The Royal Georgia gazette. (Savannah, Ga.) 1779-1782, September 06, 1781, Image 4

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fO R SALE, At the fubfcriber’sCel lar on theßay, BEST Madeira Wine by the dozen or quarter calk, Beit Port Wine by the dpzen or box, Sherry do, do. Lisbon do. by the dezsn, Ttfnlagadd. do. or quarter calk, * Jamaica Spirits ind Weft India! Rum by the’ hogshead or qiiarter calk; r Belt White Wine Vinegar, and fuperexcellent Shrub and London Porter. N.B. Any person or persons falling in love with the aoove may pay to day, and aßc for trust tomorrow, as the numerous orders lately received, and No Mosiey, are likely to afFed his health. JAMES HERRIOT. Savannah, August 18, 1781. *_- - -1 -1 1 mmmmmmmmrnt *? THE fubferiber being willing to retire from business, and having a very good Assortment of LIQUORS, &c. Upon hand, any person witling to purchase the fame may be immediately put into pclTclnon of part of the house and cellars he now occupies, being the best (land in Savannah for felling the fame. The purchase- paying one ha’niown, for the remainder fix months credit will be given. JAMES HERRIOT. The Subscriber will dispose of, For Calh, or good Bills of Exchange on London, ‘■’"Tp'HREE hundred acres of p-ime river swamp X l on Argyle Ifhnd, 00 the north part ©f his* plantation Shaftefbury, adjoining Land late -William Roche’s. This .trad will front weft-on a past of Savannah river; east on Back river, and will wkeas, complect as any j on Sx tWannah*river, being below the freihes, and jull in the meridian of the fp.ring tides to overflow the land every spring tide;’ It is now W'ell known that this kind of land is the best for rice, corn, nd in digo. • _ Also his I Hand of Great WaiLw, coHitainirg one thousand acres of high land, fronting east on the sea, south on Little WalTiw, north on Great Waflaw river, and weft on Rumley * marlhes, a bounds with cedar and live oak, and has avast quantity of hard feeding marlhes very fit range for cattle, horses, and hogs. -JAMES DEVEAUX. ■ • Savannah, August 13, 178*- ANY persons willing t© contrad. with the Commilfiry General Department to supply his Majesty’s Stores vvith new Corn Blades, Indian Corn, and Rough Rice, are defined to fend their proposals in writing to the Commiliary General’s Office. t N. B. Cash will be paid, as usual, for any quantity delivered, on the receipt or certificate of the Storekeeper, without any delay. Savannah, Ift August, 1781.- ALL perforls to whom the Estate of Chrillian Fry, deceased, is indebted, are desired to bring in their accounts, properly artetled ; and those indebted thereto to make immediate pay ment. Humphrey Harrison, Executor. ~fhe COPARTNERSSSSE= Cowper and Telfair= T TAViNG been diflblvcd bv mutual consent, Jpj[ and as there is an absolute necessity of im-’ mediately fettling the affairs of that House, (as well as those of Cowper and Telfairs) and as little or no regard has been pa-d to any former felicita tion of theirs, they can only lament the necessity of being obliged to demand by lavtf what they can not .obtain by any indulgence of theirs. T Savannah, 22d Augult, 1781. J” MATTHEW STEWART, HAVING removed next door to .Mr, James Herriot’s on the Bay, where he intends carrying on the Saddler’s Bufifiefs as usual, returns thanks to his friends for their custom, and hopes for a continuance of their favours; he will be glad to serve them, and the publick in general. N. B. He experts a very large Assortment of Saddlery from England in the month of November. Savannah , Auguf z 2, 1781. —- 1 ALL persons having demands against the Es tate of the Rev. Dr. John Joachim Zubly, deceafed,'are desired to fend them in, properly at tested; and all indebted to the said Estate, cfpe* cially for notes due to the Meetings are requested to make speedy payment. All persons who have any books or other property belonging to the said Estate are requested to return them. A Negroes to be hired. D. ZUBLY jun, A&ing Executor. WHerea?, by an acl of the Geneml AlE.’fnbly, passed the 2d day of August inst. weXhe fubferibers w ere appointed Commissioners ro inquire after, enter upon, take charge and poflcflion of, and hold and detain, all the Eitate real and perso nal of Noble Jones, Esq, deceased, for the latil faftion and payment of a debt due by the said de ceased to the Publick of this province, Notice hereby given to all persons who know’ of or hold pofTeffion of any part of the eftat6 of the said de ccafcd, that they immediately deliver over unto us or. make known where the property of the said deceased may be found. All persons withholding any part of the property after this notice, or com mitting any upon the lands of the deceased, may depend upon being prosecuted agreeable to law. LEWIS JOHNSTON, BASIL COWPER, Savannah, AuguAl S. J. JENKINS. 30, 1781. j GEORG** BAILLIE, PETER DEAN. T O B¥. S OLD, On Tuefdav the gth October next, at the planta tion of Ludowick Emit, deceased, at Goffien, in St. Matthew's parilh, ALL the Real and Personal Eflate of the said. deceased. The conditions to be made krown at the faip. Ch ristina Ernst, Adm'rx. JJ A BSFNTED himfelf from the ± v ■> . fubferiber, or the 1 6th ult. a Negro Fellow, called Billy, about 25 years old, fl.ort and fquaf, as a a w bip across his • breiP, arid can talk German and ipur about town. Iwo dollars reward^ - will be giver- to Whoever delivers him .to r.he gaoler ■ 111 ,m>> 0.-I- ■ 111 .■*-■■■ m “1 ■ - *• .MarfaTs Sales. Tobe (old to the highelt bidder, for t;alh, in-the following causes, under attachment from his Majelty’s General Court of the province of Georgia, on Mbnday the 10th day of Septem ber next, the sale tob< gin p eciteiy at 1 o’- clock in the forenoon, and end at. 1 o'clock in the afternoon, and to be continued from day, between the fame hours, until the whole is disposed of, The under men t ion eAPro pe r tv, viz. William Fox and Cos. v. Lewis Muttenir. Same v. fame. A trad of land, in the parilh of St. An drew, containing by eltimation 400 acres, be the fame more or lets, mining or near lands of Thomas ‘ Quarterman. Same v. Robert Sallens. A trad of land, in the parilh of St. John., containing by estimation acres, near Newport ferry, joining lands of Thomas Young. Also another trad, in the parilh of St. Philip, containing by ell inflation _ acre?, “which is on ot near Canouchie river. Same v. Thomas Bacon. A trad of lard, in the parilh of St. John, containing by estimation acres, near lands of Jonathan Bacon, and joins lands of John Bacon. Same v. Edward Way. A trad of land, in the parilh of St, John, containing by ellimatton 500 acres, be the faint more or less, joining lands of J ohn Jones. A_ZI Same v. William Graves fen. A lot of land, with ;i store house thereon, at Newport Landing, containing 60 feet in front and 90 feet in depth, more or less. Same v. Elijah Lewis. A trad of land, in the parilh of Sc. Andrew, containing by estimation acre?, which lies on the Mortar fwantp; and aMo other trads in St. David’s parilh. Same v. John Mitchell. A trad of land, in the parilh of St. John, containing by estimation ’ acres, near the Meetinghouse, and on which the defendant formerly relided, and is near or ad joins lands of James Dunwoody and Josiah Bacou. Same v. Joseph M’Govven. A trad of land, in the parilh of St. John, containing by estimation 200 acres, be the fame more or less, which lies near lands of John Winn on North Newport, and joins lands of Benjamin Stead. Same v. William Graves fen. and William Graves jun. A lot of land, in the parilh of St. John, on Newport Landing, with a store-house thereon, containing 60 feet front on the road, and 90 feet depth. Same v. Benjamin Andrew. ‘A trad of land, in the parilh of St. John, containing 200 & res, be the fame more or lef3, commonly called Mrs. Bradwell’s. Aifo another trad of land, in the parilh of St. John, containing by estimation 200 acres, be the fame more or less, situate at a place called the Defart, near lands of Mrs. Bilney and the late Joseph Andrew deceased. Same v. William Way. A trad of land on Midway swamp, in the parilh of St. John, con taining bv estimation acres, situate near the broad road and nigh lands pf Lyman Hall. me W Joseph Lewis. A tn& of la n< J * parilh of St. David, containing by eftimatioa 9 ae'es. Also another trad of land, i n t h e p .. 1 St. Andrew, containing by eftiriiation ■ Together with all the dwelling.houfes, Wnl ings, hereditament?, rights, members, and tenances, to the prentifes abovhnentioned tSm lively belonging. ‘LEWIS JOHNSTON jun. Savanriah, Augult 9, iybi. On Saturday the Bth of September next, fold to the highelt bidder, for cslh, at the 1U ■ fhal's Office in Bull Street, the fide to heein cifely at fi o'clock,. S “ *1 A LOT of Land at Yarnactiw, with a jj] . Img-houfe thereon, containing by eflimatSl 60 feet in frorTtand 90 in depth, be the famenijj or less, joining on a lot of Samuel Elbert to 2l weilward, and to the call a lot at present occupial by Mr. Aaron Vardie, and commonly called til Waggon Yard, the property of Joseph Wood uj seized on execution bv -I LEWIS JOHNSTON jun. Pro. n Savannah, Augult 9, 1781. I On Saturday the 15th ‘September next, will btf u I at the Marfhal'*. Office in Bull Street, t o °.V’| hieheft bidder, for calh, ihe fide to be/i*,, I O'clock precifily, ,l l Dcuglafr, fut vivor, 7 A TR ACT f f Land, h,,J „ v / . r .PV‘Jh of St. Poui, cJ K.ear, furvivo*-. J taming by e&iautiogj dl aces, be the funs more or Jeff, formerly the fieny of Fei n, adjoining lands of John fn. Also 500 acres of land, io the parilh of vl Andrew, foimerly the property cf ChVire jLfl Also another trafLof land, iq the parifh.nfSt.-f9 lip, comaming Soo.acres, mme or left, j ate property cf Stephen D'ayton, fum*rlyif ts dwelling houses, fcuild.'ngt, right#, m'mhtrLl and appurtenances, thereto sjslong!>>?. “ • Samuei Douglafi 7 A traft. jof land at Tho-J . h’Jerbolt, in the pact Ih rfChtil O'Brien and Wade. JChurch, coßtaintng hy egj.l ma'ior 500 acres, more or left,bounded or the norti.l call by the river, and on all other fide* hy lardsgf] Col. Muflrynr, together with all the dvyl{ia.l houses, buildings, rights, members, ard a,J urtetl anrer, thereto belonging, the propedy oi WillJ O Srien* | Tnc whole ltittd on hy 3 ’ LE WIS JOHNS TON jun. Pro. Mat. £ vanrab, iG.hAuguft, 1781. i On Monday the icth of September next, wil’bM fold, nt the Provolt Marlhal’s Office in Itfß Street,'“''the fa!e to begin at ten o'clock fonm noon, . ■ A NEGRO Man. named Wilß, the propertrß cJ William HolzendorfF, and iold under all tachment bv I LEWIS JOHNSTON jun. Pro. Mail Savannah, d*g u ft 3° 1 7® n I ‘IT 7* HEREAS the Frew ft Marfal of the friM Vince of Georgia, by •virtue of a Writ /■ Attachment to him dire Bed in the fever iM Catties undermentioned did attach the lands 4*l tenements, goods and chattels monies , debts, nu books of account, of the federal- defendants in til said ciufes, •who are absent from and without limits of the fata p*evince, at the huit cf the J'e-jrnm plaintiff ) : And •whereas the said plaintiffs lasM rtfeßivily agreeable to the direßions of the tachmtnt AB, hied a declaration in the GeniulW Court again(l the fvnal defendants in each of ih I following caujes. •viz. | Sir Ja<ne; Wright, Bart. •v. Noble Wia-I berly Jones; I Graham. Esq. v. Noble Wimberly Jouil George Walton, Lyman Hall, Benjamin I Andrew, John Elliot, foflah Baon, Pat-J - men as Way, Gideon Dowse, and Janet I Cochran j | Same v. Kiifha Mcxwell, Martin Dtlher,l Chriilian Dalher, John Cooper, and Ro # l bert Hudson jun. | Same v William I Bfrjamii) Styes •v. Elilha Maxwell; Storr and Ried v. Peter Bard ; Cowper and Telfair v. Edward Telfair a,l “ James Ros * who, &c. Houflcun ana Graham it. Joseph Reynold?; and have obtained in each of the said caufts a rtdt to the following rffeß, viz. f Ordered, That the defendant and defendant s’* the said fever al aßions do appear and plead •with) ll a year and a day, ether wife judgment wilt p*J l /“ gair.Jl him or tlcm by default . By the Court, \ John Simpson, P. ill C. G* io th November, 1780. Notice is therefore hereby given , That judgtnttl will be entered, agreeable to the afonfaid rAt<f order, againfl every of the said defendants •vsbt * nil appear arid.fir ad conformable thereto f* OBf RTsoN, Plaintiffs AitcrtfJ in the said /iveral caujtt.