Newspaper Page Text
MarfhaPs Saks .
On Friday the loth ot August next, at me houfe’
in Bull Street where the RTarfhal's Office io at
, present kept, the sale to begin prccifely at 11
o'clock *
A 8 PL ANTATION, in two tufts of land, in
J\ the parilh of Christ Church, containing by
estimation loeoacre?, be the fame more or less,
wlucn lies in the diftrift of Little Ogechee, and
adjoins lands of Benedick Bourquin, George De
legall, and Edward Delegall, on the north branch
6t Little Ogechee River, together with all the
dwelling-houses, building?, hereditaments, rights,
members, dnd appurtenances, thereto belonging,
the property of Stephen Deah, deceased, and seized
on execution by
Savannah, July 12, 1781.
On Saturday the 4th August next, will be fold,
at the MarfhaPs Office in Bull Street, for which
payment will be received in the indented bilk of
credit of this province, the sale to begin pre
cisely at 11 o’clock, _ 4.
A NEGRO Man* named Okro, belonging to
the Estate of Mrs. Heriot Crooke, deceas
ed, and fold by virtue of a mortgage to the Com
jniflioners of the Loan Office.
Savannah, July 26, 1781.
On Saturday the 4th of August; next, wjlf be fold,
at the MarfhaPs Office in Bull Street, for which
payment w r ill be received in the indented bills
of credit of this province, the sale to begin pre
cifcly at 11 o’clock,
TWO Negro. Men, named Clofs and John,
belonging to the-Estate of W.illiam Wylly,
Efu* deceased ‘ and fold bv virtue of a mortgage to
the C-ommiffia nets
Savannah, July 26, 178 r. * V v
’ ‘• ■ . ‘ - jv.
Ta be ford to the highest bidder, for ca/h, in the following
caufcs, under attachment frenn his Majefty’3 General
Court.of the province of Georgia, on Monday the 27th
day of August next, the sale to begin precisely at 10
o’clock in the forenoon,'and end at 1 o’clock in the af
ternoon, and j:o be continued from day to day, between
the fame hours, until the whole is disposed of,
The unclern>entioneclPropertv, viz.
Kelfall and Another, survivors, v. Samuel Stevens. A
tra£t or parcel of land, in the parilh of St. John, contain
ing by eftimati >n 500 acres, be the fame more or less, ad
joining lands # Samuel Saltus and P<;terWinn.
The fame v. Edward Way. A tra& or parcel of land,
in the pari/h of St. Johii, containing by estimation 500
acres, be the fame more or less, adjoining lands of John
The fame v. Thomas Quarterman. . A tn*6t or parcel
of land, in the pari/h of St. John, containing By estima
tion 500 acres, be the fame more or less, adjoining lands
of Jonathan Cochran.
The fame v. Peter Winn. A tra£l or parcel of land, in
the parilh of St. John, containing by estimation 500 acres,
be the fame more or less, adjoining lands of John Winn
the elder.
The fame v. William Graves fen. A traft or parcel of
land, in the parilh of St. John, containing by estimation
500 acres, be the fame more or less, adjoining lands of
John Stewart.
The fame v. William Quarterman. —A plantation or
tradl of land, in the parilh of St. John, containing by es
timation 500 acres, be the fame more or less, adjoinihg
lands of John Stewart on the east. . _
The fame y. Nathan Taylor. A tra&or'pyccl of land,
5n the parilh of St. John, containing by estimation 500
acres* be the fame more or less, adjoining lands of—.
The fame v. William Baker jun. A trad! or parcel of
land, in the parilh of St. John, containing by estimation
eco acres, be the fame more or less, near the Mecting
houfc, adjoining lands of
The fame v. Samuel Saltus. Kelfall and another y. the
fame. A tra& or parcel of land, in the parilh of St. John,
containing by estimation 500 acres, be the fame more or
lets, adjoining lands of Samuel Burnley's estate.
ThefinnFV7 jTTfialr B^con;r The fune, survivor, v.
the fame. Several trails \sr parcels of land, in the parilh
of St. John, containing together by estimation 300 acres,
be the fame more r less, adjoining lands of James Dun
woody and John Stevens;^L
The lame y. John Elliott. The fame v. the fame. Se
veral tracts of land, in the parilh of St, John, containing
together by estimation 1000 acres, be the fame more or
less, adjoining lands of Thomas Elliott and William
The fame v. Samuel Burnley. Kelfall and another v.
’ ’A “frSQTor parcel of lari3, in the
yari/h of St. John, containing by estimation 200 acres, be
the fame more or less, adjoining lands of John Edwards.
The fame, survivors, v. John Mitchell. Kelfall and
ethers v. the fame. Kelfall and another v. the fame. Se
veral tradls of land, in the parilh of St. John, containing
together by estimation icoo acres, be the fame more or
less, adjoining lands of John Stacey.
The fame v. Davis and Patterson. A trail or parcel of
land, in the parilh of St. Philip, containing by eftimalion
~s©e-acres, he the fame more or less, adjoining lands of
William Maxwell.
The fame v. Thomas Shepherd. A trail or parcel of
land, in the pari/h of St. John, containing by estimation
*OO acres, be the fame more or less, adjoining lands of
John Winn the younger, ,
The fame v. Parrrtenas Way jun. A trail or parcel of
land, i/jf the parilh-of St. John, containing by estimation
590 acres, be the lame more or less, adjoining Janls of
ls*ghai-T3*yler, Uttr^Screrca 1 !. -±~m - —-
K’ .'-'i and others v. Nathaniel Saxton. ’A trail or
frar lylof lapd, in the parilh of St. John, containing by*
t--.i)m ition aooacret, be the lame mSre or less, near Suß
hury, Vdjoitimg lands of . , .
Keliail arij another, survivors, v. Jofcrh Wav. Kcl
fail and nnAther v. fame. A trailer parcel of land, in the
parifti ot St. John, containing by estimation 500 acres, be
tile lame more or less, adjoining lands of John Jones.
Kelfall and another, survivors, v. fames Stewart. K.el
fitll, survivor, v. the fame. Kelfall and others v, th;
fame. A trail or parcel of land, in the parifti St. John,
containing by estimation 500 acres, be the fame more or
less, adjoining lands of Lyman Hall, and lying oa the
Mid way road.
The fame v. Thomas Elliott. Kelfall and another,,
survivors, v.the fame. A tra& or parcel ofland, irr thejJ
parifti of St. John, containing by estimation 500 acres,
the fame more or less, adjoining land* of James Screven
and Parmenas Way.
The fame v. William Graves jun. Kelfall and another
v. the fame. A trail or parcel of land, in the parifti of
St. John, containing by estimation too acres, be the fame
more or less, adjoining lands of William Baker.
Same, survivors, v. Robert Quarterman. Kelfall and
othen? v. fame. A trait or parcel of lanl, in the pari/h of
St. John, containing bj estimation 500 acres, be the fame
more or less, adjoining lands of .
The fame v. Thorffas Morris. A trail or parcel ofland,
in the parilh of St. John, containing by estimation 430
acres, be the fame more or less, adjoining lands now
Filher and Co.’s. Also another trail or parcel ofland, in
the parilh of St. John, containing by estimation 3CO acres,
be the fame more or less, joining lands of Jordon ? s estate.
And also another trail or parcel of land, in the parilh of
St. Andrew, captaining estimation 500 acres, be the
fame more or less, adjoining lands of——. And alio a
town fetidn Sunbury.
Kelfall,. survivor, v. N ithan Brounfon. A trail or
parcel ofland, in the paiifh of St. John, containing by es
timation 500 acres, be the fame more or less, lying near
North Newport Bridge, and joining lands of——.
. Kelfall and another, survivors, v. Hepworth Carter.
A trail or parcel of land, in the parifti of St. John, con
taining by estimation 500 acres, be the fame more or less,
adjoining lands of the estate of Samuel Spry.
. The fame v. William Brown. A trail or parcel of land,
in the parifti of St. John, containing by e/limafioi* 500
acres, be the fame more or left* lying near a ‘place called
•the J)efart, and'adjoining lands of —, —.
, . . ;
together b>:-.eftjmatfon;.iooo.acres', he ‘thi \
fame more t>r lcfs fc in the parrih of S*t fc Philip. Also ano- *
♦tKer trail of parcel ol land, containing by estimation 500
acres, be the fame more or less, on Bulltoivn Jwamp, in
the parifti of St. Andrew. Also another trail or parcel of
‘. land, containing by estimation Ito acres, be the fame
* mote” or less, in!s St. John, known by the
name7s(®urdey’s,’ Also another trail or parcel of land,
containing jy estimation too acres, be the fame more or
less, in the patyfti of St. John, on Oswald’s swamp. Also
two town lots id the of Sunbury, known by the
Numbers and , containing front and
Sterr and Ried v. James tlaberftiam. Graham and a
nother v. the lame. John Far the fame. AdrninL
ftrator Houfloun v. the fame. A lobof land in the town
of Savannah, containing 60-feet in fronfrand 180 feet in
depth, more or Itfs, whereon the defendant formerly rc
ftded. Also another lot in the said town, containing 60
feet in front and 90 feet in depth, formerly the property
of Farley, deceased, fronting the east common. And
also a plantation or parcel ofland, in the parilh of Christ
Church, containing by eft'mation 1 500 acres, be the fame
more or less, which is commonly called Silk Hope, and
adjoins lands of Joseph Habenham and Francis Harris.
Storr and Ried v. William Baker. A trail or parcel of
land, in the parilh of St. John, containing by estimation
500 acres, be the fame more or less, which lies on the
northern branch of Midway river, and near lands of John
Baker. . J
Cow per and Telfairs y. John Winn fen, A trad or
parcel of land, in the parifti of St. John, cpntalning by
eftimarion 500 acres, be the fame more or left, adjoining
lands of— Osgood near Midway. Meecinghoufr.
Spalding and another v. Peter Nephew. A trail or
parcel of land, in the parifti of St. Andrew, containing
by estimation 500 acres, be the faae moie or less, joining
South Newport bridge.
Thomas Netherclitt v- William I.econte. Executor
Houftoun v. fame. A plantation in several trails of land
on Bulltown swamp, in the parilh of St.’ Andrew, con
taining by eftijn*tion 5000 acics, be the fame more or less,
joining lands of Simon Munro, Weft, Roger Kel
feH, and John Jones. Also another plantation or parcel
ofland, nearCanouchie river* in the parilh of St. Philip,
containing by estimation 500 acres, be the fame more of
less, adjoining lands of—SSUZ
William Telfair and others.v. William Holzendorffi A
plantation or trail of land, in the pari/h of St. Matthew,
containing by estimation 400 acres, be the fame more or
less, about three miles south of the tavern late Ducker’s.
M’Goun and others v. David Huguenen. A plantation
or trait of land, in the parilh of St. Philip, containing by
estimation 350 acres, be the fame more or less, on which
the defendant formerly resided.
The fame v. Chifolm and Wife. A lot or parcel of land
at Yamacraw, near the town of Savannah, in the parilh
of Christ Church, containing by estimation 105 feet
fs}ua|fi.he the Tame more or -less, which atftomsTajids of
Dr. Zubly.
Storr and Ried % Daniel Sullivant. A trail of land,
in the parilh or St. Andrew, containing by estimation 300
acres, be the fame more or Jes, and adjoins lands of Ste
phen Williams and Thomas Sullivant.
Together with *ll the dwelling-houses, buildings, he
reditaments, rights, members, and appurtenances, to the
premises abovementioned refpeilively belonging.
Saannah,Jn Georgia, July 26, 17S1.
ALL perlons anywise indebted to the
ot Walter Denny, deceased, are defined to
make immediate payment; and those to whom the
ellute is indebted are requeued to render in their
accounts, proper! y attested. to £
s _ JAMES PA POT, Executor.
- jtfJY Z 6, 1781, * * -
CAM F. into Ely-plantation, A BAY HORSj??
dod T. H. on the iTtoar.ting
iiatnlil lyytry, jkfs4hc belongs to Majijr Bomq u v
Os Pur) lbu-gh/ and has been .gone from him
two years pull. T'he lawful owners may have then#
again from , | PEl'liß DEAN-
Sav*aniian, 23d July, f 781. . r. *
RAN away from rhe fubfcriblr in Marchl^*
A Negro Wcncli, named Eve’’
well known in Savannah, was formerly the t> t %
Kerty of the Hon. Graham, Esq. has a remark!
ble fear occasioned by a burn under he; jaw, a-u?
has been lately seen irl Charleltown. Whoever
will deliver her to me on Skidaway, the Gaoler h
Savannah, or Mr. Sutcliffe in Charleltown,
receive three guineas reward. If ffie returns of k^ r
own accord ffie will be so-given.
Savannah, July 1
lately sundry persons pretended to
v v own a Sailing Boat which I have purchafcii
of Benjamin Camp, owner of a Hoop lately f ronj
this port to Providence, if any of those honest mea
will Iwear the tenth commandment out of Bible <~
before any Magiltrate bound to keep the peace*
let them appear as aforefaid within 21 day?, that
they may get the to the port of Bdzebub
without ruuder or tiller. Pi:ter Guoroner.
J ust arrive d from Jamaica in j;
day?. She is pierced for #4 guns,
has 4 fotir jxiund carriage gun*
WWfr counted.- Tor particularsaipply
to the Captain on board at Douglafs’s wharf, ortt*
William Gi iqdrod or John “Moodie.
; t\. ta. if tnelnow is not; fold before, the rth“
Augqft ffie wi.l then be rdady to freight, or for
charter, to any part of Great Brftaiil or the Weft
GEORGIA. In the Court of Ordinary,
lay his Excellency Sir Jame*
Wright, Captain
(h. S \ General, Governor, and Com.
\ - / mander in cli ief t of his Majef.
P’ 8 Province of Georgia,
Chancellor, V ice Admiral, and
IA. WRIGHT. Ordinary, of the fame.
WHereas administration of all and lingular the
goods and chattel?, rights and credits, within
the said province, of Adam Henderson, Lteof the
parifti of Saint Paul, .in the province aforefaid,
merchant, deceased, was granted fotne time in the
month of September, in the year of OHr Lord one
thousand seven hundred and feventy-kve, to Wil
liam Struthers and John Henderfoh, both of the
parilh of Christ Church, in the said province, Es
quires: And whereas the laid William Strutheir
and John Henderson have this day humbly repre- ;
fented to me, by petition, that the/have received
a considerable sum of money-due the estate of their
intestate, which they have noiF in their hands;
and there are considerable sums of moiiey outftand*
ing and due the said estate ; and that there are fe*
reral demands against the said ctfate, which the
said William Struthers and John Henderson are
deGrous to pay as far as the monies they hive in
their hands will extend; but the kid William
Struthers and John Henderson’s bad state of health
will not enable them to make such distribution of
the fame among the creditors as they could wilb,
and are desirous to render an account of their said
ad min ill rat ion, and pay ifftoTHe said Court whaf
sum they have in their hands belonging to the said
estate, to pass and audit the account of their
“admibiftration oiv the faith estate, and to be imtne
diatel/ thereafter difeharged and difmilTed there*
from, and from all matters and things dependent
thereupon ; These are therefore to’cite ana admo
niffi all and lingular the kindred and creditors of
the said ‘deceafed, and all and every other perfort
or persons in any wife incerefted, to appear before
me, in the said Court, on ch sixteenth day t)f
?fJ.^ n .f“ipgAl? ejeyen o’clock.iiCtheiotti.
noon, to fee the account of the administration
forefaid produced, received, adjusted, palled, anti
audited, to make their objections if they have an s
thereto, and to Ihew cause if they can why the Ctfiti
William Struthers and John Henderson ffiould not
be immediately thereafter difeharged and difmiffH
from the adminillration aforefaid, and from their
bond or bonds, and all other matters and thing*
dependent thereupon.
Given under my hand and seal in Favan*
nah, on 1 hurfday the nineteenth da#
of July, in the year of our Cord one
thoeiand seven hundred and eighty-one,
and in the twenty-firft year ol his M 1:
jelly’s reign.
If. k;, Excellency’s Command, *
.D’£ r c .\i£, Dcp. Reg. J