The reflector. (Milledgeville, Ga.) 1817-1819, August 25, 1818, Image 2

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TSUii FOREIGN. From Hayti.—We have several accounts thro’ various rhuiinels from Hayti. The tour made by Christophe to his southern provinces, and liis 'stop, with his Haytlap guards, at St. Marks, a- botit 40 miles froni Port-au-Prince, had excited much alarm and prtparktiO.I, in Moyer’s domain : and a contest between the blacks and yellows was expected. From the information we have received, from Christophc’s ports, we are of "oh’dion that hostilities were not seriously intend ed by the black chief—lie pretends, that he ex pected Petion would have named him his succes sor, and thus to have united all Hayti under one chief; and intimates, that Mover has no claim to the command, and could not be popular in the republic. He therefore issued his proclamations from St. Marks, entreating the Ilaytians under Boyer, to unite under his sway, and consolidate the kingdom :—made them large promises ot am DOMESTIC. A public dinner was given to general Jackson, by his fellow citizens ot Nashville, on the 21st ultimo. From the toasts given on the occasion, we select the following : James Monroe, president of the United States; guided in his course bv wisdom and virtue, be has the confidence of the citizens ol l’ennessce ; be his the confidence of the American people. Major general Andrew Jackson; his lame in the offspring of his own merit—While our armies are directed by the energies of his genius, we have nothing to fear from'foreign aggression. Pensacola; Spanish perfidy anti Indian bar* barity rendered its capture necessary ; may our government never surrender it from the fear ol war. My general Jackson—Our country; though forbearance is her maxim, she should show fo reign nations, that under a pretence ot neutrality nestv, protection and office, and sent several of! her rights are not to be outraged, his officers Fo Port-au-Prince to sound their dis-j Hy the president of the day—The voice of the positions These, we learn, have been sent j freemen of Tennessee, would settle our contro- back with indignation, and his entreaties spurn- versy with Spain without lurther negotiation, ed. If these officers can sati.,fv their master My colonel Robert Btitler—The Flyridas, ours that the colored people are attached to Mover,! without ' b years’ negotiation.. and ready to try the to well as the waters which bound and intersect it, I ire at present strewed with carcases of fish. Vot only the kinds which are usually caught there, are seen in great variety and immense a- bundance, but som« 8pccies are occasionally found with which our fishing gentry have never before had any acquaintance. The appearances [bus presented are at interesting and mourn- ful. Although the fish are in general, when met with, peleclly dead, this is not always the case; and when those which still retain signs of lile re from motives of curiosity, thrown again from the shore into deep water, the only use they ap pear to make of their remaining powers ot mus cular action is to escape from the element tor which nature designed them & to regain the beach on which they have been cast. About three weeks ago five or six large fish, ol the whale species, were discovered dead upon the beach, within a few miles of the entrance to our harbor, llus unusual occurrence excited surprise at the, time, and it is more than probable that it was produced bv the same cause which is now operating so fa tally upon the lesser fish. With regard to what the cause is, much difference ot opinion will loubtless exist. It is remarkable that tlre^sur French Emigrant*-Amor,, ft, ^ fooleries winch have at times. amused a portion® of war, he V.ill, we think immediately retrace. Iiissie ps to Sans Souci. He is, however, reported to be as crafty as he is known to be biuve : and that he knows well how to profit by circumstances.—Huston Ccntinel. Mv the lion. John Rhea—Our country ; always I victorious. My major W. B. Lewis—John C. Calhoun ; bright star in our political hemisphere. the American people, as well as their repress,! atives in congress, was that of granting or ’ favorable terms to certain emigrants from Fran a large tract of land in the Alabama territory *?’ encourage the cultivation of tb“ ■’ 11 passed the 3rd of March 1817 This tract contains 92,000 acres, & W05 S(l |j , g 2 per acre, payable without interest, in il years—in truth, much better than a mere tratui ty of so much land considering the license of J lection, and which could not, at this time, proba' bly be purchased of the proprietors for less than two millions of dollars. What washonestlv in tended as a common benefit to a number of nn" fortunate persons, is understood to have immedi." ately centred, like banking, into the benefit of i few ; and I am told that one man's gains bv this speculation are estimated at from oGOoi/Hn million of dollars. ’ * The act of congress by which this grant - made, contains many provisions tn prevent c public munificence from being conveite,] IR {* a private monopoly. And one of our objects'll 1 referring to it is, "tp excite some member of , face of the sea is frequently coated over with an ( gress to a rigid inquiry to ascertain if the letter , l i f .. .1 I. nn .l annntir. <tf low line Iydoii ci hcnml on..!., it g that its The Sea Serpent.—On the 23il ult. (says the Home, May 1C.—On the day of Penticost, his • Salem Register of the 1st inst.) the great Sea holiness the Pop?, now 76 years old, .iccompani-' Serpent wa» seen in the harbor o! Gloucester ed by a number of Cardinals, &c. assisted at a mass in the palace Quirinal. After mass liis ho liness and suit heard a sermon on tiie Holy Spirit, pronounced in the Latin language, by Civiaco Ferretto, forniP'ly named Musfat, ail African black, born at Tunis, and now one of the Pro paganda. He professed the Maliomedan religion until he was 18 years old ; when lie came to Ri me, and in 1815 was biptisikl, and had the sacra ment administered to him b’ Cardinal Litta.— At the mass the venerable Cardinal Mattel pre sided. — Warsaw, Poland. May 11.—The diet of Po land are making, by order of the emperor Alex ander, several new laws respecting the Jews.— The principal provision is, to admit all worthy of them to the rights of citizens. An amelioration of the condition of the Israelites is making in all parts of Europe. extraneous substance of a (lark and oily appear-1 of the law has been satisfied, ^ ance. The existence of these two phenomena i spirit lias been, violated—in order to a reclain*. at the same time, forms the belief that they are I tion of the immunities granted, if justice re. in some way connected with each other. We, quires it.—JViles. still submit them however to the curiosity ol j those who have enjoyed better opportunities Man ; The South Carolina papers say that the Rotu we have of informing themselves oil such subjects; making serious ravages in the cottpn many 7}nnnpartr.-^T\>e. arrival of major Mboclic (says ' the London Courier of the 10th of June,) with despatches for lord Outburst, from sir Hudson Lowe, at St Helena, has excited gome specula tion in the city, coincident as it is with the ac count of the landing of a sailor at that Island.— under more favorable circumstances lor viewing tins extraordinary animal, than hereto fore, Mr. \V. Sargent, with two young ihen, one of the'name of Fiancis Procter, were m a wlier v, (a small boat) on Ten Pound Island ledge, fir the purpose of fishing. Three ot'nei boats cere in company. About ten o'clock in tue morning, one of the young men saw some thing approaching the boat, and observed that a large hake was coming. It came within eight or ten feet of Mr. Sargent’s boat, with its head a- bout a foot above the water, when it sunk its head and passed under his boat with a gliding motion apparently without any muscular exertions. Mr. Sargent describes the head as resembling that of a toad, having projections which lie calls smellers, like a hake, on each side. On top ol the head were three spears or horns, the middle one the largest, and all three at that ti a, lying flat on the head. The body appeared about the | bigness of a linie cask, (the size of a Madeira , pipe.)—The color was a uark brown. .The scale, | about ’the size of the crown of Ids liftf, arid the I barnacles on the body about four ibelies in length, i The protuberances were of the size of a twelve gallon keg, and though they might ha>e been places in that state ; the season, tortile lasttua mouths, lias been remarkably dry The collector of the port of Now Orleans hi given notice, that, until otherwise instructed h the president, lie shall refuse to admit vessel! n Pensacola on any other principle thanis ling from a foreign port. Falls of Ohio—The citizens of Indiana and s to raise the necessary •anal round the Falls o| The sailor had been one of the crew of the Nor-j counted, it was neglected. His length from . 0 to 100 feet. As lie was in two feet of the boat, In poll thumberland man of war, which carried Bona , parte, from Europe to St. Helena, and in that Mr. Sargent at one time was almost resolved situation had formed an aequ •* tance with Bona-| attempt to get a barnacle Irom bis back. I | pane’s servants. This sailor afterwards became i striking the water with ari oar, the Serpent sunk one of the crew of an East Indiaman, which be- beneath the suiface, without any struggle, and after venturing to support the only explanation that has happened to occur to us.—For the last six weeks the wind has blown with little or no change, and almost without intermbsion Torn the southward and westwaid. The consequence is known to be that x strong and steady current .. lias fur some th e past bee i setting along the j fi coast to the ■ .rthward and eastward. May not coming from a foreign port the action of this current (which is believed to be without an example) have had an ellect to . — bare the copper banks that have been ascertained j Ohio are making exertions to raise the necessary to abound in the more southern latitudes .\ And j hinds tor constructing a canal round the Falls o( if so, may not the increased exposure id these , the. Qliio river, oil the Indiana side. This, it is hanks have imparted jo the “ watery deep “ the j stated in a Kentucky paper, lias aroused.the citi,- poisonous existence it seems to bear upon its zens of Louisville to a sense of their interest; • mountain wave.”—South-Carolina paper. and books were opened at that place ult. For receiving subscriptions fur stock in i An extraordinary and beautiful phenomenon 1 contemplated canal on the Kentucky side, nlm was exhibited in the atmosphere at Quebec, at 1000 shares, of 10(1 dollars each, were immedi- sunrise, on the morning of the 13tli ult.— The ately subscribed. This is a purpose of greatL town was covered for some hours with a satlron portative to the western states, and we hope i; j colored haze, exciting no little surprise among the j will be carried, w ithout delay, into complete es- inhabitants. On the disappearance ot the haze,jecution. Competition may possibly be useful; the sun shone with his usual splendor. This is but we would much rather see (he means and a. not the first time that such a discoloring ot the; ertions of the two sides united in an object \vhii I atmosphere has been witnessed—The same phe- division will delay, and may defeat. nomemin was exhibited at Boston on the 15th olj the same month, and is frequently attendant up-1 on the eclipses of the sun. iiur at St. Helena, the sailor, in the night, con trued to swim from the vessel, clamber up the rocks, visit and pass some hours gaily among Bo disappeared. We learn that the Serpent was again seen near the same place, on Wednesday last ; and that navarte’s domestics.. 'This he did two several i several shots were fired, and a harpoon thrown ve coppe |south short s ol Lake Superior,lias been anaits I ed at the mint of Utrecht. The director put A tremendous rain storm, accompanied hy vi-|^ as opinion, that the mass from which it ini vid flashes of lightning, and deep toned peals of. n . ' ,a3 undergone fusion by volcanic heat- thunder, which made the welkin ling, and the , ‘ J “““ '* ' earth tremble, burst suddenly upon the inhabit ants of Lexington, Ken. on Saturday the 25tli ult. about four o’clock, P. M. In the course of twenty or thirty minutes, the streets were .coin- night- without being discovered or notic -I; but j at him from a b. at which went in pursuit, but, plelely deluged with water ; in some of them an nve,nation on board of the shin, he boasted without effect. unbroken sheet, rapidly descending to its level A in conversation on board of the ship, he boasted of liis adroitness, and told confidentially to his M e learn from Gloucester, (says the Boston messmates what he had done, lvtiowledge of the j Gaily Advertiser ot Saturday,) that on lliurs- transaction transpired ; he was.arrested and ex- j day an attack w as made on the Sea Serpent with amined and conducted home to England in con fincment any sinister intention innocent fmlic. It is not believed Bonaparte I penetrate home in the neighboring streams, was presented to the eye for a considerable time after the storm had subsided. The lightning was strong, and more brilliant than we ever beheld it; the loud harpoons. Cnpt. Webber and others in a boat but it lias not appeared that lie had j succeeded in hitting him twice, bat owing to the j thunder, w hich shook every building to its toun- mnre in view than an j thickness of scales or coat, the harpoon did not lla tmn, and reverberated Irom alar, was terribly On one oi cusiou the Serpent ran knew of his being among his servants... However idown lor the boat, and when within a siiort dis- the occurrence is supposed to have demonstrated j tance sunk so neai that the draught caused by the possibility of Bonaparte’s escape on board of his sinking came near drawing the boat under ut- an English vessel, the captain of which ni'ght be inclined for a bribe, ot otherwise, to convey •him to Europe or America. Indeed, it is report ed several such occurrences have taken place at St. Helena, as have induced sir Hudson Lowe to declare to the government at home, that if vessels are allowed to come to that Island as at present, he canrot answer for the security of his prisoner. It is reported in the city that major Moutlie is come home to make representations on this subject, and it. is supposed another place of refreSlnneut will be assigned for our East-In- diamen. .i small family to provide for.—At a late Dur bar held by Runject Singh, at Lahore, to receive a Vakeel returned from (lashmere, with duebon-| som ol destruction, leoces, or, the following statement was made. What I and in tact almost every thin, might be the revenues of the slate to meet the ex- terliim. St. Clairsvllle, July 19.—On Friday evening the 17th instant we had in this vicinity, a heavy shower ol rain, accompanied with thunder and lightning ; but no injurious consequence result ed from it, in our neighborhood. On M’.Mahan’s creek, bu .i over, about seven miles Irom this place the ca»e was duite different. The inhabitants of this creek, before the middle of the day expe rienced a very violent thunder gust, whicn rais ed their streams and prepared the way for the aw- l il visitation w liicli followed. At the tune we w ,te experiencing ti e shower alre..,'y mentioned tin- mm fill in torrents in tiie vicinity of M’Ala- lian's creek below us, and swept off, with the bo- grain and cattle, that opposed its course, together with the whole family and dwell- penses of portioning off these descendants of mg house Jloyalty must be left to the Chancellor of tiie Ex chequer of that kingdom ; certainly no Europe an treasury would be able to meet them. 'The Vakeel from Cashmere w as introduced, ami pre-l The stone chimney, which was very Jarge ( was seated several pre-ents—he expressed the anxie- j entirely swept off—M jor II. had been married ty liis sovereign felt to continue on ami.cable about nine vears, and had a wife arid four cliild- f major Julia HarJe-tey who resided near tiie creek. ’The water undermined the house and formed an excavation where it stood as the bottom of the creek wjiich remains ublime. The grandeur of the scene it is not easy to describe, but the sensations it excited will long be remembered by those who witnessed it. The electric lluid was seen to play and spar kle and blaze mi the Franklin rods. Several houses unprotected by the conductors, were struck and much injured ;—in one of them three persons, brothers, the eldest about 15 years ol age, the sons of a Mr. Loney, were killed; in another a lady was s verely shocked ; several persons in different houses were slightly shocked. The passengers in the • ersailles mail stage were wonderfully presetved—the horses,just as the stage entered the suburbs, were all knocked down, but one only was killed. 'The storm with such uncommon violence extended but a short distance.—Reporter. The Murfreesborough (Tenn.) Courier, makes the following remarks on ti e late mission of Gov. M’Minn to the Cherokee agency. . “ Allhough lie has not succeeded fullv in hi, late propositions to the Cherokee Indians for an exchange of their lands within the limits of this state, yet lie has, from the best information we can get on the subject, got that business in a train which must finally terminate much to the honor and interest of Tennessee. terms with the -ingof the Singhs, and nr) being But as it were in a moment, himself, Ids questioned respecting the resources of the king- wife, atid Ids children, were snatched from the doinof Iran, he replied, that the king had a large j enjoyment of health, and from all the ordinary fvenue, two hundred and fifty 9011s, and one thousand and e : ght wives. Jlitry.—It will he recollected that the news papers have already giien currency to a report endearments and blessings of life, to the pres ence of their God and Judge. We have seldom I heard of so sudden, so awful, and alllictivc a | dispensation of Divine Providence. Four of That its qualities resemble what is called Pm- viau copper, its color a clear red ; peculiar qualified lor rolling and forging; and i, in* I parably better than Swedish copper, for color, I the fineness of its pores, and its extteme due- [ tility.—Port Folio. The ripsissiway.—James Lewis wishes' ft I make know n, that lie was cured of a very large I and painful caucpr, by the use of FipsWmtl tea, and a strong decoction of the snine whidikl applied to the sore, in the space of three irrelil Time. ’The cancer was on liis cheek, the scatu which is still visible, and shows it tn hi'e ii-l creased to an alarming degree. He likewise if- [ firms that it will cure other eruptions.— The rind ,of the fi ait called pomegranate,! ed in milk, taken inwaidlv, was sonic years if*I discovered to be an efficacious remedy in the cart I of the Dysentery—As, at this season of tlieyeir, I this disease is prevalent, tinrrticularlv aniongcfcil-f dren, and as it often bailies the efforts of tk | physician, you would perhaps save the of I some, and contribute to relieve the anxious fed- f ings of fond parents, by making this knows. I’c ersblir^ A I’ROCLV.MATiON, Py It's F.xceilency William Rabun, Governor, amlCa-l mandcr in Oh ef of die Army and Navy of tins MH and ot the Militia thereof:— . J ’S flcTJIEREAS, Captain Obed Wright, Me til f * the Georgia militia, was on the 29th litfl of May last, arrested and confined bv thcenod tive authority of this State, lor a violation of»' I dors, in the , join mission cf an outrage on At I friendly Indians of the Chehaw village, in «™| that tire .determination, of the President of (hi United States with regard to the manner in«h"itk I lie should he tried for said offence slnuldM known : And whereas I have receivedinfonM - | From these circum- stances, the people may learn how very little j tinn, that the suid bVd Aviri'riit ifiri on tl.e ni^t credit is due to the statements of those who ha ye of the 27ili inst. hcake his said arrest, and ^ spoken in terms ot high reprehension and abuse jsc-irnl from the place of his confinement.>1 of the Governor,Tor liis protracted absence from the seat of government tor that purpose.” The Courier also says, “ We are sure Mr. Bradford is mistaken in ascribing improper mo tives to the Governor for remaining so long at the that the governor of Cuba, bad dispatched a fri- j Ilardextey, his wife and two children & were de gate of 38 guns, and two other vessels of small- j centiy interred in one common grave this morn- ''er force, in pursuit of Commodore Aury’s squa-l ing ; but the bodies of the remaining two child - dro\). By a vessel which has arrived in this port I rcu have not as yet been discovered. Such vis- we learn,"that the two squadrons met near tiie itution naturally reminds us of the shortness and coast of Terra Firtna, that Aury not being able uncertainty of all sublunary tb*ngs, and f ireibly to escape from the frigate in consequence of her j puts the question to us, •* And even our life, superior sailing, determined to carry her by | what is it but a vapour which appeareth for a lit- bnarding, which lie effected, and in a fe w hours j tie time and then vanisliedi away.”—And also of afterwards, died on hi artl of the captured ves-1 that divine command, Be ye also ready, for in ael of wounds received iii the contest. Tiie fri-j such an hour as ye think not, the Son of Man gate is now cruising nffCarthageua under the In- cometli.” dependent flag;—New-Orlcans paper. j Phenomenon.—Some accounts which we have I inst received from our friends, who are snjoum- By late arrivals from Turks Island, it is stat-|mg for the summer in the immediate neighbor- . ed tlmtsnlt was high and scarce there, on account .hood of the ocean, are at once so singular iti tliem- ofthe uou ,ual quantities of rain which had fallen.' selves and so respectable as to their sources, that Nearly all the salt ponds were ruined ; no salt! we have no hesitation in laving them before tiie ira* making, and but a littla old on hand. (public. It is stated that oiir whole sea board as the bodies were found next morning, viz : major | Cherokee agency. We fully believe lie has been industriously promoting the best public interest of the state, in actiugas commissioner in (lie la.te pending treaty with the Cherokee Indians; and we well kno'v, from sources admitting of no pos sibility of doubt, that fie lias performed this diffi cult public service, without.the smallest compen sation from the United States, He lias publicly refused to receive any, the least remuneration for his personal expenses. We therefore hope our old friend of tiie Clarion will retract his in sinuations on this head, for. we believe he must have been grossly misinformed—and bear justice to a meritorious public officer, requires that such a statement, if untrue should be corrected. Maj. Gen..Gaines has gone to Pensacola—it is rumored that an expedition is pi eparing to give a finishing blow to the Indian war—which will, perhaps, proceed to St. Augustine.— ffalcyon. J probably from this state : I have therefore t proper to issue tins proclamation, hereby ofitrisgI a reward of live hundred dollars, to any pTS® 1 *I or persons, w ho may apprehend the said M*' | Wright, and deliver him into the custody of l“ e | Deputy Marshal of the United States, for the I district of Georgia, residing at Millcdgerifcl And I do moreover, hereby require and commiftikl all officers, civil and military, to bo- vigilant W'l attentive, in apprehend and sol cure the aforesaid Obed Wright,if tn be foltf'l within this state ; and to give all aid and assfi-I tance in their power, to any person nr persooSif who may apprehend him for, confinement,in^'l der that he may be brought to trial fur the M 1 *! of which he is charged. I Given under my hand and the Great Seal of t™| State, at the State House in Milledgevillei^l thirtieth day of July, in the year of our one thousand eight hundred and eighteen. of the Independence of the United States 0*1 America the forty-third. WM. RilirS' By the Governor. ab. hammond, Secretary of State.