The Royal Georgia gazette. (Savannah, Ga.) 1779-1782, June 07, 1781, Image 1
##T V •• **3SSk ~* •* -jgv .*? Lj£- s ‘ • * * * v* • I vJ■/: - ¥7 :.v “•§**... <* T A or?** *’ •B. I.’ B j - -\-■•■'£• m • ; jB f[ /“% B ~Li .iV T 1 L. -J- LjL- ‘ * ‘ - ‘•* PHILADELPHIA, March jt. * v?*l ‘ ft*m the SotTTRWA*d. • • . ;■; . ; ’ ■■ J.,jv Head Quarters, Iron Works, North Carolina, March to, 1781. SIR* . • had the honour tot addressing u/ j- : W y our Excellency hft there have been j£,: fome changes in our eircu minces. Plfc C Onthevff Lieut, Col. X,?c, with a * M m detachment of riflemen, attacked W-*g BTW-s *fce Evince -if the Bitifo army, un \*z yjy yi/ vyt dcr Col. near Allamancej, 3HLt?\7*x st\ J* 2nd killed arid wounded, by report, *', afcouj 00 of them. On the 6th the ?Bririfo moved doVm towards High Rock, either with a :arieasvta intertept our fto-.e* or cut off the light infantry .from the ma'n body of the army, then advanced'near fo xen miles; bj*t they were handsomely oppofod, and fuf- confiderably without effe&ing any thing. This occafioned me ; t-s retire over the Have fiver, and move the north fide of it, with a view to feture our iW* coming for the army, and to form a iunc ti(w with reinforcements *M*;*WaiiMnm>.*ndynt! reifment r Vf?g&lr- i$ awntfil 1 men; on the march from HillOiorough t* High f *<**• J e!Taed this hufinefs, and retired to Guild ford Court Hon ft, - - . Our militia had bees txpji foeh a fooft and uncertain footing ever finer we crofted the Dan that 1 could attempt nothing \rith confidence, though we kept within in or i* ■mies of the enemy for several day*. The enemy kept cfofo, feem.Jgly determined that, we foould gain no advantage of Jpbem without Hiking something of conftquence. I have the Vnour r* be, wfth great relpedl and rileem, V® moH obedient humble feryint, 7 *r jr j’ ‘ NATHANIEL GREENE. fits ExtAtencj (ten. lVaJhinpun. - Cmmi * at thtjron Works, ten mV ft from Guildford Court- Houft, March 16, 1781. K . *l*,; . “f\F tlvfi toth I wrote to his Excellency Gen VJr ton, /rdni the High Rock Ford on the Haw rivn a f gopy of whidi I enclosed your Excellency, that I had ef ’ fefted a junftion with a Continental regiment of rR month* men and two confi lerabie bodies of militia -beWin* m .Virglriie andTftrthTiaroima. After this i to k r the reflation of attacking the enemy without, bfs of time „£nd made the necefTaiy disposition accordingly, being p- r * ,>a.]ed that, ,if we were fucc fsful, it would prove ruh-"us “tu the-enemy, and if ot’icrwife, it would only p Wv * a partial evil to us. Tkp Vrmy itimxhed from the High Jtock Ford 0 n the *fith, and o* the 14th arrived at .The enemy lay at the Quaker Meetmghonfe on Deep river/e-ght mih s from our camp. On the morning of the 1 5 tb oS r recon - nojtnng parties reported the enemy advancing on the *r-a* £* T - Tht J '"; ™ *. -P bAS the front Ime was eouipofei ot the North Carolina militia lender the command ot Gens. Butler and Eatan : the fe *ond Ime of Virginia militia, comm*ade,l by Gen*. Steven* •a- tawfon, forming two brigades; the third line, con. fitting of two brigades, one of Virginia and one of Mary latid conttnental troop*, commanded bv Gen Hue*, 2a Col. Wiliams. Ueut. C.I. with TANARUS, ir± t M*ll ■ #- hc and tll ' rd Te E itEen t** and a detachment -of hjht.tfantrc tom,.,fed of tontmentj.,,^, .ment of niTtmen under Col. Lynch, To, mid , torp.Tf w!rh'°v\' h ’ f ' cur ‘ ty °“ r^dht Sank. Ueut. Coif Lee, with hr*. Legion, a detachment of light infantry, and tcorp, ofnffemen under Col. Campbell, formed a cLlff ’•Wtvvati'm for the fecunty of our left flank. 7 n- The greater part of this countrv i* > u- field, interspersed her I and ? * TANARUS“ ■ l f ge hiH 0f surrounded IfZ tfier h.lli, the greatW part: of which was coveted with ♦toGtWfi- I YiSd UnJe . rb ,f uA ’ The front line w p „ft sd 2SSJ ? A t P ieccs > t U ? on th ‘ : woods, and the bsJt of a fence wlilqh, run parallel with the line with -f* T ANARUS” fid ? di f Ca, y in tbesr The fS.d &wJ fe the swods abiut 300 yards in the rear of the firtt, ani the continental troops about 300 yards in the rear of the feeond, with a double front, as the hill drew to a point y tl^V d ’. and ° n the ‘* kft were two J and * ld *’ ** s Jpofiti®n we wasted the approach of the 4netnv, having off the baggage to this place appointed to rendezvous at in case of a defeat. Lieut. Col. Wfantry, and part of his rifle men, met the enemy on.their advance, and had * verv fcvereflcrmifh with Lieut. Col. Tarieton, m the *nemy fuffered greatly Capt. Armflrong the Britift Legion and cut down near 30 of these dravoons >t as the enemy reinforced their advanced party lieut* t-01. Lee wa. obliged to retire and take bis pofid/n TnX W h i e o , Sli° m t? Wd t! >y * c * nnonadf > which lafled a-r . ITS* when the ene (l >y advanced in three co >nd cfwu'a t . h V’. ght) the * u,rds In centre, Co l } , s brigade on the left. The whole fcrivade th 7 U2b • hC J ol j l fieW ® toMtk North Carolina brigade, who waited the attack until the enemy got within yards, when part of them began m fire but i OeLrdflUP uUho alj. The WenttjjfS? 4 ° ffiCe i S t d * U COuld to induce the politHWi n CII ol4nd J hut neither the advantages of c confiderationr could induce 7“;- >f Stovcns and C, Lawlin, the THURSDAY, JUNE 7, 1781. * i'f'l . S and . __ a ... -• i I'.f *e>-- Yf~ :• ■ • • . T >.. - . J t - . Field Officer* of thTfc br'gi’es, were more fuccsfsful in their C^mtidni; tly \ i/gipja militia gave the enemy a warm and kept up a heavy fire fora long time, but being beat liack the a£Uon became general almoikle yeryw hrp-e. The. corps of Oufervatipn under Wa&ington and Lee were warmly engaged, and did great execution, in a wor<j, the cortfljfl was long and severe, and theene my only gained their point by superior difcipline^ They having broken the fccohd Maryland raiment, and turned our left flank, got into the rear of the Virginia brigade, knd anpparing to be gaining our right, which would h*ve encifcfei the whole of the continental troops, I thought it mofl advifeable to order a retreat. About thft time Lient. Col. Wafliington made a charge with the horse upon a part of the brigade of guards, and the firft regi ment of Marylanders, commanded by Col. Gunbr, se conded by Lieut. Col. Howard, followed, the-horfe‘With their bayonets ; r.enr the whole of this party fell a k acri ’ (<en. Huger vVas the latt that was and gave the enemy a check. We retreated in good order to ■5, Rt / a y F f rk river, apj crossed at the ford about threp the fi-dd of aflion, and there halted-and drew up .ue troops, until wp coilefled aoft of our ftrazgler*. :*** the • fart df the riorfesTeThg killed bofcite the-retreat began, and it impoif.ble to move, the pieces but a long the great road. After our ttragglrrs -we.rc tired to this camp, ten miles diffont ftonj.Guildford. kv ra the bett j:iformati9h I can get the esetrlyj loss is nc,t than fioo men, befjSdifpme few ptifoners wic frrcughloff.. Enclosed I fend.yoijr Excelleivcy .a return of our killed, wounded, and rnifTinJ. Mhtt.tff trio latter have gone home, as is but too cuflomary with ; mTlitla. after an a&ion. P cannot learn that.the enemy haMe. got any confideiafele number of pnfoners. Our men a:ve in goad fpiriu, Hind in readinefs for another field day. . ’ l oul luniCht the bfs of fevetal valuable officers who are kille- and wounded in the adbion. Among tHe latter is Gen. Sevens, foot through the thigh, and Gen. Huger ‘ lv .s among theTormer i* Major Anderson of ■ Mavvhtid line. . Tha Snnncfs of the officers and foldier* during the w 1 ole enmpaign has been almost unparalleled. Amidst . lnnuin.Tir>le dilficOlties they have discovered a degree of . toagnjirimi.ry. and fortitude that-wili forever add a luffreto their 11.ttira y reputation. ‘ —* 1 have, the Honour to be, xvith very great refpefl aud e -1 rCr \i 1 ‘ Fxce:ienc y * moft obedrerrti and moft ... femitf, - NATHANIEL GREENE. ll,s K xr.-iL nc ; Samuel Kuntiugtcn, , f > - Esq. Pnj'Jcvr of Con^reft, ’ . RE I URN of the killed, wounded, tni miffing, of the _V.ont:a~nnl in the Aflioh of the ictb of March, Xyai, near Guildford Court Home In North Carblim, .* Cam*, Speedwell Furnace, Guildford County, f p • , c C *? ii **> March T 7, wfli. ongiue of Virginia Regulars commanded by Brigadier Gen. Huger. KiUed, j captain, t fubaltcxnj, v f er . jrJgg 2 i Ski wouaJed, 4 faijeants, 35 rank •ad-file; mtfowj. “3urujJtapd file. “~T V ** “” „.?,’. 15acir of * }dx:yhxi Regulars commanded by Col. Killed, irfujor, r Tiibiltern, a fejjeartls, n rankano‘ file; w ur.ded, (brought off) 5 captains, i?fer 3c*'n’ on ran , !c ln ? “Effing, 3 ferjeants, 6 drurtis and flies, 88 rank and file. g;M - Os DelawAre b>r*aiion, Gant. Kirk Wo od*l company. Killed, 7 ran* and file; and nle ; miffing, t drums and fifos, 13 rank atid file. .Detachment* of firft and rhird Regiments of cavalrv. commanded by Lieut. Cel. Wafoington. Killed, 3 rati and fi:e j wounded, (prisoners of war) * captain*, % fifo akerns, 4 rank and file ; miffing, 3 rank and file. Rtrtieangle Lcgicn commanded by Lieut. Col. Lee KrlH 3 rank and file; wounded, (prisoners of war}* j captain, 7 rank and file; miifing, 7 rank ami file. T otal, 1 major, -9 captains, 7 fubnlterns, 14 ferieaflts. 8 drums and fiiec, a§© rank and file. ‘ Brigadier Gen. Huger slightly wounded in the hand. I received no letum of the companies of artillery, but their loss, Ac. is very confidei able. This return is the ro<>ft accurate that can be obtained at > p rcient, but it is expeftedmany of the miffing will rejoin their corps. t). H. W, UI^S) D , \, General RETURNmf the Militia killed, woupded, and miflin K ‘; in the Adi ion at Guildford Court House, m North Ca- Carohna, the l sth af March, 1781. Car P ) Furnace, North Carolina , ’ ... . March t-j, \?% i„ First brigade Virginia Militia commanded by Brigadier pen. Sterns. Killed, z captains, 9 rank and file; wounded, r captain, 4fubaitern, 30rank and file: mis. nk LTml'.’ *•* 3 3 s4 .35b Second brigade Virgfois I.,Militia commanded by Briga dier Gen. Lawson. KiUed, t rank and file; wounded, r major, a fobaltems, x 3 rank and filet miffing, 1 fob! alter.i, 3 ferjeants, 83 rank and file. Lvnch* r K S -i“T t !, C9mmaadH b y C ° is - Campbell and rts* ? ‘■*)*. 7.1 r.k ~u me. rank ,„j ’ fub,, ''™ s . >5 jft Brigadier Gc„. Steves WQlllld cd through the thisi ‘ Many ofthofe miffing are e* petted to return, or to be fo “* d * O. Ilfw<M.MM ai D.A. Ucl. ’ i*- ‘ • t • RETURN of the North Carolina Militia killed, Arc. Two-brigades;commanded by Brigadier Gens. Butler and Eatep. .. Killed, 6 rank and-file; Wounded, i cap- Ciin, (f i fobaltern, 3 rank aid file; miffing, z captifas, 9fnhaitem, 55* raj* aad foe. * ■ Total, 3 captains,.ao fobalterni, 561 rank and filew’ T Tho North Caroline cavalry, eommtndsd by the Mar quis of Sbgtigney, loft t n, killed and j wounded. I have received *0 return of one of the North Carolina thofe miffing are supposed to have gone home. According W the reports of the General and Field Officers very few killed Or taken, moft of than*’ bavin* thrown away their arms, and abandoned the field early i* the attion. V O* H,W, Ltf AMB , D. A* General. Publtjhed by 0 Jer of Centre ft, CHARLES THOMPSON, Sec'ty. S*ftafi ola letter dated at ten. Greene'* Head Quarters, 4<w .Col. fpmfay s, Dtcp Riper, March 30. ‘ , ‘ - fciood and slaughter has prevailed amig theWh, g ß and Tones, and.their inveteracy: ggaifift lf U C3nt,UUCV de F o Pulatc.,tl i is- patt,of Vifterday , W uU our Admiralty Court, brought in here 'by an *fm-.*d foi>^ theftate, covered with clearances fo*-fterrmTift. A’nofßT veffe. taat had a trading voyage to that -olace with masts and Tpars. aad, foack Epglifo goods, was alfocoflde mned for- the use of the ft ate, These ml* fiances give no little pleasure among aU good citizen,. A merchant of reputation m this town went openly and eav information against and thenfhiJfthe whole government, and m the body of the peopfe/a dlfocfirion such pernicious arid difoonoufable methods 0 f trade,. / ■ rwvsav ?\ ™ ° K K - March 21 . - ‘T'HE latett accounts from Canada inform us, that a _A body of rt be Is, from 450 to 500, having march-d li . hno Jf wlt J. ade *S n of attacking the Britifli poll Cy Werfc by a number of the difaffetted in that settlement, who jiad conceal’d 5 00 stands of arm* to assist chem in tiq tercepted by * body of troops, foiiitia and Indians, and e. very man of them put to death. Their detetted confede rate. at Detroit were Tent down under guard so Mont-eal 9. By fetters from Chefapcak w e are informed* that a detachment of 30 of Coi. Beverly Robinfpc’s L-ai cS n SSS! fnent undcr rhe comm and of Capt. Kolfock, appointed by Gen. Arnold to mak a Ce nL°Lf hC Caftern of arriving at VicnnL ° n Ar ” brth of Nanticofe* river, fouTd aoo militia under aims, whom fie difoerfcd, after fi-ne seem: his cers a few three pound iTiotj an’ officer wa * then dispatched to demand a Lrge iupply 0 f Provifiom -gram, &c. which after feme deliberation (to prevent their - tovvn from being decoyed) wa, amply compL with. Yesterday arrived here the rebel privateer brig 4 t* ?°“’L ders * nd i° W; so- was fitted ou? at her with rum, fodigo, and part <ff hithohihild furnituse 2T ’ u Y^ Srday arr ' Vrd tbe ® uJ l Gal’e*', formerly m the Congress for vice) hden with lrn/r?m Delaware, pnee to the Trimmer whaleboat, which ft* HcSok yeffarW;- T?* m '^ C “T* pr! * e M aken brougfe so the Trimmer within the fp ice of a month, befiiS numbers which foe has destroyed. 6,1 ®* April ip We hear thar a few days £hL t ~r , v U Indians cut off many families near Mi niff nk, rirat great numbers pf violent rebels in the county of Aibl^! S2S& of an atackfrom c o4s^ e*'r.a e s s AL U V O datfd March to. J f Yesterday we experienced here a recent proof what a fomted re Mu trait and a well directed fire, even bv a fmill number against a fonenor force, can opera;*. . A patrol fe f 4°fo be^ n ' COm?Tl,fl j’” ed ' oScer fix Heffun yagers, fe.l n k, e fl oon; fix miles from wich a detach’ rebri G™’ ’ nd under order, or cne rebel Gen. Muhlenbcre. T'->e **l.*,, j;*-.- this patrol pursued ltffnceffantly, killed one of them^and took the remainder prisoners. They were attacking a for ofScts K CVe°eV o?r S ’, Wh , icfl^aS P ° fted b^lad * cVnr ? u tod 'f enand Capt. EwaJd was haflenmg instantly to foppoft them wifih to three the ”° tWithft . andin g the rebels did their utmoffc wavs Tent oft^ VC n Cnt, ° ,led W " C *- a and we,r di,e^d fiie Os tbe yagers, bn, g L h they fucc cded, after a hard co.ffitt of *nJ l ny ° f u* F rupport to tepulfo them. , Capt. Ewald, who behaved himfelf on this occasion, as welUs “lufi gallantry, w’ u atoly wounded in the leg, cne yagC r killed and one wound l-J atTr !V, ! ? f, was on<f Ca <me subaltern, amt ZLlm&bJl T * hi? T Wtnt h * d een *>*ae by theVebels #ith an intention of rccounoitrlno rcfiiL^*,” 411 ** bWt # totcd by this uncxpctted [N 0 • 119.]