The reflector. (Milledgeville, Ga.) 1817-1819, June 09, 1818, Image 3

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DOMESTIC. A SEA-SEIU’EN 1'. lowing is a very interesting account of ’erpeut, seen on Saturday last. Tlic 'litv of the source of the annexed cer- laces the matter beyond a doubt; and captain Woodward has had a more mi- of this serpent, than it was possible > to have had of the one seen last suin- pe Ann.—Host. Gax. it.—1^ Joseph Woodward, master of Adamant, of Hingham, on my passage bscotto Hingham. Ageinentieusbear- , W. ten leagues distance, discovered on the surface of the water apparent- he sice of a ship’s long boat. Suppos- e the wreck of some vessel, I made to- to inv surprise and that ot tny crew, d it to be a monstrous r?ea Serpent. As ached him, he threw liimscli into a coil d himself forward with amazing veluci- ■ind being ahead it became necessary on the other tack, and as we approach- ain he threw himself iilto a ceil as before across our bows at not more than sixty nee. a gun charged with a bill and shot I ::d the contents of it at his head. Hie hot were distinctly heard to strike him ;:nd as though fired against a rock ; he shook his head and tinl most terribly— threw himself into a coil and came to- with his rnubth wide open. In the 1 had charged my gun again and in- have discharged the contents ot it into ; but he came so near us, I was tear- consequences, and withheld it—he under the bows of the schooner, and, lot been kept away, must have come on he sunk down under the vessel, his nsiderable distance on orre side of the id his tail the other—he played around us e hours—1 and tny crew had prhbably ■pportunity of seeing him that has ticcur- udge him to be, at the least, twice tire f ir.y schooner, say one hundred ati'd et—his head was about tbe size ol a ng.boat, say fourteen feet—his body, be- neck,at least six ieet diameter—his head e in proportion to his body—his tail was like a squid’s—his body was of a dark TUESDAY MORNING, JUNE 9. Sale of Alabama Lands.—The President has ordered a sale'to be held in Milledgeville, on the first Monday in October next, for the disposal of lots in the town of Cahaba, in the Alabama terri tory, situated at the junction of the rivers Alaba ma and Cahaba ; and on the third Monday in Oc tober next, for the sale of townships 13, 14, 13 16, in ranges 9, 10,11, 12, 13, 15, and of town ship 14. 15, 16, in ranges 14 and 16 of the land district in said territory, excepting such lands as have been reserved bv law for the support of schools and othe.r purposes ; each sale to continue two weeks. The lots and other lands to be sold in regular numerical order, commencing with the lowest number of lots, sections, townships and ranges. A map of the aforesaid district and plan of the town will be engraved as speedil y as pos sible, and copie forwarded to this place. The office;, of Register and Receiver of public monies will be removed on the first day of January next. Alabama.—A gentleman in the Alabama Terri tory informs us, that the Indians have again be come troublesome on the Federal road. A party of men from Fort Dale, in a skirmish on the 22d u!t. killed two Indians, belonging to a party, which had been seen ^frequently skulking about on the road, for several days previous, and who, it is believed, from their menacing conduct, de signed attacking the fort - Thev have commit ted no murders yet—b't have plundered several plantations, and carried away a considerable number of cattle, hogs, &c. tkc. The mail has been suspended until the danger be over, or some arrangement made for its safe conveyance. Go vernor Bibb has gone to Fort Crawford, for the purpose of making stipulations with the Indians who surrendered themselves on the Escambia, use a squiu s—ms uuuy was m a uaiis - . .......... .... , d resembled the joints of a Shark’s backhand will thefice proceed to the frontier to adopt is gills were about twelve feet from the j measures tor the better security of the exposed his head, and his w hole appearance was j inhabitants. rrific. Franklin College.—AVe are gratified to learn anner of throwing himself into a coil np- by the last Athens Gazette, that there is a proba- to be done by contracting his body in a Ibilitv, of Mr. Be,nan’s accepting the Presidency of places, in perpendicular directions, | ot this institution. Mr. B. has been appointed ring his tail so as to throw himself fin -j to preach a sermon at the commencement, on itli great force—he could contract and .the4th Sabbath in this month, at which time he iinself into any direction with apparent- will make known tc the Trustees, ids deck-ion eatest ease and most astonishing celerity, jon this appointment. ington City, Any Zbf.—This city was j xVavigation of Savannah River.—It is with ay afternoon vikited by one of those ; pleasure we announce the arrival of major AVil- tive hail storms which sometimes deso- son, Cliiet Engineer for tsouth-Curolina, who jge tracts of this country. It exceeded ( sets out to day, accompanied by a committee of nee, in the size of the hail stones and j the commissioners to explore the River a part of Wity" which fell, any other remembered the way to Petersburg)! ; want of time prevents occurred here. A great proportion of ]a full survey being made, as major Wilson can- Colonization society.—Letters have been re ceived from Messrs. Mills and Burgess, the a- ^ents of the American colonization society they arrived in London in December, after a ve ry boisterous passage, in which they narrowly es caped shipwreck on the coast ot b ranee. They were received in England with the greatest kind ness and attention, and every facility given them for prosecuting their researches in Africa, by some of the most distinguished characters in that, country. After procuring much valuable infor mation in England, and obtaining letters to the governor cf Sierra Leone, and other establish ments in Africa, they sailed for that country ear ly in February.—«Vnt. hit. Hannah Ah re.—At the fifth anniversary of the Church Missionary Society, held at Bristol in April last, one of the gentlemen who addressed the meeting, stated. *• that lie had spent the even ing and part of that morning, at the bed side of the celebrated Hannah More, to whom the obli gations of this age and posterity are great; he found her on a bed of sickness, but surrounded bv her Saviour’s presence, enjoying an inward peace, which could only be derived from the book of Gcd. She commissioned him to be her almo ner upon the altar of that society wishing; them God speed.” In one of the late vessels from F.urope, altived at Boston, n genuine Egyptian Mummy, perhaps the first ever introduced into the United States. It is in a state of good preservation, and was pro cured in Egypt bv Ward Nicholas Boylston, esq. in his travels iu that interesting and ancient part of the globe. He saw it taken from one of the catacombs at Memphis (Saccara ) It is calcu lated that this embalment could not have been less than 24 centuries ago, as the most ancient writers mention, that the great art of embalment had then been lost in Egypt for many ages. General Dawson, of Bertie county, N. C. char ged with the murder of his own son, a very pro mising youth, of 9 years of age, was found guilty and executed on the 22d tilt. After a heavy shnwer of rain in Boston, a short time since, thousands of live fish, of various kinds, some belonging to fresh and some to salt water, were found on the commons. A man in England has been tried on a charge of “having dyed, fabricated and manufactured aloe, ash, and other leaves, to imitate tea. Casks of these leaves, with dying screens and othe apparatus, were seized. But the evidence a gainst tlic accused was not sufficient to convict him. A .duct. Robert Burkely, of Frederick county, Vi'iWlfiia, ha3 been lately murdered by his own 'negroes, and his body burnt to ashes. The mur derers have been arrested—16 in number. The Hun. William Pinkney, Inti; minister to Russia, and family have arrived in Baltimore. Lorenzo Dow sailed, from New-York for Li verpool, on the 21st ult in the ship Atlantic. LAND AND MILLS FOR SALE. * [ AM anxious to sell my laud and mills ui Morgan county, 6 miles from Madison, the premises are valuable, the situation high and healthy, guod water, a saw and grist mill, three stories high, two pair of stones, two bolting chest?, and gets iSt/O to 2000 bushels of toll corn in the year ; 385 acres very fertile land, 68 acres clear ed, all in cotton, and looks well—I will give im mediate possession, ok wait until Christmas. I will also sell my miller, whoistyoung and likely, with or without his family, with or without too mill—his family consists of a wife and six chil dren, all bright ndilllatoes; the four eldest arc girls, and all Hre as likely as any in the United States. I will venture, as a miller, shoemaker, and cooper, that he is not excelled by any per son, in these branches, in tins state, and as good a field hand as any. Persons desirous of pur chasing, are earnestly solicited to come and sec. PETEK FERRY. May SI.. A CARD. The subscriber returns his thanks to the citi-. zens and voters of Baldwin county, for their po lite respect and attention, while in the several offices their suffrages bestowed : and having con scientiously endeavored to discharge his various duties, according to his best abilities and judge ment, with the rights of the citizen, respectfully informs them, th»t he will not be a caiulidate lor Senator of this county, at the ensuing general election. joh.v mathews. June 1,1818. stones were larger than a nutmeg, and that the grain crops and fruit within its ave suffered great damage, if not total The window glass exposed to the hail was |y demolished, and it will require some ds of dollars to repair the damage of tered windows. The storm embraced two miles in width—it approached from rth west, and went oft’ in the opposite Hs duiation here was about ten min- a’k, JIT'y 19.—On Wednesday last, Col h, Corfimandcr of the U. S. Marine corps, rived here on Friday week) accompanied ral officers of the Navy and citizens, excursion to this wild and romantic wa- hey departed from the Navy Yard at ’clock, in t\vo barges rowing6 oars each, they passed through the Dismal Swamp •ith perfect base into the lake. We un- that Col. W. expressed his astonish- s well as pleasure, at the beauty and de of our canal, of which he had pre like almost every one else who neve ntertained but an indifferent idea.—We t every stranger of distinction who vis- wovtl.d take a.similar excursion ; the iin- of this excellent inlfcnd communication en be more generally and better under- n it appears to have been.—Herald. ’ork Election.—AVc have in vain se'Srch- wspapers of New-York for the means ling a List of the Members elected to Congress. The only persons whose we can ascertain to our satisfaction arc wing : Peter H. Wcndover, John W ’enry Meigs, John Pitcher, Silas Wood, as, James Strong, Sol. A an lleftsalaer, • Storrs, J. H. De Witt, Randall Street, 'ase. These are twelve out of the veil ; of whom Messrs Sturt's, Van r, and Strong, are reputed Fedeialists. it is presumed,are Republicans, sorry to find that we were misinform- the election being certain of our old ncZer Sage. It is not yet ascertained succeeded or not. One thing is cer- ever, in regard to this election : that, sent Representatives from N. York,in T, 3 only are elected to the Congress Scarcely are the Members from that ted in the rules and practice of Con- proceedings, than they return to their make way for new comers,.who, before ngsge with success in Legislative bu- > the same routine to travel, the same to learn. There is in this frequent 1 change of the representation of that reference to its interests, and to its in- the general government—a phraze of late,but little understdod—a fatuity reconcileable, either with the general e of the state, or its usual vigilance in g own interests.—Nat, fnt, not remain longer than 7 or 8 davs.—Ane Chr. THE SUBSCRIBERS I AVE removed to the store, recently occupied by Mr. John Hill,jun’r. where, in addition to their former stock, they have just received a quantity of seasonable DRY GOODS & GRO CERIES in general, which will be sold remarka-* My .low (or cash, henry b. holco.mbe, & go. MilRilge . ille. May 30, 1818. Receipt for destroying flies.—Take a half tea spoonful of black pepper in powder, one tea speon . I of brown sugar and one table spoonful of cream, .The following fact is probably not generally! mi* them well together and place them in the known. AY e publish it under the expectation ol j room on a plate where tlic flies are troublesome, eliciting more information on the subject. . j and they will soon disappear. When Woodbine and Nichols were on their return to England, after the late war with that, Evans, the man who some time ago commenc- country, they touched at Amelia Island, where, ei ] a pedestrian tour, from New Hampshire, to they remained a lew days, they were acroiA the north western states and territories, armed panied by the prophet Francis, who was recent-, w i t h a rifle and two or three braces of pistols, ly hung, at fet. Marks. During their stay at A-j am j c lad entirely of buffalo skins, & accompanied melia, Woodbine put into the hands , ot »n Knjg- j a canine companion, Ixaa ni unites ted his dis- lishman (who resided on the islaud) for perusal,. pleasure of the notice taken of him, in acme of a Treaty of Alliance, offensive and defensive, be- t |. e northern prints, by writing in abusive lan- tween his Britannic majesty & the Lower Creeks, guage to several editors from Detroit. The Al- As loyal subjects ot the “ last anchored isle,” ] bany Gazette, speaking of the late commotion certain strange privileges were to be guaranteed am0 „ K the wild beasts in the west, says “ it is to them, among w hich were a free and uninter- nothing more nor less, than that Mr. Evans, in upted navigation ol St. Mary i) and Apalachicn-j t |, e prosecution of his lour, has recently passed la. Francis was going to ratify the treaty, which through those vast wilds of die west, and truly was signed by liimscli and three other Chieftains, jp shaggy garments have not been exchanged Whether this act of *A oodbine and Nichols j s | nce ], e passed this city, we cannot wonder that was recognized by the British government, we! even tl . c ui |,|„ st beasts should fly in terror at are unable tosav-Abut we are strongly induced!j,j s approach.” to believe it was, from the circumstance of Fran- cis returning with the commission of 13i i" General in the English service.—lb. iditfr Bonaparte.—A letter from St. Helena", dated the last of January, says that Bonaparte’s legs arc swollen, his corpulence fast increasing, com plains of a painful palpitation of the heart, and his countenance is extremely pallid. He sees no company. It is said general Molitholon hint ed to Bonaparte that he had a mind to go to Eu rope, when Bonaparte replied *• You have hitherto proved yourself devoted to me ; wait twelve months longer, and then you will return with honor, for I shall by that time be no longer a trouble to any one.” New-York has 27 members of congress—it appears that only three of the present members are re-elected—and the most of the present mem bers were not of the last congress. The situatioh nf minister to a principal chiJUh in England is Offered at public sale to pay a debt due the theatre ! J\'ew paper.—Proposals have been issued for publishing a periodical paper in the City of AVasIiington, to be entitled “ The Tribunal of the People and National Inquisitor,” to be edited- by a “ Society of Gentlemen.” In the pros pectus, the Editors declare, amongst other things, that“ upon a review of our political History we select the period which marked the administra tion of the illustrious Jefferson as a standard by which we shall test the conduct of those now up on the Stage of public life, and to keep alive and disseminate the principles of which, shall be Van.—A punster, observing two sheriff’s offi cers running after an ingenious but distressed au thor, remarked, that it was a new edition of the Pursuits of Literature” unbound bftt hoi pressed. TO CORRESPONDENTS. A I. trot seems to have the poet’s plncnev without the inspiration. Re may have his communication again., by paying the postage it cost us. Coarr.TTiiT.A is received and under consideration. Al though .we are disposed to shew much courtesy towards our Umale correspondents, we think, from a hasty perusal, her communication does not possess sufficient merit to “ shine illustrious through the sable curtain of our ink.” CoixMMAxrs is ihfrirmed, that we shall be much grati fied by the repetition of his favors. “ The Dawn of Den nis” cannot fad to please. DIED, at Frankfort, Ky. Christopher Greenup, esq soldier of the revolution, and formerly governor of the state of Kentucky. He was much beloved, and is em phatically called the poor man’s friend. Recently I at Wilmington, Del. Dr. Richard C. Dale, a respected ' ciffzen of that place. The doctor, when the attack on the Chesapeake reused the feelings of America, entered the army a? a captain, and recruited a company, which he commanded for several years. This company was en camped at Terre Atix II on if, near New-Orlcarls, in 1809— the dreadful tnort dity at that place is notorious ; hut a rigid military discipline, supported by his medical sk ill, ] kept his company healthy in the moist of contagion mr.i death—his was the only company that d.d not lose a nun It is useful to record this fact.—Niles. NOTICE. T OST some time last wirier, two notes of i ABNER LUCRE, ESPECFFULLY inf riPs the public, that jL%/ be continues to receive and collect, upon donation, loan or purchase. Antiquities and Ciiri- ositias, Natural and Artijiaal, and solicits pat ronage. Milledgeville, May 12,1818. IMPORTANT INVENTiV . i NilE undersigned having obtained a Patent for the invention of an horizontal and per pendicularly moving water Wheel, and being sen sible that conclusions drawn trom theory al tie, are nut ilway’s confirmed by expciimcnt, and though supported iu his opinion of its operative power and general utility, by the most cogent the oretical reasons ; yet, rather than obtrude it on the public notice, supported by theory only, lie • determined to make a full and satisfactory expe riment of its operative ■power and general utility; on a scale that would test the principle beyond the possibility of doubt. He accordingly .built and erected in the edge of Elk River,"(near Elkton, Giles county, AVesj Tennessee) a water wheel on the above pi in', 32 'feet diameter, with 12 arms, to which the floats, 8 feet by 4 in sur face, are suspended by two hinges, and support ed by rods connected to the lower edge and the arms that follow, in a way not to prevent the mo tion of the float until fully unfolded. The float begins to fold up en the ecfily or that side of the wheel returning against the current, and is car ried easily over an inclined plain, by means of a small w heel or roller, fixed in the lo'wer edge of the flust, and pass off the float so soon as it can be acted on by the current. The inclined plain can be dispensed within tidewater; the ebb and flood acting alternately on the different sides of the wheel, and without changing or altering its motion. The wheel is suspended by two swords, indented on one side and passing through blocks on the arms of the cog-wheel and retained bv catches and is raised or lowered by levers to suit the different stages of the water, or to increase or diminish its operative power. The iuclined plain rises and falls with the water. The ctlri ent in the part of tlic river on which the above wheel is erected, is far from being brisk ; y et tiie wheel perforins one and a half revolutions in a minute, driving ft stone ot four feet diameter with great power and with a velocity of one hiilit!red and twenty revolutions in the minute. I he proprietor will have in full operation the ensuing summer, two pair of stones and a saw , all attached to and driven by the same water wheel. The great and important advantage arising from this invention, is the substituting the common current of rivers, for the usual quantity of water acting under a head, or falling under an height, and without a dam or any other obstruction to the current in rivers than a small triangular w harf extending from the bank above, to half the diam eter of the wheel, to protect it against d, ift-w ood, ice, &c. There are few rivers that uo not afford u situa tion every mile or two for the erection of a wheel on the above construction, an,I thereby affording to farmers living on such water courses a facility of manufacturing their own grain, sawing up and rendering profitable, timber that otherwise would prove an unprofitable incumbrance on tiieir ground ; and in abort is well calculated to pro pel all the various kinds of machinery, whether on a large or small scale, by increasing or dimin ishing the size of the wheel. The premium for using the above described wheel, il obtained of the proprietor, w ill be two hundred dollars ; but if an agent, some what higher. To a priviledged right will be attached a schedule, containing a full anil accurate descrip tion of all the parts, sizes, &x. composing the "wheel, so as to render it intelligible and easily comprehended by tbe most ordinary capacity, it being extremely simple, when seen or under stood. AVILLIAM PURNELL. Elkton, 22d March, 1818. J 4 hand for twenty-five dollars each, given by AYilliam Meridy, of AVilkinson county, to Ro bert AA’illborn, and transferred by said AA'illborn our constant aim.” The paper is to be publish-' to Richard Saulter, and endorsed by Saulter to eil three times a week on a sheet of royal size— the subscriber. Pried S6 ptr anfnt.n—payable \,n the delivery of nmp switzer. the first cumber, ’ * Putnam rjMity, JnneJb 1818, N INE months after date application will be made, to the Court of Ordinary of Jasper couutv, for leave to sell the estate of Green M’Afee, deceased,for the benefit of the hyiis and creditors of said estate. William .\RM3TnoNG, ajiin’r. M*y 7. 181,3.