Newspaper Page Text
by seven cannon in the batten** b*e
proceeded through the troop# and militia in uni.
form which lined the work* in front j the batteries /
then * repeated (even goat, and the troopi fired
their small arm* as before. until at cannon and
three round* a man were diftharged.
The tioop* in Fort Arbuthtibt, and in thfe re.
doubt at Haddrei’a Poiot, took the flgnal from the
Carolina, and fired those in gtirifat.
WIK n die firing in garrison was finKhedthe
troop in camp began and fired in like manner j thh
regulars and militia polled on James I (land took the
signal from the last difeharge of mulkotry in dmp,
and fired the frme number of cannJn, and three
loonds from theif small arms iri like manner.
On the fame evening a general and splendid il
tamination took place through the garrison.
We are credibly informed by ft*era 1 perfone
from the cobntry, that the Rebel inhabitants bo*
tween the south branch of Edifto and the Siltketch,
ers have been so much harraffed by the neighbour,
ine Loydifts under Capt. Jonee of the Royal mi
litia, that they found it would be almost impossible
to attend to theircrops of com uniufs fome terma
were made with the Utter, and that therefore
four weeks ago the Rebel 001. Davies made a for*
ma! truce for two months with Capt. Jones, with
the concurrence and previous knowledge of Gover
nor Mathews. ,-~
About ten days ago three of otsr militia took
and burned fix waggons, (even miles below Orange*
burgh, loaded with artillery (lores and small arms,
which Gen. Greene was fending to Charlotte,
This was effected witlfout any lo(s on their fide.
The Rebels bad oqc man killed and one wounded.
„U V A N.N A H, May zj.
\T’7T2 have been favoured with the following
YY Lift of killed and wounded on bovfTtne
undermentioned (hip, in the artions of the 9th and
12th of April laii, in the Wefi Indies, between
the Briti(h and French fleets. The loss in the 0*
(her vessels was not known when the Fortitude left
Jamaica. ——
Shift. Cmatndtrt . Cunt. Men. JF, W.
Royal Oak Barnet 74 600 7 >9
Alfred Bayne 74 fico si 40
Montague tßowca 74 600 11 te
Yartßoutk Reny ’ 64 (39 *4 JJ
Valiant Oardener 74 6(9 9 t<
Barflcnr Sir Samuel Hood 90 757 So 57
Monarch Rrynold* 74 600 16 35
Warrior Sir janaes Wallace 74 600 j so
lelliqucun Sutherland 64 toe 4. 10
Magnitnent Lutirel 74 600 6 so
Ai*a. M - Qharringtdn 74 ‘530 9 3I
> Rep*#!-*- .v. ,ptfnrrU.\ * * 9
’ Foroaldiblsfc-.v ’s<vC. B< Rodney. I£’ 37
Symons ‘ .•> -gOjp|!|# *J 57
Agamemnen „ Caldwell “500 14 ja
Rcfolution Lord R. Manner* 74 6jo 4 34
Prothee .. Buckner 64 500 5 >4
Hercules Savage 74 600 6 it
America Thompson 64 joo 8 27
Fame Barber 74 600 ] >J>
Anf<Jn Blair 64 coo a lj
Torbay Ccdoin 74 600 j 15
Prince George Williams 90 730 9 24
Princefla Sir F. S. Drake 70 577 3 >9
Conqueror Balfour 74. 600 7 23
Nonfuch Trefcott 64 500 3 j
Arrogant Cornish 74 600 4 it
Marlborough Penny 74 6ro 3 16
RuiTcl Sumarce 74 600 13 29
Ofittrt killti amJ toturdti. .■
Alfred. Capt. Bayne killed.
Montague, I Lieutenant killed, and awobnetu.
Valiant. 1 Lieutenant kilted, and 2 wounded. _
Warrior, l Lieutenant wounded.
Magnificent. Captain of Marine* wounded,
formidable. 1 Lieutenant kilted, and Captain of Ma
rines wounded.
Duke. 3 Lieutenant* killed and wounded.
Agamemnon. 2 Lieutenants killed and wounded.
Kefolutiou. Lord Robert Manner* wounded.
Prothee. M after wounded. ‘
Hercqle*. Capt. Savage and 1 Lieutenant wounded,
America. Lord Colville killed, and 1 Lieutenant
Anion. . Capt. Blair killed.
Torbay. 1 Lieutenant wounded.
Princtfli. 3Li rote nan ta wounded.
On Sunday evening lull Capt. Ingram of the
Volunteers of Augusta, and Capt. Corker of the
Militia, fa off from hince without about 100 men,
confining of a fiiiall detachment of Regulars, the
Volunteers of Aogulla, and M ilitia, Next mor
*lng they crofild Great Ogechee, in order to col.
left cattle and beat up any Rebel parties in that
Juarter j and on Monday evening Lieut Col,
rowo, with a detachment of 80 foot and 60 dra.
gooos; marched to Little Ogechec to fuppott
them. On Tuefe.iy evening, a little on this ::Je
Great Ogechee, l oL Jacktun*. with ‘a body of
Rebel foot apd horse, made two or three attempts
■poo Capt. Ingram's party on their return, but
was each time rcpulfed with lofa. Ac length he
took pod at a causeway new St/11 then's piantati
on, placing his jafaatry at each fide in tbe buftw*,
and hjs hodeon front Capt. Atwood coming op
at this junftore from the ferry with the dragoon#
Hifiantly charged the Rebel*, who* after giving
Trf,_ . fire, immediately dilpencd. Capu. Atwood,
and Corker, purfoed their march to
■ —
Little Ogechee, where they jbined Col, Brows
with the foot. Col. Brown having iirtelligfnce
from a prifooea that Wayne was near with his
whole force, detached Col. Dougla* w '‘k an ad
vanced party to feme the paJa near Baillou’s. Col.
Douglas, on his march thither, about midnight,
foil in with Ghn. Wayne's advance, who fired upon
our troops. Ottr horse immediately fell back, the
foot taking post at the fidca of the road, and upon
tbe Rebel cavalry advancing td charge they receiv
ed fitch a heavy well direfted fire from the A ogulla
Vmlaoteen, commanded by Capt. Ingram apd Lieut.
Holms, and tbe Militia under Capt. Corker and
Lieut Johnston, as brought down a number of
them) they then wheeled aboet and retreated,
pa fling a second tithe through the Ire of our foot.
Coir Brown, finding Wayne had taken post neat
Baillou’s, timed off into the Whim Bluff road and
came to town. Our lofa coafifts of three billed
and three wounded, tndoding Lieut. Qampbell,
when Capt. Atwood charged the Rebels at Struth
ers*a, and Col. Douglas wounded and a prisoner
in the iaft aft ion near Baitlou's, and seven or eight
mining. The Rebel# had two kitted in the hill
aftion with Jxkfon, and fix or (even killed, and
a number wounded, in the hft brulh near Baillou’s.
Otir people brought in about ao of t4ci: horfe*.
A veflel which arrived at Charlcitown on Satur
day last from New York brought the following in
telligence, vi*.
Ktvt : Ttrk* ilfey 6. Yesterday arrived here his
Majeiiy't frigate Ceres, Capt. Hawkins, in 26
days from with his Excellency Sir Guy
Carleton, K. B Commander in chief of his Maje
sty’s forces in North America, awJ hi* Suits.
In the Ceres the following gentlemen came pas
Morris.Morgjinj Esq. .SecretT^j
Brook Watson, Efqfi Commiffiry ‘General;
Capt. Mofi, Chief Engineer; t: ;
Capt. Wioughton, Aid de Camp.
The Ceres haibrought the April mail.
At tht Cturt at St. J amts' t, tit l~tb Mirth, 17 82.
The King's Mod Excellent Majesty in Council.
His Majerty in Council was tnis day plrafed to
declare the Right Hon Chirte Loid Camden
Lord Prcfident of hi* Msj .*(l) ’s Mod Honourable
Privy Council, and his Loriilhip took his place at
the Board accordingly.
This day the Right Hon. John Carcndifo, com
monly ca*kd Lord John Cavtndiih, Chancellor
and Under Treasurer of his Majefty** Exchequer ;
the Right Hon. Charles James Fox, the Right
Hon, Auguttus Keppel, the Right Hon John
Dunging, and the Right Hon: fcdihmsd Burke,
were by his Majefly’s command fwprn of his Ma
jcliyVMoll Honuurab e Privy Council, and took
tbeir refpeftive places at the Board accordingly.
Hi* Majesty having becnqsleafcd to deliver the
custody of the Privy Seal to his G ace Augullus
Henry Duke of Grafton, the oath of Kccpur of
tbe Privy Seal was this day adiriniftemJ to him,
and his Grace took hr* place at the Board accord
Tlis Majesty having been pleased to appoint the
Right Hon. William Earl of Shelburne, and the
Right Hon. Charles James Fox, to be his Majef
ty’* Principal Secretaries of State, they were this
day, by his Majelly's command, sworn hit Ma
jefty’* Principal Secretaries of State accordingly.
St. J amts'j, March 30. The Kirg has been
pleased to constitute and appoint the Mod Hon.
Charles Marquis of Rockingham, Knight of the
M 4 Noble Order of the Garter, the Right Hon.
John Cavendifti, commonly called Lord John Ca-
George John Spencer, Rfq. commonly
called Lord Viscount Althorpc, James Granville,
and Frederick Montague, Efqrs. to be Commiflio
nerj for executing the office of Treasurer of his
Majesty’s Exchequer.
The King has been pleased to grant to the Right
Hon. John Cavendifti, commonly called Lord lohn
Cavendifti, the offices of Chancellor and Under
Treasurer of his Majefty’* Exchequer.
Tbe King has been pleated to constitute and ap
point the Right Hon. Admiral Augustus Keppel,
- Sir Robert Harland, Bart. Vice Admiral Hugh, the Hon. William Ponfonby,. Esq. com
monly oalled Lord Vifoount Duncan non, the H(M.
John Townftjfnd, Charier Brett, arid Richard
Hopkins, Efqrs. to be his M<*jcfl>’t Commiffio.
tiers for executing the office of Lord High Admiral
for the Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, and
of tbe dominions, Elands, and territories, there
unto rtfpefthrely belonging.
The King has been pleated to grant to tbe
Right Hon liaac Barre the office of Treasurer of
his Majefty’* Navy. - 4
The King has been to constitute and ap
point the Right Hon. Gen. Henry Seymour Con.
way eo be Commander in chief of ail hi* Majcfty'a
land forces in the kingdom of Great Britain.
The King has been pleated to grant to hit Grace
Lieut. Gen. Charles Duke qf Richmond, Lenox,
and Aubigny, the office of Ma&er General of the
Ordnance. ”~T7- ;
/!> £ !r 2 He* been pleated to constitute ml
qppomt the Right Hon. Thomas Towolhend tob6
hi* Majefty'i Secretary - War.
The King has been pleated so grant to the Right
Hon- Edmund Burke tbe office of Receiver and
Pay mailer General of his Majesty *s guards, gartU
font, and land forces-
• Thc Jfefli> as ben pleated tq constitute and
appoint Edward Hooper, H. Pellam, Efara. Sir
William Mufgravc, Bart. James Jeffries, Thomas
Boone, Welborc Elbs Agar, William Her, and
* bonus. Alien, Efqrs. together with Sir Stanier
Porten, Knt. io the room of Sir John Frederick*
Bart, to be CommUfionere for levying and manag
ing his Majesty's customs in England.
Lsnim, April t. Sir William Howe kMr
pointed Commander in cbief in Ireland,
The new Cabinet have already refobed tri so.’
cede to the foot principal requisitions of the military
Congress in Ireland, via. To acknowledge the
I nlh Parliament to be totally independent of the
Briwib. To’allow them a free trade fubftantiallr-
To content to a modification of Poyning’s law. To
curtail the mutiny biil of its offenfive daufes.
Friday the Admirals Barrington, Ross, and
* Kempcnfelt, received orders to repair to Ports
mouth, and proceed to tea immediatdy with the
(hips ready. At their return Admiral Ross ia to
take the command in the North Scat Lord Howe,
Admirals Barrington and Kempcnfelt, will have
the command of the Channel fleet. The pabltek
majr then expert •* a long pall, a ftrang pull, and
a pull all together,” * r
and the Brick Yard, on the road to Ogechee,
A Screw Barreled Silver Mounted
Os a large fizc. Whoever will deliver it to the
printer (hall Aaye two dollars reward. ,
“” am atmmrnmmmmm— *■■ mu ## snnmaamMmw
A new (lores on the Bay, where he hai raont
for Boring a large quantity of goods, begs leave
to acquaint his friend*, and the pubiick in general,
that he intends to carry on
The Vendue And Commiflion Bufineff,’
and will endeavour, by his afiduity and attefatiori
to the intereil of those who may favour him with
their bufmefs, to merit their approbation.
May 9, 7**. JAMES BUNVIE.
Johnston and Irvine
HAVING expired in January 1778, and re
peated application* having been made to
thole indebted to them with very Tittle efftrt, they
are therefore under the neceflity of giving this
pubhek notice to ail concerned, that, without theit
accounts are forthwith fettled to their tetisfartioa,
they will be under the di(agreeable necessity of
putting them ipimediatcly into the hand# of ao
Attorney at Law to be toed for.
To be fold for Cajb, or Government Bills 4
on reasonable Termi , as the Proprietor
is going to Great Britain immediately 4
‘T'HATvaluable Plantation where
-*• the fubforiber formerly lived, commonly
. known by the name of the Fryingpaa, four miles
above Ebenezcr, on the banks ofthc river Savan
nah, a pleasant situation, containing aerea finq
planting land on the front, and about a mile back
300 or more acres of excellent pine land, where
there has never been a tree cut off, well known by
the Union Spring on the King's road.
Also an Island oppofitc in the said
river, containing 30 acres, wed timbered with
white oak and cypress, very convenient for raffing
stock and ether purposes. j
Likewifc His Bay Lots ami the
improvements, with sundry other articla.
All perfoas to whom he h indebted arc requeu
ed to call for paymem, and he hopes thote uKo
are indebted to him will not be ashamed to cal! and
pay him. V JAa. HERRIOT. ‘
Savannah, May 9, 178a.
ft AVI NG laid in at good an Aflortment of
IT Liquors, tec. as this place will afford.
intends opening a TAVERN,
at the hpufe lace Mrs. Perkins's, on Monday next,
wilt be much obliged to the gentlemen of the place
for tbe boooor of their company, and they may
be affined every attention will be paid.1 9 accom
modate them in the gonteeleft aaaaor, by their
very obedient fervaat,
Savaftah, B\h May, i;fz