated Sea Fowl Guano. TIEUPREE S OPERA HOUSE, M-W Complete in all lta appoluuu nw, ieating capacity 890 pereoua. apply to LUCKY ft YANCEY. ANN A REYES, \J|" Sale ft Livery Stablea. IV^WTONrHOUSE. A. D. CL1NAKO, Proprietor. OTUUMkirs HALL Wahuinoton, Gkobou, O FOu Balia, Concerta, lheairea, fto., apply I mavl3—tilliaiil. JOHN D. FLUID, Professional fflirtaorp M alcolm h. joh'nston, (Late or Georgia.) ikttornoy a t Jb a w, NC. 81, Bs. PAUL oILKXT, Baltimore, Alary laad, J AMES a BARTON, Attornsy and Oouneellor at Law and Beal EaUP> Agent, Con yers, Ga., will practice in tba Superior ana Supreme Courts of Georgia. Office first door eaat of Court Uouae Building, Deoatur st.oet. a*~ Special attentiuu given to Collectiona. l dly. VV J OHN P. BEDDING, Attorney at Law. Barnes. rills, Ga, will give strict athnuoa to boameaa entrusted to hia care. myzly IMPORTANT NOTICE TO FARMERS! Meal Coffee, sugar, Moiaaaea, Tobacco, ftc., fto Addreas A. K. 8EAGO. my Uditftw . Atianta, Oft. H J. C. K B. F. IETLFy Wholesale Grottere, —AND— Oommlsslon Merolxants. - ORMER PRYOR AMD DECATUR BTRECIR. ARD WARE, CUTLERY, & o. TO.ff.fltr, STEtE.IRT If BECML, ETardware Moi-oRante, AGENTS FOB fieri . t hinfl* Mmchimn, Byemmort Fewd/r Campmmm't MM •«* UltmUmy I’rtwler, Mill 61mm ead MolIImgr Clolho, GOB -ERDEOATUBAND PBYOBS1 RBBrs. Inhontoi tue n-' -mus»u_ Implements, -jiaohinery, &o. Jn irk ir. joiursojr; DEALER IN ipicoltunl Implements, MacAianry Chemicals, .Guano, Seeds, Live Ntock.r DcGIV<£’8 OPERA HOUSE BLOCK ...MtRIElTA STHEh. S AINTS, OILS. LAMPS, GLASS, Etc. I to CARE BIT, D VCR If co.. Atlaota Branch Great Sontbern Oil aid Pa nt Vcrks . . . 35 South Pryor street. American Varnishes, Psluia aud Palm OiU, Kentucky Pur j White lea Gift—. Lamps and Flxtnrae, at the vary lowest ralaa. ASH, BLINDS AND DOORS. J. C. RECK Sr VO.y DEAL. BR8 IN DOORS, MOULDINGS, lUHETS.INIIISJIIL BUSS S«SH;fll IIP JOOBNIB LOYD fiTBfiSr AND GEORGIA BAILdOAO, OPPOSITE GENERAL PAfiSENGEB DEPOT. s rOVES, HOUSEFURNISHfNG GOODS. Etc. HVJTjriCUTT If HEELM BRATUS, Pfo. O HillIGTl’A STRBBT, PLUMBEBS, 8TEA.M AND G.U FirTERS, CQPPjltt Smith*, Sheet Iron Work, and Tin Ruoffiinr. Dealt-* in ritovea, Tin Ware, Grates, Pump*, Hose, Tm Plate, Shaa^Oopper, Bbeet Iron, B’eam Pipe. **. eta, -ta, etc zrz BKWBH i.rn. BOOT, SHOE AMI) HAT STORE. JUST OPENED AT 75 Street. BARREiT, COKER A CO. KITE Beg to annonnoe to t^ooltlaana of Atlanta that we have opened at the locatio above naa*da « V? clua.veiy BOOT, SHOE A.3ST10 HAT WTOF16J WE propoea keeping first olaae GO JDi. which we shall sell an low aa any hones to "a City. Gif o oa •* BARRETT, COK tv R 4.UO. GOl LD, BARTON & CO»> COMMISSION MERCHANTS, dealers.iw Flour,. Grain and General Produce, NO. Ji7 ALABAMA 8THEET-