Newspaper Page Text
i-y wfcitli mer.r.s junnelf and ;hc ga!!ar,t lemaics es a
rate crew V*re saved ; for in a few minuto the Ar
ea* went to the hottcm*’
’ Augufi xl. We are informed that there are row
in the different dock, yard* upward* of so war from 40 to 90 gun*, rrcdufive cf the
Vi aifftt but idiog in private yards.
W Augufi 91. The Pallifrr privateer of Hull hat feet
to Yarmouth Reads the Marcfchal de France, a
ttrateer of Dunkirk, well known on the north coast
’ having taken mote than 18 ifriz:* in left than fix
The last letters from Gibraltar, by way of L'fbor,
tnticn, that the Moots are all in a&ior, that they
and a large fleet in. the Mediterianeao,aed had made
iral valuable pr<z<#. \
AJ vices frem Gibraltar fay, that the Moorish
tadron has taken 12 fail of tranfportr, with fibres
i provident, from Cadiz to the Havana, under
nvoy of two frigate?, one of which was taken. *
The foilowirg (hips arefent into L fban : The Sr.
aquince Animas, Rodrigues, from Cadiz to Co
nns, fitiih brandy, feap,.“£ecoa, &?. Tte Mary
-lad Elizabeth, an American privateer, Capt. Weik*,
from Philadelphia to Cadiz, with 172 hogsheads of
tobaeco and 10 000 Oaves: And the St. Mariana,
Capt. Riman Son is, from Carthagena and Malaga,
to Ireland, with brandy and wise : All taken by the
Mfiffit man of war.
As no authentick lift*of the fleet under the com •
tnand cf Sir Charles Hardy-has yet been given, we
have been favoured with the following as a true lift;
Skips. < Quits. Skips. Guns.
Viflory, 100 Defence, y.
Britar ni’, 100 E*inont, 7.
Royil George, - - -200 H<Sor, ,
fßlenheim, 90 Invincibly, *• 74
Duke, 9a Marlbortugb, *. ‘74
Formidable, 96 Montfgu'-, 74
London, 90 Rnmillie*, • 74
Namur, 90 R< fjtmi.-.n, 74
Ocean,’ ‘*■*-... . 90 Shrewsbury, 74
Princs Georg#, 90 Terrible, 74
Qi ~n 90 Thunderer, 74
Duiitl, 93 Triumph, 74
Foudroyanf, 80 Vaiian% 74
Alexatnler, • 74 Ameiics, *4
Alfred, 74 Bieifaifanf, 64
Ajax, 74 Intrepid, 64
JBedfoul, 74 Piudent, 64
Bewick, 74 Trident* *4
Canada, 74 R mvey,
Centaur, 74 J-ipitrr, e 0
Courageux, . 74 In all 43, brfides f,i-
Culloden, 74 gaits, firt/hips, Sic,
CnmherrSnd, 74
It is said the combined fleet cor.fift* cf only three
three-deck fhipr,• and more than 1 alf the fleet are < f
70 guns and under j fj that it is exp.fled S.r Charles
Hardy, whsyvrr h: meets with them, will b- evjual
m metal, and able to convince both the Fiti ch and
Spaniards that E; gliff c is rot deg nerat and.
LI.ST cf commiflioreJ 3h.r>s now ai H> m •
At Portfmoutl, ntyjy ready ferfta : Baiflc-ir and
Sandwich of 90 guns.
At Stokes's Bay, a guard fhipi P.icctfl Amelia,
of 80 guns.
At Ports mouth tr SpithtaJ: RoysJ WiUirm, of So
gun*) Airogant, of 745 and Buffalo, of'6o. ‘
At Plymouth t Dubtii, cf 74 guns; aud Iflr, cf
Coming round to Fcrtfmculb: de and Edgar, of
74 got s.
N. B. Several of the above flrps kill be ready to
put to sea next wetk. r
A corrtfl LIST of the Grand Fleet of Fiance under
* Count (i’Orviihcrs's Command
Ships. Guns. Captains.
La Bretagne, ; 100, L** Comte u’O t ilHera,
J-.a Villt de Parts, 100, Le Ccnrie fe Guichen,
X..t Cauronne, go, De Titvilie,
I. Augnfie, x 80, Rcchechcuirt,
L* St. Esprit, 80, Chevalier de Temay,
Le Neptune, 74. H fter,
Le Gleriecx, 74 , De Bauffet,
Le C- nqueranf, 74 , De Munteil,
L’Aftif, 74, De Ravaucin,
LeScipion, 74f DeGheiiey,
Le Pannier, * 74, De Re’ lr,‘
L’lnrrepide, 74 , Ds Reauffier,
I.e Z diaque, 74, La P-rte Vuirr,
I.e Citoyen, 74, Le Mirquis de N'eul,
I.e Hercnle, 74, -L. Cvniic d'Aiuttlmunf,
1.: Bicn A me, 74, D'Aubrutm,
Le Pluton, 74, Dvffv.uchs,
L# D. ltirwj 74, D’Efpinocf-,
L'Ereil!,\ (5 4> De Billercy,
Le St. Miche*, 64, De la,
L’Alexandre, 64, De Tremignon t’Aii e,
Le Solitaire, s4l$ 4l De M ntclere,
I.e Prothe.', 64, *> De Cacquerecy,
L'Aflionnatre, 64, De Larchaotel,
L It'dien, 64, La Grander,
Le B sure, 64, St. Riveu',
Le Tr ton, De la Clotcheterie,
LeCatoc, 64, *< D Scillans.
•hips ordered to jo n the above •
La Bourgogne, 74, Marin, ,
La V o.rr, 74 , Albert St. Hipolite.
jo F.igates, s Gallioter,
6 BtuUti, % Lugie;,
A raed Bombs, See. And feme armed veflelr.
4 Corvettes, In ,j| lj|.
Septtmbtr i. The Ruffian Ambaffsdor Paria
baa pretexted a f>irtted memcrial to that Court, and
was on the pei.-.t cf taking his leave.
A 1-tter from Leghorn hfcf the fnllcwing para
graph r lt Admiral Mana hat taktU 29 Iranfports
and two ztfceckf, and beaten the Spamfh Adraiial
Barctlo tightly.”
Sept. 3. Ydferday Gsa. Robert Top teok leave of
their M*jeftics,*nd nrxt Monday will let out forhia
government at Nt w- Yo.
The Fafie, Achdlrt, ‘and Nonfurh, (Folkflosr*
cutters) hzvb taken abd Tent into €fibraltar seven
Spaniflt prizes laden with provjfionr.
Orders are fer.t to Portfimouih for his M j-ft>*
fitip Royal William, of 84 guns, which was bujlt
for a firft rate, to be flttcd out for immediate fervicr.
Sept. 4. The Tree born 6wifa n fidert in Grcat-
Britsin are forming a national battrlion to f.rva,4ia
Majesty and the date in the prercnt.bircotnftanrest
The following is the real ft:eng*b ts the Spanish
fleet joined to that if France ui der Comte d'Orvilli
er* : St. Catharine, St. Lu'x, Fernando, and Car
los, of 80 guns each ; La Galiaidr, and La Guer
rero, cf 70; La Dragon, of 64; Le Mine, of 54 j
frigate Conception, of 32; frigate La Grana, of ai;
and two packet boats cf 18 guns each. This account
wae sent by poll from Spain to London.
Bambrr Gafcoyne, Efqj is appointed a Lord of
the Admiralty, and Andrew Stuart aad Edward
Gibbon, Efqrf; Lords of Trade. The H#p. H.
Ducdar, Keeper of his Majefty’* in Scotland.
Lord Onflow is appointed Treafurcr of hit M-jefty’s
Houfrhold, vice Lord Carlifle, the'latter fucceede
Earl Talbot at Lord Steward.
The Hon. Mr. William Hanger, brother to Lord
Coltralr, ard Lord Townlhend's son, are embark
ed on boaid the Teriible manes war, Sir Richard
Bickerten, as volan teers in the fleet under Sir Char lea
X* We a. e assured from thrfiiofi rcfpeflable authority
that another nrgociatton for peace is aflually again
upon the cirpet, thro’ the mediation of the Courts
•f Ruflia and Piuflia by their Minifiersat VerftiUerj
and the prefer! ios&irity of the fleets es Great-Bn
tain, Franc', and Spain, may in fome measure be
acceunted for by tie repeated mem<rials delivered to
the Court cf France by the Ruffin, Dutch, end
Piuflian Miaificir, all tending to ■ reconciliation
between the belligcrert powers.
On thr 8 h of July died, in the 13d year of his age,
Robert Bcctiej Duke cf Ancfter and Krftcven,
Ma quis cf Lindsey, Lord Great Cbambeilain of
England by inheritarct, Lard Lieutenant and Cuflos
Rotulorum of the county es Lincoln, and one of hie
Majtfty’* Mi Honourable Privy Coupcil.
Extrtff of a letter, dated Plymouth, Sep'. 1, syyp.
“ About tbe 10 tk ts lafl month the combinedJUtit of
France and Spain (in number 70 ) appeared off this
place, ivbtre they remained four days. We daily ese
petted that they would have attempted to land near
Mount Edgecombe. It was glorious to behold tbe an
cient spirit and fiery blood *f the Weft eexmlrp men kindle
‘at tbe appearance tfthtir perfidious enemies. All ranks
and degreej of men immediately took arms, and placed
tbemfelves under tbe direttien es Mr. Archer, late a
Lieutenant in tbe third regiment es Guards.’ The conn
try mm flecked frem every part of tbe county ; tbe tin
ners in Cornwall rtfo with their, provineipl cry , One
and All, and Mr. Gv. at kin, ’Mr. Sajfet , and stber
Gentlemen of that county, putting tbtmfelves 4/ their
bead, they marched hither -, tbeje true born Eogliff
Volunteers, joined to our original ednip, formed a body
oj 20,000 fighting men. Col. Diecon, our chief engi
neer, has done great things-, batteries were eroded on
tbe Hoe, Mount Wife, Mount Edgecombe, Maker, &c.
and the mortification and disappointment which the De
venjhire andCornifb Worthies Jufftred, at feeing theiP
so eagerly expeded, prey efcap'c them, by tbe disappear .
ance es tbe Bourbon fleet, is inexprejhble. This place
is impregnable
Sir Hugh Pal lifer, to the great fstirLflion of all
candid and hoteft men in the nation, is appointed
to succeed Vice Admiral Duff, and to command 1 1-
VCR line pf battle fliifS, four f igateffttwo bomb*,
and a fie (hip, in the Mediterranean. Paldfer
go, and let every man go that +uillfight. It is known
this Vice Admiral of the Blue will—Private refent
menh/bould now give way U tbe pnbbtk welfare. ]
Gsvemor, now Commodore Jchr.ftone, will cer
tainly command five fail es tbe line, befidea frigates,
on an expedition to ths South Sea, fitm whicbgre: *
freflations aie fora.ed, bah from the force fiued
out and the known ooterpriaing fpiiit of tbe naval
gentleman who it to conduit it.
The rmba< go being now taken sff, the Ihipebeund
to New-York will fail as soon as they are manned.
Sir The mas Egerton has railed a regiment of 400
|toysl Lancs (hire Vouteet*, and a return of them
was made to the War Office the a1 ft of Anguft.
The name* rs the three provinces of Holland in
the inter*ft cf Fiance are, Groningen, Zeeland, and
- ‘ ‘ c.
BOSTON, September o,
A COURT is new fitting in this town to erqoire
into ihe failure-ef the Penobfcot expedition.
New-London, QBoier ij. Monday last Capt.
K;ag, in the brig Difiinn, arrived here from a
cru.ze. Last Saturday, off Blue F-int, the Ruth
fide of Long Island, he fell in with and to k she
trar sport (hip Badger,.commandrd by Capt. Ed*aid
k>ynn, under jury mads, having on beard tea
uo. pi; but Ihe was the next morcicg met by a
British cruizing fbip, and rctakm. Capt. King took
out of ihe velfcl four HtfSan c(fleer* and nine foldi
e a, 1* Biitifh soldiers belonging to the 44th reei
ment, the Captain, Mate, aad tine Teamen, belong
®*der and a parcel'ef small arms. Tbia
wfliti failed from Nsw-Y*rk tin te h f SsptsmU',
in ecaipaty whit it etiter traalportr, to
beck | onThe ijth they met wiih a violent gala ni
wind, which continued to tbe oa the 16th, aS
five o'clock A. M. they fell foul of the Clementina*
a transport fiiip of the above feet, having ia troope
on beard ; file wae lyirg on her beam endi, her aaaia
gnd mfzeo mafls goar, a terrible Tea going, and the
veflel water-logged 1 tbe two viffele lay in this eon
• dition about five aaioutes, la which time 15 of Ihe
soldiers a.nd Tailors got on board the Badger, but a
number of others attempting to do tbe fame were
drowned. The people ■ I the Badger think iheeiber
(flip fourdered immsdialely on her being disengaged
from them. Capt. Flynn was forced as far westward
and foutbward as lat. 23, long. 75, and attempted to
get into Georgiy, but tbe wiad oomiag ahead be flood
• for New-Yoik. ‘ u.
Yesterday arrived here under jury Jgjfwt, tbrlt
large French (hips. They were port of* fleet es s
beut 60 fail that came out from the Cape in company
with Count d'Eftaign's fquadrpn, Bound to France*
but on the 15th ult. in let. 37, long. SS, they met#
with a hurricane that lofted 48 hours, in which lima
great part of the fleet were difaufted, aad aaaoy es
them It it feared were entirely loft.
N E W - Y O R K, September 18.
D# a person arrived in town yesterday we are inA
formed, that bis Majefty"s flip Bobufie, Capt. P.
Cejby, bad arrived at Halifax , with a convoy from
England, consisting of 17 fail, and on tbe passage made
privets of two French frigates, one of thorn carrying 3ft
guns, and brought them into that port.
Oft. 13. On* Monday, lafl arrived a French bri
gantine laden with sugar, rum, coffee, &c. from
Hispaniola, prixe to the Bevenge privatenr of this fort .
Tbe three following vefiels have been captured by
tbe privateer febooner Nerfelk Revenge, out 12 days,
viz.. The brig Chance, CafU Newell, from Portf
tooutb for Guadalupe, leaded with fjb and lumber:
The brig Union, Capt. Hands, frem Pertfmoutb to St.
Croix, with fijb and lumber: And tbe fchtoner Benja
min, Capt. Woodbury, from Portsmouth, bound to the
Ofl. 1 j> It is reported that among tbe papers found
on board a Sfanijb packet captured by tbe Lady Duu
more are the outlines of a partition treaty, projetted by
France, Spain, and the Congress, by Which Ntrtb-
Ameriea is proposed to be parcelled out in tbe following
manner, viz. France to have Canada and its depen
dencies. Spain the two Floridas, and tbe Congress the
Thirteen United Stales.
Oft. )8. Yesterday arrived the schooner Carlifle,
ts ® Jafneff Wolcott Commander , in 11 days from
Bermuda, off which island be met with and engaged a
very elegant rebel Utter of margue of 16 guns -, /be bail
ed from P biladt Ipbia, when Capt. Wolcott defir id them
tt fir ike, which they emfwered with a broadside, when
tbe Larlifle lay under her quarter for 1 j minutes pour
ing in broadside after broadside ; in fome little {fact, of
tmo the letter of marque tofa/ty disappeared, which
made Capt. Wolcett conjetture Jbe mufi have funk.-Thus
ended tbe Carlifle"s cruize of nine months, in wbicß
time Capt. Wolcott has take* 28 fail of vtfftls and sent
them to Jamaica aad Bermuda.
Oa. *5. The Ariadne, from tbe Wefi Indies, with
Admiral Barrington on board, is arrived in EngUmd.
Oft. ay. Tbe number of new raised troops now in
arms for the defence of the kingdom of Ireland is 47,00*
men. . It is now a point decided in bis Majefty" t Privy
Council to cede the island of Minirca in tbe Mediterra
nean to the Czarina of Ruff a. A treaty has fuc ended
for takingßooo troops of the Duke of Mecklenburg into
tbe pay of Great Britain. A fire has defiroytd to tbt
value of 400,000 livres at the sea fort town of Brefi
in Franoe. Gen. Jones, Sir William Erskine, and Sir
James Band, werefafe arrived in London. An im
mense inferrtElion has happened in South America, to
the great confirmation of ihe Spanish Court. The fol
lowing are the new raising regiments > The Duke of
Rflffnd, Earl of Harrington, Earl of Exeter, Earl
ofWtncbelfea, Earl Gower. Earl of Antrim, Earl of
Finlater, Lord Cabier, Lord Dyfart, Lord Chevuton,
son of Lord Waldegrave, Sir Thomas Egerton, tbe Hon.
Augufius North, fin of Lord North, the Hon. Col.
Stuart, son of the Earl of Bute, the Hon. Lucius Ca
rey, Mr. Dundas, Col. Reid, Col. Keating, Major *
Stanton. The Jamaica and Straits fleets arrived Ja
opportunely as to enable Government to augment Sir
Carles Hardy s fleet to 4 g capitalists, which were
at St. Helen” s on tbe like/ September on their way to
the French coajl in ft arch of the combined fleets of
trance and Spam. Sixteen more Scots and Irifb regi
ments are ordered to be raised.
flbefloep Olive Branch, Capt. Thomas Crowell jut.
of ths port, on tbe *3 and and xyth ult. took and sent into
Bermuda two valuable French /kips from Cape Fran •
foisJsr Old France, with the following 'cargoes. *viz*
A polacre loaded with 180 bog fist ads, 7* tierces, and
47 barrels, of white sugary 37 tierces, *7 barrels.
L coffee-, 160 bags of cocoa-, and 6o
bogfieads of cod-fijb* Tbo other was a large jhip with
489 bog fit ads, 40 tierces, and + terr els)- of white su
gar; 60 bates 0/ cotton, 40 hogfieads of cod-fifi.
uro, j rrlb !* E r ™ atter */ Liverpool, cruizing iu ths
taken two fiits from Bofitn, bound for
tb s Indies, with mafls and spars for tbs
U gLi^ C,UMt and *</** them iutfifinti-
Os S°* R J c *pt- SLutsr, in a letter of marque, in
V we are informed, that, two
days before hit departure, two men of war, convoying
a cor filer able number of land forces, were fafe arrived
there infix weeks from England.
November i- Monday last were sent in here, by bit
Mdjofty t flip the Per feus, and tbe Delight brig, a let
t*r V flip from Bofion, bound to St. Croix,
formerly tbs flip fimerica of th'u fort, a frtmf veffoi