Newspaper Page Text
An Overseer for a Plan-’
ration near town,to whom extraordinary
ebehuragement will be given. None
need apply whole characters,
and experience, are in the lead excep
tionable. Inquire of the printer.-
Three Guineas Reward
fjs y \ \J 1 LL be paid to any
O & VV person or persons,
Jt&fk Jwh on their apprehending and
& delivering to the subscriber
• ® ‘ n Savannah any one of the
f dlowng Negroes, thepro
erty of ;Mr. lofeph Fick
. ‘ ling, of the Island of Edilio
in South Carolina, viz.
Jacob, , Tom,
Isaac, Rue,
Cupid, Quaftt,
Stepney, Ham,
Boatfwaio. , - —-
Will, z Bob,
Adamj Shan,
Maik, ‘ LeaTmd her four children,
Parfay, ,• Eve,
Marcus,. Phebe,
Paimiis, ,/-r —! —Meli nda, ----- — —
Sambo, Dye and her child Will.
Also the like reward will be paid to any person
or persons on information given of any of.the a
bove Negroes being harboured by a white person,
and two guineas if by a Negro or Negroes, after
tne date of this advertisement.
Savannah, Sept. 12, 1781.
m “* y~> A M-R to my - plantAtipn,
Jjl*’ Negro Mm?
who fays his name is JULY, arid
that he belongs to Wil iam Johnston,
who joined the Rebels two or three
il years pall.
A Guinea Reward.
RAN away on Sunday the 2d inflant, T V\ O
NEGROES, named Will and
being father and son. Will was born in Africa, is *
about 50 years old, had in his pofieflion wdien lie
went off a green, old blue homespun, and white
©znabrig coats, white negro cloth waillcoat and
breeches. Casey was born upon the Pedee, South
Carolina, had on anew check shirt and oznabrig
trowfers. Said Negroes wefe fecn going toward
White Bluff. Whoever will lodge them in the
Provolt, or bring them to my quarters, shall be
paid the above reward. *■
GEO. THOMAS, Quartermafler
King’s American Regiment.
Savannah, Sept. 12, 1781.
ALL persons having demand* agaieft the Estate
of Benjamin Goldwire jun. deceased, are de
iired to bring in their accounts, properly atteiied;
and those who are indebted to said eitate are desired
to make immediate payment to Mr. George Bnfil
Spencer, who is empowered to give difeharges for
the fame, and also to fettle all the concerns of the
said estate: T
Savannah, Sept. 10, 1781.
. - •
To be fold by publick Au&ion,
On Tuesday the 2d day of October next, at White
= Bluff, on the plantation of Henry Nungczer
fen. deceased, at nine o’clock in the* morning,
deceased, confiftmg of a Negro fellow a%d
a wench with four children, also a few head of
cattle. The conditions of the lale cash. All per
sons having demands againlt the said estate are
_ defircct xo. Bring them ..m_ pro per 1 y__ attest ed ,an,d
those indebted thereto are desired to make imme
diate payment to
” f HENRY NUNGF.ZEK, 1 A j , .CT
. Sept. ii v 1781.
At the fubfeirber’s house on the Bay, on Tuesday
the 2d of Odobcr next, at ten o’clock in the
f\ LOT of Land at Yamacraw, containing
Jr*i 200 sett front on the main street, too feet
towards the river, and the fame on the weft com
mon of ti c town, is under a good fence. The
.conditions will he made known on the day of sale.
Alfd for private sale, a very sass going fix oar’d
Caooe. D. ZUBLYjun.
A RULE of I-lis Majcfty’s General
Court, on Thursday the 13th Day
of September, 1781- „ A.
WHEREAS, by a Rule of His
♦ Mzjeityi’s General Court, ail
Rules, and other Matters, which, by
the Practice of this Court, ought to
be polled up'at tV Courthouse, have,
for fome Months pad, until this T irne,
been polled up at that Houle in Saint
T James’s Square where the Superior
Courts were lall hoklen: And whereas
the said Houle in Saint James’s Square
hath lately been iold at publick Ven
due by the Marshal, and the Superior
Courts are now holden at the A fie mb
ly Room in the Scadthoule in Savan
nah : It is therefore Ordered, That,
from this Day, all Rules, and other
Matters, which, by the Pra&ice of
this Court, ought to be polled up at
the Courthouse, (hall be polled up at
the Stadthoiife in Savannah, until his
M a jelly’s laid General Court, or the
J bulges’; or a Judge thereof at
bers, fliali order otherwise : And it is
lastly Ordered, That a Copy of this
Rule be inserted in the next Gazette,
and continued there three Times.
A. STOKES, ■>*
I. I . I— . .. . 7 T “ ■'"*
GEORGIA, ft ■jT.'E HK. honourable Anth on y
/JlSto kf9, I fqnire, Ch,re l Justice
A. Stokes, sos his Majefly’s Province of Georgia,
31 a America^in puriuance of an aft of
the General Aflembly of the said provitfee, in titled, “An
< Aft foAthe Rf lief of such of his Majesty’s loyal Subjefts
as have any real or personal Property in the Province of
<< Georgia, and whefte Title Deeds, Bonds, Kot; s, Spe
** cialties, and cher Evidences, Vouchers, and Writ
er ings, have been either loft, or carried oft’,
jU during..the Time herein 4).Q-..CTR
TIFY, That John Murray, of the parifli of Christ
Church, in the province aforefaid, Esquire, hath made a
deposition before me, touching the right, title, and inte
rest, of hi&v the said John Murray, of, in, and to, a cer
tain traft or parcel of land, containing by eftirnat-sir one
hundred acres, lying on the River Savannah, tn the parlfh
of Clirlft Church, in the laid province, called the Hermi
tage, bounded north-vvefterK by lands late ‘rf |anic ; Hume,
Esquire, fouth-eaftvvardly by land atloired tc-.r the Glebe,
and northwardly by Savannah river, together with all the
improvem&r.ts, rights, members,, ami, appurtenances, -
thcreuntd belonging, chirred by the fai l John Murray by
virtue of and under a certain deed cf conveyance made and
executed to him fome time about the beginning of the year
one thoufanJ seven hundred and feveiny fix, by the then
Afting I’rovuft Marfhal’ of this, pfdvtnceTln
of a sale made under an execution, grounded on
a judgment obtained in the Gener il Court of the said pro
vince against the Estate of one David Murray, “Ffquire,
deceased. which fajd title (jeed was lodged in tl.e Secreta-
VyT or Register’s Office of the fatd province t i be recorded,
and afterwards, with)divers other records belu rging to the
said office, was loft, carried oft', 01 destroyed : Which de
poljtion sets forth, as far as the aiktuje of d:\umftancrs
will admit, the particulars of the said John Murray’s
title, the nature of the piemifes, and the pice where AT
tuate, and now remains in the IVothorotary’s Office op* n
to the infpeftion cf all persons whatfoever'; and., unlei's
good caufejs (liewn on oath to within four
calendar months after the publication of this notice in the
Georgia Gazette, I ftial! declare, bv certificate under my
hand, fubferibed under such deposition, that the farms
stands uncontroverted.
- Civen under my hand, at Savannah, in the
province aforefaid, the twentieth day of A4l
- in the year of o/ut Lord one thousand se
ven hundred and eighry-one, 2nd in the tvven
ty-firft year of his Majesty's reign.
AN AWAY about three
Xv ‘ v Ttks ago, a tall Him Slave,
njjTO named Hommady, of a
low complexion and mild counten
aoce; about 18 years of age, for
merly property of the Hon.
1 °En Graltam, fufpe<sled to be
cfb hereby offer a 1 ewa'rafoP Tne guineas to any
pcifon whatever who wiii deliver the said feMow to 1
me in Savannah, and if any person hereafter be
found harbouring the said fellow they may depend
on being prosecuted witji the utmost rigour of the
Savannah, Sept. 20, 1.781. ....
- - m 11
A Negro Wench, who
can wafli a ncW iron well, otherwife handy .
about a house, to be hired by the month, Inquire
of the printer.
* m * ‘Fhe MILITIA LAW may• be had at the
Pxinling Ofiicc, price is.
L I G II T H O R §E.
ALL adkve young men, fit for Light Horse.
men, and willing to serve his Majesty Kj* n ’
GEORGE, for the space cf two years, or during
the present rebellion, have now a fair and honour
able opportunity of revenging themfclves on
authors of the many cruelties and horrid mu'derg
committed on their relations, lr lends, and fellow
fubjeds } qf teftifying their loyalty to the belt of
Kings, and manifefting their*abhorrence and aver
fion to this unnatural and unprovoked rebellior?
by applying to Lieut. Col. George Campbell’
commanding the King’s own American Regiment*
now quartered in this town, who has power to
raise a body of light horse, to be attached to and
serve constantly with the said regiment. Each loyal
and smart young recruit shall receive five guiue aj
bounty, and a crown to drink his Majesty’s health
be provided with free quarters, a good ho,rfe, p 2 y|
cloathing, arms, accoutrements, and every other
requisite, fit for a light dragoon, such as a Cap and
helmet, a brace of good pin oh before him. a keen
edged sword by his fide, ard good boots ad fpurj
T hus equipped as a Gentleman Dragoon, he inuft
carry sure and certain viftory, acquire honour to
himfelf, and render feivice to his Sovereign and
injured Country.
Savannah, sth June, 1781.
N . B. Any person who brings a recruit ftal! re.’
ccive a rewaid of half a guirea. Sulli ferviceithie
acbve, able, and young dragoon forfes, as are to
be fold, will be pus chafed, and a generous pi ire
given, by applying at the O lond’s quarters, the
yellow house near the weft gate.
Lt. Col and Con mandirie.
a— • ; . . • . O
1 • ’ * ‘ “ *—“
Charles Francis Chevalier
: to Fehcffig >
and'Dancing School on Mon
day the firfl of Odober. Fencing
Half a Joe Entrance, and Half a Joe
per Month ; Dancing One Guinea
Ditto andThree Dollars per Month.
He also could accommodate young
Ladies for Boarding.
—■■■■! ■‘ ■■ ■!■ ■■ —— ■■■ 1
Ctuncil Chamber , 10th Sept. 1781.
“TTiTHEREAS leveral persons having claims oil
.YV s h e publick, for provisions furnifhed at
Augufla when that place w-as invested by the ene
my, have made application for payment of the
fame: And whereas there may be others in the
fame fituatior. who have not made application : In
order therefore to obtain a complete account of
what the province may be indebttd on that occafi*>
on, publick notice is hereby given, That all and
every person having such claims as aforefaid do
forthwith give into this office a fair account of
their refpedfive demands, properly attested, with
the vouchers necvflary for proving rhe fame. Those
Wno have already given in their claims, and wish
to put them into more regular form, have the
fame, by calling at this office.
By Older of his Excellency the
Governor in Council,
Finlny M’Gillivray
BEGS leave to inform his friend; and the pub
lick in genera!, That he intends carrying on
tne Tailor. Bufmefs in .all its branches, and foi that
purpose has taken lodgings next door to the Hon.
Martin Jollie, Lfq. T hose gentlemen who are
plea fed to favour hinuw'ith their employ may de
pend qn Being served in the neatifft jnanner, andl
on very terms. >*-> ‘
- Savannah, Sept. 20, 1731.
BROUGHT to the subscriber the 17th instant,
Bay Hoife, branded ‘orkbbth ihoulders C A ; &
Grey Horse; Brafde'd with leveral troffesV and
Bay Mare, branded on the near shoulder with aft
Indian brand. - J lie owners may have them by
proving their and applying to
f \ . A. HAWKINS.
night out of a yard in town,
Two Horses; one a small roan,
**’ ab<hit 1 21; hands high, branded
y oft the mounting shoulder C
his gaits not known ; the other
a small grey, about 1 2 * hands high, branded R 1*
in two places. Whoever delivers the said hoifes to
me in Sawinnah, or to Mr. George Fox On Little
Qgechcc, shall re a ive a reward ot tiire® dollars lot
ntZchT GIBSONS jun.
Sept.” zo, 1781...