Cherokee phoenix. (New Echota [Ga.]) 1828-1829, November 19, 1828, Image 2
KHttsijK. J f exceeding Ten Dollars, to be a<$judg- ed by the Court of the District in which such offence may be commit ted. And if any negro slave shall be convicted of the above offence, he shall be punished with thirty nine lash es on the bare back. A communication wa9 received from the principal Chiefs, recom mending some measure to be adopted by the General Council for the adjust ment of some important business with the United States. The Committee decided that it was expedient to send a Delegation to Washington, during the ensuing session of Congress. The Bill regulating elections and precincts was again resumed, & laid on the table, until the next Gen. Council.. On motion of Mr. Gunter, a resolu tion was adopted, regulating writs of elections in case of vacancies that may happen in either house of the General Council. The resolution submitted by the lower bouse, granting the Perry bank in the Pork of Ooste-nah lee and Con- asauga rivers, to A. McCoy, and im posing a fine of Two Hundred Dollars on any person who may put a ferry boat in opposition to his, or at any es tablished ferry in the Nation, wns sub mitted to the Committee. After some investigation, and examination of wit nesses, the question of concurrence was taken. Yeas, Bowlen, Daniel, Downing, Gunter and Sanders, 5.— Nays, Foreman, Griffin, McDaniel, Timson, Taylor, Jos. Vann. (C.) D. Vaun, J. Vann (H.) and Ward, 9. Thursday 13th. Twenty five Dollars was appro priated for the benefit of Jesse Bushy- head. Mr. Gunter moved that the general Council adjourn on Tuesday next. It was opposed by Mr. D. Vann. The motion was lost. A communication was received from tho principal Chief, on Robert Lovett’s petition. The Committee decided that it was not expedient to pass a law for his relief. The salary of the principal Chief was fixed at $300 per year. The salary of the assistant principal Chief vlas fixed at $150 per year. The salary of the Treasurer of the Cherokee Nation, was fixed at $350 per year. The pay of the Executive Counsel lors was fixed at $2 per day during service. On motion of Mr. J. Vann (C.) it was resolved that the salary of the Sheriffs be $50 per year, besides col lection fees. On motion it was resolved to let, to the highest bidder, the two Nation al turnpikes on the Federal road, and to require the contractors to give bonds and good securities, for the pay ment of money to the Treasurer of the Cherokee Nation. The law passed 4th day of July 1827, requiring the Treasurer of the Nation, to lease to the highest bidder, the ferry and improvement on the Chatahooche river, commonly called, Vann’s Ferry, was repealed. Four dollars was appropriated for the benefit of each of the superindents and Clerks, who served on the first Monday in last August, during the e- bection of members of the General Council. The petition ofOo-le-noh-wah Scra per, granted by the Council, praying for a hearingin a certain case, wa6 re ceived and rejected. The communication of Mr. D. Brown respecting a pair of Globes, presented to him, for the Cherokee Nation, by individuals of New Oi- leahs was submitted. The globes were received, and an appropriation was made of fourteen dollars and eigh ty eight cents, for the benefit of D. Brown. Fifteen dollars was appropriated for the benefit of Joshua Buffington and Alfred A. Hudson for illegal ifees collected from them, by direction of the Supreme Court of 1827. Friday 14th. The petition of Moses Fields, pray ing for a grant to open a road from his house to the Cherokee Agency, was granted. A Bill was passed regulating ex penses occasioned by criminal prose cutions. John F. Baldridge returned and took bis seat. The petition of Thos. Woodward, fo^ a grant to cut a road, was granted both houses. A communication from the princi pal Chief was received, containing hi# objections to'the bill regulating the fsrtipgof jpernpti-.- iThe Bill Wife again taken into con sideration, and was so amended as the penalty of employing whitemen with out permits not to exceed fifty dollars, and not.less than one dollar. The petition of Tahnoowee, and Thos. Pettit, to establish a ferry on the High Tower river, was granted. The petition of several citizens of Taquohee District, praying for the ap pointment of commissioners to select suitable place for a Court house in that District, was submitted and’ granted. Saturday, Cth. The following communication wafe received from the principal Chief, nominating Delegates to Washington. Executive Department, Nov. 15th 1828. To the President of the Committee, Sir—Agreeably to the resolution of the general Council, deciding on the expediency of sending Delegation to Washington City this winter, for the purpose of transacting & adjusting bu siness with the Government of the Uni ted States, I tie,ft4by recommend to the Committees Messrs. Richard Taylor, Edwsrd Gunter, and William S. Coody to be appointed on this mis sion. I ara, Sir, respectfully your Obt. Serv’t. JNO.ROSS. The Committee returned, the fol lowing answer. Committee Room, Nov. 15th 1828. To the Principal Chief of the Cherokee Nation, Sir:—Your communication recom mending Messrs. Richard Taylor, Ed ward Gunter, and' William S. Coody, to be appointed as Delegates to Wash ington Uity this winter, to adjust the unsettled claims that this Nation have against thejGovernment of the United Slates have been read to the* * Com mittee, who are all of opinion that the interests of this Nation require that you should accompany the Delegation, and request you to inform them, whether you are willing to go. If you are, will it be necessary that three other persons should be appointed, or only two? LEWIS ROSS, Prest. The resolution submitted to the Council respecting executors and ad ministrators, was concurred by the Council, and sent to the principal Chief. A communication was received from the principal Chief, expressing his willingness to accompany the Del egation to Washington. Mr. D. Vann moved that it was not expedient to appoint more than two Delegates. 4 Mr. Gunter opposed the motion. The Committee decided that it w-as expedient to appoint four. The two houses met, and proceed ed to elect the Circuit and District Judges. Daniel McCoy and Walter Adair were duly elected Circuit Judge’s of the Cherokee Nation, for the terra of four years. John Sanders was elected District Judge of Coosewaytee District. Alexander Sanders was elected District Judge of High Tower Dis trict. » John Duncan was elected, District Judge of Hickory Log District. Geo W. Owens was elected Dis- District Judge of Tahquohee District. Richard Walker was elected Dis trict Judge of A-quo-hee District. Young Wolf was elected District Judge of Ah-mo-bee District. John Benge was elected District Judge of Chiekamauga District. Daniel Griffin Sr. was elected Dis trict Judge of Chattooga District. DyffifthAf* r*apmi 4H> b>i.8V<»y- h AE&RRBRA f*4dtA JEC.8A, DA© AR- h»So®y ChATA Dtf JRATA R4m>A. AD- •*© gxpt G<»y ad wp ecutraa RG.A£>i-<ftA E<vswoea*v* ti-4<s>a G<sy DRSy. adz d<r g<X'V* iawiy d^p AGRo-B&y, Dtf asm* assm’ Kh>wey ssy sapr d- APoiA DRBBG0F4* R4o©A AqAA«»y Geiy- z jrg©<*raa mi d^aajirv* c.m>9<%a r- <*»z G«ey aq©<»RAA,j»4w!A dt g- b8*V lie «©Ro®AA AI-4d®A G«>y AD <JG®- <xiAa mit. ^ AhJie Gm-v ro^soSa. ssy jjAa«y JG®(»RAA G<»«V* TR4toil TAGWlr TIFZ ye crasp »ecr<*aa, Go®ycfyi» AEC.c:t*A- a Ti-4<»-i T(r Dae G<»y z<»i,r>s dap- dbb'dbA 0>O^ DORO-RoDET G<»y*v* TCretf 3 - aa i*4d®A^ adz Ga*v» iio j cS>»«>a. jw- ©Aoea rr brEAA*i* (poar^o-A ipzgwr ©gt ihvveijoea jwjaa R4*az. wpaz o’eAWo-a fia, d-raz adrw©rm>a.— KTAZ 0 3 eAW"0-A C.ADRPT SSrSZ ADR- wwivoea. dyAZ wt ®syz adrw®- Rm>a, Gritydiv G«>v t- o^ai^o-a t,.v* d<t aswcaah— <*>a G*yde«v M trieiV RO’ffesdea a Dae gm>*v* ho»<»»oea. igtz y<s R«es4" o-es trp- <»r<»a aJAaiydtyh o 3 WL4a r4«;a g- ocyz ad o«y rssy (p<r«e aJAadey 9$w©- ad®ET Gwyij D4 SvkdDAa tr4m>a. g- d®y Dae a,;Ho®a«v* G<»y«v* o-c..i»8m>A4* Gd?y aqAa<ay je<re rrw©am>et. d» ae GdJ4f» Dsr<s»«!a vuwdbA dsga dsj- BRa D<r rsjbra p-4^a aqAa<»y fsa- B<T» TAAJ*. 3VS3WAAZ DdbAA D9GA DS- JBRa Tp'4<»a v»aBfl« Go?»vz o 3 diwy qAWRcsJBRp. GdcyaD q<»9dea. WWSidl TS PRfrMI. TS P-R, 0-MX. Alp/iy D^P *»TiO-Pd5)y Dtf a»StvT Kh- wsy, D94 D*a© o><va*sa saht wmy- rit>y P’4di>a, D^P O’OTP D94 0»d6XhA(T», G- yz as®a P4d«a anae ads«v« ho^^a, Gdey IiAA4 9SWSI O a dCST(T’*V* P'4<»a ©deRAa TerdeacP o»i«o-dea t» p-r ap»s- ffiAPdsa a4«d®x.Aa TP*4<»a Gdey<»yi» ad DAd0AEdtiyh O’h^-qoP. ADZ Gd£*V» nOPdbidbJt. I< EIi*V JXitT0— f* RSPdCWhApT aeP/SPRoiia^) smart, tctz ysT TDRcSAadtP-dea Dtf ADGahA- Pdca, Gd©yz aJAadey tpio-ia P4dta t ST O’JBa P-R DtXAA D9AA (idatriSa &>ej- sa p>4d®a iLdna Dae saRobAA 4>P4wa DdvAA D94A (P0JBa Ii»P*eWIiAPd«a Goiy- deyh ad hSRdca DRa^idta. ADZ Dtf Gdt)*V* RO’dB'Idtia, TCTZ Pd®a^ Di.o-'Bdap’dija yGT aj»p o>Ad®a p-- 4d?a, wpaz Ea.r»iiAA drwp acvira tp- 4dea O’AAGTR O’TirSPT.oea p'RT DlrZdJiytf* ^y Dtf MZvbym »sey Gd®y ad qd$*«*a. ADZ Gd8*V ho»^»d®a Tflt»Z y® Dlrsy ■dc apicsy Dtf aEa«a rss d94a yq<ru‘ cyiz ^EcJa, DSJBRa qpdfcwo-y. D^P AftlO-hety Dtf aSSIvT- KIrW«y AlrAy, TST t-R P«WBRa* TErt SAy 0>- E®G?A KTJW DSHBRPoCa, WPAZ »AV A- d?y»sa'p, Depdespdeyz DhKT lreni tctz ATdia Jh4®d®hAa h»PdiW>hA?»®a, WP DS4A 1* P-SJBRjf Tp«4dBa: AdirySSBAZ TS P-R 0-h*X. D^P AGIO-hdfy Dtf a»StT Kh>W®y a ip Ay, Tc*z y® Di»»dd *o-<vhT-fb* sys- (UR, Adapz qeie *y TGrPdcwhi.d®a je- a,ca o’dexhAj", Gdfyz ad gi Tcreip D- hSWA Dtf AhhSWoP O’ehO-a t-R Goiiy Jh- ATa P-4dt)a ahdSXhAbAA JE&®a ahhp 0°hA^4A 0 D hAb, Dtf (PMp, TCTZ btSScS Ay *tka TG^sanr i-4dea yw o s Awy 0 5 <VR J4®d6I*Aa p-4dea DP-BZ Ay AWS TGfsaBj” Tp-4dea yw gdty (PaR o s tp C^bO-ha TIv4dDa, JEa.Ca DlrdeXhAbAih yw Gaby Gh<fiA4a P-4dea. adz Go®*v* o-y Tssy aqAad®y aag^- csy. AcriiB, &.az E^p'0 5 P(»ba, J'PJoa- az o5ssy ajAadty asTdey, Tbivz <»ssy aJAadey ap-puir’idsy, iaadrpz <se»sy aJAadey gr jatd, ba^tz <»ssy ajAa- d?y o?xr jatj«, r«v*az dussy ajAa«)y AhobAaty 3ATP* DAAZ dvSSy aJAAoDy (XcSRlT 3ATD JSfSZ o®SSy AJAAdEy SAT* csyz missy ajAAofcy DbtfdeyAo®y. g- oby& GRIrS. ’ (PoPMy G9y RA. NEW ECHOTAs WEDNESDAY, NOV. 19, 1828. AbAy D^P AGWO-Bo^y Dtf ASSRT K- irwily TcreiPAPBdeiaA aqAadsy o-y ts- sy |AAA JfJUAA SSA DtfR(»P-d®a TEA- A*V« tPeAIcV’O'A DOdSEA ©4T. *TZ R- •va JtfRdep-dea wpaz (poar-vo-a, tlc. DAA^ RRWQP-dea. KTAZ 0 3 eAb*V’0-A <VAD(IP JS**SZ ADRW©P-9?ia. 0-yAZ o 3 0a i»v*o-a r*v*t osyz ADRW©P-dea De- dCEaje-qT GdeycB^VZ Gde*V R0 5 <»»d®a SCR ©•qT/TEAA«V’ Gdi<>r O’eAR-VO-A TDetfR- depia rrw©et Gd?yz ad aqAAdty o 3 - O-R ket?~?abA p-4dea AECuZiWWAA RSSaTPZ p-sjbra TP-4dea cpro- aqAAdey t»9abj«. AeLzJUWAAZ DobAA D94 V^ABtf* AdbY- 4^*2 JARXir 3 TAAT> aR4®oiiRAa TP-4o®A Gde^Z AAMPdby S4©deRA4T, Go®*V* 0»A- wy^DRWdep-diia Wp ds-ga bs raag. rss- wsVrt. A|lZ GdJ-V* I^de^dia. TCFZ y® WabS- O-esA CPPAPSA RSPdCWRAPdDA, TCTZ R1V- a WRO-O-A O^-GA TP-4(*a, Gdeyz D6(T»R- o?Ac»y O-yKA TodUt* DRd®S«® AP-h-RBA p-4d%A tPORO-A t,4^Z RIiW®KAP(»A WWS- •V* TdeRtf 3 Jf^dSA TP-4d®A 0 3 FAP9A. G- d®y ad q<»5d*A. ADZ Gd®*V* RSi*V* TABBSoP P-R B® TGT- Z y® S^h-'PPWO-AA" TI-4m)A SRW 0>WW- C5RA TP-4d®A TDRAPdfA 0 3 (r 3 RAd^lA•V , TP- 4d®A. TGTZ 0 3 dBS0-l=A«V* ©RSPAWRAP- of A Adby aARX(J*» TDRAPdilA. GcSy\3*V*Z Gde4” q^A-G-v* o 3 RAdewo-A Gdiy-r tgt- obA GabW 4 TDh-ri«)Ad*Pc»A. ADZ GdB-r *ltAy Dv?P *GR0-X><»y Dtf ASSRT KlrW©y P Eh*V* SAW A RA 0*E©- Cf'A TSAWO-A DORAPdeRAAr 9DRW©1 TGF- Z y® SlrdCARB, Dtf AlrhoCARB ^KPAPR A- DoriyR e<*4« hWatlatA. 0 3 eP^P9A TP4- dUA aqAAt*y^» TCfZ RSAWIiA?<»A 0°GAh qeiPAAT DdbAA D9AA O’BJBA TPFd*A D- tf DBB®«V* ^ey Dtf AAd®y j*RDR1. Gotiy AD qd®9d®A. KTSSBAZ TS, 0-R9X. TCTZ y® ^O-CuVPAC?: Dtf AO-C^RMO- AhWfiy GatyZ AD abSSy AqAAoty 9PV- AR Gdiy 0 3 R0-T>A TP4d®A ©“ESGTA 0 3 ZA- A P4d®A Gd®yZ ©“ATe^A TP4dJA. AD- dtyR RClTAAoP ARRW®Cs TGf^R ASW®- y EairAdeyh TP4dea. ADZ Gri6«Y* Dtf (Ph-Ay *B 0 3 h- EGGr’A OSAO*o®A DRc&ScS AA*V« AW bV O-yoP TddhP>. Gdey qESCPR 0 3 P«?P(T»^ PR Gd6y Atf , 0 3 RA®<^RAtfB D4 Go®y O-SP- oSWRS 0 3 A0“dBA PRT iC DA0 DB Gri*y PR RTP DAy D4ZG S(TW djyAKO- E<VA0-- <R>A PRT. ADZ Gd®«V Ii&IpAy D^P *GR0-Bc»y J- rAJA^> O-ZA RdDSJb D^P W07P D9A 0°P<V- <PAft 0 3 ZAA/5 D^P TGrCcAA* f9ABir» TA- Ad' 3 O 3 ?? TCFPdBAJ* TGf y® G?TVR, DAO 0 3 RAe(T»W0-A P4d«A Gd%y yiv 0»TP TEC-- PdSAA P4d£A. D9VtTSAde DlrAlr 0 3 eA0— APS). ADZ GdS-V' p ER*V* TSO-ff^y D^P PIpA- T4A JZ.MGAA OR* yP R®Z RqE^d£y, B- •Vd® JC5P0-A aZASGAA^ Gd?yZ Sh-q®<n)RP A4 SMXdtlAA WP *P D94A PSJBTGy. V. ^ . ItSSBAZ TS 0-R9X. dSIrAy D.?P *GR0-B«»y Dtf A8St,T K- bwsy. Ai»w©y Rer^oSE Desw^dcadsy 0-y D94A P6JBRA P4dDA V*V* TS SR-Q©- o®RA4T. ADZ Go®*V* R0 3 d*9(»A 0 3 R(»S0‘CrA 9PS- AZAdb JRW©Td6A 9PWAR U4^» DRAG D6- p^depdea o , eo*A»s Goeyz o 3 epd®RBo- kt DRyqer»A bs drbb©»p dsjrra P4<»a JoDXRAWO-A, DA6 4TPP WaStSeiA. B©- oR<V* ^y D^P a EC.® A TP4d5A D^P (PAG- AdbA P4d5A, TGTtSyRZO-0 3 C.R*V* EG.JBA TP4otA ©“oSSO-CsA 0 3 <VR.V« WJBA TP4- abA. ADZ GdJ*V* R© JATf» Dr-SP R©jaAtfT Ip90 3 &4Z RCA SGGTZ AOGoiWO-A, G<»yZ tf’GIrBdORAG 0MB4AG (^aF. (VTP O-'JBWtP Mr. William Horn formerly from Vir ginia, has been employed by a number Of citizens to open a School in this place.— He comes well recommended,by gentlemen in Virginia, and Tennessee, among whom is Dr. Coffin President of East Tennessee College. The School will commence on Monday next, provided the General Coun cil 9hall adjourn previously, if not, it will commence on the day after the adjournment of the Council. dtyeSiT’SAP. OSRT.V' Ip^G<»A SOI* E§, Gaby-V Dtf TCr<SA..H0-A PRT. ^ •Vdiyh; 1£#Z icy ps>y, icry $ 2 Av M A\\y i>yAWAddPc*A £#z ^P BShfeh^T rb yw A9W. ©dey Dhsidey cprv PA( Dtf <Ph&.&y CTRO-dOAR (PRIVAdtiA; o>P}j d®A*V’ »5SR0“RAdtiR AS(T», Dtf AP 0 3 <*S4A iC?y KPoP, (PJ0P6SA 4 h|J| dSR D4Z ed®y qej»AGe jp4c»a, TPfdJA, Dtf e<»y edew* db o°ga ryavyj £d?yR ATabA AEGGdCAA Jby, Gaby ^ T. TSPT, y® SGRmiRO DB TO’SOBdJK^ ©oty, floty RIrdBP4d«RR, TRRGZ RC?^. B 0 3 dtS4A (PPET, TRO-(PdtyR RGTP tdj, o, RGTCvAP. ADotyR GAE ©dty, V® jy dt9dtA 1C Lot A AD TdtX<nAG BS#G; B^ z GSFdtP-dtA ATdtA YG, GBotRE Dtf TotR P . <®A GSPotPdtA y®, GBotRE XPh OKPS}^ otA Dtf 3h RXGdUdtA PPdtPotA, GBotlj; KotRRotSy ©RSPdtR *yePT PPdb&’abA, Qj. otRE: Dtf Ly h>hO“A PPotPdtA, GBotRE: (fj PdtXGAZ, D4 Cs*yz ©SGR DXROAy bj,. (PRiTiftl-diA, GBotRE, (PAACrAdtZ St, #v sgb. tspt, bp eoty *q»tA? ndtA «g. W-V* TJpAdtA ^>y Ooty 0 3 A A (5* Act GotiPT* D4dtyR iC APRAAG. RA yfi GRPdt e- dty qm)A 9GG®dtRAoP? (PhT-V* RGlPei. S, CSR, !£ y® A>y, CER*V*otyR (Ph -*rR(I»A- op, CSR ZR9 RGRO-BA A<UIoP. yWZ A®. (Pdty, e<ay Tcrdta db rarggoDrautB RA 9RAC.A ©oty T<rdiA SRGGdtRAA? T TdtAy, LdtA*V* *ARotR<V(T*4dtA. S. F. 0°TG0-A. DC=d®AA PB, GWy* SRZA 13, 1828. TSPT, RAJJWR TGdtV T©ACsA. D4- PP GWy apef“A 0 3 45RRA RTPB TRAdddb. LdtA-V* TRtO-TG RCsJ54JbT, 0»AWy DotR- * RSC.dt9dtAj D«V*hA TKAGPA TGRO-BG- oP. TRA(VA, Dtf TG^y, EC.S©tf» RRhr- o®E BO, TRSWoPZ Ly ARhTA<»A PRT, Dtf ©RMAdtA DRAGBdty RPR© APRT. ©- otyz TGTdtA, £dtA 0»GW0-A 0»SGA Ay A- CRT’AA, AD TlrdUdBAA. RA*di(^ , RYG©- otRAJd TCdtA &Sy D8 KR C.yMAdtA lrh- O’Rdb, £P (PGA AOAAGTJdS RhtPR TG^ ahP C.yZBTd9AA. TCTotyR (Ph'V* ARGSdtR- APotA Dtf ©dty*V« A0-(VdtA ARAPIpHTR, D4dtyR ©0 ©RMAdtA. AD^Z RSvU ©AE 8GWA RA, “DRdty© SUP ©PRSAA, Dtf RSA JRSVT DRWBAdty (PAWO-A.” ©- dtyZ TGFdiA, TGRO-iTP q*^ TTJbT TEA- AZ, DdiS© RAAG SRG©dtRA«B O-^GWO-A O 3 - dtS4A IiGlT’eSS. D4|Z ^RAPy.y® DoOS- d®, (PdtS4A DWtfRCC-Adb ADAS, qRO-BA- dtE© Dtf qJjPAdtvtdtE© Ay »4Z, DWtfR (P&.A& TRA9S, (PGA (PdiS4ACr. D, C=- dtyz Rtf’S. Dtf ©ot»V, GRO-tf*© Dtf (PG- zAoty ^K4, ye edty Aqiro- ©dtsT^oz Ay. TSPT RA ©dty 0-RCXSJ4P? RA RG- RO*tf»© Dtf ARGZAdty RC«R4P, D, RKA- GTdbdtE© (PAWO-A RSJadtE, Dtf RRdtSotRA- dbe^ 4 * by qdiS4tf* ROtf’O'TCTdtA? (PAAGT- Adddtyii Ooty qdiA. AASRO-tf* TBtf* AS- SMy AD qjUR RV SOAtf 3 ARtf’yoP, “DotS- d® WPA q90-© Ay i£ BEACvtf 3 SGWA T.A (ptpaa.” . ©otydtyR q«M4 Tyd®9P<»y, d, ROA DB GtfRAPT. ©dtydtyR ©otO 4 ' AJA- Ad®y. £dtyii BRRAR ©*V» RSA ®yMTft)A JftSGT, Dtf ©dty RyAP^T; RRSW^©Z tp- 4dtA D “WPA D90-” GAoP, R4*V* ©X90— 0 AP4 yW TTPotPdtA; AD^Z RAtf’»iSJ4- P ECAVBtf’tf’, “ARRB, AOGG JZ^Ii a©W- B9RZ, Dtf JPRE ©ACR0 3 S D AAGVAvSr A- - ARO-AIVydSEZ RhGAET.” TCT.Odttf’A- GRO-RG AD, Ahrdty RPR® ARO-A <JR«ST TSStf 3 , ©city*V* CTESCPV9E TGRO-tdtET, <»PB, »tf 9RAG ATotA 9RG®di)RAAT. TCsR ©Oottf 3 © Adttf 3 TRG.ff’A AKAGTO- TCF RSdSotE Tydt9Pdty, Dtf A9R8ZC.90-. D- 4Z (PJBPAdtA TGRO-RAd®A,»E TCr’dtA, A- KAA, Dtf ARPAA GdbY TCfdbA TGR0-*6A; jCdtyii BRAAR ©*V* Dhl'dty ARRc»0“A. V- Wdtyii (PdtXRAA CRRAddh, TCrRZ (PCA RAdtA TGRO-RAdtA. RA, RGSPotEr© R- PR (SotyZ RRZPR4A, SA (rSPotAtf 3 !! AB tf’RvJGh CSotyZ RA A ©GSAA! 0 3 hdttf 3 *V* ARRO-G, (PBqP>V« 0*<VotA ©R ©RSAJ y®- ^hfsGTW K Dot A A, (pSabAA ©9AB, D RWA DtfRR. qdtAhA AKAAotP<»A, ARS- WoP RAAG DB TGtfhRotA DR. yCotyh, i£ BSATCTdb© R6RJ8dtA, 0»h#Z TcRXPdtRyi- A TP4o®A, (Ph 0-tf , DXP<»RAP, ADA, 0*h- T*T<tyii RSJiSoP, Dtf ©SWdd© 3hP q<T»R*E- T. LdtAIiA ©oiy AGoBtotA CPBO-R*-! y®T; e«ty#z rgaaot rswcwv, ©oty ©dt*V* *LAAG? (PACx SGWA RA DRm)88 Cs- dtyz ©ShyPRTdttf* RAAGT. (PAddtyR- ZO- SGWA RA. DhotS© jyPRTdtAAA, D- 4Z 1C AR GT^G* PC. ©ay TtflVdlAA. A- D^Z R(PA5R, “yhB, RSAACT DB RPD, D- A ABC. SGWA RA, 1C AB dBy^G-P DhotS© SRyPRTdtAAA, CrRrPAC=*V*otyR (Ph SCP- RG©d®RdldbT, TRfPAT, TRfPAT (Ph #R G®diRdldb, SAPTZ Atf»RhrB.” S. F. (PTGO-A. sd®Rtf», 28 sPdta 1828. ©P K©A 0°RP (PtS MW (PA Aad&Rtf 3 R.» swyo CRO-AtfT. AD RDIuWtfP TStf»y DIP WP K8TP DRdiSd® Gtr CJlAdi TGTP/.9 JIi* RA 0-tf»0-C5Ddty Rot SR (PRMAdtAA SR GIi- dbo. Cdtyn ABCr* RR^GotS PotyR RA4* RPRSU«®<»RdlG©*V* Ay. Gdty PRfi-Bf 3 tfheqARG RSAGT SPIrUSS Dtf W* RAA4 9PRCPP18 Dtf Got*V* DR4T Gdty*V» O-tfHPS- PotRdlP, tr44 D*V*JUWB <^ySAc® tfotSFoty (PRGA ASTPAA EyATGA AD Gh« Gdty IS TGPotA PRATGA AP4 ©Z?tf* SSWAobA- AA D4Z SSGPtf’W* Dtf SZdtytf»4« &0-W0-. GdtyZ TCTdtA D©R0-RdtE GabY ©Z?tf» SS* VAotWO- D4»V* DR^GotS. ER Aottf* ASOr RAPTG t,W*Z (P0RWR4G (PAO-otAA (PRlV ©CTAA Gotyz Aottf 5 JBRAPTAA GREG* CTR (PREOGTA DI1C.RI1. OZ ©dtf Th^SBdty TGdty T©AC*A tf»* Trial and execution of Pirates.—Tlie St. Christopher Gazette of the 25th Sept, contains an account of a trial at Basseterre, before the High Court of Admiralty of Great Britain, of the of ficers and crew of a privateer called Las Damas Grgentinas, for plundering a British brig on her voyage from Liv- pool to Buenos Ayres. The names of the Pirates, were, Josef Lazaro Buy- san, Captain, Marnerto Seballa, 1st Lieut: Jose Taparnoe, 2d Lieut.; Ig- nasia Gironella, Gravier Jordan, Car lo Pecora, Bantista Moll, Pedro Ca- nales, Juan Martines, Jose Ignatio Juan, Gonzales, manuel Calderon, Vicente, Baus, Peter Noyes, P©dro Alcantara, Pepe Gonzales, Francisco Msnnie; Candaladio Auldali, Antonio Rodridgues, Honorio Jose> Juan Ra- sella. Josef Lazaro Buysan, as was agreed by counsel for the prosecution and de fence, was then put upon trial, the parties arraigned with him being re manded to prison. After hearing the testimony, the arguments of Counsel for the Crown, and in defence of the prisoner, being closed, the Jury retired and in a few minutes returned with a verdict a- gainst the prisoner of Guilty. The prisoner was remanded to pris- son, and brought up the next forenoon to receive the sentence of the law.— He addressed the Court in English, at some length, in extenuation of his crime. The sentence of death was pronounced, and he was ordered foT execution on Saturday. The same day, Tuesday, the 23d, the parties indicted with Josef Laza ro Buysan, were arranged at the bar 1 of the court, and put upon trial, as was also Jose Martins and Manuel Gonzales, parties concerned. The evidence with little variation, was a recapitulation of that adduced the pre vious day. The Juries, as in the for mer case, retired for a few minutes, when they returned a similar verdict against all of the parties but Honoriq Jose, who was acquitted, it. having been proved that he had been com pelled to serve in La9 Damas Argen- tinas. Pepe Gonzales, in conse quence of his youth, was strongly re commended to the merciful conside ration of the Court. Sentence of death was then pronounced by the Court on the several criminals, who were ordered for execution; the ten first named, for Saturday, between, the hours of 10 and 4; and the remain ing ten for Monday next, between th» same hours. On Wednesday, the 24th, the fol lowing persons, implicated equally with tbps©- condemned the previous iSS®