Cherokee phoenix. (New Echota [Ga.]) 1828-1829, February 28, 1828, Image 1

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> - * ROKDE PHOENIX. KEW ECHOTA, THURSDAY rtjS'CAltY 28, 1828. £. GUTE1> BY ELIAS PRINTED W ISAAC 11. HARRIS, FOR THIS CHEROKEE NATION. At $2 50 if paid in advance, $8 in six m pnths, or #3 50 if paid at the end of the yt sar. .Mg To subscribers 6 who can read only the C herokee language the price will be #2,00 in . advance, or T &2,50 to be paid witMn the y< sar. Every subscription will be considered as i cc mtinued unless subscribers give notice to ■ tl le contrary before the commencement of a | n ew year. | The Phoenix will be printed on a Super- 11 ,oyal sheet, with type entirely new procur er 1 for the purpose. Any person procuring - si x subscribers, and becoming responsible ! ; fo >r the payment, shall receive a seventh >g ratis. Advertisements will be inserted at seven' t r-five cents per square for the first inser- t ion, and thirty-seven and a half cents for e ach continuance; longer ones in piopor- t ion. SCpA-U letters addressed to the Editor, j- »ost paid, will receive due attention. QWyJifAVO“A A D h» JEC,® J. ■peAiXotia taa<j* «4” JtufEAa p4o®a. b ll©AE Ah«5hAt»y KTA DAP (POJBA M-o$A, TC?Z TEJl90“d* D0J,?>ci®I“i»>A. rc?*z' ¥>VF Td30“A TB D0J4>o®P<*)A, KT os-a ofoJBA P4o®a. dsa.saez tb yw Dej*5<aJE*'<»a, oyAT dap o-0Jbu p4?®a. o-iyyz o»a,R ahUha^y, wr-4” ds^ *>ojBa imaa v-sabo*, tctz TEJiso^De" JAodl^ibU. KTAZ DAP yW #h O-SABA" *mr Dej^p'o^a. WOMAM. '‘As the vine, which has long twined its graceful foliage around the oak, anti been lifted by it into sunshine, will, when the hardy plant is rifted by the thunderbolt, cling around it with ca- * passing tendrilji, and bind up its shat’ ) tered boughs; so it is beautifully order ed by Providence, that a woman, who is the mere derendent ornament of man Sn his happier |ours, should be his stay end solace, wilding herself into the rugged recesses of his nature, tenderly supporting the drooping head, and bind ing up the broken heart.” Original Anecdote.—The Rev. Mr. 1Y. now a Missionary at the Sandwich Islands, a short time before he left his country, took passage from New-York to New Haven in a packet. In the evening a company of fellow passen- i gers, who yvere quite profane, gather- led round a ijtable, on which was the on- Hy light burning in the cabin, and soon ' ily engaged in gambling, ir reflecting sometime on fans of reproving them, ^from his trunk, and po- jd that he might have a table for the purpose |e sight of the Bible at Ir swearing; and after ience about ten min- V lecame det Ir. W. aft le best row a Bibl itely requi [eat at the si jf reading. (ice stopped tl [ambling in tots [tes, they all li mn deck: thus [nl reproofs of a |e in his hand, minted for a guil ire,—JY. // Ret :he table and w ent jjdncing that the si- d man with a Bi- oo loud and too onscience to en- nd Ob. you ever bar?—I recoiled jpany with a y jged himself in t! iguage to an imm /as so circumstance myself of him, ho' society might coi I did not “ 4 of God p ; him 1*" too never dii d that it profane re oaths from ilssion of profanity very agreeable. Getleman ce being in man who in- 6e of profane erate degree, lat I could not er unpleasant inue to be to me. ear the sacred I ventured to d a gentleman ippeared panic ch abashed; but justly too) that entleman swear, a man to heard no and the ,his soci- e some b le upstarts who are so ignorant that ti y think they cannot be gentlemen f hout they swear roundly. I say ig- t# mt, because it savors of great igno re and low breeding.—Zion's Her- [continued.] CONSTITUTION OF THE CHERO- KEE NATION, Formed by a Convention of Delegates from the''several Districts, at New Echota, Ju ly 1827. Article iv. Sec. 1. The Supreme Executive Power- of this Nation shall be vested in a Principal Chief, who shall be chosen by the General Council, and shall hold his office four years; to be elected as follows,—The General Council, by a joint vote, shall, at their se cond annual session, after the rising of this Convention, and at every fourth annual ses sion thereafter, on the second day after the Houses shall be organized, and competent to proceed to business, elect a Principal Chief. Sec. 2. No person except a natural born citizen shall be eligible to the office of Principal Chief; neither shall any person be eligible tb that office, who shall nor have attained to the age of thirty-fiVe years Sec. 3. There shall also be chosen ai the same time, by the General Council, r the same manner, for four years, an assis taut Principal Chief. Sec. 4. In case of the removal of the Principa l Chief from office, or of his death resignation, or inability to discharge the powers and duties of the said office, the same shall devolve on the assistant princi pal Chief, until the inability be removed or the vacancy filled by the General Coun cil. Sec. 5. The General Council may, by law, provide for the case of removal, death, resignation or inability of both the Principal and assistant Principal Chiefs, declaring what officer shall then act as Piincipal Chief, until the disability be re moved, or a Principal Chief shall be elect ed. Sec. 6. The Principal Chief and assis tant Principal Chief, shall, at stated times, receive for their services, a compensation, which shall neither be increased nor dimin ished during the period for which they shall have been elected; and they shall not re ceive, within that period, any other emol ument from the Cherokee Nation, or any other government. Sec 7. Before the Principal Chief en ters on the execution of his office, he shall take the following oath, or affirmation; I do solemly swear (or affirm) that 1 will faithfully execute the office of Principal Chief of the Cherokee Nation, and will, to the best of my ability, preserve, protect and defend, the Constitution of the Chero kee Nation.” Sec. 8. He may, on extraordinary oc casions, convene the General Council at the Seat of Government. Sec. 9. He shall from time to time give to the General Council information of the State of the Government, and recommend to their consideration such measures as he may think expedient. Sec. 10. He shall take care that the laws be faithfully executed. SeCi 11. It shall be his duty to visit the different districts, at least once in two years, to inform himself of the general con dition of the Country.” Sec. 12. The assistant PrincipaLChief shall, by virtue of his office, aid and advise the Principal Chief in the Administration of the Government, at all times during his continuance in office. Sec. 13. Vacancies that may happen in offices, the appointment of which is vested in the General Council, shall be filled by by the Principal Chief, during the recess of the General Council, by granting Com missions which shall expire at the end of the next Session. Sec. 14. Every Bill which shall have passed both Houses of the General Coun cil shall,before it becomes a law, be pre sented to the Principal Chief of the Cher okee Nation. If he approve, he shall sign it, but if not, he shall return it, with his ob jections, to that house in which it shall have originated, who shall enter the ob jections at large on their journals, and pro ceed to reconsider it. If, after such re consideration, two thirds of that House shall agree to pass the bill, it shall be sent, together with the objections, to the other house, by whieh it shall likewise be recon sidered, and if approved by two thirds of that house, it shall become a law. If any bill shall not be returned by the Principal A©eCvO*o®A Gwy o-otp#. [o-PZABA] IV. * 1. U4” 0-E©GrA TEA SAy P4<»A, D<r o-<j*o- ssw©i uhwey o-orAcaa p4o®a. Dif o-y<v* .isabo* AA I“4dBA. . AD TGrPoSAA D9rA«®“*i P4&®a; o-o*0“9$w©i uhwey hnwj «h-a wi?A, e*v* \vp uolte joAo®a./ O-OfAoSA P4<>®A. O-yZ T(To®A^ 09a»5<*>p»®a o-g fl&jo* g-ov-aa-a is" Pi»Ad®Po®A. wpa4” t$ Jhw©y0“" A P-R O 3 er^o«a P'4c*vl o*e©^. 2. i£ y® 0 J E©G?^ TECLPo^A-* Eh BOdd RoSSh (PT.VyDcf DIl_ ovvy asBPP- xv4i»j:, D<r kd<»a tgt- D<f 0=aKi*1»0- NO, 2. Chief within five days (Sunday’s excepted) after it shall have been presented to him, -he same shall be a law, in like manner as f he had signed it; unless the General Council by their adjournment prevent its eturn, in which case it shall be a law, un less sent back within three days after then- next meeting. 3. em-v* d<? ej}c?-, e^yda e*y Dd- TA^O” O'd n 0-SSW©I UhW©? O>0" WPA SAy 0 J E«GTA P-4oi-I. 4. TG?Z 0“E©CD<T DhI\*P'<»J, Dd- DfPAP-dej: Dd AEG,>4©«>I..'ia hPRO TP4«i-I, 04* «yii wpji SAy o>E©crvi (vydA^i P4<»a, Eh o'Eecr^a aEa-uedw/ui hsp<*>adi)p'(SiJ, Dd o»iro- ssweiair w©y o-aw De^o®p-oea. 5. (pw rnvei uhwey oiJL P4c»a TGTdiJC DafStS 0-E9CT.A J-a©o®WKl TCTZ OEM" WP/LZ SAy O^ESGTJJ /SAP-h-WO- Dd i^ShhPR, Dd CThlPPAC?, Dd ^P UE(Ui-R©«ltA.dl hPRO iS^lPiS)l»0. 6. (PESCTA WPAZ 9Ay O^ESCTA TBlToP P-SJBRU p-4c*a; D4Z P-SJB" RvP i£ CPShe^oea Dd AXv- 4o®J P'h-^IT'G TAA/P O^hESGP-R 05&.R P-SJBRJt Iv4d®a ewy B.V, (PC' JhZ 1£ tP-SJBRa j5P-4di)vI, hAJl<l P-IcdlT-RT. 7. Ud0-^4d6^l KJ>4©<»S/1P4' o8J[ O^EGCT-^ «9D TGrUSdSwI AUSP JSO" aoxia p'4o®a. “swu r«9 sro^Ac»<r- IrdlTdSIi, GWy 0»E©CF'Ji J-U®deL^ia P'R DXPhE/lJ ay-G©oi)I.dlU, Dd e<Ai*r hh-LOR dxpiiEjij Dydes-ua’.jea <v,wy (potps.” 8. o^diXhAJi Ardea zSsouas, o»e" ©GfJi UE&W8U(«a P4o®A O^lTO 3 3W" ©Tdea*. 9. TBlToP ,3ZJ\Jl P4«)U O^lPO-SS" w©i ahw©y, hsi <idra?E ewy sai, Dd D.pp Arotia CPPJlTdSAA O-SPaiP" I v 4dii^l. 10. Dv^P (PPJIC: O-AJiCrvDS (PPh" EJl-i P4(S)dT. 11. \vp e»a^diipdtia 04" o»Jisi.diia P4d®a jaw Tssy pr o^SGi^dia p-4«ia<r> Gwy sait. 12. WP/l SAy 0°E«G&z Dd hAA-a DIp^.T'4 CPwlS-avI cpeggta P-" 4<xa hsi p-rt. 13. DvpP P-h-yiT-a SAO-S-I(»fvd®J Jh^ppo- Uhwsy, Dd ed®y ahwey JhAT-a P'4o®a, O’EOGTA JBPTdivl P-401.I, ‘.VPA aWOTdiAj^ TAAlr>. 14. Taw ses'TE o’r*©- ssw©i uhwey (peiixco- o’hJics p4o®-i at" d®U, 04^* Gwy O^EeGTA ShO-Aa P4~ diljr. TCTZ U>P D^-adJP^J SO’Ai usGa P4dj.i. tg^z o^^o-TPdea vpp" J14-’ tiGTSO-dSa Iv4dta, Dd UdSlP T-ad®.Id®E O’-PO-TU ©SZJlvl F4o?A aOLdO-SO-0*h/lCrA. 04^Z Odey A" JBP Shd®XhA<r» 0'ZJB©.! P4o®vl adf(T» aP^T<ad®vId®E O^O-Tdd, 04TZ IPOd" o-a o^eiiO-tiAPA P4d&u. tgtz kt Tcrei,(r > wp ohpdea TE^o’hyicr DhdiS»5adtK«»a, 04^ 4T»5> aoVTE «ho-a P4d®^; Dd od?44 ap^T-adta - d®E 0’E©<5 V A C^O-TdbT. 64” Dd odjy o-eto-PA*.! TP4d?a. tctz KT Teresa* \vp OhPofA Dhd®S*a' Sec. 15. Members of the General Coun cil and all officers, Executive and Judi cial, shall be bound by oath to support the Constitution of this Nation, and to perform the duties of their respective offices, with fidelity. Sec. 16. In case of disagreement be tween the tw o houses with respect to the time of adjournment, the Principal Chief shall have power to adjourn the General council to.such a time as he thinks proper, provided, it be not to a period beyond the next Constitutional meeting of the same. Sec. 17. The Piincipal Chief shall, during the sitting of the General Council, attend at the Seat; of Government Sec. 18. There shall be a Council to consist ol three men to be appointed by the joint vote of both Houses, to advise the Principal Chief in the Executive part of the Government, whom the Principal Chief shall have full power, at his discretion, to assemble; and he, together with the assis tant Principal Chief, and the Counsellors, or a majority of them, may, from time to time, hold and keep a Council for ordering and directing the affairs of the Nation ac cording to law. Sec. 19. The members of the Council shall be chosen for the term of one year. Sec. 20. The resolutions and advice of the Council shall be recorded in a register and signed by the members agreeing there to, which may be called for by either house of the General Council; and any counsellor may enter his dissent to the re solution of the majority. Sec. 21. The Treasurer of the Chero kee Nation shall be chosen by the joint vote of both Houses of the General Council for the term of two years. Sec. 22. The Treasurer shall, before entering on the duties of his office, give bond to the Nation with sureties to the sat isfaction of the Legislature, for the faith ful discharge of his trust. Sec. 23. No money shall be drawn from the Treasury, but by warrant from the- Principal Chief, and in consequence of ap propriations made by law. Sec. 25. It shall be the duty of the Treasurer to receive all public moneys, and to make a regular statement and ac count of the receipts and expenditures of all public moneys to the annual Session of the General Council. Article V. Sec. 1. The Judicial Powers shall be vested in the Supreme Court, and such Circuit and Inferior Courts, as the Gene ral Council may, from time to time, ordain and establish. Sec. 2 The Supreme Court shall con sist of three Judges, any two of whom shall be a quorum. Sec. 3. The two Judges of each shall hold their Commissions four years, but a- ny of them may be removed from office on the address of two thirds of each house of the General Couucil to the Principal Chief, for that purpose, Sec. 4. The Judges of the Supreme and Circuit Courts shall, at stated times, receive a compensation, which shall not be diminished during their continuance in of fice, but they shall receive no fees or per quisites of office, nor hold any other office of profit or trust, under this Nation or any other power. Sec. 5. No person shall be appointed a Judge of any of the Courts before he shall have attainsd to the age of thirty years, nor shall any person continue to execute the duties of any of the said offices after he shall have attained to the age of seven ty years. Sec. 6. The Judges of the Supreme and Circuit Courts shall be appointed by o joint vote of both houses of the General Council. See. 7. There shall be appointed in each District, under the legislative au- TE4»& O^hACS, e4f* D4 O-Pgi* CSA fr+oda. TGTZ Jhw©y Arc4^ 0“lwics O^EGGTA Ci.iiO-Ai'oi.I, J}6 OALXetilVivM iiASO-icSEO TP-Aotvl^ 04” D4 0*PAC= IiSl-aiAwSi-w,* dCSjfi* WZ4” SAI TG'ot.T b-iviU. 0-OAV.ft* oSEoiyiizo-1£ T(Tcsiyiv* ZO- .TIiWfc>y ItOStTliu®baiJl DL ©AVii/dEO TP4oit~l, OliA VDVY* ©•h-otA KT ©IiEAI>I«iI»-< ! iJ o®EO TIv4,'e*l 6tf* D4 Q“PA<?! <n)A. 15. o»or«o* s#w©i UMv©y, eum D^P HpAT4 put, OUiE©C?-A Dtf Jt* ■aAAoiy ajup <iiis*>u<au p4o®a SOilPMAA Dif CHIioiS^IA^ GWy JK* ®e<L<r’o®a, Dd- sctait» Jii^©»i)$A.H DAP Ph>AT<iT. 16. tctz o>(i»o- £&iv©{ jihweqr WP UOVFE JLcrGT LOSO-1?* o6Pm)A, JhAPAoiA PI4, ©“EeGr-A 3$T PAc*>AA P4o®A, TCTZ <»0l.ACi.a"A I 4 0 i 4d®A P4o®A, iCaiyilZO- DAP (VP* AC* JliWt|Tci)A*S O'ffiKiSAA &P4*i>JU 17. IiAA<l (Pff’O $SW©I DSWAof P4o6A O a E©GTAv 18. (yro- 99w©i uhw®y o^Vxf* A aePA^-J P4b®A DIiKT TcchT n* h<»s«9 cpe©g-a AEft.w©y, ecsya G.PZPAA D«f EG.tftS4A^(®A P46®^9[ Si DAP S-O&oSTjAJbT. Dd- AS-h-W" RPc*pc»A oay Te-ITVIJ E4»A' Ootyz O^EWCTA D«T WPA SAy O^E©* GTA, DtT 0 J E©GTA AE&,H ©y, hSJ° I>xf DAP4” C^IiGR«:A, TBlToF ahW©Tc*J( P4AA; DAP JIi-GwoeiiAA Dtf (PI^AWl ■Th®eCoT’m'U P4otA. 19. 0 3 E8G‘A AE(VW'©y t»9AB0f« JIi-G®oCT.AA P4o®A. 20. UAJ* O^IiACs 0 3 E©CTA AFC» ¥ w©y, 0-ZJU6A P4o®A AvJSl-A, Dtf 0<ay O’hACs SOAi JZJ»CA P4d®A. ADZ AJ»P 0-0*0- SSW©i Ahwsy E<L“ hAPA^ P4ri®A. y®Z OESCTA JE* 1 &,w©y o-w ^Uo®A JdlO’boP, E45J3* ®A p4c»a n<xa dwboset. 21. 0>J“0- ssw©i AhW©y 0-093?" GA OOPAo®-* P4o®A D*»p DSAoO.-^i WF4”Z JSABtf* J-q,©96SAA P4o®A. 22, D9-R DSA«3, 04P K3<iG6mfr P4(®A, AiSSP OO-A P4c®A SCTAfl* J0«* 0<i,(PrieA»5, Dif TS OJB4* TGTZ iSSO-Cs, Drf EC,«>9Po®y S0A1 #ZJ5«T Dd- *L OhA-^O- P-4<»«1 AhW^ ©y. 23. i£ y® D9-R DAP AEft.yo®JJ »SP4o®A, Eh O-ESefA O-Af^A &V 9 ‘Dtf DAP aePdBA-GWO P4o®A. 24. D*>q DSAc® hSJ* DAP DA D9-U JwXhAAA P4o®A, D<f 6«4» O’* 1 C?dO«A P4o®A hSi SILJOA D«f O-hAPR, e«®y ou*(>- *sw©x Ahw©y oe<r*r A A, V. 0-0*0- AqAAo®y/5 P4<£A, T)f S«P SC,AR D<T AhP A^AAriiy^i 03*0- 9S - ' IV©i AhW©y 0-esPo®P,»A AECLZ^ PA P4o®A TB«”oPT. 2. 0-0*0“ AUAAoiiy DhK A^AA" &=y P4d®A, DhWP4” 04” AP AEG* lvG©et'l.AA P4oEA. 3- A-QAAAy 0-y4” 09AB4* Mil* .-ITA P43?A. D4Z KT TGr-eir 1 >?.0IiS TJW SOK^E O-ESGf-A dSJiSSW* A, AEJtSUA0-A44 P4AA. 4. 0>0*0“ D<f ASStrT PR AfltAAofy* PSJBRA P4dCA TBiPoF, D4Z PSJB* RdtT iC O-ShGAriDA AP4d?A FhATAr TAAO*; D«f i£ A To® A 0-Pd®AA JhE<V ®AA «feP4c*A SIi'G©AtA-G. DAP PSSBRvfc 0-(LR, Dif 0*Cv4(f B© i£ IE* DATA AP4<»A, 5. cy« AJAAA-y TECt.Po®AA 4o®A Eh KDe®A TCT9ABip P4o®A, Dtf SMXc®AA TCT9AB9* hSPdBAiSlIv^Jj 04” i£ AJAAo®P AP4m)J. 6. 0-0*0- 9SW14I AMV©y O-OVTOM J«fA<*-* P4o®A 0-^0“ AqAA«y, Dtf 9SS&AR AUAAoi>y. 7. O-r-0“ ssw©i AhW©y WhAT* AA P4<?fA OhOUATe®A* 9«£a^4H « v . ■ v