The Royal Georgia gazette. (Savannah, Ga.) 1779-1782, May 23, 1782, Image 2

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    Five Guineas Reward- .
IOST lift Thurkliv during rlie fire, A LADY’*
a GOLD W.ATUf. cop'd and jewel’*, out
side case chaffed, reprefeming FUenbfltip and Fi
delity, maker’* name Alexander Hare r London,
N >. 406, with a flee! chain, and a small gs Id
seal, the iir.preffion a beehive, motto Indullty;
fcvcVal Silver Teaspoons, tome marked G K, and
K, _ \ t .
mhen G M 5 a Gtiitnr which tune* with a watci _
key, a number of Mufick Books, a large new
iJr.ifs Fender, a Gallon Punch Decanrer, several
Quart and Pint Decanters; two Silver Labels, one
Port, the other Madeira 5 a quantity of Q* : * cn *
Ware, China, and Glaf* t a Queen’* Met*! fluted
Cardleftick, two pair* Steel Snuffers; a Feather
Bed, Matraft, Polfter, and Pillows; a Counter
pane and several Fnglilh Bed Blankets two fmaU
Trunk* with Ladies Wearing Apparel,, the •
Volume of Robertfcn’s History of America, the
ad Volume of llume’* Essays, 2d Volume of
• Whifton’s Jofcphus, 2d Volume of the lnflcr,
and several other Books aod Paper*; Half a B° x
Soap, a large Box of Candles of BeefwaxandU
low, a Box of 18 Bottle* Mullard, and fundty
other thing*. Ihe above reward will be paid to
any pe son delivering the watch to the fubferiber,
and proportionable tewatd* g'vrn for the other ar
title* CEO. KINCAID.
May at, 178 a.—
—_ imf"i ■ --■ ITTinn •** 1 “ 1
Loft lajt Tburfday during the tire, -
■ Several Volu mes of Books, viz*
” Otaul JfelMMf-dtC
vir World, vol*. 1, *, j, 4,5, 6,8, and 133 Gentle
unn** Mijjaalne for *74-5, 175. rftt, *7tl. 1757*
7t* i Polirtcai Dilqutfitionv, vol. v i; Mtlrboth’i Pliny,
vol. 15 BUckftone’* Commrnr iriet, vol*. 1 and 4; Survey of
the Crution, vol. ; Speftator, voli. *,7, and B. Also,
‘* Red Painted Travelling Case, with lundry small di wifi -
on*, containing ninefmall fjuare bottles, fftme .tin can
iftcu, Likcwife, a Calk containing 81 lha. Glauber
Salts, and sundry other Medicine*.—A generou* leward
will bt given for the whole or any part of the above ai tirte*
May jj, 1782. x : - ■ .
* “ 1 “ ‘ *i - ’ f “H”
To be Rented till the firfl next,
and immediate Pojjejfxon given.
The House at Pembroke,
_ Confining of eight good room*, outhonfet, At. about fe
*en mile* from Savannah, on tlie Salt*, in j pleafi it and
health)*lituation. of PETER DE AN,
Loft last Tburfday during the Fire ,
A WHITE Corded Dimity Walftcoat; three Gentle
men* large Gold RinfS two of which had rtones in
them ; the ift an! -jl vulaitirt of Mi ft Sidney Bidotfh, a
Bed BUnkct* a large DraperTableclolh anJ two Napkin*,
a Pair of new Pump*, a Horn Tumbler plated with friver
inlide and round .the rim. Whoever ha* found the ring*,
and will deliver them to Mr. Belcher, and the othdr ar
ticle* to me, Hull be handlomclj rewarded.
May *j, 1782. ffEINEMANN.
WANT I*o, “
An Overseer to manage
about 40 Ncjjrofi employed in Sawing and Planting on a
fafeaml healthy place 4 few mile* fiom town. Such a one,
well recommended, will meet with good encouragement,
by applying to the printer. ~ _— ... I
N. B. A tingle man will be preferred.
* T A KEN from a Negro ,
A Mourning Ring.
The owner deferibing the fame, and pSytng for thi* ad-
may have it again, by applying to the prin
ter. • - ■ ■ - . - ■
GiiOKGl A —ln the General Court.
HVlifm Mi/s J
verfua V Dei/.
Philip Ytngt. )
WHEREAS the record at large of the judg
ment obtained in this cause is loft or rmflaid,
tad there is no evidence thereof but by the dqcquet
-of judgment* now in the hand* of the Protbono
taiy for the year 1775, vd an entry in, the Pro
vost M'.rflhal’i bock for the fame year, f do hereby
give notice, that I (hall, on Friday the 31st day
of May in It ant, between the hours of 11 and 12 in
the Ibrcnoon, apply to his Honour the Chief Jus
tice, at Chambers, for leave to/ue out a Writ of
Execution, for 5201. lawful money of the province
aforefaid, and 31. 12*. Sjd colts of fmt, for which,
the luid judgment was obtained, no part of the prin
cipal, interest, and coll*, having been heretofore
> difebirged, but the whole remaining now unCatia
led, on theToundation of the doequet and entry a
for est id, in pursuance of the regulation! in such
cafe* lately made bv the said General Court, unless
the defendant in thtiraufe, or his attorney or attpe
- niea, or any other perfpn or persona concerned in the
premifet, fhal), at the time abovementipnod, (htw
Ciife to the contrary, : ‘
1 ROBEKTSON, Plawtiff’* Attorney..
22, :?*5. \
TOMOnROW'KIoi.VT wul be frld,
at the Suljkliber’s AuUtu. Room on W e Cay,
at t* o’clock precifcly* ’ • : v
OLD jamaka Spirit*, V .
MUfcovado aid Loaf SuprV
Two Calk* of excellent Port W me, \
Six Dozen of Bottled Ditto, \
Six Dozen of Claret,
A few Dozensh>f London Porter, .
Sundry Feather Bed* and Household FtHlifJte
7 D- 'DUNCAN, L. V. M.
Savannah, *3 • 7® *- -
TOMORROW Morning will be fold,
at the lubfci ibtr’* Vendue Store on the Bay, the
fide to bcgiu at 9 oMeck,
SO AP in pqxca of about 65 Iba.
A Saddle and Bridle,
Tobacco in (hull cifk\ ‘
Black Pepper and sundry Dty Good*. •
A few calk* exceeding good Green Coffee,
A Mahogany Bedllead with Feather Bed and Cur*
tains compleat,
Some Silver Salver*,
A Pair of Pillol* with holsters,
Avery fire Hotizontal Silver Watch cap’d and
jewel**. J. BUMYIE, L. V. M.
Savannah- May *3, 1752.
N . B. He has lor private file, at the above
flore, good Port wine by the dozen, Madeira ditto
at 50s. per dozen, (berry ditto, loaf and mufeovado
sugar, molaflej i grecn, fouchong, amd Congo tea {
fuull grecn'coffee, bell alum fait, a lew barrels
barrel, military (hoes and Ihirta, mens falhionable
boots, flop*Suitable to the fcafon, Ruflia (heeting;
also itim and Ihtub by the quarter calk and three
gallons. A gertWous price will be given for Naval
Stores and Lumber. ‘ *
Marshal's Sales.
On Monday the 3 ! of June next, will befold,
at the Mai fhal’* Oflicc, w the highest bidder, for
calh, the file to precifelv at 1
ABAY .Horse, fit for saddle or chair, eom
mordp known by the name of liifyman,
13* hrnd* high ; two Mahogany Table*, a Dcflc,
a Pine Cbeit, a.Bcdftead and Couch, a Man’s
Saddle, and a Silver Watch.
The whole fetzed under execution by -L
Savannah, May 23, 1782.
On Monday the of June next, will be fold, at
the MatfliaP* Olhce, for Cafli, the fz!e to begin -
at’ 11 o’clock,
NINE Negroes, a Stock of Cattle confiding
of 3*> head, a few Horses, a Riding
Chair, fonte HoufcholJ Furniture, Table and Tea
China and Plate, a Sjock of Hogs, a Fit fee and
Fowling Piece, with sundry other articles; the
property of Philip Yonge, Esq. deceaL
ed, and fetzed under execution by
” LEWIS JOHNSTON jun. Pro. Mar.
’ Savannah, Maj 23, 1782.
On Monday the 24th day of June next, will be
fold, at die Marihid’s Office, for cash, to the
highest bidder, the fa!e to begin at It o’Jock,
AT R ACT or Parcel of Land in the parish of
‘St. Paul, containing by estimation t2f
acre?, be the fame more or lef, fcommonly called
the Sand Bar. ALo a Wharf Lit, situate, lying,
and being under the Bluff of the town of Savannah,
containining by estimation 100 feet and
extending m depth from the top of the frid bluff t 6
low water mark, lying to the east of * lot late
James Read’s, on which is a large wooden flora
i now occupied by the Commissaries. Also another
Wharf Lot, containing by estimation ioq feet in
front, and extending in depth from the top of thq
bluff to low water mark, lying betweef Gordon
and Netherclift’i wharf and a wharf belonging to
Inglis, Jenkins, truf Gibbon*. The whole fetzed
under attachment by s
Sovannah, May 23, 1782.
RAN AWAY fame time ago, a NegrcsWn.l
man, with a Mulatto child, namLBET,
, the property of Anne Fox. Whoever will deliver
them to me, or the Warden of the Workhoufr,
(hall receive two dollars reward, and ill reasonable
chargea. - j. WILLIAM FQX.
May 23, 1712. . J
Qie without a child wiThe preferred. Inquire of
:/ V - iatfrinter. ‘> ■
to . a e s o r. and.
Anil iiwnlmlc n...
CEVERAUH ch finilhed House,
valuable Pbntitioß,fix mile* bom town, cootJn „
44 1 acres o!d>e*gure, well umbered witheyprtfJL
and not inferior to moft inland plantation* mtl
province, hat on it a good overseer’s hWe and
other nralLry oift buildings, 80 acre* are cleared
and fenced, and the wl.tfte is rice and indigo land
with as good a fprixtg of Water as any in the pro!
vince; leveral other valuable trafts of land near
the town, with many more in different parts of the
province; hia Share Os a Tan Yard at Col. Ta!
nail’s place near the town, with the Leather in the
vai>, Hide*, and every thing necessary for carrying
on that bufmefs. Negroes, Os ary property per.
tnitted to be carried from the province, will be
taken for the greatest part of the abovementioned
property. LEVI SHIFTALL.
YESTERDAY arrived a schooner from New
York after a passage of is day*. The
Master informs that seven out oLthe ten fail of
merchantmen which lately failed from the Dela
ware under convoy of the Rebel privateer (hip
Hyder Aliy have been taken, and were lately ar
rived at New York before he left it, moftof them
with very valuable cargoes, and that numbers of
prizes were daily carrying in there.
Lad Saturday (itled hia Majefty’a pnekrt boat
Halifax, Cap:. John Boulderfon,- wiih the mail for
late of the Jd regiment, Capt. Hanson late of the
19th, Lachlan M’Gillivray, Esq. Mr. Hugh Rofc,.
Mr. Adam Tunno, Mr. Rutherford, Mr. Med
wood, Mr. Fullerton, and Mr. John Well* jun.
May 9. Yesterday arrived here the (cboontr
Swallow, Lewis Spiers Master, in nine days from
New Providence. She left that place in company
with two transports bound hither, and the Garland
frigate, which parted from them four hour* after
being out of port, to give chafe to a vcfTcl which
then hove in fight.
Two day* before the Swallow failed from New
Providence a fine Philadelphia.b'ig.of 16 nine and
fix pounders, was brought in there by the Fox
privateer, Capt. Bell, of 16 four pounders. The
Erize' had oh‘board, befidea other article*, i too
arrels of flour.
May 14. On Saturday lift arrived, here the
(loop Lively, John Stirrup Mailer, in fixdayrlrdbi
New Providence.
Sundry letter* from that place mention
great many prize* have lately been carried in there
with very valuable cargoes, amoi gll them a Spanilb
veffe! ftom the Havana with about dollars,
indigo, src. That they had accounts of an expedi
tion having failed from Hivana, fu[poftd to be
deftined again!! that place: That a prize veflel
from Cape Franfois arrived there the ill
which brought newfpapcrs giving an account of
Fort St. Philip in Minorca having Capitulated the
4th of February upon honourable teitns.
Capt. Stirrup, and other persons whpaf'ivcd in
the (loop, nventitm, that, on The night of the
of thi* month, the day they left New Providence,
they fell in with a fleet, from which they imniedi
ately endeavoured to escape, tfi nking it to be that
they had heard was coming from the Havana;
aod that on#he morning of tlic next day theyoiif*
tjOguiftied is sass, viz. a (hip of about 40 guns,
anothfi’ of 20, two armed brigs, three gallies, and
five flbops and fchooner*, all (landing towards the
bar of Nufl*:u.
May 16.’ Yeilerday arrived a dispatch boat’
fiom New York after a paflage of 14 oay*.
The February and March packets, with the
mail* from Falmouth, were arrived at New York.
$y the above vefTel we learn that our cruizera
from New York continue to be very fuCceAful. A
fquadronof them feme time ago fell in with a
of 1 c fail of Rebel anerehantraen, under convoy of
the Holkcr, from Delaware, bound for the Weft.
Indie*, laden with flour, Ac. *3 of which they
made prizes of, all of whom were fafe arrived at
New York. ‘
On Monday last arrived here, order the wnctioii
t>f a flag of truce, a schooner, iota days h on*
Virginia, laden with tobacco, 00 account of debt*
contracted here by Rebel officers while prisoners at
(hit province. . ’
May 18. A letter from Kingfloo to a gentle*
than of this place mentions that the Maiqui*
Rouille ws taken with the Comte de Ctafle in the
Ville de Faiis.
Yrticrday evening it sunset, in consequence
the glorious vidory obta.ned by the Bert
over that of France, a ftu depit was fired by the
troops itv-gairifon, Jn the camp and adyartcra
_i polls. Thefifir'.g ‘n tfle garrison began from wt
v a : olu a fiiip on tight, which beng