Newspaper Page Text
j&PHBREAS the Proved Mitflitl the rrev
[ tv ce rs Ceorfii, k, irtH cf • rit of
hltachv *Bt lokm it the fevcra! cu -
lt 4id attack ike laac* tad
pyy* H’ chattel* mrnie*. debt*
pa rs accrual, of tkt several
,b<^ t irvn *°*
■r™ ; • < ■n ■
std • dec!action ia ileGtrcral Coart tfa*a§
the loeral oc.woeUaU in each of the following
UUil| >l*. ■ %.
; , . 5 . jt-!i
Paterfor, fenrivieg .Obligee, vtrfut Thorn*
Same ww/e# Joko **l7;
Sim ire 1 Steve rt •
ra'iner i*y •
W iiinm One* fi.
Charte* M y dcit n;
L*Tifl Hal;
J. hr Hilio 1;
W illi* m Graves j n.
. G deo
win; • m e min j
Mpm*; • \/
(kfTC [ ‘Vt\ uj Gidr/ii Don fc ;
’B./r"'.Vtii in fir c.r*-'m ;
I j; ‘-pi Dupori. (o<jivi*'{ Copartner;
Pitc.foQ S/ql. Lrn an H 1 ;
.¥ • t, Vil iir* j'in.
X’ ‘ j Btrjanjiin Ardriwj ,
/ If lanca ;
■ mm i "**
• i • -i ; i FI ‘*■ Ml FI T-
’ < G dec n TANARUS) 3w (jp ;
’I hurraj; h jicti ;
GrctcbjDu ort, fu'yir*
■ / 6 , ; J j
ir g Lit part n** ;
and hsve ohtsirrd in rsch of the la.d causes a
r..!c 10 the roliewing efiect, v z.t
>k ;fL ‘- ■ ‘.\if ■ . V ; ''i ]-'•
/ CW, r //That the drfecdsOt ard dt Gndants
in the laid several ad 00s dy appear end plead
■rj ■ s By the Co*rt,\
A/jfj 24/b, *7BO. *
t-ht • 1 -Mm
NOTICE is therefoa hereby
ju gmeat will be entered agree
fore laid rule or octr agaiad eve I v
and fend acts who do not appear at
fomablr thereto. f •< i
W fro i#c* of Georprfa by virtat OfT
wdt *f attachment to him di Ae la the 6ta*l
coif a irdt nni MW, did attack the
tad trtfdeati, good* tad chxrcjt, nai,
ifotS tad k ka a# amtat. 4* kt formal
def* daats it the f*ad etta> aho are ik n
from and without tho R ain of ike said pro*
vine*, tt ike felt of the fe Ural piaattlf* t Aad
wheat* tke said pai-tiffs have vely.
Mgr ea*le 10 tke dire3i at of the Aiachment
A<t , filed a dec irt >n in the Grrernl CW t
n*tied the fevenl tefttdaati it tick of tkt
f'l oajrjf ciirr*. tli. ‘
Coarper ard Tel fain •otrfmt tkt furr trots of
Race, Hberi. ami Oniiim; ‘
Sir jaoiei Wright, Bart, emjmt |.ti Shefta l r
Jika V tret |
Mullryn*, Kfqj vrri/ Lachlan M-las Oi j
ar.d have obtained in rath of tkt laid cautci t
iu cto the Gllffaing effect six.- f
Oidiiij, Till the defend set and df*ad*
ant* ia * i.idfoeal aftiont do appear and
f I ad witbi a >ea> and a day, ochrrwifr j4g
m**\ ‘till p*f agdeft hi-r, hfty 0 r then, by
cefaull. By the C urt
John Shimon, P Jr C. C.
*4fh May, i; go*
Kotici is th? es re hereby give*, That
jdg*ncr( *ll b* entered,* to tke o
for f< and ul*. ruder, agaiau yof the CiJ
defendart* •bhro edt appear and ; if ad con
fcimaLlc thereto.
KoitiTtcM. PlafctiffY Attoraey tk
the fvd f*•**•! r*• b*
\Ay iitkJtAo tLt i u of tha
W province cf Q coi ni t . r y *i tue cf a
Writ cfAtiachmcrlO kin durflrd <n the evrral
cmuUm order mentioned did atuch the hues,
attf tta goo da, chattel*, m>ies, dibts, *d
ktakt df actourt of the feve a'.Defcrdann j.v
filrdl tttf , ho are nbfent frtoi *r.d without
the 1 wit* o’ the ft id provirce. at t e fjit of
fosal Skapcii*~ ANAS tkt
said Plttatifa have refprftive y, sgreeab-e to
the dircA o • of iha Atta hment All, tied a
declaration in tke Gereal C'urtagsi.flthe
fever**! Pe fend ant i in ih’ t, i.
satir*il DcMf/.1/t, (jf *l. Vf'fu* T/chl >/*r> ;
tamuil l)e>£ aft, fj a /. Vcrfu* frai.n Htn*y
Hr?u ; -
Samw! D'-vf ‘tifi, U of. verftii Ttmteit-Htmtj
Horru ;
D mgU/i, if al. rerfui *)th* Htv ftUft t
S mmtl D Hfl.i t mi. verfi I r sho f'fbjKum |
SmmMrt t e/. j
Sam*rl B>f ‘ t't Vi: ful Q* B ir nnj /Gj/ j
CL* R r.j ve fu Jthm A/ C/*ff ;
a'd nave obtaicd in each of ttie said ta-f.* a
rtfle to thy f -ft wing tff/rt. v z __
, 7’iijf the Defendant and Defendant*
in the fad fc• cral d ‘a petrand plead
withit a ; tar tod a dav, t the* wife J gtncnl
will pas ayairfl hint ot them by default
By the C< urt,
r lria r v I iih 1780 . * . •
Ht) i ICK ‘i fercbv fiven That juc’pmf r t
wi LJbe enter and agreeable to t w e ajo rf.dd ru e
or order apa rH every of the said D*ferd.nci
wfjo do not af pear a**d plead coeformasle
MW |ONF;. Plaintiffi Attorney
in t e said fcveral cauf**.
To af l , ublu k Vtrrultir,
rO Tti*T -v\kr j 4 iLf St, cinb*r fd. •
rr-\V O NKbKOfci h G'g l, g r<> le cf
J M s . Mo*Ot ‘ ernf* *. Al prtf r*
bivt- g &JMI f* f <1 the f..d £ita eue dh cd 1 j
wake tbeoi knom tr> -
JBIIN •GRAHAM, Etecuter.
Ilf .A VF. enquired into the P>ice rs Fh u ,
“Wt ih I fit dto be ‘.51 per ico of the
b'A ibrt, a.oavci Oioulj ikerc/.ra weigh at fol
io# 1 : ■•; ‘ ••. .■
4 4 • bnaf, - - - o lb. 1a os 4 dr.
yd Ditto, - • - 1 f jg
14d Ditto, ... t ~ o‘< 0 ‘< t
* F.'A is JOHNSTON, Trrafurer.
rw AN AW AV ftoaa the fab-
XV fc liber,
1 WO Negro Men :
J*® i* wtl tcnon in trig *.
W k- ut Savanrrh about 5 feet
O* Jr *V inthe ’ . Ki k h ; kl tk, aKo well
liitmiiwifi hn* wn in a* and about tn/n c Un-
try born, about 5 fe t 10 tchca
high ; Tie ab ire b egr* es are the property rs
James Graham, E r f Whoever w*JI deliver
them t* the f bferner Stall recrive a reward of
two do!hn fr r each. All perfo* are forbid
harbour rg of them, aad Mitten cf iff-H
Carrying (he out ol tke province, as cn v taay
depend on bring profcuuic-i HjL ßmfl ri
gour 0/ th- 1/w JGlMlTtfckAU.
T Acguft ti. i;Bn.
LOST, on M''•dry the a*l ultimo be.
t- t*o he Pa f n >y* Plmurion and town,
A |Ltk and M'd Wt.ffci Wro* ght
ewatn : nlng two er th c w trs of hand, vhh
f wf M* mo poriom but tk
W*W # a. kaa found ike Aune, a* 4
r*'l .%#Srwut*4-
tofcwaa - t- •*! n 1
attending Si 7
Stored and wbo it well acquainted with
the country, would be glad of em
ployment. For further particulars
enquire of the printer.
August §4, 17!#.
r pHI giver (Ml puMick tttkt,
That h hu takes that lirgr, airy, and
cow wod rots room of Mrs. To*d# •, wharf ke.
Has opened’School,
and teac 1 es Reading, Writitg. fd Arithnsf
tick. it tk Rate of Sts Potto l* a Yea” which
cannot bt thought unreafoaa le at the t an
•re at prtfrit. He flattact-kioifclf. lid iffarti
thr fa who ara pleaded to favour k m with tba
• acaticn of (hair thi and e.i, th?t the ftrillri
ca t aad ittrntL a will be paid to ikeir mcrais
aad cdocsti n. ROBP.RT PHIL. IPi.
Ssvni ah, a4th Augurt, lyla.
| HE fukferiber havirg built A STALL
•a tka Nor k bide cf the Market, will
there fell, f N . / •Ns
At Th etnvrce per t**e * Qjtntf,
and fr th p,.rc itr.
AV f V v.'m l. T,*iT il I.AVD,
1# Sc. |,.hn% p nfh atijoi'iag lands * f
Joftah P-*cU and C ha r !cs Md. It n, c > tain
irg bet-c"*: 4 nr and 500 aerrs. part t f wki\kil
fw h|vla>d,aw!tmdiff g od far rice) tka
higv lad conhMs if *l,i e oak ard hitkory,
and fome pift-, ard will answer well for co*o
and ind go. A y pcrf nncfia Je to pu'chafa
. t h. rtetkfM
A larc and good Aflortment
Os frefli Medicines,
Ta be had at a very r amenable advance at Dr.
B c Kft*i, atar ike lfca<ch, ’ f i’i
To be fold'at private Sal r
App y to the pri ter.
Wl P.LAS a Rc'e bf tke Genera! C urt
war la’.c y ma-'e, ard publithe in tftc
Gazette, r qui.irg all clticci of (he Peace
a.O Cciftibln l> to do what with
them In in mtkirp up. and rc.urai g irt the
Prothonotsty’s i Hi e is Savannah, Idle of rha
r'.me* f ail pe.f r,s within, their irf.eCtive
dmriQs who ar. q 1 a . fied to aft at Grand .nd
Petty, but no n tea lath been t.kca
rs th: said rtie o! except by tua |uf
-1 i < s for toe pa'iih cf Saint Andrew ; /ho
WH.r ra*tv an o* tre Gene a Aflcmbly,
pil and at ue latl f.lfion thereof, tie quaitfi.a
--- ens o* Juro s have in f me refpeds been -t
----trred f> 11 to iuclude ma y wh * were not qua
liked befo e, m. k s it th# mure a*c.f
larr to return aa> 1 1 It a of t.‘ie name* of pe.f ns
who a e cua ihed to f%rtrc as urors the
fa and late id, ihatjht few pe funs wh.ftoam $
are at p rfcat in the box may no; be
to fe<ve at cry Court,, onaecteet us tka ar
g'rft if the Jui.icei and Cos. ftb ci ia not re
iu<ni! g in lilts : Akd wmcs tas rhere are now
only l x we ks to tnr n itmteu g of tnc Go
oeral Court, ( : n which Court all cnninsl. at
we!l aa atlcivil mattm, art henceforth lobe
rctiJed) and, srnjeii lid* of Jur raare speedily
rcturnvd oto the Protk-notary's Ofi-e, and
pari ctyi| ? |y th fe for tke pari fb of Cbrift
v hurch the Prece. t and V.nir# f. r the faii
ocf GrrcrflrCourt wi I net iflue time coongh
t"|furr m r the Jurors who ma bt drawn by
hall *t 10 appear theres Taiaa arc therefor*
tor qui ei j J iMicrs of it Peace and Con-
Rfbles, at th ir peril, to do what with them
ref efcively its in returning lifts rs the names
♦ fa I persons ia their diflrid* qual -
fied to fern os Juror? hy the a l me 11 ned ad
into tke Cfficc forthwith. By
order cf tka Chief Justice, at Chambers, J>a.
vatjrah, 1 hurfday, the 31st d/f of Augnfl,
1780 y JOHN fiIMPSuN, P Sc c. C.
RAN AWAY from thr tteevT
e irg af the 2<th irftant. J m
An Apprentice Boy,
armed TtlOMAi :TORf*‘l. Whoever har.
hours said bov -ill be prXcuitd to the ut
od rigour of the law.
*av*r*ih, to -gr..
w - A Ni l'u,
~One or two Negro Men
ako bate ham accnftr mnd to Gnvd**i
Any tss
\ * • wU , .
Ua • __ ■ _ . , £tti, n * J... ... . .
caaaia •wperly ifttva, awd to modes I
account of a*l the as-Us fw their hands t fl
tk< fe iadebtad to laid adata arc rtqucJbdjl
make imamd att pay ascot to
A a gad ji, 17 to. /I.
p AN AWAY from tkt
. . XV fenkrt'c plaatatioa ra It, !
\f£h aaarak river, oa Sunday tk 1
7k Aug ft, JM
JEKt cur likely Negro Lad£ I
Sarr, Jacoh, Daniel, aau 1
ter, 5 feet 5 *r 6 laclea I
aad aboat 1 f years af age { the
twod ft kad oa rzaab ig flitru aad
the I at: or aegro eiotk ckeqaarad with bU
dri ct. They al! fpcak Bag ifli aad it {,
lapped may attempt getting to Ckarlcßowa,
as tkv.v wrtt of ia a caaaa. Smart was la ciy
a waiting boy, wcU ‘kaowa both i* Ca
rolina and tUa province.
: Alfa raa away at tka tiasa Gea. PatterfV
crjfed Savaanah river, a likely *oaag Naga
Felaw, named Joa, but may base probably*.
changed hi* name. ■ 1
A reward • f two dol’ar*, aad a'! reasonable *
chatgea wiJK ba paid for each de ivered m
Alcxaoaer Wright, Rfq; i* Chirledown, at*
to Nathaniel ha lu
Mortoa Hall, tßtk Augud i;to.
W*W< MWhOMMW M*MnMMlhpww
A large and elegant Aflortment of
CAL CDLATSD for tlx yrrftM tsisw
preaching ftafoa ia eon ope ing
I 4 !* MTatricx CaaoxsH xNci and-Cf ‘a
* . 4 Jl# fy •
Savannah, 31st August. 1780.
TO BE SOLD by th* febfcribcrt, v at peblkk
- fa t, at Mr Thomas Ta.lemichWeada#.
H.ofe ia ■-Bivtaeah, oa Triday tka trtk
September next,
A valuable Tratfl of Land,
la St. Pam's parih, n P on S *ri Creak, cm*.
tatni g 1330 acre*. Upjo thi- tr*t tkara is
a fuffici nt qjaatityrf p|*rti ~ | and, 1
one of the bed saw mills id t is fevin c. wMck
w;/rks four fsws; alf. a g>i t mi l tha works
two of ft>a<s ( ik-re it • f dkieat qa.a.
tn% us water fore.g t •*, ~and it is rxccci.
,n fir wll timbered lit .s reckoned ana of ika
miift valuable trjds of land in t .is
for lumber cult ngr W months credit will
be allowed, upon givrig b>ad ard approved
freuritv. Any perfm i cli.a lt to parchale
before the da* of fic mtv apply tv *
RAN AWAY fr at tha f.bfcrioer faem
months ng**,
Seven Negroes, viz.
A young fell yr 9 remrei By*?, abaut if
yra sos age, country k -a. A fdl.w, rawed
Cork, about 30 rears aid . A y How fellaw,
Sreplrn, abcut J? years cl. a A
likely/vLaw, name Lymo% rrtn rkably ac
tiv*. A fti ow, Titus A wench, $ phy.
A h’eg-o fellow, named Sage, who ts bar,
bou'ed f mewhere on Ogeebre.
And last Ore*k, aWx ting ®>y, B med
Sanch-i, about 16 resri of a.#, b and on when
he n.t away an czaatrig fbirt and kcmcfpaa
V, h ever w l’ take op the said eg
•’J of them, and deliver them to me ia Sa
vannah, shall receive a guinea r:ward. All
persons barboaring them w II be pr^feceted
nrakks up, fu7pliw
% lAk X I>be a dray. a S raw.
ber y Rovn Herfe, with a
,#ce *^ lU| * beads
/I high, has ea Indian or oC
mamkSSMU Ltc atrd braad •#kisv#oueU
ia k * fbould*', tad Oon both
bit cheeks. Any perfrn provi g she said horse
to be his property mav have kins, paying the
expence of this advertifemcai. The hoif/mav
be viewed at my planta ion, rear Mr. Mill.
///31, lyto. . i..
T 0 B E S O ED,
O* Monday the ißik September next, et tkt
hoof# In St femes's Iquare wi* r e tla ka.
preme Courts were formerly holdea, brtweee
the hours tjf ten in the forenoon and aaa ia
the afternoon, the sale to bevta et tea of tea
clock foreeoo. p f cel e s “ t
the I own of Savannah, knowa hy N•.
jI. D.iW W.,4, |, k ,l Ty.fcj.,, fmui,.
GNU ft • Jj BPJU Jg v Jg[gß • -fL jMa