The Royal Georgia gazette. (Savannah, Ga.) 1779-1782, May 30, 1782, Image 3

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    OnMonvhy ths >4*h‘ty nf will 1* “
fold at ti c’ M Oihm for &ih, to the
WA ‘'lhelffiib Uegfn at'< I b’<lock,
A* -TRACE or Paled of Ljmd parifh.of ‘
S$. ■ cobUiwttt,,ly cainution 125
• *cre, be the fame cormuonly called
thff&md Bar: ‘ Lot, fixate, lying,
od being anJef*thc Bluff of the town of Saysnfoltt,
cotitaimnng hf eftim Sion 100 fast in front, ami
extending in depth from the top of tluifaid bluff to
low water marlOying to the east of a foC late
lames HeadX.Vi which is a large wooden Itare
r.owlpccopied by the t ortiipiffirits. Also a lother
VVharf Lot, containing by elttmation too feet in .
ZfionV and extending, in dey th front the tapbf the
bluff to bw water mhrfe, lying between Gordon
and NeihCrclifti'J. wharf ami la wMrf belonging to
„ lnglis, >rd Gibbons. Tli<- whole fcized
under attachment “by
LEWIS 101 WSTONJun. Pro. Mar.
Savonnah. M.y aji 1782. ‘ &
• • ■■■ —ll t iw— mam , • • -y- -
On Monday the irth day rif Jtme next; ‘will be
* fold, at the Marihal’i rtfitce, to the higher*
bidden fqr *4lM;tb4 ialpjo begiu pecifely at
11’ o’clock,
SEVEN valuable Negroes, feiz.d under cxecu*
lion by > ,
* LEWIS JOHNSTON jun. Pro. Mar.
Savannah, May 30, 1782.
On Mondav the iff day of July r.ett, will be fofd,
at the Marfh-il’s Office, to the highest feeder,
’ for calb. tb.e tale to at 11 o’clock prectfely,
A HOUSIi and Lftt in the town of savannah,
‘known by the N ° . far* More tything,* Per
eival ward, adjoining; ,she .Rein fmg Office, in
Broughton ftrect containing Cos bet in front by 9O
feet in derfh, be the fame more 6r !e/V' Y ; ‘
ine five acres, be the fame rubr? or lefe, known by
the N ® - *- ■ • *• - - • • *
V Alfo.a Farm Lot, H°. Bin More tything,
’ Percieal ward,- containing >4J acre*, be the fftne
more or Ms. . ? . ’ • , _ •
• Also anothef F.irpn Ldt.s 0 .7 id Sloper ty th
ing, tercival ward, containing 4; acres, be the
tpne more or NTs. ‘ > 1
- .A so a Tiult Lot, in the center of Hick’s tyth
Jnj in Perciyal ward, in the township of Savnn
Containing 90 acres, be the fime mote or MV
’ Also • certain Trail or Paictlof L.and, IhuaJr,
lying, and beinj ro thi* westward of ths ydiage o‘
St.-Gall, in vh township of Savannah, containing
by eftiination acres, be the fame more or, leij,
bounded to the louthward by the Ewer.fbargh lon,
to the well 00 Mufgrove’s creek, to tire ninth on
or near land of Moses Nunes, and to the cud un
the ftieet running brtvveeu tire lots of St. Galla
the great sliest at Yamacraw, commencing at trie
houic formerly Sccd.'s.
„ And also a certain Lot or Parcel of High Land,
with fbe Water aod Wharf Lot ac§ >imr\p, ns a
vannah river, containing by eili.tuuion loaici ,m
front and jjc.O feet in depth, fee the fame uioic or
’ lifs, adjoining to the ealt on a pubbek rtrett.
• Together with alNthe lu ldi>iv< nnd improve*
**-nts, members, and rppjrtcnances, to
p rem j{ es rctpedivrlr belongifg.
The whn.c under ex.lutioi by
Savannah, May 30, 1782.
/i LL persons indebted to the Ltlate of J mtes
# . Lowe, Tallosvchandler, di*ctafed, are re
qutAed to make imtnedi.ite f payment, and fltofc
who have aoy demands againti the said eilate hre
desired to fend in their accounts, properly attcfled,
to’ * MARY LOWc, Executiu.
May 29, 1782.
.SAVANNAH, May ?o.
P*Ht St. Licit timttt of the 10th April Uft roenti
•. X that the Marquis de Boulllr, vviw was (aid to
be.going in Cou/it de.Craflc's fleet to Cape Fnnj.'m, put
info.Gwdalbupe, (hli Lady havii K be.-n taken with
the ftnailpoa) tjd Wjl detarnej : *1 Kat on beard the French
were 7or I boo troops: That rhe Count
,de Craifc sent off the convoy: for the Cope a little before
Lira, and when Sir George Rodney made his appearaacc
they puflied on : Arid that the Stv Elprit, of 80 guny, not
being in a condition to go out, remained at Fort Royal,
Martinique: ‘ - ’ ‘ • ’
The a-lea James Fox, in the ftoufo rs
•Common*, on the sth of M trch-ti#,-fahf, he urould in
form .Vlijfifej fbr reitdirl thhuhkrtiwepe that
time in Eorofc ho Verb rufly erhpoverrod to treat for a
petfif beta tea <Jrerf and America. . j
f Oh-‘ Fri tty.iJft afifW'd,* theffliop Good-Luflc,[] -aimrt
j Biker, Matter, from Chirlcfto\Vn } nrxt and ly tljc /chooser
Laleah, fame* Scarier, Matter, In rl dap from Adfigia ;
Lndjan SwAdMEthc fioop Swift,'Mark Andrew, Malki,
Iro.n Chaiic.fown. -T - • , i ‘\t ■
f ! * 7 a * rd * fthoQnea.arrived here
*s2?* Chafieiti-vn wttn a supply of yfovifiofis’ for this gar.
*"lon: also twrr floOp* j * tlf undrt eonfny of* his Mijeffy s
: AUgufffoe; ?
‘lr * t *hr r~itr—lT brit inilm Fntiunli.
4 l W (f ki n l f Kw PaovidetMe,
winTl'ie pusclioof Cft. Chwnpiwj lau Matter,
from Rhode ICahl anJ for the Havana, with
39J bificll floor, taken in t'i CMd Straits sf Ja!>una the
9th in it. This sloop -left 3 hodv Ul sud, M her fir ft voy
age,’ the 9th March, loaded stFliilaielphis, and failed
from thence the Bth April. The Enterprise proceeded
with her prise towards Ns# Prjnidcnre, but, upon ap
pearing off the ifimd the nth, by fignjr fr>m the Arre
found the place in potTetEon of the Symiird*.
’The only particulars we can yet learn 0/ the reduflion
of that island ar*, th'vcsu Spaniards appeared off NafGu
•the 4th of this month, to the number of seven or eight
ffolpuiand men, and t u e capitulation was conc'udrd>the 7th,
The. inhabitants are so. ured in their own religion, laws,
and government, tnd every species of prsperty .both byland
and water, except guns, ammunition, and ether warlike
Aires, both pubticic aod!piivafe, which are delivered up’
to the Spanish Commshikri to have t 8 months todilpoie
f the r property, Aid flags to proceed where they pkafo.
.The privateer left the island the *qth, before which time
(as they learnt from people an board qf filling boiti)
the Spaniards ha 1 behaved’ with thr great*s humanity,
propriety, and attention, to the fat'ety of the per font’ a: :d
property of every individual on the island. The expedition
was piloted and conduced by the famous J), I'eWfnn,
(formerly Capfjfo of a Rebel privateer fhip/rom'C ail. i'T
town) hia Newton, and William WcoJ
lld®* nativti plc*, and have wivei and fami
lies there. 1 hey command three privsterrj btlonginj to
Fhiladclplija, and weVt to the HavanaJfor the ah6.e por-
P .T brfo thee- rwn, after the capital •eion Met c.-n-’
eluded, p."acceded to js:-ealc through it, by plunJ-'ring the
inhabitants anTewpng th* eflcvls on b*ard-their own
vcffels, but the l*.liilrh Curnnaander interfered, and or
dered them to depart ihrilLnd immediately, Si they be
longed to Cong.els, and had’ no further bafioefi there after
the place hid furterideffd the arms of Spain, which
they were obliged t<> qor.jrj'v with. I
Capt, V/itkini, his two llibtite.nanrs, and a confide?-
’ number ot the fea:f:n, aland'nei >thi privatrer at
New Providence, to look after their families apd etf'efli,
in Ciinfeqnence or which the berg intine and prize uere
cenrtuded here by two Prise* Mailers.
T>t ATMr. Mrs. linlllon, wife of Isaac Bailiou, Esq.
JWr. Darid Fox. ‘’
Sunday hft his Majefljy’s packet-boat Duke of
• February .and
Marc!l m.aih fojr Hi I!i ptiCfl ‘ Sfrl ved-here “ra ti *f*~¥tom
Nttv-Voik. •'* •
Yc Icrd.iy arrive j here, the Jenny, Capt. Wide,’ in a
bout nine wee Its fro:a Liverpool. She leTt^ihat pkfc? in
company with the brig Ann, Capt. Gill, for this port,
and” the Ifeip Tunyn for St. Aupuiline. The three vetlels
partr-l from eat h other soon after they foiled.
Thi. Jay crr.ved litre from Liverpool the brig mentioned
abivc. ‘
Capt. W ide inf .-ini us, t hat, about 15 dlys ago, he
fpuke uith 1 I’rrtlliun vefleMVom Carsyoi to Enitvl-n, the
*f •winch na?fitioarJ, .that* about l j J iv b , r,
tltrrc French !hipr of the line had arrived at that if Jnd in
“a mol (hatte--dv u tition, aod hqping a gr.Mt nuta > r of
on board} aniline the Fntrch
give oilt they had 101 l in the viigagemeot with A hiiiral
Rodn-y, i 1 v/’ncH th.sfe bad T.orne apart,
liiipj fun two Llo*,i up, befidcs the Viile dc Paris and
others t i'c-a. /. * —-—-
‘lilt N‘;c w-.V-vk. mention the following appoint*
men,,.in livt’ fol^ii.fiiiarc depact meuis of Admiiiiflration :
J hn TJiiniv'.j.; Fft]. Charscelfvr of the Dutchy of Lari
cad'T, urr+"r> l ive the firfl vacancy.
Sir-Gr .rge Vocne, Vice Tr-afoiercf Ireland.
Kir. Kc • 1:1. Ait Tncy fienetal. •
Rir. LrJ, ,vi kir.yr ’
David H -.ctley ail Itic'uid Burke, Efqrs. Secretwifs to
’ rtf* TANARUS, ; uiary.
Rpc’u J L.iilky Sheridan, Efo. Under Secretary of Stsfe
Xi the Right Hon. Vharlec Fox’s Department.
h he Ktnj has been pleased to giant to.t :c Right Hon.
John Duniuni, and ‘beijeirs male of his body lawfully hc
gotccn, thi- and gnlty or a Baron of the kingdom of Great
Ih-jcaiii, by 110 name, llile, anJ title, of B.ircn Aftbur
ton, of 1 ion in the county of Devon.
- “Tht King his bten pleased to grant t ) the Right Hon.
„Sir HetcKn Not ton, Knight, and the hairs-male of his
b dy l iv. Fudy begott -n, the dignity of a Pnron of the king
dom Pf Great Britain, by the nsmt, flilc, and title, of
Lord Grautlv, Baron of Markenfie.d in the county of
Ntw Tort, April SO. Yeflerdiy mnrnrng was font in
here oy Fil Majesty's ihips Charkedjwn and Grans, the
formci coinnunJed by Rupert Oeo-ge, and the latter by
Chr.ilaphcr Fortcfccue, EAjts. the Rebel fliipPhiladelphia,
of 11 gum, bound for L’Oritnt, in France, with a cargo
of flour, indigo,, and'tobacco } tile, brig Navarre, of 10
guns, loaied.Aith’ tobacco, for Holland; and the brig
Dandy, with'llour for St. Kitts. ‘ The Honetta llnip of
vvarwSs*ln company with the Charifflown ind Gratia
wnen they took thefc prizes out of 11 fail, outward bound
from Philadelphia, lafl Sunday morning, oft the Capes of
Delaware. ‘ Other three of his Mqjelfy s (hipi were left in
pursuit of the remaining eight Rebel Ihips, alt ot which
* were captured, and* to the unspeakable fat sfattion of all
who with the annihilation of Rebel commerc'e, arrived
fate yefletdsy afternoon.
In the 11 prises feat in here yeflerJay we hear there is
about 90CO harrefo of flour, and jcohoglheada of tobacco,
. &c.
flf.-jt 1. We hear that, in confoquence of the miijy
capturrs by his Majcfly’s ihips on this Ration, and our pri
v4tf*r>, underwriters in Thiladelpfeia fuftered
very lriere y ; aux that it was generally fuppofod an em
bargo would take place in and Vir
**i u .’ t
• fifteen pntes, mp.fl of them CJaflmg vessels, have hewn
‘! i.vjki Teiibfcot river since the ill of Jinuary l*rl by
ti.c • AtJijiy -ad 1. 1 1. ndcr. ■ • —*-
* I ‘M*j Lit Suxitiay his Excellency Sir GuytCar|;ton,
•K.fli'gUt of the R.ith, Comnigndcr in Chief of his Msjef
tv'jj arcvs for making or War
In TViirffl America, arrived m rhis city in good he ilth |
jlht} Veers man-i.f war, Capt. Hawkini, brought his Ex-
CfilM .y and! Jus days from J'orUmadik. , , .
1 Wft Fuc^llAjty' Ihafldd in the aflerrioon, under a .
Ihrtuiimm uCFonrGeosge, assJ dined-with tie ’
Fion". flenrv Clii'tyn, K,. B.isnd Admiral Divby.
Vetters ft in Etrglsdd mention the death of Col. iho
m4 J/tV'Cptnpnpdsn; pfthe fthjwtuliftaof rite Rbyui
Art’Hrrv, in jvhieh it is frtfumefl Ire is succeeded by CoJ. JB’
Jofrph R. me; _
The frnie k .ten intimate, that war would-be declared
In En;lml agaiufl France and two dsys after t’tMf
Cores Gijvd, which was on the 1 ih
* smm*xi*XQK.x
By o4*f of tbe Court of Vic* AiJniiriJty, cb
Monday the ?d day'of jore rrxt, between th#
hours of ten of the cWk in th** foterO'in ntxf oo#
in the afternoon, at MeffVr. Qwent, Thom fort,
and Co.’s ythart, the sale to begin at ten pte*
rife!v t -
‘"pHF. CARGO of the SLOOP
•* I.ARK, confiding of 393 Barrels
~ D. FRASER, D. M. C. V. A,
Smnmh, f'th May, 178*. *
Tfo K G I A. ’
3 XT Hrren* ilte Pifevoft Marlhal of this province,
vV by virtue of a writ of attachment to him j
dlreiled, did attach the lands, tenement*, goods,
cluttrls, monie*, debts, and hooks of account,
(in-ti e hands and possession of Richard Gwinn) of
Robert Bratnfton, who is abfcnl flora and without
the limits of the laid province, at the fuSt of Mess.
Sawyer, Morel, and Keal: And wjiereal the said
plaintiff, have, agreeable to the dirediom of the *
Auachmerit Aft, filed their declaration in the G*
nerll Court of the said province agatnft the said
Robert Bramilon, and have obtained the folk)wing
rale, vi*.
. O.dered, TMt the derenoem
jdo, appear’and plead within
Sawyer & ai. yeir ands day, otherwifejudg
-1 agaitift will pu?s agaiidl him by
Robert Biamfton. (default. By the Court,
| |dhn Simpson, P.&C.C.
k . -
Notice is thcicforc her-by given. That, unless
the said Robert Bramilon does appear and plead
a?,rrr !>!e 0 the aforefaid rule'or order, judgment
will be entered against him accordingly.
Wu. JONHS, Plaintiff- Attorney,
G h O R \j 1 A.
Wl 1 F.RE AS the Provost Matfhal of this pro
vince, by virtue of a Writ of Attachment
to him di 1 cited; did attach the lands, tenements,
goods, chattels, monies, debts, and books of ac
count, (in the hands and pofleffton of John Charles
Lucena, i homas Gibbons, and William Lyfoid)
of, Johp Kean, who hath lately survived Pieter La
Vjfo and Samuel Grove, deceased, who if ab
sent from and without the limit* of the (aid pro
vince, at the suit of john Fox the elder anddFran
ces hit wife, Frederick” Rhem and Catherine hi*
wife, Wiliiam Jones and Henrietta his*wife, which
said Frances, Catherine, and Henrietta, late Hen
rietta Eourquin, widow, were nominated and ap-,
Kinted executrixes of.the lad will and teffamem of
enry Bomqutn, Esquire, deceased : And whereas
the Ciid pLintiffs have, agreeable to tbe direftion*
of the Attachment Aft, their declaration in
tbe General Court of th. ijiJ province, and have ‘
obtaim and the following rule, Vt*.
‘John Fox et Uxor, Ovdcrtd, That the de
et Ai. Exrai- J fendant do appear and
trixtt of Hour. I plead within a year and
.quin, dtceafed, l a day, c i erw ifejudgment
verfu* / by defaiiit. g
John Kum, fur - l - By the Court,
a nvingCofarlntr \ John Sim Pson,P.&C.C.
of La y ten el AI /’ . January *j, if9t.
Notice is the:efore hereby given, That, unless
the f<id John Kean doey appear and plead a
greeable to the afottfajd rule or order, judgment
will be entered against him accordingly^
ROBERTSON, Plaintiffs Attorney.
4V J Hcreas the Provoil Marlhal ol lhe province
VV. of Georgia, by virtue of a Writ of At
tachment to hmi direfted, did attach the land* and
tenements, goods and chattels, monies, debts, and
book* of account, of Benjamin Springer, who is
absent from arid without the limits of tbe laid pro
vince, at tbe suit of Thomas Roger* t And whereas
the said Thomas Rogers hath, agreeable to the
dirt-ftions of the Attachment Aft, filed his decla*
ration in the General Court sgainff tbe said Benja
min Springer, and hath obtained a rule to tbe fol
lowing e ffeft, viz.
Ordered, That the de
, . „ fendaot in the laid aftion ’
7 ’ Ido appearand plead within
Thomas Rigort Ia year and a day, other
verfu* ) wife judgment will pafa
Benjamin Springer. I against him by default. -
\/'l By the Court,
1 John Si ainson, P.kCC. .
a / April 25, 1782.
i i Notice i>f therefore hereby given, That, unless
the fa id defendant do appear, and plead agreeable io
the 3 for est id rate or Order, judgment sviU be entej
ed'agxinA him aecofdiWgly. • “. ■ ‘ -•
x :•/ . ffARLfcY, PUn&r* Attorney/