The reflector. (Milledgeville, Ga.) 1817-1819, February 02, 1819, Image 2

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. J SJ > frill*. Itivaa, therefore, v ?o n lx strppose?eT that the American army, impelled by the iuyucitnhle laws of self defence, to pcnc- tr;.,“ the territories of his Catholic tmjns- tv,'.h fight his battles’and even to relieve ft am a cruel bondage some of his own sub jects, would have been received as allies, hailed n« ■diverers, and every facility af- foBdjtl th tliem, to terminate speedily and suwVifully this savage war. Fort St. M 'trks'could not be maintained by the Span ish force, garrisoning it. The Indians and negroes viewed it as an asylum if driven from the towns, and were-preparing to oc cupy it, in this event. It wns necessary to anticipate their moventer)*-, independent of the pb-ition being essential, as a-depot on which the success of my future operations measurably depended. In the spirit ol I Uerti'hRve'bcetf'ri.-’leii, will be repeated. So Inn" »,s <*i“ Indians within the territory »fj Spam aft exposed trwtlie delusions of false ^ophets*and puison of foreign in trigue ; so long rs they can receive ammu nition, inanilions of war, &,c. ‘ from pre tended traders and Spanish commandants, it will be impossible to restrain their out rages. The burning of the towns, the de stroying of their stock and provisions, will produce but temporary embarrassments.— Itesupplied by Spanish authorities, they may concentrate and disperse at will, ami keeptip a lasting predatory warfurcagaiu-t the frontiers of the United States, rs ex pensive to our government as harassing to our troops. The savages, therefore, must he made dependant upon us, and cauut be kept at peace without being persuaded friendship; 1, therefore, demanded its stir-1 "* ,ll * ! ce ' ta,ftf J r chastisement being Hi re, nder to the army of the United States ! I . ,icled 0,1 tl,e commission ol the least ol- until the close of the Seminole war. The i ,ence - 1 11 Ust ’ tht;re, ' ure ’ the meas- J| Spanish Commandant required time to vo . which have been pursued will meet lodging or the negtoes Irotn occupying of it with Spanish tr< flips, or de stroying it, and delivering the negroes, who’ miry he collected, to their lawful own- eis,■[ shall not beulile to act until I receive the orders ofhny captain general, and the t, the-j is bound to preserve In peace wifi tiicciti- zetm of the United States, not only his own subjects, Imt all the Indian tribes re siding within his territory When called upon to fulfil that part of the treaty in re lation tu a savage tribe, who have long'de bited States’ RqJrtj assistance neces ary to enable tne to un-1 predated with impunity on the American dertake-the enterprise with a moral cer- frontier, incompetency is alledged, with tainty of accomplishing the end. I am | an acknowledgment, that the sairte tribe persuaded that the determination of the < have ucteil in open hostility to the laws, said chief cannot be long delayed ; and, 1 and invaded the rights of ins catholic nia- slmuld it authorize ine to act, your -excel- “jesty. As a mutual enemv, therefore, it lencv may rest assured and persuaded, jfig expected that every lacility will beaf- tliat'I will not lose an instant to adopting i forded by the agents of the king of Spain I’'rnm the Report,,/ th e Bank , I lie committee are of t»iv; i stead of conductin'; wit 1 - thesli’1 towar, s the state bnks. !;:tV I increased the, charge of havin; notes them notes dn rircn'ation, by its acCC| in those places, where it wa ai they would not he fe<k-ein«uS and by making theni, j,i t, le mentioned,.the only ' w on my part, the most efficacious measures to clia«tise these lawless and inhuman sa-: j„ ,| wt ., ar ’j .■ ,, n " - | Cir culatin»’ for cutting up, by the loot, an evil wmen • vnges. In this light is tlie pnssession ed'| anco „f.t|,„ C "' l,! . tr . v - The is felt tu the full extent stated m your lot- j St. Marks by the American forces tube Ik vimlir-nwi .i""*" stie di ■ .i .i... .... i i . '"""lanu on tl,e sriouml .a MgJ , - l,e ground ol i llie only means to induce the whose property and tranquility it is my uu-|of Spain. Spanish rights and property ■ nwiiif.'' f'’ 1 -' " l '- *his ter, by the iaiiabitants ul-tius province, j viewed. who are tne subjects of my sovereign, and i i collie not c« an enemy but as the friend ty to preserve and piutect. I hat cause, lus b.- I 'V 111 ' e ro . s | K ' cU ' < '.- T,ie I" "P'-rty and rights he bid temporary and i.l Sati Lilliinrt.' K ill I, I I .1 f ' v 1 -'■Reetifl r-mi With tnis explanation, your beforenain-1 of Spanish subjects will be 'guarantee.!■ that, at t'ie'sa"ie “j"" ex P w, « n< wB d letter may be con -idered as fully an- them. An inventory of all public prnpet -! rciu-al of Vue bat k'Tf .V S ??'f 41 tied; it was grunted; and a negotiation j li’"i T '-.'; “I'V’*'■ swere.l, us it gives you to understand, mat, ty, munitions c,I' war, Kc. shall be made j to receive the oolesof it,!, ensued, arid an effort was in ids to protract' , Umtw * ttates * 1!iu . y ,uve been-a- thinking as your excellency thinks, wttu j out and certified bv an officer appointed I the stat« i«nt-. i mes > 1 it to an unwarrant die length In the con-! ''"I'H pursuance of your instructions, | respect tu tne necessity ol destroying the j by each of u-, and a receipt given lor the! versation between mv aid'd-* camp 'icut j al,tl under a. tirm conviction, they a- j negroes, tne fort of Appulacnicou, occu-j-ame, to be accounted for to Ins catholic I Gadsden, and the Spanish commandant, cir- lo " e precalculated to insure - peace and • pied by them, was not const, ucteu uy or- majertv by the United States, The sub- i payable at all the others 'mTIH security tu the southern liontier ol G«‘or- tier ol the Spanish gu-.ei umeiit, and inaijjrctnl w.y ijo^csmoii of the garrison ofv»|j n .r fhern \u\$ not j • gia.” the negroes, although in put octungiug toiSt. -Marks, will be teferred to our respe-- ■theii"rcdrmt>tion, tlieff**' th from j the inhabitants ol this province, and us > tiro governments for amicable adjustment. | plure- ' * ’ 1,1 i , of trade, became larger in n. my master, aie deemeu uy me itisur-|are in the bay of St. .Marks, with whom I | their indemnity v;ainsl deinanrfj? curustmees transpired, tonvincing him of a disposition to favor the Indians, and having taken an active part in aiding and abetting them in this war. I hesitated, therefore, .no longer, and, ns 1 could not be received tn friendship, I entered the fort by violence. Two light companies -<f tiic 7:li regiment -of infantry, anil one of the lib, under the Command of major Twig-1. were ordered to advance, lower the Spanish cokes, and boist the star spangled banner on the ram parts of Fort St. Marks. The order was executed promptly : no'resist ince attempt ed on the part of the Spanish garrison. 1 lie el.q licitv of the Spanish comman dant, in professing friendship towards the United States, watte he was actually aiding and supplying her savage enemies, throw ing open the gates of her garrison to th-ir free access, appropriating the king's store* to their use, issuing ammunition and muni tions of war to them, and knowingly pur ch ising of them property plundered from th.? citizens of the United States, is cleurh evinced by the documents accompanying my correspondence. In Fort St.-Marks, as an intimate in the -family of tl« Spanish commandant, an Englishman by the n une of Arbatnnot w is found. Unable satisfactorily to explain the object of h s visiting tliis country, and there b. nig a cominnation of circumstances to justify a suspicion that his views were not honest, he was ordered in close confine ment. The c ipture of his schooner near the mouth of Suwauey river by my aid de lamp, lieut. Gadsden, and papers found on board, unveiled his corrupt tr msactions, as well as those of captain Ambn^ter, late of the Unlish colonial marine corps, taken as a prisoner near bowlegs’ town. 1'lit-se individuals were tried, under my orders, by a special court of select officers, legal ly convicted as exciters ol this savage ami negro war. legally condemned, and nustj justly punished lor their iniquities. 1 lie proceedings of the cou t martial in this ca*>e, with the volume t testimony justi- f. log their condemnation, prese .ts scenes of wickedness, corruption and riaroaiity, at which tile heart sickens, and in which, in this enlightened a_,e, it ought scarcely to be be tiered that achristia.i nation w ould have participated ; and y et the liiitish go vernment is involved in the agency, il Arbutlinot and AmUnstbr are hot con victed as the authorized agents id Great lbutain, there is no room to doubt but that government had a knowledge ol tneir assumed character, and was well advised of the. measures which they had adopted The army will move on the r "'liiU III hence, crossing the Appalaj liicula river, I rational beings may he subjects ol toe j sSome urmcil vessels of the United States Gif trade "hi- •• ' *•’ ‘ dlf> : c ' va * >a| dee.neo by me itisiu - >atust the authority not I wisli to communicate. |only of his Catholic majesty, bat .mu ol furnish me witli a small vessel lo cotivet a j on. the piviuent of t : e i> • 1 (the proprietors from whose service they j tetter, as well as some sick and tvou tilled necc-sa-ilv made in tie at the Ocliesee Bluff, about forty miles a-, kin bove tins. j gents or rebel ANDREW JACKSON, inaj. gen. lion J. C. Cal ocv, sue. war. //. Q. uivitien uf t/ie^ south—Hrt Gaibtlcn, 25th j || ave \\itlidiawu theuiseives; some, setlut-| that are with me. A- nrir mutual •Vir-1 have mdered a supply of prnvi-1 Ul1 - l, ' e c ± htJu “' U enemie* are coitcetitrating their ims to be sent from -New'o, lea..', via I ‘fJ 01 ’, ‘ S 00lilj " K '’ ! ! ,mJ f " U,r °'i " ei,r °'' !’" ,! ' 1 ' ’ ’ J ' •‘''.'Min early * 1 Petisac ,1a. to Fort Crawford, on the Can- ^ fr,H " t.‘«r incuuatmn tu.uu on. uut i ansvyer is requested to this letter, with an ! eucllo. This route has Oeea adopted as , f «-ccllcncy mam ests a particular j tran.-latio,,, as neither my-elf or ' t ill are ar.f|'j;ui»teil with the Spanish. j eii by -Sjiaiiiaii autuority, 1 siiouia aUU* uy 'Dus will be lia?»<J*»il f«» vou b. mv a’ I*' Vnu will I tru-t. j •i des of tin* offices were' raui-fy , savage I'o rcc. ,i.„ . , adopted sss | t i cs j|. e that, ill cant? the tort wus nut uic*ct- the most speedy une ol provisioning one] p ’ ol iny garrisons, w hich must ue iiiaiii ail)- ed duriMg tlie present conflict against our mutual enemies, the Seminole Indians; and 1 cannot but express u hope that no attempt will ue made to interrupt tlie free passage of my transports to that post. I am hot disposed to elite into any contro versy witnyou on tne rights which our go vernment may claim to tne free navigation ol such wattr courses as head within her limits, Out llow through the territory ol nis Catholic majesty ; preferring to leave these subjects to he settled by those legal ly autiioi ized. But as it i., ue essary for rue to make u»e of tne Es.ambia tiver in passing up provisions to tne g..r isoii at ‘ it Crawford, f wish it to Lie uistinctlv undeist <od, that any attempt to interrupt tliepassage.d transports cannot be view ed in any other iignt tnau as an hostile act on your part, i will nut permit my sell lor a moment o believe tnat y..u would commit uu act so contrary to the interests ol the king, your master. His Catholic majesty, as well as. tlie government ol the vvmise order it was erected, t nave ho dim eulty in satisfyingyour curiosity by m- lorniiiigyou, that r nave utiuersloon, ever since mv arrival at mis place,that tne sunt fort, and another near lac ol the Ciiatahooche auu Flint rivers, ^wmcii it appeal s no longer existsj were uui.t oy order of the before named col. icons. 1 will not assure you ue Ult! it unuer au- tuority from liis g iverhment, hut 1 can say, lie proceeded to place artuleiy, mu nitions and provisions in it by the anaoge- meiit ol vue admiral -ilaicolm, and vvnen col. .'<ic..lls, and tiie troops of ms detachment, after tne conclusion ol me expedition against Louisiana, withdrew nmu that point, he left outers v.’Uli tne ne groes totally Conti ary to the llicuhtesliule rightul sovereignly, which lire king, niv muster, exercises, Irom tue line ol bi uc- jgieeof iiortii latitude, to me seam. .Mv piedecessors in tue government nave gi." I en an account ol an loose actions to cut j uu wiiom they depended, tiiai ile-canip, lieutenant James Gadsden, vv .otn ail answer is expected. I hav e, &r. bv Wli tl-*,\\ J XC.’KSOV, m j’: Ti.e coniimimi.iig officer at St. ' nn-ks. Cmted states, ure alike imetes etl in chas-! llle ,Jl| sI.‘ctioii w huh tue v luialion requn - tising a savage loc, vvim has ton mug war-! L *' u,l " l,t 00 deinaiuleu by Uuse on unom red vvltll impunity ugimst nis subjects, a tlie citizens ot tliis republic ; and l.iis duty devolve well as tlie citizens ol this repuude : and I I 1 « answered your excellen- 1 feel persuaded that every aid wi.i. it you ! s lel ^ er satislactorily , ami in terms may can grve to promote tins ouject will tie! luave a Uivivijt ot tne sincerity ol my clieeifully temie ed- ; mtentlov.s in lavur ut the common cause Oou JuSli disor, go A \ Oita. vV JACK SO maj. jcn. ol the American and ispanisn in i ciiiacoia. * ta.J J auu tlut in> |ircsent JuacCiOii doe'* liotpiu- TH .NaLATLD COl’V. Ct*eU II 0111 d NVU.Jt oi itlCllllatUWJ. .l/osf c-i’cctlcnf sri-—Oh the 24tll of tlie' 1 likewise Hatter myseif, tiiat, until my present nioutn, captain Ameluiig, of the . ua|Kain general derides, no steps will b*e 1st United States’ regiment, put mio my - taken oy the goveriiiucni ot toe Unitcu hands your excellency's letter, dated at I states ur liy your oxcelieucy, winch m..y Washington, Alississippi territory, on the ! prejudicial tu the sove. eighty of toe of Apt if last; m wnicii, aiter ajipris- j king, my master, in toe dlstnu. oi Appa- ing me tnat your government given it I lachicola, winch is a dependency ot tins m chaige to you to inform me tout me foi 11 government, And Imaliy i concame, hv of the tiegroev,er&cted (luringthe last war 1 assuring your excellency, that it will ui- witli Great Britain, near tile junction ui | luril me sulislactiun, to nave the (Jliattaliuuclie and Flint uvers, had "Pl ,ul dumties ot evincing my desire, nut been reinlor.ed,and was now occupied bv | °“ly to cuatrihuie, so l.r as depends oil more than two hundieu and lifty negroes; j ‘tie, to me ceuieuting of die goon umlet- to excite the negroes and Indians in Last I many- of whom vveie seduced from tne I standing which subsists between our res Florida to war against the United States.! sei vice of their masters, ^whu aie citizens pet live governments, but, also to piuve to I hope the execution of these two uuprm-|ot the United States) and mat ad of tueiiU. VUU1 excellency tlie li gn opinP o i enter cililcd villains, will prove an awful exam-1 are well amiedrprovisioned and uisciplin- pie to the world, and convince the govern-1 ed—y uu make many wise reflection- w do in cut of Great Britain, as well as liei suo-j respect to Hie seiious i ijuries vvntcli may slow, retribution a-! result Irom tolerating such an eslabtisn- waits those unchristiai vvi etches, w no, by I meiit, u tinny t • t..o-e in tlie i mine mute false promises,delude and excite an in-1 neignooriiniul ol u, out imewise to the [ra.i -v-l.iTvn t-o.-r.] S', M l-k--, r.h Ap».|, 1«18. Most excellent sir,—living mude to un-, although with the greatest dif ficulty, the contents of the letter with which you honored me ye»tcrduv evenin..-. deliv red to me by your aid-tk'-camp, ,la'.- Giidsden, l will declare to your excellen cy the satisfaction the know hdge of the result of y-i.ur expedit on against Mieku- soolfj- has ail n tied e. Tnat such w-nutd oe the event could not he doubted, on con sidering the superior talents and skilful conduct of your excellency, and to the-e mu-t fie a-ttributed the success, on which I ten.ter you my most cordial cuogiatu- mtions. M; chief, tlie governor of -Pensacola.' had, in truth, reason to mention to vuip captains Gordon and Call, whatyunr ex cellency states to me, and tu entertain iears tar the late of this fort, menaced b , lmitaiis and negroes for some months past. and particuia ly since they have been dis appointed in their expectations of obtain ing powder and ball, which they have sn repeatedly’ solicited, mil to which they tnoiigli, 1 tuemselves entitled, from the prac tice Woirli existed, of supplying them an nually t..erevvith. tins prove- how eo- tirelv uiilou.ided is t 1 1,1 *' p '"trs of (il i .-fitiilion- ; anil (Inis it was one J It 1 :* -II.-I t ot the oi l sv-teia tu ;J the ileht- of the -late In f, t g,J ol tile bunk of the Unit-! Sfatrjfri 'ihiri*-. T ip demands of the bull s-ilirri'd toacelrtiiulatei-nninDtrlrlJ -I' bcintr a.-.,dually ml. MI 3 otjuireH at other »ni-csaimiiD«3| titles tout would not have been fell f redticlien was not insisted upons ,v earl y : and. when 'the bank I a- 1 for specie, its demands were s_ Mderahle ns no* only to e-posc tbrl oanks. hut the citizens in tirifM genera!I v to very severe nrrssare. Bv s u 1 js t i t u i i 11 g t h e r red it of imliil for the payment of the sectniil iiwtil which will he presently stated,it cair, or notes of state hanks (lie j the United ktute-ina great ineasil I'rivi'il itself of (! e enrlv anil rlierk which the |v.s-e- : „ii of tlttiVI would have aftkrilrd. to the moreT -ivr? incre.-is- of local paper. |J 1817, the debts hie froiTnthe dikT are reduced to S '.'jrj.t tA, v.hilethJ of the hank of the U. S j. ( cirtill amounted to gl,f Jditjno, hv wliichiM have been subjected to e iibarnistiiJ rising from the calls of the Mi] ’ions. The committee tliiiik it ei| Irooi this result, that the bank did a ercise, with sufiteieid energy, the which it p-*c- : es«i-l, iind might barn cd. but rather afforded iinlgci-tnenlsl -tale hanks to extend ti.e mnauntiif cireulating notes, and thus ir.rrcist ot the evils it was intended tocurtf But i:i respect to the directors,th miitee consider their rmiducf intis connected with t' c. general tnaaai of the concerns uf the bank : .uifl . , . . itsic’i tiou ol tlie a sense of the duty devolved om .v.ia t|, 0 duel L nenubbce, tl„r the lo- itvev state, that manv of the dirndl leave been .supplied vvitTi since l was adv h.ui, be supptiui vviui monitionsI well those appointed hr the ruwi 11 UU " "V;’ lu f ' I »K- as those elected hv the sWkhohM termined to maintain tne mo.t M,. t nen- pear tu have been the mmt font* An one can better remove from j the most active in trafliring io The mere purchasing shares with I teiition to retain them, would noti dian tribe to all the horrid deeds ul ,-av- Previous to my leaving Fort Gadsden, I hail occasion to address a communication to tint governor of Pensacola, on the sub ject of permitting supplies to pass up me Escambia river to Fort Crawford. This letter, with another from M. .Marks on , the subject of some United States cloatu- ing. shipped in a vessel in the employ oi tin* Spanish government, to that post, i now enclose, with Ids reply. The govern or of Pensacola's refusal of my demand cannot but be viewed as evincing an inis- f^e feeling on his part, particularly in cou- De.cti.rn with some circumstances report ed to me from the must unquestionable authority. It has been stated, that the In dians, at war with the United State-, have free access into Pensacola ; that they ai e kept advised, from that quarter, ol all nut movements : that they are supplied Irom there with ammunition and munitions of war; and that they are now collecting in a large body, to the amount of -J nr 60U warriors, in that city. That inroads from thence have been lately made on the Ala bama ; in one of w hich 18 settlers fell by the tomahawk. The-e statements compel Die to make a movement to the west ol the Appaluchicola, and, should they prove correct, Pensacola must be occupied with an American force—the governor treated according to nis desert-, or as policy may dictate. 1 shall leave strong garrisons to "Forts eft. Milrks, Gadsden and Scott, and in Pensacola, s multi it become necesstry to possess it. It becomes my duty to state it, as my confirmed opinion,* that, so lung as Spain iia-not the power or will to en force the treaties by which she is solemn ly bound to pi eserve the Indians, w-.tlmi her territoiy, at peace with tlie United State*, no security can be given to out suuyheiu frontier, without occupying a chain of posts alnug the sea shine. The moment the American army gctires from Florida ttiV war hatchet will be again rai ded, and the same scenes of unliseriiiiiri- |t« OkiSdact^ with wbisb out ji-ouiicr sei- gooo U'.derstaiiUing union imppiiy exists between our respective governments.— V ou enter into un investigation, to shew wnat tne ftpainsn authorities tj uo lo put an euil to an evil ot so serious a nature, in a mode prescribed by .nose prm. iplcs of good laitn wmeu are tue tounbution ol titetnlly ncigiio rhoud a- mong nations. You distinctly state what tnis go .'err.incut ougul immediately to do ; in tailure ot vvliicn, youi government will be obligeu to cln it, to ins’j. e the safety ol the inhabitants' of the United Mate, Ills cxcelkil- ... IJ. Llivia.o tain ol your vu tues aud military talents. Gob preserve your excellency main years. MAU'iUCIO UK ZL'.NIG.V. I'ei.-iieou., eUtii ...ay, 1810 V. Jatiiso.v. ji tne Snaiii— beturc St. Murks Apr.! o, 1 >8’<r,— I’u cliaslise a savage foe, wim, eon.blued vvitn a lawless band ol oe-ro brigands, nave I'm sometime past been carry tog oil u cruel and 'biiprov.»..ea war against tne citizens ol tlie Liiiteu States, uas compelieil tne President to direct me to march my army Into Fionda. f have penetrated to tne .Hickusny towns ami ie* bared luem lo ashes. i loose towns i louud many indications ul a hostile spirit. Uu a red pole in toe irality. your excellency's mind, any Unfavorable impression you may lifive formed on tin* subject than the bearer, \\ iiham llanihlv, as i.e lias at various times interpreted to me the solicitations ol tlie seveial Indian duels, in my iieighborii >od, and he ca.. also iiitorm you ol toe advice I alvvuv ...m tneiu, to av. id tiie destruction wl'.ieii = li.i- ovei taken them, ami which I Ion-saw from the beginning. This being ifcaii/.ed, mil tin yentie ut tne council house ol Ken tavvti, more than lit ty liesii scalps, ui '.ui ages, irom the inlant to the aged matron, auu you cunc.u e oy requesting tue to state, in my answer to vour lectci, wnetlier t e said to. t had becu.consiruclcd ov the &oao-. i-h government, and whether tiie negroes " LU uu “ suspenue . who composed Us gamsot. were deemed , *" 10 lau ’ “P'vards ol tnree subjects ol Ins Uu.hoiic majesty, and if! , ! uu “ re, ‘ w ‘ l >wl )“’ Vere ,oU,,d 1,1 l “* tue foil was nut uuilt by Spams., antl.o.,-1"" 1 A" •'/ the diUereut Gne.s settled ty, to state by whose authority, and 0 .. l) “ k«uo.y pond. Inose buroan- vvhoseorilerit ' J ,aus who escaped death- have lied, f.o.n In answer to your excellence, I w.ll dom.numeated by tne govern- state, with the veracity that comports w . ‘ or 01 1 c,,iaCttU 1 tuo ° '«> ^pta.i.s, the character ol an Imnoraole otticer, in I ai ' a 1 >.K.uceM to oei.ev e wi.ich clas, l rank myself, that having ar- • ll ‘“' lk " l " st ] Mal tkS P'»t«-’ct.on. rived at tlie place nearly at tire close of ^ ® liVe, “ 0 ‘; sUU ' 1 “ ,al ll ‘ e 1 “ a ‘ a “ s aml the month of Marti, preceding, .,nd being I “f» luc . 3 ,ut ‘ **• la, o e »«!*• informed of what your excellency lias cumiiiuhicated to me, with this difference,! . ,, - - session ol vour fit tre-s. fie further ex- that the fort, instead of being where you place it, is tube found on the eastern bank i; r ‘f«‘-’ d a " apprehei.siou, that from you. 'defenceless slate, they were already of the Appalaciiicola, at about fifteen miles t. om its mouth ur entrance into tiie sea, 1 lost no time in proposing to my captain general the measures that appeared to me proper,as well for securing tiie inhabitants ol the country under my command, from the damage;loss and injuries vvliicn they have suffered, and still suffer* from tins establishment, us to prevent the American citizens, and the liieiidly Indians of the neighborhood, from continuing to expea- euce them. 1 have hitherto recei.ed vio answer, and, consequently, your excel lency, who knows how limited aie the pow ers of a subordinate officer, cannot be sur- prised that 1 should make known to you, that, although my mode of thinking ev possess!.ui oi St. -Maiks. Tiie wife ol Aiienuooy, a noted chief, now a prisonei in my cum)., mforined me, that tne hos tile Indians and negioes obtained tlieu supply ul ammunition truiu St. -Marks. i u prevent a recurrence uf so gross a violation of neutrality, and to excluue oui savage enemy from so strong a fort as St. Muik-, 1 deem it expedient to garrison that fortress with American troops, unto tne close of the present war. This mea sure is ju-tiliabie on the immutable princi ple of self-defence, and cannot but be sa tisfactory, under the existing circumstan ces, to his catholic majesty tlie king of Spain. Under existing treaties between actly corresponds with your*; as to the Ut|- our two goveruwent-y the king of .Spain now no motive to tear any insult til the Inrt tr om these birbm tans and the nf'ro.s. 1 beg permi—.ion of your excellency t call your attention totliodillkullv tshnini invi-lve myself in with my govei uinent, n 1 were presently to assent tu vv hat you: excellency proposes to me, to garrison tins tort with the trmif- of the United .’suites, without iiist receiving its orners, Surii f wdlsiiltcitimmediitely an oppoiiu mty oilers, and 1 do net lor a moment doubt that thfy will he-i veil tome; so zealous is my governmeni lo comply witi, live stipulations between i;er anu Hie ed states. In tiie urerin. f hope jour excellency will desist lion your intention, and fie firmly persuaded of the go. d fait) ■ ltd I.arm my which will icign between tins g.irrisoii and whatever troops von may think fit to leave iri tbi- vieinilv, vvno nay assist me in defeuce ol this | u it o,. any untoresecn event. t he sick your exceilenev sent me are lodgerl iu the rnval hospijd, and i have afforded lliem every aid vn«ch ciicumst Hi ves admit. 1 hope your <xi ellency • will give me other oppoi tunititsof ev in- ing foe desire 1 have to suti-fv you I trust your excellency will pardon mv not answering you as soon as requested, lor reasons which have heeii given you by your aid-de-camp. I do ini accompany this witu an English tian-htion as youi exctilency desires, becaui* there is no one in the fort capable Hereof : Out tile before named Wm. 11 nniulj proposes ti translate it to your excelletuy iu the best manner he can- May our Lord preserve viur exceilenev many years. Bu. h is my pmyer. Must excellent sir, I ki-s > our excellen cy’s hands. Your most devoted and obe dient servant, FilA.VCISCO CA-OV LUKNGO. The must excellent And .r.vv J.vtus.iv, general in chief ol'the li .ops jfthe L'. States before -t. ■ 1 url.s. ef Tu be cuntinueti J proper, even in a director, if mult out any view to intended future i t ing ot the Imaril of w lilrli lie vi js i ber; but the practice of puriiu'sntp [ lime wlien -lock was low & selling* j itlier, alter its price had beets cull j :>y tlie measures adopted bv the dij -ceidainlv tf,fair Slid rutisurable. being 'he perver-ion of a public atiJ Ml! Git. ivtiAMljA r KA! ’ T. 11 s his proies.ional &. rviecs to the eiliseils of Put.-..lm e.unity. 11is residence is Uie farm formerly occupied by J etui,Oil Wright, i iitvil v «• r»*a*Lr Jwn IS. ‘I ta' on Kooty-crecK, L\u. lo 4 ) * tru-t. to the purposes of self 3»tu metit. and place* the directors in * finn w here their own interc-t aff.rdl temptation to the al.ti-e i-f that Mill more re| rehcn-ili'c is the ' ot those directors wi n mr.tlectsitu the purchase of stock th-livnablcat able, at u future peried. at a Itiwrir luring the iiitenneiliate time, r J ’Wn official art-, raised the price -touk to its hig?ie*t jrnir.t. I he cod do not dee u it rercssary hi repeal tails, w hi h w ill he lourcl in the ex atmus ol I he d i icc If rs a nil otlieersr w itli subnntt d. marked I.H. bV* By comparing those extn’imi™ the prices of smek lirtein beturc I to. the 11.’rise will be enabled to J w liicli • f the dirert rs I ave partitip tins business. Wfith respect fcTfh® officers, rc sptui-iblc to the F l ' rr iinl subject to the coortitutiena! f II .use. the committee det 10 If duty to state, t!\at the I’ro-itlent, »' Jones, Esq. nod Geerge Biliiai®*i appear Irom tlieir ow n drcbriritw 1 from the testimony t.f a nu nb* 1 ' ue-scs, t - * have been deeply c** :n those speculations, Mr. Jooe** to have purchased l.a.ii -hares ■ rate, and to have sold a largeF at a lo-s. He -fates, that i” l l * uf 1817. lie purchased-.! contract ’ -hares, at 102 dollars per share,J * 4e 2d January 1818, and soon • f liter contract fur lnuusliareK in November f llmring, at l-’j"" ' -lure, from w hicli two co** r **^ 1 appear, he realized : ; o.(lOddc>llsr** < — much ambiguity in du 'yt t tions, ari-i. Irom tiie HiC ,,l,l P- i ' 1 metils of Mr. Jope*. (“xj® urns, Mr. 1). A. feSbifh, »»d ^ MTullucli. I l'.e lattergenth' 11 ' 1 **? to speak of f same contract' chase:. but give’s accounts "• 1 what va: ianf from that eif Mr. .. ticularlv. Dennis A. .Sinim aua ” M’C’uliocIi speak of nueof. thw* or of some other, as living been to Mr. Jones gratuifnu-lyi * , had riben, and it was obvious tt«r would be i aiizeii, ’ ' - makes no ineutioii. J