Newspaper Page Text
Just imported,
And to be fold for Cafti,
By John Mitchell &Cos.
Next door to Divid Zubly. Esq- on the Bay,
Confifling mostly of the following Article*:
dowlas, RulEa fbeetirg, ra
yctfduck, brown and white (heeting, G‘-
fui, fu per fine cloth*; 3 4‘h’. 7 Bth, and 4 4ti>
Irish Hen; 3 4tha and 7 Bth* linen check, cotton
Holland*, printed linen* and cotton*; romal,
checked, ard printed handkerchief*; black Bar
celona handkerchief* ; checked, striped, and plain
mtiffin i ruffdeu and durants, black piinces (luff.
v military Ihoe* and (hiris, mens fineflroc*, women*
calamanco ar and leather ditto, men; w hue and brown
thread, hose, men* fine bat* white and black;
white, oznabiig thread; Cupcifine
jfcftletcamlqt, white jefthet, corded dimity, check
v ed lawn, caiabtick, loaf sugar, biaak pepper,
byfon and bohea tea, china bowl*, glaf* ware,
£iuld ! erp, ironmongery, Ac. ..
; Alio a few puncheon* Jamaica rum and a few
barrels mufeovado sugar.
Savannah, June 6,. 1782.
In tJSe Court of Vice Admiralty.
The Advocate General, on the relation of William
waJi *on behalf of iwrd-df, owner*, and otHcrt*
Tfce Sloop Lark, her Tackle, Apparel, Cargo, Ac.
W Herea* an information hath been exhibited,
admitted, and filed, ia'thi* Cause, in order
to condemnation of the laid brigantine, her tackle, -
apparel, and every thing on
board her: Andjflvea* the ufuai monition hath
been issued Court, and duly returned,
and no claim hath been made, or cause (hewn a*
gainit the fa id condemnation: These .re therefore
to give notice, that-the judge Surrogate of thefaid
Couit will, on Monday the 24th day of Jute in
stant, proceed, in the ufuai manner, either to
condeblta or acquit the (aid- (loop, her tackle, ap
parel, furniiuie, cargo, and everv thing on Loaid
her, agreeable’ to the direction of the statute io that
case made and provided. - V-- •-j . -
By the Court,
Savannah, 3d June, 1782.
T O B E ~SO £ D,~
On Tuesday the :6th day of July next, at the
, house of Mr. Duncan, Vendue Mafferi in Sa
The Personal Estate of
Dr. D.n id Brydie, dec raLJ, confiding of wearing
apparel, household furniture, and r.egrot*. together
with lome apothecary’s (hop furniture, Ac. Sec.
HENRY KEALL, Ailing Executor.
Who dcfutiail perfon* having demands against
, the estate to make them known, and thole indebted
to the fard eihte to call and make payment.
~trthjune, 178a.
On Thursday the iHth day of July next, at the
lioul'e of the Etc Kirkland, dcceafed,
The Personal Estate of
the faiJ dcceafed, conhitmg of wearing apparel,*
L. lioufchold fuff nature, horlV*, and cabinet-maker'V
tools, together with a few Irg* of mahogany Ac.
HENRY KF.At.L, ) f
/ THOMAS GOUGH, ( Executon -
Who desire all perfon* having demands against
the eljate to make them known, and those indebted
to the fai Left te to call and mike payment.
6th June, 178
1 o B. E SOL D, n
By John & William Wallace,
At their Store nearly oppefite the Main Guard,
MAdeira, Port, and Sherry Wine, by the
pipe or quarter calk; -i
Ship Bread, .
A tew barrel* heft Mels Beef and Pork,
“Black Pepper iq. calks of too lb. u t,
Bio?.d 1 loe i-i ofic-r o f 10. dozen each.
Sav.inn.ih, 6th June, 17 2. !
g Htii* to ciutioo the to credit
.“1 or enter tain ANN JOHNS f ON, my
wife* on any. account whatsoever, as 1 wnl p ty no
debts of her Cnntradmg, (he eloping from niy bed
withour pravoc:*t|oi.
HiO*. JOHNSTON, iff Bat. Dehnccy.
_ Savaniah, June 6, 178’. I o “
TOMORROW .-Morninp, at Ten
o'clack, at the house of Dr. Bcccroft, will be
foW, for c*(b only,
SU N DRY Article* of household furniture, book-, .
Ac belonging to the Estate of Samuel Bowen,
dcceafed. D. ZU BLY jun. L. V'. ivl.
June 6, 1781.
a u .■ ■’
TOMORROW Morning will be fold,
at the fubfcribcr’i Vendiij ‘Store on>the Bav,'the
fale to begin at 9 o’clock,
/% COMP LEA 1’ marquee,
r*\ Asew t barrel* fuperfine French flour,
Soap in boxes, ,
r -—--—;——i-: .. —#—
Sugar, & -
Tobacco in small ca(k\
Madeira, and Port wine in quarter calks,
Loaf lugar, *
CLf> and queen's ware,
Black pepper, t
Soldiers fhirt*,
Ready made trawlers, .... _ , . ‘ !
Sutter in fiikint, ‘
Pigtail tobacco,
Jamaica and Antigua rum, • / v
Shrub, r
6 laddie,’ chair, and,druuglit hmfe* ;
1 waggon,
14 elegant mahogany chair?,
3 mahogany tables, v
1 Urge ahd elegant mahogany deflt of a
llfutlion, . ■■
1 bedfteadi, Ac. Ac. Ac. /
’ ‘ £
THE Hngiilh papers brought by the packet
mention the fojlowfi g deaths. The Right
Hon. Lord Robert Bertie, one of the Lords of the
Bedchamber. General of bis.Majefty’* fo.rce*, and
Coionnl ofihe forond troop of horse guards, Ac.r-
Thc Hon W'lUnam Howe, one e to the present
Lord CftdaOrth —The R’ghr Hon. Hugh Bof
cawen, Viscount Falmouth, ranked as a Gcnerah
:: jn ti e x* ,n y—hir John Pringle, Phvfrcian to his
Maj lly, late I’refidi.nt of the Rqjal Society
Lieut. Gen. Sh EjnlOn Frazer, Colonel ol the 71st
reg'ment of foot, and Member of Rirlianfent for’
the*county of InvernK —Gen. Lord Robert
Manners* Coloriel of o t!>e 3d rtg ment of dragoon
guards, Gov.Ti.or of I ull, Ac. Litut. Gcr.
f PP'L CidojieJ of the Lath regiment of light
dragoons —T!ie Right Rev. Dr. “J homas Newton,’
Brihop of hrntol.—Sir Robert Foley, Knrght.—
,1 he amiable, and (incerelv regretttd Lidy f'entlir*
son, conlort <•/ oir John Henderson, anJ daugr.iir
of his Fxceilviicy l.ieUh Gen. Rebellion, Gover
nor of Now York* .. _
S A V A N,N A H, June
LAS 1 Tu*lci,y being the Birth Div of. our
inoll gricious Sovereign GEORGE 111.
when liu M * jolly entered into the 45th year of
hi* age, at noon the cannon at Fort Preveit, the
of the gafri s o", ori bo:rd HvM.,j A ilv’s
(hip Otter and other veftels in “the river, were fired.
In.the afternoon his Excellency the Governor gave
an tlegint entertainment (provrdedjhv .Mr. Lewis
ct his own h'-ufe'and Mrs. ToikJccVJ to a moise ‘
tuimerous company than wn ever jurmblcd on the
like orcafion in this place, there being present.
Brigadier General Clarl.e, commanding hi* Ma
jcUy's troops in this province and Hull Florida, his
Honour the Lieutenant Governor, theMcmbcrs
of his Mijelly's Council ard Commons.Houfe of
Aflt-mbly, the Offittrs of his Iklajefly’s 4.3iid and
Sea Forces, Publick Officers, Officers of Militia,
Ac. in the evening the town wa* illuminated,
and every niaik of rcfpetl fficwn that is due from
fubjeds to tfie bell of King*.
The ship. Governor Tonyn, Cant. Welch, is
armed at Si. Agpuitme from Liverpool.
r/.-V-VA-w/ -wf.wt -W> -w, .\ r , , v ,-vy-va-Vs.-W.-v/ .**> .y> -
)oe|c m xxetmtm * xxmm
I*NO N, Match . , ‘
ADMIRAL Keppel fuccccds to an additional
fortune of “0.-pol by the death of hi* bro
ther the late Gn. Jveppel.
Marrb 9. I he jsg> peror of Germany and Czarina
of Russia iufc agreed to a War upon the l urks, in *
Older to-drive them out of Europe; their t'oop*
a e to cor fill of 600,000 men in tour diviFiy;,*.
L dl, about noon, an rxprcls anived, 1
w;th an account of the arrival of another of 1 om
modorc JohniloneY prize#; fom Saldanha, at the
back ol tnc Ilk of Wight; so that, with rhe Helt
wuß which arrived the 3d of Feb uary at
Pditfmouth, the Hoog(carpel and the Dankba.rket •
that were timed into Abe Bth, and the
oie that laundered on the of January, we
are now acquainted with the fate of the w hole.
They write from Madrid, that tbe Prince of A
ftoll*3 !• ‘ gAi’ fd irueh afeendanryin the
Spaiiifh courcxls ; that the King grows tired of the
war, and that it ger.e ally believed there that a
ptaqe w ill loon be cor eluded.’ The Prince L. a
friend to the BHtiffi rutioq. . ;y:T- ’ w ‘ _
By a letter from .Vienna, dated the 7th of Fe
bruary, the following verv important information
has been communicated s That on the morning of
the zd, at ten oYfi.<k, war haft been declared in
that capita! against the Turks, and that every ehire
wa* in motion. These advice* furlhyr add, that
Ruffi 1 was expected to proclaim .againft
the Ottomans soon after the arrival of i courier
who hat! f*t put in the afternoon of the 3d
Vienna to the Coart of Petcilhurgh. \
MartL* \t. Oh Monday morning Governor -
D.illing of\|amaica a rived in town from that iff.
a; and ; he came home p flenger in the Ranger armed
(hip, which is arrived at PortfmOuth. bhe failed
from Port Anfonio about the 14th of January, j 0
company with the Vaughan armed (hip and a (mall
fleet of mcrchantnoir. In the Gulph of Florida
they unfortunately fell in with two Spahffh line of
battle finp, which chafed them for twoday*. The
’ R tnger took the Governor out of a vefl'el which he
was coming home in, to prevent hi* falling into
the enemy’s hands, andkwa* obliged to'leave the
convoy, Tt is moft probable the major part of them
are captured. *****
YiftcrpUy morning an exprtfs was received a*
the Admiralty from N ice Admiral Milbank, Corn,
mander In chief-at Plymouth, informing the Boaid*
’ that Raft Indijmen, homeward hound, wc f ®
then comring to an anchor in Plymouth Sound At
the fame time the Puffer of the Glutton, Cant
in quelljon were, with that to which U- bgloiwcd
Earl of Mansfield, Capt. Frafcr j Vanfiort’
Capt. Young; and Pigot, Capt. Mogan. \
above Ifiips came part ol their way Helena
under convoy. 0/ his Majefty’i ffiip the J u; j tff
Capt. Paisley, and in company with the lord
Holland Indiaman. The Jupiter is arrived with*
prize v but tlie Lord Holland parted company in
lat. 47, 13, Jong. 12 W. By the advises Govern
ment have received fiom India it appears that Ba
tavia, nr.d allb the Dutch fcttlements at Pelicate
and with their pofleffions near
have been very fuccefsfuliy attacked by the b nghffi
arms. The following are th particulars of tnele
tranfadlions, brought by the Glatton East India,
man,. Capt. Clements, as received by letters from
the Iff mil of Sumatra, dated October 12, 1781:
“ I” the b'ginning of Auguft'a packet arrived hre
exprejf* from Bombay with an account of the Dutch
waL; soon after Commodore Clements’* fleet of
five Indianien fibm China, to water and itfrtfh,
preferring this poit to freights of Sm di.T he
Court ol Dtrcdlors having given gn eta! order 1 for
the deftrudlion of all'tjhe Dutch kttlemtni, so fa
vourable an opportunity a* the affr/tanCe of these
Pups could not be loft; They wee put under/the
orders of Henry Botham, Esq, third in Ceurcil at
Fott Marlborough, on an expedition .<gamii I%J.
ang, and all the Dutch settlements on the weft court
of;Suinatra. When the ffiips were,about ao mib*
fiom Pudang, Air. Botham went on fliore With a
flig of truce, and fuaimoned the Governor to sur
render to hi] Rritannrck M.jffty *1 arms the fort*
aipid town of Padang, and all the forts and fa&oiic*
tin the weft co ft c 7 Sumatra. This n-.drie was im■
ther, but ciicmftances exculcd it. Mr.
Both.uii had only’ 100 soldiers for the expeditionVT
foice very inferior 10 that in the garrison; tl * G -
yernor of, concluding our five (hip< to t e
King’s (hip?, anu the force on Uicm formid
able, far rendered, to Mr : Botlmttf all the
laad* Company’ fort* and factories, on’
that private property was relitvcd. .The ieitie
mei.ts we huve captured are much more valu-Llc
one* than any our Company pojffifs on that coall **
Letters received over land from Bengal mention
that the Bijtiffi arms continue to advance in India.
1 befe letters add, that Hydcr Ally’s nephew,
Ji.ivjng thrown himfeif into a fort efs with 6003
men, m order to cover his uncle’s retreat, was o
bilged tofuricnder to the Bfitifll army in the month
tit NSVcaibef, 1 781, with all hi* cannon, baggage,
and military- (lores, together with avail treata'e
in money and jewels, 1m jybvifions being entirely
exhnufted. k—- “ X
Jprii 5 Hi* Majcfty’s very gracious reception
of tne new Mmiilers on Wedncmay lalt has given
tne highcil fatufaiftion. The Marquis of Rocking
ham, Lord Shelburne, Mr. Fox, and the gentle-’
men now in office,/peak of the amiable condeicen
fion of their Royal Mailer on this occilion iute m*
of the. .wfrmeft paregyrick-
Lord North left the House of Commons last
Wednefdy night with great joy. Upon.receiving
,compltmcr.L d1 <ou^i.Uu/atisn 1 oli fever il of ill*
friendi he was head to Tay, “ I have finilhed my
“ pit it it# l life, but lam unde: pyapprchenfiotn
*’ for my natural life.” , f ,
April %. .jramirat Keppel will be cn'led up to
the lioclc of Ee’ers by the title of Baron Keppel.