Newspaper Page Text
I tfPaktifck ITenSue,
L fridajf next, at four o’clock in the afternooa,
f? at Mrs. Tondee’s Long Room,
I A H Aflortment of DRY GOODS, confiding
of white, buff, and scarlet cafimcre j . pound
iread diaper and daroalk tablecloths and towel-
L Barcelona handkerchiefs, See. Sic.
Beft port wine by the dozen, soap and
Indies in boxes, brairdy in kegs, window glass in
Call boxes of too panes each.
I 6th Jane, 1781. D. ZUBLY jun. L. V. M.
r* HE Commissioners for the pirilhes of St.
r Andrew, St. David, St. James, St. Patrick,
|t Thomas, and St. Mary, by-virtue of the power
tiled in them by the Legislature, to take under
E e ir care and management all property,
ft;, runaway Haves, Sic. belonging to any per*
| n r epated to be in rebellion, give notice to all
lerions who have in their pofleffion* under theif
fcre management, or direftion, ’any property, of
fthat kind loever, to render in a true, just, and
ftdl account thereof, to the Commissioners, or any
ftf them, within the space of one month from the
■ate hereof; he, (he, or they, refilling or begleß
ftig to comply with this notice, may depend upon
■ring prolecuted according to rhe law in that case
Lade By Order of the Commissioners, .
I St. Andrew*s parish, May SO, i>B*
I <1 AN AW \Y from the fub*
M XV feriber about fix weeks ago,
* y oar 'E N e g ro Man, named San
dy j he is well knowh about Savan*
rah, bad.on. when be went away
¥■ JT JLihort dKk -brW9COflXwkbaybiie
gif SffiPT
Biaiiiarourd .hat; he had also a scarlet
. ■*> , coat faced with blue, and may by
mat means attempt to pass as an officer's servant;
fte is sensible and speaks good English, and is fup
lofed to be gone towards Bewlie, where he has a
life, or may be harboured about the Orph&nhoufe
■antatioti, near which place he has been seen feve
ffil times. Whoever will apprehend him, or give
liformation refpc&ing him so as he may be brought
ftfe to Savannah, (hall be fufßcientlyAfcovittded by
3.Jun7, nßi. r- GEORGE BAILLIE.
■ N pursuance of"’ a Writ of Attachment to the
I Proroft Marlhal of the Province of Georgia, in
Be several Cauffis undermentioned, difefted, I
Bve attached, in the refpe&ive causes, the pro*
Berry 2nd effeds following.
B John Hanglider v. Abraham Derocht: A Tra<fl
If Lprnd, in the parish of Si- Matthew, containing
ftp acres, more or less, joining lands of John
Banglidcr on the river Savannah.
J Robert Farqubar v. John Adam Treat fen : \
Brad of Land, in the parilh of St. Matthew, con-
Baing 500 acre** more or less, whereon the de-
Bdant formerly refuted, bounded by Savannah
Ber and lands of William Kennedy ; and a Traft
If Land, in the said parilh, containing joo anes,
Bore or less, about two miles above the former
Bd f bounded by Savafanah river; and also nno
fcr Trad * m the said parilh, on Cowpcr’s
Banch. Containing j--o acw* < more or lef*.
B Hon. John Graham v. John White !A T own
B>t in Sunbu y, in the parilh of St: John. .
mffyty. fro. per. Administrator of Wylly. v John
mton Leconte: A Trad of Land, containing 500
■res, more or less, In the pattlh of St Philip j
Be said trad of land is situated near Canouchie,
B<* adjoins lands of James Butler ; and also. Two
Bcgro Men Slaves in the town of Savannah.
■ Jenkins, and Gibbons, v. Alexander
B l<i: A Negro Man Slave K named Aberdeen, in
Be Savannah
■ C 'atbtrine Gordon v. Samuel Stirk: A Mulatto
■oi&an Slave named Fanny and her Child.
mLtvi Sheftall v. James Shivers: A NegrO Man
Kf* ‘ n tbe town Savannah, named Lelhong.
with all the dwelling houses, build*
B 1! hereditaments, rights, members, and appUr-
Ju>Ccs, thereunto severally and refpedively be-
Bging and appertaining, the property of the fe.
*1 defendants above named* his, her, or their
yrs and assigns forever, as it is said : Wherefore
m c 7 person and persons, claiming the fame, or any
WP r P arce ! thereof, have hereby notice to ap-
in his Majesty’s General Court in Savannah,
Bl! a fCtUrn t^ea^ writs, on Tuelday the
I day of June, to (hew cause why the laid
Btl—j a^ac^ ?l sforefaid, should not be ad-
Bgta the property of and belonging to the before
■®ed refpedive defendants and absent debtors,
I. ; , D FRASER, A. P. M.
Jane I, 1781.
pAKEN UP by one of Capt.‘Boedicker’s
Wfi wrnnts, a Bay MARE, aboutTal hands
Kh, branded on the off thigh W
B, . 1~I —about 7
otd. has loft her left eye, the near fetterlock
K e * hoever owns the said marc may have
| s “s charge;, and applying at the Cap.
, • \ . * .• •• t “_* -% #
\At Publick j4uj3tsH)
U ilp>eft>ldi on Wednesday the 18th July next, at
Mr. Duncans Room, the file to begin
at, ten o’clock in the forenoon* vi*.
ALL the Effefh belonging to the Bftate of
Mr. Jofepli Rayncs. deoeafed, of Christ
Church parilh, planter, confiding of seven negroes,
*c- The conditions to be made known on
the day of laic.
N. B. AU perfdns having demands against the
said edate are delired to fenain their accounts, pro
perly attelled, on or before the day of sale, and
those indebted to said edate to make payment to
Thomas Browhhill* Executor.
Savannah, June 6, 1781.
&m)**x* ■ mxxxxxxx
SAVANNA H, Jane 7.
SOME doubts having lately been darted with
refped to the Ban and Inlets of this Province;
it has been thoii ht proper to inlert the foTTowing
State of the Depths of Water on the different Bars
hefe, for the convenicncy of his Majesty's cruisers,
as well as mailers of merchantmen, who may be
unacquainted on thkloaft.
i: Savannah Bar has 18 feet at low water, and
rises from 24 to 26 fee t at firing tides.
At the Garden Bank below the tOwn a veflel
may carry over 12 feet at high water, but flioffld
not exceed. .
N B. There is an Inland Navigation for veftels
of g feet draught of water from Savannah River
through Tybee Creek, and higher up through
Augutbne Creek to Great Ogechee RivCr, and
from thence to St. Catherine's Sound, bunbiift,:
2. Offabaw Inlet has iS feet at low water on th#
. Bar, and from 22 to 24 feet at high water.—This
is the principal Inlet to Great Ogechee River.
3 Sunbury or St. Catherine's Inlet, 10 feet at
low water, and 17 feet at high water.
4. S.ipelo L let has 14 feet at low water, anj
from 20 to ti fee: at high water.
5. St. Simon’s, 15 feet at low water, and from
20 to 22 feet at high water.
N. B Thh is the principal Inlet to thd Great
River tnc Alatamaha and Turtle River, On this
lad river was laid out, fone years before the Re
bellion, the Town of New Brunswick, as the fitted
place, as well as the healthied (pot, for the capital
of the province.
6. St. Andrew’s Inlet is equal to St. Sirtion’s,
opers to Great and Little Sttilla Rivers, and has
-an excellent Inland Navigation to the Alatatnaha
northerly, and St. Mary’s fouthtHy.
7. St. Mary’s* 10 feet at low water* and from
1(5 to 17 feet at high water —This divides the pro
vince of Georgia from East Florida.
N B Fhe above account is taken from the
ab ed Pilot in this country, who has redded many
years in the province.
■ mi m*m . mmm ~■
. . GEORGIA, JUNE i. t yti.
WHEREAS many ufeful and salutary laws
have from time to time been palled for the benefit
and prote&ion of the inhabitants of this province,
which, by reason of the Rebe lion and other obvi
ous tatjfes could not of late be so e&aually en
forced as to answer the good purposes intended,
whereby numberless inconveniences happen to the
publick in general, and td individuals in particular;
jn order therefore to prevent as far as possible such
evils in future* his Excellency the Governor, with
the advice and consent of his Majedy’s Council
has been pleased to dired that A # PUBLICK
OFFICE be edablilhed in Savannah, for the re
gulation of the internal police t for trania&inft all
bufmefa relative to the duty of a
maintenance of and good order, and a due
obedience to our local laws; and for the support
of his Majesty’s government: Notice it herein
fhnn t That the feid PUB.JCK OFFICE n now
opened at the house of Samuel Farley, Efij. in
Drayton Street, where attendance will be given
from nine o’clock in the morning till three in the
- afternoon.
A fleet of about jo fail of men of war, trans
ports, Sec. with a large reinforcement of troops,
from Ireland, were left on Friday mofnirg, by
fome vessels which arrived here last Saturday, be
tween Beaufort and Charleftown, and as the wind
was favourable; it is not doubted but they rmtn* t 0
an anchor off the last mentioned place that evening.
Last Monday being the Anniversary of the
Birth Day of our molt gmcious Sovereign, when
his Majesty entered into the 44th year of hit age,
at noon a royal salute was fired at Fort Prevoft;
in the afternoon his Excellency the-GoVerocr gave
a genteel entertainment to the Lieutenant Gover
nor, the Members of his Majesty’s Honourable
Council and Commons House of Affen&ly, the
Officers of his Majesty’s Troops, Publick Officers,
Officers of the Militia, Sec. and in the evening there
, were illuminations, bonfires, and Other demonftra
tioM Os joy.
met here agreeable to adjournment, tad
tfttr adjourned til? the p6th inst. >
On Hll MAHii'rVV JJlllTri DAV. 7-4-
Magnus fooilt Bonus Bbettur. *t
HAIL ! Fourth of Jwie, let Georgia Blcfa the day .?
That gift her Cloioi ki|*kbt|j toj her hflri
fdeptcr’S sway; * *, S
With rising luftre view th*t joyful <fay retorii, : J f ‘
Frdh ftamo of hope* and joys in loyal boioms hum. 2 ?
Vam ar* his foes attempts, at home, abroad, in vain, .
Rebels and foes have fail’d, but God and George &uaU
May every chofcn blits adorn his/acred head, * *
The hope and joy of friends, to vice and foea the dread t
Late be hit latefc day, forever (hine the crown
In his pofeerity, with virtues Uka his own ;
Return, O Golden Age', make war and difeord cease,
Gkobgx's warmest wilh, and all the nation peace;
Mly juiDce, mercy, troth, his royal throne maintain,
And Friends and Rebels feel out God ind Ccokgs
boss reign. t
Marfhat's Sales .
_ . JO bk’ SOLD, ’
O. Strd,y tlw 9th June not, at the house in St.\
whCTi * h * Courts wen
lait nolden, between thfc hours of ten o’clock hi
the forenoon and one in the afternoon, the laid
a° at tcn o c^ot k precilely,
AIR ACT of Land, in t’*c parilb of St. Philip,
containing by estimation zoo acres, more or
™ s ’ J°jn>ng lands of Adam Fowler Brisbane on
,ate lhe P ro i* rt f 6f John HeriL -
abd Elitibeth Uarn, and fe zed on execution.
• 3 .. M FRASER* A,P. MU
v M ?r*
*CGS. ’ ■rfinMa.fcu:— sm
•S# T J” Attaebmestt.
Jonathan Bryan. J
PUnuant to an order, from his Majesty’s Saptr*
ior Courts in this cause made, I lhall, on
the 9th of June next, proceed to the sale of
n Negro Fellow, named Ben, and his two ObL
dren, belonging to the Estate of Jonathan Bry*a,
the absent debtor, as it is said, at the house in St.*
James s Square where the Superior Courts were
formerly holden, between the hours of ten o’clock
in the forenoon and one in the afternoon, the fdlt
to begin at ten o'clock piecifely.
Savannah* May 17, 17%, 1
m 1 1 ■ . ti -- n
T ™ro the PRICE of FLOUR*
A. l* n d to be jzs. 6d, per too lb. of the
pelt lort; Loaves should therefore weigh as fol
~~ o lb. 130*. 1 dr.
7* Ditto* -* 1 6 J 4.
March 10.
HE House of Commons on Thursday last
“ gr , °' h “S os til* Comnictc*
01 ays al Meani yeaday, ,j,. That. to.
*e fepbly mnted to W,
the (urn of twelve mtlhonibe raised by aimoitie..
and the further sum of four hundred and aigbty
thousand pounds by a lottery. * J
Advice was received in town on ThUrfdav nicht
that the a Freneh ship of 74 tm.
wa. cast away a few oigha off the rod.
Sdlly, and not a tingle man out Os 700 has efctfprd
the wreck. Iter masts and Hern beam, wth the
word Conquerant Carved upon it, and her head#
■ lion rampant, are driven on (here off Penzance.*
a Uttf/rim Pl,m.u,h. M.r.b j;
“ Armed hu Majesty-, ftigau. Cerbettu. yqjß
the Grande, a Spanilh frigate of 32 guns and iff
men, taken on the 18th ult. off Cape Finifterre,
rim an engagement of 2; minutes, in which the
Grande had 30 men wounded, and the Cerberus E’’
paper has the two following paragraphs,
M We can assure the publick from unquestion
able authority that the Hidden end great rife of tht
ftmds on Saturday was not owing to the
of mediating powers for a general pacification, but
mi confluence of a treaty of peace now on the tania.
between the courts of London and Madrid, and
‘*fkieh is likely to be brought to an immediate con
“ By a gentleman well known in the political*
world, and just arrived from Spain, we learn, that
the present war is the moft unpopular the Spaniard*
were ever engaged in, fupportrd entirely by the
intrigues of France whose iotereft bat present in
so rapid z decline that peace certainly will be rt
ftored in less than fix months.
Cadiz , Feb. 6. We have received intelligence
by express that a Brittfh fleet is ready to laii from
the ports of England, to carry provisions and (lores
to Gibraltar 5 in confeqoenre of which orders have
been given to the Spanilh squadron, consisting of
30 fed of the line, two frigates, two fireftiins, &c.
making in all 36 vetikb, to set feil. Thkflec4s
commanded by the Admirals Cordova and de Gal
lon, who will have three other* under him,
--4--——r- ... *.—