The Royal Georgia gazette. (Savannah, Ga.) 1779-1782, June 07, 1781, Image 2

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    lift SatnrJjy evening faft Capt, Cornell as Het'el4, wick
feme of his Refugees and a detachment of Gen. Skinner’s
corps undei hU command, made an excurlion to Elizabeth
Town. Just before they entered the town the advanced
party ffU i|i with a rebel patrol, which fled in such haste
as not to be overtaken. Capt. Hetfield immediately pro
ceeded to the town, but the Jonathans, previously alarmed
of the danger, h a< * as hfual taken to thrir heels. Capt.
M’Michael of the Refugee Port at Bergen Point, who had
j hefeti taken out of a flag by the rebels, and held ir irdns,
was upon this occafnn relieved, and restored to his com
panions. We hjive only to regret the loft of Mr. Elias
Mann, who has ever distinguished himfelf on ailoccaitons
lince the rebellion as a brave and afltiye hoyalift.-JEie was
unfoftunate’y'killed by a (hot from a (hulking party as the
troops were reimbarking. Capt. Hetfield std one private
Were (lightly wounded.
April ifi. The following is an autheiitlck aceourft of
in excursion from Lloyd’s Neck to Connecticut hy the
Ass ‘dated Loyalist .unde* the command of Capt. Hubbil.
On Wednesday the 18th irift. CapHs HiilibU ana Ivei,‘with
the assistance of other spirited Loyatifts, manned eight
whale boats, and left Lloyd’s Neck with ah intention to
make defeents on the coast of Connefticut. At lunfetting
.they difeovered a schooner at a mile’# distance, oh which
they immediately gave chafe, but the wedtber beihg hazy,
And the schooner favau ed with a ftr rtg fouthcrly wind,
got into Newfield harbour, notwithstanding every exertion
to pieyent it j (he w#a pursued so close to the (hare"that
feverai long (hot paflei between Capt. HubbiFk party arid
fome militia who came down to protest the schooner.
Capt, Hubbil then rowed to the tffltward, determined to
attack the fort, near New-Haven, arid so well Was the
plan comludted that they landed in the night about aqudr
ter of a mile from the fort, proceeded in such perfect
filerue that they gained the centre of the parade, secured
the fontry, and surrounded the barrack, before the rebels
knew of their approach, \fter forcing the door and en
tering the barrack, one of therebels difeharged bb mufttet,
*nd thereupon wasioftantly killed. The rest of the party,
lin number, surrendered prisoners. Capt Hubbil then
Ordered the platforms to be burnt, cut down the flag-ftaff,
and effectually destroyed tviro French double fortified nine
.pounders, ,set fire to the barracks, and to every thing which
returned to . loyd’s Neck without Vuftainifig any loss. The
* prisoners were brought on Sunday taft;
. A K' l 30; Laft’Saturday evening a Feu de Joie was fired
.here by all the troops in ga.Tifon, in confejquence of ‘he
■Victory obtained by Lord ('otnwallis over the rebel army
under Gen. Greene, at Guildford Court Houfc,’ North
Carolina* the'"i sth of March last.
May 2. ‘An authentic!: account of art excursion from
Lloyd’s Neck by the Aflbtinted Loyalists under the com
mand of Capt. Hubbil: CSpts. Hubbil. Ives, and Tho
mas, and Lieut. Sanders, with fever? whale boats manned
With \fTociared Loyalists, crossed the found on Friday ev
ening the 27th ult. and landed on the coast of Coniwftieot
at 1* o’clock at night: lhe party after taking a circuit of
fix miles came rd Norwalk Bridge, surrounded the house
6f Col. Sf. John, and made prisoner of the Colonel and his
son, with a Mr. Isaacs, a young man who happened to be
in St. John’s house. Mr. St. John is a Lieutenant Colo
nel of the rebel militia, a Jufrice of Peace, a Mexnbcrof
-Afliembly* and one of the \fflftants to Mr. Jonathan
Trumbull, the Rebel Governor of Conne&icur.
May 5. Bills drawn by the French General and Ad
miral at Rhode 1(1 and have been lately fold in Philadelphia
at the rate of Sterling for Pennfylvauia currency, while
tills drawn by the officers of the Britilh (northern) arrhy
art fold in Maryland and Perinfylvar.ia at r 50-percent. the
par of exchange in Philadelphia is 166 and two thirds.
We are informed the Retaliation cutter of this port h~s
taken a French (hip, with 600 hogiheads of sugar, ana
carried be: into Tortola-
May S. By a corre pondent whom we can rely on, and
whose accounts are dated Frederick Town, in Maryland,
Thursday, April 26, we are assured that the rebels had
decided the Convention troops prisoners of war, the men
were to emain In Frederick Town, and the officers to be
sent to ‘onnr&icut; the troops had been march? Un or
der to cinton them at York Town and Ltncafter, and
proceeded as far is Peter Little** Town, about 30 mites
from Frederick Town, when they were countermarched
to Fred- rick Town, at which place they are now confined
and under a llrong guard, the eaufe supposed to be an ap
prehrnfion of the approach of Col. Butler it force to Fre
Paper dollar* a t Frederick Town were 1700 for a guinea.
Theregiment of Hesse Hanau are at the Swede* Spring,
and the rest of the German trmps are at Winchester,
Yesterday near 100 prisoners arrived in town in a flag
from Boston.
Vonre*liforce Mr. Greene ; the truth is, not more than 4 0
la wh'.mhe could at all con fide will move on that service.
On Sunday last was sent in here by fome of his Majes
ty’s (hips, the rebel frigite Profedor; Ihe was bourid from
Port ah Prince to Boston, carries it twelves, 8 nines, and
6 fix pounders, and had many valuable articles, with
to,ooo dollars on board.
Last Saturday arrived the privateer whale boat Trimmer,
Capt Turner; during her cruise (he has destroyed a num
ber of small rebel vessels in the creeks on the coast of the
Jeifies ai.d the south (bore ofShe river Delaware: She has
also taken several pri2es, five of which have arrived here.
“While the Trimmer lay in Newcastle Cove seven of her
tten attacked a house, in which-were 32 armed rebels, i
cf whom, with their officer, they obliged to surrender and
deliver up their arms, the rest escaped thro’ the windows.
About three week-) ago the Trimmer, in company with
one of her prizes, fell in with the rebel privateer schooner
Cock, of four carriage guns and four swivels; raoft of the
Trimmer s crew got on board the prize, made a barricado
round her gunwales of the lumber with which (he was
loaded, engaged the privateer about an hour, killed a
Atunoer of her men, and obliged her to (beer off.
The French fleet are expected at Boston, being In want
of many essentials not. to be procured where they now are
to repair the damages fuftait-ed in the action off Chefapeak.
A veffef which ar ived here yesterday left Boston the 70th
|!t. few days before which a fign-il was hoisted at Castle
William, when it was said to have been for toe appearance
*f M. D’ Aftouches’s fleetfrom Rhode island expected there
for the above purp so, but the signal was prem >otre The
jpaflTengers in the ab jvz. vessel saw the French fleet at an
chor in Rhode Jffiufo lurboux, to which the/ approach*!
fwj nev* *
We rc Informs skat Cos!. Botfoy was, by the Uteft *-
counts, arrived at Shamokin bn Susquehanna, where he
had with detachments from fort* regiments in Canada,
and a number of Indians, attacked and defeated several
rebel parties, and drove the Inhabitants from their abodes,
striking the whole country with dismay.
Saturday last was sent in here by the privateer schooner
General Arnold, Capt. Nealson, a brig Cape Fran
cois, bound to Philadelphia,, loaded with sugar, coffee,
Ac. Capt. Nealson took two other brig* from Philadel
phia, loaded with flour, one of which was case away at
Egg Harbour, and the other is not yet arrived.
May 12.’ Avery great augmentation of both our fee
and land forces are now preparing for this continent"; and
it is fuggefte.d that we may hope to be honoured with the
presence of Prince William, on board of one of the (hips
of the squadron. Nine hundred commiflions had been is
sued at the Admiralty agairft the Dutch.
We are informed that a party of Loyalists and Indians,
faia to be commanded by Capt. Joseph Brandt; have lately
made a defepnt at Nells’s Mills, about 20 miles from Fort
Johnson, and that he attacked a body of rebels under the
command of * Col. Klock, routed and killed 30 of them,
and took fome prisoners, and that Klock was among the
Utter. Another report prevailed at Albany lately, that a
body Os 50 Loyalists had lately joined Brandt’s party.
TkeConfrefs't final Bankruptcy. By a petfon arrived
from Philadelphia we are informed that last Saturday a
large body of the inhabitants, with paper dollars in their
hats by Way of cockade's, paraded the streets of Philadel
phia, carrying colours flying, with a DOG TARRED,
and, instead of the usual appendage and ornament of fea
thefs, his back was covered with the Congress’s paper dol
lars. 1 his example of difaffediion, immediately under the
eye* of the rulers of thd revolted provinces in ‘folemn fef.
fion at the State House assembled, was followed by
the gaoler; who refofed accepting the bills in purchase of
a glass of rum, and afterwards by the traders of the citv,
who (hut up cheir (bops, declining to fell any more goods
but for gold or silver. It was declared also by the popular
vo ce, that if to Great Britain was not in
future carried on by folfd money instead of paper bills, all
further refiftanee to the mother country were vain, and
roust be given op. ’• •„
iatio*erthe Cortgrebionaf that we have yet been
able to obtain, - “ ■
By advices revived on Thorfday from Rhode I (land we
ire informed the French fleet remain in ftatu quo, an< |
Is ‘ he ahhorrence of the Congrefi’s credit, arid
the furrlity of their piper bills, that no prhr cargo'is al
lowed by the French, their great and good allies, to be fold
but far hard money.
Thd following are said to be the Britiffi regimeets ii.
tended f h* continent: the 3d, 18th, , 9 th, 30th,
36th, 60th, 63th, and two regiments of dismounted dr.
goons ; and that the Right Hon. the Earl of Lincoln will
embark with the latter in the rank of Brigadier General.
P* mom* May 16. By a fchomser which arrived
yesterday evening in l 8 day's from Antigua we learn, that
Admiral Darby, with rhe grand fleet, had effeifted there,
lief of Gibralcar; and that in his return from thence he
fell m With a part 6f the combined Beet, of which he * <ok
fix line of battle (hips, all of which were arrived in Ene.
land. Ihis intelligence was received by a brig just arrived
in*a (hart passage from England as the foho ner was quitting
Antigua; and was there confi sered so authentick that the
Commanding Officer gave diredlioris for its being commu
nicated here.
St. John's, Antigua, Afrit tt. On Wednefdav last
was font into this part by his Majesty’s (hip Triton, Caor. “
M liuxfo, the floop-Poliy, William Bartfott master, from
Quay in Virginia* laden with tobacco and nival
-• .-4f r, 7*5< T News w arrived by a flag of truer from Do
mmica that the town of Rofoau, the capital of that island,
is slmoft totally destroyed by fire. No account is yet pub
hflied what this (hocking accident is attributed to.
Succours are said to be thrown into Gibraltar. The
combined fleets, attempting to prevent this glorious
service, hail, it is given out, fix of their line captured and
font into England, .
A young men, fit for Light Horse-
A men, and willing to serve his Majesty Kintf
GEORGE, for the space of two years, or during
the rebellion, have now a fair and honour
able opportanity of revenging themfclyes tin the
authors of the many cruelties and horrid murders
committed .on their relations, friends, and fellow
fubjea 5 of testifying their kaJty to the best of
Kirgs, and manifetting their abhorrence and aver,
fion to this unnatural and unprovoked rebellioni
by applying to Lieut. Col. George Campbell!
commanding the King’s own American Regiment,
now quartered in this town, who has power to
raise a body of light horse, to be attached to and
serve constantly with the said regiment. Each loyal
and smart young recruit (hall receive three guineas
bounty, and a crown to drink his Majesty’s health,
be provided with free quarters, a good horse, pay!
cloatbing, aips, accoutrements, and every’ other
requisite, fit for a light dragoon, such as a cap and
helmet, a brace of good pistols before liim, a keen
edged sword by his fide, and good boots and spurs.
equipped as a Gentleman Dragoon, be must
cary fu/* and certain victory, acquire honour to
himfelf, and render service to his Sovereign and
injured Country. , *
havamnb, sth June. 1781. ,
.+■ N* Ati Y per fan who brings a recruit shall re
ceive a reward of half a guinea. Such serviceable,
active, able, and horfet, as are to
be fold, will be purchased, and a generous price
given, by applying at the Colonel’s quarters, the
yellow house oear the’ weft gate.
Et. Col. aodP Comißianding,
* . St , 7 ‘
.. JW LL PubMes*hfitt Inbabitlnts fn ‘Centra!to
forbid felling any (pirituous liquors to the
foWierjof the King’s American
ditmg them beyond opc third of fftefrdaily fabfjd,
cnce, as the Commanding OflLer will pay no
©i their contraftihg *xceed:ng Chat sum, ‘
e * ,t ‘ Coaunandiffg,
Sltannih, sth June, 178,1.
■'** “■ - 1 --• - - r wii
—R-A- _Y—I. O y 9| fa
To be fold, on Friday tb zyb inf}ant, bp fublitk
million, on the Bay , near the Guard House a
greeable to an Aa oftht General Affcmbtn . ’
‘f-WENTY THREE L 9 IS of LAND, fi.
..- -1 .tuttedJOß thfc-Bfty of Jlhu.X
of each, jigrecible to a plan, to be produced on
the day of fa ie. - • l
Aifo; The Wt and FILATURE, with the
out buildings (hereon.
And.the SPRING LOT, containing 16 acres,
more or left, to the levcrfion of a leale of
four ye>irs. .
Conditions : One half to be paid in the leg;*
currency of Georgia, and the o'her half in gold
and silver at the present rates.
JOHM lft\ |Nt,
Baml Uwpes, Jd
Owen Qwist, /^
Philip Yonoe,
. Lachlan M’GiLtrfRAY, g
JAM E , HerRIoT; I S
John In de r sou, 1(5
SamueiDuouii, F
t Savannah, 6th June, 1781. ,
n C'UPEREXCELU n 1’ SHRUB, which S|.
O ma;e punch to an, mad- with hcih
limes, by the hoglhe and, qaaner c; lie. or thre.
gallons t best JAMAICA SPIRITS, by th- h-gs.
head, quarter calk, or case, WINES of diff,.,nt
forts by tiie doaen* None need apply without tha
- c^lh—in earned. JAMES HLRRiQf. ’
FIVE welll grown tame STEKRS, without
horns; fit s os o? ca or market, inquire of
the printer. ’
’ H E fubferiber having entered into the
(and having been a considerable iolei by the tim<s|
4 will be much obliged to hb friends in particular,
and the publick in general, for their command*
Which he will endeavour to execute in foch a man*
ner as to give fatisfa&ion to those who any cm*
ploy him. He will also dispose of any propeity, he
may be entrutted with at private sale
D ZUBLY jqa.
OHOmmOm'umamoamtf'mmm i n .n-w - -
GEORG* A. ~~
By Ms Excellency Sir JAMkS W RIGHT %
Baronet , Captain General and Governor
in Chief in and over hit Majesty's Pro •
vince of Georgia , Chancellory Vice Ad*,
mtraly and O? dinary of the same s
A proclamation:
WHEREAS the Governor or other Commits
der in chief of thi* province for the time
being h, by an ad of the General AffembW, cm*
jpowered, with (he advice and confcnt of hie Ma
jesty’s Honourable Council, by proclamation to
lay an embargo upon all (hips and veflels in Vhie
province, or in any port or place thereof where the
fafety of the provi ce seems to require foch a mea
sure: And whereas hostilities are commenced be*
tween Great Britainandieveral foreign fUtes, and
a body of Rebels have invaded this province, muV
dered many of his VJajefty’s lo ml faojes, and
done infinite damage to the country: I do there
fore, with the advice and confcnt of his Maiefly’a
Honourable Council, issue this my proclamation,
hereby laying an embargo on all fop*, vefleh, ad
other craft whatsoever, in the port of SatKimah,
(except his Majesty’s ships, or any vessels employed
in his service) until I shall, by another proclamati
on, imied with the like advice and confentasa
forefaid, remove and take off the said embargo:
And I do hereby require all Officers civil and mi*
litary, and all other the King’s liege fubjeas, IbrX
more especially the Officers of his Majcfty’s Cus
toms) ip be aiding and aflifting in carrying this pro*
clamation into execution, as they will answer the
contrary thereof at their peril. In testimony whereof
I have hereunto set my hand, and caused thereat
fcal of the province of Georgia to be UlSwfte aft
fixed, this 3(ft day of May, in the year of our
Lord 1781, and in the 21 ft year of his Majefty’l
p'S": D „ JA. WRIGHT.
By ius Excellency’s Command,
, Gxo. D’sasage, Dep. Sec. 4,
, v : ~ *■ “ “ r * * -v*