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■■ x . * f* ‘*&■;. j •
JVfti 4/1 */ * ‘ r 1 ' ;
fiffkiik Aw**rw/, Comn/iwttr tn
f.bJrl if Ws'Ufftjitff’ <jS-np s i$ tU t
tval cm i)i%H^*M r - R, i
yf -?#*• cif*
/ fs * H'i Riv? - St'innfih and EIN
CiiltU.O GA.II’B
n>um *Jin£ the Xatbirn betedmjfc
A Procuration.
* *** - - ,
‘T^rr'Mt% AV t* jci£; : i”
‘t ij P4;inm*nrft)tfng dffirm?*
\ Y t** Mldie jhe BlefTkgi <4
-.: K-jone t Uatton tod peace
f\‘ t * at Britajfi and the C( lonics, did;
fhc ctnitfr o 4 the laftyear, repeal
Certain a£U, SPGJj vttti f;uod tohtvc
- excited, and to have given
#A ,C Ul J .cpfowi t A. _
Habitants of Georgia ’ a y e ackE-wfr.dg
*£?f, ittl'T'eTTF^enre^n^ wP
Sreat-B :tia in that tepeft, arefucb d*
Go to every wiftv, that they in*
.hour of temperate deliberation, of'the*
ntmolY apprefoeniiont of dancer to li- ‘
berry lijcf ever exurcfled, and live
ficaWd that acknowledgment by the
facrcd.teftmony of their
tothe crown.
WE. the commtnclmf* Oilicert of
*TTiI Majrftv* fleet and ar’tn, f )T, a
just regard to #cft*re of Georgia*
**nd lor the j>rcferv*i;On of and
good wdrr im MlnfeHttiabuAittju
i;6 HEREBY DE?L.UUA thti ft
jtr.c law* oh the province f Gc.-iiuia,
-aahicE % *re in force at *he end cf the
i? 75, ABF. arf'lhiil cretin-;*
la /uft until fuMi ana pe
ri xl of left difqvjtf t, ih*ii enable a tW
t jae Gvne*l Akblv, to aher V>r n
mend them. Ami- far the more ?rr
,!jre3wte\ar..E efofi ;al ex*'cation of |C
■ \itt\ ,w.4houi Wjr~h tie property Ml
i-Viv .duals cannot }jc fife, public >-
\fi cnc* nil jrccj, nor clomcflkk tran
q iil ijrcoaSjenofd \ WE'hereby nond
’ rift* and appoint tW fallow* gen Ac
r7iip, fiteril departmeati of
* v fivd government in ul; Tl<i
, &IjrsyVp!eaio?t aa kaftWo, namely,
- Hi** Hot or a Col. fAMhI
IMX pravasmsfr, |k|B|^
Ohejen-or. *
tK 11 -''icui rabJ hnJo n, T.fq,
A John*
Jimn L— 1.
** ‘ Mairlfe Jolli t*V fq.j
* ftBSStiS?.;; ’
w,l p*v san c h i£4^
’ /jrvjr)WP*<Htf|Bg ¥t liKx
Pubi/fijed by Autliority.
“• ‘ . Jamei Alofrman, r.(q;
Krliall, htq;
J mn Pcnftan. 1.% ‘ # ; r .
Wartin Jollie, fe(q;
v J*w Robertlnn, E<q
ylHm Kfm
Elqi Chi-f
Wjxrin^4ie r —-y ■
John M-4!rvne, } AfTiflapt Jodgef^,
.fames Bch-rtfon, Efqv AltOfhf)|MtP
John Hunie, iiitu Sccßiary ofig\c
Proarbicev •• ~ |
nirph EvcOk-
Mnfl n, F.fc- fralTurer. .
Jtitlt. n, v
” ■*Hi T sq:
c.l *r:n j .1,-, !“p; .1:-
‘k j
I'U' 1 Pfitjliß
Pfrjttrc nf At! ni Ira i .day
E! ys-'drr Wyily, flip; Clcr’k
]Vv?d Montkgur; I sq- Cl:tk of the
phMife Ynnft 9
Th* E v. Nl Je t,k*pi, iHt
of P* ifn -f Chr-d Chu Vh ~ y
C,,- m rt Sr|nnh; ti?fsurtb
’ •'• Mirch, 1779: *•*
An AC T j
f *1
an medt -ntlx
Jr z .*/*'b f ’ ypL* tvrr fffpnt
i**Fsfs n iM
fb t*J ‘ifTct&*'t, r&t-ttrif{i!tf, Sri
1 - Ct /rA* cr BhfUtfituk tn ‘/Jmeftc/i, i cr fe
fetry therrt’', *■ 4
* Tii KEAS hit at Jon ‘V
>JJ ; r/ PfffSifis At'bf'Ottirtdßrtfn^
■•V v- frVa&^rV^•'<‘r4BA
” r etc cue Colon*?,Tfc
v : ner?, irfT PlanUt.orslE.NtjJaP ||
tw s, hit ’&-en fottnd hy ex^dtwWß
iifion t r|c t aivMUpn?^
hi je ft y** faithfbHubjrS*,
fpntVd to
/ . pf comrlti*
* H
ing to rfif common X&&J&XX
t!$ Kn M/!^Ss
• •“ -Pi?t-voft|njWif. ur
H pt<Wn*M<*fcw? ttyd***
and yrlißfnt Grc.rliiiMi Mt
last Htwolr u>iaiiii,ltifcriiiii -* *■
f ° r '^Frf t *
.. pi
ffi? .
jpw-4 wvJjeK Maiaaii
mmti ‘miv+M c f tku
huffeotitf oitWd
fc ~L Ia of
*tC ‘©tiliwilly paid and
lA^FE*- 1
■Hog-Cl ih„ so £>-!*!> cf ia
j>the teventhvraraf Ina f>nK
rg * <dfl
nw R)*W JMti* inio ar.rOrl'-lty
aH^. A r -’ £