Newspaper Page Text
raisins } and in the fort fix month?
full allowance pf all ki/ids, although a
magazine, containing fix months more,
was burnt'bythe enemy’s (hells.
His Maj-sty has appointed Major
Gen. Waynyard to the command of
the 20th regiment of foot, vacant by
the promotion < f Gen. Lane Parkeiv
*” LO N DO N, FcbVuaty ii .
YESTERDAY the Eaciy of Geh.
Arnold war at Court at Sr.
James**, for tjie iirft time her ar
rival frbnv America, and was presented
to tlyfif M;ijefties by Lady Amherst.
y Feb. 12. A few days ago died sud
denly, at his lodgings in ViUars-ftrect,
York Buildings, Lord Colvill of Och
A certain yqung Per f mage is report
ed to neatly as mat y chil
dren imputed to him as his father If
A the amorous hero continues for a Few
years .longer, he may be aptly filled
Fei. 1 6. Ihe SatisfaAion
—belonging to -Gtremfey* now on ler
firft vvoyage* has Jaken and sent tor
Li (bon, a filial I Spanish prize, vvirh a
box of dollars on board, amounting to
40.0001. - -V.
Extratlcf a letter from Cap!. Join Forbes,
of the Terror privateer of Lfvtrfool,
dated Beerhaven , Feb. 2*
• “ This morning 1 arrived here in a
moft /battered condition, having met
with several hard gales of wind, in
which we loft our main and fore-malls}
they having been xc ; y much wounded
in’aft action we had the 19th tilt, with
a Dutch snow, which laiied near two
hours, when (lie blew up*, we immedi
ately hoisted cut our boat, and saved
nine men, who informed urthe I'now’s
name was the Paankerheid, from Am
ft*rdam. She was anew ve/Tel, on her
fiift crude, nv untihg 7: nine pound
ers on one deck, and 6 three pounders
on her quarter-deck, In Tides 2 lcr.g
fixes on the forecaftlc for chafe guns,
and had 170 men on board*, /he had
been out three weeks, but had taken
l nothing. By the people's account we
mud have made great (laughter, as
three of their guns were dihnd unfed
before (he bl£w up. We were engaged
very dole, when the wind fiutuenly
changed, and brought both /hips by
.thedee, in which/ituation the enemy
poured a broadside into our lat board
quarter, which unfortunately dilmcunt
cd the two aftmoft guns, killed nine
men on the spot, and wounded lev era! ‘
others. Seeing the enemy of so iupe
rior a force, and haying left 15 men
killed, and 17 wouitCled, with all our
fails and runqing rigging ffipt aw
had got, the Hi ip before’ the wind, and
was /landing from die enemy when (lie
blew up. I am lorry to inform you,
that among the killed is Mr. James
Mann, my firft officer, and-the Boat-
Twain. The Terror. carries iS ftx
pounders, and 80 men.” ...'TvTi?
Feb. 23. The letters of Sir Henry
Clinton to Lord Cornwall*, tm which
their criminations and recriminations
are said to ba foundal, are krpt dofely
from publick view. Gen. C >pw*y is
said to be the only person who has per
illed them. -
Feb. 26; Saturday morning last the
Negi 0 servant of a gentleman at Mary
bonne ran rfr with, his maftei’s niece,
a very fine-fo’ihrf hdy about 17. As
(bon as the dbpement was known feye
ral persons were difpatdhed in purluit
of them. The lady will be worth
1 i.oool. wlen of age. \
Feb. 23. The following is therfub
/lance of a hand-bill now circulating
through New England, the luckjpaits
of the pro/ince df New-York, and
New JerfcyToeeafbned by the Captuie
at York Town
“ People of America,
* The cnfis of fticcefs which Provi
dence Kas granted you calls upon you
to propofc peace and commercial alli
ance with Great Britain : The Prcie
ftant liuereft requires it of you, and.
all‘the Reformed Churches implore it
wi;h tears;”
March u On Weclncfday Mr. L iu
rehs, the American Amba/Tador ter the
f f ague, was at Lord Sandwich's at the
Admiralty, and had a conference with
his Lordiliip for upwards qf two hours.
through the medium of l)r. .r ranfcitn,
is veiled with powers from the Ameri
can Congrcfs lor treating of a separate
peace srirtrGreat Britain.
March 2. Ytfterd.iv an order was
issued from the Privy Council /< r the
enlargement of MvlTrs. tb.uverneur
and Curzon from their confinement, on
condition of their giving bail lor their
appearance, similar to that entered into
Tome time finer by Mr. Laurels.
Wedncfday evening was married, at’
Trinity? Chapel, Condpit-ftrcet, by a
special licenie, Lord G'Ojrgc Caven
diffi, brother to, the Duke of Devon
fhirr, to Lady Elisabeth Compton, foie
heirets tohheiate LaiJ of Northamp
ton, ‘The ceAmphy performed by
the Dean of Christ Church, Bishop E
led of Oxford.
T hurl'd a v the 3id of. January was
married, at L lb in, Commodore Johq
ftof.e to Miss Charlotte Dee.
Tire Lucretia transport from Charlef-#
town, and Friends, Junes from Sr.
John's in Fall Florida, art arrived at
Portfinouth. ,
March 6. I/)rd George Caver,did),
as prelumptiver heir to the Duke of
Devonffiirr, bids fair* to be the lie heft
1 übjet l t in Europe, the fortune of the
UW) brothers being 78,000 k per n nft. •
1 he fortune of Lord George Caven
didi before marriage was 5 oql. per
ann. which he piincipally acquped by
the deaths of his aunt, Mrs. Cavcntiifh
of Che/ham in Buckingharrllvire, arrd
his elder brother Lord Richard Caven
diffi, who died lately at Naples. The
fortune of Lady Elisabeth Compton
Was 92d01. a year.
By the marriage of Lord George
l.ady Betty Compton,
the families of Devonfhite, Rutland,
Beaufort, Spencer, Northampton, Port
land, and are united in a
lamily alliance, anil the Duke of'De
vonfhrre, as head of the house, will
have the fir It inttreft of any subject in
this kingdom.
March Ycfterday Commodorg
Jidii.ftqne. was at Court for the firft
time since his arriVal Jlom abroad, and
had a private conference with the King.
The Catharine, Capt. Conkie j the
Carolina Packer, Ckpt. White} and
the Re-Union, Capt. Grant} from
Ch \rWft South Carolins \ were
taken off the Land’s End by the NJv
dame privateer of France, -mounting
44 guns-, thiee days afterwards the
crew of the Re* Union, when within
three days of U/hant, ruse, retook'the
/hip, and brought her fife into Dart
mouth *, Capt. Grant is arrivedih
and brought the prize- maftcr with hi&fi
The Lightening privateer, belong
ing to Liverpool, has taken a Spahi/h
?f/kcker, from Cad z to the Havana,
with dil’patches, and having 12,000
dollars on board. \
We are fdrry to add to the
di j iflion, for the many melancholy ac
counts lately receivtd from abroad, by
informing thrtn, that this day the
Banking Huuie of Brown,
and Trittoo, in Lombard-street, lately
deemed one of the mpft solid in Lon
don, stopped payment for a very con
fidtrable Turn. ; .... j
The capitulation of Fort Sr. Philip,
. between the Due dr Crillon and Gen.
Murray, ccmfilled of ten articles only,
tfe iuM 3ricr ; ffiffbws r
Article 1. All adls of hoftdities to.
ceale till the articles are agreed on,
which Hiili be compleatcd in 48 hours.
The S.iamfii Commander altered it to
12.—Agreed. . ..
Art. 2, 6 The paFrifon /hall have. all
the nuial honours of war due to a nob e
and fpi'ited defence, and shall march
out with their arms, colours flying,
Agreed. ■ 1
Aft. 3. All the gflrrifon /hall have,
their ffedtsfi cured, ij remove them
or tell diem w they chooli?, and that
all the debts of the garrifor. to the isl
anders, now considered ar fubjtdts of
Spain, be paid.—Agreed. >■
Arr. 4. The garrison /hall be Tent,
at the expence of the Catholiek King,
} to the firft port in England, by the
moft /bore and speedy conveyahee j to
be provided witlv provisions during
Hheir ftuy on the ill md, and for the
, voyage, from their, own ftorcs, Or, if
ip want of more, from ihofe of the Ca
iholiv.k K npjs, and at his expence. In
.the General’s propolal it was, that the
ganifon might be lent to Gibraltar, but
the !>dc de Crftbn altered it.—Agreed.
Art. 5. A fufficient number of
tranfp.orts lhall be r rovided for carry
irg the General Officers, soldiers, and
their families, who shill proceed with
out delay when embarked. The Ge
neral to be allowed to fend notice to
Gen. Eiiiot, Governor of Gibraltar, of
his luirtnuer, &c.
The oilwr five articles contaip difi
positions for Tick and wounded inhabit
ants, and other customary matters. r
* Letters from Leghorn mention, that
no left than fiX'Spanifh vifluallcrs had
been taken by the Algerines in going
to Minorca*, that there are several large
xebecks cruizing in the Mediterrane
an} and that three Spanifii. frigates had
been dispatched in search <?f them.
A letterTrom Amllerdam they
have an account from Corunna, that on
the 10th uft. there was a dreadful hur
ricane, which lasted fix hours, during
which time upwards of 30 fail of French,
and Spani/h vcflels were loft, many were
drove on Ihore and greatly damaged \
that the sea rose so High it overfiowed
the bank, and *Walhed down several
dwcllinglioufcs, warthoufes,