Cherokee phoenix. (New Echota [Ga.]) 1828-1829, May 21, 1828, Image 1

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G'"w r "y* CIIEH^KEE I^FOA PHCENIX. YOL. I. SEW ECHOTA, WEDNESDAY MAY 21, 1828, AO. 13. EDITED BY ELIaS BO JDlNOTT PRINTED WEEKLY BY ISAAC H. HAHaiS, FOR THE CHEROKEE NATION. At $2 50 if paid in advance, #3 in six months, or $3 50 if paid at the end of the I J eac * To subscribers who can rea 1 onlv th« Cherokee language the price will be .*^2,00 in advance, or $2,50 to be paid within the year. Every subscription will be considered as continued unless subscribers give notice to the contrary before the commencement of a •Ticw year. Any person procuring six subscribers, «nd becoming responsible for the payment, •shall receive a seventh gratis. Advertisements will be inserted at seven ty-five cents per square for the first inser tion, and thirty-seven and a half cents for each continuance; longer ones in propor tion. ICp*All letters addressed to th" Editor, post paid, will receive due attention. ■oivy ujvoj a d hsi VOATiXcSa TAV»(T> ILY* JIitfBAa Iv4<»a. B©/1E ahWTiJ<»y KTA D>JiP (POTPU >4<»a, TCPZ TEJlSO-iT’ D0’/5o®P-<»a. TGTZ FT.P ToSO-A TB Dej^oSIvd®.!, KT »<c-q omJB-t i*4<»a. d9j^m>ez t' y v 0-y/lT D^P O’OJPa K4<*>a. cwyz cfcvr ahC5iiJc»y, w* w* Dt-q teema Moe-i totz teaso-t” do - ktjiz D,pp yvv *h o’sau.A' «.IR DflJjSoSI-iJBJl. AGENTS FOR THE CHEROKEE PHCEN1X. The following persons are authorized to ireceive subscriptions and payments for the Cherokee Phoenix. Henry Him^ Esq. Treasurer of the A. B. C. F. Mv Boston, Mass. (.rouge M. Tract, Agent of the A. B. *J. F. M. New York. Rev. A. D. Eddy, Cananda : gua, N. Y. P lard & Converse, Richmond, Va. Rev. James Campbell, Beaufort, S. C. Cel. George Smith, S atesr Me, \r. T. f Rev. Bennet Roberts—Powal Mr. Mr. Thos, R. Gold, an itinerant Gen- ’ Aleman. ‘•rwicw .CMEIIOKEE LAWS* [continued.] I ' New Town Nov. 10, 1825. Rewived by the National Committee nnd Council, That the law imposing ta tax upon citizen merchants of the Chtfrokce nation be, and these mo ; s [tierebjr, suspended for the teim of two ©years. « J[ 'By order of the Nat’onal Committee, JNO. ROSS, Pres’t N. Com. MAJOR RIDGE, Speaker, his BATH X KILLER. 1 ( mark. I|>A. M’CQY, Clerk. N. Com. ‘ *E. BOUDINOTT, Clk. N. Coun. New Town, JSIov. 10, 1815. Resolved by the National Committee und Council, That the law prohibit- ing persons choosing to emigrate to ^ e . 4 rk »™as country from selling their improvements, and all others', from purchasing improvements from 'tiuch persons under the penalty of one hundred and fifty dollars passed on the 27th October, 1821. be and the $ame is hereby, repealed. By order, JNO. ROSS, Pv.s’t N. Com. MAJOR RIDGE, Speaker. , his ftpproved-PATH X KiLLER. _ mark. ft. M’COY, Clerk of N. Coin. BOUDINOTT, Clerk N. Council New Town y Nov. 10. 1825. . Resolved by the National Committee 'and Council, That the law' authoris ing the circuitjudges to appoint light ho se companies, under certain cir cumstances, passed on the 13th No vember, 1822, be, and the same is hereby,repealed. •By order of the National C->m. JNO ROSS, Pre^ N. Com. MAJOR RIDGE, Speaker- his path m killer. mark. a xr,o/f^ RLES R - HICKS. A. M’COY, C!».rV. N. Com. BOUDINOTT, CUN-Council New Town, Nov. 10, 1825. Resolved by the National Committee and Council, That the children of Cherokee men and white women, liv ing in the Cherokee nation as man and wife, be, and they are hereby ac knowledged to be equally entitled to all the immunities and privileges en joyed by the citizens descending from the Cherokee race, by the mother s side. By order of the National Committee, JNO. ROSS, Pie-’t N. Committee. M AJOR RIDGE, Speaker, bis PATH X KILLER, mart:. CHARLES HICKS. A. Mc.COY, Clerk of the N. Com. E. BOUDINOTT, Clk. N. Coun. New Town, Nov. 10. 1824. Resolved by the National Committee and Council, That the section em braced in the law regulating marriages between white men and Cherokee women, and making it unlawful for w>hite men to have more than one wife and recommending all others also to have but one wife, he, and the same is hereby, amended so that if shall no be lawful hereafter, for any person oi persons whatsoever, to have more than one w'ife. By order of the N. Committee, JNO. ROSS, Pres’t N. Com. MAJOR RIDGE, Speaker, hir. Approved—PATH X KILLER, mark. A. M’COY, Clerk. Nationa 1 Com. E. BOUDINOTT, Clk. N. Council New Torn Nov. 10, 1825. Resolved by the National Committee and Council, That a fence of four inches crack between ea'h rail, for two and a half feet up from the ground, shall be considereda lawful fence, and Ihe hogs of any person or persons what soever, breaking into the field of a person having such a fence, the owner or owners of such property shall be responsible for all the damages sus tained and the courts of the several districts shall have cognizance of such cases. Bv order, JNO. ROSS, Prrs’t N. Com. Concurred in bv the C lined, * . MAJ. RIDGE, Speaker of Coun. his PATH H KILLER, mark. A. M’COY, Clerk N. Com E. BOUDINOTT, Clk. N. Council. New Town, Nov. 10, 1825. Resolved by the National Committee and Council, That all the duties re quired by the subsequent lavvs to be performed by light horsemen, shall be performed by "the several officers, superseding the light horse companies, excepting so far as performing ex press services. By order, JNO. ROSS, Pres’t N. Com, MAJOR RIDGE, Speaker, his Approved-PATH X KILLER, mark, A. M’COY, Clerk N. Com. E. BOUDINOTT, Clerk N. Coum New Town, Nov. 10, 1825. Resolved by the National Committee and Council, That the Treasu rer«of the Cherokee nation be required to enter into bond with ten good and approved securities, in the penal sum of fifty housand dollars, for the faithful per formance of his duties according to law, and that the bond and securities be renewed at the end of every two years. Be it further resolved, That the sa lary of the Treasurer of the Cheroke© nation shall be three hundred dollars per annum. By order of the National Committee, JNO. ROSS, P/es’t. N. Com. his Approved—PATH X KILLER, mark. A. M’COY, Clerk of N. Com. . E. BOUDINOTT, Clerk N. Coun. New Town, Nov. 10, 1825. Res 1-ed'by the National Committee a)ul Council, That all improvements PROPERTY OF THE ' Chicago Historical society 632 NORTH DEARBORN STREET which may be left by any person or persons removing to another place, and the improvements so left, remain un occupied for the term of thrtpe years, such improvements shall be consider ed abandoned, and any other person or persons whatsoever, may take and go in possession of such improvements, in the same manner as if there\were no improvements. By order of the N. Committee, JNO. ROSS, Pres’t. Nat. f^om. his PATH X KILLER, mark. A. M’COY, Clerk N. Com. E. BOUDINOTT, Clerk of N. Council New Town, Nov. 12, 1825. Resolved by the National Committee and Council, That all lawful contracts snail be binding, and whenever judgments shall have been obtain ed from any of the courts of justice in the Cherokee nation, against any per son or pei sons whatsoever, on a plea of debt, it shall be lawful for surh judgment or judgments by giving bond . ith sufficient security w ithin five days . fter such judgment shall have been issued; and the stay shall not exceed for all sums under ten dollars, tfventy .lays; for all sums from ten and under thirty dollars, sixty days; for all sums from thirty and under fifty dollars ninety days; for all sums from fifty dol lars and under one hundred, six months; and for all sums over one hundred dollars, nine months; and in rase the person or persons agains! whom judgment or judgments shall be issued fail to give bond and security as aforesaid, it shall be the duty of the officer or officers in whose hands such judgment or judgments may be placed, to levy upon his. her or their proper ty, and advertise the same for public sale. For all sums from one to one hundred dollars, ten days; for all sums over one hundred and fifty, twenty days; for all sums over two hundred and fifty dollars, thirty days indulgence shall be given for the redemption of such property, and should the proper ty so advertised for sale be not re deemed in the periods herein stated, it shall be sold at public vendue, to the highest bidder, Yor ready money. The property so sold shall become the rightful property of the purchaser or purchasers, and the lawful officers dis posing of the same shall be. and are hereby, authorised to issue bills of sale for all such property sold, agreeably to their official authorities. All sums over the amount of the debt for which the property is sold after deducting officer’s fees, shall be returned to the proper owner or owners. . Be it further resolved, That it shall not be lawful for any officer or officers to attach, and sell the following pro perty of any person or persons on any account whatsoever, to wit: houses, farms and other improvements; house hold and kitchen furniture, farming u- tensils; and also, one cow and calf, one sow and pigs; and one gun, shall be re served. By order of the National Committee, JNO. ROSS, Pres’t. N. Com. MAJOR RIDGE, Speaker, Approved, his PATH X KILLER, mark. CHARLES R. HICKS. A. M’COY, Clerk N. Com. E. BOUDINOTT, Clerk N. Council, aeoci<r<XA Gwy o^otpi. [*e<fo-(P di> Abtfau] tv s8iL, lOo-tsx, 1825. aivjiy d$p o6(rL0-i«y d<r ah.woj, JPJiCs D^P RoJSI. DAA -IhZJt- «y , i,*v» Gkiy <bivhj)oix,. DP-iy, l#Ti JOo^JO. O-ZoTL^. 30-I.Ly. CP. R j-’s.s, jujaPotiy ©nj. «'vy$, vlAJiPbty sswGi. TT »S*Jr, 10 0-t.SX, 1825. <Rir/ty n^F cftftt.ofckiy n<f AMve;, jp^ics 13 o-isx, 1822, W'P Lss* utu.- adey i)oa£TA^ tctz /SO^hA-y., Goty uor tbh-hJim.. DP/iy, Gh JOotUO. sou.y. 0-ZoVWJ. R. JAJJPoiiy D^P ©Iia. »tvye, aAdii.ijey d^p s$w®i. tt ssjb. 10 o-irx, 1825. dile^iy D^P ^CLOPcty Dtf AIpWSI G y DildiSiA BOJ1EZ Dhhli hOViviU Dh- .itfdea, Gdryz j^iir nsaev n«>sii d-y.a (VOTP Ml GdiAf’ Gc?y O-OTP Iv4c-)J, Dtf Gdfyde«v ydfSosa d/i^x eivy d/iirCJiov Irydt) J. 0“h.ati:.A D^P DOPO-Wy, Gh JSotJ®, .IXPJIGT ©HJI. so-exy. *i>cr (y-zofrij). R. -TS.S, JAJiSPcSy D^P ©HJI. snyo, ssw&i. tt ssvSr, 10ot,rx, 1825. rtlr/iy D^F c6GP0-P«y, Dtf Ah>W©i, (PP-XCc U«y dPTiVV TsGTfiT E©yiE Dh- ovSeS B©c9Z Dlip'll, Gd?y U^oP GGiAXh- AAJ.5i (X0T.PT E8J1E dl /.Cry. Dtf Got.V’ Atcr-iV’ ^>y i,saG?- Qh*T vor ooec- ^3op G^loP Gt^y ’,or <5KP^U, AA‘V* 1 *y* DLtfhdtPsia DIideXIiAJctP-Aa 0-0- PPT 1 otia (paG <r> ^OhRcrtl^I. DP/iy d^p ssw©;, GhJQofJ©, aXPJlGT D^P ©Ha. so-tiy. hj?>fi0, ozept^, cyi scrj). r. aAjiSFdiy d^p ©iia. snyo, aAJBFdiy d^p »sw©i. 1 TT SSvfc, 10 0-T.SX, 1825. AirJiy n^p *Gi.op*y, Dtf Ah'i\©;. D*CT 0-y .PhL©(P 0><py.j) TU$V<P nt.tfdt.1 D'K-@ota D'pi-SollP’T, KT/1Z D^P TCrdtST* te<t> a.dtx-ti?a hSPdfa ei tctop, oi- (rt-tfo-ir G«y d-pet, Gotiyz a©eo.irc?a P4ota, y z JTF LX TLGPl!4idBa y^ <P- CiU-R, G«yz ^D IiOC,/l«'.I &"PBT GcSyZ JTP LX (PGai^-l (PJEJ P4dia 0 J 0Lhotl- /t-GO-T. 0 J hBdkZ LhW©i Gdiy Jh^OclP- jia P4«>?a. CP/i/tCr^ D^P DGlOPoiy, Gh J©d®J©, aXiaGT DjlP DGtO-Poty. so-ti y. *BGT h-^>50, O-ZoPL^, DyFGCT^. R. -r**, aAiVPdtiy d^p ©na. mvye, aAiSsr-oty d^p sstvoi. tt ssji., 10 o-p?x, 1825. *Ir/iy D^P tfOPO-Bovy Dtf Ah>W©l, hsacr- Jh-GSdep/ia h>i*r dgjeta^ <6h cf- P/tCcdiWO' Gdty T-ildty TCTGPtfy D^P Jh- *q©d?t..x.9 G/iop, e dry jrsepjiGBR-ti cdry Jh'4©i» Tiv4ora; ^Ddryh o^CiR cppdra Irl-lr0-otEy Ld®.! GdTy TCTOiTVla »5P4- ol-I. VFJiy, Gh J©diJ©, so-pt y. O'Z op .1.9. GP. R. D^P JTAJiJFdry. SWyG, UAOBPoty SSW ©i. tt ssev, 10 (M.?x, 1825. <6iryiy d^p (fcGPo-Pdry D<r Aitwei; DST\sac3 Gwy sait ajup cfo-a P4dra DdCAAZ OIiRoSJ y® DZotlT’ VVP F.a,(T 5 T»^d9 dSotHT’ J-GSdeP/iaiS, Dtf O^PJlte Vn'IP Goiy d®0G,(T’dt'aA, J3d?Sd?A^Z TiSSBP D?^ (FGJBa p-4dtia TG^Z ©Ddeso-cr^, GcFyZ A.WP CFhOO- TGTdvJoP VVP G9aB Ddit^a- dua Tiv4»ea. Dtf ^d *iv/iy htj-ip ds-g^ rsamr* D«JER?«ia D*w$ac& Gwy*. CFIiJlCxA D^P 3«W©I, Gh J©d6J«, aXPaGT D^P ©HJT. so-pi.y. <6LGT <6d?a^qi0, 0-ZoPP^9, DyEGGT^. CP. R. jtAajrdry d^p ©na. swyo, aAjapdiiy d^p ssw®;. TT SSdz, 10 (FMX, 1825. *h*yiy D^RP O'GPO-toty, Dtf Ah>W©;, hsacr ss. i*R Dtf ATotia o’or’jiq y« td- GPO(®P(®.IZ KT IiFSa^dt'Pdt'U yG Gt r 0- .avvadrEo .2>P4d?a, Gdry jhPivirjj, Dtf ArdJ.i o»0(r»yi-sj, Gtr uw shi.4ota <il- tf*v*z ye FCdJiwadB.i Dtf EG.oyiwaci'a TI-46ta T0I»»V*Z GejlWadiA TJW'oP hSP- ot JoH-d?.!. DhJiy D^P thVVSIT, Gh J©dM®, JIXLaGT ©Ha. • so-try <6LG?’ o-zoppa, DyE©cr/9, CP. r r*A. UA.tJFdry ©Ha. swyGj -lAAjf'dry p j»w©^ TT, 12 0-P3X, 1825. <fch*/iy D^I-’ a)GP0-Xoiy Dtf APV ©J, hSJG? GAA(/R oGPSE Gcky D4 dePBI’.© i-4dea, Dtf pqvadtpoiia T>q^p thwwx Dh c.. y *> y (FJi a^DhiSET, G«y.j « n»0' ©-J w* i dL4oia Atfv :• t,«v* Dho-is ssavc'o* o-J.ia* ^dry^z JAPXiT 5 PS/lop/l^di'j AAJP (FO-U/S, Dtf VV- 1^ CF(PP/1^ y(g tf,dif (FC,T’U^1. DdT ' JiZ Rdesz tT*T TL4d?a WWdt dR^r 5 Kw^adi.i i'-4d5a. Docaaz f tfo» 1° KDcSAj} bX'X.0 G,d?a TP4oia fPWptAJ* dRAiP, KDoTAAZ .'tfO-T 3 JSoiSnt\JhZ DS-'4 Cidra TP4*n dR4!r>. j9diS- dt.\4Z C tf 0-(P 3 DdtA4 JTPZ DS'GA C,dTa TL» 4ota rPP TtxOA. DdEA^dtTZ D3-IJ4 f<3» ReBYdJU 4tf./lW TcfcCr-A F CJ5.Id®.I ’! p-4» ota. TG^dryiiZ c«y yr< djose ssau-'o d<t Ad»P (PhO'CF (FJF:a.>6, (Fq.'l«l-di P’dtV; 4^ I A* aSP (FOa/5> Dtf WF (TT^TiA.f) *V* aPhCdiy Goty AAT LSRS-IJCmLcTa (> «y SSAWO CFJrx.5 Dlr'-y Sh^Mpdf:.lZ Dir - y otp dF.c.(?a, (F0ao-a^z Gdiy'n- ^P S.S'Oidrp'dta ALT. Vn* DS^'4 CtfOJ® DdrA.9JTf>Z (Lora TL4dra. DotAJJ PFoluv dri'dra cFoao-a^, Doraattpz dsc4 '®r* dtsdsa WIV^AJ PRdrad?Ld?.l. WI-dTP J}» d?Soi'AAZ DS-G4 ®RdtSo?a KD«AJ9 T Rdt.r- d£Po®.I. G«y 4D hAAtfdta P-IoSaaori^ oia OGJua* ioyL'ta^'’ Gdry di c./.p. TGF-dryi.z Gcsy di &,®a seaoa.s v- JiSP Goty qJBLGiV' Dtf qyR6.V“ TI'4dr^ o j tp dt;&.®a G\c?or Et.cror jn> kg4"s, t*v*«yii d£p Dho?odra cfpagt^woa yd oar D.i^dry ©dry cftp hsi-dr-.idrp«a r TFASO-r ; tV»Z Gdiy DS-q DtfBadSLoTa. Gw dryz dE&,®a oi.oao-tf 0 tiv“* D4 oti-s.^ L4dea y® Gdiy og.ra. adz Duo y ohjiT-qa aophodry \l°p Deio-.Tfdra s» 0X^44^ d!'.<S,®a Gdiy OhGaO-R Lit /IT- 'iiV’ Gdty.3 GGirji:d®a. Cdryz mr 1 e hSi Dtf aphGdi.y OTP hSPdradTF. Dlfl G» drodra dlz c.a.*dii-dt’a dFG,®a, Gdry^ hsac?- Dh/ifdr. ‘nv. Dtf an <pir/iy, i.dra y® aphedry ctr* BPoSa AD dECL®a RIVJP F.hCT«V* IrALUV* t.dra Ardra ^o-dr^.vw/idra creao-4ci)^ Gdiy sr-KS, Dtf <4LL. Dtf TSSTiT 5 Al ot.# (PGtf’/l'GT, Dtf DPdTPEa.5 D+.iT. ipl D,%Pdra. Dtf L’*v» r yoa.i- A C.S, Dtf UtV« dO-y dTLX, Dtf fL“* SffJg ;diy DhZ4c9oiii''di)a. DP.ay, .TOdTj©'; so-pi.y. tvZoPU4-, GP. n. rszb, d^p aAAJPdry. swyo, UAdBFdry ssw©;. CORB.ESPONDFNCF, Between Gens. Gray, Davidson and Cocke, late Commissioners of the If* nited States, and Messrs John Rvsi and Ridge, on the part of the Cue ode kee Nation. [continued.] Cherokee Agency, Sept. 24, 1827. Messrs. Jno Ross & Major Ridgt?. Gentlemen:—The enclosed letiet* has just been handed me, with a i -t» quest that I would forward it to von with as little delay as practicable*.—. Mr. William Cowan is therefore de spatched with instructions to do so. I again request your prompt atten tion to their call, and hope it will be treated w ith that respect and attenw tion which is due to it. Very Respectfully, your obedient servant, H. MONTGOMERY. Cherokee Agency, Sept. 23, 1827. Messrs. John Ross And Ma.toA Ridge. Gentlemen:—The undersized Commissioners of the United Stall s acknowledge the receipt of your joint letter, bearing date the 15th ins’, nt, which reached them late onyestercav. We avail ourselves of the earliest mo ment to reply, and despatch a special messenger that no delay may occur in communicating to you our astonish* ment and regret, at the contents of you© letter. You speak of our invitation for a General Council of the Cherny kee Nation as “sudden and unexper t* ed, and that the t’me and place was appointed without consulting the con venience of the members of the Com mittee and Council. In reply to that part of your letter we tuka leave KF