The Royal Georgia gazette. (Savannah, Ga.) 1779-1782, July 26, 1781, Image 1
T HE R o Y A 1. CARENAGE, (St. Lucia) May i. Friday the nth inst. between the w Y* W hours of two and four A. M. the ‘£-** ***'defeent with which this ifiand had ?k o $ i een Lhrcatcncd f ° r feverai days pafl ij£ b y the French was made in (he thrce diffeicnt bj y s <:f Bune, E i V'A'SVW J fpeiance, and Dauphin, under the 9rtL/i\7*\ direction of Hie Marquh de Bouiiie, - who landed with the regiment of Aaxerrois, commanded fc>y Brigadier Viscount Dumas, and immediately took pod i n the town of Gros 1 fiet before day-break, whine they surprised the centinel, (who was unfortunately killed in the fcufße) and madorprifoners of the lick at the hospital, belonging n the 46th regiment of foot, whom they afterwards embarked for Martinique, with an officer belonging to the 87th. / . ■ After tue different palTos were fecurcd, and guards placed at all the avenues leading from the town., in order to"cut off effectually every communication with the Morne Fortune, ndajer Turineft Was aifpatched with I ti ig of truce to Pigeon Island, to summon it to surrender, <>r to expe# the utmost severities of the fa,vs of * in case of tefufal.’ The latter alternative was the Inffantamfous e _ of. krrffttl' 1 ; himfeff deserving of the'cnnfi ieffee repnfed in him*, by having made everypoffihU* preparation for an obflibate and -Vigorous defence. repulfe gave the Jhft check to” the ardo'ur of the enemy, who had been deceived into a belief that the whole illand would have fallen an easy con queft._ The fortuh vte but accidental arrival of his Majcf ty s /hips the T hetis, Santa Monica, Sybil, and Scourge iloop of war, afforded an additional security to the island; and well appointed detachments of feu-men and marines from each (hip, under the command of the Captains John Linzce, RWnev, Smith, and Hichins, v. ie i:wro o diately disembarked, and took charge of the,Vigic batteries, while others proceeded w ith the utmost cheerfulnefs, tn fPHiTumd of Capr. R. Lin.xe, to giv e th-eif aftift ance 0.1 the Morne. On Friday tne enemy were employed in cantoning their troops at the feverai plantations Between the Dauphin athwart the country to Chocquc, where it was reported they would continue till they were reinforced by the feveial detachments which were experted from Do minica, St. Vincent, and Grenaia, and then proceed to attack the Morne by a coup dc main. ’1 he aopcaiancc of a formidable fleet, confining .f 25 fail of the line, or. the day following, seemed to confirm this cuffmon, imTrfee cialTv as they bore down as if thev intended to m.hor in Cros lflet Bay, which they were however compelled to a bandon, in eortfequence of a well directed fire fr..m th kattery on Pigeon Island, under the condudt of Lieut. Miller of the royal navy, who commanded trie seamen, and which forced them to proceed to Qhocqne, and to Ante Yro Gaicon, where they alt anchored. At five P M. on the 12th all the troops which they had landed in Gros lflet quarter were in motion towards the Carenage, and it was fully expected that a general attack would have been made that night on the Morne, but, to trie equa. ati .ornament of the Britilh gayrtfon and the French inhabitants, the enemy had embarked ail their troops by day-hrpik, and tlieir fleet were Handing over to Martinique. Thus enicu an expedition which threatened f. much, /a a? M4d£ttaken-ia cohfequence -of Tie- hffaf fected having informed the Marquis de Bouiiie that we tvereyweak and fujkly, the contrary.of which must certain* Jy have beejj oblerved by the officers who .were di/patchd to reconnoitre our works, or they aflurcJly would not have evacuated the island w ithout making an attempt. After having described the p.u titulars of this extraordi nary enterprize, it is incumbent on us to declare, that the vigilance of LJgaiier Gen. St. Lcger, in the moment of ■canger and and 1 Incu to thq ant trufr, and tne ardour of our brave troops, could only le equalled by the alacrity with which the merchants, mailers of veflels and theirTeamen, afcengeTtHe hill, -aroL leforted to the different polls affigiied to. them. Gne foulp seemed co animate uli ranks of people, and however con- Cdeiable the force of the enemy might have been, we lhall not be repioachcd with vanity in afierting, that the Briti/h nag would never have been rtVuck upon the Morhe For tune whilil there was a man left to proted it. fl/ay 26. Ihe following Addrefs'was presented to the General yesterday by a Deputation of the English Inhabi tants of this Town. t-f T TANARUS Brigadier Genual St. Lcger, immendirf; bit M.ijejiy'i Trcogs in the Illand of St. Lucia. SIR, J J J‘* s Alajcrfty s loyal fubjeds, inhabitants of the r'7 ‘fl-ind ci St. Lucia, imprefled yy|t|t the deeped en c or gratitude, Beg leave io return, our mud sincere thanks to ypu for jour vigilance and unrt ini.tted utfeir.-'ort at e viiious duties of your moll important trull at the. time we were threatened, with an attack by a vera forrni ®abie force b)th by feu and land. We bchefd ‘viih plcafure the Heady resolution with yoa WCt "c d-etermine ! to defend this island, as well > tne cos-lmTs atpi the vvUdom of your difp mtion for that yuipole ; and w e afciibe it ip thele, and the.ainlou 1 of die ••ye ofl.eers and troops of* the- garriion, mid the t'ap&bins rinrrcn of his Majesty’s Aijates in the Carcnagc, thjrt ,**” eiiClu y thought proper to retreat precipitately without - tempting the objeft of their exprdi ion. *f.. 4” wc <> the force wf Lhf cncmy> rnp.fiftjpg •%w-.r ,‘T’ °f Unc, in the ablertce of our licet, togc.iaer * tucir wc THURSDAY, JULY 26 , 1781. that by your dispositions we were so well prepared to receive them; Td we gratefully acknowledge that the fafety of our h*ufes and property in the Carenagc is owing to your Excellency’s wife precautions. That you may long continue to ctffnmand In thia island, amd enjoy an uninterrupted series of health and profperityT drtd tha t your ferviers to your King and Country may meet the reward due to distinguished merit, is the earned prayer of, Sir, youYlnoft obedient and mod humble servants. Signed by the principal Eriglllh Inhabitants of the Carenage. St. Lucia, May. 12, The OENiRAL’i ANSWER. GENTLEMEN, I AM honoured with your obliging Address, and though t ? my services over-rated, having attempted no thing but vvfjat was indifpenfibly my duty, I cannot* help feeling a just sense of your good opinion. I take this opportunity of returning my sincere thanks to the gentlemen who so readily, and with so much fpiiir, formed themfelvrjß into a company of militia which I di me fled to be railed an the late attack. 1 am, gentlemen, with great regard, jftur mod obedient ’and very humble r ™ nt > - * A. ST. LfeGER. •. S. -■ ■’ * ’1 0 t-he JVfcrcnants ?nd other Inl-rbitanfsTn the Carenage; Bajftcrre, (St. Cbrijlof-bcr).May aS. We are favbured wuth “the following.extra# of a letter wrote by his Excel- ‘ Jency Sir George Brvdges Rodney a short time Before he failed from St. Eudatius, in answer to a threatening letter wrote by the Marquis de Bouiiie. I HAVE received the letter that your Excellency has done me the honour to write me. lam foriy to fee. that a pxrlbn of a rank and chara#cr so elevated as that of the Marquis dc Bouiiie fliould de mean h'mfelf (upon intelligence that he owns hirnfelf has come to him by mdire# means) f 0 far as to make use of menaces. Kritifli Admirals fear men aces a- !b*|. m they make use of them, and are not n-fpanfibltf for their adlions tv any but theirKuigand Country; and they have never been charged with mfulting a declared enemy; those of that description have been always treated with humanity. A perfidious people, traitors to their Country, and re bel-, to their King, deserve neither refpeft nor favour, nor In ill they ever receive any from me. I have the honour to be, &c. See. ot Marquis de BoniTle to the foregoing. very well that an Engliih AdmiralWa French ± General owe no account of their condo# to any one but their King and Nation. 1 In fulfilling what 1 owe toboth the one trad the other, I mall make use of repnfah in the course of the war (however cruel it may bee -mo) according to the example tut yon have given.. at EufLatia, and am determined to rolkaw it. - ‘ ; oUr Excellency has certainly forgot that you was writ ing to a French Generji to whom the events of this war have given no cau fear Britifn haughtiness. I have had the honour to write to your Excellency that , W 1 * real no morc concerning exchange of prisoners, they lhall be all without exception font to France. I re peat this again, that ycu may do what you think proper. Fo quiet your uneafinels* about fia c s of tiuce, I will fend no more; we will treat henceforth of our aTairs by the mouths of out cannon only, by which we shall avoid po lemical and tiresome disputes, which are fitter for Ambaf fadets than military men. I hare the honour to be, See. June 16. One day this week a sloop going to Grenada from ot. Euflatins, with eight gentlemen paflengers, the crew, which were Spaniards, mutinied, and murdered all the paflengers, then bore away for the Spamfh Main. Lxtracf of a huer frym a gentleman at Nevis to bis friend ~ ■.- bIU, datrdyux* ic. •- . ‘** ,** Mr.— arrived from Martinique.; his nevys is, that the liench fleet to windward confills of 2q fall of the line. They brought out 7000 troops in the last fleet, 4000 regulars and 3000 recruits, part of which they land ed at GuadaloUpe; and on Saturday the 12th of May he saw 1100 fine troops in great spirits embark from thence ; 1200 taken from Martinique, and the 4000 lad brought out, were the regular troops on the expedition to St. Lucia, where they cut so di(graceful a figure. He further fays, Admiral Rodney pafl'ed by Grandterre on Fridav the iSth of May wi th iS or 19 fail of the line, ur>d mt Friday tfie 25th ot May Count de Grafle failed from Fort Royal with his A ct, two bomb Ihips, and two or three fire fliips, a great train of artillery and troops, to windward, bound tor Barbados, where Rodnuy mull be, as he did not go into St. Lucia ; so that we may expefl to hear cf fomethinj great. It tne French fleet are victorious they arc to pay a visit to St. Kitts. They sent, before he left Cuadaloupe, tlic Ex pci invent .of co guns, and two frigates, with jqoo troops, to J June 19. Taken and sent in here, the American brig Venus, C apt. White, frum I’ifcataqua, bound to Grcna civ, loaded with boards, shingles, (laves, and fi(h; the Mercery fell in with hes in lat. 34, long. 54; the P rire ba. been out 11 days; they left the Mercury in chafe oT ana}thi*-k vend. 20. By a veflel from Barbados, which failed from J. ii-h u H-an eunefday last, we are favoured with the ■’ intelligence, which on the whole is not so fav ourable to us as vould be wiflied. Admiral Rodney, as Tom ns lie 1 cv'i vnl notice of the in veiling cf Tobago, dif pauhed Admiral Drake with seven fail of the line to the icuci'vi ‘.ia.r. I not far from T'obago, fell in with the whole French fleet, and narrowly escaped being captured. He returned to Barbados the third day after bis sassing from thence, when Admiral Rodney with 20 fail of the line, and the Panther which aftsas fe frigate. With eight frigates, failed immediately for Tobago; when oft mat island the Admiral’s Pilot, Mr. Garter, was d.f patched in a tfftder to procure intelligence ; he landed at Larbados Bay, and informed by a gentleman there that 5000 men had been landed from the -French fleet* and that the island had capitulated two days before; the termi obtained were the fame as those granted to Dominica; the Admiral was then in fight of the French fleet, which lay to to receive him; but as Tobago was taken, their fleet much fu peri or to his, the Cork fleet momently expe&ed, and v hicn must be taken in case he had been worded, and as lie mornentiy expefled a reinforcement of seven sass of the Fine, he prudently returned to Carlifle Bay in Barba dos. / Since the capture df Tobago two Guiney /hips with naves, not knowing of its capture,, went in there* Commodore Affleck hoisted his broad pendant on board the Intrepid, and failed with three other (hip, of the line to cruifc to windward for the-reinforcement, A cutter which left th,e reinforcement had arrived in the fleet 1 psig m It* was not known where the French fleet were, but ft was imagined to be at Grenada. Wheh the above veflil left Barbados on Wednesday Jaft the Cork fleet, amount ■ ‘? g t 0 ,38 fa,,, und er convoy of the two frigates Hydra and Nymph, were going in ; 70 vdTels left Cork, but the re mainder, bound for different islands, bore away for their relpective ports. zZ ~ The P eo * n Barbados were in high spirits; their mili tia, amounting to 15,000 men, make a very noble and formidable appearance, are well trained, observe i ftrirt difciphne, are compleatly armed and accoutred, and con tinually doing duty, which they difeharge with so much alacrity, unanimity, jnd spirit, as may make the enemy oread the idea of an attempt to reduce that island. Bridge town militia alone amounts to 5000 light horse, dragoons* with a fine train pf artillery; the fortifica tions are putting into a refpeaable state of defence with the utmqll di/patch. , are informed that the cutter which arrived front th- leinrorccmcnt brings exprefles to Admiral Rodney from his Majesty, highly approving of his condu# relating to capture of Statia, and confirms a general confifeation. June 27. There ardfome who insist that the reinforcc ment is aflually ajjfived from Gibraltar, that fortrefs be ing effectually relieved, and the siege raised; that the troops which had been sent from England were left there and an equal number detached from thence for the Weft India service. Among the velTels said to have arrived is the Royal George ofloo guns, on board which, (hip Ad miral Rodney is to hoist his flag, the Sandwich goiny home with the sonvoy. * Aeftcrday a CornmifTary, dispatched by Admiral Rosl. ney, failed from this island for St. Euftatius. His order* are Tqconfilcate houses and estates in that island wortf* more than 101. fttrling per annum. The fame condufti* to be pursued in every place wh;re the city of Amsterdam can have any Such are the orders received by Admiral R iancy from Government. ; Jun- 30. On Wednesday last the trade from Cork ar med bf re, but bring little or no intelligence refpeain* tne London fleet and the reinforcement, they having fail ed from Europe long before the others were expedted —depart? = As the best intelligence we have been able to procura allures us the fleet w*s to depart early in May, they may be looked upon as near seven weks at sea; so that in all human probability in a week more they may reach their dedication. If it (hould so happen, the visit wetnay mo .mrrly-expe#-fKmTthetrnrmywiffh“prc venr eA. ‘'T That we are likely to be attacked is confirmed bv many reports fcemingly too jtffily founded. We do notViA ti the arcana of politicks, much less betray the measures of our rulers, but our duty to our readers and our county will not permit us to be silent when their fafety is in question. Our advice to men of all deferiptions is to be prepared for a veiy sudden attack, it may be “Before tomorrow, and to be ready to join the army in defence of all they hold u ar ’e 1 ha l th€ attack J s meditated has been notified to „T bc ..”r ft Qffiiei amongst us, artd refiilved to defend ’ the island to the last extremity; and this we hope every man will the more readily do, as powerful fuccours wii! clofcly lollow the enemy. Even man fliould now examine lffs arms end ammuniti on, and lee’ they are in proper order. These precautions ca* be attended with no ill And embody ing a thousand able negroes might be very ferviccable. In order to preserve the (hipping from falling into th* hands of the..cnemy, it were well if they fell down to St. Euftatius, where they would be in greater security thart they now are, for Britilh ’Statia is very different from what Dutch ’Statia was. • kave l,cen informed that their ExcellencieFthe Admiral and General are going home in the Sandwich -with the trade as soon as the reinforce?ne_nts arrive, pro-*a ♦ided the lories are not wanted here. < Xfrigjfen, (Jamaica) May 19. Monday arrived hit Majesty’s (hip Afteon, of 44 guns, - Terry, Kfq*rCom mander, haying under his efcorte fevcral velTels from England, also a prize (hip from St. Euftatius, laden with flour and tfther provisions, and two brigantines prizes, one of whom i from Grenada, and said to be very vaiuabi. / Stt ibt fourth Page, ) [N->. ii6.]