The Royal Georgia gazette. (Savannah, Ga.) 1779-1782, May 30, 1782, Image 4
St JMs, (Antigua) April io. AT onecfclock chit morning a frefh fecne of calamity opened in tbit (too long unfortunate) town. A fire broke out in Popelhead-ftreet, near the (lore occupied by Mr. John Nihell, fronting the north end of the Parade, which in a very inflant threatened the de(lru&ion of the whole town, at lead such parts of it jMVKd been railed finer, or elcaped the conflagration of the 17th of August, *769. i With the moft aftoniming rapidity it swept the whole'doubte row of build ings comprizrd between North and Newgate streets down to the Wooden biidge near the Point. On the east fide of Popelhead street, nearly opposite whire the fire broke out, it burnt down a lofted wooden building belonging to the widow Gall wey, with fomc office houses on the south, but happily made no further progrefi in “that diredion. The flames were soon communicated • _ * Sy.-,. yy. ,! * ! “• ’ • to the buildings of Daniel HiU, Esq. on the north-weft corner §jf theParaefe, ‘and from thence spread south to the >4eftrpyj#gjh Mprogrtli two lofted feorerberongfngTo the heirs of the late Mr. Walter Burke, occupi ed by Archibald Taylor and Cos. the dwcllinghoufe, (hop, and other build ings of Mr. James Hutchinson, alio two of his (lores reaching to the corner of Church-street, fronting Livingston’s Row, and westward in dired line ail the (lores, with Mr. Petrie’s forge, the crane, and wharf (formerly called Gall wry’s, now Mr. Gavin Hamilton's) quite to the water’s edge. Oh the north fide of this double row of buildings, including the south fronts of and Wapping flrcets, be ginning from Mr. Hill's corner afore laid, it burnt down his rum (lores, Mr. Knewftub’s cutler’s (hop, the house occupied by Mr. James King, the large trad of inclofed ground known by the \name of Mtrflrs. Hay and Kingsley's Timber-yard, the house of Mr. John Watson cooper,* and that gs Dr. Robert Reicl* with all the (lores on HilThoufe’s wharf, full of provisions for the use of his Majtfty’s troopa (Rationed here *, and progrcmvdy, m the fame diredi on, the dwelliitghoufes of Walter Cdt quhoun, Esq. Mr. Branthwaite, Mr. Ledwell, Joseph Brown, Esq. Halli day's compting-houfe, and the houses occupied by John Rose and /William Morion, Efqrs. with buildings, fail loft, large yard, (lores, crane, and wharf, formerly belonging to John, Brahatn, Esq. dcceafed, with fomc fail lofts and other buildings between , the dwellinghoufe of Mr. John Willi ams and the sea, and here terminated this dreadful conflagration, just bor dering on the baths and other beadriful and use fill buildings of William White head, Esq. but without injuring any part of them. ‘ v* The Vigilance, adivity, and huma nity of Gen. Prefcot, €ol. Cuvier, M jor Roberts, and. indeed of every military officer (lationed here, will be long had in grateful remembrance by the citizens of St. John’s who were the melancholy fpe&ators and fufferers in this tremendous feene; and, but for their perseverance in preserving order amongst the negroes, and the vigorous fcfhftance of the (bldiery during the’ whole time, God knows whfcrc our ca lamity might have ended. Mod of our worthy Magistrates con tributed every thing in their power to co-operate with the soldiery in endea vouring to exringuith the flames. By fome very extraordinary. exertions fc veral buildings were saved that were beyond every hope of it. Among these were the houses of Mr. Henry Thomas in Newgate-ftreet, Mr. Robert M*Ni(h and of Mr. Robert Colqtihoun decrafed ‘ the Parade j the lalvatioiLof the last two was principally owing to Mr. Stil ling's fire engine, (the only one there) and the (kill and dexterity of those who wrought it. To the fame cause may Ee afcribcd the salvage of the whole range of brick buildings called Livingftoi.’s Row. —* The hour of publication compels us to drop at present the melancholy tale, whose (hocking catastrophe no wofds can properly paint. The whole trail of ruins are (fill (noon) on fire, and constant watching will be neceflfary for fome time to mons, on the sth of NJarchi the Oydcr of the day for going into a previous Committee, to confider of the Attor ney General's proposition for bringing in a Bill to enable his Majesty to make peace with America, was called for, and read, and agreed to, without a division. 4 May 1. The Minority had is majo rity of 19 upon the quellion for an. im mediate peace with America. A bill is preparing to open the ports of America.^ May 4. On Tyefday evening the sotlv ult. arrived here, his Majesty’s packet Thynric, Capt. Jacob Wolfe, with the M*rch mail. She failed again this morning early, bound direftly for England, Carry ing feverat palTengersj amongst others, Lieut. Col. Ethering ton, Lieut. C>l. Cockburn, Capt.. Wright of the 60th, John Stone, Esq, Capt. Peters, late of the Prince Willi am Henry Packet, (taken in her way to these id inds with the December mail) &c. &c. Curettage, (St. Lucia) April 6. Since * our last arrived here, an American brig, called the Kensington, from Phi ladelphia, bound to Dorrtinica, laden with 900 barrels of flour, fome white bread and (laves. She was taken off ’ tfcat island- by his Majefty'a (hip St. Albans, in fight of the Bedford and America. April 13. In consequence of orders from the Court of France, the French flag has been hoisted at St. Euftatius, in place of that of the United Pro vinces. The reason of this change we have not been able to learn. April* o. On Wednesday arrived at Gros I(l$r, express from England, the Fury (loop of war,i Capt. Wells. Kingflon, ‘in Jamaica , April 27. Though the British fleet exceeded the French by four (hips in the late engagement, (thq latter having qnly 33 of the line) yet from the number of their guns, the weight of their nfetal, and a much superior number of hands, the force of the two fleets will appear to have been nearly equal# The ene my throughout the engagement be l haved with great intrepidity, and the vi&ory gained by us may justly becoo fidered as equal if got superior to any thing of the kind that is to be met wfeh in theaanab of the present century, mxotoeoKSioKxetauiExcxoioieietoae THE fubferiber intending to leave this province oy the middle of next month, requests those gentlemen who are indebted to him to fettle their accounts, and those to whom he is in debted to call and receive payment. JOHN HENDERSON, N. B. Choice Madeira Wine co be feld cheap. May 9, 178a. -a - - - - -■■ ■ | , TO IE SO L D, By Lewis Johnston, BOXES of MEDICINES for the use Os plan. Utions and family, containing such as are She not ufeful, and best adapted to the difrafes of this country, with printed dirsftitw. May 9, 178a# *T ~A K& N frm t Negro, * A Mourning Ring. Th* owner ikfcribin* thfa # f—! f njhh t j Ltft Ufi TturfJay bring lit Firt, Several Volumes of Books, viz. G U J?5 ,E *. * nd 0 ” Jr ’ , the a Red Painted Wiling CaCr, with fmsUl ons, containing nine ftnsll fssin kottlcs, t } a iSers, *e. Llkewift, a Caflc containin. Si lba. Salta, and fiindry other Modicintt.-A grneroua “wtrA will be given foe the whole or any part of the above anTck, V.,. „8.. wm oiiur. To be Rented till tbt firff January next* and immediate PoJJeJJion given,- The House at Pembroke, ConSfting of eight good rooma, outhoufaa, be. about ft# *en miles from Savannah, on the Salta, in a oleaftat tai healthy situation. Inquire of PITER D£AM. Loft last Tburfday during the Fire, ~ A -WHITE Corded Dimity Waiftroat| three Pen tit. mem largo Gold Rings, two of which had ftoneihT them j the ift and jd volumes of Mifi Sidney BidulaK . Bed Blanket, n large Diaper Tablecloth ‘ • f " ew Hn Tumbler plated with Hr inside and round the rim* Whoever bit found ah— - f #(i, ” and yill deliver them to Mr. Belcher, ,nd other ar ticles to me, Aalfbe haudlbmely w,-<r ---— — May *j, 17!*, J. HEINE MANN. TO BE SOLD, And immedhtc Poffcffion given, CEVERAL well iini(hed Houlet in town, with convenient out buildings) % valuable Plantation, fix miles/tom (town, containing 44 c acres old measure, well tinfbered with cypress, and not inferior to moft inland plantations in th province, hu on it a good overseer's houfk and other nectflary out buildings, 80 acres are cleared > and fenced, aod the whole ia rice and indigo bnd, with aPgood a spring of water as any in the pro vince; lererai other valuable trafts of land near the town, with many more in difereat parts of the province i his Share of a Tan Yard at Cdls Tatt . nail's t>lace near the town, -with the Leather 8| the vats, Hides, and every fhmg aece&ry lor carrying on that bnfioeft. Negroes, or any property per mitted to he carried from the province, win be taken for the greated part of the above mentioned property. LEVI SHBFTALL. . ~ The COPARTNERSHIP 07~ . johnfton ancTlrvinc T TAVING expired in January 1778, and re- XT peated applications having been made to those indebted to them with ery little effeft, they arc therefore under the nceeaty of givmg thus ’ publtck notice to all concerned, that, wit Mot thdf accounti are forthwith fettled to their fetsifaftioa, they will be under the difegreeable necessity nf patting them immediately into tbo bauds of u Attorney at to bf food fer#