Newspaper Page Text
ffiofewi Fly mu g 1 Two l ots Or Par*
V. > ce.t> of Land at fewenf-
Lcvvis and Charles Cope. 3 burgh, near the town
\ “Os Savannah, each lot
containing 90 feet of fqurfre land, one of the said
Jots adjoining to ihe weihvaid on a lot late of Ro
dolph Strohager, the other let adjoining on a lot
now or late Chnftop.htr Ring’s, together with all
the buildings, &c.
Savannah, Nov. 1, 1781.
dn Saturday the firft of December next, will be
fold, to the highest bidder, sot caih, at the
Mai dial’s Office in Dull Street, the sale to begin
precisely at 1 1 o’clock, *
A TRACT* or Parcel of Land, in the'parifh of
fct. Philip, containing 400 acres, be the fame
more or less, situate on Ogccliee river, and ad
joining lands late Samuel Snvery’s, and near or
•adjoining lands of George Johofton Turner, the
property of John Martin, and seized under execu
tion by LEWIS JOHNSTON jun. Pro. Mar.
Savannah, Nov. 1, 17S1.
On Saturday the 17th of November inst will be
fold, at the Marital's Office, to the
’ bidder, for cafli, the sale to begin precisely at 11 i
A NEGRO Man, named Peter, the property
of Peter Bard ; alfoa Negro Wench, named
Nsiicy, Che property of John Adam Treutlen;
and fold under attachment.
On Saturday fbe Sth'day of December, will be
fold, at.the Marihal’f Office, to the highest
bidder, tor caffi, the ‘fate’ to begin precisely at
J • V Lot >iu the
Joseph Habcrfham. 3 town of Savannah,
whereon the defen
dant formerly raided, in Johnson’s square; also a
Lot or of Land adjoining the ero, whereon
is a brick store now in the possession on Messrs-. K>r
Kid Btgbic ; and a Ifs a. Trad or Parcel of Land,
containing by eftimati-or. 1500 acres, in the pariih
of Christ Churth, adjoining lands of James and
Joha Haberfham. ; ‘ *
.Same, survivor, } An Undivided .Moiety., of.a
v. > Traft of Land, containing b/
Richard Wylly. 3 eilimation 1000 nerds, iiioUe in
the parilh of ft. Matthew, and
commonly called Howell’s Mills.
Same, survivor, 1 A Traft or Parcel of Land,
> containing 45 a;re.-, fitunte near
John Ilouftoun. 3 the plantation of Peter Dean,
Esq . on the Ogechee road, f ir*
merly Rennet’s; also a Plantation, in several trafts
of land, containing by eilimation I acres, in
the pari lb of St. Andrew, adjoining lands of Wil
liam, M'lntoih.
Simon Paterson, survivor, 3 A Lot of Land in
, v. S the town of Sunbury,
John ifhrdv. j lately occupied by N.i
With the buildings thereon.
The whole fold under attachment by
Savannah, Nov. 8, 1781.
Oo Saturday the Bth of December, w.l 1 be fold, at
the Marshal’s Office, to the highest bidder, for
calh, the sale to begin precisely at 1 1 o’clock,
Kk PLANTATION or Parcel of Land, in the
thrift of Little Ogechee, parish of Chriil
Ciuirch, containing by eilimation 500 acres, more
oriefs, formerly the property of Joseph Cannon,
•fincc of Henry Preston, and now the property of
Junto Haberibam, adjoining or near lands of
Eo.v ; also a Wharf Lot, and the Stores and Im
lS? thereon, lying under the Bluff of Sa
vannah to caltward of the lot known as Cow
per and Telfairs, containing 100 feet in front, and
extending from the upper part of the Bluff to low
water mark; and also another Lot or Parcel of
Land, containing in front 150 feet, more or less,
and from the upper part of the Bluff
m low water mark, lying and being on the river
Savannah, and direftly fronting a certain meffaage
or parcel of land lately disposed of ; ahe ptoiperry
of Joseph Clay. The who'e seized on execution
by LEWIS JOHNSTON jun. P ro . Mar.
Savannah. Nov. 8, ! 1781 - - *
[3 AN away about the zodi of July Lit, An old
NEGRO WENCH, named Betty, with her
daughter about ten years of age, formerly the pro-
T eit y F?til Porcher of South Carolina. They
are Juppofed to be hai boured on fame plantation on
the salts. A reward of one guinea will be paid on
ctivery of her to the (übferiber at Ebcnezer, or
Li trick Carr in Savannah; or half a guinea for in--
> -y.,. -ahy.'c .nvcy’ Viluy be found ; and, anv
Kmon harbouring them will be prosecuted with the
t-hsioft rigour of the law. I \COB BIIHLER.
°& 2s, 1781.
the Stores adjoining
to Mr* M‘Goun*s were broke o
pen last night, and a quantity of goods
carried off, viz. Blankets in pairs with
blue stripes, a few dozens of Indian
shirts and (hists, a few pieces of calicoe
and silk handkerchiefs, with several
tDther articles that cannot at prefenc be
afeertained, I do hereby offer a Re
ward of Fifty Pounds Sterling to who
ever will difeover. the perpetrators of
said robbery, to be paid on conviction
of the offender or offenders.
intendent Indian Affairs.
Savannah, Nov. 8, 1781.
- SAVANNAH, November 9.
I I” AST Friday morning the Rebel Col. Jackson,
uLe with about 200 men, made an attack on
Capt. Johnston’s poll at Great Ogechee, but was
soon obliged to retire with the loss of Capts. Grant
Lucas, and several privates. Col. Campbell,
who commanded at Ogectiee, and whose quarters
were hah* a mile diftanc, marched on the firftolarm
with the dragoohs of his own regiment, and Col.
Brown’s under the command of Capt. Wylly.
Joining Capt. Johniton, r.e proceeded with 85
dragoofls in quell of the cuvmy, who he found
bet finding tlrat the.afopcrioVjty of lheir numbers
. (Being mole.than two to. one)’ did not give them
confidence, enough 30 ven ure m-she open field,, he
ordered an imfnediate charge, which was .executed
with thit ipirited firmnefs which will always infare
victory, and rftleft Lifting honour on every, one
* e-oncerned.’ ‘Fhe Rebels being twice charged
Enough retreated in great confulion, leaving many
of their dead on the fieid. The pursuit wras conxi*
nued near four miles, and the country people who
have fiiice come in declare that the Rebel wounded
and de-ad are to be seen in many places 12 miles from
the field of aftion. Our loss was 1 2 killed and fume
wounded, pmong the firil was the gallant Cornet
Haidenbrook, of Col, Campbell’s dragoons, who
glorioudy fell in the firft charge. The loyal
try. people are daily, taking pii loners; they have
brought in Capt. Bugg of the Rebel dragoons and
several privates, and lave intelligence of many
more that are ikulking in the fvvamps.
It i. with the utmost horror we mention, that,
after the signal lepulfe of the Rebels at*Capt!
Jjhnltoa’s pod on Friday last, the whole of their
so cc proceeded to the plantation of James Butler,
E( j. where about 1; militiamen werepoltej; they
set fi e to that gentleman’s d.Vellinghouie, and
finding Capt. Howell to the famous pica
-1 joa o. .hut name) in it tick, and unable to extri
cate himfelf from the flames, they dragged him
out, and barbarously murdered him in the yird.
Cipt. Goldsmith, Mr. Dunbar G ay, Mr. Mac!
kii.on, Mr. John Lemur, and Mr. Stephen Chris.
topher, here unfortunately fell mto their ruffian
hands, and wftejoon after murdered in cold blood;
Capt. Gold fin i th, a gentleman against whom the
Rebels could have nothing to allege but an ever
fi m attachment to the British government, was
moft inhumanly butchered by Samuel Well, wbo
for this and his many other crimes, will in due time
meet with an ample reward. Capt. Paddy Carr,
remarkable for his being concerned in many murl
ders committed on the loyal inhabitants of this pro
vince, is miffed by the Rebels, and we hope is a
mung the slain. ..
The severe check the Rebels have received from
the Campbell, and the brave officers
and men herhad the honour to command in the en
gagement of Friday last, must deter them from
making incursions in future into the fpttlements
of the loyal inhabitants of this province, who en
tertain a grateful sense of, and cannot too much
applaud the services of the army on that oo:afionl
‘l iie ship Governor Tonyn, Capt. Welch, is
arrived at St. Augustine from Liverpool.
Monday last Daniel Silfby and John Wallace,
Ffcjrs. were chosen Representatives of the Inhabit
ants of Savannah in the Honourable the Commons
House of Assembly, in the room of the Hon.
Jifmes Robertson and John Simpson, Efqrs.
- We are desired to contradift the paragraph in
cited in c.’r paper of the 27th September Lit re-
Ipefting the marriage of Mils Deveaux of Beaufort.
Died.] In Savannah : Thonvas Watson, Effi.
of St. PauFs parifti Robert M’Cormick.
*** The MILITIA LAW may be had at the
Printing Office, price is. sd.
the Pi Ovcft-M 1 ftw-1 qi the provbft
or Georgia, by virtue of a Writ of Attath
ment to him directed in th several causes undermen
tioned, did attach the lards and tenements, goods
and ch-ittels, monies, dthts, and books of accoocir,
of ihe several Defendants id ihe said causes, who am
absent from and without the limits of the said pro
** foit& f several Plaintiffs: AND
WHEREAS the said Plaintiffs have *efpesm!y
-agieeabie to the direst ion* of the Attachment Aa
ffird a declaration in the General Court against the
Rvrrul D ftodant* in each of the following caufess
Cibbont > v - Wiliam l,t a*Ui
Mary Bulloch v. Noble Wimbtrly Jones j
Henry Fergufou v. Benjamin Matthews j
John Fouhs v. Edward Telfair , Executor of
Somerville ; J
John Faults r. William Candler ;
John Fouhs v. Mordecai She/falls
Willi by Tucker v. John Whitaker j
and have obtained in e*cb of the Aidcaufes a rtile to
the following effett, v z.
Ordered, That the Defendant and Defendants in
tne said several aftions do appear and plead within •
*V*£ a f and a da y otberwife judgment will nafi a
guinlt him or them by default*
By the Court,
April 25, 1781.
NOTICE u Uie.efore hereby given, That iudg-’
ment wilt be entered agreeable loathe afotefaid rule
or order against every of the said Defendant* who do
not appeal and plead conformable thereto.
Attorney for the Plain tiffs.
IJ/Hereas the Provost Marihal of the province
VV of Georgia, by virtue of a writ of attach
ment to him direfted in the several caules under
mentioned, aid attach the lands and tenements,
goods and chattels, monies, debts,- and books of
recount, of the several defendants in the said <?aufes.
k 1 province, at the hut of the fev'eral plaintiffs ; *
And whereas the (aid plaintiffs have refpeftively, ’
agreeable to the direftions of the Attackmeht Aft|
filed a declaration in the General Court against die
several defendants in each of ihe following causes;
. John Stirk v. Samuel St irk ;
John Mulkey v. Stephen Smith ;
John Faults, Admini/bator , v. Daniel Wokcsn i
Benjamin Anjley n>. Maty Bell, Executrix ;
David Duncan v. Robert Bramjlon;
and have obtained, in each of the said caufcs a
* rule to the following effeft, viz.
Ordered, That tbr defendant and defendants in
the said several aftion; do appear and plead within
a year and a day, othervvife judgment will pah a*
gainlt him, her, or them, by default,
By the Court,
John Siypsoiv, P. Sc C* C.
Oftober 24, 1781.
Notice is therefore hereby given, That judg
ment will be entered, agreeable to the a.Wfikd
rule or order, against every of the said defendants
who do not appear and plead conformable thereto.
GIBBONS, Plaintiffs Attorney*
G EOR gTa. ‘
WHcreas the Provost Marsha! of this province/
by virtue of a wilt of attachment to him
dire&ed, did attach the lands, tenements, goods,
chattels, monies, debts, and books of account)
(in the hands and possession of Richard Gwinn) of
Robert Bramfton, who is abferit from and without
the limits of the said province, at the suit of Mess.
Sawyer, Morel, and Real: And whereas the said
plaintiffs hare, agreeable to the directions of the
Attachment Aft, filed their declaration in the Ge
neral Court of the said province against the said
Robert Bramfton, and have obtained the following
rule, viz.
v Ordered, That the defendant
Bo appear and plead within a
Sawyer & al. /year and a day, otherwise judg
againft /merit will uafs against him by
Robert Bramfton. (default* By the Court,
9 J John Simpson, P.&C.C.
Oftober 24, 1781.
Notice is therefore hereby- given, That, imfefs
the said Robert Bramfton does appear and plead
agreeable to the aforefaid role or order, judgment
will be entered against him accordingly.
* Wm. JONES, Plaintiffs Attorney.
James Hamilton
HAS just received, and is now opening, at ht
store in Johnson s Square, near thfc Church,
A compleat Aflortment of Goods,
suitable for the season, to be fold on the moil rea
sonable terms*
Jo be fold at Coff and Charges,
AGE\ to
+** i ■