Cherokee phoenix. (New Echota [Ga.]) 1828-1829, February 28, 1828, Image 3

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Ifr Choctaw people are determined to fcoid*on to their land. They hav*i no dis position whatever to sell their Country and move off to the west of the Mississippi.— Cvilization is rapidly .taken place among them, and they are visibly improving in their habits. Much industry is displayed, among them, and considerable exertions are used to educate their sons and daugh ters Some of the leading men feel much interested in the education of their people. But notwithstanding all this, there is a great deal of opposition among us. Creek Indians.—The controversy between Georgia and the Creek In dians is at length amicably and finally terminated. The Georgia Telagraph informs us that a full Council of the Creek Nation of Indians assembled at their Council Ground on Monday, the 31st ult. and continued for several days. At this council, the Treaty made by Col. McKenney, with the Chiefs, for the purchase of their re maining strip of lands in the boundaries of Georgia was laid before them by the Agent, and received their full as sent. The Government is to pay them #47,491—being $5,000 more than mentioned by Colonel M’Kenney, in his letter t6 the Secretary of War. Nat.. Int. The above is confirmed by a letter which we have lately received from one ol our correspondents. Ed. ANCIENT DOCUMENT. In the year 1762, Oganastota, [*r • OiSAt,] a distinguished chief and war rior of the Cherokee Nation, whose memory is still held in great venera tion amongst us, made a visit to Great Britain, a notice of which is to be seen in Smollet’s continuation of Hume’s History of England. It ap- qpears that the then reigning king was so well pleased with the visit, as to furnish him with a certificate, which we transcribe from the original parch ment. GEORGE KING. This is to certify that Skiagusta Oconesta, [do®sc3E<»i.* *se*Ai.j a Cherokee Chief and Warrior, having confirmed at Williamsburgh in Virgin ia the Peace lately concluded at Charles Town in South Carolina be tween His Majesty's subjects and the Cherokee Indians, and being desirous of paying his Respects to jriis Majes ty, and seeing this Country, did, in the Month of June last, arrive here with ten of his Followers, and was admitted to His Majesty's Royal Pre sence, and that his Majesty was gra- cionsly pleased to receive kindly the the Assurances of Attachment which the said Skiagusta Oconesta gave, and that His Majesty was further pleased to express much Satisfaction upon this Occasion, and to declare to Skiagusta Oconesta his Regard for him, and for the whole Cherokee Na tion, and his Majesty having ordered proper Attention to be shewn to the said Skiagusta Oconesta during his stay in England, and having given him other Marks of his Royal Favor, di rected dne of his ships of War to re ceive and carry him back to his own Country; Whitehall August the Six teenth, # Ddes«aF.<»t., written in this docu ment Skiagusta, signifies Chief or ori ginally Warrior. JtD DftGWy, 0»C DUSW01, 0“G" ISQ.U ^1> 0 J A^GTR ,0P i<»a Dtf Eae.aaAa Dy^ov. d* B«WQp r DXSl 3 o*fV* <6R TGrePotUtA.I^i, D4Z «0"W»E it, AAacr <M»GF’ A0-EC»eP^>tB, Eh%eto-R, Dhh-sw hie<re<rvip •aueiP" Vgait G-ticrhhP. e<tfyo®yii .i" .TMoSUoP D4 (FG 8hR.*>a hovvy ir»ei.o-JE>, blifcsu gacpbpavip, P-PoP SBO-SoP.” e<»y us.«d Hyh, D4Z ckyw dl* O-BoSP' O^E®^ VOBh. 0-<»a O’CShR A" y<TBa Cuotfx-q.A<»ET Gwy aywiiA-i. Him CWI1R.A. V D4ys TGBtPi^lV* RGO-VV SAiTIrAiSSW. 6 E&.VlVtfT DhB&dS hJll TUB GAT V CuZB DhBSB, D JBP T-IP 8tt,(T»pT. Hoie* CPSffiBBA^ I oPQhUP lrAdUW # oiET. u iC DBGWy •S.IIrART, D4Z DXJ»SO-i ^P<i»yh ABlfU^liB. <6R 0“GW O^ePhEWG. D^Pofyh qo-WO- DZ‘ o 3 ae;y. o , Bo-a<r f U<T Bhi DIiBGed DB‘ s-Gwap D IC^iA^y O’hESG?-^ jzvijls >*!>% RSSPoSET. B* Dhjuz, jbwo-ipz Z fiMCs OTiESGrvj t. e«yz8 j>d T-iGwy Tyzp - Mir 3 DBotwe, GP Jr _'DtT DSWBT I* Gvvy 0>G h» Bo-Ides vI®b&.j», ir>T Ep<a' D<r SP<*. D4Z#T» Tpa^ jB»eCv<r* *y. sw# 1 ic eo®y .u-u *BG?- tg? ep<awia. TGTZ db uy©ea.T»- ®M Ty^XhAiTT KSPA^ldf.5 GPBSPoP, y«- «eiz cr-po-h* ? tctz av GF-h-PO-To*, ehr <»yh e«>y ^»d Dhcwy om dz- Bcr- neiio-<s>y Tcrp<»AJ, shgahjia dbb- ®.l.*AJ* IrSSFoR, 8tP* ^!Z BSlT* obBOear aii®o(VJ**®u habapo^ip bii©b~ ^Potiyii Iv$- DGPIiEVloP 0>ZPa^> DiT JE&.<?a D*XhA" ’*t. vis«:i-v»AadeyTi T(rop«!B/ia^ nx* ot-Sh TS” » 0 J B^PR(P.V' «SI-A4^ O^G MISSIONS. Mr. Boudinott—The following very brief summary view of the Missions of Foreign Missionary Societies in the United States is offered for your disposal. It is formed chief ly from the January number of the Mission ary Herald. W. American board op foreirn missions. The whole number of preachers of the Gospel stated to be in the employ ment of the American Board is 41 Physicians, (besides one who is also a preacher,) 4 Teachers, 27 Printers 3 Farmers , 17 Mechanics 6 Females, married and unmarried 102 Whole number of Missionaries and assistants _ 200 The preachers of the Gospel arc sta tioned in different parts of the world as follows. India, (Bombay and Ceylon,) 9 Western Asia, 6 Sandwioh Islands, 7 Cherokees* 5 Choctaws 3 Cherokees op Arkansas 2 Osaoes, 6 Maumee Indians, 1 Mackinaw Indians, . 1 Seneca Indians, 1 Total, as above, . 41 The number of pupils in the schools un der the car^ of missionaries of the hoard is not less than 30,000, and about 500 native teachers are employed, (chiefly in India and the Sandwich Islands. Not far from 300 persons have received into the Mission churches. The number of books and O hlets published by the missionaries of oard in foreign languages is estimated at 426,300. American Baptist Board. The missions of the American Baptist Board are in India, Western Africa, and among the Indians in North America.— The number of its ordained missionaries is 10; viz. five, in Burvtnh, India, one in the colony of Liberia, Africa, one among the Creek Indians, two among the Cherokees, and one at the Choctaw Academy in Ken tucky. Metodist Episcopal Society. The American Methodists have missions among several tribes of the North Ameri can Indians; viz: the Creeks, Cherokees, Putawatomies, Wyandots, Mohawks and Misv.issaugas. The number of missionaries is staled to be 12 in all; but the number ap portioned to each tribe I have not the means of ascertaining. United Brethren’s Missions. The Missions of the United Brethren are all, i believe, under the direction of the same society, the seat of whose operations is in Europe. Those in which the church es in the United States are particularly con cerned are among the Cherokees and the Delawares in Upper Canada. In this na tion they have two preachers of the Gospel, and two among the Delaware Indians. Synod of South Carolina & Georgia. The Missions lately under the care of the Synod of South Carolina and Georgia are among the Chickasaw Indians, where are four stations, and three ordained missiona ries. The care of these missions has been recently transferred to the American Board. Cumberland Presbyterians. The Cumberland Presbyterians have one station and one ordained missionary among the Chickasaw Indivns. SUMMARY. The whole number of stations supported by American Foreign Mission Societies is 62 Number of ordained missiona ries 7i Missionaries of all classes, and both sexes about 260 Learners in Mission schools about 31,000 Latest annual expenditures Of the American Board, $104,430 American Baptist Board, 15,408 Methodists, about 6,000 United Brethren [in 1825] 860 Others unknown PROSPECTUS. It has long been the opinion of judi cious friends to the civilizaton of the Aborigines of America, thgt a paper published exclusively for their benefit, and under their direction, would add great force to* the charitable means employed by the pubic for their melio ration. In accordance with that opin ion, the legislative authorities of the Cherokees have thought fit to patron ize a weekly paper, bearing the above title; and have appointed the subscri ber to take charge of it as Editor. In issuing this Prospectus the Editor would, by no means, be too sanguine, for he is aware that he will tread upon untried groud: Nor does he make any pretentions to learning, for it must be known tnat the great and sole motive in establishing tins paper, is the beni- lit ol the Cherokees. This will lie the great aim of the Editor, which he in tends to pursue with undeviating steps Many reasons might be given in support of the utility of such a paper as that which is now offered to the public, but it is deemed useless. There are many true friends to the In dians in different parts of the Union, who will rejoice to ^ee this feeble effort of the Cherokees to rise from their ashes, like the fabled Phcenix. On such friends must principally de pend the support of our paper. The Alphabet lately invented by a native Cherokee, of which fhe public have already been apprized, forms an interesting medium of information to those Cherokees who are unacquaint ed with the English language. For their benifit Cherokee typos have been procured. ‘ The columns of the Cherokee Phoe nix will be filled, partly with English, and partly with Cherokee print; and all matter which is of common interest will be given in both languages in par allel columns.* As the great object of fhe PhcEnix will be the benifit of the Cherokees, the following subjects will occupy its columns. 1. The laws and public documents of the Nation. 2. Account of the manners and cus toms of the Cherokees, and their pro gress in Education, Religion and the arts of civilized life; with such notices of other Indian tribes as our limited means of information will allow. 3. The principal interesting news of the day. 4. Miscellaneous articles, calcula ted to promote Literature, Civiliza tion, and Religion among the Chero kees. In closing this short Prospectus, the Editor would appeal to the friends of Indians, and respectfully ask their pat ronage. Those who have heretofore manifested a Christian zeal in promo ting our welfare and happiness, will no doubt freely lend their helping hand. ELIAS BOUDINOTT. * In order to lessen the labour of our printers, we have concluded not to publish smaller articles in English and Cherokee in parallel columns, hut rather to place the Cherokee transla tion, directly under the English. If he is not the chief agent in the\mi- verse, and does not know what is so that which is ,so may be God. If he is not in absolute possession of all th< propositions that constitute universal truth, the one which he wants, may be that there is a God. If lie cannot with certainty assign the cause of all that he perceives to exist, that cause may be God. If he does not know every thing that has been done in the immeasura ble ages that are past, some things may be done by a God. Thus unless he knows all things, that is, precludes another Deity by being one himself, he cannot know that the Being whose ex istence he rejects does not exist. But he must know that he does not. exist, else he deserves equal contempt, and compassion lor the temerity with which he firmly avows his rejection and acts accordingly. Total not far from $130,000 •Including the Rev. Mr. Hoyt, since dead. Dhwp ssv DWcay^yz. [Slrh> O^PLCKA.] WP JBU 0 5 IiZ<«!y4 CF0--J $S(WJ, O^i/iV •A4P ibvdf 0 WP TGTIivIota^. TGTO-" *«kt» TGrtv^ia* Dw«'y«5oey. D&tf«’y>5(*>y, o^JZiT a&mj, tjw swji ejts ssw, o^trviT, dkof*® - <r>(pap h»y, o^o- «-iot»4T, tjw tjis - IitEJlfT O^p^T. WP/IZ AtPLO-, *T (P<i,ir»?T 0>JP hSJv4T. . WPjl Sai»S4 SS" xokio®wi. L«a, Lo?a, asu o^ou'vit, u - <*yiiiB«V« KyOTP P-RO, D4 j,yii.p _ >a4oou. Daze e«)y«v* al z?nn).i.p-u«>s, n scTAtr 3 »?>sy. Bc»y Tcr«u ;c pAUrS amm* 3 tse^ij *y. jc.z tawSfiio-oa - oSP'J PlrAPdi'JdtlP' iSSU, LlxSVl S^IRJtoiP' 0^0“J .TSSCK/J. OUioVul.)! W1, JGGOiS^" osio-y. .idty/iXRtv M z jurj. Lota x>- <*rr 3 o-p'c*>a, tspt, cpitvi DW^y/Sbey, D4 £Z IXJBR.T, <*tS'(T 3 TF./l aJAv(«;y. B&.Z TaSAir 3 IiSG,/t-4, TJW J41!^ TBJ' 3 so-c»sw^it, ssx®uifL/iT; (pr-oos^^icrz s^pj»«)i,.a T.qAa«>5ET. ye JWiMJA Jh^-GtT SEG.hM'4.1 i**t usir 3 jE<ve*i o 3 iioi!XiiA(r 3 T: ATHEISM. Surely the creature, says Foster, that thus lifts his voice, and defies all invisible power within the possibilities ol infinity, challenging whatever un known being may hear him, and may appropriate that title of Almighty which is pronounced in scorn, to evince his existence, if he will, by his venge ance, was not as yesterday a little child, that would cry at the approach of a diminutive reptile. But indefcd it is heroism no longer ,if he knows that there is no God. The wonder then turns on the great pro cess, by which a man could grow to the immense intelligence that can know that there is no God., What ages and what lights are requisite for this attainment! This intelligence involves the very attributes of divinity, whiie aGod is denied. For unless this man is omnipresent, unless he is at the same moment in every place in the uni verse, he cannot know but there may be in some place manifestations of a Deity by which even he would be over powered. If he does not know abso lutely every agent in the universe, the one that he dogs not know may be God. From the Amherst, J1 Is. Inquirer. END OF A DRUNDARD. A respectable friend has furnished us with the following account of fhe life'and death of a drunkard. The case of this unhappy man is by no means a rare one. If the sanctuary of domestic life might be laid open, we could furnish several instances which have come under our personal observation. They exist in all our towns—a torment to their friends— loathed and abandoned by the commu nity, with the fires of hell kindled in their bosoms. Every week they dis appear. Shall not one determined and persevering effort lie made to stay this devouring plague? We are in possession of the names, which we think proper to suppress. Col. B. was born in C , proba bly near 1770. His father was a man of piety and respectability, and to ff unusual pains for the education of Lis children. He was a promising child, ami alter receivinsr a good business education, learned the trade of a sad dler. lie was respected and beloved by his friends and companions, a :o married the only daughter of Mr. W. a young lady of respectability, worth, and considerable wealth. Soon after their marriage they removed to B. where they moved in a fashionable cir cle, and where he first became intem perate. From thence they removed to N. still living in what might be termed a fashionable style. I know not whether his intemperate habits prevented his stay there, but soon af ter he removed to the state of New- York. Here he gave loose to all those passions which are cultivated by the use of ardent spirits, and his lovely wife was obliged to seek protection from others. Having no children to be mortified by such a procedure, she left him for ever, and soon afterwards died. He returned to his father pen nyless and apparently humble, but his conduct was such that he was oblig ed to forbid him a home in his house. In this situs tion he came to A. and hired himself to a saddler. His whole appearance was so altered, that those who knew him in his youth did not re cognize him until he had been here some weeks. Bloated face—swollen limbs, &c. &c. His compan) the vi lest, and his bed sometimes the barn, at others a wagon or shed. He had lived here eight months, when in a drunken frolic he went to the house of a companion in vice, where he en dangered his life by falling upon a kettle of boiling soap. During the whole time he lived here, lie was in such a state that when he was not intoxicated, he would drink- water or eat snow, almost the whole time. From the time abovemention- ed to his death, which was three weeks, he did not indulge in exces sive drinking—was melancholy—rela ted to the lady where he boarded, the history of his life—blamed himself a- lone for his father’s severity—justifi ed his wife for leaving him, and seem ed to feel that he had made himself an outcast from God and man. On Monday he was taken ill—walked the house, and complained of feelings lie never had before. Towards sun-set he became greatly distressed, and threw from his stomach nearly two quarts, which had the appearance of unmixed blood. His physician, who had previously told him that he must die, if he persisted in his course, now informed him there was no hope that he would recover. & a few short hours, or perhaps, moments, were all he conld spend on earth. Tie seemed to feel all that a hardened sinner can feel with.,ut the influences of the Spirit, for he knew ho was on the brink of hell. Soon his distress returned, and was followed by a similar discharge of blood/ He vomited in this man* ner once in live or six luoas, . i„ 1 e only ease he enjoyed vus in ii-ecu te- ly after he cleared his stomach. I is thirst was excessive, and [Totally a part ol the incredible quantity l.e threw lioin bis stomach was what lie drank, though it had the appearance (f blood, and v\ as supposed to be as- near six gallons as any measure. In the morning when his situation was know n in the neighborhood, he was vis ited by all except his companions in vice, none of whom were seen near the house, T wo clergymen! spent most ol the day with him, to whom he ex pressed a firm belief in the doctrines of the Bible, and that its threatenirzs would be executed on him. He said but little-*-liis countenance spoke much. He appeared to feel much for his father who was sick and infirm, and had no one but strangers to ad minister to his wants, having buried two companions, and all his offer children, lie said he could not < ie without rskiLg his father’s forgiveness, and at his request a messenger was sent to crave it for birr. He express ed great anxiety to live and hear the answer returned, and it w as such an one as th» piety of a tender fathers heart would dictate. His distress increased with his weakness and he died oil Tuesday night, about thirty hours from the time he was taken sick. As he drew near the eternal world, Lis groans were enough to niclf the stout est heart, and w hen asked ’ y one who stood near his bed side if he was in great agonv, he replied “ C yes, but that is of but little consequence—the pains of the bodi/ soon.”—- In his last moments his broken senten ces convinced tLose an * I him, that his eternal torments had commenced, and the last w ords he was heard to ut ter were, “It is strange 1 must be judged so soon.” Le died May —, 1324. A solemn Warning to Parents.-—It is seldom we have to record a circum stance, which calls so loudly on parents as the following. A few' days past, two small boys, aged 10 and 11 years, (sons of Mrs. Rogers, a widow' lady resident of Hartford county), conn menced a game at cards, when a dis pute arose about a walnut, which it appears was the w r ager. It seems that the eldest contradicted the other, and w r as told if he repeated it, lie wmuld shoot him instantly. Not sup posing, perha , that he was in earn est, the wide boy contradicted him the second t ie; when the youngest, unh sitatingly stepped into the house, which was n t far distant, brought out a gun, and put his diabolical threat in to execution, by shooting his brother through the head; when he fell he ex pired a few minutes. We are told that the boy has been safely lodged in jail. It is not unfrequent that such circumstances ensue, in what some are pleased to term innocent amuse* ments.—-Edenton (N. C.) Gaz. MARRIED—At Two Runs, in the Cherokee Nation, by the Rev. Mr Henderson, Rev. James Trott. inis sionary of the Methodist Episcopa Church, to Miss Sally Adair of th< former place. \vp s.wbt, Givy^, naqAA, s^wa s crinlosy, UFZ 0*a RBI* 0-P«:T.a 0'\Mh>. DIED—At Tellico, Ten. on tlu first inst. of consumption, the Rev. RICHARDjNEALY a ged 26 years formerly a missionary of the Methodis Episcopal church, and late a citizei of the Cherokee Nation. At Coosewatee, KEELECHULI an aged member of the National Coun oil- . 1 At Willstown, on the 18th inst. vert suddenly, Rev. ARD HOYT, Mis sionary of the American Board of For eign Missions. JhhrRJ}. S4IV, T.FX, wot, omr-4T x.&yyjj), sona<xy, souy* lrsvi'Gy. JWLIAZ 0 J hT4T ypjp C-(PO~ SSW« .isvvey. h-tas-SPoE, MWJ MJh.IbUy, J4hR’ 0 J S0^ CFhl’R. NOTICE. A LL persons are fonvarned against tr: ding for a Note of hand, drawn 1 John Martin, in favor of John M’Carve and Monce Gore of East Tennessee, f< three hundred and fifty Dollars; payah on the first day of March next, dated* Jai uary 1st 1828. * As the Consideration for which said noi was given, has proved to be unsound, I aj determined not to pay unless compelled h law. JOHN MARTIN. Few Eehota, Feb. 21, 1828.—1-2*.