Newspaper Page Text
SUPeLEMENT to the Royal Georgia Gazette’, A'uguft.23, tjßtl
4 i,AD about 14 years of'age, as an Appren- •
ticc to the PiihUng ITifi: cfi. Apply to
amwm •— ■ ■ UJ M ITT Mil m . . . i. M . *
into my plantation, A BAY HORSF,,
about 13V hands high, branded 3 M with a
diamond atop on the mounting Ihoukier, p
G IT o n
the near buttock, T ,
X with a diamond betwixt them
on the offbuttock, with three other obscure brands.
The property mult he proved, and application
made to PETER DEAN.
Bth August, 17$!.
E- l
Mar foal's Sales.
’ 1 mr n—■ , ,
V * ‘
To be fold to the highest bidder, for cash, in the following
causes,, under attachment trow his Majcfty’s General
E ... touirt of the Mon£Ly..the a.7th-.--
day of Augull next, the Ode to begin precisely at 10
o’clock in the forenoon, anJ end at 1 o’clock In the af
ternoon, and to be continued from day to day, between
the fame hour?, until the whole is disposed of,
The undermentioned Property, viz,
Kelfpd and Another, furvivon., v. Samuel Stevens. A
fraflt or parcel of land, in the parilh of St. John, contains
iyigby eftinaation 500 acres, be the fame more op-lels, ad
joining lands of Samuel Saitus and Peter Winn..
The fame v, Edward Wary, A trac'd or parcel of land,
in the parilh of St. Johnj .containing by ellimation 500
acre I, be thefabic more or adjoining lands of John
Jones., . -
v. Thomifs t)uart<rman. ‘ A tru& or parcel
. /i’br fame. v. Peter Winn-. A “traft 05, parcel ii;
th’c parilh of St. John, containing by ciHmatioh 500 a- res,
bethe fame more or less, adjoining lands of John Wjntf
the elder.
The fame v. William Graves fen. A trad! or parcel of
land, in the pariih of St. John, containjng by estimation
•<eb'acrds,’ be the fame more or'left, adjoining lands of
John Stewart.
The fame v. William Quarterman. A plantation or
traft ofland* in the parilh -oOt. John, containing by ef
tijijation 509 acres, be the fi more or Icff, adjoinihg
lands of John Stewart on the east.
The fame ♦ Taflctf; A traitor paferi bTfand,
in the parifli of St. John, containing hy estimation s'co
•c’reg, bethe fame more or Tela, adjoining lands of
The fame v. William Baker juj*. A trafl or,parcel.of.
land, in the parilh of St. Jhrjfl, Containing by estimation
300 acres, be the fame more or lei's, near the Meeting
house, adjoining lands of
■ * The fam? v. Samuel Salt us. Krlfil! and ahither v. the
feme.. At *a A or parcel of lan!, in the parilh of St. John,
containing by estimation 500 acies, be the fame more or
left, adjoining lands of Samuel hurr.lcy’s citato.
The fame v. Josiah Bacoii.The fame, furvTvor, v.
the fame.’ Several trafb or parfcels ofland, in the parilh
of St. John, containing together by estimation SDo5 Do ttefes,
be the fame more or left, -adjoining lands or James Dun
woody ad JdhmStcvens.
. The fame v. John Elliott. The fame v. the fume. Se
veral traits of land,, in-the pariduof St-John, containim*
together by estimation 1000 acres, be the fame more.or
left, adjoining lands of Thomas ElUoct and William
fame. Same v. fame. A traitor parcel of land, in the
parilh of St* John, containing by estimation 200 acres* be
the fame more or less, aJjoining lands of John Edwards.
The fame, firvivors, v. John Mitdhell. Kelfall and
ethers v. the. lame. Kelfali and another v. the fame. Se
veral tracts o 1 End, lq the fiatith of st. John,. containing,
together fS6o acres, be the fame more or
lift, adjoining lands of John Stacey. ,
r - The fame v. Davis and Pattern. A
in the parilh’ of St. Philip, estimation
<oq acres, be the fame Wore or left, ad hJhiinlPj an is ‘„ o f
William Maxwo!!, ■ ■ f...
1 *1 he fame v. 1 A trtufl or parcel of
land, in the parilh 01 St. John, containing by etVimaliou
2co acres, be chp .lame niore vr<el, adjoining lands of
John Winn the yvungcr. Ka
,The fau?c v. Iftrmcnas Way just. A tiadt or parcel of
lanin tire pk'rllh Ojf St. John, containing by citimatioii
iL 00 , acrc3 ‘be thr i .i-.ny more o: icis, a ijoinin g lu:iJ ot
Nathan TajW, hte Screen’s.
Kclfill- and others v.- Nathaniel Saxton. A traA or
parcel of land, ih rhe parilh of St. johii, ‘containing by
einnaatiou at 0 acres, be ttie fkme‘morc or left, near Sun
oury, adjoinliig lands of . ’
Ecllatl am 1 another, v. Jofepli W ? d y. Kel
f*ll and another v. fame.. A tuft or puced of land, In the
parilh ol St. John, contaiijiug by estimation 500 acres, be
tine fame mo.c or left., adjoining lands of John* Jones.
ICelUil and another, survivors, v. James Stewart. K<-1-
ftll* forvivor, v. the fame. Kelfali and others v’. the
fame* A tTutX or parcel of 1 in the parish of St, Jphn,
Containing*by citiniat'o'n c,oo acres', be thc'f.une more or
left, adjoining lands of Lyman Hall, and lying on the
Itlidway road.
The fam* y. gliomas Et!i|?ll. Kelfali and another,
unyivors, v. the fame. A tea tor parcel of land, in the ,
pariih ot St. John, containing by eitimation sooactes, be
,tle fame move or left, adjaming lands of jaitjes’Screveh
and PaVmcnas Way.
}% UXC v * Bi.yin.'Grayesjyn. JCelfr.ll and another
V. tni tMt. A -craft Cl parcel ot land, irj the,.pariih of
*t. John, containing by'cllini ation acres, be the fame’
Tfc' 5 °. r 5 lc L s * ■ u Ai’ o l n i A& of WiUijm h^kfr.
‘Samfejlrftnvivors. x. Robert Qumitsman’. 4 Kelfali and
i* Uic
* ‘ . ‘ ‘ ■ •
•at. John, contlining by eftinnficn 500 acres, be th*r fame
more or left, adjoining lands of——. -
. f an,e v * Thomas Morris. A tra&or parcel -of lan
m the narifti ot Sc-. John, containing by estimation 400
‘E.\J S ’ *-^ e fame more or left, adjoining land? now
iiher and Co.’s. Ado another tra(9: or parcel ofland, in
f 1? parilh. of ht. Jolm, coataining hy edirnarion .300 acres,
be the fame more or less, joining lands of Jordon’s estate.
And alio another tract or parcel of land, m the parifli of
ot. Andrew, containing by estimation 509 acres, be the
fame.more or less, adjoining lands of . And tUfo a
tfcwn lot in Sunl'Ury.
Ki w.ilj, ~fur,ivor, vs Tv ithan BroUnfon.’ A or
pnir-tl or land, in the partlh ot Sti John, containing by ef
ti m a cion 500 acres, be tire fanie more or left, lying near
North Newport Bridge, and joining lands of .
KcKill and another, survivors, v. Hep worth Carter,
Ajru&or paixcl ofland, in the parifli of St., John, con
taining by estimation 5c o acres, be the fame or less
adjoining lands of the estate of Samuel Spry. ~ *
.. .-The lame v. William Brown. A trad or parcel ofland
in the parilh of St. John,, containing by estimation coq
acres, be the fame more or left, lying near a place called
tnu Deftrt, and adjoining lands of ,
Kelfali and other, v. Samuel Miller. Several trad? of
land, containing together by estimation toco acres, bethe
fame more or left, in the pa ilh of St. Philip. Aifo
thcr trad or pared of l.unl, ennraining by ; ftirnatlon iy
- acres, be theTamo more or left, on B-ulltbwn /Wamp, J n
the parilh of St.- Andrew. Also another trad or parce’] of
land, containing by estimation 150 -acres, be the fame
more or less, in the parilh of Su John, known by the
name of Buiylgy’s, Alfa another trad or parcel of land, elrimation 300 acres, be the fame more or
left, in the parifli.of St. John, on Oswald’s fwump. Also
two town lots \n the to\yn of Sunbury, known by. the
Numbers and , arch containing fronta-id
Storr and Pied v. Janies Hiberflnm. G.-abim and a
nor her v. tlic fame. JhnrrFalley v. the fame. Admin i
ftratt r Houftoun v. the fame. A lot of land in the town
of Sgvahnah, containing 60 feet in front and 180 feet in.
’ depth,-m- re or less, wiser.c .n thp defendant formerly re-’
, ey y dec eA'ed ,fro nti r g til e^eaft^m
f. ration or.vurcel of .land, in the parilh of Chn'ft
Cliu.c.,, y-cn:ajfunk by.tfrim..t’on aii t, L- the fame
more or lels, which is- comm niy called Silk ‘.Hope, - ahi
adjoins-lands of Joffgh,d4a-brlh!)m aid Francis Harris.
Sto.y and. RAJ y. k yyritii n• Baker. A trad or parcel of
la.n l, rn^L'ie. l ariiii.of S:. John, containing by estimation
• 560 acres, be the fame more Yr left,‘which lies on the
northern bi:.nch of MDway river, and near lands of John
Cov'-per and’ Tdf drs v. John Winn fen. A trad or
parcel of Uml, iu tie nnrilh of St. John, containing by
elniTittt:off'3co'.tch, Ge the fame more dr left, adjoinin/
ft! — near Midway Me^ti <s r hmrfc.
Spalding and-, another v. Reter NephewV A trad or
parcel^of land, in .the purifh of St. Andrew* containing
by estimation 5c o acres, bo the fame more or left, joinLcg.
South NtjwpOit hijdge. < r 6 *
Thomas Netherclirt v. William Leconte, Executor
H uftoiin v. lame. A plahtcfion in several tr.tds ■ f land
< n hubft'Avn f.v.-.nfb, iri the parilh of St. Andrew, co*n
airing Ur rttim.ttion vc- o acres, be the fame m-ore orleft
jn.mngGth-’Aj’k;’ Srrf.on Mu’nro, W est, Koger Kcl
fail, and John Jones. Also another plantation or parcel
l^ r *dsri neat C-antjtrehie rtreryTn the “parilh of Stri PhlTTp/
containing by estimation 900 acres, be tlic fame more or
ifis* * lan#isrof .
w ‘l!tani: JI cllaiy ar*d others v. William Hoftendorff. A
plan ration cr Jiaij'i of iai.u, in tjlie pariih of St. Matthew,
e;Hitainu*g f by ei tirnatiMJi ? 4.c:a:acre!s, *bc the’ fame more or.
less, ahoat-three tniks south of the tavern late Ducki rk,
M'pqt n afid others v. ‘Dbvi.! Huguene/i. A planUuQii
dt trad.of Dad, in the parrfhtrf-St. PhHip, by
estimation 35a ceres, be the fade more or left, on which
the ft c i t ■1 i tht f6rmerly te'ndvd’. ——~ . .
‘* The fame. vf-Chilbim snd Wife. A lot or .parcel of land
at near the toxvn of Savannah, in the parilh
of Chris; Gjiurch, containing; by estimation 105 fc C t
fT-i-n e, be the fame more or less, which adjoins iands of
Dr 1 - -. .4..
Storr and Ried v. Daniel Sullivagt. A trad of land,
iti the paiilh of St Andrew, containihgLy cTtlrr.aclon r’oci
acres, be the fame more cr left, and adjoin, lan j* of
pilttr. VViUiams and Thomas-Snllivant. -yiv. •
Together with all,thA dwelling-houft s V--iHdins, he
reditaments, rights, members,'.uv! amu-.ichancest to the
premises .üßovemenChincdft ly/kniging.’
LEWIS jun. Pro. Mar.
Savannah, in George, JaE'..- m
.': I ‘ .
“*"■ - T
To be fold to the hightft bidder, ftHycalb, io the
fIT , o A!|1 g causes, tinder attachment frttn hu Ma
or. Monday the $J be.iieinbe* “m x'7 Ee
f*'lc ‘o begin piecifeljr at, 10 u’clock in the fore
n *oh, Sn’d 6nd at 1 o’cUck in the afteriioor l ,. and
to be contir ued fiom day to day until the whole
is difpefed • f,
I'he under
and another v. Jerkins and Wife. Kvl
f.tll and another, fuvvivori, r, fume. Rvbeitf .il v.
fame. A or paicel of land, in tbe parilh of
St. Philip, coutainirg by estimation 400 acres, be
the lan e iuo/e or less, adjoinir p lands of Thunas
G Ufnfiih.
Rc-heitfon v. Survivots cf Elbe t, and
G; ha n. Cowper an and Telfair v. fvnr. S orr
ond Ried v. fame. Alexander
feme. A lot of land in the town of Savar.-
laab, containing by eftimation’ 60 bet in f* nt
ad 90 fe'fet in depth, knasyn hy the N O . 7, and
lying between lots of J hn R chards ar.d J it Ly-
O'l. Arro a lo’? ~lf l of ian is at
‘"containing by estimation 300 feet in front, and ex
tending as far as low waier mark. AUo another
trafl nr paiice! of land et> the ‘/land of \V r tltn ngtorr,
in titc eentaining by
■ ( * •-a * - -
a<r, be the Arne more or left, adjoin?** ft n d* o fc
th* Ettate of jofiah B yan, deceaferf. Also aborher*
tract or parcel of land,’in the parirfi of Christ
Church, in the province afore-faid, containing by
estimation 300 actes, be the lame more or left, ad
joining lands of John Jamieftn. . ,
K Bail -ami ai other, lurvivori, v. James Duo
wcody. A certain tiadt or parcel of hwitd, 10 the
parifti of St. John, containing by estimation 540
aeies, be the lame more or lejwy. joining lands of
jofiah Bucor. : J
■ K.xlfill and another, furv:vorS, v. Charles Star-”
K2y Mi tletoD. A plantation or pa cel of land, in
the pari flies of St. And.ew 9 .,d S . John, contain
ing by estimation 1500 acres, bethe Tame mure or
Ivf, late the jrtope/i,y f William'J vnesV adjoinihg
land? of— * Also another trs£! or parcel of
land, in the paiith of Sr. Jahn, in the said
containing by tltitnatiojn 300 acres, be the fame
more or less, tying near Sunoory, and joining lands
of , formerly occupied by Arthur Carnsy.
Kelfali and another, lu vivo*s, v. Joseph Lewis.
A naff or parcel of land, in the paiifli cf S . J hm
containing by estimation 500 acres, h< the fame
more or Disjoining lands of Joseph Way and Ed
ward Way.
. another, furv v rs, * . J >hn Baker
KeifaJJ and arother v. lame. S veral
or parcel* cf land, in the parilh *.f S . John, con
taining together bv elt motion 1000 a he the
fame more <>r Jcfs, j lining lends of William B iker
f:n. and John Stacey.
. Giahum and H utt un v. Joseph Clay. An un
improved lot cf land in the town of £ vanrah,<roß
tailin g 60 sett in front and 90 in dep.h, lyingop
polite to the north of a lot rccuueil by J w .:s
Ilartiflum the yi unger. All- Vnotbir lot at Vj
maciaw, in the parifli o/'Cbriff Chutcb, containTg
20 5 ft ei tiu 500 feet, formerly ocrupied hy Robert
VVtit;s H AiG. a or parcel- of .'land, con
leis-, filtrate in Ifie parElT of Cfiiift ChuiEfi, .oa-th
f.,uth-weft read leading to Bryan’* Cowper, about
th^eemiles from SxchevCrel’s Old Field.
# Keif. 11 arid another^furvivors, r.lhomasMaK-’
. wtL. A’ iraS or parcel of /land, in the parilh of
St. J hn,; containing by estimation 500 acre*, bl
the fame more or less, adjetning lands of
K lfaii aßd another v. Stephen William*. Ssm?, 1
furvivo*ij Vw fame. A trail or parcel of land, iu.
the parifli of St. Andrew, containing hy eftunatioit
500 acief, be the lame more or less, joining land*
of-- - a SuJ, vant. . ...... xr.n u -a
Same, luivivn s, v Thomas Shepherd. A tr6l
or. pa cel pf ; lar:d,*in the parilh of St. John, g by est mafion 400 acre , be the fame moi^
cr less, joining lards cf Jlm Winn jtin. fa ; so.
Spaiiitng and another v. Kicha.d Cooper.- A trust
or parcel if land, in the pai.fli f St. An vv*
containing by estimation 500 acres, ba th* fima
more-or less, j riim.g lands ol ntai Cathead
C.etk.. * ..1
K ifall and another v. Gilbert A
ce.uin land i..thc toivn of Sun bury,,
ci-r at, ng fem ia fror.t ad . f. ct in depth*
KUfall aod .anctbei v. J mes Caitcr. Sa * e^ 1
fu, v*vi E, v. fa ne, A trsfil or parcel of land, m
te pi-t iflt of'St. Jh , rortairii gby rftimanda
500 -Ciftty be dve f imc more ur i ucd*
o. H ?pyvo tf>. Carte . . ji £ . ‘• _
Same, fu live-. , v. J fnh Powell. A t*afl nc
paicel of land, i u :.he patfiTfi f Sr. John, cu.tain
mg by eilimatict? 500 ?nei, be the fame mace o£
Ids, fitustrjd x*]r> at. iftir.d.i:. Midway river,
9 ame V- Jho Sandtfotd. Kt ITa 14 and another Vi’
fapi*. Several fcia&f f bnd, in tbe parilh of St.
Jt hn, comaii.itag by efttniafion I.oob scce*., be the
lame mcre.or .Df*, jmning land* of Edward
and tbe Eltate of WilliamiDuoham. •
Kelfvll-acdanottjcf, favvivbr*, v. William BA
p"• A. nr parcel of land,l in the paiilh of.St.
John, contati-ing*by estimation ioixx acres, be the
CiSSt mor.e Qr leftj jei, ing U-ws of John Baker fen.’
Same v. WtIL Several traas of land #
in the parifli of St Andrew, containing by eftima -
tion icoo acres, be the fame more or left, joining
lands of SitUQit and William Ltoh-c.
Ktlfali and an- rbe-r v. Morn* end Tvliil r. A
C ,ntßirticg by eftiinatian 100 ac cs, he ihe fame
or jciniilg lards of Richard Howley,.
oATfo ariothei <*i-parcel of land§.,m parffh, containing 1000 acres, be the fa me mold
or Jelsr ®ri Bul{town swamp.
Same v. Thomas ElitbtG A traft or parcel ot
land, tn the parish of St; John, containing by efti
ination |pp, aces, be the fame more or less, jiiniag
lands of jame. Scicven,dectaftd, and Par irenas Way.
KcTall and another, survivors, v. Mofe*.Way;
A traft or parcel of land, in the parifli of St. An
drew, containing by estimation 300 acres, be tb£
fame in ire cr less, joining lands late the property
of JUeph B Ref, . , t
M’Go>un and others v. David Dicks* A plan
tation or parcel cf land; in the parilh of St. Philip,
containing by. estimation 400 acres, be the f?me
more or less, joining lands of James Cherry* Also *
a parcel of rice in the straw, fcwt bogs and other
live Itcck, on or about thelaid plantation.
Graham and another v. Survivois J hn Jones
rind Cos. A heufe and u s y 4 containi-’g;
by estimation v heieoy, J Jo/;e and tTc.
fui merit carried on thci. bulicfs. Aifo Another
lot adjoining thereto, ghv estimation *
Johi ftocy Elq. y. Mini. heufe and sot fri
the iwu ‘Si Srivapi;*.b A by tftlmatjon