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about lo enfitantnfi, are so intimatelyJbcing unable loBU.t.iin these, and the usual >k-
with the interest of the state, that by mauds that are made unit, I determined to is
sue my -Warrants on the Treasury to meet these
expenses, chargeable to the fuml appropriated
lil'ul discharge of the one, the other will be
moled. And 1 embrace the present occasion,
a fit one, to observe, that tho policy of the Go
vernment of the Uniti^l States, wiljV fggard to
the various Indian tribes within their boundary,
Laving lor its primary object the humane and be
nevolent purpose of meliorating their condition,
and if possible redeeming them Irom a savage to
a civilized life, much of the success which ought
tobethe result of this policy, will depend upon
the Zeal and ability with which it is executed-—
In contemplating the situation of the Creek In
dians of the present day, residing within our li
mits, I think it will be generally admitted, that
their attachment and adherence to the United
States during' the late war with Great Britain,
which not oiify involved them in all the horrors
of civil war, bst caused them the loss of nearly
all their hunting grounds, entitle them to our
protection- and regard; and to a full share of the
benefits resulting from the benevolent policy ol
our government. Prom these consuler&tionsj and
with tliis view of the subject, it will not be ex-
pected that the execution of the laws regulating
the intercourse with those Indians should be re
laxed; so far at least as regards the agency to
which I have been appointed, it is understood
that no intercourse with them, which is forbidden
by law, or which may ha-ve * tendency to defeat
or retard their improvement in the arts of civi
lized life, will be tolerated. At the same tune,
for every legal object and honest pursuit, every
facility in my power will be afforded.
The objects which claimed immediate executive
attention after the adjournment of the last Legis
lature, have been disposed of. They were such
generally as depended upon, or grew out of, some
fegislative act of that session, and,need not now
be particularly detailed.
I have great pleasure in assuring you, that the
state of our finances is prosperous, nnil compe
tent not only to support the annual ordinary ex
penses of the government, but to effect many ob
jects of public utility.
Permit me to recommend that an additional
sum be invested in Bank Stock. Hie collection
of the revenue arising from fund? of this descrip
tion is both safe and easy, whilst that arising
from taxation is attended with considerable loss.
By recommending the adoption of this tneasure, 1
do not wish it to be understood as being of opin
ion, that the p«sent taxes ought to be repealed;
on the contrary, it is my decided opinion, that
they ought to be continued, because, the citizen
is better able in time of profound peace, and par
ticularly under the present unparallelled prospe
rity of the country, to pay a tax, than in time of
war; we have recent experience upon this sub
ject, which I hope we shall profit by. It is the
surplus of your annual revenue, or sums which
may be paid to the State by the United States,
which 1 propose should be invested in Bank
In thus addressing you probably for the last
time in my life, permit me to assure you of my
unalterable attachment to the State, in whose ser
vice I have spent twenty-five years of the prime
of my life, and of my affectionate solicitude for
the prosperity and happiness of '
State-House, 4th March, 1817.
GOVERNOR'S" message.
Felloic-Citizens of the Senate,
and of the House of Representative».
The late Govern*!- Mitchell having accepted
the appointment of Agent to the Creek Nation of
Indians, which had been conferred on him by the
President of the United States during the last
winter, did on the fourth day of March last, re
sign the’office of Governor of this State, into my
hands as President ol the Senate. My Procla
mation announcing the event and assuming the
duties, was issued on that day. I was therefore
nnxepectedly, and aftcra short notice, called from
my domestic fireside to discharge the functions
of this all important station. Had not the Con
stitution imperiously enjoined the perilous task
on me alone, the good sense of the community
would no doubt have justified the want of expe
rience and a more enlarged capacity, as a suf-
ficent plea for me to have declined the arduous
trSst. Under these circumstances, I commen
ced the duties of the office, relying on the libe
rality of my fellow-citizens, for a generous al
lowance of any errors I might commit in the dis
charge of my official duties.
On the twenty-fourth clay of February last, the
late Governor having been notified by the Com
missioners of tlis Penitentiary, that the building
was in a state of readiness to receive convicts-
issued his proclamation, announcing the same,
and declaring the “act to reform the Penal Code
of this State, and adapt the same to the Peniten
tiary system” to be in force; immediately there
fore, after I came into office, I summoned the
Board of Inspectors, and proceeded to make the
necessary arrangements to carry the design of the
Legislature into operation, by appointing the of
ficers designated by law, and directed that a
Guard should be enlisted without delay. In a
short time after, the institution was completely
organized. Convicts began, and liave continued
to arrive from several ol the counties, charged
with various crimes, and sentenced by the courts
' to undergo different periods of confinement and
labour. These have been employed by the keep
er, under the direction of the Board of Inspectors,
in various sorts of labour—such as were deemed
most expedient under existing circumstances.—
The completion of the building, work shops, Ac.
notwithstanding the indefatigable exertions of the
Commissioners, have been greatly retarded by
the inclemency of the seasons, and has rendered
it very inconvenient, and frequently hazardous,
to employ them as advantageously as they might
otherwise have been.
The act of last session, entitled “an vet to car
ry- into effect the Penal Code of this State, and the
Penitentiary system founded thereon,” lias made
it the duty of the Governor to pay all the inci
dental expenses that might be necessarily incur
red in carrying the system into complete opera
tion; but no funds were set apart un which lie
was authorized to draw. The contingent fund
for the purpose of completing the buildin^
Whether my conduct on that occasion was justi
fiable or not, ytnir wisdom will determine. The
progress of this infant establishment, has aliea-
(Iv excited considerable feeling throughout ihe
state. Its numerous friends have hailed it as the
harbinger of order and peace, and as a place ol
ileposite for the lawless and disobedient: while
its enemies have viewed its approaches with ex
treme regret: Many, it is understood, have al
ready removed without the limits of the state, and
others have avowed their intention ol pursuing
the same course, for the purpose of obtaining a
situation beyond its grasp. From the experi
ment already made, Iain persuaded that, altho’
considerable expense lias, and will lor some time
attend this institution; yet under proper man
agement, and the experience which time will na
turally afford, it will’ere long become a formidable
engine, in the hands of a well regulated govern
ment, for the suppression of vice and the encou
ragement of virtue.
For a considerable time before and since I came
into office, the Indians bordering on our South-
Western frontiers have manifested a hostile dis
position, by embodying themselves, plundering
from the citizens of Camden county several hun
dred head of cattle, and on the twenty-fourth day
of February last, a party made their appearance
near Clark’s Mills on the St. Mary’s, anil wan
tonly murdered a woman and her two children,
set their dwelling house on fire and effected their
escape with impunity. This distressing intelli
gence was immediately communicated to this de
partment by Maj. Gen. Floyd, and several other
gentlemen of that neighbourluiod. Without de
lay I transmitted an account of the same to the
War Department, and earnestly pressed the. ne
cessity of an adequate force being placed on that
'exposed frontier by the General Government, in
order that protection might be afforded to the lie-
fenceless inhabitants who were then flying from
their homes. I also instructed Maj-Gen. Floyd
to order Irom his division a sufficient force to re
pel those lawless intruders, and to inflict suitable
chastisement on them whenever they might be
found on nur borders, until the pleasure of the
General Government should be known. Tlie ac
ting Secretary of War, in reply to my letter, ob
served, that the subject was referred to Maj. Gen.
Jackson, and that the necessary protection might
be expected; but unfortunately fur us it has not
been afforded. We have therefore been under
the necessity of maintaining a detaclunentof oui
militia, on the frontier of Camden county, for
several months past, under the direction of Maj.
Bailey of that county. Some time in the month
of May, while the Major and his party were pur
suing a large number of cattle, which had been
driven oft’, they fell in with two companies of In
dians, and aitackcd them with great braverv,
killed several, wounded others, put them to flight
and returned without sustaining any loss. Since
that period, I have not received information of
any damage done in that quarter by the Indians.
On the Btli of September I received a commu
nication from Maj. Gen., Gaines, dated »* F«*•<
M...rt^oiiiery on {lie 20th July, cailiug for two
battalions of our militia, to be held in readiness,
to assist him in reducing the Lower Creek or Se
minole tribe to order. 1 immediately caused the
requisition to be complied with, and the two bat
talions have been detailed and organized, and arc
now waiting further orders.
In the month of April last, I was notified bv
Mr. Crawford, the Secretary of the Treasury of
the United States, that he had issued a warrant
on the Treasury in favour of the Governor of
Georgia, for the sum of three hundred and se
venty-five thousand dollars, in part payment of
our Western Lands, which had been ceded to
the General Government: and About the same
time, the Treasurer enclosed to me drafts on the
Planters’ Bank of this state, and the Bank of N.
York for tliat sum. These I deposited in our
State Bank for collection, which enabled us to
pay the amount of our subscription then due to
that Bank, and left a considerable balance, which
was entered to the credit of the State, subject to
future appropriation. I also received, through
Mr. Crawford, the award and decree of the Com
missioners, appointed by virtue of an act of Con
gress, for the indemnification of certain claimants
of public lands in the Mississippi Territory, a
transfer of the monies which remained in our
Treasury, commonly called the Yazoo Deposit,
amounting to one hundred and eightv-four thou
sand, five-hundred and fifteen dollars, niucty-
four and a half cents, in part payment of one
million two hundred and fifty thousand dollars,
stipulated to be paid by the articles of agreement
and cession between the United States and the
state of Georgia. In the decree of the commis
sioners, before mentioned, the interest, if any,
which may have accrued on the foregoing amount,
is claimed in behalf of the United States. In a
correspondence between the Secretary of the
Treasury and myself on the subject, I have deni
ed that any interest has accrued to the U. States.
In the act to appropriate momes for the politi-
:en hundred and seventeen, it will
cal year eightce
be recollected, that the sum of>teii thousand dol
lars was set apart, under the direction of the Go.
vernor, to be equally divided between all the wi
dows and children, say children under fourteen
years of age, of those citizens of the state, who
were killed or died in the service of ^his state, or
the United Statffs, during the late war between
the United States and Great Britain and the Creek
Indinns; with a proviso, that no qiore than ten
dollars should be given to one individual. The
time limited by law for applications to be
made, was on or before the first uay of May last,
and for want of information of the existence of
the fact, a large portion of that unfortunate class,
were deprived of the benefit , intended by
the Legislature; I therefore thought proper to
extend the time, by an executive order, to the 1st
of September; during which period, the most 'of
those interested, have availed themselves of the
opportunity, and brought in their claims, which
have been paid off, leaving a considerable balance
subject to yetjr direction.
the attention of the Legislature having been so
frequently called to the subject of improvement
ill our navigable water courses, our public high
ways, antf atlbrdiug assistance to our infant sem
inaries of learning, by iny predecessors in office, I
should deem it unnecessary to say any tiling at
this time, ivefc 1 not fully persuaded, that all the
naans which may be requisite to the accomplish
ment of objects so much to be desired, are now
completely within your power. Our funds are
ample nod abundant. Alafiy ol our sister state
are vicing with each oilier in improvements ol this
description, and are now sharing the happy results
of their enterprising spirit: And shall we so far
forget our own interest as to neglect these laud^
ble pursuits, while we enjoy a state of peace aili
unparallelled prosperity ? I hope not. Indt^d"
am fully persuaded that, a more favorable oppor
tunity to commence internal improvements upon
ail extensive scale, can hardly Unexpected. Tli
importance in a free country, must be evident to
every thinking person in the community,and will
unquestionably command the early and prompt at
tention of an enlightened and patriotic Legisla
The accompanying documents relative to the
subjects mentioned in this communication,togeth
er with a statement of warrants drawn on tiie
Treasurer during the political year now past, and
a list of Executive appointments, made ill obedi
ence to the ninth section of the second article of
the constitution of this state, are herewith submit-
ed for your consideration. •
These are the most important subjects which
have been acted on during the year ; there are
sundry others of less importance which will
require your attention during the session.
In the" conclusion of this address, permit me to
assure you, that I feel gratified in believing, that
whatever may promote the honor and inrerest of
our beloved country, will command your serious
and constant attention ; and that union and har
mony may prevail in your councils, is the prayer
of your devoted fellow-citizen.
Wednesday, November 5.
Mr. E. Harden called up a resolution which he
laid on the table, and the same being read, was
agreed to, as follows*:—
Resolved, That the Speaker do now proceed
to the appoitment of the Standing Committees
of the House ;
Whereupon the Speaker, proceeded in pursu
ance of the said Resolution, to appoint, as u
Committee on the State of the Republic, Messrs.
Stocks, Blair, Tankeisley, Cut 1 .belt, Bayne,
Glascock, Lamkin, Owens ami Jackson.
Committee on Finance, Messrs. E. Harden,
Cauiding, Kennon, Baker, Crocker, Branlum,
Ragan, Witt, and Avery.
Committee on Privileges & Elections, Messrs.
Lawson, Walton, and Fleming.
Committee on Petitions, Messrs. B. Pope,
Walker and Matthews.
Committee to Examine the Journals, Messrs.
Hudson, Woottcn, and M’lntosh.
Committee of Enrollment, Messrs. Rossetcr,
Sanders and Jones.
The House concurred in the resolution re
ceived f-om tlie Seii!if<% relative <» the printing
of the Laws ami Journals, and added as a com
mittee on their part, Messrs. Smith, Bradwell,
T. I. Moore, Cray, and Sheffield.
The House also, concurred in the resolution
relative to the election of Governor with amend
ments, to wit—strike out the word “Senate,” and
insert the words “both branches of the General
Assembly,” and strike out the word “eleven” and
insert “twelve”—The amendments were agreed
to by the Senate.
On motion of Mr. A. Pope, Resolved, thata
committee be appointed for the purpose of ascer
taining, whether it would be advisable for the
State to take such part of the increased capital of
the Bank of Augusta, as is reserved to her, ac
cording to the act of incorporation—with power
to report by bill or otherwise—Whereupon, or
dered, that Messrs. A. Pope, J. Robinson, and
Burnett, be that committee.
Tlie Speaker laid before the House memorial
No. 1, from James Boyd of Columbia county; and
the same being taken up and read, was referred
to the committee on Petitions.
Air. Ragan presented petition No. 2, from
Louisia Alexander; ami the same being taken up
and read, was referred to a select committee, con
sisting of Messrs. Ragan, Mangham & Hopkins.
Mr. Witt presented petition No. 3, from Josiah
Stewart; and the same being taken up ami read,
was referred to the committee oil Petitions.
Thursday, November 6.
Mr. Jones presented petition No. 4, from sun
dry citizens of Camden county in favour of Ben
jamin Padeo; ami the same being read, was re
ferred to a select committee,consisting of Alessrs.
Jones, Wliitehead and Brown.
Mr. Harden laid on the table a resolution for
the appointment of a joint committee, to take in
to consideration what amendments are necessary
to an act, passed the 19th of December, 1816, en
titled “An act to reform the Penal Code of this
State, and to adopt the same to the Penitentiary
Mr. Stocks, agreeably to notice, moved for the
appointmentof a committee, to prepare and re
port a bill, to alter and amend the lourtli section
of the second article of the Constitution. Order
ed, that ^Messrs. Stocks, T. Aloore and Heard,
be tliat committee.
Mr. Glascock, agreeably to notice, moved for
the appointment of a committee to prepare and
report a bill for the establishment of a Mayor’s
Court in tlie city of a Augusta. Ordered, that
Messrs. Glascock, Blake and Williams, be that
Mr. Harden, agreeably to notice, moved for tlie
appointment of a committee to prepare and report
a bill to repeal tlie second section of an act pas
sed the 12th of December, 1816, entitled “An
not to incorporate a Hank, to be called “The
Bank of the State of Georgia.” Ordered, that
Messrs. E. Harden, Bush and Trippe, be that
Mr. Rqsscter, agreeably to notice, moved for
the appointment of a committee to prepare and
report a bill tu authorize the Inferior Court of
Clarke county, to levy aa extra tax, for the pur
pose of building bridges ifl sail county. Order
ed, that Messrs. Rosseter, Pitts ami ‘Saudiford,
be that committee.
Mr. T. Moore, agreeably to notice, moved for
tho appoint neat of a committee to prepare and
report a bill, to authorize the Inferior Court of
Greene county to lay an extra tax, for "the build
ing of a Jail in said county. Ordered, tliat
Messrs. T. Moore, Cochran and Ashley, be that
Mr. Jon :S, from the selert committee, to whom
was refered petition No. 4, from sundry inhabit
ants of Camden county, reported a bill to pardon
Benjamin Padou ; which was received and read
the first time.
Mr. Crocker, agreeably lo notice, moved for
the appointment of a committee to prepare and
report U bill to divorce and separate John Nix
ami Small his wife. Ordered, that Me sis. Croc
ker, White and Bandy, be that committee.
Mr. Witt, agreeably to notice, moved for the
appointment of a committee, to prepare and re
port a bill to authorize tlie Justices, of the Infe
rior Court of Jackson county, to levy an extra
■tax i’or the purpose of building a Jail in .said coun
ty. Ordered, that Messrs. Witt, Ilea iV Fletch
er, be tliat committee.
Air. Glascock, agreeably to notice, moved for
the appointment of a committee, to prepare and
report a bill to alter ami amend (lie different pat
rol laws of this state. Ordered, that Messrs.
Glascock, Reid, J. Robinson, Buthwell &. Ware,
be tliat committee.
Friday, November 7.
Air. Harden, agreeably to notice, moved for the
appointment of a committee to prepare and re
port a bill to divorce John Reid and Susannah Ids
wife ; James Duster ard Lydia Duster his wife,
and Thomas Napier and Tabitha D. bis wife. Or
dered that Alessrs. Hudson, Burnett and Sapp be
that committee.
Mr. Ragan, agreeably to notice, moved for the
appointment of a committee to prepare and re
port a bill to be entitled “ An act to repeal the
third division of the Penal Code of this State.-*
Ordered that Messrs. Ragan, T. II. Harden and
Mitchell be that committee.
Received from the Senate a resolution appoint
ing a committee on their part to join such com
mittee as may be appointed o/i tlie part of the
House, to examine tlie B .oks and Records apper
taining to the offices of the Secretary of State,
Treasurer, Comptroller-General and Surveyor-
General ; and a resolution appointing a commit
tee on their part, to join such committee as may
be appointed on the part of the House of Repre
sentatives, to wait on the Governor elect,and no
tify him of his election ; to all which they desire
concurrence. Ordered tliat said resolutions lie ou
the table.
Mr. Owens presented petition No. 6, from Jas.
Johnston for self and others, which was read and
referred to a select committee consisting of
Messrs. Owens, E. Harden and Bradwell.
Mr. Allen, agreeably to notice, moved for the
appointment of a committee to prepare and re
port a bill to altar and extend au act to prevent
boat owners, or patroons from permitting boat-
hands or other negroes from trafficing in corn, i.r
-.ihc-r produce, « r nr mar
ket pn board of the boats accustomed to navigate
the riverSavannah, between Augusta & Savannah.
Ordered that Alessrs. Allen, Dasher and Bush be
that committee.
On motion of Air. Hudson, the House tool; up the
resolution from the Senate for the appointmentof
a joint committee to wait on the Governor elect,
and inform him of his appointment; and tlie same
being read, was agreed to by‘the House, and a
committee appointed consisting of Messrs. Hud
son, Williamson, Blair, Lamkin and E Harden.
Air. Ashiy, agreeably to notice, moved for tlie
appointment of a committee to prepare and re- •;*
port a bill to be entitled “ An act to cause the
Militia BS’ws of this State to be printed in sepa
rate pamphlets, and distributed to tlie militia offi
cers. Ordered that Messrs. Ashley, Mangluua
and Brooking be that committee. *
Ifr. E. Harden, from the c mmiittee appointed,
reported a bill to entitled “ An r et to repeal
the second section of an passed on the 12th of De
cember, 1816, entitled “ An act to amend an act
to amend * An act to incorporate a Bank to lie
called the Bank of the State of Georgia, passed
on the sixteenth of December, 1815 which was
received and rend the first time.
-Vr. Tho. J. Aloore, agreeably to notice, moved
for the appointment of a committee to prepare
and report a bill regulating the inode of recover
ing Dower in this State.
Mr. Gwens, agreeably to notice, moved for the
appointment of a committee to prepare and re
port a bill to amend the first section of tlie third
article of the Constitution, so far as to give cri
minal jurisdiction to tlie Mayor’s Court of the ci
ty of Savannah, in cases occuring within the lim
its of the said city. Ordered that Messrs. Ow
ens, Townsend and Abercrombie be that com
•Mr. Heard, agreeably to notice, moved for tlie
appointment of a committee to report a bill to
compensate the members of the Inferior Court of
the several counties in this State. Ordered tliat
Messrs. Heard, Hawthorn and M/Kinuic be that-
Mr. Ware, agreeably to notice, moved for tlve
appointment of a committee to prepare and re
port a bill to be entitled “ An act to appoint Com
missioners for the better regulation ol the town of
Daniclsvillc. in Aladison county.” Ordered that
Alessrs. AY a re, Alattox and S. Uo'inson be that
Mr. Sanders, agreeably to notice, moved for
tlie appointment ol a committee to take into con
sideration the propriety of altering, amending and
consolidating tiie several Ro|d Laws of this 1
State, with, power to repot t by bill or otherwise- ,
Ordered that Messrs-Sanders, Dixon, 'Wingfield, j
Lamkin and Hudson, be that committee.
Air. Owens presented petition No. 7, from Cb. j
J). Lebey, and the same being read was referred
to the committee on Petitions.
Mr. Jones presented petition No. 8, from They
Alttnon,aud the same being read, was referred ty
the committee on Finance.
Mr. Hudtea from tlie joint committee apnoir f