The People's party paper. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1891-1898, December 09, 1892, Image 1

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Peoples Party Paper VOLUME II THE MESSAGE IS IN. CONGRESS RECEIVED THE PART- ING INJUNCTIONS. The Tariff Question the Burden of Thought—Elections and Lynch ings Also Get a Word. Washington, Dec. 7.—The presi dent’s message has been read before congress. It was a lengthy document, compris ing about 18,000 words, and in it, every matter of public interest is fully dis cussed. The following is a summary of text and furnishes a clear conception of the position es the president upon the Various subjects under discussion. Upon the tariff and election laws he maintains his positions heretofore taken, and believes that public opinion will yet bear him out in these, and other ques tions of policy. In openining his com munication he says: To the Senate and House of Representa < tives: la submitting my annual message to congress 1 have great satisfaction in being able to say that the general condition affecting the commercial and industrial Interests of the United States are in the greatest degree favorable. A comparison ©f the most favored period in the history <of the countiy will, I believe, show that jo high a deg’-ee of prosperity, and so gen eral a difference of the comforts of life .Were never before enjoyed bj r our people. The total wealth of the country in 1860 was $16,159,616,068; in 1890 it amounted to <62,610,0 <O,OOO, an increase of 287 per cent. The total mileage of railways in the United States in 1860 was 30,626; in 1890 it jwas 167,741; an increase of 448 per cent; and it is estimated that there wiil be about four thousand miles of track added by the close of the year 1892. The official returns of the eleventh census and those of the tenth census for seventy-five lead ing cities furnish the basis ter the follow ing comparisons: In 1880 the capital in vested in manufacturing was $1,232,839,- 670. In 1890 the capital invested in man facturingwas $2’90u,735,884. In 1880 the number of employes was 1,301,388. In 1890 the number of employes was 2,251,- 334. In 1880 the wages earned were $501,- 665,778. In 1890 the wages earned were $1,221,170,454. In 1880 the value of the product was $2,771,579,899. In 1890 the [Value of the product was $4,860,286; 837. ' The message goes into every different detail showing the increase in the num ber of wage earners and the money paid. It also shows the increase in the number of factories of all kinds that •have been built. Os tho cotton mills the president says: Os the forty cotton mills twenty-one have been built in the Southern states. Mr. A. B. Shepperson. of the New York teotton^Exchange,estimates the number of working spindles in the United States, on September 1, 1892, at 15,200,000, an increase of 660.000 over the year 1891. The con 'tiumption of cotton by American mills in ’589; ’ 2 39'.' (JO 0.. les, and in 1892. 2.584,- OOObi :es, an increase of 188,000 bales from the year 1891. Exports and Imports. * The total value of our foreign trade (ex ports and imports of merchandise) during the last sisal year was $1,839,680,610, an in crease of $l2B, 283,604 over tho previous fiscal year. Tho value of our exports during tho fls cal year 1892 reached tho highest figure iu 1 .the history of the government, amounting o $1,000,278,148, exceeding by $145,797,338 he exports of 1891, and exceeding tho i ports by $202,875,686. ♦mother indication of the prosperity of ' country is found in the fact that the I ‘ of depositors in savings banksin- L< / creased from 693,870 in 1860, t 04,258,893 iu 1890, an increase of 513 per cent. There I never has been a time in our history when " work was so abundant or wages were as t high; whether measured by tho currency , jn which they are paid or by their powers to supply the necessaries and comforts of of life. It is true that tho market prices of cotton and wheat have been low. It is one of the unfavorable incidents of agricul ture that the farmer cannot produce upon orders. Ho must sow and reap in ignor ance of the aggregate production of tho year, and is peculiarly thoughtless to the depreciation which follows over-produc tion. The value of our total farm pro ducts has increased $1,363,646,906 iu 1860 to $4,500,000,000 iu 1891, as estimated by sta tisticians —an increase of 239 per per. This is a Goodly Laud. If any are discontented with their state here; if any believe that wages or prices, the return for honest toil, are inadequate, they should not fail to remember that there is no other country in the world where the conditions that seem to them hard, would not be accepted as highly prosperous. The English agriculturist would be glad to exchange the returns of his labor for those of the American farmer, aud the Manchester workmen their wages for those of their fellows at Fall River. I believe that the protective system, which has now for something more than thirty J rears continuously prevailed in our legis ation, has been a mighty instrument for the development of our national wealth, and most powerful agency in protecting the homes of our workingmen from the invasion of want. I have felt a most Bolicitious interest to preserve to our working people rates of wages that would not only give daily bread, but supply a comfortable margin for those home at tractions and family comforts and enjoy- without which he is neither hope ful nor sweet. They are American citi zens, a part of the great people for whom our constitution and government were framed and instituted, and it cannot be a perversion of that constitution to so legis late as to preserve iu their homes the JBmfort, independence, loyalty and sense of interest in the government which are essential to good citizenship in peace, and which will bring this stalwart throng, as in 1861, to the defense of the flag when it is assailed. It is not my purpose to renew here the argument in favor of a protec tive tariff. The result of the recent election must he accepted as having introduced a new policy. We must assume that, the present tariff, constructed upon the lines of pro tection, is to be repealed and that there is to be substituted for it a tariff law con gtructed solely with reference to revenue, that no duty is to be higher because the increase will keep open an American mill or keep up the wages of an American workman, but that iu every case such a rate of duty is to be imposed as will bring to the treasury of the United States the largest returns of revenue. The constitution has not been between schedules but between the principles and it would be offensive to suggest that the prevailing party will not carry into legis lation the principles advocated by it, and the pledges given to the people, aud the tariff bills passed by the house of repre sentatives at the last session were, us I suppose, even in the opinion of their pro moters inadequate and justified only by the fact that the senate and the house of representatives were not in accord, and that a general revision could not therefore be undertaken, and I recommended that the whole subject of tariff revision be left to the incoming congress. It is a matter jbi regret that this work must be delayed “Equal Rights to All Special Privileges to None.” for at least three months for the threat of great tariff changes, introduces so much uncertainty that an amount not easily es timated, of business inaction and of diminished production will necessarily re sult. It is possible also that this uncer tainty may result in decreased revenues from customs duties, for our merchants will make cautious orders for foreign Soods in view of the prospect of tariff re uctious and the uncertainty as to when they will take effect. Those who have advocated a protective tariff can well afford to have their disastrous forecasts of a change of policy disappointed. The friends of the protective system, with undiminished confidence in the prin ciples they have advocated, will await the results of the new experiment. Our Neighborsand Ourselves. Following his deliverances on the the tariff the president expresses great gratification at the present amicable relations existing between tho United States and foreign countries. The complicated and threatening dif ferences with Germany and England in relating to Samoan affairs; with England in relation to the seal fishery and in the Behring sea, and with Chili growing out of the Baltimore affair, have been adjusted. The message then goes into minor troubles with small principalities, the majority of which have been amicably adjusted. International copyrights have been established between this country, Italy and Germany. The message commends the Nicara gua canal. Matters relating to the pres ent International Monetary Conference are discussed at this point. The president says: “The free coin age of silver upon an agreed interna tional ratio would greatly promote the interests of our people and equally those of other nations.” Dealing with the Departments. The report of the secretary of the treasury here follows. It shows that the public debt has been reduced since March 4, 1889, $259,074, 200, and the an nual interest charge $11,684,469. There has been paid out in pensions by the present administration to November 1, 1892, $132,564,178, an excess of $114,- 466,386 over the sum expended during the period from March 1, 1885, to March 1, 1890. Under the existing tariff law, the message says, $93,000,000 has gone into the pockets of the people which would have otherwise gone into the treasury. The revenues for the fiscal year end ing June 30, 1892, from all sources, were $425,868,200.22, and the expendi tures for all purposes were $415,950,- 806.56, leaving a balance of $9,914,423.66, There was paid during the year upon the public debt $40,570,467.98. On receipts from customs duties fell off $42,069,241.08, while our receipts from international revenue increased $8,284,823.13, leaving the net loss of revenue from these principal sources $33,784,417.65. The net loss of revenue from all sources was $32,675,993.81. 'The revenues, estimated and actual for the fiscal year ending June, 30, 1893, are placed by the secretary at $463,836,- 350.44, and the expenditures $461,336,- 850.44, showing a surplus of receipts over expenditure of $2,000,000. The cash balance in the treasury at the end of the fiscal year, it is estimated, will be $20,902,378.03. These estimates are based upon a con tinuance of the present laws. Our Coa-st Defenses. The president refers only briefly to the report of the secretary of war, show ing the importance of establishing stra tegic posts, and a complete reorganiza tion of the infantry and artillery branches of the service, also the con struction of heavy guns and coast de fenses. He refers briefly to the report of the attorney general, extending to him great praise for his zeal and intelli gence displayed in office. The president praises very highly the report of the postmaster general. The postal revenues have increased during the last year nearly $5,000,000. Tho de ficit for the year ending June 30, 1892, is $848,341, less than tho deficiency of the preceding year. There have been added 1,590 new mail routes during the year, with mileage of 833 miles, and the total number of miles of mail trips added during the year is nearly seventeen millions. The president refers very favorably to a law making American ships us commerce float the American flag and be commanded by American citizens. Progress in the Navy. The report of the secretary of the navy exhibits great progress in the con struction of the new navy. When the present secretary entered upon his duties only three modern steel vessels were in commission. The vessels since put in commission and to be put in commission during the winter will make a total of nineteen during his administration of his department. He said that during the current year ten war vessels and three navy tugs had been launched, and during the four years twenty-five ves sels will have been launched. Two other large ships and a torpedo boat are under contract, and the work upon them will advance rapidly, and the four monitors are awaiting only the arrival of their armor, which was unexpectedly delayed, or they would have been be fore this in commission. The president praises the efficiency of Secretary Tracy and refers with pride to the fact that the United States is once more a “naval power.” The adop tion of a torpedo and the discovery of smokeless powder has worked wonders in the new navy. A Burdensome Business. The work of the interior department is always very burdensome, and has been larger than ever before during the administration of Secretary Noble. The disability pension law, the taking of the eleventh census, the opening of vast areas of Indian lands to settlement, the organization of Oklahoma and the regu lations for the cession. Indian lands furnish some of the particulars of the increased work, and the results achiev ed testify to the ability, fidelity and industry of the head of the department and his efficient assistants. The presi dent seconds the endorsement of th© secretary of the interior to ratify the agreement made with the Cherokees. The form of government provided by congress on May 17, 1884, for Alaska was in its frame and purpose, tem porary. The increase of population and the development of some important mining and commercial interests make it imperative that the law should be re vised, better provisions made for the arrest and punishment of criminals. He is pleased with the conduct of the land office, the court of general claims and the Indian bureau. The appropri ation for subsistance of the Cheyene and Arrapahoe Indians iijade at the last session of congress he said was inade oiiate. ATLANTA, GA., FRIDAY, DECEMBER 9, 1892. The pensions for this year were $144,- 956,000. That amount was appropri ated and a deficiency amounting to $lO,- 508,621 must be provided for by con gress. The estimate for the year end ing June 30th, 1894, will be 165,000,000. The commissioner of pensions believes that if the present legislation and methods are maintained and further additions to the penson laws are not made the maximum expenditure for pensions will be reached June 30, 1894, and will be at tho highest premium. An Efficient Department. The president praises the efficiency of the department of agriculture, and gives facts aud figures why it should be sus tained. He then deals at length with quarantine inspections and regulations, and says that a liberal appropriation should be made to prevent cholera gain ing a foothold in this country next spring. He also urges restricted immi gration, especially for the present. He refers in terms of praise to the work already done on the World’s Fair. He next deals with matters pertaining to the District of Columbia. He recom mends that congress- take some action for the protection of railway employes in coupling and braking of cars. The civil service commission ask for an in creased appropriation for needed clerical assistance, which he thinks should be given. Our Treaty Relations. The president announces that recip rocal trade relations have been estab lished with Guatemala Salvador, __ the German Empire, Great Britain, Nica raugua, Honduras and Austria-Hungary since his last message to congress, and in this connection refers to the increase of trade brought to this country through section 3of the tariff bill; placing the amount at $74,294,525. He renders a statement showing efforts that have been made to establish similar close relations with Canada, which efforts, so far, have been unsuccessful. The closing paragraphs of his message are devoted to the election laws and negro lynchings in the south. He says: In my last annual message I endeavored to invoke serious attention to the evils of an unfair apportionments for congress. I cannot close this message without again calling attention to these grave and threatening 6vils. I had hoped that it was possible to secure a non-partisan in quiry by means of a commission into evils, the existence of which is known to all aud that out of this might grow legislation from which all thought of partisian ad vantage should be eliminated and only the higher thought appear of maintaining the freedom and purity of ballot, aud the equality of tho elector, without the guar anty of which the government could never have been formed, and without the con tinuance of which it cannot continue to exist in peace aud prosperity. It is time that mutual charges of un fairness and fraud between the two great parties should cease and thatthe sincerity of those who profess a desire for pure and honest elections should be brought to the test of their willingness to free our legis lation and our election methods from everything that te&ds to impair the pub lic confidence in tfie announced result. The necessity for aminquiry and for legis lation by congress upon this subject is em phasized b> the fact shat the tendency o£ the legislation in some states in recent years has been in some important particu lars carried away from and not toward free and fair elections and equal appor tionment. It is now time that we should come to gether upon the hig plane of patriotism, while we devise methods that shall secure the right of every man qualified by law to cast a fee ballot and give to every such ballot an equal value in chosing our public officers and in directing the policy of the government The frequent lynching of colored people accused of crime is without the excuse which has sometimes been urged by mobs for the failure to pursue the appointed methods for punishment of crime that the accused have an undue influence over courts and juries; such acts are a reproach to the community where they occur and so far as they can be made the subject of Jurisdiction "the strongest representative egislation is demanded. A public senti ment that will sustain the officers of the law in resisting mobs and iu protecting accused persons in their custody, should be promoted by every possible means. The officer who gives his life in the brave discharge of this duty is worthy of special honor. No lessons needs to be so urgently impressed upon our people as this, that no worthy end or cause can be promoted by lawlessness This exhibit of the work of the execu tive department is submitted to congress and to the public in the hope that there will be found in it a due sense of responsi bility and an earnest purpose to maintain the national honor and to promote the happiness and prosperity of all our peo ple, and this exhibit of the growth and prosperity of the country will give us a level from which to note the increase or decadence that new legislative policies may bring to us. There is no reason why the national in fluence, power and prosperity should not observe the same rates of increase that have characterized the past thirty years. We carry the great impulse and increase of these years into the future. There is no reason why in many lines of production we should not surpass ail other nations as we have already done in some there are no near frontiers to our possible developments. Retrogression would be a crime. Benjamin Harrison, Executive Mansion. December 6th, 1592. YOUNG MURPHY’S RECORD- Relays His Illustrious Papa in the Shade Making Speeches. New Haven, Dec. 6.—Thomas E Murphy, son of the temperance orator, Francis Murphy, made an unprecedent ed record in this city. He addressed four audiences aggregating over 10,000 persons, and secured over 1,000 converts to the temperance cause. He spoke to th© prisoners at the coun ty jail in the morning, addressed an au dience of women only at Mission hall at noon, made a stirring address before 2,000 men at th© Hyperion Theatre in in the afternoon, and appeared before 4,000 persons at the Grand Opera house at night. At the last named place hundreds were turned away, and the doors had to be closed within half an hour after they were opened, owing the vast throng which immediately crowded in. Among the new converts are about one hundred Yale students. Th© present temperance wave is th© largest which ever swept this city. Thus far over two thousand people have signed the pledge. Mr. Murphy is in receipt of urgent calls from other places in the state where his extraordinary success here has been heard of, but he will re main in this city for some time. Big English Exports. Swansea, Dec. 7.—The exports of tin plate from this port last week reached tae amount of 120,331 boxes. Anotable feature of tho orders was that they were mostly from Batoum, Russia, where the plates will be made into receptacles for petroleum, - AN AMERICAN POPE. A NEW AND SENSATIONAL MOVE IN CATHOLIC CIRCLES. Manager Satolli Is to Assume Leo’s Functions and Settle Disputes Between the Clergy. Baltimore, Dec. 6.—The announce ment made Sunday night that Man ager Satolli had been appointed by the pope with full power to settle, without appeal, all religious questions between the bishops and priests in the United States has caused considerable excite ment in Catholic circles here. The an nouncement was made by Cardinal Gib bons. An effort to interview him on the subject was unavailing, the only thing that leaked from him being a con firmation of the report. What was the cause of the appoint ment or when it was made he refused to say. The announcement, it is almost unnecessary to state, ■Will Cause a Sensation Throughout the United States. Why Cardinal Gibbons should be overlooked and such plenary powers be given to one directly from the Vatican, is only one among the many perplexing questions asked about it. It had been rumored, indeed, that Manager Satolli in addition to the reasons above named, had been sent to America on a secret mission as the special representative of the pope, but no one had conjectured that he would be intrusted with such . autocratic power as would practically make him the pope of America. The Chief Reason for the action, and the one that obtains general credence, is that Pope Leo’s long continued ill health has determined him to delegate such duties as properly devolved upon him to one whom he can implicitly trust. Such a man is un doubtedly Manager Satolli, who, next to Cardinal Rampalla. is generally cred ited with standing nearer to the pope than any other of the Catholic dignita ries at Rome. It is a plausible reason, but whether it is true, cannot, of course, be definitely known at present. An interesting subject which came up in this direction is whether the famous M’Glynn. case will >e taken up by Manager Satolli. It is a well known fact that the ox-communicated priest is desirous of Being Restored to Orders and is agitating the subject with all the means in his power. One of the chief reasons why he re quests a rehearing was thsufficient evidence was not presented in his be half at Rome. He has frequently steo d that if the evidence had been taker. ? t Now York the noted controversy wu.h Archbishop Corrigan would have Ited in his favor. v ,*7 Now that such an oßpoi tunny is of fered him it is not thought that he will let it pass, and probably the first action taken by Manager Satolli in his new offi cial capacity as arbitrator will be the reopening of tho case. TO SUSPEND IMMIGRATION. That Will Be the Recommendation of Surgeon General Wyman. Washington, D. C., Dec. s.—Surgeon General Wyman, of the marine hospital service, in his annual report to the secre tary of the treasury will recommend, so it is said, as a measure of safety to the country during th© progress of tho World’s Columbian Exposition, that im migration bo suspended for at least one year from the first of January next. This is based on a prediction of the sanitary experts that cholera is almost certain to reappear in the Eurapean countries next spring. It is regarded as almost certain that the secretary of the treasury will endorse the proposition as a part of his general plan for the estab lishment of a national quarantine ser vice. THE NEW ORLEANS ROADS- Her Whole Street Car System to Be Overhauled. New York, Dec. 5. —It is announced that a syndicate represented by the banking firm of J. & W. Seligman com pany had purchased the entire street railway system of New Orleans for $lO,- 000,000. Seligman declines to give the names of any members of the syndicate. He said it would be two or three days yet before he could give the details of the New Orleans purchase. The motive power of the system is to. be changed from mules to electricity. The purchase includes a number of valuable street railway franchises which as yet have not been used The syndi cate proposes to fully develop the street railway system of New Orleans. THOSE SOUVENIR COINS. Forty-Four Thousand Have Already Been Struck Off. Washington, Dec. s.—Comptroller Matthews, of the treasury department, has approved vouchers submitted by the World’s Fair commission amounting to $33,000, and entitling them to an issue of 66,000 souvenir coins. The requisition for 100,000 souvenir coins has been passed by the secretary of the treasury and the remaining 56,- 000 will be issued when the proper re quisition is made by the World’s Fair authorities. Forty-four thousand have already been struck off. A New Florida Line. New York, Dec. b.— Colonel H. P. Daval, the president of the Florida Cen tral Peninsula railroad, which gridirons Florida with 690 miles of completed railroad, said: “The Southbound rail road, from Savannah, Ga., to Hart’s Road, Fla., is being rapidly pushed, and will be finished by October next. It is expected to be in operation in Novem ber and ready to receive Florida traffic in connection with the Florida Central road.” _ She Laid Her Plans. Chicago, Dec. s.—Mrs. Mena Berger, while cleaning her husband’s saloon early in the morning, was suddenly con fronted by three masked burglars. Sim ilar apparitions have been numerous re cently, and the gritty woman, who had thought out beforehand what to do in such a case, quickly pulled a revolver and commenced shooting. One of the trio was wounded, but all escaped, SQUATTER SOVEREIGNTY. An Old Captain Who Was Shipwrecked Into a Fortune. Chicago, Des. 6. —Captain George W. Streeter, a hardy old mariner of the great lakes, has proved that a man can be shipwrecked into a fortune. Five years ago his schooner, the Ruratan, was driven ashore one stormy night at the foot of Superior street. Being a believer in Kismet the captain propped up his boat and resolved to take up per manent habitation there, converting his boat into a house. The city objected, as h© was on its property, and he moved the boat a little north. Then he encouraged the dump ing of dirt around his house and was soon entirely surroundetVby dry land. The next move was to record a survey of the land and claim it as his by squat ter sovereignty. This was in 1890. Then the trouble began. N. K. Fairbank, the land magnate, instituted proceedings to oust the cap tain, claiming that he had bought that portion that portion of the lake shore with all riparian rights, before the cap tain’s advent. The captain converted his house into a fort, armed his wife, and when an attack on his property was made drove off the intruders with shot guns, incidentally shooting a couple of them, but not fatally. • Although Mr. Fairbank is a multi millionaire. he has not up to date suc ceeded in recapturing the property, which now comprises about 500 feet on Superior street. The captain has just sold for $30,00 a lot 50x100 feet to Jacob nine. He still has 450 feet frontage left, and at the price set by the sale the whole tract is equal to $30,000. The five years since the captain’s shipwreck have been worth $60,000 a year to him. A SHIP CANAL. A Minnesota Man Wants to Connect the Great Lakes and the Sea. Duluth, Dec. 6.—Sibley Simpson, of th© chamber of commerce, has prepared his letter calling for a convention to consider the construction of a ship canal through American territory, from th© great lakes to the Hudson river and thus to the sea. In it he says: Commercial considerations sink into in significance in comparison with the im portance of this waterway as an essential portion of national defenses and a safe guard to national honor. Inside of five years Canada will havo a waterway fourteen feet deep through her own territory, all the way from Lake Su perior to the sea. Her vessels and. her commerce can then go unhindered out from the heart of the continent over all oceans to the markets of the world, while there .are more than 150 war ships in the English, navy which a depth of fourteen feet would suffice to bring into the lakes from the sea. Is it not best that such convention be soon after the Christmas holidays in Washington, so thatthe atten tion of congress may be directly mil forcibly called to ths necessity for, Imme diate action and needed legislation may be secured before the present Congress expires by limitation? SOME ALABAMA LEGISLATION. A Bill to Regulate the Ballot System in tho sftite. Montgomery, Dec. 6.—Representa tive Steel introduced a bill in the house Saturday to give Alabama a ballot re form bill which provides that the coun try shall print all tickets, putting on the name of all parties who desire to run for office. Electors will be provided with a booth, in which they can erase the names of all parties for whom they do not wish to vote. In case an elector cannot prepare his ballot, he will be al lowed to call into the booth any quali fied elector of the precinct to assist him in its preparation. The bill prohibits any one trying to influence the votes under a fine not exceeding SIOO. The house passed a bill reducing tax on fertilizers from 50 to 25 cents per ton. Representative Spier introduced a bill requiring lands and other property be longing to non-residents of the United States to be taxed at double the rate paid by citizens of the United States. PINKERTON’S STATEMENT. It Has Been Revised and Is Ready for the Committee. New York, Dec. 6.—Robert Pinker ton and his lawyer have revised the statement to be made by the Pinkerton’s to the senate investigating committee. It is a lengthy document, which goes into detail regarding the Pinkertons’ connection with the strikes of recent years. Speaking about it, Robert Pink erton said: “The statement is a detail ed defense of our methods. In it we have proved that in every case where our men have been called in, the tiring has always been done in self-defense. Our attitude in all the recent big strikes is defended, and especial mention is made of the Homestead affair. We think we have proved our case com pletely.” In the statement certain charges are made against one of the Homestead ringleaders. It is alleged that the man was once a convict, and learned the trade of steel rolling in prison. Dr. Dixon’s Persecutions. New York, Dec. 6.—-The Rev. Thomas Dixon, Jr., who was mulcted in the sum of $135 for shooting 31 song birds on Staten Island on Oct. 27, is to be served with papers in a suit brought by ' John W. Lisk, the game protector of Staten Island, to make him pay S2O more for each of the birds killed. Dr. Dixon is exasperated by the new suit, and says he is being persecuted. Under the law he is liable to a fine of $25 for each bird killed illegally, but Justice Acker of New Brigham, S. 1., let him off with n fine of $5 each. Inspector Lisk was not satisfied with this. A Noted. Temperance Woman Dead. Chicago, Dec. 6.—The W. C. T. U. headquarters has received a cablegram from Tokio, Japan, stating that Miss Mary Allen West, who has been doing temperance work in that country for the past year, and who was expected to return to this city next month, died in Tokio on Thursday. Miss West was the senior editor of The Union Signal, the organ of the W. C. T. U. It was not known here that Miss West was out of health , and the message contained no particulars. A reply has been sent ask- . ing for details of the sad event. NUMBER 1 -y TERSELY TELEGRAPHIC. News Items That Flash Over the Wire! from All Points. Zach Henrjr, of Kansas City, a fighting Kentuckian, is dead. Two negroes were sentenced to death at Camden, Ark., for murder. Mrs. Parnell’s creditors held a meeting to consider how to get their money. Official returns show a small plurality for the Weaver electors in North Dakota. Raincoaxer Dyrenforth’s financial back ers are getting discouraged by his lack of success. It is officially announced that the Eng lish parliament will meet for business on Jan. 21. Prominent physicians at Berlin incline to the the theory that Kaiser Wilhelm has a cancer in his ear. Bill Taylor, alias Bob Talton, who r& ceutly decapitated a man, has been cap tured at Purcell, I. T. Cecelio Salinas, ex-Garzalier, was ar rested at San Antonio charged with a murder committed in Mexico. Lilia Vane, the actress, has been in formed that the late Samuel Pratt Kling, of Buffalo, bequeathed her $60,000. The Missouri supreme court says that official stenographers must devote theft own time to their official positions. lack observatory has made many inter esting observations of the new comet, which is declared as not being Biela’s. The New York Central road is sued fol $40,000 damages by a woman whose be trothed husband was killed in a wreck. Two Italian brothers, under sentence of death at Pittsburg, tried to dash outtheil brains against the walls of their cell. A school where students for the minis try will study for their callings from liv ing human types, will be established at Chicago. The Spanish agricultural council is again discussing means for putting an end to the ravages of phylloxera in Span ish vineyards. Mrs. John W. Foster has contributed papers on ‘‘The Ancient Ruins of Mexi co” to the Women’s Anthropological soci ety at Washington. The German emperor has started for Si lesia on a shooting trip. He has, to ail appearances, recovered entirely from his recent attack of chilis. The Cudahy Packing company has pur chased the Harkinson plant at Sioux City, la., and will increase its capacity, em ploying 500 men regularly. It is safe to say that the two widest loved women in New York are Mrs. Cleve land and Mrs. Custer, the widow of the Indian fighter. These two women have the spell of hearts. In the suit biought by George C. Simon, of New York, against Launing L. Perils, of Chicago, to recover $25,000 for aliena tion of his wife’s affections, the jury ren dered a verdict of $5,000 for Simon. Two directors of the Bank of Lisbon and the chief of the finance department have gone to Paris and London, it is alleged, to secure a loan with which to meet pay ment on the coupons of Portugal’s exter nal debt. Catharine Weed Barnes, of Albany, will deliver an address before the x hoto* graphic congress at the World’s Colum bian exposition. Miss Barnes ranks as the leading amateur photographer of the country. Miss Alma Onstatt, a beautiful young belle of Springfield, Mo., permitted four teen pieces of skin to be taken from her leg to be grafted on her brother. She sub mitted to the operation without taking an anaesthetic. W. H. Hughes, of Empire, Ga., and J. W. Coffee, of Chauncey, Ga., had a quar rel at Empire. Hughes made an assault upon Coffee with a knife, cutting his throat and killing him instantly. Hughes escaped and has not been captured. The King of Sweden has given permis sion to his son and daughter-in-law, th< Prince and Princess Bernadotte, to accept the hereditary titles of “Count and Count ess of Wisborg,” recently conferred upon them by the Grand Duke of Luxembourg. At a recent fire underwriters’ meeting in New York, the most interesting thing done was to decide that hereafter there shall be no universal basis of state rate, but that the base rate for each city ana town shall depend upon its own record. Acting Secretary Spalding has author ized the entry at Baltimore of the steam ship Braunschweig, of the North German Llbyd line, from Bremen with 900 passen gers, the majority of whom are immi grants. The steamer produced a clean bill of health. At Clarksville, Ark., Henry Banks, a colored farmer who had been absent from home, returned and found his wife talk ing to Joseph Perry, a neighbor. The en raged husband pulled out a razor and lit erally carved them to pieces. He cut the limbs of his victims from their bodies. The London Standard’s Berlin corres pondent says The Boersen Courier de clares that the alleged interview w’ith Prince Bismarck, published in the Paris Journal a few days ago, in which the ex chancellor is quoted as saying he wanted war with France in 1870, is a pure inven tion. At Chicago, a threatened strike of the Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers on the “L.” owing to the employment of non-union men and the discharge of brotherhood men, was averted by General Manager Barnes agreeing to reinstate the men and to not employ the alleged incom petent men. In the South Carolina house of repre sentatives a voluminous prohibition bill has been introduced, prepared by a com mittee of leading Prohibitionists of the state. Its provisions are very strict. H any prohibition bill is passed it will be this one. A strong fight Will be mada against the bill. The celebration of the Parnellite victo ry in the recent municipal election in Limerick, Ireland, resulted in a serious fight between the Parnellite and anti-Par nellite factious. In the fight the skull oi an anti-Parnellite by the name of Keogh, was fractured. The police had great dif ficulty in restoring order. At Philadelphia, Samuel H. Fort, aged 30 years, son of a wealthy merchant com mitted suicide by shooting in a West End clubhouse. He left a letter addressed to his father and mother, giving as his rea son for the deed that he had been dissi pating too heavily and rather than so con tinue he would take his life. He said tha step had been earnestly considered by him and he found no other way to ceas® his dissipation. “ELECTION TICKETS. Send orders to Elam Christian, The People’s Printer, 102 1-2 Whitehall stieet, Atlanta, Ga, 50 cents per thousand in lots of 3000 or more. Always send money with order*