Cherokee phoenix. (New Echota [Ga.]) 1828-1829, May 06, 1828, Image 1

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i I Wv. PM(Ei\IX. VO JLi. I. XEW EC IS OTA, WEDNES1MY MAY 6, 182S. . . » '±iL , —, Iv c. i s. EDITED B¥ EtiUS BOUDlNOi 1 PRINTED WEEKLY I!Y ISAAC SI. SI A 'ST IS, FOR THE CHEROKEE NATION. At £2 50 if Y!a : '.l in advance, *S in six months, or $3 50 if paid at the end of the year. To subscribers who can read only th» Cherokee language the price wdl he £2,00 in advance, or $?,50 to be paid w th.n the year. Every subscription will be considered as continued unless subscribers g ve notice to the contrary before the commencement ol a new year. Any person, procuring six subscribers, and becoming responsible for the payment, shall receive a seventh gratis. Advertisements will be inserted at seven ty-five cents per square for the first inser tion, and thirty-seven and a half cents tor each continuance; longer ones in propor tion. letters addressed to the Editor, post paid, will receive due attention. c tv y jif ad ii s; •! rc a® J' V>0AVX<k)A TAAT H-V* JRtfPAA P4dfA. b©jie ARWRAdfy ktji d^p o^ba P^iSA, TCTZ TEJtSO'T’ DO-TA^PtM- TCTZ fl>P TcSO-A TB D0J»S> fPd8A, KT Dy-T OmJB.I P4d?A. D8A>$m)EZ TB y *v DOI-SdfP^, 0-yjlT DSP O’O.lBA P4d*A. Gtvyz <ve.R jtnyhjtc^y, wp«v* ov-q 9>e.iiu P4dfA ■s^abit’, tct-z TEiiso-r’ do" J»5d?)Pd?A. KTJ1Z D£P y vv <Mi O^ABA" BJR D0J>?>ofPdfA. AGENTS FOR THE CHEROKEE PHfflNIX. The following persons are authorized to receive subscriptions and payments for the Cherokee Phoenix. Henry Him, Esq. Treasurer of the A. B. C. F. M. Boston, Mas--. George M. Tract, Agent ofthe A. B. C. F. M. New York. Rev. A. D. Eddy, Cananda gua, N. Y. P0M.ARI) & Convex i’, Rvhraoii , Va. Kev. James Campbell, Beaufort, S. C. Cob George Smith, Statesville, W. T. Rev. Bennet Roberts—Povval Me. Mr. Thos. R. Gold, an tinerant Gen tleman, »wV-"W» CHBTOKEK LAWS. [continued.] New Town, Oct. 14, 1835. Resolved by the, National Committee aud Council, That the law requiring the several light horse companies (0 act as jurymen in the courts oktheir respective districts, is hereby repeal ed; and It is further resolved, That the cir cuit judges shall have power to order the marshals, sheriffs or consta bles, to select and erapannel five dis interested men of good character and judgment, to act as jurors in the courts of their respective districts, and in no case shall a marshal, sheriff, or consta ble, who may be interested in any cause, be competent to make a selec tion and empannel jurors to sit upon that particular case. Beit further resolved, That eachju ror shall be entitled to receive seven ty-five cents per day for services, up on presenting a certificate from the circuit & district Judges, attested by the clerk of the district court. By order, JNO. ROSS, Pres’t N. Com. MAJ. RIDGE, Speaker of Coun. Concurred in by the > 1 l; 1, his PATH * KILLER. mark, A. M’COY, Clerk N. Com. E. BOUDINOTT, Clk. N. Council. Article 1st. The lands within the sovereign limits of the Cherokee na tion, as defined by treaties, are, and shall be, tne common property of the nation. The improvements made eon and in the possession of the ci te of the nation, are the exclusive iid indefeasable property of the citi zens respectively who made, or may rightfully be in possession of them. Article 2*. The annuities arising from treaties with the United States* and the revenue arising out of the tax laws, shall be founded in the national treasury, and be the public property of the nation. Article 3d. The legislative coun cil ofthe nation shall alone possess the legal power to manage and dis pose of, in any manner by law, the public pioperty of the nation; Provid- ded, nothing shall be construed in this article, so as to extend that right and power to dispossess or divest the ‘•iti- zens of the nation of their just rights to the houses farms and other improve ments in their possession. Article 4th. The principal chiefs of the nation shall in no wise hold any treaties, or dispose of the public prop erty in any manner, without the ex press authority of the legislative coun cil in session. Article 5th. Themembe s of Com mittee and Council, during the recess of the legislative council, shall pos sess no authority or power to convene councils in their respective districts, or to act officially on any matters of concern to the public affairs of the na tion, excepting expressly authorized or delegated by the legislative council in session. Article 6th. The citizens of the nation, possessing exclusive and inde- feisible right to their respective im provements, as expressed in the first article, shall possess no right or power to dispose of their im provements to citizens of the United States, under such penalties, as may be prescribed by law in such .ases. Article 7th. The several courts of justice in the nation shall have no cognizance of any case transpiring pre vious to the organization of courts by law, antT which case may have been acted upon by the chiefs in council, under the then existing custom and u- sage of the nation, excepting there may be an express law embracing the case. Article 8th. The two principle chiefs of the nation, shall not, jointly or separately, have the power of ar resting the judgements of either ofthe courts or of the legal a< ts of the na tional Committee and Council, but that the judiciary of the nation shall be independent, and their decisions final and conclusive; Provided, aheaes, That they act in conformity to the foregoing principles or articles, and the acknowledged laws of the nation. Done in legislative counc il, at New Town, this 15th day of June, 1825. By order of the Nat'onn' Committee, JNO. ROSS, Pres’t N. Com MAJOR RIDGE, Speaker his PATH XI KILLER, mark. A. M’COY, Clerk. N. Com. ELIJAH HICKS, Clerk N. Council. New Town, Oct. 15, 1825. Resolved by the National Comwtlcc and Council, That the pol( tax law is, and shall be, suspended foi two years from the 1st of January ne^t; Protid- cd, nothing shall be so construed in this suspension, as to discharge or re lease those who have not paid their taxes, from paying up all their arrear ages; therefore, It is further resolved, That the col lecting officers are hereby required to make collections, without (delay, from all those who may be in irrears for poll taxes, including the present year. By o'der, JNO. ROSS, Prec’t N. Com. MAJOR RIDGE, Speaker, his Approved-PATH X KILLER, mark. A. M’COY, Clerk of N. Com. E. BOUDINOTT, Clerk N. Council. New Town, Oct. 17, 1835. Resolved by the National Committee and Council, That the judges of the supreme court, during the session of said court, shall have power to sum mons any of the marshals, sheriffs 01 constables of the several districts, who may be at New Town, to perform their official duties during each term, and in case any officer so summoned found within the limits ofthe Cherokee, nation, shall be the public property of the Cherokee nation; and should the legislative council deem it profitable and expedient, to have such mine or mines worked, then, in that case, the discoverer or discoverers shall be en tiled to receive one fourth ofthe nett proceeds arising from such minerals. By order, JN0. ROSS, Prrs’t N. Com. MAJOR RIDGE, Speaker, his Approved-PATH X KILLER, mark. CHARLES R. HICKS. A. M’COY, Clerk Nat. Com. E. BOUDINOTT, Clerk N. Coun. •Y*Z TodlrP \VP RSSiSr aqAd«y O’O-E-wZ Jivqs<»wiA tp4<s>a q’.®crE o^o* aja- aua y©z <»a sssivar ragct* RiS'lP Loiyz &hAl-\pdiP<»A, Dtf G<*y L'4* AtliSB'Oi,!. yif / AJAdw y (HCbB G— t, O-teGMidUP iqi/Sl- AA TP4<«A I oiJL Goiy AJAAoty •fU- KC,?WAoTA :*5P4JfA Gco.y DR0- GqAAdf T. DPJiy, For the better security of the com mon property of the Cherokee na tion and for the protection of the rights and privileges of the Chero kee people, We the undersign ed MEMBERS OF THE COMMITTEE and council, now in legislative council convened, have establish ed, and by these presents do here by declare, the following articles as a fixed and irrevocable prin ciples, by which the Cherokee na tion shall be governed. These ar ticles may be amended or modified, by a concurrence of two-thirds of the members of the committee and Council, in legislative council con vened* efuses or neglects to obey sueh sum mons, he or they shall pay a fine at the discretion of the court, not ex ceeding five dollars nor less than one dollar and fifty cents. By order ofthe National Committee, JNO. ROSS, Pres’t N. Comm ttee. MAJOR RIDGE, Speaker, his PATH X KILLER ma-k. CHARLES HICKS. A. MeCOY, Clerk ofthe N. Com. E. BOUDINOTT, Clk. N. Coun. New Town, Oct. 18, 1825. Resolved by the National Committee and Council, That all contested claims, where'there is no evidence of the claimant or claimants having de manded or set forth his, her or their claim, within the term of two years after such claim or claims, maybe alleged to have existed, then, in that case, such claim or claims shall be considered null and void, and be irre coverable by law; Provided, nothing shall be construed in the foregoing re solution, so as to impair contracts, or bar any person or persons from recov ering auy note of hand, or liquidated accounts, at any period after the lim itation herein specified. By order of the National Com. JNO ROSS, Pres’t N. Com. MAJOR RIDGE, Speaker, his PATH X KILLER, mark. CHARLES R. HICKS. M’COY, Clerk N. Com. New Town, October 5, 1825. Resolved by the National Committee and Council, That the Treasurer oi the c herokee nation be, and he is hereby authorised to loan out on interest, at six per cent, per annum, such sur plus public money as may be in the treasury, after ample appropriations have been made to meet the annual expenditures for the support of gov ernment, to such citizen or citizens of the Cherokee nation, as m;.y desire a loan; Provided, sudi person or persons may be fully able, to repay the sum or sums so loaned, and also, to give bond and two good and«uthcieiit secu rities, to the nation; and Provided al so, that each loan shall not exceed five hundred dollars, and for a length of time not exceeding six months, ex cepting by paying up the interest ami renewing the bond; then, in that case, the loan may be continued six months longer; and in case of failuie to make payment < r to renew the bond then, in that ease, the bond shell be put into the hands of some public officer for collection, ai d the default er’s private property shall be levied upon executed and sold to the highest bidder, unless redeemed within the periods following; to wit: for all sums from one hundred dollars and under ten days; for all sums above one hun dred dollars and under two hundred and fifty dollars and upwards, thirty days. The officer’s fees for collec tion, and the necessary expenses in curred by keeping the property* shall also be deducted from the sale of the defaulters property. By order of the National Committee, JNO. ROSS, Pres’t. N. Com. MAJOR RIDGE, Speaker. Approved, v -' his PATH X KILLER, mark. CHARLES R. HICKS. A. M’COY, Clerk N. Com. E. BOUDINOTT, Clerk N. Council, Oil JOofJ®, SOBT.y. O-ZcPWL CP. R. rS^),>IAA5P*y n^P ©II A. swye, JAAsi-sey d^fssw©;* cteh'dfT.-.SiAdfE, Dll’ O^G Tlid?!” TGr-PdfA* UA iiSJCT- TSTP JEG,<t A DmiX/iAJ 0 g y SAIT, D(f Ah>oTSFd? ; CPO'K DVliSr !;<T GO* tfm fvR ^ero- Di.Gvvy re, rhcr*r db AVAL RWaP lr?AiZW KWVty D£P .{.G** B0-T/«y D(f RW.3P Kir-wey KyiVtfcOj t,A-» nil -i©e(i.<r\®.i .od zcas EIiCr-iY’ *h'VlK Dll J7-V1TO- Go t y ouiTwa hP'Re Gc?y jr.soct- ir\aa n-4o?.t Gwy r,(verT, Dir jivi- TO SAPJH-a-V” TI*4o?--l TGF DUG^IiW©- c=j) ty iis.icr dap Deio-tcsy Dtf rwu- p jHiwoyG«y tg~z criiZi'-a ap^uo-g?- e<ro-. wfz Tcrc..i-i croirAOT’veo- ap^uo* Doaofy, yw sAP^ta 1. J3DZ SAA GIVy SAI IiE0P mO-EJJ- cr o’OTFSda PR Eii(r«i“ ©zpr» se'‘fj9p?w- hA-q ao-A-a Goty iisacr.v’ on y o j e- tf P4A-I; ji&'dyhz sii-asofi A-a ctv THiVl-q Rotsh DVIA TGFZ SCFAT’ JGTFf^ Ay, d<t tp4m > -i Gcsy^yit totp Dd" C JIAiyR.l r£>y, DcT Goiy Ut»SIi DAjJ shMlXhA'T’ JE&,ft-I O-D-K Sfl- TFSca. 9. E. BOUDINOTT, Clk. N. Council. New Town, Oct. 14, 1825. Resolved by the National Committee, and Council, That the law requiring the district judges to act as jurors in the supreme court, from and after the adjournment of the present supreme court, is, and shall he, null and void, and that the four circuit judges alone, shall hereafter compose the supreme court, to review and decide upon all cases appealed from the district courts; and that each judge shall he incompetent to sit, act, or decide, up-, on any cause appealed from their re spective district courts. By order of (be N. Committee, JNO. ROSS, Pres’t N. Com. MAJOR RIDGE, Spkeaker. his Approved—PATH X KILLER, mart, A. M’COY, Cl°r'. National Com. E. BOUDINOTT, Clk, Council New Town, (Jet. 17, 1825. The National Committee concur with the Council so far in remitting the fine imposed by the court on Sam uel Henry as the nation is concerned, excepting the marshal’s fee and the confiscation of the brandy; the pro ceeds arising from the sale of the brandy to revert to the informer a- greeably to his consent; Provided, that the said Samuel Henry also obligates himself, under bond and security, in future never to violate the law's of this nation, by the introduction of ardent spirits into the nation, under the pen alty of making good the fine herein re mitted, and also, of being dealt with as the law directs. By‘order, JOHN ROSS, Pros’! N. Com. MAJOR RIDGE, Speaker, his Approved-PATH X KILLER, mark. CHARLES R. HICKS. A. M’COY, Clerk N. Com. E. BOUDINOTT, Clk. N. Coun. Neto Town, Oct. 31, 1825. Resolved by the National Committee and Council, That all gold, silver, lead, copper or brass, w hich lttay bo jt©ecv<r 5 <».j GW r y o’eTPtf. [d^ted'O-ir 3 DI, AlrifBA.] tt ssifc, 14 shza, 1825. tflrAy D£P cteG-tD-UiXy DiT AlfWSi, acecAiTosa doabtaa sob^cvar JFAfcy 0 a 9t-r,£7«>a»5> JqAAJ»5 ShS&UR LhWSET, t,iv* <5IrhA*t>V, Dif Got*” MvAy WP T5- sy aqAA«y Gwiy jlata p4ova qjic©- gtr . aouiGoey, Dif wpa dray, d«t KT.a DhAV, Grity Sh&iXaA Ao?y TcSIiir DliotScS T-q.SP qeFAlTO IrteLAPAiDT, 0 0- BO'A, dsdup o 3 ei,o-X’A^ i‘4c.xa; Gojy ne- G4P47&1 y aqA^i»y biavset srsivir, D<f yet lEOGFR .tBhG(»y, DfWFA SAY, Drf KTA SAy, TCFZ 4T*.ir*V TIFPAS- obJ. liOBAFAifcT, I.m'A Gc^y 3V>,?<>tA »51‘- 4<aa DOBOTifosey Joty. Dcf G<»«V' AD dSh>/iy Det'FAcS'y a^A- a«y DhBBGoi- i^tejnRpotj sh-q»<»BA>qt KDIiyqef’A o?LS, D.IG Eh A.JSP DhZA?- (S)U O’ZjaWO-A \VP hSFifc AJAAoty D<r G t B'lU BhW©I AAiSSPwjy GotI-V* Goty SAI DPJiy D^P SSW©i, Gh .T©o®J9. «o-u,y. 0-ZoFBA, GP. R. rs/i, AAJaP.S'y D^P ©HA. «w r ye, AAiUPony d^p 3sw©i. B^Ar^JRZ TSJTU DhCtMi ©ZPlF VS- Dif JF.TCF IiSAC!" TS.IPA»5 C«V n^P DdO'XIiA9oCA, h*AGT*V , Z G'Wy SAI GO-er’ O’OTP K4o!)A. 3. Asecc-T 1 c?a ozp.qy Ghwei notsh hEOF* DJ1JJ G«y JIiqpoJWA, Do’ TFa- O-JlPtotA MofA IiiTOT’ D^P TSTP PR JEC.FA Ty^xhAir. dag o-py.^ Bh©0C.?ppfA. DAG AD GFJiy ImA G Ay rSO-AS f-of AAm I«o?A cCfio?A.’AI v <« A R- «•»!., DJIA JOTPSoE) tPBAR l-hJI-U DiT.S-l MSI-R, DiT A Tot A O 5 0PJl-4 ShofXhAlP»T, I.o?A G«y ASMryTA »M-4o?A. 4. qiiEocrRz cpiiF.errA r^sr daa c ©zrr AEae^AofAA ^>r-4<S'A. d<t c r.- G,OT./lA JSR4A-A D^P h<P0T z TSTP Jl'.(\* CU, EluSy/i O^RJldA Ay ASOClT-«a dz- Pity 3RW9CSA P-RT. 5. D.IP DOLO-t’c?y, DiT RWAP AMT- ©y, A©0C^if , *A APA»S TIP IitRWejO T- I<’4(n’A« rofA Grify ARW f y A RU'OTdr J (PO-R SRSC.ART D^F RA DiP D^3P hrOW TSTP PR, Gofy I.oTA JR-qOofT J\A »liP4- ofA. ERofyR EG.RJ1T -iA 1 P4<»A A©0» &.(T><S)A APA.5 BR1V9JT JhW©0=A PRT. 6. RrifSRZ DJIA (P0>R J0TPSo3 PR, DiT ASPRyuA RPR© iry \r^A o^ex’Ji-q er- GIp©J1Tc^A TE.5J5 DPJlF.T, Gmy L- otA .JF&RAA >!!>P4ofA DRG,FpR^) D.TA. TfTZ G«y y<S IiDrjl-q IPP.SPSA P4«iA qofr 5 o’pjios G<xy qpjfGAF^A. 7. JRWOTofA^Z T^cXy IrSAPUA Rff- yA, LoCA Go!y ihqotSwiA i^>p4m , a y© BOl^PAA T■q.AG? S^A DR-V* .iy©0C«.iT 5 pTA RAPR0 IrpR S^A TP4o?A, Do" 8CTW Go?y O’RZP-qA Tp4dfA O^RFSGFA tRWSi GA- GT IrEO-JIT Rdf SR GdfV JR©>3 , » TP4- <»a; TGTdfyRzo- aa Ay®0GVir<»A c, 0 vy ATdlA RA S^A T8JITofAdiPofA yW Gofy AECvR-q©d?WlA P4d?A. 8. DRYVPZ qRESGFR O’REPG'A RdfSR DJIA LofA TJW, D<f DBFS cdT*RdfA.IdfP- ofA SqAWO- ASYV©Td?A^) SPUAR, Dtf P- RJ1E Ds^P DeiOtedfy Iltf RWAP ARW< y; Gofydfyii AS0C,rdf A DZPdfy Ref SR DJ1- A LdfA y^S *S0Jl«VdtA, Dtf BqAAotE t,- X4 DdfSiSGt” P4o5A, DAG ER hAAO IR0- OCvSPdfA AD EROT-V- GFJ13S. Dtf qdf(T» O^PJlCi R ©0&.<rd?A Rdf SR, Goiy AD dSR(- Jiy A©0&.f»(S)A <6KPdfy AIr\V©;T. Tt ssjft, cfysstji ts 1825. DPJiy, Gil JOdf.T©. O-ZoPBA. so-ULy. R. 3*S^>, AAJiSPdfy ©HA. live; AAdBPdty sswsi. Ttssjs, 14 srza, 1825. dSR-Jiy D^P (teGUMufy Dtf AP1V©J, JPJ10K uu 1 ’ »sdr AqAAoty R»ucr o^eiT 1 - A-dfA^ JTAAAA qE©GTR O'lT’O- »SW©1, GdfyZ. AD*V* 1p8»W©I GEFGTR (PTC- AQ- AUn-yit* kii-ftij kt* e<fy ^rta’A, o-y- T7 ssii.-, 15 shZvi, 1825. cfilrjiy D^P <6GBC-Tiofy Dtf Ah>W©i, DRB® Dtf DhWP A ©JIT A P4dPA yS D?4 DRyRAA DRGuIfRA, TCT y© ^Ayjl-q Dtf seu4'c.AR, Gd?yz DS-a dap A,t5P 30i(iXvtUA T.0JIdfP^, Dtf B0VGX-. dfE DJBAA P4dfA, Dtf WP TGT’Irtfy AStf- PAA A,BP DR TT 6SA Go?y DJPA4 P4« «f)A, V'Y* DRCVlrR JZJtfGA 48tfBA%l >4-