Newspaper Page Text
feet In treat and feet in depth, Jbe the fame more
pr left, which wai formerly the property of Capt.
Dean, and adjoint a lot of Geiflipn Cohen.
Robertson v. Keao, furVivor of Peter Lavein and.
Cos. A plantation or traft of land, in the parish
of , Cferift Church, containing by estimation 300-
acre*, 5 be the fame more or less, joining landt of
William. Strulhers and John Wilson dcceafed. Alio
another plantation or tr*A of land, in the parish of
St. Phitipy containing by efttmaiion 500 aciet, be
< the fame more or left, forme* I y the property of Sa
muel Miller, and since Stephen Drayton, joining
landt of Thomas Goldfmtth, and lies on the fame
Mullryney Esq. v. M’lotcfh. A house and lot
in Savannah, fixate in St. James'* Square, oppo
site the Government House, formerly the property
of Capt. Powell, containing by cftimation 60 feet in
front and 90 (eet in depth, be the fame more or less.
Also a tract or parcel of land, on Cathead Creek,
in the parish of Sr. Andrew, containing by eftima
iion 500 acrei, be the fame more or left, joining the
towi.fhip of Darien. Ad also a parcel of land,
being an iftand in the river AUtamaha, in the said
parish, containing by cftimation zoop acres, be the
fame more 01 Ids.
Cowj er and Telfai's v.Thomas Savage. A traA
©r pa cel c# find, in .he parish of Chiift Chinch,
©r. Gica Ogecliee river, called the Point Plantation,
containing by tftjantmn 506 aces, be the fame
jmcieor less, j ining lai ds us J.feph art! Willem
Gibbons. Alf another trad jy parcel of land,
containing l>y cftimation 750 acie, be the fame
more or left?, lying in the parish of St. Philip, called
Stirling B iff, j ining lards of J incs Mackay, E r q,
Also another uaA or parcel of land, in the paiifh
©f St. Philip, containing by cftimation 500 acres,
be the fame more or less, j ining lard* of Eiifha
Butler, and is commonly called Silk Hope. And
also another plantation or parcel of land, in the pa
rish aforeftid,” usually called Mr. Butler's, con
taining by tftimaiiot 500 acres, be the fame mere
©r less, joining lands of on the-high
jroad to Surebury, near'or joining lands of
li&rne. And also 9 quantity rice in the straw, and
a parcel of live lfccicun orabout the laid plantation;’
r The fame v. William'Gibbons Ceni A plantation .
or parcel of Und, on which the defendant fornieily
redded, in the parish of St. John, cpntaining-by
eftimatioe 500 acres, be the l iras more or less.
Kelfall and another, survivors, ▼. Lyman Hall.
Several traAsor parcels cf land, in the parish of Sr.
John, containing together 1500 acres, be thrf fame
more or left, joining lands of William Way and
John Stewart:
Kelfall and another v. Benjamin Andrew. A
traA or parcel of land, in the parish of Sr. Jjhn,
containing by eftmiatton 500 acres, be the fame m. te
©r less, joining lands of the late William Jones.
Same v. Joseph Oswald. Simon P.itcrfon, sur
viving Obligee, v. fame. A tiaA or parcel of
land, in the parish of St. John, containing by efti
marion 500 acres, be the ftme it ore or left, bounded
N rth N-w oil liver and lands of Gihb ns.
Sim n Pate ftr, surviving Copa tner, v. Gideon
Dovvfe. Simon Paterson and William Lar.g v.
fame. Simon Puers-n, surviving Obligee, v. Erne.
A tiaft of land, it. the psr.fh of St. j- ho,
ing by tfttnaation 500 acies, mure or‘left. k-
Simon Paterfor., fuiviving Copartner, v. Bei ja
tnin Andrew. Simon Pnterf;n and William Lang
v. fame. Simon Pa at i., iurvivirg Obligee, v.
fame. A traA of land, in the parish of St. John,-
containing by cftimation 500 ac es, more or less.
Simon Patcrfjn and William Lang v. Thomas
Elliott. Simon Paterson, surviving Obligee, v.
fame. A traA of land, in the parish of Sr. John,
contaiifin£ by cftimation 300 acres, more 01 less.
Simon Paterson, Surviving Oblige, v. William
Gtaves fen. Two tr&As of land, in the parish of
St. John, containing by eftimatioe 500 acres eqch,
more or It ft, bounded on theeaft by William Graves
jun. on the weft by E.late of John Stewait, and
©orth by Dr. Brownfon. v ’
Samuel Dougl fs and Andrew Lord v. Hepworth
Carter. A traA of land, in the parish of St. John,
containing by estimation 300 acres, more or less.
- Simon Paterson, surviving Obligee, v. William
Quarterman. A traA of land, in the parish of St.
John, cwr.tainii.gbjr eflimation 300 acres, more or
Samuel Douglass and Andrew Lord v. James
Barter. A traA of land on Turtle river, contain
ing by cftimation 300 acres, more or left;
Samuel Douglass and Andrew Lord v. Robert
Hudfun. A traA of land, in the parish of St.
Matthew, containing by eflimation 300 acres, more
or left.
Graham and another v. Shem Butler. A traA
©f land_, in the parish of Si, Philip, containing by
eflimation 500 acres, be the, fame more or less, ly
ing rear For* Argyle.
Storr and Ried v. James Stewart. A traA of
land, in the parish of St. John, containing by rfli
©nation 500 acres, be the fame more or left, lying
4Bear Midway Meeiinghoufr, and juir.irg lands of
Lyman H&ft
M'Gown and others v. Adam Fowler B ifbane.
A traft of land, in the par sh cf Christ Church,
containing by cftimation 500 acres, be the fame
tnore or lef, lying in the diitriA Little Ogechee,
adjoining lands of the late John M'Lean.
Samuel Douglass tc al. v. Jchn Mai tin, surviving
Copartner. Abx nder v. fame,
A plantation or tiaft of land, in the parish of Sr.
Bh lip, containing by eflimation 1000 acies, more
of less, fnuatc near Fo’t Argvle, bounding on the
lands of Jonathan Bryan, A lot at the Truilcei
•ardent, ©car Keilei’a lot.
*• 1. .
Paler fob, furvivtng Obligee, ▼. Thomas Morris.
A trail cf land, in the parish of St. Andrew, con
taining by estimation 500 acres, be the fame more
or less. ‘ ‘
Paterson & a?, v. John Elliott. Pateifon, sur
viving Obltgte, v. Line.* A trail of land, in the
parish of St. J. hn, containing by estimation 300
acres, more or hfs.
Pateifon & al. v, J-mes Stewart. A trail of
land, in the parilh of St. John, containing by efti
maticu 200 acres, more or less.
Paterson Sc a), v. Lyman Hall. Paterson, sur
viving Ouigee, v. fame. A traft of land, in the
parilh of Si. Jobr, containing by estimation 1000
acre:, more or less. - *
Pateifon Sc al. v. Charles Midieton. A trail of
fond in the pa ifli cf St. John, also a trail in tin pa -
rilh of Si. Andrew, containing’by estimation 3*o
acres, more c r less.
Alexan'd ingus, Executor, v. George Walton,
A hou e and lot m the town of Savannah, in the
pa>ilh of Chiift Church, containing 60 feet front
and 90 feet deep, more or less, nea* the Govern
ment House in St. James's Square, whine the de
fendant formerly resided.
S mon Pateifon, furvivirg Obligee, v. Robert
Qaartcrm.n. A trail rs ‘am', in the paiifh, f St.
Containh g by estimation 300 acres, more or
Stmev. John Way. A trail of land, in the pa
rilh of St. j bn, containing by estimation 300 acres,
more or Je.s.
Same v. Palm;i Goul Jing. A trail of land, in
the parilh of Sr, J hrt, containing by estimation joo
acies, more or Ufs.
S me v. Sarau. I Steve-8. A trail of land, in the
parilh of St. J .hn, c naming by estimation 1000
ac s, more < r lei .
Paterfor, Sc 11. g Thomas Quarterman. A'trall
of laml, m the par Si. J hr, containing by
eftima ion 300 acres, more or efs.
Together with ail the riwellmg-huufes, bnildirgs,
hereditaments, right , menibets, and appurtenan-*
ces, to the prfmifes abovemer.tioned
bclon gi ;g. . •
; juu. ¥fw Mi/T
Savfnii;ahi Auguil a, 1781.’ . , ■’
Oa M< n lay the 3d of Sept, will be fold, at the
Mr dial’s “Offier in Bull Street, to the high-sft
bdJer, for calh, the tale tD begin precisely at 11
o’clcck, ,
A TRACT of Land, in St. Philip's parilh, con
taining 500 acres, be the fame more or lcf=,
bounded on the noith and east by lands of Thomas
Your-g, Eiq. on the weft by ,ands f Samuel Miller
or J hn J *ikff, tol on the f* ufh a id - enft by a
mar Hi and ere- k commoi ly called Ctibbcdgc’s Ce-.k,
the prope ty of George Cubbidg , and feizcd on ex
ecution. “
Li t N 0 . * in Duke'* S?rret, Savannah, fronting
to the north r Reynolds’s Square, cintatni g 60
feet frentand 90 feet deep, wheieon William E-veu
lately reftded, adj mi g >he lot of William Ross.
Also another Lot, N 0 .2, on the fom street, front
ing to the n< rth on Elliv’s Square, contani g 60
feet front and 90 ir, de,uh, adjuir*ing the lot late
Woodruff’s. Alio the Wefterm ft M- iety of the
Lot known by the letter P, cor tainir-g 60 feet front
to the weft commor, ?nd 90 feet in de,4h, be the
fame mote or less, on t ie other moiety of the fa and
lot. And also a Phntation or Parcel of Land, con
taining by estimation 300 acres, be the fame more or
lef*, in the parilh of St. George in Ge irg a, bound
ed r-oith call ands uth eaH by land of Lachlan
M’Giilivray, and <n all other fidts by land vacant
at the rime of th forvey. The whole the property
of William Ewcn deceased.
Several Trails of Land in the parilh of St.
Matthew, cortaining by estimation 1450 acres, be
the lame mure or left, fi uated upon the rivet Qge
chee, an-l joining lands of Thomas Flyming. Also
an undivided Moiety cf 1000 Acres of Land, in the
parilh ‘ f St. George, on the Widow Fryer’s B anch,
near Telfair’s Mills, The property cf Wiillam
Belcher deceased, and feezed on execution.
Savannah, August 2, 1781.
To be fold to the highell bidder, for cash, in the
.. following causes, under .attachment from his
Mnjefty’s General Court of the province of
Georgia, on Monday the loth day of beptem
bermext, the sale to begin precisely at 10 o’-
clock in the forenobn, and end at 1 o’clock in
the, afternoon, and to be continued front day to
day, between the fame hours, until the whole
is difpqfed ....
The undermentione j Property, viz.
‘William Fox and Cos. v. Lewis Mutteair. Same
v. fame. A trad of land, in the parish of St. An
drew', containing by estimation 4©} acres, be the
fame more or less, joining or near lands of Thomas
Quarterman. “■
Same v. Robert Sallens. A trad of land, in
tlie parish of £t. John, containing by estimation
acres, near Newport ferry, joining lands of
Thomas Young. Also another trad, in the parish
of St. Philip, Containing by estimation acres,
which is on or near Canouchie river.
Same v. Thomas Bacon. A trad of land, in
the parish jJJjt. John, containing by estimation ‘
r* acres, near lands of Jonathan Bacon, and
joins lands of John Bacon,
Same v, Edward Way. A’ trad of land, in the
af •• • 1 . • > *
parifn of St. John, containing by estimation
acres, be the famq more or lefj, joining lands us
John Jones. V -
Same v. Willin’m Graves fen. A lot of land
With a store house thereon, Landing*
containing 60 feet in front and go feet io depta
more or less. *
Same v. Elijah Lewis. A trad of land, | n the
parish of St. Andrew, containing by estimation
acres, which lies on the Mortar fw.amp; and aifo
other trads in St. David’s parish.
Same v. John Mitchell. A trad of land, i a
the parish of St. John, containing by
acres, near the Meetinghouse, and on which
the defendant formerly resided, and is near or ad.
joins lands of James Dunwoody and Josiah Bacon.
Same v. Jolbph M’Gowen. A trad of land, j a
the parish of St. John, containing by eflimaboq
200 acres, be the fame more or less, which lies
near lands of John Winn on North Newport, and
joins lands of Benjamin Stead.
Same v. WilHam Graves fen. and William
Graves jun. A lot of land, in the parish of St.
John, on Newport Landing, with a ltore house
thereon, containing 60 feet front on the road, and
po feet depth. /
Same v. Benjamin Andrew. A trad ofland, ia
the parish cf St. John, containing 200 acres, bt
the fame more or less, commonly called Mi's.
Bradwell’s. Alfo_ another trad of land, in tht
‘parifh of St- John, containing by estimation ‘2OO
acres, be the fame more or less, situate at a place
caHed the Defaft, near lands of Mrs. BiJncy and
the late Joseph Andrew deceased.
Same v. William Way. A t*ad of land ou
Midway swamp, in the parish of St. John, con
taining by estimation acres, situate near the
bread road aid nigh lands of Lyman 1 fail.
Same v. JofephTewis. A trad of land, in the
pnrilh cfSt. David, containing by estimation. - t
acres. Alfb-another trad oL lai d/ifi the parishes
- St. Andrew, efliniStiorf wm.’ *’■
- Together with all the dweliing houses, build
ings, hereditaments, rights, members, and appur
teaances, to’ the premises abovpmentiomd refpcc*
lively belonging. r ”
LEWIS.JOHNSTON jun. Pro.’ Mat.
Savannah, August g, 1781. -
On Saturday the Bth of September next, will be
fold to the highest bidder, for eafh, at the Mar
shal’s Office iirßull Stieet, the sale to begin
cifely at 11 o’clock,
A LOT of Land at Yamacraw, with a dvvd*
ling-house thereon, containing by estimation
60 feet in front and go in depth, be the fame more
or less, joining on’ a lot of Samuel 1 lbevt to the
westward, and to the east a lot at present occupied
by Mr. Aaron Varilie, and commonly calkjd th©
Waggon Yard, the property of'Joleph Wood, and
seized on execution by • : ‘ • f ■■. ‘l/
Savannah, August 9, 1781.
On Satu dsy th“ 25th i; ftanr, will be fdd, at the
MaifhalV Office in Bull STiee', to the highest
bidder, for the sale tu begin ptecil’.iy at 11
A MULATTO Woman, named Fanny, and her
Ctuki, the property if Samuel Siiik, and fold
under attachment. - ’
A Negro Wench, named Phillis, the property of.-
John M’Lean, and seized on execution.
Also, Three Negro Men, nrtmed Jack, Bristol,
and Jack, th property of jvhn Kppinger, dcceafed,
and seized on execution by’
LEWIS JOHNSTON jun. Pro. Mar,.
Savannah, August 16, 1781.
Op Saturday the 13th September next, willbefbl<V
, at th: M. rlbal’s Office in Bull Street, to tka
highest bi< det, for tafh, the sale to begin at tx
O’clock precisely,
Dc-uglafV, foivivoi,! A TRACT cf Land, in tht
v * , r parish of St. P,su', cor.-
Kean, survivor. staining by effimativn lo>
aciei, le the fame more or lef*, formerly the pro
perty of Feon, adjoining land* of John Ja mU%
Ton. Also 300 acres of land, the parish of St,’
Andrew, founcrly the property cf Charlci
Also another tiafl of laml, ir. the pari/h of Si. Prti-i
lip, containing 800 acres, more or lef/, late the
property cf Stephen Drayton, formerly ts Sr-muel
Mdlei and Thomas Goldfirmh. Toge.ber with *lf
the dwellii g houses, building*, right*, m mbe- (
and appurtenances, thereto belonging.
Samuel Dt uglafs 1 A ol land at Tl l*D
. v * rderb I, fn the parish of Christ
O Brien and Wade. JChurch, containing by efti*.
ma'ion 500 acres, more or lrfs,bour*ded on t he north-’
east by the river, and on all other sides by lands >(
Col. Mull vne, together with all the dwelling
houfes, buildings, light?, members, aod ariuirtei
ances, thereto belonging, the propeitv of W-lluin
O’Brien. y. ■ •
The whole on execution by ii.
Savannah, i6.h August, 1781.