Newspaper Page Text
videnceagamft all or any of tkc offend
ers as aforefaid.
have hereunto set my hand, and
the great seal of the province
of Georgia aforefaid, this 17th
day of June, in the year of our
LORD 1780, and in the 20th
year of his reign.
By his Excellency** Command,
GEO. D’ERBAGE, Dep. Sec.
G E O R G I A, ff.
Grand Jurors for the Province a
forelaid, at the Court of Scfiions of
Oyer and Terminer, and General
Gaol Delivery, begun and holden
at Savannah on Tuelday the 13th,
Wednesday the I4 r h, and Thurl'day
the i*,th days ot June, One thous
and leven hundred and eighty, be
fore the Honourabl - Anthony Stokes,
El'quire, Chief- Jullice.
WE the Grand (uro s cf our Sovereign
L"rd the Kl sG, for the Boiy of 1. e
said Province, upon our oaths j. reset:
I Asa grievance, the fi th of the fir cts and
the many fhughter-houfes in the town and sub
lirfcs f Savannah.
JI. We prefert, a* a grievance, the indecent
practice of burying dead fco’ies in various
parts of the town and its environs, and not
confining it to the usual place appointed for
that solemn purpose.
111. We rrefent, as a grievance, the want
of a house of confinement and correction for
IV. We present, as a grievance, the prefsnt
ruinous condition of the high roads and
bridges, and the want of proper boats and at
tendance at the pubiick ferriej.
V. We prdfent, as a grievance, the want of
a prooer gaol for the confinement of debtors
and felon*. , , _
VI. We present, as a grievance, that Da
niel M’Girth, commonly called Colonel M‘-
Gbth, keeps t gethrr a body of m n, occafi
©nslly, under the command of a Captain Mor
ris and Lieutenant Timothy llollinyfworth,
who, when fome of their people are guilty of
robbery and other felonious afts refeue them
from and protect them ag infi civil authority,
to ts e great teiror of his Majefly’s liege fub
jefts, and the hurt of the property of i’.divi
duals. By information cf Captain jofe r h
VI I. We present, *s a that there
are not patrolei appointed thr. ugh he country
to keep the Negroes in proper fwbjetticn, a.
to the Patre 1 Aft.
VIII. We present, as * grievance, that the-e
are a number of people, pret-nding to ba
friends to Government, aftuming authori
ty, who do colleft and diive from distant parrs
cf the country whn’e ftcck> of cattle, anu fell
them to ?.no her f t of people that meet them
about 15 miles from town, and buy them at a
rate mrch below their value, by which the
flocks of cattle ere ceftroyed,- and many gojd
fubjeifts depriv'd of their property. By ir for
mati n oft, hnft pher Cramerand John Daniel
Haiffre-c r.
IX. We prrfent, as a g eat grievance, that
many perfonr, who have been nr.tnrioufly ac
tive in rebellion, atf ffVred to pass and -epafs
at their plcafure through various parts cf this
provin :e, to the great annoyance of his Mrjc
fly’s ioyal fubjcAs. By informs ion of Alex
ander M‘Goun and Thomas Ried.
X. We present, as a grievance of dangerous
confrqut nces, the ruinous condition of the
pubiick wells in the t wn of savannah.
We recommend to the f egifl.iture the calling
in and fink ng the paper m ncy ifl’ucd by law
ful authority cf this province, and a*e cf opi
nion that the fines which have already be n
paid, and such as may hcrea'ter arise, fhruld
be appropriated f* that purpcle. We aifi* re
commend that Crmmiflioners may be appoint
ed to take upon them the direction of the Loan
It is our rrquefi that these our presentments
be pub ifhed i.i the next Gr.zet'S.
Lathran MGillivray, Foreman, (L S )
George B ill e, (L S.)
Akx. M'Gc'jn, (Üb.)
J>hn Sferr, (L.S.)
John Danl. Hammerer, (L.S.)
Villm. Ross, (L.S.)
*V Ne hercliff, (L.S.)
Ried f (L.S )
>*vid Johnston, (L.S.)
ieotg* Fox, (L.S )
The. Young, (L S )
Seo Poufcur, (L.S )
• Baillu, (L.S.)
uhrifiepher Cramer, (L S.)
f hn Rrmfhart, (L.S.)
I&hJUNF, the following ORDERS
wre made by the Court on th
foego : ng Presentments, viz.
Or brkd, Tnat the Attorney General do
turn simany of the said presentments into kills
cf i> dAment as the nature of the said several
p efrnmenta will admit of.
Alt) IT IS rurRTHER Orderio, That the
Cjrrkof the Crown do enufe a copy of the said, with these orders, to be laid be
fore lis Excellency the Governor, the Hon
ourabe his Majefiy’s Council, and the Honour-
Commons House of AlTeirbly ; and do
mfci’a r t a copy cf the fame to be inserted in
Bv th* Court,
fcVwn Office. 16th Jure. 1780.
ts true Copy fate*frpm the original Presentments ,
af Drift ‘s made iherrcn, the fame being examined
Inst hr Court of Sefiion of Oyer and
Terminer, and General Gaol Deli
|rry, holden at Savannah on the
19th day of June, 17S0.
II is Ordered by the Court, That David
Dunran, of Savanrah, Vendue Master,
oneof he orftaHes so: the said town, James
Her-iott, cf Savanna , ( ooper, another of
the Ccrfiabhs for the said town, be severally
fined in the sum c f four pounds, for non-atten
dana as ConfHble* at tHs Court holden last
urlefs th y refpeft : vely make excuse oa
oath at the Adjou nment of this Court, on
fa trday the fi.-ft day of July next. A dit is
OroJ-ed, That a copy here f be inserted in
the uxt Gi.z'rt:*. By the Court,
In the Central Court, holden Df rvti
journmenton the 19th day of June,
d.RF AS the Courts were, on
VV Tuesday last, a’jturned to that room
in the State House in Savannah where the Cam
mo s House f Aflemhly usual y fits, and will
continue to be ho den there until the Court
H ‘u f e i* repaired, it is nevertheless Ordered,
Th't all Sa es by the Provost M rfinl, or by
the C.roner . here the Provost Matlhal is not
com etent ro d'j cnt nue to be holden at
that house in Saint fames*s Square where the
bupe i rCouitswe e last holden, urtil fu.ther
O'd.’r fta s Cr> rt ; and that all rules and o
thcrmat .rs which, by the praftice of this
Court, ‘’Ught to be ported up at the Court
H >ufe shall i:i I be polled ui> at the said ho fe
io Saint hmrs’s iq iare, ur.til this Court shall
order otherwise. And it is lastly Ordered,
That a cop, of this rule be inserted in the next
Gazette, and continued there three times.
Bv the Court,
/i LI, re>f ns having demands ag inst the
jT\. Est te of Ti omas Moodic, deccaLd, are
reqneftcd to deliver in their accounts, properly
Bttelled, and those indebted to said Eftatc are
defind to make r avmrnt to
On Tuesday the ift of August next, will be
fo'd at pubiick ornery, Two Negro Women, a
Girl, and two Children, the property of the
said eftatc. Savannah, 22d June, 1780.
OTA AYE D irto mv pasture fume time age,
O A BAY HORSE, about eight or nine
year* old, branded on his off cheek I—-B,
fir ng and well made, trots hard and gallops
heavy. The owner, proving his property, and
paying the charges, miy h>ve him.
Ogechee, June 16, 1780.
A Person of Chara&er,
who can write a good plain hand, and correft
!/• lnquiie at the Ptinting Office,
Tobler’s Almanack
BEING now printed in Charlcftown, it
may now be had at the Store of the fub
feribir. DAVID ZUBLY.
“"three very valuable"*
That are well acquainted with the navigation
of the rivers in this province, and have had the
fmallpcx, to be fuld. Ap i>iy to
Tomorrow, at ten o’clock in the f renoon, at
the V'ndue-Hqufr, will be fold,
JAMAICA and Wcft-India Rum,
Mufcovado Sugar,
And about 30 Dozen of Thread Hose.
Also, the fame day, at eleven o’clock, at the
Puidick Wharf, wi 1 br fold.
The SCibuNER REPULSE, with all her
rigging, tackle, apparel, a .id furniure, as (he
now li s, burthen about 5a tons, comp eatiy
fitted and ready for lea. Inventory may ba
seen by applying to
tad June, 1780.
FOR S A l"eT
At JOHN M‘IVERan i C >.’s vtorc, opposite
the Main G uard,
A GENERAL AfT.jrtmer.t of European
and Eafi India uoods; also best old
Red Port Wii.e by the quarter cask or by the
and zer, Orgeats. L'apillaires, Ltmon Syrup,
Medicines wholcfale or retail Field Bcdftea s
with furnitu.e compleat, I'ipes by the bnx,
S eel. Brown Rolls, Gunpowder, Fiou-, Bsef
and Fork, &c. ice. \
A NY pe son er perfuns having in rh-iir poflrffi in
N. grots or belongir g Willi.*in Kn X,
Eq; *.(F London, Mi*. Eliz.beih He,ward, or
M i. C the ii>e PJote, cf S JUth-Carcii i, are re
qu fte.r immediately to g ve nonce ’hereof, or deli
ver thtm to the fubftriber, wlu> is -iithoriz and to
receive the fame. NATH. HALL.
Morton-IlaH, 15 h June, 1780.
OTOLEN vu of M s. Oibbvn.’s nrfture in the
night of the ijih nit. A large BAY HORSE,
15 h tnd* high, b. indtil on the naouotn.g (h ulder
JA joine.! and a h-art atop, lias two remaikablc
wens or kerneli on (he upper part < f hi* fore leg*.
Any peifon giving ii forn ation if the rfT nder (hall
upon convift’ou be intitlcd to the ab ve r*wid.
Who is in want of a rerfon web (killed in burning
pitch. Mattor-Hail, June to, 1780.
HER EAS numbers of perfon* have lately made
a prajli e of parting through the fubfcnbei't
plantation, pulling down her fencer, and thei eby
fubjcflmg her 10 sequent loss of property, Notice
is hereby given, Tin*, from and after the fi ft day
of July next, all p rlons whatever are ftiiftly forbid
fnm osfling thr u .h the fame, as (he it determined
to notice of r.ll who may offend herein, and to
profreute them without dirtinftron . f ptrfons.
St den out of her pasture hit night, A large Biy
H rfc, branded on the shoulder JA joined and a
hca-t atop, has two r*nn kvble wens or kernels oa
the upper pa tof his f >re leg*. Any person giving
information of the fender (h*ll be handsomely re
warded. The thi.f is funo C‘d to hiv* left a fmalt
Grey Mue, branded with an O on the Ih-ulJer and
neck, and a e of ].
Mulh>rry HIP, h June, 178a.
T 6 B E~ S O L'dT”
A N able NEGRO FELLOW, about z> yea _ sos
ag% a g’ H axe-mir, fiwyer, and water-man.
A!f> A WENCH, ab ut t 8 yea sos age, fit for
either house or fi Id. Ai undoubted title to each of
the ak ve (laves will be giver. Apv>!y to the prin
ter. Alfj a Quantity of Chpboaids tube fdd,
AgyMEREAS Thcmas Heyward fen. Eiq; of
Chuiifi iny, in the province of S uth-Caroli
n, did, on the sth day of M \y, 1779, receive hit
M j fty’* prottflmn for h; S pc fn, and prrpsrty of
eveiy kind, and bath finre received a ctv fi mation
th re -f from bis Kxccll ncy Si> H’nry Clinton, not
withstanding which many f his Nines wht have
run away are batheu*ed and secreted by perfsns in
this province, N>|fce is he eby given, That, from
and the ill f July nt.x , any perfjn harbaur
ing Negroes, or b-uk other prope ty, be g-io Lid Th mas Hyw r’, will be prclc
cuted wnh the ii’moft r’getir of ih luw.
THO;. GIBBONS, A torney at Law.
Savannah, June a , 1780.
Said Gibbons will be obliged to any perfm who
will inform him, or Nathaniel H ill, Esq; wh ere any
of said Negroes rtfide, or are to fie found.