The reflector. (Milledgeville, Ga.) 1817-1819, June 09, 1818, Image 2

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inly the iliiMors of one, but of many banks, coin- bine, in this manner, to suck the heartsblood of the honest merchant—-and I know also, that if they do not combine, it is always in the power of two persons* to prevent a note bcitig discounted by a bank. The vote of two directors can pre vent the discount of all the notes ottered at the board of which they are members. Thus, sir, are the merchants placed within the grasp of the money brokers—liable to be worried, shaved, ami ruined, at the interest, the nr the enmit y of a man withdr.t a soul! . they may think, the desperate chance of gaining wealth atVorded by these temporary accommoda tions—the power they give of passing a short lived impunity of worthless splendor, to be fol lowed by poverty and disgrace, may be sufficient FOIIE1GN. Of the. Algerines.—The Algerine squadron, ii appears, is again at sea. Under the treaties ex isting with the Christian powers,' passports are given to each cruiser, which authorises them to visit merchant vessels, and to examine their Mediterranean passes. It is known that the plague has been raging for some time past f!. Al- tbe interest, the caprice. Bon ?» b’onstantiiie and other towns ; and witlulr.t a soul! Perhaps h am. the bigotry of the Musselmcn, no precau- ~i -c • • tion is taken either to check the progress of this dreadful niaiady, or to take measures to effect a cure when attacked. It is beyimd doubt tjwt e- very vessel sailing from Algeiis has the plague on board ; and it they are permitted to visit me juwcu vj jjuiciij miu uisgrace, mav uesunicieuT 1 , 1 j v I'miumii lu vi .il Uir;i ■ to overbalance the degradation of this wretched I c lan * vc f’ sn l s without discrimination, they will 1 I . i 1 A. .a. . iM... • • riimmiinic'ltli tins (itun-mn f 4-U.. i ’I a . dependence on (he lowest cast ofhumau animal?. It may be so, sir : every man to his t'ipte—but for mv partgive ir.e honest poverty, and honest rags *~ratlier than paper rags, and miserable depend ence—wealth to-day, the prison bounds tu-inor- row, and all the horrible contrast between a few years, perhaptaponths only df extravagance, ami communicate the disease to the mercantile town . in Europe; and when once this disease takes root, it will spread tar and near, and no hope exists ot cheesing its ravages. The quarantine regulati ms in Prance are very strict, and they are difficult ot violas on ; but there is hardly a port iu Spain where a small sum will not pur jjucuos^yres,.Harch3.—A ! lltc l eff . p I ■ the sullen gloom of despotism has at least hN banished from the countenances of tWa^S*! ami I do hope, and more (irmly believe I ? ,, | ever did, that they will ultimately 8UC eed in' 1 ‘I tablishing their independence up.'m a basis. Notwithstanding their infeiioritv i H I think l can safely say that there is a* muchdlH I ere lice between the political state of those si in this country ami in old Spain, as th«,.. -1 between the English and Anglo-Americans i(T commencement of the revolution. They In ' more of us and our institutions than l had i i gined—they read, think and observe, anil ul we are received by them as brethren-but ,k have doubtless much yet to learn, ami 1 fear mo {I to sull'er, before they arrive at the enjoyment rf that ^state of political tranquility amfstcii Hi e I ears, pcrli.ipfriponlhs only o! extravagance, ami I 1 wneie a small, suin will not pur- long life of penury, insignificance, or contempt. I , c ‘V lse * n e * em ption li om a rigid quarantine.— P. S. The length of this letter forbids my do- * 10 Marseilles about 100 years ago was ..ig more than merely to suggest the loss and in-j llc:lr b’ depopulated by the plague.; and such has convenience arising from the various and irregu-r )een , 1 . a “ tliat disease, that a lazaretto, lar state of the currency, which prevents renTit-1 u, f c, l 1,a ded in the Mediterranean, has been esta- tlng without paying a premium of some kind o,. j bushed. In Leghorn, Naples a’r.d Malta, a due oilier. Tfie brokers who manage these matters,! P r, ‘ c aiitioii is observed ; but thi i cann'of prevent generally find the balance 6f trade in some wav j ). . c i°tys "! vesse ls visited by Algerine cruizers. or other against the honest gentleman who wants J i0,a being infected : ami, from their contiguity to part with his notes, no matter of what [dace, east, west, north or south. By a weekly state ment of the rates of bank note exchanges in New York, corrected by a stock and exchange broker, it appears that the notes of various banks, in the eastern, middle, southern and western states are received in that city subject to a depreciation of from one to ten per cent. The banks issue them at par. and may buy them up again at ten peri ,. — - cent discount. What a thriving trade ! re,ll * e *‘* ! d * I necessary that the states ot Bar- — - *>> - bary should be permitted to check the progress ol • Tiiere is a great want of precise information ar ’, commerce among the minor powers in the Medi ae interior administration of banks. The directors, I be- j terranean, it is incumbent oil Great Britain ami licva, are e.vorn to secrecy like the familiars of the mqiii- France, for their own preservation, to blockade si ia", .nillittle is allowed to transpi.e with respect to the Algerine ports durin- the existence of the tnese myster.ous institutions. 1 have it, however, on the t .|„, rll „ b | i.,, „„ B existence u[ the i.mhorityofancx-dircctor, that theusual modeofih ciding ; [• ‘ ° .7 j* a 111 has no force, and tile preserva- he board for (iiscount, is as fob I '! ul1 u * a *l Lurope may depend on the precaution m to their port of destination, they may arrive ami be released from quarantine before 'the disease makes its appearance. It is surprising to cciifcm- plate it power so weak and inefficient as Algiers setting all Europe at defiance, not alone captur ing the vessels of civilized nations, but carrying ion 01 crews, into captivity, and threatening them 1 ° e them I a P est 'l ence mu: e buneftil and destructive I in its effects than war. If a commercial ji&luu- i noL# presented at the boiird tor (Iiscount, is as f’oi- j *“• *- ^ '™ v-.-i- « » *•- ) another, thus taken. —The note handed round from one to ami if two members lay it ups de down on ihe table, it is j Independent of the rash indifference wflH the T " C, ' C S — •'Eahometans feel towards tile plague, sZg.h- - . ... - enedas it is by the rrliooonc ~ >• - - Aqua, i ms lorreui oi nre, which appearcu io be a new eruption from the sides of the mountain, illuminated during some minutes the neighboring country. Letters from Genoa say, that several earth quakes snook the Appetites, about the same pe riod that Sicily felt the shock of this terrible scourge. London, April 7.—Ills Royal Highness the Prince Regent, has been pleased, in the name and on the behalf of his Majesty, to appoint gen eral his grace the Duke of Richmond, tkc. K. G. to be Captain General and Governor in Chief of the Provinces oi Lower and Upper Canada, No va Scotia, New Brunswick, and the Islands of Prince Edward and Cape Breton.” April 11.—between one and two o'clock on Wednesday afternoon, Lord Palmerston having) m punucui tranquility and stcurit been out a riding, returned to fhe War office, and) which we so fortunately possess. ' That they han proceeded up stairs. An half-pay Lieu- greatly improved within the last 10 or u ,, J tenant of the 62d regiment, named David"Davis,l 1 } 0 <mu can deny, and this affords the best evi had been for some time waiting for his lordship’s) dence that they will continue to improve, until arrival, and on the messenger pointing out nis they reach that summit of political perfect’ 1 Lordship, who in ascending the stars was on the) which I cannot but flatter myself, the whole \ fourth step, Davis fired a pistol at him, ex’claini-! mericau continent is destined to obtain. Ho* ing exultingly, “I have killed him I” Fortun-J 'Jcsirable is such an event in t.e present slate of ately the ball, although it struck Lord P. justi*' 1 ^ °hl world I—dt woifd be pleasing to pursj, above the hip, took ail oblique direction, and this subject further, and to advance reason* L going through the clothes only bruised tin: skin. Uhe bullet was fouud on the stairs. The assas sin was secured, and carried to Queen Square Oflice, where, on being examined before Mr. Mnrklarul, lie was perfectly collected, complain ing of grievances, and refuting to Lord P. far an explanation,saying his misfortunes had reduced him t.i the necessity of either killing Lord P. or himself. lie was committed for further exa mination. A new Saint.—A French paper savs, “ the I sovereign pontiff, according, to established cus tom, gave orders to the congregation of Rituals to proceed in the beatification anil canonization of the venerable servant of God, Maria Clotilda Adelaide Xavierc of France,queen of Sardinia, ami sister of the two kings Louis xvi. and xvut. 1 lie discussion took’place in the presence of car dinal Mattei, dean ct the sacred college, and of cardinal Della Soinaglia, vicar of his holiness. I he votes were unanimous in the aflirnr.ttive.— Consequently, this virtuous princess will be de clared a saint in the next consistory.” Germany.—A physician has been exiled from LAW. - n belief of piedestin- Prague, and from all the Austrian States, on the ntum, it is surprising to contemplate the mitli- chf rge of assisting at masonic lodges, which are c.ious disregard ol consequences, which induces ' ‘■i*-:- 1 - 1 -- ■ • I them to communicate the disease to each other, Trial by jury.—A few days since, in a cause .. — trying before the United States’ Circuit Court, ui , ^' e utmost carelessness; and even thbse Judge Washington strongly charged the Juiv 1 eni p‘* > A et ^. * n removing the dead, strike the pas- <tliat the question was a point of law, and that I su,1 r5 er ur,icle with the hem ot their woollen gar-. — - ..cunauix, ypaui they must find for the plaiutifl. The jinv re- lm prcgnated strongly Eitii the «1 isorifc-V, nobility^ -In,202 of the priesthood, G4,7o5 citi- tired for a few minutes, when they returned with ' :l . laus are instrument in spreading the conta- •"’ n5 »* - ■— 1 a verdict for the defendant. The next morning j g 10 * 1 • It is not then, to be doubted, that they the ('re noil for the Plaintiti’ addressed the Court j would communicate the disease to every anil mid he should not, as was usual, move the Vussa i they visit, but would feel gratified, under court for a rule to shew cause why a new trial j the deplorable.error that they were doing their should not be granted, but he would at once) 1 . J ’ in contributing to the destruction of chris- move the court for a r.uw trial, on the ground I reason with a people thus bigoted would be worse than folly, arid the preservation tiie jury had found a verdict contrary to the charge of the Court. Judge Washington, in substance, replied tlut the motion was perfectly conect, that he would grant a npw trial in this case,and if Juries should find a verdict one hun dred times, in opposition to the charge of the Court,he would giant a new trial. It is distinct ly understood that this was the third time this particular cause had been before the Circuit Court ; that each time the Court strongly charg ed the Jury to find for the Plaintiff - , and that each time the Jury on their oaths or affirmation, f r.inil for the defendant. Such are the facts, as they have been detailed lo its. We deem them to be of a character highly interesting to the public.—‘Democratic l’rcss. Trial by flattie.—The extraordinary case of Ashford vs. Thornton, was again called up before the Judges of the King's Bench, Westminster, on the lfijth April. The prisoner was brought before the court, when Mr. Cliitty, Ashford’s counsel, delivered his reply to the arguments of the (♦cfendant’s counsel. When lie had con cluded, the Judges unanimously delivered their opinion, “ that there be a trial by battle, unless the appellant shew leasoru wh? the defendant should not depart without inlay.” Mr. Gurney then craved time to consider of the propriety of applying for the judgement of the court upon this point. He asked till Monday. Lord Ellenborough: Beit so. Let there be an entry ol curia abvisar ruff, until Monday next. Upon the judgement of the cubi t being pro nounced, the defendant seemed to feel a natural exultation ; he quitted the court iu high spirits, and was not, as on f'ormcr occasions, treated with any marks of indignation, although he seemed to bn an object of considerable curiosity. The general impression was, that the prisoner will be discharged, and that the court will not bs pressed for any further judgement. It will b“ recollected, that Thornton was tried for the murder of Mary Ashford, but acquitted 'although the circumstances u ere very stioii ,r a- gainstliim.—London pa jut. The Granville Cause.—It will be recollected that some years ago, the Ejectment suit brought by the Devisees of the Earl Granville against Josiah Collins, to recover a large tract of land within the proprietary claim of Lord Granville, was decided in the Circuit Court of the States!- - uuu m for the District of North Carolina, against the) town. _ _ j ) VOVI VOVIUII ot millions demands energy aiid force, and they should be made to tccl the effect of their rash in tolerance. It is gratifying to know that the commanders ol our national vessels in the Mediterranean have signified to the Algerines that they must dispense with the ceremony of visiting out mer chantmen, and that, it persisted in, they will sink them. This is adopting a harsh, but a ne cessary alternative. If tire European powers are prohibited in that empire with the greatest se verity. Sweden.—The population of Sweden, accord ing to the computation of 1815, amounted to 2, 461,941. There are 1,765.397 peasants, 9,525 . -- priesthood, 64,755 citi zens represented at the Diet; besides these there are about 50,000 persons not noble in civil and military offices, literati, land and mine holders, with about 500,000 persons in inferior employ ments. 1 he population of the 86 towns amounts to 148.029 of which there were 36 towns under )000 persons, 25 of from 1 to 2000, 8, from 2 to 3000, 8, from 3 to -1000, 6, from 4 to 10,000. Carlscrona, 11,860; Gottenburg, 21,783, and Stockholm, 72,939. Greenland.—We feel much interested in the success of the expedition which has lately sailed lroin r.noT.*»n ( l c... *i . . .1 J . subject further, anu to advance reason* fJ the opinions stated above, (which to some, I sub. pose, would appear extravagant.) but 1 have d»i1 leisuie,” I From Pernambuco.—By the arrival oft)* Rising Sun at New-York, some intelligence lw| been received of the recent proceedings at Pet. nambuco, on the part of the King’s Ministm sent from Rio Janeiro, after the surrender tf the Patriots. Extract. “ Prisoners coming in from the country in parties from two to fifty,iij tne Judges employed in criminating those iutkjr power. On the iiight of the 5tli of last mnntk at liifte o’clock, orders were issued in the hw racks for the troops to be put under arms, int marched in Various directions. They vrferchalted a little belore eleven, orders arrived, and at that hour a signal gun fil ed from one of the forts. h u instant various houses were surrounded j and before eight next morning, upwards of la inhabitants were taken and lodged in the fom and prisons. It is said that in several adjacent tonus, similar proceedings took place; and tint two days before, about 150 inhabitants had beta brought in and imprisoned. The arrests contint ed on Monday, and Fuesday, and it is impessi ble to describe the consternation that prevailed, all looking forward with horror and tlismari the probable result. On Wednesday evenin’ however, a vessel arrived from Rio de Janeiti announcing from the Ministry, the King’s parda of all who were taken since' tiie 6th of Febrci rv, and restoration to their property, by eitii fishing their innocence. Criminals, it was hi posed, wuuld be banished tor eight years. Kingston. (Jam ) Alai/ 10.—Bv the ariit here yesterday of H. B. M. brig Ri'fleman, cai Dun, from !St. Martha, the news of thcdeat'i toe Dl nod thirsty tyrant and Spanish general,di I ablo Murillo, from bis wounds, is confirmed.- The heroic defenders of liberty,-and-the cause humanity and lustice, have reason to cclehrafetf demise ol suco a cruel and barbarous uarrio one, who having made a dear bought conquest Carthagena, marched without opposition I m say, (on account of the apathy and incunstan , f,' » a niiiLii ims lately sailed ? v . “ L 1,1 cijiauij ami nmuiisia iioin Lngiana, destined far the north pole and ■ °( l ^ lc directors) of the unfortunate people of the re-disco\m v />!<! ti... xt . 'JvmsD'dnm. ^ nannlu r—.1.* the re-discovery ot old Greenland. The Nor wegians planted a colony in this country about the year 982, and for some time it seems to have prospered but it has not been visited for nearly -* .... M.wvia nit i r -*-• iillulcii visiiuu lor neari’ imlillei ent as to the effect which may be produc- four hundred years, having been rendered inac- ol, there is no reason why we should follow their ; fcssiblr by a vast frozen barrier of ice, and the J . f lafi* nr rim, 11 la.. i g. - a. • . » example.—A". V. A/'at. Advocate. in Sicily.—An extract of a lettei Irom a gentleman near Mount Etna, dated February 22, 1818, says—You will no doubt, be anxious to hear Irom me on this distressing occasion. 1 his place ami Giarre iift'- e not scs- tamed the least injury, but all around us is one wjene ot distress. We here understood, that i °‘ a a,l “ Syracuse have sustained considerable damage in lives and buildings; as far as Catania, most ot the houses are more or less damaged, but no fives lost; the Elephant Hotel is partly de stroyed. Aci Catena is one third destroyed, and a number ot lives lest.—St. Antonio, fives tost and a great part of the town destroyed. Nico- losi, Lapidera, IVecastaguc and Viagrand * i, ^nu° l of its inhabitants is unkown. l ie concurrent testimony of all who Imvc re cently visited the high latitudes agrees in stat ing that tor 2 or 3 years past they have sailed o- vei extoosive parts ot the Greenland seas which t :ey alawys found theretofore cohered with moun tains ot solid ice : a Mr. Scoresby says—>• I ob served in my lust voyage (1817) about two thou sand square leagues 118,0(10 square miles) of the sur.ace ot the Greenland Seas, included between the parallels 7(i° and 80°, perfectly void of ir.e, a ..°. w'" a!, , ,la »fli»appeared within the last two l ears ; H is on such evidence a hope is enter tained that the pole may be reached, a id long lost Greenland be visited. Larlary Lowers.— 1'he plague carries off i 7 -• VV..UH.-UI, «nu > in^raiiUtiy par-1 , • . |»«quv.*,uhhs vii avj tiallv damaged—Pas de Pomo, and all that part P e, ' s, j ns « ai ‘y at Algeirs, after about 24 liotirs ill- considerable damage in stores and houses: Saffa- ne * s ' rana, part ot the church fell in, ami killed every one in it, say about sixty persons, and three micsts attending the service. about lour miles from this. From thence to St. Alpois one scene ol desolation, and from thence to l’icd- montand Ramlazzo. It is further said that Luc- tiui, bronte, and all that part are considerable sufferers. In tact, we know not yet the extent done ; hut what we know is uWe extensive than the earthquake that destroyed Messina. The de vastation is general, and, 1 fear, not yet finished. (look upon this to be the forerunner of an erup tion. 1 he first shock was on Friday at half past i’. m. most violent; its motion was perpendi cular; at midnight a second ; about five in the morning a third. 'Ibis morning, about four, an other; and at half past 5 a second ; and at noon a third, but slight. For. these two nights here and at Giarre. the population have rem.-ined in the streets, with temporary sheds, and casks with the heads out. Giarre-is like an Indian Plaintiff’s right, and that the cause wes carried to the supreme Court of the United States, bv writ of error. The principles of this case had been so far A aples, A arch 15—The earthquake recently experienced in Sicily, extended itself over the whole Island, and even the town of Palermo felt a slight shock. ^ 1 he villages ot Bronte, Castlig- lone, Rocello, Voldiiv’to'. ami Mil,,,.. orir. which involvedithe same legal doctmies, that at I Ip red considerably. On an estatb beloneini. In the last term ol the Supreme Court, the writ of | the duke of Misterbainco, seven coluinns S of wa- error, we are informed, was ilismisSeil from the j ter were seen to issie all at once outof the ground —-filfl’Ptl IllimitiW Jiffni’i* 4lw... .U ° l docket, as untenable. V, e therefore congratu late our fellow-citizens on this fulfilment of their desires and expectations. Their possessions are not to be disturbed neither are burdens to be i’*:d on t-Jje ^’ate to purchase their peace. u* u.ivv uuiui me irruuiju —fifteen minutes afterwards they disappeared with equal rapidity. At the same moment a tor rent of fire was perceived rolling, in a serpentine direction, on the surface of the ancient volcanic lava, which extends from Licati to Uolto-dulP- ness.—-it lias spread into the interior of the coun- try. lucre is also a dreadful mortality amoii"- the cattle—-anil the (ley is arresting persons ami cutting ot heads w ithout any apparent cause anil without any ceremony, to the great terror of all t ie people. He enjoys himself in luxurious cru- eltv, and has fortified his palace, expectin'* the reward of his criuies. Some of the principal A- rab tribes are in a state of revolt. Subsequent accounts say, that the savage dey has died of the plague, and was succeeded by bis former minis ter, C oggia-C a vail i. —oViles. On the 7th of April the Duke of Wellington, announced to the Ministers of the Allied Pow ers, the rate [laux] which lie had determined en for the definitive arrangement of the liquidation claims t they are settled at eight millions and a halt ait rentes, or about one hundred and seven ty millions of lit res. On the Sih of April, the marriage of her roy- kingilom, a people heartily disposed to fight defence ol the glorious cause they were etnhu cd in, but owing to the duplicity and fcaroftki leader-, were taught to abandon their arras, submit without resistance to the handful of o Spanish, and some few indigent Creole soldie sent to subjugate them to the capital of the lit uoin St? I’e ife Bogata, where in ipiitation oft horrid scenes resulted to in Ctuthagcna, lie till with terror and gloom the capital of Cundinm rea, where for a time, nought but the groans of her patriotic sons were heard the air, victorious to the rapacity and hostile clemency of a despot’s supreme will. *• Columbia ot the south, rejoice at thefiill the Spanish Coraphaeus, ai d the last hope of F uinaml the 7th, in this part of South Arnett Behold the champion of this despot’s totteri domain, has terminated his sanguinarv caree 'out the trump of fame will announce to evi land the glorious achievement- and imperial honors due to the constancy and bravery of \ \ enezuelas’ intrepid heroes, who, though sun times overtaken by the dark midnight shades adversity, are as regular and fixed as the rcti of a morning’s bright sun, to renew their s*tri gles with tenfold valor and energy in the field Mars, and with the relics of their rcpublii band, conduct, in triHuph the banners independence to the mostciistent parts of th territory, and.relieve thousands of their fell champions from slavery’s clanking chains. T the companion of Wellington droops liishe and Venezuela’s plains receive the remains many a Spanish chieftain, the eternal monuir.e of their fidelity and perseverance forthesupp of her sibgulap dignity and felicity, her perpe til liberty and indepelKlencc• ,, Extraordinary Organ.—Account of tint gan in the cathedral church of Ilarlebn, in H land, reckoned in the first world :—It conta 8000 pipes some of which are thirty eight f long and sixteen inches in diameter, and I sixty four stops, four separations, two shall two couplings and twelve bellows. The no tne 8th ol April, the marriage of her roy-i t "’’° couplings and twelve bt .... mt-V' nPSS the Princess Elizabeth, with Prince | °f this wonderful instnnnent can swell from Inibp Augustus Frederick, took place at the I ^'*Ttest to the sublimest sounds from the w Queen s palace. I ling of a distant bird, to the awful tone of t', In France, a cracked bell, weighing 6,000 lb. I.!a uil ^ ,nass >y building trembles iiLall .beino- reiniiLs.l i„nl- ........• _ 1 aisles. It has a ston r-.ll.wl 41... ..... l..,,n o tv being removed, took a wrong'direction, auii tell amongst the mi^titude; 25 were mortally wounded. J Count de Malsbourg was latvly sent as a pri soner to the fortress of Spangeburg, by the elec- to . r ., Ie! f sc t assel, for havinm given a fete while the electoh was afflicted wjiff the gout 1 $£0^ tESr- aisles. It has a stop called the vox liuma which most admirably imitates Ihe human voi Handel passing through llarlcim, could not course, resist the sight of the far famed orgi he procured tire keys, S.c. ami amused himi oh scinetimc, at length lie got into one of rhapsodies and rolled along the deep and tin dei ing notes till the very steeple shook. M illiatn jCobbett has offered himself to to rep