Newspaper Page Text
Upp;; 5 and being a fibred th ft the Lower ForcU
are I'elJom pafiMfte in winter, and.that he could not colle/ft
many.flats at any of ihe femes, I was in great hopes that
he would not escape me without receiving a blow*
Nothing could pxcccd the patience and alacrity 6f the
officers and soldiers, under every species of hardfliip and fa
tigue, in endeavouring to overtake him jxbut our intelli
genup,on thisbccafion was exceedingly defective, which,
with heavy ta*ns, bad r*oadb, and the paflage of many sleep
creeks,’ an 4 bridges deitroyed by the enemy’s light troops,
rendered all qzir rxefjjons vain ; for our arrival at
lioyd’s Ferry, on the 15th, we learned that his rear guard
had got over the night before, his baggage and main body
having palled the preceding day, at thit and a neighbour
ing ferry, where more flats had been collected than had
been represented to me a3 possible. My force being iil
fiiitcd to enter by that quarter so powerful a province as
Virginia, and North Carolina being in the utrnaft confa
fion, after'giving the troops a halt of one day, I proceed
by easy marches to Hilllborough, where I ereded die
‘iCrng’s standard, and invited, by proclamation, all loyal
fubjeCts to repair to it, to Hand forth and take an aftive
part i.n afliftlng me to reflate order and conftitutionai go
vernment. Asa confiderablc body of fiiends were f.iid to
refide’bct-ween the Haw and Deep rivers, I detached Lieut.
Col. Tadeton on the 23d, with the cavalry and a final!
body of Infantry, to prevent their being interrupted in
a.TemWing. Unlucki detachmeat af the Rebel light
troops had crofed the fame day, and by accident fell in
-\vitk about 200 of our friends, under Col. Pyle, on tHeii*
way to Hillfborough, who, mistaking the Rebels for Lieut.
Col. Tarleton’s corps, allowed to be surround-
Fd, ana a number of them were moft inhumanly butcheredy
when begging for quarter, without making theftcaft refi fi
ance. The fime day I had certain intelligence that Gen.
Greene, having been reinforced, 4**d crofled the Dan,
wjbcch rendering it imprudent to fgparatc my corps, occa
sioned the recall of Lieut. Col. Tarle on’s detachment;
and f-nage and provisions being ft: tree. in the neighbourhood
ofHilliborough, as well as the pedition too distant (upon
the approach of the Rebel army) far the protection ofrhe
body of oun friends, 1 judged it expedient to cross the
Haw, ar. I encamped near Allemance Creek* detaching
hient. -Col.. Tarle ton, with, the cavalry, light company of
t*je guards, and \SO men of Lieut. Col. hfter’s brigade,,
a few muLcs f om me on the road to Deep River, more ef
fectually to cover the country. • • . ‘
Gen. Greene's -light tnoops soon made their appear
;; and on the id a Catri J having- reported that they .
aavnlrynnod. infa 1 lie a .'.!sr ■pflftV.’ T*3i
• wifV wirr. proper
v.fecaut’ons, -.Aid c . eavour to d : fcov*er the’ designs of the
cnemv. He had.not advanced'far, when he fell in with
a con‘Vllcr-iWe -c-••.{>■, which he'immediately attacked .and
• routed ; b;.r b ung ignorant of their force, and. whether
they were i’upported, vyith g-'eat prudence de fitted from .
no.iduit; h (00 learn and from prisoners that thole he hud
beat were Lee's fegi n, 3 1400 back fountain men under
Col.KjPreflon, with a number of militia,
, 1 Greene, with t>art of ;is army,', was not far distant. Our
situation f r elm farmer few days had been among ft timid
friends end a joining to inveterate Rebels ; between them
1 had 1 cen totally eeftitute of information, which loft me
*■ -i . >cr . f iv-.i iraV 1> l rportunity of attacking the Rebel arinv.
■ Gen.” Greene Ml back to Thompson’s house, near Boyd's
Ford ; but hi; 1 hgl)t troops and militia dill remained near
us, and as T was informed that they were polled candefsly
at separate plantations, for the convenience of fulfifting,
1 marched on the 6th to drive them in, and to attack Gen,
Greene, if an opportunity offered. I succeeded c<na
pleatly in the firft, and at Weitzell’s Mill on the Reedy
Ford, where they made a Hand, the back mountain men,
and feme Virginia militia, fuffered confideratdy,_\yith
little Infs on our fide; but a timely and precipitate detreat
over the Ilaw prevented the latter. _ 1 knew that the Vir
pinia reinforccme p. ti were upon their march, and it was
apparent that the enemy would, if possible, avoid rilking
an aclion before their uiTvaL
The neighbourhood of the fords of the Dan in their
rear-, and the extreme difficulty of fubfiftmg my troops in
that exhaufled country, putting it out of my power to force
them, my resolution vvafTb give our friends time to join
—us, by covering tjjeir country as effcflually as possible, con
liftcnt with the fubfiftencc of the troops, still approaching
the ■communication with our {hipping in Cape Fear river,
Which 1 saw it would soon become inJifpenfabfy* 1 ncccfftry
to open, on account of the fuft'e rings of the army, from
the want of lupplies of'every kind 5 at the fume time I
was determined to fight the Rebel army, if it approached
me. being convinced that it would be impossible tofuccccd.
—Vn of our arduous campaign. the calling
forth the numerous Loyalists of North Carolina, vvhilft a
doubt remained on their minds of the superiority of our
arm*. With these view's 1 had moved to the Quaker
Meeting, in the forks of the Deep River; on the 13th
j and on the 14th I received the information which occafi
,,ned the movements that brought on the aftion at Guild
ford!, of which I -ffiall give your Lordship an account in a
ieparate letter.
I have the honour to be, &c.
• • [ Tbs Remainder hereafter. J r .
4 \ n ■ ~r :
L O N D O N, May 26.’
ON the 24th Lift. failed from Portfrnouth, the follow
ing {hips, with a large fleet of merchantmen under
rpeir convoy, viz. Hannibal, Captv Parry, of 50 guys,
for St. Helena; Fortune, Capt. Chrillian, of 40 guns, and
—-j? n’. m-r-- Capt. Wrbarn y --&f- 32--g-umrfrTr-tfie--W-rft Irrttirvp ”
DsdJus, Capt. Pringle, of yi guns, and Brunc, Capt.
Hartwell, of 32 guns, for Quebeck; and Maidftone,
Capt. Parker, of %% guns, for Newfoundland.
Thev write from Dublin, that the linen manufadlory in
that kingdom has of late greatly increased, and that- a
merchant there has invented a composition for bleaching
and whitening linen, whereby it is done better, much
cheaper,, ajidin half the time usually employed therein.
* ‘J*}, e two moft extraordinaiy men in publick life in this
kingdom arc Enrl Mansfield and Mr. Mackiin. The firft
potfeflTes all his faculties at the age of 77, and the latter’
at the more.advanced age of R 4 displays on the stage all
that fire and spirit of youth which drew merited applause
from our fathers 50 yearskAgo.
May 28. The Prince.of Wales has repeatedly desired
the King to let him raise a regiment, appoint the officers,
and he Colonel of it himfclf; and at iaft it is f.iid to be de
termined that he ihall do it. It is to consist of four bat
’•’•talions of4oo men each, which arc to be picke i, and u?i
licr feui- CoWhVW command. Hi: V jee <fj !li? Royal High*.
nrfs has already spoken to fcveral of the Nobility to aliiit
hira in procir.hig fine fellows/ The regime;.; is to becne
ol the fineft i.i liur-ope.
Lwb-Geotgn Gordon has lately been elefled a‘Governor
of the Lock Hofpft ft.
May 3 I.’ In t!'c coflcrs of the late Grand Vizir' v:,s
found a treasure, amounting to upwards of eleven millions
of piaftrcs, which had devolved to the Grand Signor.
ExiraSl of a letter from Dundee, May 14.
“ The renrgado outlaw Fall came off Arbroath l..ft
mgbt m a 20 gun Feik.ftone cutter privateer, and,
demanding 30,000!. jranfom, which was refufed, began TO
batter the town about.fix o’clock in the evening, which he
has continued with ftorne intenniftion ever since, throwing
at times red hot balls, without any other cft'rft, however,
than knocking downa few chimnies and cornices. As ail
exprcfs went over last night, and the privateer was still
lying about along musket the: from the town at ten this
fore noon, it is hoped one of she {hips from the Frith may
catch him. The tow./s people have got a few arms, and
he d.are not land. There are also 30 or 40 soldiers in the
place. No lives loft by the last account/’
On Monday the Court of Common Pleas decided the
case reserved for the opinion of that Court, upon the con
ftruflioo < f the Riot. Aft, whether the mftnage done by
the furniture being destroyed in the house of Mr. luftice
Wilmot was to be paid for by the Hundred of Oflahfton.
- T-he m;rcr-of oprnrrm tMt upon the finffiTig'of‘the
Tory, \iz. that the furniture was destroyed in the demo
lition of the house, the plaintiff'had a right to recover the
whole in damages.
fune 1. There is advice frclm Havre dc Grace, that the
ftujpc in ten dent of naval matters th e rchds receTved per
emptory orffers: from’ to prepare’ transports fui-Fcient
for the leceptior. of men, with full four months
provisions for the fame, and to give notice to the War’
Office when thev a-e ready
Extrail of a letter from Dublin , May 20.
“ The provincial reviews in this country, which are to
be on the sth of will exhibit a feene surpassing any
thing that modern, or perhaps antienc hifl-drv, can pro
duce. There are upwards of 65,cd0 men returned for the
field, 1 5,000 of. which are of the province.of Lc'nfter;
these are to be reviewed in the Phcenix Park within a
of the city. Each battalion is amply provi led with
field pieces, mortars, standards, See. fitting far the field.
ye view they are to marched into Dublin, e
-vaty cit-’zen in good circumftarrces having given-jn his.
name for the entertainment of 4.certaiyi numhejy. a.nd,tha
~jgn , fuThij f ,d.r v’ t.bett. r'.r .vx.ymnrf'i?
rent habitations. People of all denoinihations are,coming
fiom all parts of the pcovir.ceto fep this extraordiiiaiy fight, ■
and every packet brings-over a number of pals. ngcrs from
- CiieUffrEj f.-rapafhtre; i,\ Wa!?',. for Sfi fame puipc.f:.”
There is a lep.vrt that the'Pe” ; de frigate, detached
from Leith’ Raids byCoffirncd me Keith Stewart, his ta
ken the noted Catft. Fall, between Dundee and Stonehivc,
after an action of near an hour/ t
Covvper and Telfair
HAVING been diilolved by mutual eon font,
and as there is an absolute necefiity of ini
mediately fettling the affair of that House, (as
well as thole of Cow per and Telfairs) and as Tittle
or no regard has been paid to any former solicita
tion of theirs, they can only lament the necefiuy
of being •ft ciptd to demand by law what they can- -
not obtain by any indu'gence of theirs.
Savann h, izd Auguli, 17S1.
At Publick A<lll due ,
QuEciiiay the 311! indanf, will l>e fold,
A YOUNG Negro Wench, who is a good
/ i cook, wafiicr, and tolerable itontr, the
property good and fold for no fault—but the owner
is in w.rnt of caih ; also a very elegant la;ge Silver
Torch Bowl. D ZUBLY jun. L. V. M.
AL L perfbns having demands againll the Es
—tare of the Rev. Dr. j ohn Joachttn I
deceased, arc tlenrcd to fend them in, properly at
tested ; and all indebted to the fa id, clpe
cially for notes due to the Meeting, are requelteT
to make speedy payment. All peilbns who have
any books or other property belonging to the laid
Eilate are requeued to return them. A lew young
Negroes to be hired. ‘ 111“
D. ZUBLY jun/ Ading Executor.
HAVING removed next door i<r Mr. fames
Ileiriot’s on the Bay, where he intends
4add itkVTH4arefr fts-ti feaT,-rctarrrrs- -
thanks to his friends for their cuftoin, and hopes
for a continuance of their favours; he will be glad
to serve them, and the publick in general.
N. B. bfe expe&s a very large Aflbttment of
Saddlery from England in the month of November.
Savannah, Augujl 22, I (To I.
WHerfas the Copartnerfliip of HOGG and
LEV.AR expired the z2d inllaht, the fub
feriber gives this publick notice to all persons in
debted to the Hid copartncrlhip to pay their refpec
five debts to him, as he hath purchased the faid>
debts of Mr. I.evar ; and informs his cuilomprs,
(to whom he returns than’kf) that he keeps hp*
ltore where tic formeil} did
- : - ‘THOMAS HOGG. -
. - ‘ ‘ • t *S, * ■ jt --
STOLEN cr ft rayed from within iW J
Savannah rht icjrtli it.R. A BAY HORSp
1 1,1 hands high, branded on the mounting Ihuuiuft
s>s with two diamonds under, .and on the uff
buttock A with a firokc rcrols tlve bo.tam. Who.
ever delivers the said hojfe to the fubfeuber in T
lhall receive four dollar* reward.
Augujl 22,1781. JOHN KIRK LA NO.
k\N from the fubferibev
l\ the icthinlh a Negro Pel.
I'OW, named TOM, well khofv.i
iu ahd about Savannah, middle I’m
f*mt> ture, rathtr liad on ,!„£
went away old white negro doth
iiri ,1 1 • cloaths and round hat bound with
fatiU white cloth, is remarkable by h?.v*
ing an old lore on his right leg ai.
ways bound round with rags, was seen going t O .
wards Ebenczer Any person apprehending the
said negro, on delivering him at my plantation
Half Moon BlufF, or to the gaoler in Savannah*
Bull receive four do!!afs iewatd, and all cxpciiee/,
Greemvtch, Augujl Zl, 17C 1.
’ nr ui _ -■ r 1 -- - r - r- -
IO ST on Sunday the ,19th inti, on Ihe-eaflent—
_j road, between his Exceliencs the Governor’s
plantation and Savannah,
marked.AT L. Whoever has found it, and wftf
deliver it to the printer, flvill receive a reward of
a dollar and a half.
22d Auguli, 1781.
MarJhaPs Sale.
O Saturd ,y thi 25th ioftair, will be ibid; attbi ‘
- ■ .-My* ti>. B <Otfcr"in’ • B-n eft)-
fifffiTftVT-t c.'.fh, the fa’ beg 19 pre>ifjy at it
- o’th ck, r
A NEGRO Mar, rnmed* Abiideen, the property
Alex n ref Reiftf and lol! under attachment’
by •- LEWIS JOHNSTON jun. Pro. Mar.
Auguift 9, 1731.
•r-‘ , yy r ’ • ‘• * ’ *•’ . , - ♦
SAVANNA 11, August 23.
WE hear from South Carolina. tbnL about'a...
fo-tnlght a'go./M ijor Trr.fcr, l. iving :>•-
ceived that a number of RibeL we e
pfTembJed in the neighbourhood of the Saltketcher*.
with about *7vO of his dragoons went Jn qacli of
them, and finding them to the number of ico
hdrfemen drawn up on a knoll, v.i:h a swamp in
their front, lie ordered them to be charged ; but
a Quartermafler and one private bei. g wounded in
attempting to get through the swamp, he judged
it expedient to leavg. themd drawing off thered
of hrs party, after takir.g a circuit ih ’ugh the
weeds lie got in upon the enemy :;t another quar
ter, killed 1 2 of them, made j prlioners,- and
took t6"tiorfes. On returr.r: v.e pfegg where!
the Qu irtermafler ar.d foldtci vvtfre 1.-ft went:dad,
they found them, it is find, moft inhumanlymur
dered and cut in pieces \>y the Re* ejs.
Frafcr’s men wereTb cr.raged at the fnocking bar
bar iry com mi tied upon their fellow loldiers that
they immediately put 3 of the prifbncrs to death,
and it was vvitli great difficulty they were retrained
by their officers from retaliairng upon the others
wftro were m their hands. T iie abovcirentioneil
party of Rebels, we le hu, were chiefly
and commanded by a IVJ:jor Cooper.
TTfHereas the Pr. ‘vc/i Ma'jkal t of K the pro fjf
‘y Georgia , by virtue of a writ es cttacbn.ent ■
to hini directed in lbt±feve*al causes under*
mentioned, did attach the lands, tenements , goods, •
chattels, monies, debts, and books of ace.'uht, ts
the federal defendants in the Jaid causes , who ait
absent from and r without the limits of the /aid pro
fvince, at the suit of the fevcrul plaintiff): And
• whereas the said plaintiff's have, agreeable to m
dirgtdions of the Attachment da r atio*. -
in the General Courtjzgatnfi the Jeveral defendants
in each-of the following cavjes Vv o ? .
ffohn ‘Joachim Zubly <vtrjus l)u vid Keall;
D njid Maxwell -verjus Cofhman Pollock ;
and have obtained in each of the Jaid c antes a rule
to the following eJjeß, -viz,
Ordered, 7 Lai the defendants in the Jaid fever al
aft ions do appear and plead within q ) ear and a day s
otherwije judgment willpajs aguinjl il.tjn by default.
By the Court ,
.oßober 27, 1,780.
Notice is therefore hereby given, 1 hat judgment
will be entered agreeulli to the aforesaid rule or ,
order agtiinj ? each of tie jedd dpende nts who do not _
appear and plead cof> rmahlirrhcrltoc / - -
PAP.LEY, Plinif;j Attorney.